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tv   News  RT  April 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the sunday mazda papa. yes, it is available on garza the world health organization. finally, getting access towards the left of else chief of the thousands of protesters until a visa demanding that these ready governments reach a deal with a muscle that is a 134 people. the main top tips in gaza and possible home before the storm, as all lies were only rotten in the middle east. as of the tear on warranty would, would certainly
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h a deadly is really strikes. one is the console expensive. the 6 and a must go. this is our to international and pete to scope with the latest. we'll use my computer today, marks off again since israel declared it's war on garza following the october, the 7th attack, the debt soul suppressing. so the 3000 people now says the thoughts of the i guess operation in the region of a half the world health organizations. mission request a be either denied or delayed the body as finally gained access to the ruins of the ink slaves largest debate. so share this video of what remains of i'll see for after months of i guess, see just i'm from 5 minutes. the 4th it shows destroyed hospital rooms with bodies strewn across the wreckage on that visit. the members of the un mission referred to the hospital as quote, an empty shell of graves, sleep stuff divides, images of, i'll see for help put the scale of the destruction into perspective. the world helps it helps organizations,
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spokes person. margaret's house describes all those laws as someone lifting the hots out to the regions health system accessed the live saving can't. garza is not confined to just 12 partially functioning hospitals. the majority of the news, our ship a hospital wants the largest, the most important referral hospital and gaza is now and them to show off to the late to seek no patients remain at the facility. most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment is on usable or reduced to ashes. the who we team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility, complete the non functional side of reducing access to live saving, health care and gaza. he was wanting gaza tips of its coffee. a mock around some sense of northern gauze population is close to experiencing catastrophic hunger with the world food program, emphasizing that $1.00 and $3.00 children are reported to be severely malnourished . the organization is also reported that the number of people facing funding is
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doubled in the past few months alone or the program is working supplied all possible aid. so those suffering and gaza assessments say that the safety is of risk. well, who has been able here to says 1000000 people every month with tools because they completely depend on us. but we have times is we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale out of large simons so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees for us as do my parents, but also for the people recess in gaza. hey that it, i have 3 boys and one girl. they need food wherever is supposed to get them food from. i can't afford to buy food, everything is still expense and i have my money will go kitchen is our seat please
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. who comes here every day. since the cx will eat to a 10, or we can fine, we eat and we sang, got my biggest fear it. that's when someone leaves the house, they won't come back home again. this all i care about, did they come back home safe? wilson not in, not in the meanwhile, the white house has cancelled a special rama done. then after muslim american leaders said they would boy cottage and protests as of a continuing on supplies to israel. a smaller gathering them proposed by bought into equal criticism. as all these subscript taylor explains of the people by the people for the people. that was what the american government was supposed to be as promise many, many years ago by abraham lincoln. while president lincoln is probably turning in his grave now because the people but nuisance a hindrance, an off to the best, the interests of the people and the us government relates, have grown so far. a plot,
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the venting frustration on the streets has become the norm. there was and is direction sure. 2 the women all the benjamin pod understand or protesting loudly that walking away side of me. several muslim americans refused to attend the white house as big ramadan as talked in a unlike boynton. they thought it distasteful to hold a celebratory dinner, but a few 1000 plumbing diseased people are stopping to death and hiding from maiden american poems. and anyway, what was the point?
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the community that i hear from the palestinian diaspora. it's, it's really we're grieving. we feel like for 6 months we've been totally ignored and was all of the decisions that were made over the past couple of weeks alone. it suggested that we still were not going to have a voice that we still are not going to have a seat of the table and be able to share our concerns. and for those concerns to be met, you know, with serious deliberation and to be acknowledged at the very minimum knew where to con lane. did you know that on the same day those 1000 wells, central kitchen, 8 walk as well killed the white house, signed off on thousands of new phones as well. us state department spokesperson confirm the approval and set it occurred some time prior to when the is rarely aircraft struck the aid convoys. the us government has the authority to suspend an arm's package. any time before delivery, which the spokesperson said probably would not occur until 2025 or later it has not
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done so in this case. so in other words, find installed the strikes on those 8 walkers. she could have made the strand of true american money, american weapons, she as well as military firing. but she didn't. why? because bones of big business that day. like a lot the days it was business as usual. that said to be 5. the us is pretty please, all thing is all to do just please a little bit better. they need to do better in delivering humana in, in allowing humanitarian assistance to be delivered. and, and that's even better the conflicts and coordination measures for the benefit of the innocent civilians inside gaza who are suffering. we're going to offer our best advice to them on things that they could do better. and we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. well, over what advice has cost us to $33000.00 dead palestinians. it's got us to joe
