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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 5, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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the sky. now, here's it on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to discuss the eradication of american history. all in the name of taurus is justified or is there a darker motivation? let's get started. the captured by alford eyes instead on august 14th 1945 v j day in times square photographed of picks a us navy sailor, catching a woman addressed in white in times square, new york city, all in celebration of japan, surrender and world war 2. now this moment it was fun taney and the picture was originally placed and v a facilities to celebrate and commemorate the end of world war 2. and the american soldiers returned home room and nelson, who serves as the assistant under secretary for health, for operations at the v, a health network sub agency directed regional offices to remove this photo
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justified the removal se perspective of all the time. and because of recent discussions about non consensual action via has felt the image in today's environment should no longer be posted as a wish to have a more trauma informed environment which promotes the psychological safety of the employees and veterans. they service. if there's anything i know my grandfather actually served in the united states navy was very proud of this particular fido, and often referenced it in his discussion about the moment when he actually came home for more. now granted, he was often using a to try my grandmother about why their kisses did not. peer is passionate. there was only in fun. i see was very proud of the picture. and more importantly, the celebration represented americans being happy. the war was over and their men and women were coming home. sadly, my grandfather and the majority of those he fought with are not here just to
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actually stand out for the picture when the memo 1st went out. however, i don't know if the current state of involvement, if even those who fought and won a world war good fight back the politically correct mob, which is now infiltrated united states military. now luckily, this memo, which was picked up by several conservative websites and on social media, garnered another tension and push back. it causes the secretary of veterans affairs to offer a swift rebuke and state. this image is not going to be banned from the facilities, but is this just the secretary doing damage control on a rogue woke high ranking employee following public outcry? or is this believable following the last few years of objectives of american history, either being renamed or even eliminated all in the name of tolerance? ok, let's discuss this with our panel. steve malls, berg, political commentator, angie wong has to be final countdown in line o attorney and media,
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and it's welcome to the 3 of you, 3 of my favorite people on the show. when i think about a radical history, i think about you 3 because nobody is going to have a bigger voice and keeping that from happening than you 3. steve, i wanna start with you. how politically correct has our military become and where do you think it all started? or? oh boy, when did it all start? that's a, that's a good question. but look, our military are not what standing much, some on the left or claiming our military is in trouble. from the standpoint of not meeting their recruiting goals, the navy uh specifically. and i recall uh, last year or so the navy put out a drag queen video to recruit people to come and serve uh in the navy. um you have uh the secretary of state of putting out a memo, are you saying no, we don't say men and women on the front lines. you know, we see people on the front lines. you got to use correct pronouns. i think this is just run a. ringback little mock,
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in addition to making sure that the world knows that any soldier could have an abortion. and we saw what happened. and there was in the, into the senate that the promotions were delayed. because the time each over bill about about alabama didn't want us to pay for those abortions, track trends, soldiers get are short of having sex change operations the tax payers are paying for. it's out of control on so many levels, but that, but when it comes to the, our history and erasing our history, this is what taliban and isis and, and the cab i rose, you know, all these people do or did it's, it's dangerous and it's, it's, it's not gonna stop, it's not gonna stop, but in this case, and there was a lot of backlash almost immediately to this memo and even the, the, to the back pedaling up, depending on oh, well, we don't know. we didn't know anything about this. do you think, you know, there's some backlash to other issues in video that the military has done, but in this case,
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do you think this total would have actually to stay would have been, when would have been there and it would have been removed if there would not have been such a public backlash. oh, yeah, i'm so happy. the v a secretary, dennis mcdonalds, you said on twitter. no, we're keeping this image. this is an added conic image. why are we getting rid of this? is, you know, they're, they're picking on the smallest little things the left always loves to overreach when it comes to historical images and statues, and re writing history to, to what to fit what the current times or the. yeah, i mean, i get it, you know, picking up a nurse in the middle of times square to her over and giving her a big kiss after the big war. you know, that may not work today, but if you don't want, it was a historical, it was a moment. and honestly it, it's like this is something that we don't mess around with. they can't help themselves. they can't help themselves. but that's the thing. why not? because most of this comes on check, there's never any accountability. do you actually think miss nelson will receive any punishment or even be fired for putting this memo out?
