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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the is breaking news or on how to international as an, as the 1st and the central russia forcing at least hundreds of people, the fleet, the dangers of the state of emergency has been declared in that area. details are up and coming the well, the central kitchen aid organizations. israel lacks any credibility to investigate the killing of 7 workers and gaza. thought to the idea of the claim to what it was targeting come off, man. no positive lice in depth decisions which impact inside of families should be delegated to the cold calculation of all the artificial intelligence but
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a very real consequences. the un secretary general condemns israel over a portal using ai to identify how much target then it moves with resulted in thousands of civilian casualties. cards bearing 33000 lives was in the gaza strip. thousands hitting the streets of tyrone in a huge show of support the palestine, the civilian debt full and god that grows higher by that the live ad worldwide from moscow, with the old use on built it as this is on with all this how it wasn't breaking news for you as a major emergency situation in developing and central russia, where a dam has buzzed the photo job you can show you, and i always believed to be when the time was 1st breached,
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and wolf has started rushing through. emergency services are at the scene that trying to show up to them. and it's uh, the incident occurred in the city of order that's in the girl's region. people are being evacuated to various emotions to shelters, and it feels more than 4000 homes up 211000 people could be at risk of flooding. a 20 settlement. so for to be in the danger zone. and recent heavy range of just exacerbated what's happening is that as a state of emergency has been declared at the moment, 10 evacuation is being carried out in the city of oscar, by a specialist from the russian emergencies ministry, and the local administration is being carried out because of a breach in the us and bank mon down, which is located within the city and protects it from floods and melts, was that the small breach is now being repaired by excavators and heavy trucks, which are bringing solely to fill a gap. as many as 33 heavy trucks being in full, all the equipment is working continuously and filling the breach. we recommend that residents do not know the advice of specialist,
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including employees to be russian emergencies, ministry, and head straight to temporary accommodation side. the world central the kitchen though, says israel cannot be trusted to carry out an independent investigation into the deadly id of stripes. on his aid convoy a 7 of the groups workers were killed while i'm leaving a food warehouse. the idea of has since fire to senior officers, although it's claimed as false as thought they were targeting us. we demand the creation of an independent commission to investigate the killings of our colleagues . the ideas cannot credibly investigate its own site. you're in garza world sense, okay. turn is out. rangers right now and doesn't seem to get ready to accept these roles. apology knew this stage when space trust the idea of a video of fails to show any reason to keep the humanitarian convoys, which carry new weapons and post no threats. they call for a systemic change to avoid more apologies,
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more grieving families and more military failures. this most recent one was fall from the only deadly mistake by his really army. on monday night 7 workers from the international charity that provides foods relief in prices and conflict zones, including starving, gaza, were killed when their cars clearly marked with the organizations logo were heats after the teams had been loaded food brought to this how his student and clay by c in the area, by the way, where the u. s. is planning to build it, ports to bring humanitarian assistance to gather, using mary time rules and on those killed her citizens, all the us. so stranded canada, the u. k. and collins, it's how seen and driver also died shortly after they me incidents happen to these really leadership admitted, unintentional try and involved a transparent probe. an earlier on friday, the army published the statements calling. what happened a mistake? the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have it could.
