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tv   News  RT  April 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the, the full lies all when you ride in the middle east right now after to ron warranty, it would retaliate for it, at least quite good. it's calculating syria. a data breach in the center of russia leaves settlements down the street in the, in the baited with what the forces, the evacuation of more than 4000 people. the safety, a state of emergency has been declared in the region. india is representative to the international money to fund lashes out that globalization tool constantly on the playing the success of its country is blooming, economy, the kind of the what come to our, to, to national, reaching you from
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a new center with moscow? i a michael caught you up with the update. alrighty. sky high tensions in the mid least us reckoning to roger. don't even further regions, boys to see just what you ron would do after you threatening to retaliate for a strike of it's constituting syria. what he blamed on these are all operations conducted to the right time, with precision and prudence, and with the necessary caution to maximize damage to the enemy would definitely lead to his regret and make it repent freights actions. all right, let's get more on this now. and bring in how to use tables right here in the studio chair you've been following this developments and your ron is saying is going to take its revenge on the ease row for striking the cost of it in syria. could you walk us through all of that? yeah, well this, of course comes in the wake of one day strike on the country with the rainy and consummate in damascus and syria. and this is a very, very, uh,
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momentous event. uh, a single country targeting a, another country in a 3rd country it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one was if you like. so that's the 1st thing to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen. countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic parity of a 3rd country in a 2nd country if you like. so that's a significant thing. the impact of the strike as well is, is interesting to a 7, a senior and rainy and military officials were killed. and this 2 of them were brigadier general's, they were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operations. i'm of the islamic revolution. we guards core. so that's an, as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends. and the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said to come admiration for one of the of those killed us at the, at this, at that there wouldn't be response and that would happen at when the time was light
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. so this is feeding and fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now, even i tell a, at least how many the supreme leader, if you like in, in ron, has said that there would be swift and definite, a response to this. but also something that's very interesting and with all this sort of warnings and almost the acceptance stuff, there's going to be some sort of response from around. something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually america is wales biggest out loud and remember american phones and politically supports the way the stays to a huge extent on hundreds of billions of dollars. i've been as pumped into these very state, most of it in military aid. so without americans support a lot of what is well, doesn't the region on is doing at the moment thing as what would be impossible that the radius of i should ask the americans to step aside. and let us deal with the is ladies in relation to destroy and we can actually have a listen for that. here am i can in a written message, the islamic republic of iran warn the us leadership not to get dragged into
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netanyahu's trap, stay away. so you won't get hurt in response to the us, ask iran not to target american facilities. and so as you can see, quite remarkable, over a suggestion from the radiance it looks step aside. now that they've attacked those in a 3rd country and breach of every international norm and of course is rail as in hot water at the moment about the ongoing as a punitive operation in gaza. so it's a really escalating, the pressure is building like really building everyone is waiting. yeah. would you what is going to happen? how is your mind going to react to all of this? now, if you run, it's not just bluffing. if this is not a blog or an empty threat, as the case would be, and it goes ahead, just strike. how is this going to go down with is what i mean even in the united states. on the other hand, we seeing the huge escalation i had with actually, well, that's a very interesting question. and of course, the 1st
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a to answer the 1st part. now that iran has publicly stated that it will respond, there's almost an impetus for it to respond in some way as the world is sort of waiting with bated breath to see what the response would be that the americans have said that they expect. and a rainy and response as have these ladies who have suggested in seniors where the american face has suggested that they're working together to try to get ahead of whatever this response may be. now, that means is that the is really and the american intelligence services are working . phoebe's need to find out what exactly the response would be. a, i believe i mentioned these will take exactly, exactly, you know, interesting to you as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens as president biden. and benjamin netanyahu have a phone call this week. and obviously the, the key issue for discussion here has shifted from the, the, the, the solved in gaza to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation in the,
