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tv   Documentary  RT  April 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
to find the way to defend humanity, that's why it's important for young people to realize that when also loading in this world must stand up to help others get hung up. we feel energized at the entire world to nice around this issue during this time. so we believe that on the day that i could stay because not only our data, but also shared by the international community, we feel concerned about our brothers and sisters still on the is what they call. and as i said, we advocate for the pollution of all forms. so it's coming those ation globally. perhaps all government led by president to could we don't to should be more a, such as intelligent the international community to support by this time. hundreds of thousands of for testers, also a messed in streets throughout the country to express on garrity with palestinians and call for an and israel's bombing of gaza. it's not just the innovation people who've taken a firm stance over the conflict. 6 but the or charges to the government has sent tons of a to gaza on the foreign minister issue to statements backing the ruling by the
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international court of justice in january. which said, israel must do everything in its power to protect palestinian civilians from general sight. many nations drew have joined a boy called of israel little link of products, a small measure do hope sense, a big signal boat to the palestinian people and is raleigh or to a piece. thanks very much for your company. we will have a fresh update for you the top of the next hour, but until then it's not too documentary tuesday to $410.00, and the the
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the you see the was the, for the dates with, uh, it looks like she was reduced with a v experience of
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a to, to let some of these come on that to say and say so because of the not that i'm not doing the most and many piano come on the other the, it's the, i'm just gonna see what i need the
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you know what you were new to me on purpose of the, the problem i didn't get to work today but didn't know the, the, the plug to live in the list of double opinion on the know that the most sense for the both of the
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commercial, the why not let me know if you wish to bring it to what you're saying, yeah, some of them is to use those initial blown. we mean was a little more it's on the on tell us that are you basically the shooting for the hold on for to link the into the thing it says, and the one that says the most to know to spanish was thought of inc. or anybody? my the only with some of them by troy, but sure they're on the, on the board. you on
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a visit the course and balls for drawing on the ball with you before and the community so much. although in your what do you mean the resume for some study? you mean on the image? it's on the go stall, so on. so i said, you know what, it always when you're with the program, with the research that it includes the motion and motion you but the of the, just the pathetic for me is period. that's not for example, a must do me a buzz back with me. this product is committed, so let me put you. the board was pretty lenient. you have privately now. my thought is each go to the borrowers. yeah. yeah. it's impossible to just use up the car to
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use a lot. it will. so, but i did to the didn't thing that you're just saying you, you know, just do them. we mostly deal going to do 14, they did is the photos you get this of us do not waste a just let them know generally by seriously though. so you missed ideas to deal with the other the never for multiple times, the name of the brain was signing the lease and finance a few minutes. this one was supposed to pollution your 1st and then with no, just the
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me this of course not for you guys live a has 30 different mission. i have the federal government shows us the cost of the clinical venue refunding this. so we do football, which is doing this for us. suzanne does that so far? so good stuff that went away. i just thought it was either the theory you the most suitable to them, like a little if the machine to be
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sure and get to business or residence and also went to the kitchen computer which, which looks like the commercial to use it. most of the reason for the way they use the use of the last time is that well the, the for june,
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the amazon. yeah. so i don't know when you just move to the the looking at the the last one is of the core. no.
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not the what are we going to know what to what you know the i think the people longer than simply the butcher at the doug. it's one of the of contracts and most the leslie tile is what i was told the last message. but the name of the student shows for you, i'm sure the girl resumed, most of the teachers that you were that expensive. what are
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the right thing says for us because the, the shipper look to hear anything is well, that's the peers being cut off with a bunch of my goal was to load the 232. if you thought a you called at the for the which is the department of defense of up with a little something to do with them to the . ready the, the, the just, you know, the simple to those for current, i'm just wanting to see you are still in the center. so this one was sure
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it was more than yeah, of course, of course i'm reading this purchase order and i'm rooting for me to quotes to the style of the bulk of the development company. typically they can use the new gaming headsets to be investing news, which was in a good phone. joining silman got done with the
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let them know so premiums. it was a compiler which is the same thing for the, the theater. the ones is only the producer. so the public service to so don't all that if there's something wrong with that, because the, the, they may not have quit telling me how much to look at your buses for the to go to. and just as the gate will open within the rest of the day and say look good when you, which for those which somebody in my little does related to but i didn't push them without them because we knew course you suit the risk of good. just think like late in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultram national is the, was dashes, the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst of trustees committed in yugoslavia during world
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war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them your constitution, temps. so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the the what is part of the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present?
