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tv   Documentary  RT  April 6, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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he was born, he has been fighting since november 8th, 2022. he already has a war injury by what's lost to download the data base of the youth movement. the activity was but i didn't get it because i realized that even with my father's life on the line, he would have just scolded me for leaking intel on all guys. he told me from childhood to never give up my own and never give in. lisa and her family have asked to make this story public and hold that it would raise global awareness on the methods used by ukrainian security services, and hopefully keep her father alive for a prisoner exchange. her story on attempts by the key of regina to recruits andres children in russia is just one of many. during the 20 years of hostilities and the don bass, there have been recorded cases of under age, citizens being recruited by ukraine for the purpose of using them and sabotage operations and terrorist acts. ukrainians. special services have used various
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methods of pressure, including intimidation, blackmail, and threats. to the lives of both children and their relatives. these actions constitute a serious violation of international norms and are contrary to the principles of humanity and the protection of children's rights. the manipulation and recruitment of miners by armed groups is a form of psychological violence. the russian government has already responded to the atrocious pursuit of children by foreign agents for war. and it's for arms. as notices have now been sent to schools across the country. for monica, all 3 of our tea. then ask republic to the way you are in the was all t dot com has the color visit our website and subscribe them. and we'll be back with some of them the seem good. the was
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the new, the for the dates with, uh, it looks like she was reduced with a view to this of a, to, to let some of these come on that i say it's not that i'm not doing the same thing when you come on the little girl, it's the,
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i'm just gonna see what i need, the professor which is kind of the deal to renewed them on purpose of the, the problem. and they do need to be doing a story today. but they know the, the, the plug to live in the list of the double kidney people for that. so i can definitely stay on the on the know the most sense
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for the bought on the commercial. the why not let me know if you wish to bring it to what you're saying. yeah, some of them is the disposing of some of them we me and was wondering what it is on the on thermostat. are you basically the shooting for the hold on for to link the into the thing it says enter the notes here as the most
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to know to spanish was thought of into anybody my the only with some of them by troy, but sure they're on the on the board, the visit, the course and balls for drawing on the ball that you this quote in the community. so much you filed on your what do you mean the resume for some study? you mean on the digits on the go stall, so on. so i said, you know what, it always when you with the program of the building. so it's that it includes the motion and motion you but the of the just the premier period. that's not, for example, a must do me a like when it is a credit is committed,
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so let me suppose it. the board was pretty lenient. you have privately now. my thought is each go to the borrowers. yeah, you got them for so just use up the go to the us. i use a lot of the but i did to the didn't thing to do just say no, you know, just do them. we mostly deal going to do what you and i did is the photos yet. we get this of us do not least i, you just have to know. generally, i should say, don't say you missed ideas to deal with the other. the mean for multiple sign the lease and finance a few minutes this one was supposed to posting. if i send that i'm listing of all of the
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the me this is of course not for loose cuz he wants me to go live. it has 3 different mission. i don't want to have the issue with our system shows the study, new sources . and of course, to the most of the stuff we do football, which is this is for suzanne. does that sound far apart and included so so when, when do you do the
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peer review that is not suitable to them like a little if the machine to be sure and get to business or residence and also want to the transcripts include which, which is my the most of the the reason for the the, the, the,
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the use of the last time is uh well the, the for june the, let me just move to the the the, the the,
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the the good non not the what are we going to know until you know possible the, i think the people longer than simply the butcher at the target with one of the shirts and most of the then nationally to it's also the, the last message. but the name of the
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student for it shows for you. i'm sure the girl resumed, most of the teachers that you know, it's a split up, at least for them. i don't see it for us because the shipper look 2 years so that's the peers being cut off with a bunch of my goal was to the to, to, to do that a you called at the for the which is the department of defense up with the the to
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the, to the, to or the just, you know, the simple kit. there's more current than just burn into it. so you are still in the center. so this one was sure it was more than yeah, of course, of course i'm reading this purchase order and i'm rooting for me to quotes to the style of the bulk of the development company to pick it up if they can use the new the me, you're going to be investing news controlling these in a good phone. tony. so i'm gonna go with
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the let them know. so when you look up the, the, the, the, the, the theater, the little sure thing to do because it's only can produce, it doesn't make sense to. so don't all that if there's something wrong with that, because the, the mean that is quit telling me how much to look at your boxes for the to go through and just receive us the date for the rest of the day and say, look, who's been, what's for those who wish somebody on the date, but i didn't post them without them because the new course just do this some good just to quickly the
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the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalist, the was dashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us come with a renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they send them
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a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the does all the for the most of the need to correct did you say the condition of the one is to the
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the all the bad. he's the the bar unless something was really in use a cleaning as technology this the about the, the reason if i and they say yeah, because i was looking for something. oh yeah. it the owners and what we mean. oh, got you. we knew it was a most affordable that is to just sell it. you know, we just thought that the, the deal and, and nobody south of the receipt of we should just cover that much. so they didn't necessarily because that you'll know about shift cool. um,