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biden, being nicknamed genocide, joe, and it's got democrats, diehard votes as changing colors. is there a pathway forward for you? with fighting? oh, absolutely not. if you cannot keep killing people, read our money and just keep thinking that, oh, we are stupid enough to collect you again because we will fall in line. no forget, i'm willing to a live go over jewel by then and oppose job. i didn't make him a one term president punish visual by then by making them a one term president. and pairing has laws with the genocide in gaza, but true to form. the white house is the worst processors here in dc and new york across the country. they've said a lot of big names for the president of the thing calling him genocide joe gates. do you have a response from the white house to worry about leg names and bumper stickers? i mean it's 1st amendment free speech. my point is this one needs is one by to
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comes out and says that's 6 months and he's called for an immediate cease fire and as well and condemn the strikes on 8 walk as i'm told benjamin netanyahu to protect innocent civilians. is he doing up the people out of spinning an american? know he's doing it for himself because it's not a good looks to box the killing of people, bringing life saving food and his sauce. he doesn't get you re elected, does it? well if in israel, thousands of protesters have taken to the streets a tel aviv and go towards the government says spot fresh goals for early elections as well as it gets sent from us hostages,
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the the images from the scene. so a huge crowd, a flag waving, demonstrates as the protest is also sets of smoke, promised as still to the calm fates that'd be in regular valleys, calling on the government to reach an agreement to secure the release of all the remaining 130 full of people who are still in captivity. so they're also demanding early elections on demonstrate to is also opposed to the rest of the us. meanwhile, 3 people were injured when a car runs into some of the process is they were heading home from the valley, driving the car didn't stop for the sake of the same by police, most injured noodles or medical treatments. it's only meant that the last kept is that the process charged and demanded to the world with towards bringing all of
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them how to manage to survive 3 months income cvt. he should have been with us today. he could have been with us today and we demand, they wanted to do anything to make these to come to and bring them all back home. for shame were still living in the village. prime minister. residing off the 6 months ago, there was installed the mosque and everything. the claim that the ones to go to in may come up, go away and bring all del suggests home home. unfortunately, he didn't that you know, to the dysfunctional from us. christy level $133.00 also just got off. i hope i hope that all
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the staying in the middle east, sky, high tensions are threatening to ratchets up even further, causing israel to temporarily close. 28th of his embassies, unconscious phillips, around the world. so i think they're banging threats and the regions of parties to see just walk around, we'll do a few involved. so it's how the aids fund is really strike on these concepts. and certainly the operations conducted at the right time with precision and prudence. and with the necessary caution to maximize the damage to the enemy would definitely lead to its regret and make it repetitive traits. actions. this, of course, comes in the wake of one day strike on the con. see that the rainy and consummate in damascus and syria, and this is a very, very uh, momentous event,
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single country targeting a, another country in a 3rd country it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one's, if you like. so that's the 1st thing to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen . countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic territory of a 3rd country in a 2nd country if you like. so that's a significant thing. the impact of dislike as well is, is interesting to a 7, a senior, a rainy and military officials were killed. in this, 2 of them were a brigadier general's. they were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operations. i'm of the islamic revolution. we guards core, so that's an as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends and the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said that a come member ration for one of the, those killed that at the, at this, at that there wouldn't be a response and that would happen at when the time was right. so this is feeding and
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fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now even i a tell a, at least so many the supreme leader feel like in, in ron has said that would be swift and definitely a response to this. but also something that's very interesting. and with all this sort of warnings and almost the acceptance that there's going to be some sort of response from around. something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually asked america is wales biggest value. remember, america, phones, and politically supports the way the stays to a huge extent, hundreds of billions of dollars up. and if the pumped into these babies take most of it in military aid. so without american support, a lot of what is well doesn't the region is doing at the moment thing as a would be impossible. the, the radius of actually asked the americans to step aside and let us deal with the ladies in relation to dislike. in a written message, the as lumnick republic of ron warranty, us leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap,
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stay away so you won't get hurt. in response the us asked ron not to target american facilities. so as you can see, a quite remarkable, over suggestion from the radiance it looks step aside. now that they've attacked us in a 3rd country and breach of every international norm. and of course, israel is in hot water at the moment about the ongoing as a punitive operation in gaza. so it's a really escalating the pressure is building like really building april 1 is waiting. yeah. would you what is going to happen? how is your mind going to react to all of this? now, if you run, it's not just bluffing. if this is not a bluff or an empty threat, as the case may be, and it goes ahead, just strike. how is this going to go down with? is what i mean, even the united states. on the other hand, we seeing the huge escalation on that hands with actually. well, that's a very interesting question. of course to answer the 1st part. now that iran has publicly stated that it will respond,