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in the white or middle east. and we'd like to have a listen to what, uh, been mean yet. yeah, i've said in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boy, and i think it's quite tele, a close on entry on board and they've done it for years and run has been action against us both directly. and while its process is that for israel is acting against the run and its process defensively and defensively, we will know how to defend ourselves. and it will act according to the simple principle of whoever homes us or plants to hom, us little hom, them so. so as you can see, there is a sense of expectation, not just from the, the global community that's watching this very nervous and with the countries in the region. so do you review a rack all of these quantities watching with a dated bit because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder keg. and what's really fascinating is that in this instance, is both israel,
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who was now preoccupied to a huge extent with this war as it calls it in gaza. it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against has blah, he's rarely military is no exceptionally l. if you hired, stretched to accommodate the pressures on as a grade or conflict with the rom could push as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well, the noise, it could be in possession of, of significantly destructive weapon we, let's say. and the world is watching at to see what happens next. of course, we'll be watching too much. well, everyone is waiting on these consequences that could come out of this why? most of the world has been say, let us de escalate left and or the ceasefire. let there be peace everywhere. go back to the table, negotiate tables. we have to leave it here. now thank you so much, right? a major emergency has been declared in central russia after
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a damn was breached crossing. we want that to stop cascading towards build up areas . however, local authority said i'd be struck to hasn't collapse and it's only partially damaged. a criminal case has been lowest into potential negligence in construction regulations. now this footage is believed to be when the dad was 1st breached. and what that started rushing through emergency services had been working to show up the bunk bed oversight ever since. i'd be in for the incident occurred in the city of orest in the oram bug region. i made fears that more than 4000 combs could be at the risk from robbing people, had been taken to emergency shout as and so far more than 4000 are reported to have been evacuated, including 1000 children, a total of $57.00 supplements on foot to be in the danger zone, a local people have been speaking of the plight a. this is where this needs seeing we have already accepted 36 people. at the
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moment we still have people arriving there already, 16 children. we try to find the most appropriate conditions for each one. for example, old women come to us. we found folding beds for them to find those who are young guy, naturally. we place them here in the gym. in addition, we have a room for mothers with children, which has $25.00 beds that are kids that to here we have a psychologist, doctors and police the my, all of us around g c, around the clock. we help and talk to everyone. people, the rules, good and upset is he's clear that's everyone needs attention. yeah. but am i suggesting right now we are in a social service sense or in the see to who is it? has everything necessary for the long term accommodation of local people affected by the floods? the rooms have bedside tables, beds, towels, pillows. moreover the resume and a sink with one more to it's really room where you guys some of them we on
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inpatient department. we have already accepted 10 people whose houses are in a zone where there is a risk of flooding. the people have been provided with that 1st thing they need, they have been accommodated. essential items were given to them. the center can also accommodate to about 10 people. so we'll give it to us about 8 or 9 o'clock, i called the center and said that we were ready to evacuate. because my mother was veteran and i would not be able to place somewhere in case of panic and the smallest. we wouldn't even be able to travel by come because that will be traffic jams every way you probably attend. we were already here at the center. we are residents of the old city and we constantly went to them and watched what was happening that for me it's fair. i wasn't as worried about myself as i was about my mother. because i can guess on a base in any case, we just lived together and have no one else to house. oh, wow. okay. so we're filmed, helping one disabled passing get to safety at met the rising board as
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a rescue are carried him on his back before helping him into a vehicle. a cruise had been traveling around local communities, offering help to those most in need. the worst year for the blood work, you ation, if it's continue a no scandal being carried out in several areas. once locals are being evacuated using boats in flight will by the time transport is the can accommodates up to 50 people. evacuation is being carried out gradually. street by street. people will say big bones with the use of loud speakers. we recommend residents listen to the advice, would be emergencies, ministry, and still leave the dangerous ard. because now the water is gradually coming and is expected to continue to rise in the near future. the most difficult situation was in the morning when the water was coming quite false. know the forces of the russian emergency administrator were focused on saving people for saving the life and health. we use a system capable of pumping up to 350 leases are bought by
