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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the done best thing, central russia forcing over a 1000 people to flee. the danger zone is the state of emergency has to be in class in the region of our and back to central kitchen aid organization says is where a likes any quite a facility to investigate the killing of its 7 workers in goals that, that soft. y'all, idea of playing that sold, it was targeting, how much members? no foster flights invested decisions. we came back to the side of sammy leaves, delegate the gold calculation involved with artificial intelligence. but in the very real consequences, the un secretary general condemns as well for, for, to be using a on to identify how much talk it and then move this resulted in thousands of
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civilian casualties. the hello. thank you very much for joining us. it's just going to 6 am local time here in most go. this is your global news. rhonda, on oxy international. the 1st we're going to start this, our news coming from central russia. we're an emergency, a major emergency situation is developing. they're all store num, franklin, them boost in a residential area. i just want to bring you to change now is it is believed to be when the time was 1st reached in the waters. as you can see, started rushing through emergency services all working at the scene and they've been doing so old like trying to show up the time. the incident occurred in the city of appeals, which is in the are in the region color,
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which is silver bullet that is about to ation is to imagine see shelters as we know the way it mid fee is that moving $4000.00 times could be at risk from the flooding, more than $1600.00 people are reported to being so fall that includes $421.00 children. a total of $5070.00 settlements. i thought to be in the danger zone with russian rescue services declaring a state of emergency. at the moment, 10 evacuation is being carried out in the city of austin, by a specialist from the russian emergencies ministry. and the local administration is being carried out because of a breach in the state. and bank mon down, which is located within the city and protects it from floods in multiple peaceful breaches. now being repaired by excavators and heavy trucks, which you bring solely lead to fill a gap. as many as 33 heavy trucks being in full, all the equipment is why he continuously and filling the breach. we recommend the
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residents do not take no the advice of specialist, including employees to be russian emergencies, ministry, and head straight to temporary accommodations, said. local authorities or encouraging people to gather up all of that document. southern creates also essential belongings to and then to proceed to the temporary accommodation senses that have been set up. not so as the heavy rains on the seasonal flooding of raise the will to leave leveling not region to be a me to higher than usual for floor. and this developing story do head of up for all the details on our website. awesome. don't com will central kitchen says is, well, can't be trusted to carry out an independent investigation into the deadly on the strikes on. it's a convoy 7 of the groups with is what killed was leaving a food warehouse during the week. the only ds has since $52.00 senior officers, although it claims its full system, they would targeting, how much militants,
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we demand the creation of an independent commission to investigate the killings of our colleagues. the ideas cannot credibly investigate its own site. you're in garza world sense. okay. turn these out. rangers right now and doesn't seem to get ready to accept these roles. apology new this stage when space trust the idea of o. v. do or fails to show any reason to keep the humanitarian con voice, which carry new weapons and post no threats. they call for a systemic change to avoid more apologies, more grieving families and more miller, 3 sailor's this most recent one was fall from the only deadly mistake by his railey army. on monday night 7 workers from the international charity that provides foods relief in prices and conflicts. items including starving guidelines were killed when their cars clearly marked with the organization's logo were heats after the team had unloaded food. roku is probably seen in clay by c in the area by the way,
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where the u. s. is planning to build a ports to bring humanitarian assistance to gather using maritime rulers, among those killed horse citizens. all the u. s. was transit canada the u. k. and call and how soon in driver also died shortly after they moved in happening to these really leadership and committed unintentional try and involved a trends parents pro. earlier on friday, the army published the statements calling. what happened a mistake? the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have it could. those who approved the strike were convinced that they would targeting onto myself for a test and not world central kitchen employees. the strike on the vehicles is a great mistake stemming from a series failure due to a mistaken identification areas in decision making and then a tech country to the standard operating procedures. the idea of this me to officer is operating drive is involved in the killing and disappointing 3 others saying all
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5 mishandled critical information, but it seems world is not ready to let's have another deadly mistake buys really on the go. here's a very harsh response from the un human rights kind of so for the 1st time in 6 months, all the conflicts taken clear and firm position, condemning israel. attacking people or objects involved in humanitarian assistance may amount to a war crime. as a high commissioner has repeatedly stated, impunity must and the u as tal prize body also adopted the resolution that way on friday. dom, i'm going to stop all arms sales to israel, to quote, prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights. its trust that the international court of justice ruled in january that series of plausible race called genocide in gaza. and ever since things all the gods wars and save, how is sweet in claims?
