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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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are with many of its neighbors, and the plan is to have the united states fight israel's enemies. the danverse in central worship losing hundreds of people to flee the danger zone. the space of emergency has been flagged and the regional forum bugs well, the central kitchen age organization says israel lacks any portability to investigate depending of its 7 workers in tulsa that solves to the idea. explain that thought it was targeting how mussman know fox, the slice invested decisions which impact inside family leaves should be delegate the bolts calculation involved with all its official intelligence. but very real consequences. the un secretary general from dens as well reported to using a i to identify how much the target in
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a move that results in thousands of civilian casualties. cards bearing 33000 lives was in the conference room. thousands takes to the street to turn around in support of palestine. is the civilian debt tolling dollars. that is going even high end for those, the headlines keeping up to date with the main news from across the world. we will have the full bullets in for you at the top of the next hour until benefits we talked about with costs to the
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hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered on peter lavelle staring into the abyss. israel's genocidal assault on guys is dangerously just stabilizing the entire middle east. it is readily apparent to these railways are spoiling for a major war with many of its neighbors. and the plan is to have the united states fight israel's enemies, the crossing palestine. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york, he is a legal and media analyst, and in riverdale, we have sam who say he is an independent journalist, are totally across our rules in effect, that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciated. so let me go to you 1st here. so there's so many things to talk about simultaneously. right now, we have the, the deliberate attack on aid workers from the world, the central kitchen. we have the attack on the rainy and console it in damascus. we
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have the defense minister of israel, threatening very openly, very clearly about a possible, a new front of lebanon, obviously, fighting as the law. and meanwhile, the united states keeps giving israel a pass every, in every sense possible. one of the things is becoming very apparent also is watching state department officials approach the press and even even the people that want act or practice acts as journalism. the see them kind of, there was, there was a staring into space like they can't believe what they're hearing. they don't have the courage enough to push back yet. but there was something in the or how do you explain the moment. we're in sam. and i think that this is the combination of a long designed um, uh, setup parameters that between the us and is ro to bludgeon the palestinians. october 7th, was simply the pretext for the tendency that as well as long as the ultimately genocidal project turned into ethnically cleanse of the palestinian people. um,
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barton is attempt no parts of the truth of this have gotten to the us public biden is attempting to distance himself from this establishment. media which enabled this are attempting to distance themselves from this the international community. and in spite of the efforts of south africa, the international court of justice has not no reason to the k. it is not implementing international law and the international. it's a so called international criminal court is obviously a corrupted ruins. um, i think the next step that needs to happen, in addition to internal domestic us politics attempting to address things is for other nations to go and use uniting for peace. because the us has blocked anything at the general assembly of the united nations. because the us has blocked
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anything and everything meaningful as a security council. they finally abstained on a resolution for a ceasefire some only 2 weeks and then immediately undermined it by saying it's non binding. this has been an attempt to facilitate and indeed participate in genocide through them through by the us establishment of the us government. the rest of the nations of the world need to use every mechanism possible including uniting for peace, which is the way that the the us initiated this to, to facilitate the korean war. and to address the c west crisis in 1956 and again as and for the general assembly to step in and effectively seize control over the situation. when a member of the security council refuses to allow international law to be applied to a situation. so countries from brazil to russia, to china, to out your area, to the palestinians. me so i need to step up and do that as the next step and to,
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to increase the costs to these are always, you know, a line. oh, i think they, they offer to phrase, there is the cost of the united states because israel will continue to do what it does because it knows there is no red lines for it's great paid for in the united states. but as sam is pointed out here, i mean in the united states, is this not complicit? so i mean, it is the engineer of what's going on here in the world knows that, i mean israel may not care that it's a pariah in the world. but the united states, most americans would not want to think of themselves that way, but that is a reality that's coming into being final i, i asked the question, what set of facts will it take for either the entire world or the united states to finally say all right, that's an, that's an, this is this, this is are not. and when, when people started to mentioned the word genocide,
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never feeder, when we 1st started to do this, people were very reluctant. yep. and it was, and i would say the problem that we have with the word genocide is because it, it conjures in people's mind kind of a colloquial version of what it means of categories of world war 2. but, but person with the statute. ok, i've changed my way of thinking. we need a stronger word because it's beyond that, but there's not only is it what is statutorily genocide, but it is the aging of bedding counseling, procuring hires in our accomplish statutes in the laws of my husband. i'm a lawyer when you are an accomplice, is that the you are a principal in the 1st degree you are as guilty as any one else. if you facilitate aid and abet this and i don't want to jump our, our a subject matter today, but we, but, but this week i'm thinking maybe maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel with this horrible attack on jose andrews and these workers and why do i want to tell people? and i want to scream, i'm very happy people are paying attention to where they are,
