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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 5, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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and hard to curse, but a yes and they can, they're bringing us up to speed. thank you. no rush, i look forward to you say if it's a graphic evidence found on the phones of the moscow terror attack soft base reveals a link between the atrocity and the war in ukraine to do for you is that are these, the terrorists phone contains the images of people and comma flush along with the ukranian slug and destroyed houses in the background. it also contains a ukrainian postage stamp with an up seen gesture. this evidence may indicate a link between the tara stats and the special military operation, a set of investigative actions and operational measures of being carried out to verify the involvement of representatives of the cranium. special services and international is the mess terrace organizations in the organization. and financing of the terrorist act, an investigation here in russia has been ongoing since the horrific events of the 22nd of march, which took the lives of $144.00 innocent civilians. we have seen
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a number of arrests, the series of criminal charges for ford, and obviously investigation unfolds. we are getting more more information about the forces which choreographed the attack. the latest is the data from the phone of one of the atrocities suspected pop, the traits of which they actually tried to throw away understanding that it would probably incriminate them father. this data has been analyzed. what does it show? well, 1st off, like we had photos of a male in minute tree fatigue straight, and then you prayed in slack, holding a chain with a symbol of ukraine. that's the trident photos of a tank of a thumbs out building. presumably from the wizard plus an image that really became eye clinic and the days of the war. thoughtful, the ukrainian soldier standing on snake island, giving the middle finger to a russian ship. this really went down in the annals of history. it was a legend almost. although ultimately,
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it proved to be nothing up but missed and thoughts no to the deluxe, which on the morning of february 24th 2024. when the on the bus 3 of the start of the special military operation, one of the co conspirators on the instructions of the curator, found screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus, the whole building and access roads to its own internet resources, and sent them to him, the suspect confirmed all of this in his testimony. so clearly the 22nd of march atrocity. well, it's not a spontaneous. let's go and shoot top crow cuz it was meticulously pond. it was coordinated with a number of players on the concert who was chosen as a target months in advance just to be clear. and none of this proves anything definitively. no location of the photographs or people in the photographs of being identified as far as we know. but what the investigation is throwing up starts. midland spa, the create in store top russian officials have been saying for weeks, which is the one way or not the ukraine because had,
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but it was no innocent bystander in the blood. the events of that day literally ship items. this attack was prepared by radical islamic and was facilitated by western special services ukraine. special services also have a direct link to it. what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly and those why didn't you specify the yes, the u. k. and ukraine and those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack, 2nd, associated with, well, i think, so we're currently talking about the findings that we have. and there are some general developments that are the top now will be unraveling. all of these threads father that they need most goes security services to the most mind of the massacre . and if indeed they do end up leaving to the landscape government into us. will
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this be a watershed moment when ukraine's allies finally stop turning a blind eye to the bloody and terrorist auctions open increasing the work state? as far as you can check, archie does come for more updates. i see you again in about 30 minutes. thanks. so what the the
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says the primary service i told you about
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the the, the what the media gets, what he does, that goes, what is the my you, what was the one you had of the sites to complete the music with the prince. did you set up a yes, how does that glitched? i know the service we have to show the rooms, but again, shifting some experience as it gets, as soon it's going to change to the extent of what i'm going to do for some other people. this time on the me, it is only doing a little discomfort,
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was seeing what i missed you both or you can talk system just a little before 0 because there's you have to screw with does approximately pardon me for the for the corporate job post. i'm not sure uh cuz i'm gonna search i service or to show the cause of it. you have some sort of political catch to go into it or you and you didn't put up div substituting the coaches. there's a process just on the some. so i see the but of course, because they have some students go to both of the, the needs of literacy with others for, for, for them to deal with. sounds like, basically. so wanted to just discuss it were from, you know,
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standard was also going me mind instead of going to florida says it has to say it, but it saw me all the and so i'll say, so a lot of talk and i see a little bit older to start with you, i think it'll ship the some of those. what about the vote comes through the c as a but also people say that a set up. but as a schema, they let me know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break, you know, when you see, if it would show the boys put it on the engine instead of this, you know, i've seen this before, you know, the little boys to do you know about this? should've been done so been does a little process, but it was so little fish just the thing is to do it. i know the most part you to do it. not showing us. are you.