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a 2nd. this will help reduce the water level in the most affected areas. now with the situation on the ground, remaining serious a specialist team of arrest us has been dispatched by the plane to the area of this video. you see now that this with a shows the team and heavy equipment, voiding the play. the group comprising of a 175 specialists will operate in air. we as most affected by the flawed, along the equipment, are off road vehicles. what a profit special equipment, according to latest data, i'm more than $500.00 rescue, as i currently operating on the ground with more than $200.00 items of equipment involved. and also the rescue operation continues in area is affected by the flood . water is still coming into the city. a local corresponded to brings us more on this. right now. we're on the roads connecting the right and left the bank. spots of the city. as you can see, it is flood is behind me. you can see the dam bridge,
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which was failed to stop the flow of water into the city. but there is another bridge on the left bank of the oral rebar. what that is to comment into the city. the bridge has not yet been failed. people are being evacuated from the news, or the heavy rains have seen or what the levels meet, the above the average for the time of the year. and that's attempted for it is to in college locals to get old very essential documents and possessions together. as a precaution and be ready to sleep for the very latest on this development, i'm developing story. our website has got you covered, and you find that a r t dot com the in consistently in i q rate. and that's how the indian representative to the international money to fund has slumped. the agencies yearly projections for his country's economic growth. i think that he's own forecast. better reflect reality. during my tenure, it's only a mess. i m f stuff,
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estimates of india as growth rate has been consistently inaccurate. while india's growth has been greater than 7 percent, i am at self estimates have only been less than 7 percent. in contrast, i've made accurate predictions, and the data speaks for itself why professor said romania and projected more than 7 percent broad for india for the past fit for the past fiscal year, the i m f changes forecast several times, but was never once close to the reality, india and, and the india ended up recording growth of 7.6 percent bits. while the item of itself has been keen to defend itself from the criticism. the views conveyed by c vermani and were in his role as india is representative at the i m. s. and that's the stings of course, from the work of the i m. s. stuff of all this comes shortly after the prime minister outlined is strategy for the global acceptance of a ruby sentence that under moody fuss to office in 2014,
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the size of india is economy has doubled for the upcoming decade. local analysts are projecting growth of about a percentage which will possibly make india the well 3rd largest economy. now let's cross live to a single economies, but the founder of me, cory associates, me telling me, cory, it's always good to have you join me right now. thank you. thank you. my great pleasure to be here. really nice. so, so the india and the representative at the i m f in the system of the body is consistently failing with its growth forecast for this country. what's your take on that? so i said like, you know, i will try to bring a little bit of a balance perspective door to board. besides, i've been looking at the data and the projections that i invest has been doing for the last decade and also doctors the premiums with projections. and i think they've done both the most in the last 2 years. so i do recall that there was
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a convergence in the projections. i mean, we could see that even the i m. s. what sort of being able to take into account a number of the activities, especially of a service. the 2nd bill in the, in the going to be on the projections are not as far from the supervisor comes projections. but in the last 2 to 3 years full school that i think that there has been a much greater divergence, especially last you all, when you know the unit are going to be actually what 7.6 percent. but the, i must projections consistency for that 6 point street. and even for $22425.00. the union projections are up to date or even 8.2 percent by sold in agencies, including the water bottles, also putting it at $7.00. but the 5 must have guessed it at $6.00. so i think that these rates are maybe by launching and at this point in time, the best report, what is my view is to have agreed to coordination between agencies such as the i
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last on the one bank and on those as the government. if it gets owens, you know, systems of estimating that g, d, b because it's not like the indian. uh, you know, so just to go office is doing this for the 1st time. we have the establish, you know, data collection systems which are very robust. i'm not actually providing information about a number of sources sectors, which means what we did get into a column of, you know, in some of the international organization projects. so i do think that there's a need for agreement and told you, you know, all right now now that we have about to part of a little projections for the same economy, the i m f on one hand, the country on the other hand, what do you think is responsible, how do we explain this divergence? why the divergence in the projections? oh, i think 1st of all mind it's about the inflation. i mean, this is one of the major indicators that this farms, you know,
