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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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this is alexis, the, the will, the central a kitchen aid organization says israel lacks any credibility to investigate the killing of its 78 workers engagement. and that's after the idea of admitted to failures for the claim is faulty, was targeting him as member's cards bearing the trigger $33000.00 all the lives was in the gaza strip. thousands take to the streets of the ron and a huge show of support for palestine. that's the civilian deaths stolen guy that grows ever higher. and russian investigators say there is a clear link between the trade and the recent moscow terror attack. after high
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finding photographic evidence on one of the suspects, mobile phones the it 6 pm in moscow, welcome to our international reaching you from on new center. i a michael quarter with the update of the wealth central kitchens, as usual, can not be trusted to carry out an independent investigation into the deadly idea of strikes on its aid called boy 7 know the organizations workers were killed while leaving a food warehouse or the idea for students fired to city or offices, although he claimed his forces for the way of targeting him mass militants. we demand the creation of an independent commission to investigate the killings of our colleagues. the ideas cannot credibly investigate its own site. you're in garza world sense. okay. turn these out. rangers right now and doesn't seem to get ready
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to accept these rolls. apology you. this statement space trusts. the idea of a video of fails to show any reason to keep secure, military and convoys, which carry new weapons and pose no threats. they call for a systemic change to avoid more apologies, more grieving families and more military failures is most recent. one was fall from the you only deadline mistake by his really army. on monday night 7 workers from the international charity that provides foods relief in prices and conflict zones, including starving guys, were killed when their car is clearly marked with the organizations logo. where heats, after the team had unloaded food rock. so this how the student in clay, bye see in the area by the way, where the u. s. is planning to build it. ports to bring humanitarian assistance to gaza using mary time rules among those killed where it citizens, all the us, australia, canada, the u. k. and paul and how student driver also died shortly after they moved into
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happens these really leadership admitted unintentional try and involved a trends, parents pro and early on friday the army published the statements calling. what happened a mistake? the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have it could. those who approved the strike would convinced that they would targeting onto myself for a test and not world central kitchen employees. the strikes on the vehicles is a great mistake stemming from a series failure due to a mistaken identification areas in decision making and then the tech country to the standard operating procedures. the idea of this mission, the officer is operating drive is involved in the killing and disappointing 3 others saying all 5 mishandled critical information, but it seems to world is not ready to. let's see if another deadline mistake buys really on the go. here's a very harsh response from the un human rights kind of so for the 1st time in 6 months, all the conflicts taken clear and firm position, condemning israel. attacking people or objects involved in humanitarian assistance
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may amount to a war crime. as the high commissioner has repeatedly stated, impunity must and the you as total price body also adopted the resolution that way on friday. dom, i'm going to stop all arms sales to israel to close. prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights. it's stress that the international court of justice ruled in january that there is a plausible race called genocide and gaza. an ever since things only got worse and they have, how is street and, and clave. friday's resolution also calls for an immediate cease fire, immediate emergency humanitarian access, and a systems, and also to end the is really occupation of the west bank and is jerusalem. can see that illegal, according to the international law, at least the siege, all the guys a street and the vault,
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the idea of in phasing densely populated rest fine guys of south were up to 1500000 people. now sheltering sky conditions with israel saying it is ready to launch a large scale operation. there are 2 fights have mass militants. israel's ambassador to the un in geneva slammed the resolution as a stain for the human rights council and for the un as a whole. but it seems that israel is getting to a deeper and deeper international isolation and we have to do something with that. and while the international condemnation is mounting protests against these really warring guys and growing the ground and these roles and is jerusalem on the west bank as well, with tension is often ended up paying class says with these really forces it is the last friday before the end of losing totally month old drama done. thousands of his lung deliveries have gather is for prayers in all act simone. squat of the most sacred shrines for movements injurious and ins. all the city that you can see
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behind me earlier on friday, these really forces fire to gash. that's thousands of worshippers who are chanting slogans against israel's offensive in the pals student in place. explained the lives of more than 33000 people reading as guides. a house ministry says there's really forces arrested at least 5 all they worshippers. some reports say as an 8 and c or more potential clash of security has been fighting out here in the area with lots of his really forces deployed on the ground. the roads leading here have been cordoned off as things space for and tens again very quickly and easily. now with more on the global, loud range of the killing of the $78.00. what guys but the relative silence that the depths of 33000 palestinians over the past 6 months here is archie is don't know, quarter across the main stream media stories of 7 a to workers from the world central kitchen kills,