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this is the start to cuz we don't really slow to do so most just double checking your bundled with those to me all today. and it said that the subsidy of up to them, but it's it, it's just the media and all that access of the search for this option at the front desk. yeah. but also in games and you would just let me know, i need to know what is the most cool video when you what i did when you tell me if you don't have a list of them, i still don't know. but if you just look at the stuff that i'm going to speak are the choices for the video start nivia some technical sounds good. well, but i do see more than 30 minutes. if i get a number to be yes, so my goal is much a lot, no more, but the goal would fit into any of these are the new,
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but should of course, to have all of that isn't our dispute, but as to which was a new and i'm assuming it was in the code of the video store. we did a study for the 20th and the based on this portion of the b as in the row of some special. yeah. so the sofa uh, almost done with dish roll into it on the 3 the me ask them and you to me is i need a part of them. the bills, the fox, the uh, the young lady that's okay. just from the close the door. yeah. point knows that i'm actually buying and the price to the bathroom. yeah, so i'll just do putting into the the ocean. that is the so test test at the show there was no, it didn't go click to see
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a little of most of these last multiple segments. completely to coordinate with money and who to do the motion with her when she was the 3rd going to be so i'll talk to him 1st when you pull into it. and if i understood what, thank you, you've only is elizabeth, shall simple chance available cost the same way you say, here's the bottom. a couple of them will do 3 of them and use this new idea. but i suppose you'll go, yeah, you're always going to know what the only let me tell you what. what was the last one that was really already up was a model for these. read them is for more than coming to william, go call. the middle one is low either later. he is feeling well in order was that all this or not, but the engine doesn't give you that. but i also want to shift also
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my little dinner fluid. oh, it might take more unusual. why not the one of the show was the charlotte. maybe you go, why now? we want it shows he's still cool. boy. oh, because the resilience someone of course because it little little the or if you need to move quickly, move on. would you, if you give us or about of impact because we've seen your friends even in the pub button. uh, but other than you still mostly did a google search. so didn't you don't have any bullet wilson and i've been able to start so by a few little to show you more than human explorers on the but i just talk to you to meet with you to go over the phone with you guys on your pool but it's really good. i mean,
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we're going to remove the 70 more years. these people will change the media to load on you and you can use with what do they couldn't use as the new board? we've got the boilers, logistic, but what you, what i mean, you started going mobile close to the new device, but it is on the what the needs and you will talk to the board and what are some of the dealer, sorry. what was the problem to go just to and you know, board the, the soon you have new phones. you see the little flip i'm in the room. is the goals. give me the soon. let me go. let them review, including the keys. really nice, junior, you paul middle of the boys lee, but do they just gave me the book? can you please to do both school with at least with feel of some of them so you don't have to be just let me just let you know. so what i'm going to do that for you, if i do is for you the boy lived
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a little slow, the default to slip. yes. focus on you know, the mature, the little go to the restore of the story. so, but we do, but you will see the company was going to do the sheets. i knew those millions of dollars that you process with with, with the cost of the $1.00 with those a little that's where the source of the storage of the deal. but it was a voltage, i grew up the showing us nobody in the near the got somebody of the month or the teachers could use the
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initial hosting. yes. the street in the the
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the, the, the, the new speed, toyota. and the billing is going to be the pretty good. how much would it be possible for them? i don't think you liked it all myself, but you might see in the us and you had some being able to close the you know,
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that's the the the what somebody did. they give you a little bit more. so if this matter is so great a the for the appointment for you which is seamless, living with a bullying, it was very low. we would have a little slip from windham, and it was what was all before that. and which was also the initials english with history. and you know, if it's a little a little squiggly, so on scope of who, who, who was the one,
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was the people who went to them with the other was the beautiful. if you're going to see us go, what do you think you are full and cannot it would cool. the lady would you feel it would be a good influence level of support this? can you really quick? see me, be sure there's the cooling. let's do it is only i do, but talk to like it'll show me what you mean. nice. i'm assuming i'm was looking at and you're going to look up. i was wondering what is the sort of full well, what some for what was what i need to know if maybe it's not easy to put you on hold on. let me tell you a little before state that there was a one or more formulas. ownership on what's going on in the luxury
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or you ever use the see this was a senior and also shamrock. she. yeah. go ahead and off the past on 2nd most golf course content is most post cold list, test vehicle and bus for them and ask about some of them across from them depending on the points which has some additional william show on the chance. i didn't tell you enough. i'm going to tailor pregnancy loose loose cds. you little? yeah, it was really beautiful if you want to, but it was really 2 is businesses of a well, you near me, you'll see this thing here fall. every new mazda is used a lot of each special on this list and they should have many of the most things. yeah. those. okay. he's collusion, thomas? yeah, yeah. and those are the ladies. i knew i sent that to the public schools. if anybody's at the yesterday or e cause they're supposed to use these issue at all. but the other thing in my,
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in this yeah, and that's what same thing as this problem. no. once you anything them up could change gears just fine. but just using that is there's not a huge issue for you, doesn't he's in your mind, you know, who is the final expense? i just think there's always that there's thoughtful sonya that mitchell stays in the status on the side of the or see them both see well then you have a couple of them. is that also shifting gears or west? 3 for them. they've got to deal with severe via email, and then you enjoy the superficial views of it as one of the contain additional westcove. it'd be at the most that they should have been with us to there's a nice yes, the customer itself should i think that as well. yeah,
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that's the show us ocean was but i'm frustrated because of all that as well. somebody for a toner which doesn't look actually, but just because of the shows and i left the rest of the year, just somebody to the store holes of somebody's this i've decided to buy some some sho, sufficient lights up for me as to the beach. was these shows where was the extra money let's see here. and i was given this to you. this is one of the the easiest to look into the order just for the immediate yeah. i knew it was kind of what has to be just the level that it is. it's been years my license. it doesn't show it to you.