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fridays resolution also calls for an immediate cease fire, immediate emergency humanitarian access, and a systems, and also to end the is really occupation of the west bank and is jerusalem, proceeded illegal. the closing to the international law, at least the siege, all the guys a street on the box, the idea of invading densely populated. russ fine guys, a south where up to 1500000 people. now sheltering di conditions with israel saying it is ready to launch a large scale operation. there are 2 fights have mass miller, tens, israel's, and vast. so that to the un in geneva slammed the resolution as a stain for the human rights council. and for the un as a whole, but it seems that israel is, gets it into a deeper and deeper international isolation and who have to do something with that . and while the international condemnation is mounting protests against these really warring guys and grow on the ground and a 0 gun is jerusalem on the west bank as well,
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with tension is often ended up paying class says with these really forces it is the last friday before the end of moving toby months old from a done thousands of his loved delivers, have gather as for prayers in all act, similar squat of the most sacred trying to move in a jury summons all say to that you can see behind me. earlier on friday, these really forces fire a t, a gas that thousands of worshippers were chanting slogans against israel is offensive in the palace. he didn't play a claim. the lives of more than 33000 people reading as guides are. house ministry says is really forces arrested at least 5 all the worshippers. some reports say as an 8 and c or more potential clash of security has been quite enough. here in the area with lots of israeli forces deployed on the ground. the roads leading here have been cordoned off as things may turn tense again, very quickly and easily. the recent incident involving the killing of world central
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kitchen volunteers, pre good and emergency un security council meeting, member states gathering to discuss the settlement solutions for the conflict in goza focus, focusing on the stuffing of the that killing of civilians that's taking place into what was said these incidents are an acceptable humanitarian personnel must be protected, full stop or we are deeply concerned. israel has not done enough to protect humanitarian aid workers or civilians. for that reason, the resolution, the united states introduce last month and this council demanded all parties to the conflict, fully respect humanitarian notification, indeed confliction mechanisms and remediate any deficiencies. although russia and china vetoed that resolution is split up into the discussion in
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google. madam president, determine it's aaron situation does. it continues to deteriorate every day. we receive more and more horrifying data every day. in this regard, we reiterate our position that in order to prevent the committed serving the apocalypse in mass time and, and gaza. and we will cease fire, and israel's compliance with international instruments are in law immersion play needed. and this is the only way to avoid new victims of this tragedy. with a continuation of the military operation in the enclave. adequate provision documents are in and for the 8 is impossible. the council is obliged to ensure that all parties to the conflict fully implement all their decisions and ends in violence and gauze, and increase instruments are in the systems to civilians in the sector and preventing their force resettlement. only then can we think about new initiatives aimed at a long term settlement of the palestinian israeli conflict on the well known international legal basis table to ship it with a woman so so on the weight, the tragedy of goal is to test the conscience of humanity and the credibility of the security council implementation of resolution 2728 must be taken as
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a matter of emergency johnson. although resolutions of the security council of binding, it is the obligation of every member state to implement the resolutions and the commitments of elizabeth join the un. here we are just royal to implement the resolution immediately and say 6 minute trade tax on goals are in this collective punishment of the people of causal champion, sushi and would you, we express our deepest condolences in our hearts. go out to the families, there countries and the word central kitchen. this was a tragic mistake. is there a never targets civilian civilians? deliberately never let alone aid worker is carrying. god crucial work is ready to hold the critical support of 8 workers in the highest regard, and we will continue to coordinate with them and secure them in their emissions to political ex, but has been said certain states. so using m t u and statements to avoid taking
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responsibility for that support of as well. i think that israel has made it clear that it doesn't respect the president of international law. first of all, 2nd of all, the resolution which was adopted was adopted on arguably a week basis. the amendment that was proposed to add the word permanent to the ceasefire. a demand was more or less rejected by the security council because of a majority of extensions. and of course the united states voting again. so if they can't even agree on the need for our permanency supplier, i'm not sure how willing the so called international community is to actually enforce the terms of the ceasefire. the only reason the united states is talking about a ceasefire is because it wants to signal i'm going to to the world, particularly to the muslim world, that it doesn't simply approve what israel is doing,
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even though it does in practice. it's basically empty talk meant to posture and save face image, this inexcusable and completely on justifiable some arguing genocide committed by as well and gaza. well, with more on the global outrage out the killing of those $78.00 workers. but the relative silence about the depths of some 33000 palestinians of the past 6 months. his all these don't know quota. across the main stream media stories of 78 workers from the world central kitchen kills, trying to provide relief in gaza. buying is rarely airstrike. israel faces global condemnation for what, what it calls a mistaken strike. well, central kitchen is posing in scarsdale, operations of to 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6 foreigners, including one dual american canadian, as well as an australian and europeans. and is rarely officials are under and
