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tv   News  RT  April 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, it's a possible calm before the storm and the headlines here on i t as old eyes are on iran, and the middle leaves of the tear on wanted will retaliate for deadly is ready strike one. it's considered in serious a time for each in central brush are leaving settlements downstream in i, dated with water forces d evacuation of more than 4000 people. growing concerns as india is representative to the international monetary fund. las resolved, as the organizations are constantly on the fading, the success of those countries, booming economy. the drive tend to have your top stores lined up and ready to roll. that's all to you as
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live from. must go at 1 am locally on sunday. so what exactly is tell ron planning? we're ready, sky high tensions across the middle east. thoughts threatening to rush it off even further? the regions points to see just what iran will do, offer a vile to retaliate for in his ready strike. one, it's considered in syria, the operations conducted at the right time with precision and prudence, and with the necessary caution to maximize the damage to the enemy, would definitely lead to its regrets and make it repent freights actions. this, of course, comes in the wake of one day strike on the con, see that the rainy and consummate in damascus in syria. and this is a very, very uh, momentous event, single country targeting a, another country in a 3rd country. it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one's if you like. so that's the 1st thing to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen. countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic therapy of a 3rd country in
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a 2nd country if you like. so that's a significant thing. the impact of the strike as well is, is interesting to a 7, a senior, a rainy and military officials were killed. in this, 2 of them were a brigadier general's. they were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operation side. of the islamic revolution, we guards core. so that's an as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends and the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said that a come member ration for one of the, those killed that at that at this, that there wouldn't be a response and that would happen at when the time was. right. so this is feeding and fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now even a tell a, the how many the supreme leader feel like in, in ron has said that would be swift. and definitely a response to this, but also something that's very interesting and with all this sort of warnings and
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almost the acceptance that there's going to be some sort of response from around. something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually america is wales biggest out loud and remember america phones and politically supports the way the stays to a huge extent. hundreds of billions of dollars of and if that pumped into these very state, most of it in military aid. so without it, american supports a lot of what is well doesn't the region is doing at the moment. thing as would be impossible. that the radiance of i should ask you americans to step aside and let us deal with the ladies in relation to destroy in a written message, the islamic republic of iran warn the us leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap. stay away so you won't get hurt. in response, the us ask iran not to target american facilities. so as you can see, a quite remarkable, over suggestion from the radiance look step aside. now that they've attacked us in a 3rd country and breach of every international norm. and of course,
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israel is in hot water at the moment about the ongoing as a punitive operation. in gaza, so it's a really escalating the pressure is building like really building everyone is waiting. yeah. would you what is going to happen? how is your mind going to react to all of this? now, if you run, it's not just bluffing. if this is not a blog or an empty threat, as the case may be, and it goes ahead, just strike. how is this going to go down with ease? well, and even the united states. on the other hand, we seeing a huge escalation on our hands with actually well, that's a very interesting question. of course to answer the 1st part. now that iran has publicly stated that it will respond, there's almost an input this 4th to respond in some way as the world is sort of waiting with bated breath to see what the response would be. that the americans have said that they expect lorraine in response as have these ladies who have suggested that seniors where the american face has suggested that they're working
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together, expect to get ahead of whatever this response may be. now that means is that the is really, i'm the american intelligence services are working cvc, the point of what executive response would be a, i believe i mentioned these will take exactly, exactly, you know, interested me as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens as a president biden, and benjamin netanyahu have a phone call this week. the key issue for discussion here has shifted from uh, the uh, the salt in gaza to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation in the, in the wider mid least. i mean, like you have a listen to watch. uh, been mean. yeah. yeah. i've said in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boy, and if he gets quite tele frustrating, i'm sure you and what they've done for years and run has been action against us both directly and via its process. that phone is real, is acting against the ron and its process defensively and defensively. we will know