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good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of as the does all the for the most to do to correct. did you say the say i need to send those mm
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hm. the the bar and the news a cleaning as technology. this the about the, the reason why and they say yeah, because the, some of my schools who yeah. its own us know, we mean, oh, gotcha. we knew it was a most of the, she's just selling. you know, we just thought that the, to the deal and, and nobody that obviously we should just cover them with so they didn't us throw in it is that you'll know, precious cool with them. but if i did is the thing in duck, which just bidding us through the video, the video that you know, which store cause a mobile adjustment. but it's, you know, it's just so much of,
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by, in the, uh, but as you move with the design you would you like to know about shift core, just land example sky. and that's pretty cool. you do it now? is that all the oil? what's the capacity plus those best? it's good enough to be just nobody going forward proper both for you. but boy, if you're going to be able to, which means you can just keep opponent who sees for choice, you breakfast and you only do one integral comes using the other day. that's a free meals. if there's a beat that goes through, you know, wanting to crow, but the only thing was i'm going to flip another. i'm just doing a couple i'm looking for for what is the move in this force and show some field even though what else we do? we still think about all of these, but there's actually a piece of interview. this is just a good time for us and if it's on you know, sort of the official fee that you are doing for them. i see you
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said to me 3, if you do signal or not, if the you know, probably mostly just bear with me much in case not by the if the machine can we can submit it doesn't pull is too often on for you with us because i'm thinking about them or that's great, i was, is this not you 30, but they're getting you. so when you most of you, so instead of this, just put them in to put in here what i'm going to put down. i'm associated with it and that's what the cost on does anyone sending it over? and you would also like to change the look for distribution partners to you because i've started when you disclose choice. clearly starting to see what the videos, i mean to, jim will go back up to put into your 90 choose what you see is good timing is and you might as well do you get it but still don't need to know how don't see rolling . if those are so yeah, these are just a stream problem is, but i mean, you know, that i've done my so it's just what is it because uh, do they mean mean this person in the loop on human was
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a little and that by custom is going to buy your mind we did, what did i say it was not recognized as the what other options the just gonna just set or buy something to read it to you at a cheap cheap put you any questions or interest you a special shipping cost when you most young would have been useful for you with the toombs up of the stuff when you phone, particularly what was in your position. the 1st of all, you know, you want me to go for the switch for the full, and i need to go in and see the bills for the 4th of costco portfolio. what is that?
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the issue with the loan that you keep the image available? the only thing that we do the policy will definitely get that set up. it's not even though you'll see the lead cd, the it doesn't matter to me. it says it is a valid entry. we assessed our goal, please the
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you. it's the studio. so that's the only thing you can use for the other little mind to help with the, with the piece of them to go up to the front even include i. so if, if i did see that across on the screen, so can i never understood the ballistic you should have then you 2 minutes uh, via the uh you know, the 3rd piece besides through leave me a note to do my lease, give a bunch of so it goes for the logan i should i still owe on those modems to show us that we just system the even the suggests initially to i mean partly to get it also. so i'm done. we work out for the,
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within the city though it can you explain it to the people feel hopeful and which was the moment before but really cool for them to push it to because i can't pull the shows of someone who will solutions mobile need. just let me pull this up, the cell phone is you that's machine will show the use of the other words to the 3 bits. and can you read this when it was, this is what i need to put up with this. you see when you go
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to the page, so from that so it must be multiple useful. so someone assuming the folder is still this is this new book publish. expose them rather than give us call the simple to go see we also we prefer say this at the instance both of us cause it was very simple for the price play me, do i mean using it that pretty much solve the reason for the school system so you're going to say you have to keep the kids from a, from, from the list of them for the to the flow most the show potential of i punched in summer even, you know, the smart, there's the so you could do this in the states is there and they said it almost
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advise you of groups completing the bus today to put them on some of the station. but see if you can go in usually. so i'm just, i'm going to move woke up. i don't, i was able to think about the things, but it will have the oil to start and see what's up. i'm you supposed to be the one to creating uh, what about the southwest? i mean, literally just have you started to show the spot going over here in the reach of so many of the he was anybody the type of searching, copeland maybe pass. i mean, you're going to the dentist on the google and became was the the
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abilities of the whole business. it is a key to john williams, south austin, where gm store will be was cute. so it doesn't affect, obviously nice to mess to buy new big us that movie. and the more you say i present as a, just a promotion for them, but it's better to get ahold is so in the region understand this is the whole system. so the level of so the police said that it was reasonable as well as soon as you receive any vocal almost pulse was before it was on, there was a long
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job on the liberal. elizabeth genia the the opponents. but did you, we don't semester, you mean they're going to tell you on the screen for school, but it's the, the, the
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the news already those old line is, can be started by line. please can be satisfied for the importance of we can never be of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, water could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, pardon wants to so long realized tends to me engulf and endlessly to relate
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to seriously. i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegals any more wisely voltage justice for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the extensions. are we going to let that stay in the car acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again,
11:00 pm
you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the done best thing, central russia forcing over a 1000 people to flee the changes the stage of emergency has to be included in the region of our and back to the central kitchen aid organization says is where a likes any quite a facility to investigate the killing of its 7 work is in goals that not soft. all idea of claim that sold it was targeting how much members no foster flights invested decisions. we came back to the side of samuel delegate, the gold calculation involved with artificial intelligence, but and very real close to quincy is the un secretary general dentist as well for
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for to be using a on.


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