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tv   Documentary  RT  April 6, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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to fight for the freight of, of palestine. we all humans who live together. for example, if we will palestinians, we would want other people to defend this to we and to defend humanity. that's why it's important for young people to realize the witness alone in this world. must stand out to help others get done that we feel energized at the entire world unites around this issue during this time. so we believe that on the day that i could state because not only our day, but also shared by the international community, we feel concerned about our brothers and sisters still on the east rather colonization. so we advocate for the pollution on all forms, those coming those ation globally. perhaps all government led by president don't go we don't, there should be more a such as intelligent the international community to support palestine. hundreds of thousands of for testers, also a messed in streets throughout the country to express on garrity with palestinians and call for an and israel's bombing of gaza. it's not just the new nation people
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who've taken a firm stance over the conflict. 6 the toy it is to the government has sent tons of a to gaza on the foreign minister issued a statement, backing the ruling by the international court of justice in january. which said, israel must do everything in its power to protect palestinian civilians from general sight. many nations to have joined a boy card of israel, little link of products, a small measure, the hopes sense, a big signal, both to the palestinian people and the is riley oratory piece. well, that's what we have time for this out. it's been a pleasure is always having your company here in austin international direct. how me will be with you with a fresh look. the news i only need to know is around 15 minutes. i think i think you'll be best to come come to the,
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the, the the the,
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the about the the,
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the, the what the media gets, what he does that goes, what is the my you, what was the one you that of the sites to conflict at noon if we don't have the modem, print speed, use it up to you. how does that glitched? i know the service, you have to show the resumes button you shifting some assignments as it gets as soon it's going to change stuff for the summer. and i'm going to do some other people the time on the me there's only 2 in a row this confirmed was seeing what am is going to do both or you can talk system just a little bit so that if, if they're still physically with does a possibly a principal in the
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building for the corporate job post. i'm not sure. uh cuz i'm a search i service for the sure. the double cuz he's over the just a month. so the whole catch do a lunch or you and you didn't put of the substitute a purchase a is a process just kind of nice. and so i see the because because they have some students go to both of the, the needs of literacy with others for, for, for the us. sometimes if i wanted to just go, yes it was for me, you know, said it was also going me mind instead of going to for all the so you have to say that, but i saw me for all the and saw so so a lot of the can i see that a, with all the
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to start with you? i think it'll stick. yeah. some of those that about the low comes through the see this, but also people say get a sense of what ours is kima. they let me know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break, you know, when you see if it would show the boys and put it on the engine because of this, you know, i'm sure you're in this a full lot of little boys to do you need assistance? i don't want this shit rolled up in the time. so when does it last? but it was so when a fish just uh for them to stay and use the boat. i know most of most quite easily . doors not showing us the dc well at the start because we don't really slow to do some no shows, don't want to send you a bundled with us today. and it said that the subsidy of up to them as you'd see, it's just
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a little more than you need. and then all that access and the other, the other option at the front desk. yeah. but it will seem gains, and you will just send me uh, i need to know what is the most cool video when you but i did when you tell me the lessons, i still don't know. but if you just look at the stuff that i'm going to speak or the choice of for the video start, nothing maybe until technical sounds good. well, but i do see more than 30 minutes for you and i'm going to be yes. so uh oh my god, such a lot, no more, but there is dealing about the little girl with age. and was there any of these, this wasn't you by chance, by say was, it isn't all or disagree up as to which was a new and i said in your was there in the i'm still still needed, especially for the 20 the,
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the based on this quarter some of the e as in the row of some special. yeah. so the sofa. but then what's the, what is your role in total? likely most the 3 delta me that's coming due to me the for any except the part of them, the bills, the, the fox, the, the young lady, that's a great system because the door. yeah. point of the device. anybody in the device to the it doesn't mean it's obvious to putting it in the ocean. that is the star test test at the show, there was never easy to go look to see a little of most of these was multiple signals completely acquainted with money and cool to the single controller,
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which in which puts the doors in the 3rd going to be so for a few of those when you're going to sleep, but let's go thank you. it's only is almost a bustle, simple chance of label, costs the same. why do you same as the bottom? a couple of them will do 3 of them and use this new idea of what is the phone which will go? yeah, you know, it's going to, you know, what the email only let me tell you what, what was the last one that was really already up on the model for these read them is more than cover william go code the middle one is lot of the delay is field one in order was the old disorder, not for the engine, but give me that or you can also go. so she'll also my little fluid. i want to go in here just another one of the show was the charlotte williams. why now? 31 shows he's still cool boy. oh, because the resilience,
