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tv   Inland Visions  RT  April 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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on the, after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically having driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose the rich colony. and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the main victory addict organization led by whole team and inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in raged. according to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful v and these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of vietnamese women. as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of nights, rock murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however,
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terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of the n being full . almost $12000.00 french soldiers and officers, including the commander general of the categories. and his command staff were captured the configuration of a huge garrison at a demoralizing effect in europe. the french laughed vietnam, but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the american hard times were awaiting vietnam. again, the news of the,
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the the
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team, i said it was the about the what the media gets, what he does, that goes, what is the my you, it was the one you that of the sites. so you can take the music with the prince. did you set up a vehicle? is that glitched? i know the
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let's get let's get the shows the resumes, but again, shifting some of the plants as good as soon it's going to change. so for the sum of what i'm going to do for some other time, the me there's only 2 in a row, is this nothing was seen. what am is going to do both you can put the system just a little before 0. you're supposed to be able to squared is approximately pointing fully me. that's what it says. that it was for the corporate job growth. i'm not sure. uh cuz i'm to search, i service to the show the cause of the customer. so the whole catch to go into it are you and you didn't have the substitute to purchase a is a process just on
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a some. so i see the but of course, because they have so much to must go to both of the, the needs of literacy was this was for the, for the 0 with sounds like this, like so i have to just, physically as it were, for me, you know, it's better has also been the mindset of us to, for to, for all the is it has to say about a saw me for all the and so i'll say, so a lot of the can i see a little bit older to start with you? i think it'll shaqia some of that about the low comes through the c as a, but also people say get a sense of what as a schema they can, you know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break. you know, when you see, if it would show the boys and put it on the pillow, show rooms are full of little boys to do you need assistance. i don't want this
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shit rolled up in the time. so, i mean, does it go fast? but it was so when a fish, just the thing is the boat. i know the most part you to do it. not showing us. are you? this is the start to cuz we don't really slow to do so most just don't want to send you a bundled with assume all today. and it said that the subsidy of up to them, but it's it, it's just the media and then all that access of the message, the best option at the front desk. yeah. but it will seem gains, and you would just let me know. i need to know what is the most cool video when you what i did when you tell me if you don't have a list of them, i still don't know. but if you just click it still double could speak or the choice
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before the video start. nivia technical sounds good. well, but i do see more than 30 minutes. if i you remember to be yes. so, uh oh my gosh much aloud. no more, but it has been in your book on google page and then you use the new by chance because to have all of that isn't all a dispute as to which was a new and i'm assuming it was in the hospital store. we did a study for the 20th the based on this quarter, some of the e as in the role of some brussel. yeah. to the sofa. uh, almost done with dish roll and 2 of them are the 3 delta me. it's coming due to me is funny. so a part of them the bills?
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the, the fox, the, the young lady. that's a great system because the door yeah. point oh spectrum actually buying and the device to the bathroom. yeah. so i'll just do putting into the, the ocean, that is the star test test at the show. there was no, it didn't go click to see a little of most of these last multiple. so that was completely acquainted with money and who to do the single controller when she was supposed to the doors in the field. and besides, what you thought was when you buy insurance, and if i understood what thank you, it's only is almost a bushel. simple chance available cost, i mean the same. what do you think is the part of the problem that i will do to have them use this new idea, but i suppose you'll go. yeah, you're always going to know what the problem let me call you. always thoughts wonderful. originally already up was a little for these thinking is more than coming to william. good. com. the middle
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one is lot of the delay is feeling one in the area was the old disorder or the engine, but doesn't give me that. but i also want to shift the fluid. oh, i'm going to go. and usually another one of the show was the charlotte williams. why now? we want it shows he's still cool boy. oh, because the brothers dealing at the middle school because it little little the, or if you need to move quickly loaded on would you, if you'd give us or about the event that support would stay in your friends even in the font button. uh, but leveling it still mostly that it go to the middle of any bullet. uh no, been able to start so by a few little bit showed you more than the image source on the right. just talking
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to me and let me see the deals that will go up, cuz then your pool was pretty good. i mean the were going to remove the 70 more years. these people will change the media to load on you and you can use with what do they couldn't use as the new board. we've got the boilers, logistic, but what you are new started on mobile. well, the new device is on the give it with anything and we'll talk to the board and the dealer, sorry. what was the problem to go just to and you know, border, the soon you have new phones. you see the little flip, i'm in the gold is the goals? give me the phone, let me go, let them. if you put in the keys business junior, you pull middle of the boys 3, but did you just give me the book?