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how have you been helped? thank you. thank you for noticing this. thank you. but these were, these are 3 con, was, or 33 just horrible. but we're talking about $30000.00 people were talking starvation as levels but, but, but if that's what it is, if that's what it takes about trying to figure out what it takes for to finally get a reaction. because i think we're almost like our souls are like press b c's. we don't feel them anymore. we have phantom pain where we used to have a conscience. we used to remember, we used to feel now. now we're, we're going through the motions. maybe something's happening. maybe something will happen, especially as the the alleged has come about. but, but i, i'm telling you, gentlemen, i, i live in a parallel universe. i asked the question, be using just the facts. being instrument rated irrespective of the parties involved, what will it take for every and women and child to say it's an app. and yeah, it's,
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it's really, it's am, it's, it's really interesting line that brings up a really good point. obviously, the attack on this con, by the world central kitchen comm boy was just exasperating. i mean, it was, it was ever methodically done. but if you look at the, the western reaction to it or aid workers were killed, but they didn't really fill out the space, you know, because there is a, a famine going on because there is starve ation going on here. and it takes the death of, of the 7 workers, god bless themselves and their families for the world to be aware that what about the last $10000.00 people that were killed and gods, but we still weren't the western world. this still does not want to see the real victims of all of this here, that they the, the death of the aid workers. maybe a made people open their eyes for a 2nd, but it doesn't give the attention why, where they killed. okay, we're not the, it's net that's never in the 1st 3 paragraphs, sam. yeah, absolutely. i mean, what's business article is not simply the killing of those aid workers and others
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with the group. it's been beside apple since october 7. they have no, no, nothing, no electricity. the genocidal intent has been. they are from the start and what's offered and you know, they went after tribal leaders or distributing food they went, asked our owner was the day that the south africa went to the international court of justice as well to accelerate their genocidal intent by going after the wonder was saying that they were involved in october 7th. he was obviously a prop, again, deployed from the beginning just like the heavy ab stuff was a prop, again, deployed from the beginning. and then what did they, they bought or we find out, they tortured that information out of people. it's fines all the way down. a tortured false, confessions out of people to say that one rule was involved in, in october 7th. so that they could cut off the supplies so that they could use
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starvation as a weapon. no more. is there anything more heinous? it's been most article in terms of how they've gone after since october, 7th. and before anyone who stood in their way would be demonized. roger waters is somehow an anti somebody, anybody and everybody has had this. oh and so you know. yeah. you know, some of the brightest up up of minds coming up and they're demonized here. you know, a line on that. that's one of the things it's so disturbing to me is that in, in a domestic context in the united states is that i thought the conservatives for free or for free speech all year for free speech, except when it comes to go head lydell. this every thing that i use to believe and if i, if, if you'd had told me here are the rules. conservative, liberal, progressive anti war 3 speech were the people who were, you know, the berkeley free speech of the 1st amendment,
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the whole doing what the signs and the last not, not only is the prototypical arc, a typical left brain dead during the coma. they don't know what's going on, peter, can you imagine and then can, can, can you imagine if we were to use these arguments during vietnam? yeah, they want to say you're out of your mind if, if imagine me lie. as in that, what i hate to say there's nothing about just the little village, edit, grove, everybody. sy hersh was a gene. if i use the same arguments for that the don't, don't americans have the right to defend themselves as a what are you talking about? do i mean these arguments, you're talking about metal fatigue. we're still using them to this day, but, but i'm telling you something happened. and for the 1st time that i'm here, because i'm here in the 1st bull, remember this? i'm hearing people for the 1st time say wait a minute. maybe there's something wrong with there's
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a list or whatever it takes to get people's attention. god bless, maybe the baby, the blood brain barrier has been finally permeated. maybe there's something happened in mark my words gentlemen. as we get closer to the elections. watch, watch just flip, watch blink. it become a little bit more animated, but also have you noticed there's kabuki, the edge where the stand are waging their fingers at that and you know, why? well, yeah, we've started. let me, let me get this out. and before we go to the break here, i mean, that's one of the things that so infuriating is to watch these public divisions lies well. these are lies that are very easy to do, just discern, i mean, you know, the attack on the convoy. everybody in the world knows what happens except for the us state department, say m yes. and you know, the us to set up the parameters or attempted to set up the parameters to about the to do you know this, all right, international law in this context has been, which is the state department. and i asked them not just about the genocide convention, but even the geneva conventions. they, they protested that day. yep. abide by the geneva conventions. but when you really