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trying to provide relief in gaza by an israeli air strike, israel faces global condemnation for what, what it calls a mistaken strike the wealth central kitchen is posing in scarsdale, operations of to 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6 foreigners, including one dual american canadian. as well as an australian and europeans and is rarely officials are under and unusually high amounts of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all, this thing is where the government's apologizing to the families of varied work. is caleb, including the 3 families in britain, all of us have expressed breast grief about this a gallery, but all you apologize, the frank. to be frank, if you let me on christian, there's no point attacking me already. i've just arrived. i'm happy to talk to you . i'm just also a simple question. i want to add onto that. you want me to apologize allow me to wants. so this was a mistake was made for you can apologize already. you don't need to know that the precise details to issue an apology in the greeting family law as something. there are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly,
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so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries, and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians fee, to the flags of any repercussions united states. i mean, i know you're gonna say that you're waiting for the, the results, the investigation, everything. but as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations, we keep seeing these really, it wasn't usually something i think are 208 were so controlled right now. is we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. you have a definitive assessment. that's no violation. so it's so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes following the masonic peoples of info. this is not a violation of international humanitarian. your, your question presumes at this very early hour, that it was
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a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that. it's about time. some serious public attention was given to the plight of aid workers in gaza, and in this case, the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the israelis and part of what he said was not a war on terrorism. but a war against humanity itself, for its part, israel says it's supposedly high precision military technology miss identified its target. this to i cause not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k. 8 work is, it was a mistake that followed me say, then if a cation night during the war, in a very complex conditions, it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed and gaza since last october. i figured that surpasses the total number of dead kids in conflicts between 20192022. just one. look at the l. c. 4
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hospital before and after is real launched. it's most recent onslaught would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming force is being used there. it all goes to show for why we're seeing, such as for nama coal collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv. and how israel seems to care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in god. 9, the way called the con, aging guys. the new revelations play needs role has been using all the official intelligence as part of his austin, all of the system known as live. and it's set to have identified $37000.00 him off pockets. during the early stages of the war, the army gave sweeping approval for officers to adopt 11th, a skilled list with no requirement to start to check why the machine made those choices or to examine the ro intelligence data, or which they were based one. so stages that human personnel often served on the as
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a rubber stamp for the machines, decisions. and in that, normally they would personally do vote only about 20 seconds to each target before authorizing the bowman, just to make sure the 11th the mach target is male visual. despite knowing that the system makes once have regarded as errors and approximately 10 percent of the cases and is known to occasionally mock in details of mary lou's connection to minutes in groups on no connection at all. well, let's get more perspective on all of this. now in the cross live to ease really active as jonathan poll, like jonathan, it's good to have you drawing me down. now the idea of the idea of has made a statement say that the killing of 8 was, was quote, a grave mistake, and that is so just thought that the way targeting him as fine as however straight after the incident. the idea of said that the aid workers with not intentionally targeted. so where is it to, how do you assess this change in narrative?
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well, in fact they said more than that, they said that the attack was a brave violation of their open fire, of the armies open fire regulations. so that is a sad joke. it really is a sad joke because it is something that happens time. and again, just recently we've seen more 8 seekers being targeted by if any fire we've seen what happened did she felt hospital? we're hundreds of people have been heard including at least dozens of medical staff and it and, and hospitalized people. it is part of it's really denial, is them that is being allowed by the international community to say that this is a closer relation of, of the open fire relation to this is nearly a mistake. these were clearly marked vehicles. these are like
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a teachers are clearly a teacher that were targeted were clearly not a threat to soldiers. and we just follow along with it's really denial it them and, and diversion like division from the, from the simple to that it's very obvious. and that it is really, it's just allowed to do whatever it wants that this is part of israel's use off started vision as a within a 4. and it's genocide, a we're on godsa and this policy at some point. mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake is simply policy and my question is, if this is indeed a mistake, if this is indeed, if this incident in which internationals have been hit and that is why we are hearing about but countless congress, incidents like that have already happened in which po stevens it's been killed. if
