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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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this my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the, the headlines on how to use the national of the. busy central kitchen aid organization says israel lacks any credibility to investigate the killing of its 7 workers and gods, but that's also the idea of plain but thought it was targeting. come on i can see why cards bearing the trigger 33000 for staggering to the lives was in the gaza strip. thousands taken to the streets of 10 rod in a huge service with the support of palestine as a civilian death. colon gotcha continues to grow day by day $38.00, but coming at the latest country to quit the conventional forces treaty a full, a milestone of europe and security,
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which russia says as last touched with 3 on the right yourself, the 10 o'clock friday night. here with the russian capital, because the top story is set to go, then i guess i'm standing by the kickoff. as our though without breaking news for you, it's a major emergency situation is developing in a central, a russia where a dime has bust. footage that we can show you now is i believe to be when the dime was 1st breached, and the war has started rushing through emergency services or are seeing that trying to show up with them. it's all happening in the urals region. the city is or as people are being evacuated to emergency shelter, summit fears up to 4000 homes could be at risk of funding 20 settlements or thought to be in the danger zone. in heavy rains recently resulted in the us drastically rising waterlines, a photo on the state of emergency, it has been declined. well for now the world central
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kitchen size, israel can be trusted to carry out an independent investigation into the deadly idea of strikes on his aid. con, void, a 7 of the groups workers were killed while leaving the food warehouse. the idea is since fire to senior officers, although it will claim that the forces they thought they would call giving hom us military. we demand the creation of an independent commission to investigate the killings of our colleagues. the ideas cannot credibly investigate its own site. here in garza world sense ok turn is out. rangers right now and doesn't seem to get ready to accept these rows. apology, you this statement space trust. the idea of a video of fails to show any reason to keep secure, military and convoys, which carried new weapons and post no threats. they called for a systemic change to avoid more apologies, more reading families and more military failures. his most recent one was fall from
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the only deadly mistake by his really army. on monday night 7 workers from the international charity that provides foods relief in prices and conflict savings, including starving guys that were killed when their car is clearly marked with the organization's logo. where heats after the team had been loaded food broke. so that's how the student in clay, bye see in the area by the way, where the u. s. is planning to build it. ports to bring human is there in the systems to gaza using mary time. ruth, among those killed her citizens all the us, australia, canada, the u. k and call and how soon driver also died shortly after they moved in happened to these really leadership admitted, unintentional try and involved a trends, parents pro and early on friday the army published the statements calling. what happened a mistake? the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have it could.
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those who approved the strike would convinced that they would targeting onto myself for a test and not world central kitchen employees. the strikes on the vehicles is a great mistake stemming from a serious failure due to him mistaken identification areas and decision making and then the tech country to the standard operating procedures. the idea of this mission to officer is operating drive is involved in the killing and disappointing 3 others saying all 5 mishandled critical information, but it seems to world is not ready to let's have another deadly mistake buys really on the go. here's a very harsh response from the un human rights kind of so for the 1st time and 6 months of the conflicts taken clear and firm position, condemning israel. attacking people or objects involved in humanitarian assistance may amount to a war crime. as a high commissioner has repeatedly stated, impunity must, and the you, as total price body also adopted the resolution. i learned friday, demanding to stop all arms sales to israel to close,
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prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights. it's stress that thing to national court of justice ruled in january that there is a plausible risk of genocide in gaza. and ever since things only got worse in they have how is stated in claim fridays. resolution also calls for an immediate cease fire, immediate emergency humanitarian access and assistance, and also to end the is really occupation of the west bank and is jerusalem considered illegal? according to the international law, at least the siege, all the guys a sweep on the vault, the idea of invading densely populated rock point and goes south, were up to 1500000 people. now sheltering di conditions with israel saying it is ready to launch a large scale operation. there are 2 fights, have mass militants, israel's, and vast. so that to the un in geneva slammed the resolution as