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fired. i can't believe you. sorry. do do, do, do not, did you not read this, this and this to foster a more trauma informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the veterans. we sub photographs depicting the v g day and time because you'll be removed from o va facilities. this actually reflects listen carefully our dedication to creating a respectful and safe work based. my end is in keeping with our broader efforts to re promote a culture of into 70 and awareness. meanwhile, they're coming back from war war where we dropped a couple of nuclear bombs will be at you will jima, the horrors. and this is this, right?
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it's so if this is not the perfect vote for donald trump or you get this listen, do you think this, this genius came up with this on her own? do you think that one day she woke up and said me, let me see, by the way, i can show you some other pictures during world war 2. when americans went into france, where they were accosted by french women who kissed and bust our soldiers and traumatized with them and non consensual, sexual suspicion, physical church. but, but do you think she came up with this? no, this is a part of the culture. and this is like once you start it, once you let it go, it, it, it, but tash, the sizes and it gets bigger and more stupid. and, and i guarantee you nothing. what happens, this woman, nothing will ever have. maybe she will before john kennedy, you know, one of those, john, john kennedy type of ethics. but nothing will happen because the sad part is a lot of people believe this rec, pleasant thing. lot. all mean supposedly, you know, they're saying i was, she was just a low stab or well, low staff or had
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a lot of power to put out a memo that went to all of the a service. you can't just say that she's at low staff or on this. but when i 1st saw this story to my husband steve, he actually said, well, this is just a continued feminization of man and try to take away all the erotic all of the mailing. is it involves the military, do you kind of agree with that? oh, as well. absolutely, absolutely. you know, we have of what's the called the 1st gentleman, the set 1st, 2nd gentleman's gentleman. whatever is called comedy. his husband, who is on his kick about we have to come back, met a tactic, masculinity. pat, that's no good talk. you can't be a man, you can't be top. nobody wants to see a tough man. this is a culture. this is their set, their crazy. they're insane, but they're in control, they're in power, and they're getting their way. well, the left always blames the right for what they the left or actually doing. now when they knocked down the christopher columbus statute in baltimore,
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nancy pelosi shrugged and said, people do what people hold though. they, they do that kind of do they excuse it yet. they accuse the right of a racing history of by banning books and banning this and not talking about the slave. but it's, it's what they are doing a accuse the right of doing it never ends and it never fails. okay, so why don't i've got to ask you, are there any legal protections for pieces of american history like a picture or the statues as well? how about this consent as usual legal definition of consent? gretta friedman, who, who are poor, appeared in this than the nurse, she was a dental hygienist. i think she was, by the way, came to this country escaping the hitler. when george mendoza came up with this, she was proud of this. did you see the pictures where they met years later in time square to reenact this? her granddaughter said this was one of the most the progress moments of her life,
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this victim to you, by the way, to be picked to, to be taken by i as in stat who is a, a, the mount rushmore of photography. and she was still proud of it and he, they, they became friends over the years she died read fairly recently. this is the woman who are so was attacked. and yet, i guarantee you, if there's some 9 year old 8 year old kid being trauma dies and some library by some 300 pound dry greeks, nobody cares about that drama, or that consent? no. see, this is, this is heterosexual. and there's something wrong with that. it is per say wrong men, women, sex. no. but i guarantee you, if this guy identified as a ferret or whatever it wasn't appeared as some stupid take that video. they would have said, this is terrific. a, by the way, i change it all, you all, you bad guys out there, all of you tears you want to take on the american military force. that's what you have to deal with. what is?