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how to defend ourselves, and it will act according to the simple principle of whoever hums us. plans to harm us, little hom, them. there is a sense of expectation, not just from the, the global community that's watching this very nervous and well the countries in the region. so do you review a rack all of these quantities watching with a beta dresser, because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder. okay. and what's really fascinating is that in this instance is called israel, who is now preoccupied to a huge extent. with this war as it calls it in gaza, it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against hezbollah is really military is no exceptionally l. u hard stretched to accommodate the pressures on a great or conflict with the rom could push as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well the noise, it could be in possession of,
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of significantly destructive weapon we, let's say. and the world is watching at to see what happens next. the course we'll be watching to i was discussing a little bit a bit out a with professor of political communication at the university of toronto. progressive forward as that. he hopes that iran will not fall into israel's trap have a lesson for yourself of the sizing what to do and those 2 facts that's going to be important. one not change. and that's a new who's a game ends. and that's going towards the direction of having admitted to the confrontation between you and united states. and at the same time, this funding and creating page for the is there any genocide regime because of what we know now, at least in the last 6 months, is that the people who are in charge of israel as for the capable of engaging in genocide, said that i need to be a power,
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and they are capable of engaging in kenning, innocent people without any regard to anything. major emotions, he's being declared in central russia after a dime was breached, causing water to cascade towards the build up areas. a criminal case has been locked into a possible negligence of a building regulations. as an improvement has ordered the motors, ministry to fly directly to the r and bug region to coordinate the damage really corporation. meanwhile, the mayor of order, so the main city effects, it said they are working hard to provide everything that's needed. the mold in full thousands houses are located in the flood zone. and there are 10000 people who need to be evacuated and placed in temporary accommodation center. yesterday we set top 6 temporary shelters throughout the soviet terrier, both by the time they were operational, they did not fully meet the requirements. we are requesting them with what they need now. but we also understand that we need to work today to create long term
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accommodation facilities. we have a purchasing bytes and hygiene items. we need moon clouds and blankets. therefore, we are working on this now working also in the, in the city of goals, but also in retail outlets in other cities. the residents of nova charles cut off with his help. and we cite them for this. they offered about 300, but we will be happy to use this opportunity because we really do not have enough places to, to needed to accommodate people's machines. so the following footage right here is believed to be when the dad was 1st breached and water started rushing through emergency services, as we understand are still on the scene working on the and banquet. and the incident occurred in the city of orders because that is in the or in the region. and image fears of thousands of homes could be deadly used. people have been taken to emergency shelters. that includes 4000 people and 1000 children. a total of $57.00 supplements. i thought to be in the dangers on local people speaking out
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about the challenges and that losses of this, it wouldn't just need jean. we have already accepted 36 people at the moment. we still have people arriving there already. 16 children, so we try to find the most appropriate conditions for each one. for example, old women come to us. we found folding beds for them. those who are a young guy, naturally, we place them here in the gym. in addition, we have a room for mothers with children, which has $25.00 beds that are kids that to use here we have a psychologist, doctors, and police, and all of us around g c, around the clock. we help and talk to everyone, the people's good and upset is clear that everyone needs attention. yeah, yeah. my suggest right now, we are in a social service center and to see to host it has everything necessary for the long term accommodation of local people affected by the floods. the rooms have bedside tables with beds, towels, pillows, world where there is even
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a sink with more more tucker, and it's really when were you guys just found out? we on inpatient departments? we have already accepted 10 people whose houses are in a zone. weather is a risk of flooding. the people have been provided with that 1st thing they need, they have been accommodated. essential items were given to them. the center can also accommodate to about 10 people. sure, so would you get to us about 8 or 9 o'clock? i called the center and said that we were ready to evacuate those because my mother was bedridden and i would not be able to place somewhere in case of panic in the smallest. we wouldn't even be able to travel by come, because that will be traffic jams every way. you probably attend. we were already here at the center. we are a residents of the old city and we constantly went to them and watched what was happening. that for me it's fair. i wasn't as worried about myself as i was about my mother, because i couldn't get on a base in any case. we just lived together and have no one else to home menu stuff