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parse out their words and i, you have, you know, they, sometimes they don't call on me. i have to go up to them afterwards privately, and i basically got them to admit that they don't recognize the, the sessions and the whole desktop. we're going to go back to international law, but we go to a short break and a half to back short break. we'll continue our discussion on palestine. stay with our team, the oh, what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to see the house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will
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support. we choose to look for common ground the the welcome back across stock were all things are considered non peter roosevelt mind you were discussing palestine the but 1st incident we have a home in mirandi who is a professor at the university of the around a at the end of the 1st part of the program, we're talking about how the united states now does not recognize or does even aware of international law. so professor miranda had a one really basic, broad question. so a theme that you and i've talked about for many, many years,
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is it, israel is essentially morally corrupted. the west and the west is willingly accepting it. it's not resisting. yes, i think that's uh, becoming increasingly clear that there's really regime has not only morally corrupted the west more than it was before, but that it is doing so in the eyes of the international community, the whole globe as watching what's going on. just imagine the is riley, almost all on a single day. there's really reasoning withdraws from the hospital a bad ship hospital, hundreds of dead people. people with their hands bound women, physicians, and they're a woman physician and her son who was also a physician, a murdered, executed. on the same day, there's raving machine by late syrian aerospace, the funds that the iranian consulates in kills the number of iranian officials. and
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that senior military official also on the same day we have the assassination of the aid workers from an aide organization that is very, very close to the us state department. what happens afterwards? nothing? well, it may be that that shows the level of impunity that israel believes it has because the united states allowed the light. oh, i'm going to give you a situation of name press or miranda already mentioned the, the bombing of the rainy and cancel it and damascus. and, and then the how these, the talking heads funded later. this is, i'm going to give you the spend, but with an example. so lionel as jen skelton burge, the secretary general of nato, he goes to the, a rainy of the ukrainian embassy in belgium. and they're, they're talking about war plans and ukraine. well, given what israel just did,
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russia would have the right to bomb the ukrainian embassy there because there's discussing war plants and terrorism. of course, the world would never accept that. but the world, the western world, lajna, lajna turns its eye away from a crime. i mean that one of the simplest things in international relations is that embassies and consulates are off limits except for here we go again, lionel to quote ronald reagan theater. there you go again. there you go again with this thing called logic. there you go again, pointing out the obvious, don't you understand. these are different times. don't you understand that these places are actually used as a human shield or building shields? these are actually repositories and a battle ground where weapons are good. you, you create the narrative. when you try to think of a way to excuse of this,
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you just come up with something and then you as well, is there any evidence of that evidence? remember that it doesn't matter. what we're saying is, this is a way to right now as we speak. there is this, i have to mention this here the day. you, you, you don't hear these press conferences and got it with god. bless. thank you. internet. thank you. platforms. thank you. because if anybody is watching cable news, when you hear is rarely officials say, well listen, as far as raw for goes already got a move, i just move north. what? almost, i don't want to use the word flippancy, but if you believe in body language or tone of voice, it's almost at the point of, of, of course we, you bomb this. of course we don't know what, what don't you understand about this? it's, it's ignorant, but mixed with arrogance. and then a hardiness and that changes the tenor was like, would you stop complaining well, or in the middle of the air or, you know, a line or,
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and i look at the state department officials, if you notice a smirk all the time. yeah. they don't. yeah. they, they know it's kabuki theater. you know, sam, i said in my introduction here is, um, is that, um, israel is boiling for a greater regional more of course, once the united states to fight it. and for him, well, if you're in his really high official, you would think that's very logical. i mean, we're giving you these railings or getting away with genocide done. of course the americans are going to back us in a war. i mean, if you're is really official, a died and will design is you. of course you're going to believe the joe biden will be led by the nose. go ahead, sam isaac, israel used this as a win win win it from its insidious perspective. the bombs, the iranians in syria is the ryan's response. they get a wire war. if they don't respond, they're humiliated. if there is a regional or they stand to gain from it. if there isn't, then there genocide against the palestinians can be spun,
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is relatively minor. did they have every incentive to violate law state? they ultimately, you know, i mean, i've spent a lot of time trying to focus people in the united states on this most nuclear weapons. and the fact that the united states government refuses to acknowledge their existence, even members of the squad, refused to acknowledge the existence of 0 nuclear weapons, which is the elephants in the room. and that's ultimately, i think, what the romulans are looking at when they consider the possibility of a regional war. if it actually happens. where does that lead? you know, i mean, you have the samsung option, right? which chomsky and others have written about the ultimately, the nukes are pointed at moscow. that is, isabel doesn't get its way. it can rain down every say. and i think that we have to consider that possibility. it's hard to get into the mind of each other. so i don't mean yes,
