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tv   Documentary  RT  April 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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next year, the united states will offer its sincere apologies to those who died and suffered from the atomic box no matter what happens. the use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable. and a rapidly escalating rift of mexico is at alice at severing ties with that core door. comes off the police storm, the mexican embassy in quito, and arrested a form of vice president who had taken refuge. that of the mexico claims that a diplomatic workers were injured. during the raid, the former vice president who faces corruption charges was given shelter of the embassy in december. mexico was lead to set the sanctity of its mission had been violated. the former believe in ambassadors such a lot and believes that it is a type, undermines regional unity and could be the work of external players. shoes easy. this is the, the central is no, it is not just
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a breach of international law. it is not just a violation of the right of the asylum. he's also, uh, the, the time it gives the people a lot of the caribbean to become integrated up to become more on sort of a see it is really a very, very serious situation. i know that the mixing will assume these cases. yeah, because it is not something that should be just so in terms because so because it was a violation of the solar p o lexical slur. heard a person who had it was 16. and so it was granted aside keeping up with
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a mexican moved out the no there to do the scan without, without the coverage, the united states, we have to reset the general description of the south, call it the dealer, the director of the, of the c plus 3, and the reason, of course, the side of the united states they tell us about is more of their own words. like uh, so it continues online right now on our website, but also an assistant channel. uh t. spend your wrapping up the show for now. here we are not international back on the top of the allot more of your saturday night headlines live for most of the
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the the
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the service i told you about the the,
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what the cost. yeah, so let's get started. that's like because what is my goal is the one you had of these sites to complete the meaning of which i've got a lot of people use it up to you. how does that glitched? i know the service, we have to show the resumes butting it. sure thing seems finances are tight, so it's going to change stuff for the extent of what i'm going to do. lots of other people the time it doesn't look for them. i mean there's only 2 in a row. the discomfort was seen what i missed both
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you can talk system was the real because it was supposed to be off the school, but it does approximately comes by and it says the model for the corporate job growth financial. uh cuz i'm a search i service or the show the the double cause of the month. so the vehicle comes to a lunch order. you and you're doing the put of the substitute they purchase a deposit is just kinda nice. and so i send you the request because i have so much too much go to about the, the, to the needs of the for the 0 with something besides, i have to just go, yes it was for mino said it was also with the money so that for us to, for, to, for while the so is it has to say it, but it saw me all the and saw so so i know the token, i see that a,
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with a little shook. yeah. some of those. what about the vote comes through the see it doesn't, but also people say the set up. but as a schema they let me know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break. you know, when you see which of the boys put it on the engine instead of this, you don't want your units are full of little boys to do you need assistance. i don't want this shit rolled up in the time. so when does it last? it was so when a fish just the thing is the boat, most of most likely to do it. not showing us the dc well at the start because we don't really slow to do so. most joseph doing with the senior, bundled with the funeral
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home today and said that the subsidy of about to invite you to frontier and it's just the media and, and all that actually some of the other option at the front desk. yeah. but also some games and you would just let me know, i need to know what is the most cool video when you think you know when you, when you see the list of them, i still don't know. but if you just click it still double, it could still go to the choice before you stop. nivia technical sounds good now, but i do see more than 30 minutes. if i get a number to be yes. so uh oh my god, such a large number. but it has been in your thoughts on google, woodridge, and what is the new budget? of course today. oh, there is no dispute as to which was new. and then they said they knew it was in the code of still still needed to study for the 20
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the based on this quarter. some of the guys in the village, some special. yeah. uh but then list them. what is your role in 2 of them? the 3 delta me is coming due to me is funny except a part of them. the bills, the fox, the, the young lady. that's a great system that goes to the door. yeah. point oh spectrum. as anybody in the by to the what about the service to putting in the, the ocean. that is the star test just to the show there was never easy to go click to see a little and looked up. it was supposed
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to be completely co queen with money and cool to the single couple her when she was the lowest in the state of georgia and so forth. you thought was when you pull insurance, and if i understood what it is, only is elizabeth, shall simple chance available cost the name of the same. what do you think is a part of a couple of them will do 3 of them and use this new idea of what is the point where she will go with? yeah, you're always going to, you know, what the in the only let me call you were always thoughts on that was really already up was a little for you. read them is more than coming to william. go call. the middle one is a lot of me later. he is feeling one in order was that all this or not but the image, i'm also going to shift ultimately a little dinner fluid is going on. i want to go and usually another one of the show most the charlotte, maybe you go,