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when we're talking about video g, d, p growth, what ever we assume the installation of the country is going to be that then, you know, sort of brings down the v o, d d be good to go back to the southern side, the projections around the world for both the organizations. i think the government doesn't go, which is often done by donors of providing himself and have the high mass. the bill also sort of can body, but you know, the insulation projections are definitely that logic. and i don't think that you know, the result time because in deal with this new installation dog at the v, which makes sure that completion stays within a by, by just to, to 6 percent on an annual basis with the betty from commodity apps and tests to sort of a federal we have in place a, which i think the message to some extent, not big into a go right now. india is not the only country making complaints or having
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concerns or projections when it comes to what i am. if you don't put out there, do you think the body may know what this projection projection rates been? the bread, the only intention of the i wouldn't go so far as to say that, but i will definitely see that there is a need for introspection. you know, it's all in international organizations, all you know that our model is which for design, maybe 10 or 15 years of goals all for doing searching projections and the economy is done. selves have changed. i mean, to be in the growth as most starting from a steel one, cities today in their growth is coming from the 3 cities. and sometimes, you know, this decentralization of the growth is something that is also not bent into growth hormones. i mean, it does very large countries. now when we go back to, i'm going to go on these, which are definitely, you know, not very happy with the projection projection methodologies. again,
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it speaks to an approval which, which is a very standardized approach across emerging economies. but how have, you know, the entire global sold into, at a more economy context. i mean, the context of each and every region, some reason are, are different. and i think, you know, this mindset off having a very standardized model, it needs to change and we need much more country, specifically the thoughts much more representations from the global south in the, you know, the economics rooms that economics, the estimations of that are done within these international organizations, we need more detail on the phone for global cells, not just the ones who have, you know, graduated from american university. the then going to the math, but you know, the attorney people so they don't want to know the context. false the good and then model is that which is not thought and keeping place, you know. all right, we look forward to the future and how
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a more rating companies and agencies can come up even from other parts of the world . so, you know, you come and spend fonder of nick araselis hits me totally new curry. thank you so much for your insight. with no end inside. so the conflict in guys that one us congress, man things, it's time for the nuclear option. quite literally. he's been caught on camera, suggesting atomic bombs should be used to wipe the enclave off the face of a rush . to sell us. we should be the
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issue. it shouldn't be like a spokesperson for the congress man later claimed the words had been taken out of context and he actually and the sizes with policies and civilians. but the comments come, must be enclave, is grappling with the humanitarian catastrophe. more than 70 percent of gathers infrastructure, it has been destroyed and almost 2000000 people displaced. but some is there any citizens want and even tougher approach. and i calling for more radical solutions. today i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone in the port people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so think politicians must agree to press the button where a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people. i think you'd expect patient is that tomorrow morning would drop what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb on all of gaza,
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flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them. they're not scared to death to a some palestinians claim the color and he's ready. bombardment of guys i was then some of the most tragic events of world war 21 of the. so what is why you, what israel has done is more than what happened in hiroshima and nagasaki. what's left, what's left and you can see the palestinian people, do they want to kill a 1000000 of us? i what if it had? well, my lot the attack on japan was during world war 2. it was an international we're between all the world forces within the gas a war. the whole world is against gasoline alone. mister santa, to an older peasant than some of the welsh. do we have to die to prove to you that we just ask to leave the funeral head on the newer stuff? this is the mindset of someone fullest. and these are the thoughts of a politician on diplomat posted in cases old and the listing. and people have been
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suffering since 1948 and of this side of the things that dropping a nuclear bomb on the goddess tribble and the boasting an issue. then he is wrong. how to sharpen the, any of this is the american people's understanding of the world. how much profit i make is how much of a human i am. this is his understanding of the world, and this is, of course, different from ours. the base of their thinking is profit and loss. he thinks the palestinians are a loss right. it's called the vague. and zimbabwe is hoping it's new gold back cover and see will help it. sig sides around hyperinflation, new western sanctions that have crippled the country for years. we are doing what we are doing to ensure that our local gardens does not die. as i said, we will it, do, you know, the situation with almost 85 percent of the veterans are being conducted the list