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unusually high amounts of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all, this is where the government's apologizing to the families of varied workers carols, including the 3 families in britain. all of us have expressed breast grief about this together and that all you apologized the frank to be frank if you let me on. so christian is no point attacking me already. i've just arrived having to talk to you. i'm just also a simple question. i want to add onto that you want to apologize, allow me to wants for this was a mistake was minute. so you can apologize already. you don't need to know that the precise details to issue an apology or grieving family life something. there are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly, so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries, and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians speak to the flags, could have been even precautions. good states. i mean,
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i know you're going to say that you're waiting for the, the results be investigation. everything. good. as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations, we keep seeing these results. it wasn't usually something i think are 200. they were so controlled right. now is we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. you have a definitive assessment. that's no violation. so it's so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes. following the masonic peoples of info, not a violation of international humanitarian. your, your question presumes at this very early hour that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that, it's about time some serious public attention was given to the plight of aid workers and gaza. and in this case, the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the israelis and part of what he said was not a war on terrorism, but a war against humanity itself for its part. israel says it's supposedly high
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precision military technology. ms. identified its target. this to, i was not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k, a. where kills. it was a mistake that followed me say then defecation night during that war, in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed in gaza since last october. i figured that surpasses the total number of dead kids in conflicts between 20192022. just one. look at the l. c. 4 hospital before and after israel launched its most recent onslaught would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming forces being used there. it all goes to show for why we're seeing such a astronomical collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv. and how israel seems to
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care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in gaza. activist jonathan pollock believes it's become a button to the play, as well as using criminal policies in its war against the people of casa. it is something that happens time and again, just recently we've seen more age seeker is being targeted by if for any fire we've seen what happened that she felt hospital where hundreds of people have been heard, including at least dozens of medical staff and it and, and hospitalized people, and it is part of is really denial, isn't that is being allowed by the international community. unfortunately, it has been made abundantly clear that the international community takes the dates of international explicitly international more seriously than the desk of palestinians, that the theme is cheap to the international community. and the only way to,
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to rectify this is by stopping israel by forcing it failed to stop. it's for and government is really, it's obviously waging a war against civilians waging a war if a night elation of starvation. and that's the data is the bigger picture, the war is one big case of targeting the civilian population for revenge, for a full for planting terror in the hearts of lesbians and for the illumination and the ethnic cleansing off the people in the wake of the college in gauze, the un secretary general has condemned as well for reportedly using all to official intelligence to identify how much targets up instead that's resulted in multiple civilian desks. i am also deeply troubled by the bottom that these valley mealy,
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teddy's bone being campaign, includes artificial intelligence as a tool even in the identification of targets, particularly densely populated residential areas, resulting in the high level of civilian casualties. no part of life and death decisions which impact inside of families should be delegated to the cold calculation involved with the statement coming shortly of the new revelations claim, the israel has been using a i as paul to bits off know now this is a system known as life and done so to bite, then to fight some 37000 thomas targets with no, schumann checks verification the tool, the german, the only stages of the war. the army gave sweeping approval for officers to adopt 11th, a skilled list with no requirement to start to check why the machine made those
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choices, or to examine the ro intelligence data, or which they will based one. so stages that human personnel often served on as a rubber stamp for the machines, decisions. and in that, normally they would personally do vote only about 20 seconds to each target before authorized nibble mean, just to make sure the 11th the mach target is male. visual is despite knowing that the system makes what are regarded as errors and approximately 10 percent of the cases and is known to occasionally mock in details of mary lou's connection to minutes in groups on no connection at all. designed to identify how must operatives be locked into 2 analyzes cause a residence using a system of my surveillance. now this is a system that said to access the facial characteristics of known how much members giving people a rating and then compiling kill list. now collateral damage thresholds of up to 20