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well i know we wanna share so he's still cool more because the brother is dealing with them. but of course the whole, the little, little the, or media. i will quickly load on what you think us about the event article, which then you're going to be the button. uh, but leveling it sort of always the, the go next. the didn't you don't have any bullet wilson and i've been able to start so by a few little to show you more than humans flores on the road just talking to me and wants to meet with you to go over the phone with you guys on your pool, but it's really good. i mean the we're going to remove just the share of the mortgage. these people will choose your own on union can use was what did they couldn't use was the new board. we've got the boiler splinter today,
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but what you already knew started going mobile closing. can you do the most? it is on the what the nation you will talk to the board little some of the deal with, sorry, lawyers will get an idea of going to go just showing you the board itself, them up soon. you have new phones. you see the little bluff. i'm in the room, is as low as the me the soon let me go, let them review including the keys business junior you for middle of the problem with me, but go do they just gave me the book? can you please to do both school with at least with feel of some of them so you don't have to be just let me just let you know. so what i'm going to do that if i do is for you the boy lived a little slow. so what does, what is in the default to flip your focus on, you know, i'm not sure how to download even the restore of the story. so to see me,
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would you, but you will see the company was going to do the sheets. are you? those leads us literally you prospect through us will be the one with those results, moody sources, a bunch of the storage of the thing. do photos of insurance through the, showing us no button in the near because somebody of the month or the teachers could use the
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initial hosting. the yes, the street in the employee, the
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the, the, the new speed, toyota. and the billing is going to be the pretty good. how much would it be possible for them? i don't think you liked it all myself. and you might see in the us and you had some nimble the, you know, it's the
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russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up the speed . the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians to day and split the smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you see stephen twist, which is the
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of what is part of the is it that the employee would post good isn't the the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's go part of what somebody did. they give you a little bit more. so this mother is sort of great. a the, for the appointment for you as a seamless, lenient pulling. it was very low. we would have a little from windham, and it was all because of which was initially and which was interesting. and you
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know, since the middle of the month we, we saw on school below who, who was the one was the person with them was the other was good, beautiful. if you're going to see us go, what do you think you are? phones cannot. it would clue, the lady would you feel it would be a good influence level of support this? can you really quick see me, be sure there's the cooling. let's do it is only i do, but talk to like it'll show me what you mean. nice. i'm assuming i'm was looking at and you're growing up. someone couples with business today. sure will buy some frame, which is what i need to know. if maybe it's not easy to put you on hold. you want me to call you a little before state to deal with a one of your former ownership on what's going on in the much
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yeah, the use of the series of us a senior citizen and also shamrock. she. yeah. go ahead and almost capacitance. thank you. must go school, can he has multiple school was 10 vehicle on bus for him and ask about some of them across from them depending on there was a chest magician william show a chance. i didn't tell you enough. i'm going to taylor pregnancy loose loose cds. you little yeah, it was really beautiful if you will, but it was really to a solution said that they will get here. you'll see ok. this thing here fall and spring last is a lot of which special on this my see if they should have many of the states. yeah . those. okay. he's gluten thomas yeah. yeah. and those are the ladies. i knew i'd
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sent that to go quickly to go to any page of the yesterday or e, cause i use the source they used to do so. but the other thing in my, in this yeah. and that's what same thing as this problem. no warranty or anything them upgrade can get a suspend village and welcome. but just using that, is there some other issue or he's in your mind, you know, who is the expense? i just think is always the 1st of all song in the mitchell state. the status on the side of the what i see them both see one of them that of a couple of them is that also shifting this west 3 for them because they've got to do is to be in the email. and then you enjoy the superficial, which is about as one of the contain additional westcove. it'd be too much that they should have been with us. so there's a nice yes,
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the summer it's of shaking contrast. well yeah, that's the show us ocean was, but i'm frustrated because of all that as well somebody for that's what i'm interested in. look actually, but just based on the shows and i left the rest of the year itself. so by chance to have somebody is this, i've decided to buy some, some show. i see this pretty much the ship. my set up for me is to the beach. was these shows where was that accurate? let's see here. i was giving this to you. this is when the, the number of us on the piece to the order just for the immediate yeah,
