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tv   Inland Visions  RT  April 5, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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well, hard to those companies where you can get for the details of all stories will fall long. this out. thanks for watching. i'll see you again the who. what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to safe house after care and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground the the cause, the how are the size of the you see here because they can scroll, so i'd be to and then use familiar email. few are just
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great to send them to the roles the non see theory of racial superiority, finish style, 4 years of creating an ssl all the place. and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes 10. prisons daily. well, you know, thing to do list, she's the media venue. so i'm assuming if i need even the, the chest really to get over the fields, gonna send me people's gonna send me an approximately 25000 people. went through the occupied of go and finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff, dudley level, if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just uh, it's not just of selecting youngest. i mean, yeah. what the famine disease forced labor to achieve by the simple meals. what was the last it also need you to do was to take it to you that the city variables you went off with. those who put in these 9 push these things up
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to give you what feel it through to create the, those thousands of customers of crimes and the impunity of criminals. when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed 90 and the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it or release the apartment they decided to do, please don't. so you can just you, because you put this danielle, that was put in the mood along the a junior in these mountains is certainly rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and man and my hungry. luckily, i'm in north a setup where food is almost a 4th of religion for recipes are handed down for generations without changes. and this qualifies for being part of the unit sco world heritage. intangible list list again the
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african brucely dominic sets on on. so thank you so much for taking that 5. exciting as i have you here in a rush of us. i'm here with us at the out see street isn't special, but most good. i mean, we're glad that you're here. what do you think your of this is the how long have you been here so far? thank award for inviting me to this. yeah. yeah. i was just arrived from us for, for my 1st time and then uh, i really enjoy this beautiful city. so people in so amazing, so very hospitality. so i really love the city. yeah, i, well i'm glad you're enjoying it. we should be. all right, and you've come at a time when it's not that cold. so you're very lucky. you know, you'll, you'll 1st applicant child in month, i believe, and you've been nicknamed, or is this a self nickname? will you be nicknamed the african bruce lee? how do you mix so like that sort of the child, you know,
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the come through way of life and african way of life. i mean, it's quite a mixer of having these 2 coaches. can you tell us about that, please? yeah, that is my story. you know, a, by my side of a, i couldn't believe, uh, uh, for people to give me this kind of so you know nickname because it is a very powerful, real, like my muster before to, you know, when to call you a freaking police. when they go to boise, they know what is meant is very big responsibility. i say yes, i can imagine that on, you know, uh, in 2005, 6 uh, a ton of china, the one to produce a movie by a blessing movie on my, on the, on me uh, when we went to africa for this movie, we went to you up to the turn of cause and in united said during the producer of
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this movie, people was given me, searching them some for good african boys. the someone called me blacky good. someone called me, why don't you? they gave me silver and i'm so no money the movie was supposed to be called like a. well, go for a saddle, you know, then, then the producer of the, to visit those people call you african boys. you mentioned the name of the movie and the movie is so african, bruce, me, the name of the movie on my biography. so this, they caught me up again boys. it was interesting that you promote, i suppose, a asian marshal, lots in africa. and is this the way you, you encourage people? i guess is this the way you encourage people on the african con? confident to be together? yeah, of course i don't put them what the issue a motion. i only, you know, for go, i, i, you, i promote where they need is, you know, when it is going to be possible,
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you know, but especially for a freak of what i was born, what i was coming from because i'm coming from coming on. so it was for me, like a i so how much of it and people are low promotional not, you know, on of closed that to do football is more develop in the uh, in that you know, if we go on to have to be studied in shouting templates and also to be what i'm today, you know, what jumping on on the or show international judge for me it was film that is important also to bring something different like a foot because or con, no tragic football. you know, so even for me i begin with football. so i have for you any good. he did. um it was the by the slow. okay. because uh what my story was studying with the football and my putting send me to the big cd like to have an opportunity to,
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to meet maybe some agent. when i come there, i watch the few of bruce me in touch with the dragon. and then as it's in my mind, i'd say i don't want to do football anymore. i wanted to go full time, see how cool folk and ahead bring to the people to be told to and bring also to piece. so those she was very important for me and they why. and also marshall is also video bought unity to make friendship. you just like a was say, so for me it wasn't very good. and also it does seem to ocean beach in china and africa was so strong. and also this is bringing us of very strongly the relation between africa on china. it's interesting, i, we are, we know, of course, the, the bruce, bruce and the movies. they were great. all right, i certainly watch them growing up as a child, but this will just come to really mean, i mean, does it mean uh, i mean, well, how different is it from other marsh about because i'm why did use though you watch