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someone of course the whole, the little a little the or do you need to smoke when we load on them, which i think us about the vent article which sitting in front of me. cuz the uh, the button uh, but leveling it still remotely see that it got a little less though. do you know of any bullet wilson uh no. been able to start to buy a few little to show you more than you most. most of them what they really like, just talking to me would be to go over the phone with you. it will go up a guys on your pool, but it's really good. i mean, the way that we're going to remove just on the chevy mortgage, these people will choose your own on union can use with what do they couldn't use as the new board. we've got the boiler is going to take, but what you, what i mean, you started going mobile closing. can you do the most of these on the condition you
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will talk to the board little some of the deal with sadie lowers will going to do a promo go just doing, you know, board itself. i'm a student who wants to see the little slip. i mean the, the role is the goals. give me the soon let me go, let them, if you put in the keys business junior, you fall middle of the problem with me, but do they just give me the book? can you please leave a whole school that easily field of some of the individuals will be just let me just let you know. so what i'm going to do that if i do is for you. so boy, then live the loop as well. so with the default to flip us, focus on, you know, the mature, the local to restore the services you need to do. but you will see
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that using a gruesome is complete. what's called the sheets. are you? those leads us literally you prospect through us will be the cost of the $1.00 with those results, moody sources as much as i started to do. but it was a bull insurance through the shooting, us know, putting in the euro. they got somebody, the other ones or the teachers to use the
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hosting. yes. the shooting it the the
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the, the, the new speed of the billing is going to be the pretty good. i'm going to be positive for them. i don't think you like it almost sounds like you might see in the us as yet. so nimble is closer to that. but you know, it's the,
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[000:00:00;00] the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian states never as one of the most sense community?
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best to him then i'll send send up the in the 6595 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin and media machine, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior citizens even closer to the the what somebody did, they give it a little bit more. so if his mother is so great the,
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for the appointment for you which is seamless, the dealer, we bought a little from windham, and it was also a little before that. and which was also initially, and which was interesting. and, you know, since the middle of the little squiggly, so old school was wondering what's going on with them with the other was going to be going to see us go, what do you think you are phones not a huge clue. the lady would you feel is that'd be a good influence levels of what these can you realize coach, do you mean issues? there's the cooling. let's do it. as long as you put talk to, is there gonna suddenly what do you mean? nice. i'm assuming i'm was looking at and you growing up someone cup of water,
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please introduce sure. will buy some frame. what was what i need to know if maybe it's not easy to put you on hold. let me tell you a little before split. the bill was the one or more form of ownership on what's going on in the much you have the use of the series for all of us. i see this is also showing mark she yeah, go ahead of capacitance. thank you. must go school is must go, school was to vehicle on bus for him and ask my family them across on them to can you and that was to share some additional william show if you're interested in because you're not going to have a pregnancy loose loose cds you little yeah, yeah, this was lovely. beautiful, beautiful. but it was really to a solution. say that the wrong you near me, you'll see this thing here fall. every new mazda is
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a lot of shown on this. my see if they should have many of the most they have also . okay. he's gluten. thomas yeah. yeah. and those are the ladies. i knew i sent that to the colt of any boost at the yesterday or e cause the source they used to do so. but the other thing in my, in the see the same thing as, as to know, once you anything them upgrade can get additional sponge engine. welcome. but just using that is there's not a huge issue or your might easy to use those years. you will expense, i just think there's always for the 1st of all song and then mitchell stays up stairs on the side of the or see them both. she will the last couple of years that also shifting this always 3 for them because as you get to do is to
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be in the email and then you enjoy it. that's you've shown this over as well, like you can just on west coast. it'd be at the most that i should have noticed that there's a nice yes the, the, and the list i'm a, it's a should i think to as well. yeah, that's and i'm a show us washing most, but i'm frustrated because of all that as well. somebody for i thought i'm interested in look actually, but just based on the shows and i left the rest of the year. so somebody came to have somebody's this, i've decided you know, the advice on some child. i see this pretty much sufficient. my. so for me is to see what these shows. where was the last slide, the shia,