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this is indeed in cross violation of the open fire regulation, where is the accountability of our soldiers being being punished for this? and the answer is no. no soldier has been punished for this despite the fact that the, if the army had recognized the claims that decent death was this was done in cross violation of the office phone, open fire regulation. and they were re preventative that the soldiers and the commanders will be prevented. but there is absolutely no accountability and this proves that this is just live service. this is empty service and it is part of is rose, use of starvation and it's war against the people. as of right now, the wealth central kitchen has demanded the creation of an independent commission, saying that even the government of israel could not be trusted right now to carry out an independent investigation. how possible is it that the incident will be so
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really improved and absolutely the is, are in the army has proven time. and again that they, that it cannot be trusted to carry out its own investigation into its own conduct. it only makes sense that a person doesn't um, that a person or a body doesn't investigate itself the same way that people don't punish themself or haven't committed crimes. i mean, absolutely obvious. um, unfortunately it is a question of whether the international community intends to hold as rarely itself as a comfortable to what it is. it is that it's being done. just recently. there's been a security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. and yet, we see if there are like acts only intensifying and we see we see the american continuing to shape arms to israel just
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a few days ago. and it was announced that 2000 and stupid bombs have had been shipped by the americans to if it. so again, the real question is, where is a comfortability and how do we stop if the genocide of war on the, on the people who doesn't as a big question now today, but the un human drives cancel a has adopted the resolution calling for each role to be held accountable for war crimes in gaza. why do you make all the timing of this resolution that i hope it finally has some aspect um, but, and unfortunately, what we are seeing is a failing of international, the institution of international law, of the schuman right of the perception of, of human rights and human rights discourse as being able to have any effect in reality, it has been months since the since the ruling and they have the,
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like i said, there's been a un security resolution. you and the security council resolution within yet on the ground. nothing is happening. and with the legally, that's the real time we're not for empty resolutions, but for action this work has to stop. exactly. that is what most of the will this actually say that the resolution also demands a halt to all on c o 2 eagle. and as it is right now, do you think about the ease really ease wells made allies like the united states, u. k, in germany, will comply with this resolution after all of this? now unfortunately, i think that without significant power, a significant pressure from from their own citizens. nothing is going to happen. um it is, it is time we force governments to force a throw to stop the war and it is up to individual people. and the in civil
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society to do so because it is abundantly clear that governments of their own volition are simply not stepping up to all right, we have to leave you here now is rarely active as a dentist and pull lot. thank you so much for your insight. thank you for having me . now what the civilian desk told and guys are now passing $33000.00 the most of them. well, just united. the demonstration is the mazda annual college day, which is dedicated to the flight of palestinians across the parts of the mazda of, well, the people have been taken to the street in the show of solidarity, as well as the voice and the rod easels actions in gaza. and it's us military support. peaceful mass protests were held in several countries. are to use use of july the report from iran, the people with a capital rod across the country or marketing be displayed
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already with the palace media people on the last friday of the casting mom is meant to raise awareness of the palace, the login's, i guess as well calls friends complex to be our return for jerusalem. designated back in 1979 bytes committee, and it has since been widely observed in the country and other parts of the world. this years workspace totally different from the previous services, are facing the military campaign by israel now. and it's sort of a resolution to the occupation of palestine present age even more urgently
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ever today. there's probably mirand, demonstrators have been anger, i guess the idea of why burning these really flag and chanting to israel. basically, they want to ship to big powers, fine holding signs with awareness raising messages, i can see 2 i cards bearing the trigger 33000 fish territory. the lives was in the gaza strip since the conflict demonstrators. also, the recent is really it to execute the number of central kitchen paid workers. because try workspace ations that is real does not stick to any international law. we can also see pictures demonstrating the scale of the destruction which the 3rd to really what is really lame to be an operation to
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printers here, sorry. about the united states continues to support the idea of military officers a few days as wells hospital facilities and damascus on monday, which officers, the bodies military detention being carried him on providing assistance to the syrian army of course
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twice how many rails. 1 pretensions for our american bases on washington, where you bring the kids to be these people in the extra 100 space, really attracting diplomatic conditions as an active regression against the countries sovereignty added on answers. so every year the change are based on the latest state of affairs. the message remains the same. what's the wrong bit to see this?