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there's almost an impetus for it to respond in some way as the world is sort of waiting with bated breath to see what the response would be that the americans have said that they expect and a rating response as have these ladies who have suggested that senior is very on american face has suggested that they're working together to try to get ahead of whatever this response may be. now, that means is that the is really the american intelligence services are working. phoebe seem to find what exactly the response would be. a ability i've mentioned these will take exactly exactly, you know, interested me as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens. a, a president biden. and benjamin netanyahu had held a phone call this week. the key issue after discussion here has shifted from uh, the uh, the salt in gaza to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation in the, in the wider mid least. and we'd like to have a listen to watch at bingham in yet. and y'all have said,
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in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boy, and i think it's quite tele, frustrating. i'm sure you're on board and they've been for years. iran has been acting against us both directly and via its process. is that for israel is acting against the run and its process defensively and defensively. we will know how to defend ourselves, and it will act according to the simple principle of whoever homes us, or plants to hom, us will little hom, them. there is a sense of expectation, not just from the, at the global community that's watching this very nervous and well the countries in the region. so you may be a rack all of these quantities watching with a baited breath because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder keg. and what's really fascinating is that in this instance, is both israel, who is now preoccupied, is to a huge extent with this war, as it calls it in gaza. it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against hezbollah is really military is no exceptionally ellis. you hired,
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stretched to accommodate the pressures on a great or conflict with the rom could push as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well, the noise, it could be in possession of, of significantly destructive weapon we, let's say. and the world is watching at to see what happens next. because we'll be watching to. meanwhile, island has announced the withdrawal of multi 1000000 euro investments from is rarely companies, most of the banks. and i have been advised by the national treasury management agency that it has decided to divest from certain global portfolio investments. and companies that have certain activities in the occupied palestinian territory. the investment decision relates to shareholders with the total value of 2950000 euros island strategic investment funds has determined that the commercial objectives of these investments can be achieved by our other investments. the islands strategic
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investment fund is stay controlled and sauced with boost and the local economy through commercial investments is recent decision would see island divest almost 3000000. euro rose from 6 is really enterprises. the southern move is to bring the funds into line with the policy of irish aid, which to strongly support palestine following the main opposition party is now called him a complete irish divestment from his rarely companies. in this outcomes, just days after the island announced it would intervene in south africa's genocide case against israel to the and stuff because of the justice island is also one of the few countries to raise. it's a to you, an agency for palestine of the many key jonas suspended payments, pulling allegations on israel. the stuff were involved in the tow, but the 7th type, even an irish m e p as been huge. the vocal about the issue. joining us genocide or 10 painting does
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a do your payment best buy has signed off on 650000000 in law and square is really infrastructure projects. with over 20, over, over 12000 children, kills, we now have children starving to death and gaza, as is an impulse assignment conditions on to, to pipe 2300000 palestinians. i'm still the right, so we can have the enjoy manatees a tablet and amendment calling for the suspension of funding to unwrap the atp of tables and amendment to make all the funds to the middle east and north care condition on a declaration of a recognition of as well, with bruce only con, placing opposition to the genocide and set the colonial scientists stay this way without you semitism, the racism knows no bounds. whatever you we spoke with irish independent journalist jason, michael. it says the neurology of domains. we've weigh any money to your losses. it is a little bit is worse, it's an island test. i invested those funds from these companies and,
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and the only highest invested in the 6 companies island is a small west them european economy. so yes, relatively speaking, this is told create a might both of those set the, the stage and open the way for all the countries and all the well funds and to do the same. we are now looking at the possession clearly european union. i'm the united nations, i'm looking at a full bottle of weapons. and the united kingdom is now thinking seriously about quitting its trades agreement on arms with israel. israel is the biggest customer and that's the insanity. it's not to do with any idea ology or i need a section for a particular alliance that's to do with sales on the bottom line. so yes, if the, if we view this in terms of cash money, then yes, it is a, it's a saying to stop trading with israel. but if we have prepared to look at this model really as a good society,
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then it's insane to continue to trade with israel at this time. and a major emergency in other news has been declared in central russia after dumb was breached, causing bullets. it's a cascade towards built up areas. a criminal case has also been launched into a possible negligence over building regulations. and present patient has ordered the emergencies ministry to fly, to the owner and beg region to coordinate the damage release of release, i believe operation. excuse me. meanwhile, the major, the male voice, the main city, cited so they're working hard to provide to the move in full thousands house. these are located in the flood zone and there are 10000 people who need to be evacuated and placed in temporary accommodation center. yesterday we set top 6 temporary shelters throughout the soviet terrier, both by the time they were operational, they did not fully meet the requirements. we are requesting them with what they need now. but we also understand that we need to work today to create long term accommodation facilitation. we've