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can you please the people both school at least with feel of some of them so you don't have to be just a little bit just where so to let you know. so what i'm going to do that for you if i do is for you. so the boy lived a little slow, the default to slip. yes. focus on you this much. are the local to restore the services you need for you, but you will see the company was going to do the sheets. i knew those millions you, most of it you both have to do with, with the cost of the one with those little that's where the source of the storage of the deal. photos of insurance through the showing us no button in the near the got somebody. it's a month or the teachers could use the
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initial hosting, the yes, the, the industry name, but the
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the the, the, the,
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the new speed. so the billing is going to be the pretty good. how much would it be possible for them? i don't think you like it all myself, but you might see in the 100000 so that you had some being able to get closer to that. but you know, that's the, on the
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1941 with the nazis health corporation, ultram nationalist video, stashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to use dashes, use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews,
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and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the scene of us campbell, who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the constitution camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the what somebody did, they give you the invoice. so this, this little green, the, for the appointment for you which is seamless, living with the bullying, it was very low. we would have a little from windham, and it was all because of and which was also the initials english with the history . you know, through the middle of clearly so on scope of what's going on with the person with them with the other was
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good, beautiful. if you're going to see us google us, new iphone, the united give would cool. the lady would you feel it would be a good influence local to produce? can you really quick see me? can you be sure there's the cooling? let's do it. is i'm going to do is they're gonna show me what you mean. nice. i'm assuming i'm was looking at and you growing up someone copel's order please. and so they showed us with white some frame. what was the, what i need to know if maybe it's not easy to put you on? hold on me. are you looking for what's the deal with a one or more form of ownership on what's going on in the yeah, the use of the series love us. i see nice and also
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showing mark she yeah, i had a lot of capacity on 2nd most golf course content. he has most most publish tests vehicle on the bus for him. and ask about some of them on thoughts on them, but then you and then once you share some additional william show on the chance, i didn't tell you enough. i'm going to taylor pregnant. yeah. was really beautiful, beautiful. but it was really to a solution said that they will get here me you'll see. oh i last they hear fall and spring last is a lot of which special on this i see that they should have many of the most they have those. okay. he's gluten found the should. yeah, yeah, and those are the good right. nice. i to go quickly to go to any page of the yeah. should or e cause the source the uses issue. but the other thing in my, in this yeah. so thank goodness so know once you anything, i'm not going to change the initial sponge engine. welcome,
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but just using that is the reason i live with that issue. yours is with you was my easy to use the expense. i just think there's always that there's thoughtful song and then mitchell state the stars on 5 of the or see them both see well then you have a couple of them. is that also shifting this with 3 for them? and then you get to do those to be in the email and then you enjoy it and she sure will use of it as well. let me change this. now where's the most that i should have the so there's a nice yes, the customer itself should i think that as well. yeah, that's the show us ocean was,
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but i'm frustrated because of all that as well. somebody for that's what i'm interested in. look actually, but just based on the shows and i left the rest of the year. so somebody came strong enough. somebody's this, besides, you know the advice on some show. i see this pretty much the ship might. so for me is to the beach. was these shows where was that accurate money unless you want to get them to you? this is when the the easiest and most of the one of the just thought they looked at it in the media. i knew it was kind of nice to be just the level of those experience. my license to show it to you. does a guy who is on one of us does off campus. we ship my way sense of them. i mean it's a solution that way,
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especially with the notes i just. yeah. mostly neil, which is pretty. we should at least invite just before we get this for this and you can assess the 1st 11 years to just show i blushing it. so don't wish to go from my desk and they ended up some of us in the north of the industry. you know me and was wanting me to come from minneapolis to somebody who might be an issue as much as they might just finish doing this with me for i would be doing a as in nancy, associate just phone with the cousin that i've,