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even though you know this is when she was born this year and most of the one of the just for a luggage is the media. i knew it was kind of what has to be just the level of this is been in my license to, to show it to you. does a guy who is on one of us doesn't know, campus. we ship my way sense of them. i mean it's a solution that way, especially with the notes i just. yeah. mostly neil which is pretty. we should at least that, but just to read it the for this and you can assess the 1st 11 years to just show a blessing it. so it's almost again frank find out and they ended up the issue, the ins as a lot of stuff. so that's the only way to come from
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a handful. let's just somebody might because i was. ready most of them i personally do mutual nice, but i would be 2 in can. yes. and i have the associate just phone with that cousin that i've noticed that is for you when she's here. see if that means that the boost my cousin he's yeah, i think my post that plans and those unfortunately these keep it. she used to put it on us for the at the like be something it comes out of it. i think i told her about my 1st name is april. look at office and she should fish on the so i see, you know, the, is that i just talked to wells fargo kind of the, you know, quite a few months gus, for the beginning. well, you need on your study, but i will be showing a bulk of nursing home. this is all the major task we've. i found this key. sure. at the middle of the logic space, cuz there's the safety. many,
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many houses in the near post as opposed by the void. and then you've got to say, just to try to be anybody. my last book i was just in the law. i think i sent it to the 5 star. here's a shirt. and that's what you know i use. so if these pages before the fees and that the other thing is hit the the bubble in there and you put your used useful landfill. oh, let me show what does it was? i was lovely just saying with us, i'm the one that i'm really pushing is mostly used to talking to who is with the most of the others know someone's requesting just on the software. so as long as somebody sent out quite a few days ago, it was cut off to the parties that was, i think she will continue to those pretty much the other one, which is the some of the science who's cuz it also can you see what you're saying pretty much mostly sure, so busy with those the blueprints. i'm not sure why she possibly could have been shoveling, but i thought, oh, it's about we should for those premiums. us for the
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leading and the rules that will go with the uh the utah one. yeah. with also, but the almost few sample size is always available to you in a go uh for the, for the initial plan. most of us you have any of those, nancy lotion kind of so the so anyway, but i'll say football, somebody the sort of a hold of those ones. you know, if you want to replace it in a couple of days, that's the contrast to schools have been with us doesn't allow us to put it into stores and then yeah, it will be a we look the last name. what are you 1st? see what was i was on the shelf tables. i'm really done much of the financial to one of the put them onto the truck i saw solution. it's a little small sitting in the bedroom has been here as a uh, sunk. it was kind of thing, okay, is darnesha was, uh, what's going on. i know it takes to get some uh, pricing switched to me. so it's even touching the site as opposed to think that it
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comes through to the level of support as the site up to the middle. so for my share cool modification most click this will pull up. i've used most of the social and it is awesome. i want you to the bottom, whatever it will go into the new publish. it was, it's a publisher. so you have progressive approval for the move. so go through to the mobile phone number is 2 of those people who want to keep bothering you just looking to cover the same. what sort of take off with michelle completely. some of
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the other thing it says there's no, but i was able to samsung mobiles and need to go super close in a good piece. we don't use simple issue photos, the photos we share 3 of course. and if it doesn't, you know, we just, like i said, i'm with the festival. it's the same with somebody. trust me, you're still originally, it was about 30. so no, that's less than what i mean. yeah. the point is that even if we were serious to come over here, when, when, when you say most people don't know what she need, just with some more tools, just the new very difficult. but i have to be able to do an upgrade or so to do or to pause. want to see must even use a cheaper because he's stuck with me. and i'm just, i'm almost the with usually what it's like being able to, i mean, some of the sites, i mean you definitely side other fight them with the whole thing or so as little. so we truly what the, we suppose continue. it was
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a bit of advice. so sometimes it's a cute little somebody because those are, you know, that was one reason because there was issues with the issue that she was at school that she was. so we saw being a bi specifications that we thought about the she was people who stressed some of the, the the,
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the as the school is her use of those to do things with a lot of these cards, such a wonderful drawing on the she was, you know, do simple, so i wanted off of this, is there any further on? so good kind of it was the less than, you know, like a muscle to install retails and whatnot. we're some within samples. that's even a little faster than this. obviously it's even possible to close it in the
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the 1941 with the nazis health corporation ultra nationalists, the massages the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dashes use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the senate of us. campbell, who renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send them to the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide.
1:00 am
the education is you're making sure that of course in neil temporary holds a un security council briefing off the price of women and children. the same bodies are held throughout the moving world on the last friday around like on the 3rd season review. the great news have been because of the desktop has so far. 33000 them 1st incense, so rush a full see over a 1000 people to me from the thing is


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