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would you provide each is the thing it was just beginning us to give you a bit of that, you know which the goal is because i changed level existing but it's, you know, it's just so much of by, in the as you almost would that isn't you would you like to know about shift core, just man examples. crime. no struggle. 80 words. was that problem? really? well, some of the positive people saw yes. that's good. another be just not really going forward, but the for the voice mail to which you can just give opponent who sees virtually breakfast and you'll enjoy new york. i'm using the, the free meals, but this would be the customer. you know, why didn't you call, but the only thing was i'm going to sleep it off. i'm just doing a couple of i'm looking for stuff. we're just going to go through this 1st and show some new if it will build. even though what does the to just be a little thinking about all of the news, but there's actually
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a piece of interview. this is just a glitch. i haven't used any of your sonya that the officials to let's see that you doing for them. i see you see me 3, if you do a signal or not, if the and you know probably you mostly just don't know much in good not by the machine can. we can submit it to a simple missed here. i've done that for you, but he is going to the minus good. that was, is this not your 30 but they didn't yet. so because the reason i said all this is put them into put in the way what i'm going to put them associated with it. and that's what the cost and then you most and then you know, when you, what else will change the be. and if we just have this apartment, if it goes up so doesn't need to squeeze choice. clearly starting to see what the 3 of those i mean to jim will go that are going to put into the united cheese up just a good thing is and you might as well do you get a good sort of need to know how she wrote in your thoughts and so your reason for this one, it's just a stream problem is because me, you know,
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that i've done my so its just, what does the bills uh, do they mean means brushing the loop on, you know, the full and the custom is gonna buy your mind, we just wanna share it as long as it is. the other option is just gonna just set it or buy something to read it to you at a cheap cheap but do any questions or if we can just get a special shipping cost of when you most young would have been useful for you with collecting items off of your phone, particularly what was in your position. this was probably the only go for the
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switch for the full. let me go in and see the bills for the full of coverage of what's going on with the loan that you don't participate. how much of either the start going to redo the policy doc will definitely get not said it's not even though you really do need to do the
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it doesn't matter to me. it says it is sort of unanswered. it's a our goal please. the the goal is to be able to communicate with the other what am i to help them difficult to frontier because i so if i do it seems like we're still connect and they will show us the list in case it doesn't, then you 2 minutes later uh, you know, the 3rd piece by side, it's through letting you know to do my least give a bunch of so it goes for the vote and that's what i still owe on those most to show us to me when he gets us the bad even the suggest initially to i
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mean partly to that and also so i'm done with the work that's going on within the city though it can you explain yourself these to the people feel hopeful young is actually the moment before but really cool for them to just push it to because i can't pull the shows of, hopefully we'll solutions, mobile cell phone and that's pushing will show the results. the other words to the it's and then you read it when it was,
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this is what i need to level of this. when you go to the page, so from that so it must be multiple useful so so i'm going to see the folder. this little thing is this new book publish. expose them. others don't give us. call the simple to go. see we also we pushes the use of the influence colors, very simple, foldable controls, play made joint and using it that pretty much is the only the wasteful such as the sacrifices. yep. so you have to keep a little stronger from, from those live out of them pretty soon. so most of the shopper of i punched in
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summer even you know, to smart the so you could do this even just due to certain, they said it almost advise you of groups completing the bus today to put them uh, somewhere in the station you by chance you can go in, you reach out to the move. okay, but on a you're still going to talk about it, think about the things, but it will have the photo to start and see what's up. i mean, it's nice to see the length of q rating. uh what about the sub us? i mean, literally every sentence. yeah. it was a sparkling over here in the book, which of so many of the it was anybody the types searching copeland maybe pass. i mean, you're going to the dentist on political and became was the
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ability to get a key to from william seth austin with uh, gm store uh, do i cancel uh or does it affect obviously we are nice to mess to buy him to get us to move in, the more you said i presenting that as a the boy that is that all the holidays. so in any event you understand this is the oldest one. so the police or somebody's homes. so you know, so the reason i present was saying that she was each a vocal almost false was because it was on the
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on the job on the liberal, elizabeth virginia the with the bonus to put did you put it over? we don't give me the option to screen francisco, but it's the
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acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the only one main thing is important for gnosticism, internationally speaking, is that is of nations because that's, are allowed to do anything. all the mazda races, and then you have the mind, the nation. so as a slave, americans rock obama and others have had
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a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians and so it is dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was a conscious strategy. so some of the new one i exist v i v. i not leashed. it's often zuba and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, it is dangerous. is it the by the sovereignty of the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. of nature where this founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions and millions or is business businesses good. and that is the
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reality of what, what we're facing, which is fashion, the top slice of this, how i'm, i know it's quite didn't neil 1030 hopeless a you as a good counsel briefing about applied to women and children in gauze. education is your making sure the pro 5 seeing lot of these are held throughout the world on the last friday over the phone is the grim use of the cause of death. felt as a top $33.00 south of diamond bush in essential russia. full say over a 1000 people and the from the day because the state of emergency is the fact.


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