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i knew it was because what has to be just the level of this is, can you my license to show it to you? does the guy who is on one of us does of interest we ship never sent that one? i mean it's a solution that way, especially with the notes i just. yeah. mostly neil, which is pretty, we should at least invite just to read it this for this and you can assess the 1st 11 years to just show a blessing it. so it's, it's almost again friends. funny. yeah, they ended up on the issue now go to the industrial me and what's the only way to come from minneapolis to somebody in my because i get the
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most of my personality to me is nice, but i would be doing a as in nancy, associate just phone with that cousin, let us know if that is paid for you. she's here. so you think that the british luck of the news? yeah, i think my post the best plans and those unfortunately these keep but each unit separate the floor in the might be something it comes out of the, from the girls' names if you look at office and she should have shown the so i see if i can view the these that i just talked to was just sort of goal kind of the, you know, quite a few months gus, for the beginning. well, even in on your study, but i will be showing you photos needs to hold as, as all the major task we've already found. the s t shirt, the blue that he thought it states because there's the city, many big houses in the near post. those of those states of void and then you've got to say just to try to bring anybody my us to kind of shows that no, i think i sent it to the 5 star,
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here's the share and that's what you use. so if these patients, before the fees with the other 10 years will hit, then the bottom one that you put to i used google by at the nation. what does it listen was lovely just and with us of the one that i'm really pushing is also used to, to, to who is with the most of the us because there's no someone's requesting just on the software. so as long as submitted sent out quite a few weeks ago, it was cut off to the ladies of a because i think you apply to you to those pretty much the other then what would you see? some of those fighters whose cuz it also can you see what you're saying? pretty much mostly. sure. so the 0 close the loop on is, i'm not sure what am i supposed to reach to the bathroom shuffle, but i thought, oh it's, i wish transportation for the dental office the and the, the rules that they will go at the moment. and you know, when you little so that's almost piecing it, but i was, i was always see what was even as if it was initial plan.
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most of those, you know, those nc and what was the notion kind of so the was on the assignment. i don't know say football. so what is the start? what hold on? cuz i just want you to know if you want to. if i said you have a disease, what's the contrast to the corners of the sales allow us to put it into stores and then yeah, it will be and we moved to washington. but the, we 1st see what was that was the shell say, but i'm really that much of the financial, the window open now and like i saw solution, it's a little some off the roof. i've been here as a uh, sunk of a kind of thing with the heaviest garza uh, student. hold on. second. we'll take the, it's in the pricing seems to me. so it's taking such a site as that. it comes through so the mobile has the photos, the site up little so what am i, she quoted, a lot of cities basically is the most beautiful,
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but i've used most of the social and it is awesome. and what's, what's the problem? whatever it will go with the new, but we'll see what it's about, which are so you feel simple, doable for them on. so i go through this dual the mobile phone, but it is still available for me. when you see bothering you, just looking to cover the stand, what sort of take off with michelle completely some of the position that i was able to show
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you to go super close enough with these. we don't use simple issue, but she had 3 of course now, but i think, you know, at least like i said, i'm with them and that is a festival. it's the same with somebody. trust me, you're still originally affordable for you. so no, that's less than what i mean. yeah, the point is that even if we use it as can take my way more than what you've said, most people don't know what she need to squeeze some more solo so. so what, what is the have to do with other people doing the upgrade your social 0 to pause want to see must even use a chief of police cars. he's stuck with me and i'm just, i'm almost the with usually what, for example, i don't know what the meaning of the size. i mean you definitely side of the fight them with the new or so is rosa. we 2 and you called sorry, that was supposed continue. it was a bit of advice. so subtle science, the keywords for somebody to crystals right now that was one reason
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because there was issues with the issues that because of school the school. and so we saw it being a semester, so he thought it was the she was people sure. as soon as she comes over to the the other side of school is how easy it was to do things. that's what a lot of these cards. there's a little going yeah. on the she was you know, do simple. so i wanted off of this. is there any further with the kind of it was
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the restroom, you know, like a muscle and your salt creek tables and whatnot with some of them stabilize even on the essentially it's a book also for the closing animals. the of the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultram nationalist, the use dashes, the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power. they billed the same events, concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to use dashes, use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the scene of us campbell, who renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was
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incredible genocide. the and the headlines 0 and i'll see international a possible. com before the storm. all eyes are on iran and the middle east, off the tear on a one to it will increase colleagues for a deadly is ready stripe products consummate in syria. a data breach in central russia leaving several months downstream in, on dirty with water 20 forces, the evacuation of more than 4000 people. growing it concerns as india is representative to the international monetary fund last years. also the organization for cautiously on the plane, the success of countries moving economy, the right at 10 pm locally here in moscow.


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