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mostly movies, but is that why you chose come food. i mean, what does it mean to you kind of food? yeah. that is very good question. you know, just explain exactly what is the mean. exactly the meaning of go for going full is mean something like code says control. so like a have a to shoot for something like a driving you can say you make driving fulfill for one thing for do not is a goal for june. that is a kid though. i'd say that. so, but we'll show is min, martial arts in chinese will show me so the name of chinese that will show and then go for is because of movie of bruce need. when there was a, we to promote the movie they use like a movie colorful. you know, and then the go for was more popular, but popular a go for the in basic was no need nothing. there was nothing marshal i exactly
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right. so it did really name is what will show the show. so you cannot say a practical for you should you should say a prayer to go for sure. gotcha. yeah. so the movie is made, it does come through uh the marshall. uh, but essentially you come to issue um, yes, exactly. so in this, in, in that moment it was very important. so what the difference between maybe we can see it will show and find that out there. so for example, in japan, they have their own culture. was it because we show a chinese culture in japan, they have like a, you know, the go to always, their own culture. been in the restaurant. they have some, you know, was the show of commercial. so the different end is doesn't mean too much. but just like a, the one show is like a global, so it will show you can fund different type, you know, you can phone call to confront, you know, you can fund so. so wish will is very big. you know, dad is a different one,
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i can explain. why do we always enjoy that? he will, the founder of, i believe african marshal has special fund them as a d a. m. what is our project screen? so there's a little bit about for them. yes. for them today is not present because we already yeah the yeah. we met the dougherty. so for them. um uh, i created in 2017 and the 1st the initial was on income one in 2018. so i was in 2000 and it's in china when china or the olympic game on a dead woman. he was very sure, very big on how china promotes she's on the culture. so in this moment, it was very important for me because i was one of the part because in that moment i was a student of the they didn't split and eventually did. so after that to see what can we do to help also i forgot to promote she's on control, right?
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even they cannot have possibility to own and begin, you know? sure. so for me, it was like a defensive thing because if you would see too deep, there's a different emotional out around the world does more than to cheat marshal out. so it's, it's hard and dirty. yeah. figuration around the world for much a lot. so i say, okay, there's nothing you can make combination for those martial law in order to begin, you have, what do you have? you know, let me give you have, do you do me, you have for re karate, you have quite correct it. you have books on, you'll have worth it. so you have just by for much of that. so is mean that what about another 20 more most or less? sure. so it doesn't mean that, you know, is more powerful the good for, you know, so in this moment as to what to look, to see how it can create some feed, what kind of joins look and read, or my show up to get out, you know, and then i created for them on the 1st edition was supposed to be have to be in
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good enough week. i was really had them to promote their own culture. even they kind of have possibility to get to the to do it and begins to so these, uh, somebody will find them games. yeah. so many countries will attend to their attended already. yes, exactly. to do we have like more than 60 countries likes, the yellow is the 60, for example, 64 score trees will attend to for them on before for them was mean, i think i'm faithful of marshal. i bit saves the tree, is most of the countries and toys e uh to john for them. so now he's not african phase of much of that, but they become like a feature on marshal at 50. what? so it is like a gift disability for you up for each uh, america also to or uh for them facing what, you know wire in most of these are the, i think you visited the, the russian a little bit committee is that, uh you know,
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just based on of highlight, the cooperation of all countries be involved in sort of one form of games or other. but my question is, how do you assess the priority that russia has when it comes to, perhaps participating in the sort of games with african nations. yeah, you see um no one the can the can refuse the possibility on the force of a rush of people i fled to death. so amazing. so of course, to have corporation between olympics rush, olympic again on for them, is very big for us because you see also to did the nation. we've, russia and africa is also more than most on, you know. so hopefully is going to be like a ton of why not so, and in this case,
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so for us to get into for them, game is important to advise organization to take part for the, for them game enough freaked out when is own, you know, freak up is also to give possibility to bring the relationship between the countries to get out. because during the opening ceremony, the opening ceremony, if or for them game is the same we use to make it like a wouldn't be against that one. you know, we always bank and the yes then also we have also like a village of for them game. and this village is difficult, but you need to for each country to different options on culture because they don't show it to the world. i can show it to you or because the culturally, the possible or the word for each country. so it's very important to develop, you know, trying to show how big he's got your in the take this opportunity for him. begin to
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show his control in 2000 and it's interesting uh you say that the doing is about showing culture and not forcing culture, you know exactly they, you know, we see unfortunately and that. but it brings me to my next topic, really because we see living here. and we know that russia mother is in the countries that i've been to segregate to the way from the olympic games sort of by . and if you like, um, because of what's going on in politics, you do think that politics and support should be, should be left a part of cause that should be live above. because normally not just nobody is sure that the politics are not involved to support the same like as busher not to be involved to the body, to even use a politic because to did for that it going to make us but or joe politic has been but will show a say we should the no money, a sport or politics should not be invalid. why?