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a stain for the human rights council. and for the un as a whole, but it seems that israel is getting to a deeper and deeper international isolation. and we have to do something with that . and while the international condemnation is mounting protests against these really worrying guys and grow on the ground and a 0 gun is jerusalem on the west bank as well, with tension is often ended up paying class says where these really forces it to is the last friday before the end of losing totally month old gramma, done thousands of his loved delivers. have gather as for prayers in all act simone . squat of the most sacred shrines for movements injurious and all say to you that you can see behind me. earlier on friday, these really forces fire to gas that thousands of worshippers who are chanting slogans against israel is offensive in the pals student in place explained the lives of more than 33000 people reading as guides. a house ministry says is really
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forces arrested at least 5 all the worshippers. some reports say as an 8 and c or more potential clash of security has been tightened out here in the area with lots of his really forces deployed on the ground. the roads leading here have been cordoned off as things space for and tens again very quickly and easily with more on the global outrage of the killing of a 78 workers. but the relative silence. sorry for the death of 33000 palestinians and 6 months is all correspondent donald cord or across the main stream media stories of 7 a to workers from the world. central kitchen kills, trying to provide relief in gaza. fine is rarely airstrike. israel faces global condemnation for what it calls a mistaken strike. the wealth central kitchen is posing in scarsdale, operations of to 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6 foreigners, including one dual american canadian,
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as well as an australian and europeans. and is rarely officials are under an unusually high amounts of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all is the, is where the government's apologizing to the families of the i'd work is cables, including the 3 families in britain. all of us have expressed breast grief about this together and that all you apologized for you, frank. to be frank, if you let me on, so christian is my point, attacking me already have just arrived. i'm happy to talk to you. i'm just also a simple question. i want an answer to that you want to apologize. allow me to wants for this was a mistake was minute. so you can apologize already. you don't need to know that the precise details to issue an apology. in the greeting family law as something, there are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly, so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now, you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries. and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians speak to the flags
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of any repercussions. united states. i mean, i know you're going to say that you're waiting for the, the results be investigation everything. but as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations, we keep seeing these really, it wasn't just the 7 i think are 208 were so up until it's right now is we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning you have a definitive assessment. that's no violation. so it's so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes following the masonic peoples of info, not a violation of international humanitarian. your, your question presumes at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that. it's about time. some serious public attention was given to the flight of aid workers in gaza, and in this case, the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the israelis and part of what he said was not
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a war on terrorism. but the war against humanity itself, for its part, israel says it's supposedly high precision military technology miss identified its target. this try cause not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k. a work is it was a mistake that followed me say then defecation night during that war, in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed in gaza since last october. i figured that surpasses the total number of dead kids in conflicts between 20192022. just one. look at the l. c. 4 hospital before and after israel launched its most recent onslaught would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming forces being used there. it all goes to show for why we're seeing such astronomical collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv.
