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tv   News  RT  April 6, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the lodge on i'd say the stories of this, how a mind to us, quick in new temporarily hold us security council briefing around the apply to women and children. god center. yeah. education is your making. the good. i'm sure fire policy and ronnie's i have throughout the move them was on the last friday of the rug on as the thirty's will be living room use at the cause of death. told us a task 33 about 1st in central rush of hosting over a 1000 people to the from the thing is that a state of emergency is required by the guy that kicks out the,
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the sizes, the new law. so frustrating can see different the life a lot international needs center in moscow. this is all to you. welcome to the global news out address to the un security council about the plight of women and children in gauze is interrupted by a full point 8 and max and shoot us quick. there is no sanitation just because the community i visited had one toilet for 600 people. women stood in line for 3 hours to make use of it. schools normally form a spine of protection for children. a place for children can see humanitarian services and normality of the
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student's education is yeah. well education is your making. the good. i'm sure education is in many ways that it present. i'm ok to continue. education is in many ways life saving, but nothing garza, the us getting cancel or have whole the emergency waiting to address is well the reason tooling of several international aid workers in gaza. and i was gonna say to envoy to discuss potential solutions and the confidence and prevent for the civilian that these incidents are unacceptable. humanitarian personnel must be protected. full stop. we are deeply concerned. israel has not done enough to protect humanity. hearing aid workers or civilians
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started up into the discussion in google. madam president, did you miss aaron situation does. it continues to deteriorate every day. we receive more and more horrifying data every day. in this regard, we retraced our position that in order to prevent the communitarian apocalypse and mass famine and gaza, real sees far in israel's compliance with international increments are in lot urgently needed. this is the only way to avoid new victims of this tragedy, which was a continuation of the military operation in the enclave. adequate provision documents are in and for the 8 is impossible. the council is obliged to ensure that all parties to the conflict fully implement older decisions and ends in violence and gauze, and increase instruments are in the systems to civilians in the sector and preventing their force resettlement. only then can we think about new initiatives aimed at a long term settlement of the palestinian is really conflict on the well known international legal basis. today we were shipping a woman so so on the white, the tragedy of goal is to test the conscience of humanity and the credibility of the security council implementation of resolution. 2728 must be taken as
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a matter of emergency jones. although resolutions of the security council of binding, it is the obligation of every member states to implement the resolutions and the commitments of all of you join the un. here we are just relative implemented the resolution immediately and see 6 military attacks on galls or in its collective punishments of the people of causal trim. yet in solution which we express our deepest condolences in our hearts, go out to the families their countries and the word central kitchen and the costs to see the principal, alice have out the new says something country they using m t u and say let's just to avoid taking responsibility for the support of as well. and i think that is real, has made it clear that it doesn't respect the president of international law. first of all, 2nd of all, the resolution which was adopted was adopted on arguably a week basis. the amendment that was proposed to add the word permanent to the
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ceasefire. a demand was more or less rejected by the security council because of a majority of extensions. and of course the united states voting again. so if they can't even agree on the need for our permanency supplier, i'm not sure how willing the so called international community is to actually enforce the terms of the ceasefire. the only reason the united states is talking about a ceasefire is because it wants to signal i'm going to the world, particularly to the muslim world, that it doesn't simply approve what israel is doing, even though it does in practice. it's basically empty talk meant to posture and save face image. this inexcusable and completely unjustifiable some arguing genocide, committed by israel and gaza as this of the death toll in gauze i have so pos, 33000 a muslim world has united and immunizations. tomorrow. the annual i couldn't state
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which brings pension to the pride of palestinians. united by the people have been taking to the streets in a show on saturday as well as the boys and girls is of absence in gauze. i, us municipal, peace of mass protest as were held in several countries on t is written by couldn't up at the to me, it pulls it from one of the vanities in the country to the world's largest muslim population. these are expressing support for palestine and opposition to israel, the occupation of palestinian territories. hundreds of the nation for testers gathered in front of the u. s. embassy in jakarta to march all good states, and to make their feelings about the ongoing war in gaza. abundantly clear following coming on friday. prayers. large release for health, employee dirty with the plight of the policy new people. proud called for the