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because our local gardens was not easy was not giving up to the functional store. but the idea is here for the these in baldwin economy to try and find the new form of currency. as many people may be aware, maybe they know the high, but zimbabwe has been on the very political sanctions the decades. now. i know sciences of really obliterated their own currency. this involved being deluxe, i mean, there's even a one trillion zimbabwe in the notes. that's how bad it is. obviously knows it by way experienced catastrophic drought. mm. uh, so i'm, i think some 2000000000 was of agricultural crops have now been destroyed and most devastating in the country for us as we you mentioned that we had that the western sanctions but moving forward. i mean, how can this, how come, how does it have enough gold to support it? oh, the, the, the showed on since that and there are these. yes, as in bob way has large amounts of gold was as spill in the ground in the country
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that hadn't been prospect of yet as this new sort of multi poto wells. uh, you know, starts to exist. we're seeing a lot more collaboration with this involving governance and bobby and businesses with countries like russia, like china, like india that are coming in and helping them to exploit these resources. so they already have a lot of gold reserves which have been sanctioned, which means they've not been able to expose them. but now hopefully we can see a lot of other countries coming to the assistance as in bob way and help them to exploit more of those just as a folder on people, rather than just sending them outs to switzerland, wherever, where they don't get used by, by anyone in zimbabwe? a lot of the people that lives in bob wayne's, i think they have, they have they felt inflation hit them hard. oh, absolutely, right. i mean, if you speak to anyone from zimbabwe, they both sausage to inflation, they suffer through the use of sort of going out to loan really a bit. but like the cubans, we could say they went out the line. they said, we're going to do things all right, way. we're not going to bog down to pressure from the united states. and they said
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they're on the right. and, but the country like any country, you know, it, it off the decades of sanctions. we can see this with iran, we can see this with any country like this russian now, often often times just kind of adapt to it. so they didn't, bobby's actually have an economic plan that they, what towards sort of kind of like the saudis of the chinese day, which they bill over the next 10 years, which is the sort of reading and they're going to be. but of course not to be more at this is a developing countries, so they're all appropriate and still that exist spots, you know, with the help all of, of, of that, the friends that are now coming to their assistance. hopefully this is going to be a thing of the past, very scene for them. and i've still got the link, little bit to the politics. do companies like united states use the sanctions, perhaps to fitful countries just because they've been not getting it their own way? absolutely right, that's the entire point of it. we've seen that time and time and time again. now the united states, but sanctions, it's a lot of their allies built to trade with the country and they try to isolate them
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. now, in the, the rules based old, a lot of the us, which is existing property up until about 24 months ago in, in it's, you know, in its dominant form that was possible. but now it almost multi point a while ago to, with the, i've been a breaks with the over these new economic unions that are happening. and it's, it's hard to see how they going to be able to keep up with this. right, let's bring you some news just reaching us this hour from syria. west 7 children have reportedly been killed and to lead jed following an explosion in the city or send them on. police reported the same at the blast was caused by an explosive device of the city is located in the solemn province which was the center of the uprising in 2011. it only returned on the government control 6 years ago, or sadly, well, bringing new updates of that same folder. and that's the news right now. thanks for watching my colleague obviously share. it will be with you at the top of the by now the
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the i'm action are tense and welcome back to going underground rule got single around
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the world from you a, this week. and nato celebrated 75 years off to catastrophes in yugoslavia. iraq, afghanistan, syria, libby as to don, ukraine and venezuela, to mention a few at home nato countries today phase mass or position for their needs role in arming, genocide in gaza, enabled by compliance nature and ation media. a wide, a war has already begun with britain in the usa area lead bombarding, simon hit human nature nations. um the active war on the ron is the, is nomic republics. diplomatic facilities in syria, which all get it in the past few days. singleton use, the nature of countries for billions, to be defeated in a proxy war on russia through ukraine and nature, members of strengthening military forces against china, around and now that's great kit, taiwan. joining me from chicago, his professor joined much and i'm also and co author of books including how states think of the rationality of foreign policy and the israel lobby and u. s. foreign policy. thank.


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