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and how israel seems to care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in gaza, according to active or still jonathan product key, he believes it's become abundantly clear, the israel is using criminal policies and it's war against the people of casa. it is something that happens time and again, just recently we've seen more 8 seeker is being targeted by if any fire we've seen what happened that she felt hospital where hundreds of people have been heard, including at least dozens of medical staff. and um, and, and uh, hospitalized people, um, it is part of its really denial list and that is being allowed by the international community. unfortunately, it has been made abundantly clear that the international community takes the dates of international explicitly international is more seriously than the desk of
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palestinians that does the mean blood is cheap to the international community. and the only way to, to rectify this is by stopping israel by forcing it failed to stop it's war and government is really, it's obviously waging a war against civilians waging a war for now. elation of starvation. and that's the data, the bigger picture, the war is. one big case of targeting the civilian population for revenge, if for a full, for planting terror in the hearts of lesbians and for the illumination and the ethnic cleansing off the people who doesn't want to middle the full out over the death of those a workers video so i'll come to light, but civilian desperately seeking food, being targeted by is ready for since i should warn you, the southern images coming away right now or the video released by alter 0 shows is
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riley forces, apparently deliberately firing on the banners. he tried to get some aid. a troops continued to open the fi even when he was injured and tried calling away. meanwhile, the euro man of human rights monitor has now published a report, accusing israel of using starvation as a weapon of war. the see in these really are me intentionally use this starvation as a weapon of war against civilians and gaza city and it's northern areas does not only includes the blocking of aid entry into these areas, but also the killing and injuring of civilians as they attempted to receive aid supplies? well the political analyst at wiley and so yeah, and he believes as early as are conducting a circle, moving the loan policy and gaza and wiping out everything in the next. i thought we think that the cities has been going on since the beginning of the is it a local vision of a person instead of the and it gets um this uh up to 5, monday through when it uh when we have the uh, when we have
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a more sides and then the recent water that has stuck, this is a full, the 7 that the, that's almost 6 months now. so it's only got the amplified even more. and the just splitting the amount of violation of somebody that maybe i'll meet and probably get people to begins that i a but a godless as they are. and it's been in the measurements or even isn't it, is because we kind of forget how is the thought of it. it's the effects phone, hostages, a captive something does that, that this photo phoenician was initiated to distort them send. they would start to get this, even though they would waving white flags this whole policy of moines. the lawn, when it comes to gaza, has left no human, and no break the statement or standing it started getting the destruction on demolishing both with anything that existing does that have gotten this human or
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buildings or anything that the existing does. and then it comes to humans. there's also no separation. if we follow the, is it a media own or if we haven't been following business, they need this since the beginning of the world. the month before motivated a motor. waterman getting racism directed towards fund experiencing bozza was unheard of them because it was a much so yes, unfortunately the lines and this was with the help of the city of the west, including the united states and the united kingdom by facilitating farms under the climate shingle farms to the is a, the ottoman well that's more and more details of atrocities continue to come to life. israel's allies are increasingly coming under pressure to speak out. however, it seems that some are literally lost for words. i take the canadian heritage minister who caught short of press conference when faced with difficult questions and still remained tight lipped when doorstep down side. i guess the system that goes why, why don't you criticize the more than
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a 100 journalists were killed. none of those. why do you guys have more than 100 pounds? the drugs killed 40 over 40 different sites. you'd have to go sites and you refuse to say anything about that. you're the heritage register or the heritage minister, or they administer has previously claimed and m p. 's job is to listen to the public and she was said to have a hate thing. she was hiding, apparently inside a room for 30 minutes to avoid being quit. just about the situation and gaza. journalists are trying to get the questions and turned his attention to the next best thing i wrote. tasha. tasha you heard how she asked for a tasha. you have any comments, comments? why have the statement about the $1100.00 euro scale? why have we don't know, why have some additional maybe statement about the more than 40 a cultural sites that unesco says, israel's destroyed in cause but the administer should have a comment, right?