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freedom of palestine and condemned israel's aggression posters feel good words an ard that lead beer. just how people feel here were raised in the air all along the women's also wrapped themselves in the cafeteria. the traditional palestinians scarf, young people joined the action to determine, to prove the next generation has no intention of forgetting the long history of oppression. every last friday of remedy, we gather to fight for the freedom of palestine. we are human to live together. for example, if we will palestinians, we would want other people to decide this to we and to defend humanity. that's why it's important, like young people to realize the witness alone in this world must stand up to help . others get hung up. we feel energized at the entire world unites around this issue during this time. so we believe that on a day like could state is not only our day, but also shared by the international community. we feel concerned about our
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brothers and sisters still on the israel, they call. and as i said, we have my case for the pollution of all forms. so it's coming to zation globally. perhaps all government led by president to could we don't to should be more a such as intelligent the international community to support palestine. hundreds of thousands of for testers, also a messed in streets throughout the country, drug suppressed on garrity with palestinians, and call for an and israel's bombing of gaza. it's not just innovation. people who've taken a firm stance over the conflict, but the or charges to the government has sent tons of a to gaza on the foreign minister issue to statements king the ruling by the international court of justice in january. which said, israel must do everything in its power to protect palestinian civilians from general sight, many nations to have joined avoid cards of israel, little link of products, a small measure, do hope sense,
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a big signal boat to the palestinian people and is riley or tore peace meanwhile, the white house has cancel the scheduled rama done if so, the do to boy cause was an american leaders in protest, gives us on good on support is a however, joe martin came up with the idea. it's a host of small, amazing, listened things and was an american community. if it is that move was met with criticism. i'm protest of many bosom invitees. climbing to attend odd c correspondent, foster care data as the details of the people by the people for the people. that was what the american government was supposed to be as promised many, many years ago by abraham lincoln. while president lincoln is probably turning in his grave now because the people but new since a hindrance, an off to the best, the interests of the people and the us government relates have grown so far. a plot,
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the fencing frustration on the streets has become the norm. there was this rich sure. 2 the understand or protesting loudly that walking away silent me several muslim americans refused to attend the white house. as big ramadan as talked in a unlike boynton. they thought it distasteful to hold a celebratory dinner when a few 1000 columbia diseased people stopping to death and hiding from made in america bombs in any way. what was the point,
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the community that i hear from the palestinian diaspora. it's, it's really we're grieving. we feel like for 6 months we've been totally ignored. and with all of the decisions that were made over the past couple of weeks alone, it suggested that we still were not going to have a voice that we're still, we're not going to have a seat of the table and be able to share our concerns. and for those concerns to be met, you know, with serious deliberation and to be acknowledged at the very minimum knew where to con lane. did you know that on the same day those southern wells, central kitchen 8, was what killed the white house signed off on? thousands of new phones as well. us state department spokes 1st and confirm the approval and set it occurred some time prior to when the is rarely aircraft struck the aid convoys. the us government has the authority to suspend an arm's package, any time before delivery, which the spokesperson said probably would not occur until 2025 or later it has not
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done so in this case. so in other words, find in sold the strikes on those 8 walkers. she could have made the stand of true american money, american weapons cheap as well as military firing. but she didn't. why? because bones of big business that day. like who loved the days, it was business as usual. that said to be 5. the us is pretty please asking us all to do just please little bit better. they need to do better in delivering humana in allowing humanitarian assistance to be delivered. and in a achieving better the conflicts and coordination measures for the benefit of the innocent civilians. inside garza who are suffering, we're going to offer our best advice to them on things that they could do better. and we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. well, all that advice has got us to. 8 the 3000 dead palestinians. it's got us to joe
