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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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adopting a new security doctrine recently tied, these forces use water can onto prevent a supply ship from the accessing philippines military. i'll post a move that enraged my the money left. all commitment to maintain be a pc or a match rate will always be that. so any attempt by china to interfere with resupplied missions will be meant by the philippines in a fashion that protects our troops. football, philippines present presidential spokes, president harry rogue believes that manila is doing its bets with washington in case of a spike in hostilities with badging. they were the only bit escalation department, but usually united states government. so that's the expense of the philippines because of the mutual defense pre be now, which is the collective security agreement that really means cops out there that the united states, they've gone through east west too. but um, actually i see no basis for the americans to declare war against china exclusively on the basis. often these people are in the west philippine seat at the beginning
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with the americans have not even made public that they approve of the philippine claim to that this be the same story. but the americans have been saying is they oppose anything that would violate the freedom of navigation, of the high seas now and they have not said that they recognize that thank the philippines now. so i think um the mark was administration is leaving the fact that the united states with documents to rescue in 5 days, escalation of i'm going to die. i see the deeds in the union. but um, my assessment, the americans will not get involved in any military in through and in the west philippines. is that the only because they don't really recognize that they've been by philip, but also because of the single ready and blue cross. and i think it's not worth the time and effort of the americans to declare many barry income that we've changed that over these iowa. so i think they've been a major shift in um world perception or, and i think it's like, and the fact that present president did that,
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they never relies on external powers to defend the really be nice them into this in the steps. the more they nice the armed forces, in whatever small way a good he bought new shipped to see what's new by projects. and he's the so far, the only person that has done that because he knows that we need to really be know scanning ultimately the fact that they're going to be doing the best thing to do with that thing. our national debt, he thought, you know, but the major see here is the markets rely on increasingly on us that this, that because of the future they've been strictly now present the neighbors here that you because he thought that americans do not use force unless it is but they got you into this, we need um for an investments to uh um, promote economic progress. and we also know that china now is probably the last largest investor inside of this asap, if not in the old world. so why would you and i would nice the biggest source of the topic though, right now in the world. i get more updates on
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r t dot com. thanks for watching and see you again the the the
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in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists, the massages claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us come when the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hiking in these mountains is certainly rewarding, but it takes
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a lot of energy and man and my hungry. luckily i'm in north. the city of where fluid is almost a force of religion for recipes are handed down for generations without changes. and this qualifies. notice that inclusive for being part of the unesco heritage. intangible list. but again, the cheese is an important part of the national culture of north, a city at low risk because i have a someone engaged in traditional cheese making care and observing the indigenous methods of her ancestors. the so cheese is universally loved. one of the stories is that an arabic merchant
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putting milk goes smoke in his pouch and he will hit the road. and then later when he reach for his milk, he actually found cheese curds. the greeks believed artemus created cheese. do the settings have their own origin story where cheese came from? fairly good settings, have no mets or legends about that. but i grew up in the mountains. i remember with daily life looks like there. i know try to channel my own childhood experiences into my work. our cheese is known as co. b cheese. i've heard that every single gorge an associate has its own specific types keys. for me that seems impossible because there's so many different quarters. can you explain this, but the dues, traditionally cheese has been very important as important as a c, a t and pies like your food because that my sister used to tell me ladies, so we can create something with our hands, said no one else will ever be able to do you growing up,
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i thought everyone made cheese in the same way from start to finish, from milking the cows and so on. however, when we launched our blog, we started getting questions. what happened? it became clear that people do it differently when you do a deal and put as many as you mentioned, they're different cheeses from different areas around the world. what makes us setting and cheese unique and special i go said it's the taste, the ripening process. and the taste is the creamy taste which comes from organic ingredients is what sets it apart. and it's also made with love and a lot of. so my daughter, one said we should just strain it, but i said no, we need to do it with our fingers. your soul goes into this product and that's what makes it unique. the rest, like the ripening process is also a part of that, but the soul is the most important thing before. so i have to ask what is rented?