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those who approved the strike was convinced that they would targeting onto myself for a test and not world central kitchen employees. the strike on the vehicles is a great mistake stemming from a series failure to throw mistaken identification areas in decision making and then a tech country to the standard operating procedures. the idea of this mission to officer is operating drive is involved in the killing and disappointing 3 others saying all 5 mishandled critical information, but it seems world is not ready to let's have another deadly mistake buys really on the go. here's a very harsh response from the un human rights kind of so for the 1st time in 6 months of the conflict, taken clear and firm position, condemning israel. attacking people or objects involved in humanitarian assistance may amount to a war crime. as the high commissioner has repeatedly stated, impunity must, and the us tal. pride's body also adopted the resolution. miller and friday
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demanded to stop all arms sales to israel, to quote, prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights. its trust that the international court of justice ruled in january that there is a plausible risk of genocide in gaza. and ever since things only got worse and they've, how is sweet and and clay? friday's resolution also calls for an immediate cease fire, immediate emergency humanitarian access and a systems, and also to end the is really the occupation of the west bank and is jerusalem considered illegal? according to the international law, at least the siege, all the guys, a sweep and the vault, the idea of invading densely populated raft. find guys a south where up to 1500000 people. now sheltering di conditions with israel saying it is ready to launch a large scale operation there to fight have mass miller tens,
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israel's and bass. so that to the un in geneva slammed the resolution as a stain for the human rights council. and for the u. n. as a whole, but it seems that israel is getting to a deeper and deeper international isolation and we have to do something with that. and while the international condemnation is mounting protests against these really warring guys and grow on the ground and a 0 gun is jerusalem on the west bank as well, with tensions, often ended up paying class says with these really forces it is the last friday before the end of moving, toby months old from a done thousands of his loved delivers, have gather as for prayer, as an act, similar squat of the most sacred trying to move in a jury summons all say to that you can see behind me. earlier on friday, these really forces fire a t, a gash that's thousands of worshippers were chanting slogans against these rows offensive in the pals student in place of playing the lives of more than 33000 people writing as guides,
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a house ministry says is really forces arrested at least 5 all stay worshippers. some reports say even 8 and c or more potential clashes, security has been fighting out here in the area with lots of israeli forces deployed on the ground. the roads leading here have been cordoned off as things may turn tens again very quickly and easily. but with a more of the global outrage of the killing of a $78.00 workers. but the relative silence over the desks of 33000 palestinians and nearly 6 months is all to use donald quarter across the main stream. media stories of 78 workers from the world central kitchen kills, trying to provide relief in gaza. buying is really air strike. israel faces global condemnation for what, what it calls a mistaken strike. well, central kitchen is posing in scarsdale operations off to 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6 foreigners, including one dual american canadian,
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as well as an australian and europeans. and is rarely officials are under and unusually high amounts of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all, this thing is where the government's apologizing to the families of varied workers carols, including the 3 families in britain. all of us have expressed breast grief about this together and that all you apologized the frank. to be frank, if you let me on. christian is my point, attacking me already. i've just arrived having to talk to you. i just thought a simple question. i want an answer to that. you want to apologize, allow me to wants for this was a mistake was minute for you can apologize already. you don't need to know that the precise details to issue an apology or grieving family law as something. there are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly, so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries,
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and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians speak to the flags, could have any repercussions united states. i mean, i know you're going to say that you're waiting for the, the results of investigation everything. but as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations, we keep seeing these results. it wasn't usually something i think are 208. we're so sorry. yeah, dollars we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. you have a definitive assessment. that's no violation. so it's so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes. silent and most of the peoples of info, not a violation of international humanitarian. your, your question presumes at this very early hour that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hating that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that, it's about time some serious public attention was given to the plight of aid workers and gaza. and in this case, the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the
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israelis and part of what he said was not a war on terrorism, but a war against humanity itself for its part. israel says it's supposedly high precision military technology. ms. identified its target. this to i cause no, it's carried out with the intention of homie w, a. c k a well, cuz it was a mistake that followed me say, then defecation night during that war, in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed in gaza since last october. i figure that surpasses the total number of dead kids in conflicts between 20192022. just one. look at the l. c. 4 hospital before and after israel launched its most recent onslaught would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming forces being used there. it all goes to show for why we're seeing such
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a astronomical collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv. and how israel seems to care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in gaza activist jonathan and paul like believes it's become abundantly clear now that israel is using essentially criminal policies and it's war against the people of gaza. it is something that happens time and again, just recently we've seen more a teacher is being targeted by if rarely fire we've seen what happened, that she felt hospital where hundreds of people have been heard, including at least dozens of medical staff and it and, and hospitalized people, so it is part of is really denial, isn't that is being allowed by the international community. unfortunately, it has been made abundantly clear that the international community takes the dates of international explicitly international is more seriously than the death of