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biden. bang nick, named genocide. joe. and it's got democrats die hard boats is changing colors. is there a pathway forward for you with widen? oh, absolutely not. if you cannot keep killing people, read our money and just keep thinking that, oh, we are stupid enough to collect you again because we will fall in line. no forget, i'm willing to let go of a job. i didn't and oppose job. i didn't make him a one term president punish visual by then by making them a one term president. and pairing has laws with the genocide in gaza. but true to form the a white house isn't war. protesters here in dc and new york across the country. the settle the name for the president of the thing calling him genocide joe gates. do you have a response from the white house to worry about nicknames and bumper stickers? i mean it's 1st amendment free speech. my point is this one need is one by to
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comes out and says that's 6 months and he's called for an immediate cease fire and as well and condemn the strikes on 8 walk as i'm told benjamin nothing else to protect innocent civilians. is he doing of the people palestinian or american know he's doing it for himself because it's not a good look to box the killing of people, bringing life saving food. and it's such he doesn't get you re elected, does it? and is watching, does well, the thing t is problem, thing is where i was weapons a us come with when the hinted at even deadness and out there he was originally caught on camera, suggesting that go the shouldn't be a no highlighted with nuclear bombs to and the war a rush
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to sell us. we should be the issue. it shouldn't be why last night as far as the congress, when the data said he was actually called in for the death of an entire region, because he supposedly and put sizes with post and civilians. critics say then on buying the excuse, the comment is comma as the enclave is struggling with, the humanitarian catastrophe is really been bothering the has already is fluid up to 70 percent of gauze in this browser and pulls the displacement of homeless to me and stands and the idea unexpired me is moved feet offensive. many is what he sits, is all speaking in favor of bucks for the some even cooling for more radical solutions. today, i believe there is
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a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so think politicians must agree to press the button where a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people. your expectation is that tomorrow morning would drop what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb on all of gaza, flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them. they're not scared to death. bias in, sorry, the current is why the bone bothering of blogs is actually was of the us new good times on japan. and then we'll go to is one of the. so what is the, what is real has done is more than what happened in hiroshima and nagasaki. what's left, what's left, and you can see the palestinian people, do they want to kill a 1000000 of us?
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what if it had well not allowed the attack on japan was during world war 2. it was an international we're between all the world forces within the gas a war. the whole world is against gasoline alone with us at mister santa, to an older peasant than some of the welsh. do we have to die to prove to you that we does ask to leave the funeral head on the newer stuff? this is the mindset of someone foolish, and these are the thoughts of a politician on diplomatic boasting and cases old and the ballistic. and people have been suffering since 1948 and of this side of the things that dropping a nuclear bomb on the goddess triple and the boasting an issue. then he is wrong about the shopping and he said, hey, for one of them. yeah, this is the american people's understanding of the world. how much profit i make is how much of a human i am. this is his understanding of the world, and this is of course, different from ours. the base of their thinking is profit and loss. he thinks the palestinians are last, we spoke with a japanese part of that man,
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but it says is painful to see the suffering of civilians in gaza, a nuclear catastrophe. that would be absolutely unacceptable. when i look at the footage of what is happening in palestine included in gaza, it is very painful for me to see how children, women, and the elderly, becoming victims their torments and sufferings. i'm categorically against the slice being taken away. i believe that the international community should unite ample, strong pressure on both sides for seats far hills now is the time for the international community to unite and take action to put an end to the conflict and wars in particular that you 20 countries must have a firm position and incumbent understanding in order to quote, for terrorism should not exist on the posting issue has arisen because of the terrorist action. so from us, and i believe that the best way to resolve it is to biological negotiations. terrorism is terrorism, as defined by the international community, is extremely serious. the innocent civilians are being targeted in palestine. we
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can only hope for caesar. i am convinced that we did not leave it in there when united states should rule the world on its own terms. in addition, against the use of nuclear weapons, which are often brought up, doing conflicts at all costs. and so united states using nuclear weapons, is unacceptable to this day. a large number of people are suffering from the effects of the use of the nuclear weapons. i'm fully convinced that the actions of the united states were wrong. 79 years having passed since the united states use nuclear weapons and no apologies have been made. i feel angry about this next year . it will be 80 years since the end of the war. i hope that while japan is reflecting on the last for the next year, the united states will offer it sincere apologies to those who died and suffered from the coming box. no matter what happens the use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable. now elizabeth, in america, mexico has an alpha is causing times of i could do that as well. so like with during police storm bins, the mexican embassy t tow and