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i know that it's important in making cheese, but what is it? what kind of an ingredient? is it and how does it work? so if it was only if it means ran, it is a natural element in the stomachs of cows or smaller ruminants. uh, i do everything myself. i buy the stomachs from a slaughter house. i wash them clean them, add salt, and then after a while leave them to dry. the longer it's left to dry, the more effective it is. i can't tell you exactly how this process works, but it's a natural process. it gives cheese. it's unmistakable taste. your because of course, now i've heard that it's bad manners to ask to borrow or ask rent it from another person. why is that? is that true? go by that store. with this there was a special ritual. let's say my run, it is week, and i ask my neighbor for some hope. she pours a little onto her stove and says that it's not, and it's power or force that she's giving me. she's just giving me
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a to help out. but she's keeping its potency for herself, or you can just pay a little money. if i make some for someone else, i charge a nominal amount, maybe 5 or 10 roubles, because sometimes my run, it goes week afterwards and it becomes a problem over check cheese ages. i know the wine ages and that there is a reasoning behind that. but what does it mean for cheese m s set and we call it for renting? the rest of the process can be called ripening or aging. cheese becomes ripe overtime. my cheese doesn't always turn out the same. it depends on the weather, the temperature, and on other factors a computer through holes are a good sign for ripening, but sometimes it gets too dense. i don't know why really you use the same milk. you make it with the same pair of hands,
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but the taste is not always the same. you know what else she's tast best in spring . that's when it has this rich creamy flavor here in the mountains. it's spring time until july, while the grass is green and the flowers are blooming. that's the best time for cheese. we literally call it spring cheese. it can be yellowish and color root in the autumn cheese can get fatty, like the milk gets fatty and so does the cheese. well you don't get that same creamy taste you get in the spring. right? so we have beautiful examples of cheese here, but can we go and see where it's made? this cheese here is slightly salty and pears great with t. i also have brian's cheese. i'll show you the . so this might seem like a very simple question, but i have to ask, why is cheese always around or come in a wheel like this is a reason or is it just because it's easier to solve?
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a human head is also around a circle, is the most harmonious shape. sometimes cheese comes with a crust when it's been aging and sometimes it does not. what's the difference? why do some cheese have crushed and some don't with that depends on the stage of ripening and sides content. the longer a cheese, right? been so more cross of gross on it. it's odd them now and the milk is fatty, so there's not much crushed, but it's different in spring and summer. i know that family secrets are handed down and recipes are handed down from generation to generation. something that you're very proud of. do you have any family secrets of your own secret? then there's no secret and it's actually quite simple. it's all about natural enzymes and good pastures, nothing else. so when you to know, i know that you use milk from the morning and mix it with milk from the evening. that seems very interesting to me. why do you do that? let them flats nights are short in summer,
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so cows leave to graze very early in the morning. before dawn, they don't graze in broad daylight in the mountains and even on the plain, they hide from sunlight during the day, so they need to do some grazing before sunrise to produce smells by nightfall. they also come back late, so we have to milk them at night. we strain the milk and separate the cream from it in the morning. we get up very early to send our cows out to pasture before sunrise . the milk stays fresh just even though there was no electricity in the mountains. the nights were short and the milk wouldn't be sour. a miss sides. people in the mountains were not in the habit of working at night. first off, we didn't have power, but that's not the main reason. my mom and dad used to say there's a time and place for everything was day time is for work, nighttime is for sleep. so we would skim milk in the morning and combine it with the morning milk, even though we separate cream from the milk,
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it doesn't affect the quality of cheese. meanwhile, and the water is very important. we've talked a little bit about it off camera and talk to me about, i mean, i know you use spring water here, but talk to me about the differences in water and how do you get it clean enough to work with a cheese? that's cool. we go by its taste, you need to taste the water. water in the mountains is so pure. there's a glacier 6 kilometers away from our village. we can recognize the taste of each spring. we make sure we use the purest water for brian. to do that, you need to wait 3 or 4 days after the last rain fall before using the water. you want to avoid rain water mixing with the spring water. that's key. in some places in denmark and in japan, farmers have played classical music to their cars because they believe that it will make the milk taste better in the meat taste better. we've had experience at