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well that speak to that very john let's right now eve anglo who's also a political activist. now joining us live here on how to international appreciate the work you're doing. that was quite fun to watch. i mean, you were that could, can you tell us more about what happened? i'm guessing it wasn't the reactions your questions you were expecting. you know, i showed up at the press conference found out about it late and happened to be very close to where i was and live and went down to the press conference. uh, there was a camera man from the big tv. yeah. the big corporate station waiting there walked in and their people don't know the press. people ask my name and then they, they punch my name and they would realize that i was that i asked critical questions. previously i sat and waited about 510 minutes, then they decided they were canceling the press conference. and so the camera man, debbie i was left and, and then i realized that she was somewhere else. it was a public housing announcement and i realize she was somewhere else within the
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public housing project. and i found where she was. and i walked into the there's a 6 unit, a place. and she was inside one of the units. and she was basically locked the door in her attack. she stood outside there for you literally was half an hour the they called the police, they called the facility manager for this whole pretty significant public housing project. and um, and it went on for like, like half an hour waiting. and they asked me to leave the actual unit and just wait outside and i'm waiting on. so i just gonna ask the simple question as you, as you saw, and she actually fled out the back door. she got the facility manager to open up some sort of back door. but a, i mean, even so sorry, sort of jump in a a do beg your pardon but, but why do you think she was so afraid to speak to, i mean looking uh self and in a room for half an hour, then freaking out the back door to us a call waiting for why was she so afraid of you as well? they don't like these questions that put them on the spot about what are the
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genocide specifically with pasco st. dollars. a year ago, i asked her when she was pushing to band russian, and bella rushed and asked me from international olympics and supported competitions. i asked her at a press event whether she also believed that usaa, we should be banned after the rack or, or canadian athletes after the invasion of maybe a or is really a piece for all their crimes. and she listened my question and she smirked and walked away and the club got very wide circulation. so she was, i think, very embarrassed by that incident. and they don't have answers. that's what it comes down to write that in the don't want to give you a don't actually challenge the people who have access to these journalists. they haven't very close the relationship. 6 to these politicians rested in the journals have very close relationships of all the people they don't ask critical questions about international affairs almost ever. and. and so the part, the politicians are not actually equipped really even to even to give talking with
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. no, i thought well why don't just walk out and just don't answer, but from their standpoint it's, it's sort of an embarrassing clip. i have 20 seconds of her refusing to answer questions so she doesn't want that look either. and there was somebody, it's like a child, it's sorry, it's like a child running away. i mean, you know, not just, i mean, it's not just the case of jump negligence. i mean, it runs so much deeper than that. i mean, you're looking at, i don't know the mentality of someone who's very immature, if they called does actually step up to the plate and do what that job requires of them. and as you will know, eve, a canadian national, was among those 8 work is killed. and god of us, we, that's provoked a lot of outrage around the world. and yet candide is one of those countries supplying military equipment to israel. now some of that military equipment, i guess, theoretically, has killed a canadian citizen. i mean, how look what is that for the true government is always very often and it's not
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just that they're supplying weapons there. were there reaction to the 1st 2 months of israel's onslaught? and guys, a west through drastically, greece weapons sales, they, they reduced the perm today down to 4 days for arms permits, a sales to it is really so it's $28.00 over $20000000.00 and weapons those 2 months that were sold also the same drone that killed the canadian because the military is trying to buy that from is rarely a company. so all of this has become very controversial in times of activism on this issue over over recent months. so there's no doubt that the issues become sensitive for the government in general. and particularly sensitive in the last, you know, 4872 hours as that's been done and media is finely reporting on this floor. unfortunately, not much on the horror. it does happen because indians, but on the horn this happened to the canadian aid worker trying to get to some to starving policies. yeah, just yet another scarlet letter for the true doe government. the eve angler is
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a canadian john list and political activist always dropping some pretty every truth on this. appreciate your time. thanks for joining us. thank you. well, with the civilian death, all the guys are not passing. 33000 muslim world has united and demonstrations democracy annual codes this day, which is dedicated to the applied of palestinians. united by faith. people have been taken to the streets and a show of solidarity as well as the voice ingrid israel doctrines in gaza. and washington support a peaceful mass protest staged in several countries. as of course, upon the use of july, the now explains the people in the capital rod across the country or marketing be displayed already with the palace media people. on the last friday of the casting monica from the basement to raise awareness of the palace,