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palestinians deposed in blood is cheap to the international community. and the only way to, to rectify this phase by stopping israel by forcing it failed to stop it's war and gaza is really it's obviously waging a war against civilians waging a war of a night, elation of starvation and that the data is the bigger picture. the war is one big case of targeting the civilian population for revenge, if for a full, for planting terror in the heart of lesbians and for the illumination and the ethnic cleansing off the people who are the middle of the full out over the desks, all those 8 walkers, the video is, comes a life now of a, a civilian man seeking food and being targeted by his ready forces. a warning, disturbing images coming your way. and the video released by alger 0 shows is ready for us,
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has deliberately firing on demand as we was trying to get some aid. a troops continued to shoot me when he was injured and trying to crawl away. meanwhile, the euro by the human rights monitor has all public to report that using israel, abusing starvation as a weapon of war. it is really army intentionally use a starvation as a weapon of war against civilians in gaza. city and its northern areas does not only includes the blocking of aid entry into these areas, but also the killing and injuring of civilians as the attempted to receive aid supplies. a political analyst, while it siam believes that israel is conducting a so called boeing the loan policy and gaza ended wiping out everything in the targeting for the city. it has been going on since the beginning of the is the condition of the center of the and it gets um this uh up to 5 magnitude when it
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uh when we have the uh, when we have a more size. and then the recent award with that pest stuff, this is a full, the 7 that the, that's almost 6 months now. so it's only got the amplified even more. and the just splitting the amount of violation of somebody days that maybe i'll meet and probably get people to begins that i a but a god bless it. they are. uh, i just been in the measurements or even is it, it is because uh we kind of, uh forget how is the thought of it and see if its phone hostages. uh, a captive something does that, that this photo phoenician was initiated to, to restore them since they were to target this, even though they would weigh the white flags this whole policy of moines. the lawn, when it comes to gaza, has left no human, and no break the stable or standing. it started getting the destruction on demolishing both with anything that existing does that have gotten this human or
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buildings or anything that existing does. and then it comes to humans, there's also no separation. if we follow the, is it a media own or if we haven't been following that, i need to since the beginning of the world, the month before motivated a lot of money. and racism directed towards palestinians in gaza was unfettered and because it was a much so yes, unfortunately the lines and this was what the hell of the book, just at the of the was including the united states and the united kingdom by facilitating carm's under the finishing goal farms to the is a ottoman in the wake all the cottage and gaza. the un secretary general has condemned israel for a posley using artificial intelligence to identify how boss targets, but ultimately resulting in multiple cecilia. that's. i am also deeply troubled by the thoughts that these early militaries, both being campaign, includes artificial intelligence as a thing even in the identification of targets,
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particularly densely populated residential areas, resulting in the high level of civilian casualties. know product of life and death decisions which impact inside of families should be delegated to the cold calculation of all voting oversight that are coming shortly after the new revelations claimed israel has been using a i is a part of it's also the system known as lavender is said to have identified $37000.00 hom us targets with no human verification. during the early stages of the war, the army gave sweeping approval for officers to adopt 11th, a skilled list with no requirement to start to check why the machine made those choices or to examine the ro intelligence data, or which they will based one. so states that human personnel often served on the as a robust step for the machines decisions. and in that,
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normally they would personally do vote only about 20 seconds to each target before authorized nibble mean, just to make sure that they haven't done much target is males. visual is despite knowing that the system makes what are regarded as errors and approximately 10 percent of the cases and is known to occasionally mock in details of mary lose connection to minutes in groups on no connection at all. well, are designed to identify how mass, all part of the lavender tool analyzes guides, a residence to a system of mass surveillance. the system is set to assess facial characteristics of knowing how mosque members given them a rating and combining a kill list. a collateral damage threshold of up to 20 civilians for each target is also apparently authorized. although in some high value cases, the threshold is said to be a 101 intelligence office, i believe, to have had a 1st hand experience. so by using the operating tool as,
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as the idea of essentially bottoms residential areas. now without hesitation, we would not interested in killing him myself for it is only when they were in the military building were engaged in a military activity. on the contrary, the idea of funds them in homes without hesitation is the 1st option. it's much easier to boma families, how the system is built to look for them in the situations level across and live out there. john, listen strategic advice x about the how many to con? i'll make sure the keys. now joining us here, one ology, international, a very well welcome to today. so what a story of this is. apparently israel is reportedly using artificial intelligence to identify its military targets. how does i sit with you? what are your thoughts? thank you very much. really, actually, it is very sad indeed because there's no doubt that it contains a lot of times and no, you don't, as there are reports and they are on the evidence if they're working or depending
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on the i mean that they don't want anybody to have responsible all of that is the, you end up getting off the list. okay. and getting all, you know, getting your, you know, working in the hospital. so actually it is very clear admission by the idea that the government that they do not on the respect the any nation was any email gave you a little venue. and they to go see that as you know, even more for them. it is. uh, they just want to, uh, you know, do my entire street and they want me to reach the study and upset me to do the do, do the support from americans at region. i need your because i'm in a work is being killed under now, you know the, your be saying and i know magazine still these not the do, but actually the then tell if he doesn't cad does it though? i mean, i mean, let's just be frank about this. tell him he doesn't care when it comes to this. uh