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a rest of the former vice president when taken refuge the the basic is that they will money who others will ended during the ride. for the echo during vice president for hey, glass was provided shelter in the embassy and assemble as the source asylum faces. corruption charged with some local authorities, makes it as presence as equitable violated the sentence. the diplomatic mission was, as i'm devastating news of a central ross, a major emergency situation is developing also and then by the dam bus in a residential area. this footage week or on the show you now is believed to be when the down was 1st reached, the will to solve it. rushing through. emergency services are currently working at the same fine to shore up the them, the isn't a could in the city of or in the,
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or i'm but a region. evacuation of to emergency shows as are underway and mid 5th, more than a full files and the for the could be at risk from the flooding. so far more than $4000.00 people ruefully to be evacuated, including a 1000 children, a total of $57.00. the settlements of thoughts to be in the dangers region of thought. these have the better states of, of much more than 10 evacuation is being carried out in the city of oscar by a specialist from the russian emergencies ministry. and the local administration is being carried out because of a breach in the us, in franklin down, which is located within the city and protects it from floods and melts war. so the small breach is now being repaired by excavators and heavy trucks, which you bring soil lead to fill a gap. as many as 33 heavy trucks being in full. all the equipment is working continuously and filling the breach. we recommend the residents do not take no the advice of specialist including employees to be russian emergencies, ministry,
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and head straight to temporary accommodations center sort of the sea levels are. these aren't going to be able to gather the documents that essential belongs. i'm proceed contemporary. i'll go with the agents send to the heavy rains or i'm seasonal flooding. you have what is the, what's the level of the highest unusual for more of this, the vital things where you can have a suit of g. i'm calling now what's a metal gasket? the south east africa nation, has it spelled the you i'm so that's off of the sequence as i, as a new little cause for castrating convicted p the files the data gary. so that has come from the anyway, we'll leave, but it will, and this will impact by that for relations. wayne tends to maintain good relations with monte gas car, and that's why we comply with their request, but they invested, there's a departure under these conditions. we would negatively have political and
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financial consequences. this is the 1st and the history of relations between mother jessica and the you. what are you saying? she broke the camel's back was the final press conference on the 26th of february of this year with the european union invest so that you still go to elaborate a re quote that the low allowing surgical castration would have just been approved by the countries highest constitutional quote was in violation of international t t. this is a move that has gotten a lot of criticism from international human rights groups as well, but also has the coverage support from active as indeed is in my desktop. we'll say it is mississippi moved because of an increase in cases of rape against children. the islands even released things. i'm think it's showing that in 2023, 600 cases off the rape a for my know were recorded and more than a 130 in january this year alone. so this is the a way of protecting children. however,
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the ambassador denounced the law as in human and degrading, saying that it was not indeed in line with the islands constitutional laws. and on that very same day, the ambassador said she was also a bit frustrated as a past and helping to improve the islands roads made to up to see that's the road maintenance fund, did not have sufficient funds to maintain the network. and the ambassador as continue was outspoken as on sensitive topics during the hood, tamia and met augusta custom september 2022, such as recommendations of the election observation mission. that's what never put into practice. and tax evasion rampant on medical disorders has made 2 changes with the mental it gives you a far, it sees it and has significantly strained the diplomatic ties between medic just as your opinion and in lights. also those strange relations brussels as of knowledge, the challenges of upholding a trusting estimates the making the departure of the,