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a winery where they play classical music to the grapes. um, have you tried that? uh, is that something that you've thought about doing here? yet? that's in the mountains cows greys, in the areas where the sound of the tech and the width of thing of the wind are the best music. this is nature. why add more music? the main thing is the pastor, but i haven't tried it. tell me about the word mutual that. uh, what does that mean? i know that uh, you call yourself me so that what is the meaning behind this word? it's just that it's an old, a searching woman's name, and there has never been a bad person with the name and mutual it got translated into russian. it means my image to me to do something. and image me showed that it's like work. it's my life. i was once friends with the man who called me me short out, and i used to say to him all the time, i'm not old,
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i'm young. and he would say to me, when you talk about the mountains, i get an image of a grown up woman who knows how to make cheese and milk cows and all that. so cool off camera. you were telling me a story about how you could identify cheeses by walking into the store and say, oh this one is done by lisa. this one is done by this family. it's just fascinating to me with i tase by the handwriting. yeah, yeah, very i was told to make cheese in the same shape and i said, how can i make cheese in the same shape when the amount of milk is always different? i can also recognize my cheese when i see it at the market or anywhere else. i don't have much to use her now, but i used to have a lot in the mountains. my sister comes to help with the milk. my brother one said to a friend, you won't believe it,
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ladies and knows every cheese buy site because the process takes time every 3 or 4 days, the cheese has to be wash and salted. like today, it's a colossal job. the city and ties or the backbone of local cuisine and apart from being delicious, they represent a deep philosophical meaning. we were invited to to join in the cooking process the while before looks and smells wonderful. hi. hi. uh hello, nice to meet you. so, um, tell me, i know there's a certain price, it's more than just food. it's a tradition as well. tell me what is this all about? the hi is are not only an important part of our traditional culture. they're part of our history. in the past, they were often used as camp food for soldiers, shepherds and hunters, because they could be kept for some time. the women did not go hunting, nor did they heard capital in the mountains. so they were the ones who took care of
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the house, raising kids and cooking. so a city and pies are often made in the mountains for special celebrations. we usually make 3 pies. we make other types of pastry as well. these are our holiday tradition of the dc enterprise, because i think is it true that in the old times that it took almost a week in advance to prepare apply for a festival or for party new in the past a week before a holiday or other solemn occasion a ritual was organized to wash wheat in a river or stream. it always had to be running water. the washed grain was left to dry on a canvas spread along the banks and after that was pressed and the best mill in the area. today, if there is a big celebration, we prepare the pies in advance to, but we can do it any day as it's fast and easy. so it's in pies, they're part of your culture, they're a part of your history. is it something that you're proud of something that you
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enjoy every saturday we make 3 buys for this sunday. a good mistress would always make a part that has a thin layer of dough and rich stuffing. most often it's cheese and meat, but green's potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin beans, mushrooms and cherries are also used as a feeling. it's not just food for us. we address and god during the 3 by ritual at every festive meal as well. now that we know how it's made and a little bit about as meaning, let's give it a taste. the something i found fascinating. every single place where we've gone, we sat down to the table there of always been 3 pies at the table. why is that the case of what you want, that if you're a guy, why 3 pies you keep in general for holidays and other joyous occasion?
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this holding number for us is 3 liberty. the 3 pies had to be cheese. the 3 pi symbolize this ago, and i'll show you were it's up here, this is the up or was it through the having the being sorted, open us? she died. so the 2nd by is the world of today the regular people, and a bunch of them on is the level well, before the eldest family member begins to pray, to make a toast in honor of one, god is more of it's necessary to separate them. you know, so that god can see the 3 wells will 3 pies, 3 wells to make it clear. uh, we can also say that they own the future, the amplify the present and the past. i understand that sometimes you only do 2 pies. why is there ever an occasion where you only back to the walk? you know, we make 3 pies on happy occasions, weddings, holidays. but when there was a funeral, mail, the top by the temp wells is removed with united so we don't move them apart. you,
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there are 2 pies laughed, never remains the presence in the past, which is the connection of the living with the beyond. as long as we have number, our ancestors and sisters are alive. that is why to buys are placed on the table a funeral. but then not separate that they remain together. i mean, you guys, i also understand is that when you're serving the pies, there's a special way that you have to cut them. a special number of pieces. you don't turn the pies, talk to me a little bit about that tradition. what's it that will go stature off to the eldest? i said that pres and past the gloss, the youngest ties to piece of the top a pie because they are a future larger the young people who will continue on so, so that put back together on costs. so just cuz we can turn it because the 3 welds could makes february. so that would be kaos for credit. that's exactly the sacred meaning of this is the 3 wells were created and they are symbolized by 3 pies. but