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and i think i just sort of myself upset the it is frustrating very, very, but do you know what on this panel? the person should be absolutely insulted by this is andrew. so i'm going to ask you as a woman, are you insulted by this picture? did this offend you to did cause terror in you so much so that it should be taken and eradicated from american schoolbooks everywhere? i think study, i shouldn't invite you to times square and throw you over and give you a kiss because that would be allowed, right? that would be okay, by the work left. you know i took these women studies classes i went to and when you, i should've been indoctrinated with all this stuff. but honestly, i'm not. i think it's the most beautiful image of a soldier coming home after a long war and kissing his sweetheart. even if it wasn't the sweetheart is just a random girl you found to be you. i loved it and you don't want that right. it makes me happy, it does not make me sad. it doesn't make me think like, oh, well, you know, male dominance just takes me. this is me. it doesn't create those images. i am so
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sad for women today who feel like they are some in danger by so an image like this, like it's somehow gives over power to men. i think this was a completely innocent and sweet photo and it captured the time. exactly right, this is what photo journalists do, and you know, it should not be too hard in any way like they're trying to do now. well, and i don't like the reading of the history books, even though maybe our times of change though, doesn't matter. this captured the moment just right. i feel like andrew's trigger. so on that, we're going to take a break, let her go to our safe space and we're going to come back because when we come back, we're going to continue this discussion and the in goal of those who want to erase any lessons good or bad america has had, in our brief time of exist the
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or needs to come to the russian state. never as tight as i'm so one of the most on screen and the best i can most i'll send, send up the keys 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube said this was the question. did you even closer to the
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to the, to the media or does a yeah, we're showing that it was because of the, of the associated vehicle catch to ventura. you and you're doing the properties is the best. let's just on the since i see the 1st place because i have some students go to go to the, the media to decide that that goes what it is. uh my your, it was the one year that it was already sites. so i can take that experience. did you set up a vehicle that glitched i know got all the the
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welcome back on sky now here's and you're watching the 360 view. i'm gonna bring back in our panel. maybe they'll talk to the segments. i've had to pull it out. and steve osborne, political commentator, angie wong, who's the final countdown and line of attorney and media analyst. okay. i'm gonna start with you line on this one because you feel like there's this push to erase the civil war history. because of this increase in conversations succession that you continuously or sorry to hear. and it's not just even just on the, on the social media is actually making itself into mainstream this is a part, i don't understand why it is some history. ok. and some not. i can tell you right now we can walk over to the new york public library and 5th avenue and they have a copy of mine come to hitler's treatises, the, his blow point. you can buy it on amazon. i don't understand this that, that, that's ok. and by the way, it shouldn't be because some of the best way to prevent history from occurring is
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the one you're saying, the hard is it before. but tell me why is this not, or why is short wash certain things, okay. when you have pictures or something that not celebration, but memorialize is the civil war, the war between the states, you're not taking sides. we have in our country also in williamsburg over there, there were a slave quarters, and there were the pictures of how the slaves lived. does that celebrate flavorings or does it tell you what happened to i can't figure this out. tell me when we depicted and when we celebrate, and if you can tell they've explained it to, to me, i think will be a lot better off because i don't know what the difference is. remember what tolstoy you said history would be a wonderful thing if only it were true. that's a day as a what is that line right now? does it seem like it's actually, is it lining up a long political lines, or is there another sort of distinguish me? yeah, i think there's got to be some sort of incentives from the book left to want to rewrite history. i don't know what that incentive is, but clearly there are many,
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many agencies within our government trying to do so. it's being pushed by the active this class, certainly by women's lives classes across the country because that's why they 1st learn about this, right? they learn about, you know, this is good and this is bad and let's change and i can see almost to the point where they think what they're doing is doing right for the country. because they've been told over and over again by this, by fairytale liberal colleges that these are bad things that are happening to you. so you, you have the power to change things. you, you, american, go take down that statute. so that's the thing. they rather trying to get us to be more uniform on the, on the top part or forget the fact that we have this thing called the 10th amendment. and each individual state can make their own laws for them outside of the federal government. or are they doing the exact opposite, or are they trying to divide? are they trying to unite? you know, of course they're trying to divide. they were been according to what a p d, a since 2015, about a 160 confederate statutes or memorials to the confederacy or,