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. but some workers were found that helping a disabled person get to safety and that the rising flood was a rescue. a tiring him on his back before helping him get inside the vehicle. a cruise had been traveling around local communities, offering all kinds of help effectively to those. we needed them much more clear for those the evacuation if it's continue a no scandal being carried out in several areas. one's like goals are being evacuated using boats in flight will by the time transport is the can accommodates up to 50 people. the back corporation is being carried out gradually. street by street. people are also being boned with the use of loud speakers. we recommend residents listen to the advice, would be emergencies, ministry, and still leave the dangers are because now the water is gradually coming and is expected to continue to rise in the near future. the most difficult situation was in the morning when the water was coming quite false. no, the forces of the russian number disease ministry were focused on saving people, preserving the life and health. we use
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a system capable of pumping up to 350 leases are bought by a 2nd. this will help reduce the water level in the most affected areas with the situation on the ground remaining clearly very serious. a specialist team of rescue, as has been dispatched to biplane to the area following footage, showing the across being loaded with the equipment and supplies ahead of us joining . looking like a group of a $175.00 specialists to be operating in the hottest hood areas. as we understand right now, there are more than 500 rescue was currently operating on the ground, the hottest by the very best up itself. the motions, the cruise water is still pouring into the city a few more details. now with this local correspond. with right now we're on the road connecting the right and left the bank spots of the city. as you can see, it is flood is behind me. you can see the dam bridge, which was failed to stop the flow of what's the end of the city. but there was another bridge on the left bank of the oral revolt and she was that is to comment
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into the city. the breach has not yet been fields. people are being evacuated for new d give agree. it or it's with thousands of people. as you said, already evacuated, rescue was all or how it was trying to save man's various friends, cats, dogs, and all the household pets are being take the shelters along with their own. that one, usually heavy rains and the bridge and a really st. water levels, at least the mates are above the average time for this year. so combined that with a breach of the damage all being exasperated pretty badly, but the emotions to the situation and the industries have it under control the quarter past the hour here in most co quoted, consistently inaccurate. that's how the indian representative to the international monetary fund has slammed the body's full costs for his country's economic growth, adding that his own predictions better reflect reality. during like 10 years, it's only a mess. i m. s stuff estimates of india is growth rate has been consistently inaccurate. while india is growth has been greater than 7 percent y m f stuff
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estimates holding less than 7 percent. in contrast, i've made accurate predictions. well, they have basically speaks for itself. and while the professor projected more than 70 percent growth for india, for the past fiscal year, the i m f changed to its full cost several times and was never even close to india ended up with their recorded recorded growth of i was 7.6 percent the math, a bit of back pedaling, trying to defend himself from any criticism. the views conveyed by c vermani and were in his role as india is representative at the i m. s. and that's the stings of course, from the work of the i m. s. stuff to this 5 comes as the indian in 5 minutes or reasons. they outlined the strategy for the global acceptance of the rupee. a sense and the range promote a 1st of all f, as in 2014, the size of india is economy has doubled was on my list, predicting higher growth over the next decade, could well,
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it could push in the end of the place when it comes to the world's biggest economy and i spoke with metalli, nick, quoted, an economist who believes the math as fail to keep up with the changing landscape around the world. and perhaps every now and again falls victim to politicking. as i'm looking at the d down the projections and i must, has been doing so the last decade and also don't disagree. my name's read predictions and i think i lost the most in the last 2 years. so i recall that there was a convergence in the projections, but the last 2 of the 3, yours full school that i think the day has been a much greater divergence, especially now still. and at this point in time, the best we fall, what is my view, is to have agreed to coordination between agencies such as the i last on the one bank and on those i'm the government. if it does own, you know, systems all estimating that cd b, we have various tablets, you know, data collection systems, we job