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because i clipped. we use. what do we know is accurate but is what the passion is. what do we know to know and politic? is another jump. so it shouldn't be separate to give more comfortable for each outlet to feel good until the freedom, because what to do sport to spell does a lot because spa is only faint into was will bring people together, right? exactly. you can be doing that is you can be, i don't know a doctor, you can be loyal, you can be whatever you can be that you can practice. sport cost part is own if it will bring people to get it for the people to get a. so this part should be based on that is an opportunity to when the people are fighting or when the people did not happy in just spoke and green them to be to get a look uh, doing a lot of people think marshall us is fighting me,
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but is it fighting, or is it more about in a piece? i don't know. i mean, you know, but of course like to use it. china use it. you can see the temple. yeah. it is. it's a spot and you know, i made it ac many dish on like a piece. all right, so fighting does not mean when the people learned my shot. don't fight. they used to know how fighting is important. they used to know their own body. they don't need to prove, right. you have you learn much of that. we're looking at. mean like, i mean, i mean, it is, i'm sort of sports. you're right. by the way. yeah. yeah. you yeah. yeah. so, so no money, the people who are confused to make like motion is for fighting. no is not for fighting. no money, the best one or no more, shall i, dick on not fight. they bring the piece right. i couldn't shouting temple every money in the every, the 5 o'clock in the money, we make so many addition, some period for the peace in the water. so did is, what do we try to do?
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so is what this part should bring on done. in this case, but it's actually not a brick, this one, but just support the best. but what this bought to bring just quickly he says the fight um games ave for professional us things or as, as, know those both. but we have the, we have professional and i'm not sure i saw it. and so is right away we, we have a lot of people is coming out on the water for the last edition, the in the king says i was going to or into so. so we have like more than $6000.00 outlet for the size of the wire on $64.00 or country. so we do possibility for because easily i could open what marshall act is open. what am i sure? well, the only open, what am i sure loud? so a read, you never hear some competition, will bring the renewal of marshal out. so and for, for them to this is the only organization one, meg, these,
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we do the open water of marshal out there. what is the clinic open water of martial law. and then we do put communities for the professional, i'm going to do it so that way he's got open. so i like that i like the 5, but you said that it's open open and the key would like the 5 minutes. 6000. that's quite impressed. yeah, the people attending the of us now the he said that you lived in china where you visited china. is that correct? no, no, i live in china more than 30 years. yeah. how many? oh i, i don't need. i'm already living in china because i study in charlotte temple after that begins for us to do credit. so i come back to phones. i thought you said that you described the chinese as a strong people in a previous interview. what. what makes them strong? yeah. you know, the people of china used to be pushing people, you know, and then the quote shaw is based of the code for, you know, like a,
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what i'm say embracing of the football is the traditional right. ok in china is going for easy traditional bank. okay. so and people in china way i see they used to be told people and then the mind is very they do a lot of support even every night you go to the bottom, you see people in practice spoiled. it in the morning is the same bio. so people use the politic that don't know what it's called or scripts, so i should like these. okay. i feel like to know because they used to project a little sport and dizzy is develop. a lot of mine is a very important. so, the other way, as i said, i used to sit, i met some tongue to people because they're putting a lot, you know, in china, you know, how many hours i was practice when i was actually no idea night i work, they did. i'm hours as a no, don't worry about it. yes. you see. so is very important on for me. uh i,
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i used to take this example on to bring it where it's going to be possible also to share, to the people to say how much is this part is very important because it's not just sport, but it's also bring up a lot of mine and also head for our buddy, for our head shop, for sure, for sure. cuz i think you're obviously the, the, i'm boss of the for the, for them. and i assume that you travel around a lot to promote not only find them and also the chinese culture you, of course, have your own codes. many countries in africa and the african continent, everybody has their own culture. but we've seen strongly ties now between china and the african continent as a whole. what some benefits do you think you'll see? we'll see from both china and africa. i assume they're gonna benefit each other.