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civilians, we each talk. it is also apparently authorized, although in some high value cases that could be as many as a 100 people, unintelligence office, i believe, to have 1st turned experience. so feel for a team of the to says the idea forms residential areas. without hesitation, we were not interested in killing from us our purchase only when they were in the military building or engaged in the military activity on the country. the idea of bombed them in homes without hesitation, as a 1st option, it's much easier to mumble. families home, the system is built to look for them in the situations. a journalist on strategic affairs expert talk to how me to con alma should be with ricky believes israel is deploying a i as a means to escape any direct responsibility for any potential crimes being committed. there's no doubt that it's completing
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a lot of times and know, you know, as they are both and the, all the evidence is then working. although depending on the, i mean, the responsive of that is the you end up getting off, you know, thank you. thank you. you know, i, you know, just getting your, uh, you know, working in the hospitals. so actually it is very clear admission by the idea that the government, that they do not all respect any nation was any email to give you a, you know, venue. and they to go see the better for them, they just want to, you know, do mind the entire street and they want to study and upset to the support from americans. that region because i'm in a itself has to be killed the thing. and i don't know magazine
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still, the not be any tangible action and easy then with a civilian death, tolan garza not passing the grim reality of 33000 people. mostly wealth has united in demonstrations to mark the annual could stay, which is dedicated to the plight of palestinians. the united by face people's been seen taking to the streets and the show of solidarity as well as to voice sound good. israel's actions ingle us. i know so the us military support for its peace, full mass process warehouse in several countries. ortiz use 50 loudly reports one now from here on the capital across the country or marketing be displayed
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already with the palace media people. last friday of the casting mon basement to raise awareness of the palace logins i guess as well. cause for an error return for jerusalem was designated back in 1979 by committee on it has since been widely observed in the country at the other of the world this year. so it stays totally different from the previous years inside. * facing the military campaign by israel now, and it's sort of a resolution to these really occupation of palestine resonates even more urgently ever today. there's time around uranium decision to respond to design is occupying
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machine has been made and will be implemented with force and soft power. our demonstration conveys many messages this year, particularly regarding the crimes and gaza and the region as well as the recent can in. so followed the commanders today to pass the message is much broader than in past 2 years. and we will exec and see via revenge. and these will my message to us in the countries the pursued criminal policies worldwide. is it, these policies will ultimately lead to that. i'm down to say, no matter how persistently they continue their oppression, they open the balance of parish demonstrators. how the anger, i guess, the idea of why burning these really flag insurance to israel, basically, they want to ship holding signs with awareness raising messages. i can see why cards bearing the printer. $33000.00 plus
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the lives was in the car. prescriptions. the complex demonstrators also, so the recent is really it to execute. central kitchen made workers a deal inquiry because. 1 shows that it does not stick to any international law. we can also see pictures of the destruction, which is after 2 weeks to be an operation to printers here. sorry about the united states continues to support the idea officers as real as possible facilities in damascus on monday,
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which senior officers, the bodies military detention people were providing assistance to the syrian army of course prevent the wide sign on the right place. and i've also seen how many. 1 protections for our together is really the resistance american bases on washington, where you bring the kids to be idea,
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these people in the shared folders, these really attracting diplomatic conditions. it's an active regression against the countries sovereignty added on answers. so every year the change based on the state of affairs message remains the same was true. she has called on most that makes sense to turn off on projected that the situation indonesia also joined in the global show of solidarity with the palestinian people axes.
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rebecca nephew to prove who has the story for expressing support for palestine and opposition to the israel, the occupation of palestinian territories. hundreds of the nation for testers, together in front of the u. s. embassy in jakarta, to mark all could state and to make their feelings about the ongoing war in guys that abundantly clear following come, you know, friday prayers. march rallies for health, employee dirty with the plight of the palace to new people. proud called for the freedom of palestine and condemned israel's aggression posters filled with words. an art that lead beer. just how people few here were raised in the air. all along. the women wrapped themselves in the cafeteria. the traditional palestinians scarf young people joined the action to determine, to prove the next generation has no intention of forgetting the long history of
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oppression. on every last friday of remedy, we gather to fight for the freedom of palestine. we are human to live together. for example, if we will palestinians, we would want other people to defy just to we and to defend humanity. that's why it's important to young people to realize the wind. also loading in this world must stand out and help. others get hung up. we feel energized at the entire world united around this issue during this time. so we believe that on the day that i could state because not only our data, but also shared by the international community. so we feel concerned about our brothers and sisters are still on the east raleigh quantization. so we advocate for the pollution all forms. so it's coming to zation globally. perhaps all government led by president to could we donate should be more a such as intelligent the international community to support palestine. hundreds of thousands of for testers also a messed in streets throughout the country to express on garrity with.


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