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you can switch them. otherwise we have k o solve it, so that will doesn't get mixed off of your cartridges. i mean, additional russell, but particularly the festive occasions. we can again make 3 pies advise of a special triangular shape or via through hole. good. ok. when i move to pause and you know they form a pack them with 9 points. you graduation in the symbol of infinity, he's gone, you finish you 0 need a new thought is to try and get the pie as it should be torn with your hands rather than being caught with the knife around pies. how about a coat with a knife and it's done according to a strict ritual. this is how you do it. you have a control gone. you and your is your fast, you may get caught to was the eldest. this is all done by the youngest. i thought it was assisting at the table, then you cut it across soon, so that could if you was
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a book and then you cut the size you know, go about you. so this way we should get 9 pieces of the beauty about suicide in a brand that the eldest gives the 1st base to the youngest. are there any other traditions and rituals that you want to share that involves the food, the feast sitting down to the table? because it's also interesting. well here i see when the elders met to discuss family messages such as marriage arrangements or address social and political issues. they were booked 3 pies on the table and then we'll have a page discussion. so that's a good artist, that issue. and then when the elders tried to reconcile with families involved in the bloody feud, nice disabled, have them sit on 2 sides of one table, one, families, elders on one side, and the other families, elders on the other issue. and they would put 3 pies on the table in the middle
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grove. and if the families were ready to reconcile, one family would take a piece of pie. and that was a clear signal that they were ready to move on to foot with that if, if the on the family was also ready to few, they would have some pie to start on the be to go to today one, ready to reconcile. well, they wouldn't touch the 3 pies at all because they are a say good meal. if the 2 parties share this meal, that means they place to reconcile those. and god is the witness of the 3 pies being used for important negotiations. what deals have to be made that a st criticism that cannot be broken or reducing the ticket? so for me, it's all incredibly beautiful that they're all of these traditions. but for you personally, what does it mean to you to to see these traditions carried on? is it important for you? what was it make you feel? you're going to use the gym for when we say pride in our culture, which the culture is a lot more than just baking 3 pies and using them. it's about customs and it
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teaches us to be composed company and it's been developed over centuries and handed down from generation to generation by all full fathers, but color. but now it is on duty to teach it to our children, or they look up to, they carry it on in the future, but they do mothers. if we give them a project issues that we will give up on national identity about a nation will cease to exist to me and we'll have no future know tomorrow. that's why all these traditions as sacred to me so much. i tried to do everything the right way because if i make a mistake, you wouldn't, and your younger generations might pick it up. i'm not sure if it's an educational process. so it's very important for me, and i am proud to be part of our culture. we but we're now trying to pass out traditions do on younger generations so, so they keep our culture alive as our phone fathers kept them alive, but thousands of years so that it's not for me, but it could be the problem. does
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ease of the what size are they wish to and they or the right that we started. so you're going to do, you want us to go and those who, who sells drugs and really because, but they're not for the guy for the, those holes, you know, to go with the, i know that you go to the flow color of them both on the con the, the shows that it was, you know, the 0 to the most of the not going to come and show us how well those are done with a view to the we have traveled extensively through the typical landscape. so north of cities, we have marble down to nature, tasted the delicacies that have been passed down from generation to generation. it has all been so magnificent. but the most special aspect of our journey has been
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the people here sharing their stories, their homes, and their culture so warmly and openly. this is the true treasure of north a city, a elani, the a a, a, the,
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the the, what is part of the, the employee would post good. isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present to that stop without collision? is that still part of the
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the the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law shows. alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about the personal intelligence at the point, obviously, is to trace a trust rather than fit the various. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have so many of them in the
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a robot must protect this phone. existence was on the the, well, the central kitchenaid organization says usual lacks any credibility to investigate the killing off at 7, a walk as engagement. and that's after the idea of admitted to failures for the claim is faulty, was targeting him math members, cards bearing $33000.00 lives in the garbage trip. thousands take to the streets of the ron and a huge show of support for palestine as the civilian deaths stolen guys that grows ever higher. and russian investigators say there is


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