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let's say it is free for you, she's here. see if that means that the british lack of news. yeah, i think my post of that latham isn't much fortunately is cute, but each unit separate in house for the at the like be something else comes on each . i think that's what i found with last names, actually look at offers and she should push on the so i see if i can view of the these that i just talked to wells fargo kind of the, you know, quite a few months gus, for the renewal in, in on yesterday, but it will be showing a bulk of nearest home that is all the major categories. i think some of the s key . sure. the blue, the, the states cuz there's the city many big houses in the near post as a 1st i need the void. then you've got state districts. and if anybody, my last book i was just in the law. i think i sent it to the 5 star, here's the shirt and that's with, you know, i use. so if these pages keep, so let's say feasible at the time you hit the, the button that you put to, i used google, i it there. let me show what does it was? i was lovely just sending with us. i'm the one that i'm really pushing is also used
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to to, to who is the most of the others know someone's requesting just on the software. so as long as for me to see it, i don't know quite a few days ago. you cut that off to somebody's of a big deal with. i think she will continue to those pretty much the other one, which is the template file. cuz it also can you see what you're saying? pretty much mostly. sure. so the 0 close the loop on is i'm not sure why she possibly could about the shovel, but i thought, oh, it's by we transportation for the me into the and the the rules and it will go with the member. neither one. yeah. and that also puts almost be sample size is always see what was even a go by the 5th. it was initial plan, but it was a vision. and we have those and see what the notion kind of. so the was on the assignment, i don't know, say football, somebody is the most kind of a hold on the last question. i was able to replace it in
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a couple of days. and since the contrast corners of with us doesn't allow us to put it in just the name. yeah, it will appear. we look the last name. what do you see? i was, i was, i wish all say, but i'm really not much of the financial to one of both of them now. and like i saw solution. it's a little, some of the problem here is, uh, uh, sancho is kind of thing, okay, is darnesha love. what's going on? i know it's like the, it's in uh christmas. it should be a let me start taking something, this light of that it comes through to the level of support as the site up to the little. so for my share cool modification, please give me some more personal, but i've used most of the social and it is awesome. and what's the problem? whatever it will go into the new publish it was, it basically shows you the best people doable for them on. so
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go through this deal with the mobile phone number is 2 of those people for me when you see, but other than usable for the kind of goes stand, what sort of take off with michelle completely, some of them for as long as there's no, but i was able to show them so we need to go super close in a piece. we don't to them if i do suppose you but who knows who she had 3 of course and i, but i think, you know, i always like i said with the customer,
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trust me. you're still originally one of the funding. so no, that's less than what i mean. yeah, the point is that even if we use it as to why we wanted, when you say nicely to the machine you just with some more sol says the but i knew very difficult, but i have to be able to do an upgrade your social 0 to the problems want to see must even use a sheets of because he's stuck with me and i'm just, i'm almost the with usually what it's like being able to, to mean some of the sites. i mean, you definitely side of the fight them with the new or so is what olsa who you true and you called the we suppose continue. it was a bit of advice. so subtle science. thank you. a little somebody with crystals or any of those. maybe you will because there was issues with the issues, disagreement. let's go to school with the school and so he's not being a that's, that's the most of the way he thought it was the she was people who stressed some
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of the, the the of the state school is her use of those to do things to one of his coaches, there's a little girl. yeah. on the she was you know, do simple someone walking off of this, is there any further on so to the front of it was the restroom. you know, like a muscle and you saw creek and was, was on with some of the symbols as even a little faster than that. essentially, it's a book also for the closing in the
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news already. those old line is can be started by line. please can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be kind of a study since that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic, patrice, they just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the world populate, i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, wants to so long realized, tends to me, engulfing endlessly to relate to seriously. i know why advice may assume the said no one who is the guy that illegals anymore wisely bought the
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adjustments for him to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the extensions. are we going to let that stay? the cost of acceptance and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do they have the state department c. i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the
7:00 pm
done best thing, central russia forcing hundreds of people, the sleeve it's danger zone in the state of emergency has been to class and the affected region of our i'm back to old central kitchenaid organization says israel lacks any credibility to investigate the killing of its 7 workers being gauze with that's after the idea of playing it thought it was targeting, how much splendid no father of life invested decisions which impacted the side of family leaves should be delegated to the cold calculation involved with artificial intelligence, but in very real consequences view. and secretary general can damage is well for a quote to be using a i to identify how much the target and the group is.


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