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logins against the israel calls from conflict. air return for jerusalem was designated back in 1979 vied committee on it has since been widely observed in the country and other parts of the world. this, your sort stays totally different from the previous services are facing the military campaign by israel now. and it's sort of a resolution to the occupation of palestine resonates even more urgently ever today there's time around has to be the uranium decision to respond to design . hist occupying regime has been made and will be implemented with force and stuff . all demonstration conveys many messages this year,
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particularly regarding the crimes in garza and the region, as well as the recent can in some of our commanders today to pass the message is much broader than in past 2 years. and we will exec see via revenge. and these will my message to us in the countries the pursued criminal policies worldwide, is that these policies will ultimately lead to that. i'm down to say, no matter how persistently they continue their oppression, they open the balance to parish demonstrators. how the anger, i guess, the idea of why burning these waiting flag insurance to israel, basically, they want to ship holding signs with where miss raising messages. i can see why cards bearing the trigger 33000 fish territory to the lives was in the gaza strip. since the big complex demonstrators also the recent is really it to execute the number of central kitchen aid workers to
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deal inquire because workspace ations is does not stick to any international law. we can also see pictures demonstrating this tale of the destruction, which is after 2 weeks to be an operation to eliminate purchasers here, sorry about the united states, continues to support the idea military officers a few days as well as hospital facilities and damascus on monday, which senior officers military detention and i'll be
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providing assistance to the syrian army of course there are no research how many likely the. 4 pretensions for israel resistance there on the american basis on washington, where you bring the kids to be these people in the extra 100 space reading that sort of thing,
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diplomatic conditions. it's an active regression against the countries sovereignty added on answers. so every year seems a little bit more change based on the latest state of affairs. message remains the same way or wrong. uh, to show me moments to ship lines on the policy, the smaller one has called on most that makes sense to turn off on projected that most of the situation has announced its withdrawal from the treaty of conventional armed forces. the agreement was, well, a bedrock of the european security system during the last years of the cold war, had been a russ is about the roots is mounting a similar move while our russia already quit last year,
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claiming the treaty was out of touch with reality. of correspondent, filed this report from this number. a statement coming out of moscow is in line with the statements coming out of bunker about the treaty and the general approach to agreement such as this does lose its meaning. but it seems that uncle, it was a little bit more forthcoming and goodwill for the most part in parts. you know, how be wishful thinking. but what we're looking at right now is the disruption of the european security system and covers decisions and policies with likes of moscow and mens really highlights in the level of this trust. and within this last within the member states of this agreement. and what we're looking at right now is not just the shifting policies, but also a shift in how the united states is operating over the course of the last few decades. we've seen number a number of treaties signed by different parties. but the most fundamental argument, whether that's from moscow or from uncle, i suggest that the agreement has lost its meaning in referring to the one sided approach to national interest,
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as well as to be double standards that have been set up as a president towards club member states like funds like georgia and russia local i to far back when the treaty was 1st signed in 1998 and adopted in the 1999, there were 22 member states that signed the agreement. 16 were from nato. the other 6 were from the warsaw pact organization and the idea of the police, the general idea was to ensure that there was some common ground that there was a trade in line that the conventional arms were to be investigated and monitored. this was supposed to be mutual, but when the, during the early got a patient in 1999, that was not of course ratified by natal. states suggested that instead of holding the entire block or the group into account, that the countries would individually have different aspects in regards to these trees, which really lead me rush. that's and there's a lot of face in the general approach of the collective west and just initiated the withdrawal in 2007 and was successful. be able to withdraw in 2020 is realistic.
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listen to what the russian form is. you have to say in late november of last year, the will socrates of nato. remember, states and climbed countries have clearly shown their inability to reach and on their agreements. at this point, it is impossible to reach an honest control agreement with them. only when reality compels them to return to constructive and realistic positions can a dialog on these matters be revived as part of the efforts to establish a new european security system. it says the interest of russia and all other countries to reject west and big tact. another matter of great contention has been the general approach of the west. so, but of course the last few years, and they know has been accused of insight in conflict in ukraine as well as the admission of finland and sweden incident made a blog under underlines. another very important and crucial matter that moscow has been trying to lead vocal and adamant about and that is nature of a session, is one of them must also read lice, but dislike that nato has been focused on expanding its territorial border with washer. and this is something that moscow just will not accept in the
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