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this, uh, this is a organization, this a kitchenaid organization and the, and the number of international was the in the call that were killed. you can see on the car it has emblems. it has in sydney is on the rooftop, identifying it as an aide organization. and it was supposed to believe the idea of saying, oh no, no, no we, we, we thought we were shooting her last shoddy, a drawing would show the envelope was on the roof with these vehicles. $868.00 is the award client. clearly, i'll be back into the message for the market. not even have people work died, get started rates yet without any medical health, without any for at least they want to make it worse for the rest of the people. so this is the only day that was installed for the these, the message for i'm yeah, that's what we were closer to because gates was that is either the case of jennifer
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slide time, what the baby is doing. on the other hand, they are not respecting any more. yeah. not respecting any of you know whose value we can stop there. let's talk about this. a lot of the, a i system that is being used by israel limited. so i continued the military incursions across the gaza when it comes to this live on the ai system, each from us militant is targeted by it. it's set to have an acceptable collateral damage threshold around 20 civilians. although circle high level targets that fit, that goes to a 100, we talked about it. so that basically is real saying it's ok to kill a 100 civilians. if we get one high value talk it you think so that explains why we're looking at well over 30000 civilians dead in this war. exactly. it means that i need to rely on this e, i live and there is actually
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a because multiplying by one of the, if i, you, sorry, i you and it is very clear. that's how can they just be fi? uh, cuz uh, you know, lecturing them or anything by the bombing, the home. why they're not getting, uh, they're not getting the people are connecting to the get the form and they want them to. the only thing is that this, uh a uh, you know, is not going to anything you want to find. the top is all, all speakers was, you know, be the biggest problem because the evidence. so it is very clear that it is being used for only an excuse. that is right all the time the, the, the game and the use to get the long time to do the excuse to get it on the general side even though they do. but uh, you know, uh,
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targeting 1st of the items off the rest of the month, there is nothing else but occasion to find everything. doctor, how many honda, i'm not sure he is a strategic affairs expert and the geo political analyst offering us some very intriguing comments. for you, i really appreciate those comments by the way, all network tv delta. thank you very much for joining us. with the a civilian a that told a golf now, pausing $33000.00 at least the muslim world is united in demonstrations to mock the annual could day which is dedicated to the flight of thomas pinions are united by faith that people have been taken to the streets and a big show of solidarity, as well as the voice i enjoy. it is rails actions in gaza and washington's continued support. a peaceful mass protest with station a number of different countries. as our correspondent now reports from iran, the capital of the country, or marketing feature,
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display already with the palace media people. on the last friday of the casting, mom is meant to raise awareness of the palace logins i guess, as well. he calls from complex to jerusalem, was designated back in 1979 bytes blades committee . and it has since been widely observed in the country and other parts of the world . this years space totally different from previous years inside or facing the military cafe by israel. now, and it's 7 months, so the cold for a resolution to these really occupation of palestine resonates even more urgently
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ever today. there's time around has to be the uranium decision to respond to a design. hist occupying machine has been made and will be implemented with force and so i will do most ration conveys many messages this year, particularly regarding the crimes in garza and the region as well as the recent can in. so follow the commanders today. all message is much broader than in past 2 years, and we will exec see via revenge and these will message to the us and the countries of the pursued criminal policies worldwide is that these policies will ultimately lead to their own down no matter how persistently they continue their oppression, they own that one to perish demonstrators. how? the anger, i guess, the idea of why burning these really flag insurance to israel, basically, they want to ship fine holding signs with where miss raising messages. i can see why cards bearing the trigger. 33000 fish territory
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bought the lives was in the gaza strip since the conflict demonstrators. also, the recent is really a to execute the number of the central kitchen paid workers to be on the way the callers try. 1 shows that it does not stick to any international law. we can also see pictures of the destruction which stands to him to be an operation to the united states continues to support military officers a few days as well as possible facilities and damascus on monday,
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which senior officers military detention people were providing assistance to the syrian army of course, which research how many of those. 4 projections for our together is really the resistance there on the american basis was
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washington is on where you bring to the idea of these people in the extra 100 states really attracting diplomatic conditions as an active aggression against the countries sovereignty added on as or so every year a change based on the latest state of affairs of the region. message remains the same way or wrong. uh to ship ship line. cause while yvonne has called on most that makes sense to turn off on the basement projected situation. all right, that's a rep for now. here we're not see international,
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but we are back when the clock strikes midnight here in see you very soon, the the virginia in these mountains is certainly rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and man am i hungry. luckily, i'm in north, the city of where food is almost a for some religious recipes are handed down for generations without changes and this qualifies for being part of the unit. sco world heritage. intangible list. that's the again the


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