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it doesn't go wish on one of us because of the emphasis we ship. never sent of them . i mean it's a solution that way, especially with the notes i just. yeah. mostly neil, which is pretty we should at least invite just before we get this for this and you can assess the 1st 11 years to just show a blessing it. so it's almost ago frank find out they added that some of the issue not going to the industrial me and was wanting me to come from minneapolis to somebody who might because i guess the
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most of my personalities to me would be to t as in nancy, associated his phone with that cousin that i've so let's say it is free for you choose to use if in fact the british like as well as the news. yeah, i think my post of that plan was how much fortunately escaped, but each unit separate the piece i guess comes, i think i'm talking about. my 1st name's april, get office and she should push on the so i assume you have the is that i just thought it was just one of those kind of the, you know, quite a few months gus, for the beginning. well, even in, on your study, but i will be showing a total of nursing homes. i was able to squeeze. i think somebody else can show it the blue, the that it states because there's the city, many big houses in the near post. those of those states of void and then you've got to say just to try to bring anybody my us to kind of shows to learn more at the side of to touch that he has a share and that's with you. and he's gonna, so if these things just before the 16th and at the other time he has hit the the
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button that you put to i used google, i it, there you show what does it listen? was lovely just sending with us of the one that i'm really pushing is also used to to, to who is up to the room. so the restore, definitely because there's no someone's looking just on the software. so as long as the lady sent out quite a few days ago, you know, cut it off to somebody said, well, because i think she would put you to those pretty much the other then what would you be publicized because it also can you see what you're saying pretty much mostly sure. so the 0 close the loop on is i'm not sure why she possibly could have been shuffling, but i thought, oh it's i wish transportation for the mantle of the and the the rules the what the way him remember, you know, when you, when that also but the almost be a sample size is always do it, but you know, as he said, it was initial plan, most of us or any of those nc lucian kind of. so the was on the assignment. i don't
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know, say football, somebody the sort of a hold on. and so i just want you to know if you want to. if i said you have a disease, it's kind of interesting ownership, but that's who i was on a separate and just the older name. yeah, i won't be away with the last name, but sorry, we 1st see i was, i was i wish i was able to really beneficial doesn't provide intro to one of them. and like i saw solution, it's a little small seeing that everyone has been here as a uh, sunk, it was kind of thing. okay, is darcia love what's going on? i know it's like the, it's an uh, customization to me. so it's even such a new site as opposed to think that it comes through to the mobile hosted photos, the site up to the little. so what am i shameful to the mazda? 32 most beautiful, both. i've used most of the social and it is awesome. i want you to the
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problem, whatever it will go with the new, but when she was the basic overcharged. so you progressive approval for the move. so go through this deal with the mobile phone number is 2 people who want to see but other than usable for the cause. stand, what sort of take off the christmas. you have something similar, but you can see the other thing it says there's no but i was able to say, i'm so need to go super
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close and he's with on to the card. you suppose you but what is the voltage? she had 3 of course and i, but i think, you know, like i said, what the customer wants to money. trust me. you're still originally one of the funding. so now the question i'm getting you the point is that even if we were serious to come over here, what is that, what do you say? most people don't know what she need to squeeze some more sole says the government has to be able to do an upgrade your social 0 to the problems want to see must even use a sheets of because he's stuck with me and i'm just, i'm, i'm so that's why we usually watch like being able to mean some of the sites. i mean the you definitely inside of the fight them with the new or so is but also we true and you what the we suppose continue. that was a bit of advice, so subtle science, the cube, until somebody was settled for any of that was one reason
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because there was issues with the issues that disagreement. let's go to school with the school and so he's not being a that's, that's less than what he thought it was the she was people who wish as soon as she comes over to the the other side of school with her use of those to do things to one of his cards such a little girl. yeah. on the to you, if you don't use simple so i wanted off of this. is there any further with ok the front of it was the mushroom you know like a muscle to install retails and whatnot. we're some of them stable as even
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a little faster than that. essentially, it's a book also for the clothing and the now can you use visa? typically from here, sir, to nancy kim's in the book, is that probably the message should see where it gets to the the only issue ok. use the so i'm just going to the, by the ways that the boys, the probably the most new and it will be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't
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want that suspects them for the notes of others. but the, the wealth central kitchen and organizations says that the ease relax any credibility to investigate the killing of its 78 work as a gas. and that's also the idea of admitted to fight is but claimed it for, it was positing him as members cards bearing 33000 for surgery. all the lives was in the gaza strip. thousands pay to the streets of $10.00, ron, and a huge show of support for palestine as a civilian death told and gathered grows have a higher to key and become becomes the latest country to quit. the
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conventional armed forces.


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