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yeah, there is a benefits of clothes, if not, of in the day should not be for somebody to, to steal the due date. is because it's a, those chinese that very proud of me for what i did for their control and africa, and disseminate the african people. this will bread for me for what i'm doing. so all week that caused me to, um, but so to between china enough for guy, you know, yeah. so and uh to do, uh, just in the, for the sport. uh i, i bring a lot of african nicholas it from scholarship in china to bring a lot of effort to go to study in china, especially in shouting templates. so, and this is a head them to promote the bite. but this says they've also when to come back, dick on teach, and they can maybe the good they live for what they come to do in china. and also for the economic aspect as well, is also do is for but you need to, because uh, to, to freak on is a big content. and you know,
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and so there's of 54 countries in africa. so is give us the opportunity to, for, of china also because for them to, to give more opportunities for not just china, but around the world to mean to appreciate any african country culture. because those countries notice it because i think i have different cultural you know, so for them difficult, but you need to for each african country to develop. he's on culture and also to share his foot don't show it. cannot make you know me on the told is it that i did the i for education as what so this is the point. unity for them give was not possible for football to give these because football does not. and to us about cultural sure, you know, i do the stadium the that is nothing. right? so is to do it just on and begin or for them. good. who is the, is the organization will give us
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a deal of what you need to for each country. to develop is on control, and i've seen that if we also have to organize any event in our country, it is also to give us a possibility to develop our culture. that is a very important component of what you know, you know, what wasn't pulling up at the end of them or for it. but i was important is that we need when it comes to russia or china or india, or of the african continent as a whole, people need to. so yeah, the needs and live together, they need to promote a healthy lifestyle together. and we're very happy you're here ready, and i thank you so much for joining me. has been a pleasure talking to you. so thank you so much and we hope to see you again here very soon. i'm ready tomorrow i that was a pleasure to be, you know, what i can just say previous i got, i got the
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as a result of why it was, can be started by line. these can be satisfied for the importance of we could never be of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary join mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world. populate that mean, what could be more moving back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest was to so long realized pen smith and dalton, endlessly of late, continuously. and i know why advice may know who is the
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guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence all week. going to let that stay the the, the 1st time in history and meantime country's culture has been cancelled the very modern weapons council culture need to ask one of the stuff in my last little book in the front here. just me sitting them on a put clue for me is now particularly refers to counseling russian culture. and yet i'm the worst it creates a few orders that i get to bring in my folks to push it over here on this chart of phillips that go with that. most of the, some rich, the one of them eat the moist blood rushes created over the past 1500 years.
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there's no question actually condemned, reviled and rejected to sort of my age set up to put somebody at the middle of panel. there's a lot on the clothes a don't know. she doesn't have to use it a little some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and that includes those dance k to cost gate shostakovich that, that i need to. yeah. of course to mess, but yeah, she goes to the things that would just be done with you dear. i'm really your russian states never as, as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best in most all sense and up
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in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for question. did you say steven, twist, which is the getting in these mountains? yes, certainly rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and man and my hungry. luckily, i'm in north, the city of where food is almost a 4th of religious recipes are handed down for generations without changes. and
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this qualifies for being part of the unesco world. heritage intangible list best again, the 1941 with the nazis help creation ultra nationalist, the massages the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to the stash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us come when the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was
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incredible genocide. the, the will essentially kitchen aid organization says usual last 80 credibility to investigate the killing of $5078.00 work as a gas and not south of the id f admitted to pay the claim did pull the was far between him. last members, the i can see why cards bearing 33000 fish territory. all the lives was in the gaza strip. thousands paid to the streets of the ron and a huge show of support. football is fine. as a civilian desk, toll and gas that grows ever higher.


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