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a little box. i'm not actually providing information about a number of sources sectors, which means they get into a column of, you know, in some of the international organization production. there is a need for introspection. you know, it's all in international organizations. oh, you know, there are more than those which were designed maybe 10 or 15 years ago for doing instruction projections and the economy you've done sounds have changed. and i think, you know, this mindset off having a very standardized model, it needs to change and the needs much more countries specific, just thoughts, much more representations from the south field and, you know, the economics moves and they cannot make the estimation of that are done in these instructional navigation, we need more b dollars from the global. so not just the ones who have, you know, graduated from a method university. the then going to the i met, but you know, the attorney people so they don't know the context. and just at the latest show of
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anger and the thing, yeah, was government, thousands of israelis have once again gather to make that feelings clear. others also demanded morris done to win the release of the remaining hostages, held by hum us. so images from the scene show a huge crowd of 5 waving demonstrations. the protest is also set up some smoke kind of has a sense the start of the conflict therapy in a regular riley's calling on the government to reach an agreement to secure the release of the remaining 100 and $34.00 in captivity somewhere. also divani early elections, one demonstrated was reportedly by the us a while 3 people were injured when i called randy just some of the protesters that they were heading home from the valley. the driver of the car did not stop, although was later detained by police. there's injured required medical treatment
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well, sunday does mark exactly 6 months since the hamas attacks which spot the brutal bore and gossip. but the un has again called for the end of the conflict with the bodies relief chief saying israel's options have been a quote, the trail of humanity for the people of gauze the last 6 months before have brought death devastation. and now the immediate prospect of a shameful manmade defending it is not enough for 6 months of war to be a moment of remembrance. and morning, it must also spoke a collective determination that that'd be a reckoning of these betrayal of humanity. however it same in spite of sydney and suffering isn't just confined to gaza. israel intends to significantly expand his detention incentives for palestinian prisoners while the new report claims existing inmates regularly losing limits and due to quote, catastrophic conditions inside just this week,
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2 prisoners had they'll accept you today due to hank of injuries, which unfortunately is that routine event and this makes all of us the medical teams and you, those in charge of us and the housing defense ministries can place it into violation of as rarely law to the doctor cited in the report is said to of outline his concerns to government ministers and the attorney general claim invites are regularly exposed to in human treatment, including being blind folded and tied up to 24 hours a day. it is currently estimated, $5000.00 palestinians have been kidnapped by the idea of since october. the general director of defense with children international law says israel is carrying out collective punishment. there's this event of october. we 1st that is right. um. yeah, i started a new policy by part of getting the business and even telling them judge a lot of i'm goods uh they had them in the secret, the business like the one the published about it and as a media know,
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but the visits these but it's a dispute, it's in it, how does the news be about it? but as about the cleaning of the 29th it but it's staying in the goods and this is not us. so. busy the doctor's whole being, then they talked about their experience with that. so and then on ice i, i trust them. and i believe that what they mentioned is, is it's more about of what the abilities do. you need a lot of freedom goods. the 1st thing, and there's very little dozens of the 7th of october. they started, but that the business subject them to push out and the treatment and a month to begin, why they are doing that. it's that kind of a bonus, even though it's in practice, is, is that it's inventive up to about if we had the best or just the sub ledger to the bodies. but everyone is really, i mean, to do what they would like to do. yeah,
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i live in the front of unity, they can candidate and the life without any accountability to it's a kind of an adventure for them i need but i mean, so this is not the case of how much it is not the case of jazz to about the scaling skills, those because most of the types of things, those are because those are without any discrimination between in the that's about the island has an ounce. the withdrawal of multi 1000000 your investments from is really companies. most of them of banks. i have been advised by the national treasury management agency that it has decided to divest from certain global portfolio investments, and companies that have certain activities in the occupied palestinian territory. the dell investment decision relates to shareholders with the total value of 2950000 euros island strategic investment funds has determined that the commercial objectives of these investments can be achieved by our other investments. the