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of the ambassador unavoidable, while potential implications and political and financial relations between metal gasket and the huge you to the invested as replacements. i get to be determined that the problematic stand off and the scores of the complex interplay between human rights. because there is an international relations in metal gasket raising questions about the future trajectory office partnerships with the e. u. and at this point to the utilization has confirmed that to be invested as departure has almost been completed and is also under review. she should therefore leave her posted during the solving winter between july and august. but the recruitment proceeds to find her success stuff is expected to take quite a long time finding economy, news that the southern african nation of zimbabwe isn't. she is in you gold. but currency is called the big the movie, its a typo inflation,
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and count the western side. as soon as the central bank seeks to stabilize the economy, we are doing what we are doing to ensure that our local gardens does not die. as i say, we will it into a situation with almost 85 percent of the veterans are being conducted with because all kinds was not easy was not giving up, the function was full. but the idea is here for the these in baldwin economy to try and find the new form of currency. as many people may be aware, maybe they know that high, but zimbabwe has been on the very political sanctions for decades now. and those things as of really obliterated their own currency, this involved in the, i mean there's even a one trillion is involved in the notes. that's how bad it is. obviously not the by way experienced catastrophic drought. mm hm. uh some i think some 2000000000 was of agricultural crops have now been destroyed and most devastating in the country for
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us as we you mentioned that we had that the west and the sanctions, but moving forward, i mean, how can this, how come, how does it have enough gold to support it? well the, the, the showed on since that and there are these. yes, as in bob, we have large amounts of gold was as spill in the ground in the country that hadn't been prospect of yet as this new sort of multi poto wells. uh, you know, starts to exist. we seeing a lot more collaboration with this involving governments and bobby and businesses with countries like russia, like china, like india that are coming in and helping them to exploit these resources. so you already have a lot of gold reserves which have been sanctioned, which means they've not been able to export them. but now hopefully we can see a lot of other countries coming to the assistance as in bob way and help them to exploit more of those just as a folder on people, rather than just sending them outs to switzerland, wherever, where they don't get used by, by anyone in zimbabwe? a lot of the people that lives in bob wayne's, i think they have,
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they have they felt inflation hit them hard. oh, absolutely. all right. i mean, if you speak to anyone from zimbabwe, they've always suffered food inflation. they suffer through the use of sort of going out to learn really a bit, but like the cubans, we could say they went out the line. they said we're going to do things all right. way, we not going to about down to pressure from the united states and they said they're on that right. and but the country like any country, you know, it, it off the decades of sanctions. we can see this with iran. we can see this with any, any country like this russian now off to office. so i'm just kind of adapt to it. so they didn't. bobby's actually have an economic plan that they what towards sort of kind of like the saudis of the chinese day, which they bill over the next 10 years, which is the sort of reading and they're going to be. but of course not to be more right. this is a developing countries, so they're all appropriate and still that exist thoughts, you know, with the help all of all that, that for is that are now coming to their assistance. hopefully this is going to be a thing of the past very seems to them. and i've still got the link, little bit to the politics. do companies like united states use the sanctions,
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perhaps to triple countries just because they've been not getting it their own way . absolutely. and right, that's the entire point of it. we've seen that time and time and time again. now the united states, but sanctions, it's a lot of their allies built to trade with the country and they try to isolate them . now, in the, the rules based old, a lot of the us, which has existed property up until about 24 months ago in it's, you know, and it's dominant phone that was possible. but now with almost multi pilot, well the, with the i've been a breaks with the owner of these new economic unions that are happening. and it's, it's hard to see how they going to be able to keep up with this. all right, so positive news, our russian space for all 5 successfully. we tend to us with 3 crew members of the international space station. the site is canceled. carrie o like move in ski of russia. laurel o hara of the us, i most new to be the 1st female cause we're not from brother is mostly known as it left kaya element in the central asian nation of kind of fun with which russia has
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close ties, the international space, there's is mainly collaboration of us and russian crew, southern people academy on board. the whole between laboratory at 3 from via 3 from the us and one from gemini megs is an exclusive interview with little baker and bill, the new and i just in the needs in government, the fund is up. they seem to me about his country as tom just in the coming year will be back at the top of the the thank you so much, 55 liaison for your time for us, our tea. and let's just get into our conversation. so the general election commission has finally officially announced that, but i will.


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