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a purchasing bytes and hygiene items. we need moving clouds and blankets. therefore, we are working on this now working also in the, in the city of goals, but also in retail outlets in other cities. the residents of know the charles cut off with his health and we cite them for this. they offered about 300, but we will be happy to use this opportunity because we really do not have enough places to, to need it to accommodate people's machines. this message is believe to be when the done was 1st reached, underwater started rushing for emergency services are still working on the environment. and the incident that occurred in the city of august, which is a need morton, big beach and image phase, the more than 4000 homes could be deluged people of being taken to emergency shelters. that's includes 4000 people and a 1000 children. adults with $57.00 supplements of thought to be in the danger zone . local people have been talking about that point. this is what we just need seeing
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. we have already accepted 36 people at the moment. we still have people arriving there already. 16 children. we try to find the most appropriate conditions for each one. for example, old women come to us. we found folding beds for them. those who are young guy, naturally, we place them here in the gym. in addition, we have a room for mothers with children, which has 25 beds that are kids that to use here we have a psychologist, dumpsters, and police and my phone of us around g c, around the clock. we help and talk to everyone people's good and upset. it's just clear that everyone needs attention. yes, but i'm actually just right now. we are in a social service center and to see to host it has everything necessary for the long term accommodation of local people affected by the floods. the rooms have bedside tables, beds, towels, pillows, world whether it's even a sink with one more to it's really room where you guys as the sun are,
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we on inpatient departments. we have already accepted 10 people whose houses are in a zone. weather is a risk of flooding. the people have been provided with everything they need. they have been accommodated. essential items were given to them. the center can also accommodate to about 10 people. sure, so we gave it to us about phase or 9 o'clock. i called the center and said that we were ready to evacuate those because my mother was bedridden and i would not be able to place at somewhere in case of panic in the smallest. we wouldn't even be able to travel by car because that will be traffic jams every way. you probably attend. we were already here at the center. we are residents of the old fishing and we constantly went to the diamond watch what was happening that for me it's fair. i wasn't as worried about myself as i was about my mother, because i couldn't get on a base in any case. we just lived together and have no one else to house even use. and finally, in a rapidly escalating beth messic and mexico has announced that his southern ties
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with equitable it comes up to police still in the mexican embassy in kito underestimate a form of vice president. you have taken refugee a refuge. the in the mexico claims that different monthly workers were injured during the rates, the former vice presidency faces correction charges was given shelter. i've the embassy back in december, mexico's leader has said that the 2nd state of these missions have been violated. the former bolivian investigator, sasha lorenzo leads that this attack on the minds regional unity and could be the work of external forces. shoes easy. this is the energy central is mostly it is not just a bridge of international law. it is not just a violation of the radical side. it is also, uh the, the time it gives the people
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a lot of the caribbean to become integrated up to become more on somebody to see it is really a very, very serious situation. i know that the, the mix will assume these cases. yeah. because it is not something that should be just so in terms, because, oh, because it was a violation of the solar p. o. makes it a slur. heard a person who had it was 16. and so it was printed aside from mexican, nope, no, there to do the scan without, without the coverage, the united states,
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we have recently general pictures of the south pole. i see it the dealer, the director of the, of the c plus 3. and the reason, of course, the side of the united states, a total is more of their own, was former presidents of ecuador, rafael korea says that the embassy invasion was criminal and could possibly lead to a galaxy limits that it's impossible to understand. this has not existed either in the history of what america or in the world to break into the embassy violating the vienna convention. this is the territory a foreign state. it's like in the beginning, the country and detain, a political refugee violating the caracas conventions in an institution providing the site from that point to where behave like an outcast on the global scale. let
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the americans condemnation and outrage was your data. and it's hard to figure out where they want to go with this, because they chose to pass with no returns. ecuador has violated all the principles of civility, were facing barber's. the law of ecuador was violated. it was absolutely a crime. a political rectitude can not be forcibly detained, as stated in the criminal code, the president ecuador, daniel and the boss violated the constitution of the republic. she violated the correct cause conventions that she violated the vienna convention may be called to account by the inter american commission on human rights. she may be called to account by the international criminal court in the head, and she thinks that nothing will happen when he does not understand. if he's in different situation, that doesn't understand where he's gotten himself into. the easiest thing for the ball was to provide a security guarantee. this is nonsense, it's mind fox gets involved in the problem and makes it worse. when was easiest to say there's to disagree with mexico, with respect to the international improvement in accordance with the caracas convention that will provide a security guarantee receipts, obtaining the political refugees until probably face the consequences and leave the
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country on the brink of war. because technically, this is a reason for this is invasion or foreign country. i don't think that that's all phonology. i'm sure it's check us out. com for all of the latest breaking news and updates. i'm a see a ride back to that. something beyond the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people, the robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're such shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show you as a patient. we should be very careful about personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various job. i mean with the


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