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or something documenting the confederacy had been destroyed and a 110 of those. since george floyd. okay, so they, they say, oh, you know, we got to get rid of every kind of whites a racist and the confederates were racist. and so we got to destroy a bubble. but it's all part of this narrative that white so bad white so races in critical race theory and what kids learned and score learning and score, what employees are indoctrinated with that work is that white people are inherently evil, inherently bad. and you have to accept that, and white people have to accept that. i mean, we're living in insanity. this is the tip. this is a dr. martin luther king junior and the civil rights movements. we have special graduations for blacks. we have special housing for blacks. only graduations for this group only were separating. and this is part of the left. as i mentioned earlier, the taliban destroys museums, and statues and libraries. so it is totally the isis. it's part of what these
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people want to do. they want it, they, they want to create their own history, they want to, they want to divide and conquer. and that's what's happening here. but that's the thing. why don't you know, who's put who's putting any sort of backlash this. our republic is just as much of fall considering they're the ones that agreed to the 2020 defense bill, which was dated by donald trump. because it was going to rename all these military bases in the south. but the republic is one of the money. so bad that they cowered to elizabeth warren's wishes and allow these bases to change the names from former civil war soldiers. were these historical references sacrificed all for greed? well, 1st of all, i'll jump to my brother steve, for the love of god, would you would sugar claudia? cut off the offense. man, what do you tell me? what do you mean? then the one more thing to just stop is there's something called context. remember the, all this was a while back, maybe you ladies remember this in steve as well. remember there was a, from the,
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gone with the wind when rent butler grabbed scarlet and goes upstairs. and crabs are, and whatever has her weight, different rate. but the next morning you see her in bed with this go low as okay. fine. that was a contextual thing. i was watching. i think i've seen the honey motors, 9000000000 times and how many times around say to them own hours. he basically threatened to beat her into one consciousness. now at the time, during those periods, we didn't stop and say, oh my god, this is advocating pilot. we said, it's a joke, it's a content. we're not taking them seriously. but today, you see, here's the thing, the world's right of the left, whatever you want to call these people, the shadow government, they want to completely shake on with your sense of what's right and wrong left and right good and evil, who's right, who's wrong men and women gender in daily everything. if you don't know, you don't know where to move and they're constantly retrofitting things that you for the longest time they're going to go after religion. they're gonna basically say that, you know, christian, the chauvinistic idea of what a mary magdalen with
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a process. whatever these must sit back in a room and say, okay, i've got one for you. like i could take is v j picture and that's good. why didn't we think of it now? let's go back and do cartoons. let's go back. let's just make people so afraid. they just don't know how to react. they don't know what's okay. what's not working at weird. it probably diversity. we're gonna equity a don't frequent. i'm trying to think what i'm pushing it like that that's kind of where we are and it's funny that we're talking about this, but listen folks watching this, this is no joke. it's going to get worse as well. and the sample please do. i'm sorry. i meant to do it, say this, you know what the, the gadson flag is. you know what the say gun. it says, don't try it out. i needs that kid in colorado last year, 12 years old, had that patch of the flag on his backpack. and he got in trouble and they made him take the backpack and they accused him, they wrote me accused of that. this was racist because this was,
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this represented slavery and races of the, of course, the flag is from the revolutionary war. they don't know what they're talking about . if they make victims out of innocent people, it's just outrages. what angie, you're actually made to someone from another country who probably wouldn't be offended by the gas and flag is going to be offended. would be a bread. yeah. are you seeing is actually happening only in the united states? is there any other countries around the world that people are as offended as they are by the history of the country and went to eradicate? yeah, every 1st world countries going through this right now. i don't know what is going on there. clearly being finance to, you know, do things a different way. you know, i feel terrible if you're born a male right now because you're constantly being attacked. you can't be too familiar. you can't be too masculine. you're just a big mess and you know what? we've created a culture of boys. they can't do anything because they don't know if they're funding somebody. and i see this time and time again with our boys. you know,