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but you know that they obviously want to estimate we cleanse the palestinians and take as much of palestine as possible. that's of it. um. but beyond that, they're in the seriousness of, you know, maybe that extreme. yeah. well, i'm mohammad though, obviously what they want to do is they want to proud to down into a conflict. i don't think around is uh they've been dealing with this scenario for a very long time. they're not going to be fooled by it. but um, you know, i'm will respond probably in its own way and it's all in place as it wishes here. it will not be left on notice. but obviously, i mean from what we just heard from sam, is that the, the only way these were these way always want a regional bar so they can finish off the jet aside in gaza and the west bank mohammed. yes sir, you're absolutely correct. the iranians are very careful, so that is randy, resume will not have an opportunity or an excuse to change the narrative because
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the objective is to wipe out the gods and population. the reason why these 7 aid workers were murdered was, or that they could finish off the population in northern garza and have them die of starvation. but in addition to that, we also see these terrorist attacks hours ago, we had 19 or 20 a suicide farmers attack iran from the protest on the border. and many of the people involved apparently were not iranian. so put that alongside the terror attack in moscow. the previous attack in iran, the attacks in syria window is randy regime bombed, alas, oh, a couple of weeks ago back simultaneously. the terrorist extreme is in a laptop that is basically nato controlled and turkey is right behind them. they
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attacked the syrian government positions and uh, it was clear that is rarely use and the, these terrorists were coordinating. so the united states, the wes, this really regime, all of them seem to be working together multiple. well, what's really interesting is that you just gave you the whole litany of a terrorist attack. so you just mentioned in rapid succession. those are all enemies of the united states. i mean, well, you know, why is it nice is attacking israel or a pliant era presumes they don't do that. it's really interesting. always goes in one direction. mohammed. yes. and, and it is the united states that is all constantly calling other documents that they consider to be adversaries as a terrace and supporters of terrorism, states, supporters of terrorism. also we had to attack and protest on against the chinese
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workers and engineers. so all of that, when you put all of these attacks are taking place against countries that have problems with the united states. i wonder why, why, why chinese, why the chinese, why the iranians, why the russians, why the syrians and as you point out, why not there's right of these. why not others? who are on the other side of this, uh, this schism this, this, this conflict between the west and west and resumes and the yeah, well, right? because i go west against the rest. okay. and with that, you know, with that, so the continuation of 500 years of history were rapidly running out of timeline on you said earlier in the program that you had hoped in, at some point we'd have some light at the end of the tunnel. but i don't see any lights here. how is this continuing slaughter and instability in the middle east, affecting domestic politics as the americans approach elections? i'm seeing little by little more,
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more and more references by folks who have not normally been speaking about this. remember, the, the elections are very precarious. the democrats are trying to say, we've got this, everything's fine. i don't want to give you a summary of that. but i'm going to say this again, and i don't care how it happened. but this, this man who was the address, who, who was, who was absolutely this d e to the, to trump. he would have joined it. they hip to the democrats. he, he loved at 1st he was an and not an apologist, but it explained your to everything that israel is doing. now you have him and he has been able to, to solicit and encourage and attract a group of people who heretofore have been either in a hallmarks or just didn't want to get involved. this is more important than anything i. i hate to say this gentleman than you can imagine. okay, sounds good. got one minute left, sam. you said to me earlier before we started our recording that you've been involved in the re alignment process. i am 1st in line for that. i will follow you
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how can this issue of genocide and god's help move along that re alignment idea? absolutely. one of the projects is called the pac dot oregon. it basically, advocates for, for talking to their com, disenchanted democrats, disenchanted republicans to pair up and both vote against the establishment. the, the 2 establishment parties keep people is a service in their boxes by saying that the other guys work all the other guys works. and what i'm advocating is that people tear off the to break out of that you, you could have debating partners, relatives, um, uh, uh, you know, friends, whatever pair up in both and say that they're going to vote for other um, other apartments. what we are a, wait, wait, wait, we need an other if we have it now more than ever. ok. a book just because of these
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pressing issues that gentlemen we have run out of time. i want to thank my guess in new york, riverdale and of course in town. and of course, i want to take my viewers for watching us here at archie. so you next time, remember the prospect, the as a result of why it's can be started by line, please can be expanded by a true importance of we can never be of
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a station. so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest and watched us or mom realized pen smith and, and, and honestly, to relate to seriously i'm, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely voltage us has to be on box weighing a $175.00 units for virtual distance, it's all we're going to lift that stay the
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in the department of veteran affairs has just resend it. and now a memo which was sent out without approval. which instructed and the removal of the iconic v j day and time square photographs from every veteran affairs institution. so you have to pay today non contractual.


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