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they address a to show moments to ship the policy the and cause one has called on most of the make sense to turn off on projected that situation the that's the key is it now it's withdrawal or from the treaty of convention of the armed forces of agreement was a bedrock of the european security system during the last years of the cold war, bella ruins as mulling a similar move while russia already created last year coming. it's kind provisions where on acceptable now let's now cross to archie is corresponding to yes. and they can report if i'm a symbol. yeah, i think it's good to have you join me now. so it's a key. it becomes the latest country to exit a treaty with moscow said had last talked with reality. what does it entail for the
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more than days secuity system in your as it stands, the treaty is a corner stone for nato and the entire lions. but as outside of use it, this decision also finalize the number of disruptions within the group consuming a system that has, depending on who you ask, there's been a failure. since nato states have been neglecting the emissions and concerns of countries like turkey and russia, which really highlights the reason behind with the withdrawal of the 7 states. right. but what we're looking at right now is there seems to be a bit of bit, a bit of a time veteran. similarly most similar in certain decisions on friday. but what we're looking at right now is i'm course position towards this agreement and based on what the politicians on the say that the agreement has lost its meaning to take into consideration of the current conditions and the obligations that were initially agreed upon by the member states there were 22 states that size of a trade to 1996 of these members belong to the north south bank. i'm the general
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idea of this bill or the street quest to ensure that there was some sort of a balance between the different blocks. and what me initially solve of the course of what was going to take a decade was the polar opposite of that. the general idea was to provide quantitative restrictions on 5 main categories and intentional workmans. i'm just looking to find the parts has been listed in the state side. some of them include science, armored vehicles, artillery, attract the populace icon, but eric had but when the agreement was adopted in 1999, the treaty did not take into consideration that we treated would be binding to the blogs, but individual states. and that there would be different standards that the states would be taught and might want. this has been one of the fundamental arguments buys long ago. it's been one of the fundamental parties talking points me in on that as well. but what we're looking at right now is of course, a different ship. there's a different shipping policy than a ship and alliances as well. so. so what we're, what we're sending out right now is that the male members, although it was adopted in 1999,
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did not ratify the document. this is what led rushed last year from initially withdrawn from the agreements. and it shows the better part of a decade and a half to ensure that that actually happened. and they were successful in the drawing alex late last year. but where we started right now in the course, nato neglected to be public patience pub disagreements. and this is not the only so treaty, the violating. let's take a listen to what the one more thing i can say. late last year. the all star tease of nathan members, states and climbed countries have clearly shown their inability to reach and on their agreements. at this point, it is impossible to reach an arms control agreement with them only when reality compels them to return to constructive and realistic positions can a dialog on these matters be revived as part of the efforts to establish a new european security system. it says the interest of russia and all other countries to reject western victor. so the position that moscow church has been quite clear for the past decade,
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almost jude. and it's not changing the as repeated stress that most of my husband is showing that it's taking into consideration which concerns for national interest as well as national security. but what we're looking at right now is we're shipping it over to you as well, nato over the course of last few years. content inside the pocket can be paid as well. those are the additional building. and so we didn't into the nature block, essentially growing and expanding nato borders is a red line for moscow. something got russian president vladimir, has been quite adamant over the course of the last few years. but this is something that, you know, has not been taken into consideration. the block has been growing. and most of these agreements and treaties have been an old 11 way or another, unless they can listen to what sort of good rest of the russian, deputy farmers i'd say in may of last year. i that i ship to look forward to the west. the comforts of our adversaries picking up all la signals very seriously. this is a historical moment. they have to draw some conclusions. is that you have to finland and sweden, applications to join. nato have significantly worse,
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and the military and political landscapes and europe. they've had a significant impact on the situation, so that now we simply have to solve problems in terms of ensuring our own safety. of all of this progress rush of looking through and response may have stated that the trade you watch for the cornerstone of the euro atlantic security architecture . and after this withdrawal native countries from time to place to spend their parts and submission for as long as necessary and concord, i showed similar sentiments and the statements last year. let's listen to what they have to say as well. we regret the russian federations decision to withdrawal from the treaty unconventional on forces in europe. under such conditions, we, together with all the nato allies, the states policies needed to suspend the implementation of the treaty for as long as necessary. and what we're looking at right now is not just the shift the nato policies, but the differences in a position from the united states as well. let's not forget that over the course of
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the last decade or to the united states has been a letter with the, with your, from 3 change in agreements such as the hope is by spring about 20 as one of the intermediate range nuclear forces trading. and this was what led to moscow withdrawing from the stream. so what we're looking at right now is the united states as set across it. and over the course of the last 3 decades, and many countries, when the bucks, 30th russia or other members needs, they are following suit more so because they feel that their needs are not being met. that the blog for these treaties are one sided and other concerns of said colorado countries are not being adhered to. i'm. this is a fundamental part from the front that has been coming out of the ones that are based on the, the sentiments coming out of moscow. and one thing that does make this a little bit different on the circuit side is, are you told us that the decision may be reversible? however, it does have a lot of steps in between to ensure that happens. otherwise, maybe here, nope, you are wide heartache or us, but a yes and they can, they're bringing us up to speed. thank you. no rush. i look forward the se,
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photographic evidence found on the phones of the moscow terror attack soft base reveals a link between the atrocity and the war in ukraine do for you. so that is the terrorists phone contains they to images of people and comma flush along with the ukranian slug and destroyed houses in the background. it also contains a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. this evidence may indicate a link between the terrace stats and the special military operation, a set of investigative actions and operational measures of being carried out to verify the involvement of representatives of the cranium. special services and international is the mess terrace organizations in the organization. and financing of the terrorist act, an investigation here, and wasa has been ongoing since her wrist that good been so the 22nd of march, which took the lives of 144 innocent civilians. we have seen a number of arrests,
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the series of criminal charges.


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