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they are just, you know, they're boys. so i've seen this in the u. k. i'm certainly seeing this in, in places like france as well. um and certainly just our neighbors upstairs and in canada. everyone's being affected by this. and i don't know if it's like some virus going around. i can't shake it off. i don't even know the donald trump when it's going to save the day here because this is take, this is not just happened over the last couple of years in spite and taken over. it's been happening, drip, drip, drip for decades, and we allow this to happen. we allowed for the d mass community of men we've allowed for history to be written. we've written rather, and we've been a low, we've a love on like p r political correctness to kind of take over our language. i don't know if we can get that back so easily, but that's the thing, steve, i gotta ask you, i mean the least politically correct person, especially a politician, is donald trump. and yes, sir, you see him leading in the polls, especially in the republican party. but even democrats,
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he actually right now is being cited potentially to be at the top. is this americans basically rebelling but doing it via electron donald trump? yes, sure. a lot of them are fed up with everything that's going on, including the political correctness look where when, when it comes, you know, we should look back to the side of this fact. this was the veterans administration going all the way back to the beginning here. this that this was the veterans administration. we have veterans living in squalid living in the, on the street who need mental help, who are getting it, were being kicked out of facilities to make room for illegal aliens. and this is what they come up with. and again, back to the military, we need the strongest military we ever had because we have threats from china. we have threats from every body right now. there's a war in the middle east. there could be one in taiwan. i mean, it's just insane. and what are we concerned about? what does the world see? we're concerned about it, you know, tre, transsexual and then, and, and this, and that, and political, correct is it, don't say he or her, or she or him,
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we must be not a laughing stock. i mean, they must be salivating that this is the us military salivating. well figure salivating lionel legally. why is there not anybody salivating to try to protect our historical figures? is it even, is there even a law that could be crafted last minute to, you know, really well, what are the things that they will be interested is if you take a property of ferry, for example, you're taking something down. i mean, doesn't, the, doesn't the city of richmond avenue kind of say, look, look, the bottom line is simply this, the law unfortunately, sometimes does not in any way reflect common sense, cuz it does make up as a shock to you. but i'm going to submit something to you. great people that more this has done more to solidify to actually say to more people, this is the most stupid. i'm really a thomas to the idea of somebody saying, i'm a 6 foot 4 man who's now going to swim against girls. everybody. and i mean,
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everybody on the planet says that's the most stupid thing in the world. if i didn't know better, i been accused of being a conspiracy. there was, i would swear somebody did this, the liberally to show house don't, but this is what was the what was the moment when when billy muff veiny did this moment, the beer shot around the world, everybody's are going up. it was like sho, in or checking the leave cia targeted. so believe it or not for our talking about this more people secretly understands it and agree with this that would ever admit to guarantee because i know this is a trigger point for your final. yeah, here's my drink to you, and here's my drink to you right here, and i thank you so much for joining us. go in your safe space now. you'll be okay. thank you so much. andrew wong, same osburg and line of for joining me. pardon me by and does his best to try to look like a champion of history. he often speaks against the banning of books saying diversity is being attacked. well,
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he's not necessarily wrong modern day times of allowed history to be erased either by government order or by his public and immunization. both are very effective and manipulative. would be in go not be a more diverse society, rather one which embraces a single ideology with no room for deviation. i'm scared of years and has been at your free 60 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the . the 1937 militaristic japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the
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capital of the republic of china. of the dies, the city of nancy, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied 9 z and staged out real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. so c i t my guide and su yoshi no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with a sword. this monstrous competition was widely reported in the japanese press. the nuns being massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the
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largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the address of the phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation freezes, yasu e to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, the, well, the central kitchenaid organizations as usual, cannot credibly investigate the killing of its 7 work as in gaza. and that's also the idea of admitted to fanny is about the claim, the thoughts it was part of the thing had last. members, i can see why cards bearing disfigured 33000 for surgery in the lives was in the gaza strip. thousands paid to these 3 sub to ron, in a huge show of support for palestine as a civilian dest,


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