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island strategic investment funded stay controlled and task with boosting the local economy through commercial investments. its recent decision would sea island, the vast, almost $3000000.00 euros from 6 is right. the enterprises sold. the move is to bring the funds into line with a policy of irish aid which strongly supports palestine. and following that, the main opposition party is now quoting for a complete irish, the investment from is riley companies. the others all come the 1st day is off the island and alice, it will intervene in south africa's genocide case against israel to the international court of justice. island is also one of the few countries to raise. it's a to the u. n. agency but palestine off the many key donors suspended payments following allegations from tel aviv that stuff were involved in the october the 7th of tax or even an irish. i mean, it has been a huge me both about these joining is this genocide or campaign and guys
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a do your team investment bank has signed off on 650000000 in law and square is really infrastructure projects with over 20, over over 12000 children kills, we now have, shouldn't, are starving to death and gaza as is an impulse is 5 in conditions on to, to pipe 2300000 palestinians. i'm still the right so we can have the, in your mind, tablet on the amendment calling for the suspension of funding to on the atp have taylor's amendment to make all the funds to the middle east and north africa condition on the declaration of a recognition of as well what bruce only conflating opposition to the genocide and set the colonial scientists, stating that this uh without 2 separate has a he or racism knows no bounds. we spoke with the irish independent journalist of jason, michael. besides the morality of dublin's move out ways any monitor you lost his if a little bit is worse, it's an island test. i invested those funds from these companies and,
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and the only highest invested in the 6 companies island is a small west them european economy. so yes, relatively speaking, this is told, create a mind both of those set the stage and open the way for other countries and all that well, funds and to do the same. we are now looking at the possession clearly european union and the united nations. i'm looking for and bottle of weapons and the united kingdom is now thinking seriously about quitting its trade agreement on arms with israel. israel is the biggest customer and that's the insanity. it's not to do with any idea ology or i need a section sort of particular alliance that's to do with sales on the bottom line. so yes, you view this in terms of cash money, then yes, it is a is a saying to stop trading with israel. but if we are prepared to look at this morally as a good society,
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then it's insane to continue to trade with israel at this time. in a rapidly escalating rift of mexico's analysis, severing ties with equitable comes off to police stuart in the mexican embassy in quito, and arrested, a former vice president who had taken refuge. the mexico claims diplomatic workers were injured during the rate of the former vice president who faces corruption chargers was given shelter of the embassy and december, mexico's leaders said the sanctity of its mission had been buying a full ability. and i bought that as such a load id believes there's a time to undermine regional unity and could be the work of external actives shoes. in the end of the century is most useful. jesup rich up international law is not just
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a violation of the radical side of the schools. i the, the time begins the whole lot in the caribbean to become integrated up to become more on some of the associates. it is really a very, very serious situation. i know that the mixing will assume these cases. yeah, because it is not something that should be just so in terms because so because it was a violation of the solar p. o. lexi a slur, heard a person who had it was 16. and so it was printed aside keeping up with a mexican to have moved out there
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to do the scan without without coverage the united states. we have to recently, sir, general features of the south comb. we'll see to the dealer, the director of the, of the see a frustrating and the reason, of course, the side of the united states they tell us about is more of their own words. we spoke to fidel is not a virus, but for my ecuador, an invoice of the. okay. he says this incident could hold the key to it for us to come international relations. i need the pharmacy obviously, and we probably should be resolved. i mean, i cannot understand why when you search,
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i agree. so after these, this solution will take some time. the consequences will be not just the market, but it will be also economic. and it won't come very soon because a couple of weeks ago you guys are going to a reference from yesterday's aggression response to that. he's still not pointing to the so let's hope that seems really back to normal. but i don't think it will take place very, very soon. all right, let's just divide it from a real research tray in the us international news team just for this hour. however, it's not about half plus one on sunday morning here in moscow was pete of scott to be here at the desk of the top of the outlook. more of your top. well, the headlines, i do hope you can join him. the
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water is part of the blog post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word or is it something deeper more complex might be present. let's stop without pieces. let's go out of the the .


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