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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  April 7, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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with dialogue and good relations on the beast on to log on to solve on the wes all the, all the arts. so i don't think that our, our positions are but gays to, you are being, you know, does the was of the come on sense either you'll be in union and i'm going to read hungary, for example, if you are very critical to the, was of nate or for example, useless any of us or in libya. that's why we are my pre the goals and vc also because he's on the war and you try and induce expansion of nato, the right. that's gonna do it for me for now. but just stay with us. my colleague, nicky aaron, will be in next in about half an hour with more news by the
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hello and welcome to wells a part of the mark twain famously, a remark that history and 1000 and repeat a sound, but it also in ryans. and it's not the circumstances or the actors of any particular conflict that the get 3 constellation, but the rather the spirit of the problem with south state and resolve parts of it as a repeating continent is once again stricken with better divisions and kinetic warfare . does history offer any ideas point moving forward to discuss that? i'm now enjoying by little, by splost, a left wing slip box politician,
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a deputy to speaker on the slumber. i can parliament mister bloss. uh, it's a great honor and great pleasure to talk to you. thank you very much for your time . thank you very much for the invitation. not mr. blah, blah blah. k is a relatively small country, but it's also been a pretty powerful voice. again, the mainstream consensus of that is for now, or at least in favor, often times to find the war with russia. and you've been a quite a strong octave with them. that's voice. why did your take this sounds that you took on the conflict in the ukraine on this thing? your position has any impact whatsoever in the face of the ears, pro war unit to 1st of all of our carriers where it might be useful nation. and we really respect to the sacrifice. so for us on russian nation in deliberating, causing the 2nd of all the girlfriend faces themselves. we are very thankful and grateful to russia. and this is something we should be having our hearts, i mean,
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slow back nation. of course, so you can see that the, like nation is a healthy body, there's a hollow population which is very much influenced by the liberal pro, background us, and we can bro, bye down dying only. so i'm and you know, media in zeros. and then you have the 2nd part of the population. fortunately, now we have the majority and be wanting to elections. i mean the primary, certainly robust feet so, and we want to be, so we've been to have a piece. we don't want to send the bi funds to the grain. we don't want to have the expansion of nato because we see this as a cause of these warning ukraine. so this is our stance. it's very similar, right for body c. s. of course, quite the be our points we designed by of all of us and bach knows about the v b being the freedom of speech and the sort of idea of nations. so i hope that we can still continue in our peaceful bodies. now i, i very much like the way you frame this war in one of your arch calls your road
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that it's wrong that to slavic nations are at war. that american arms companies are making money from it. and it's hard to disagree with that. it's definitely wrong, but it's also the reality and to some extent, it's apparent obstacle reality because i'm the one have a 4 or 5 years ago. i wouldn't be able to imagine something like this happening in the up. if we go further back down into history, it's almost seems kind of possible. it doesn't seem so unlikely after all, and i wonder how do you see this content proceed as an inexplicable or do you think quite the contrary, that it was to some extent predictable that it could have happened. i'm sure this is another conflict between the ukrainian nation and the russian nation. these, the conflict, especially between american and the restaurant american, the raw side. so it's of course, the west against the russian federation. everybody's skin seems use because if you didn't, would be golfing between ukraine and russia. ukraine wouldn't be lost in
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a few weeks. we don't want this uh, call police uh, which can disclose to the ground floor. i think only to people without any common sense. den, comforting you to best go either these calls me that that's why we are designing our and the return and the you will be in boxes because we are in the right time because we are and you will be the 4 piece. the ones who have good dialogue and good relations on the beast, on the log on to solve on the west, all the, all the arts. so i don't think that uh, our, our positions are gays to you being, you know, needs to be adjust the was of the come on site and see the european union and the good to read hungary for his own box. but also you have the middle to a country like all 3 of it, which is to reach out. he's not sending the weapons a c s v or not. so i don't think that, uh, this is something uh, unpredictable and up. i've all the,
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the people in the ukraine edi rosshouse, either or ukrainians. lots are going to die forever by hold the peace of the armies . these can be here in few miles, in order to establish conditions for lasting peace. we also need to understand the dynamics, the only difference dynamics of this war, not just the current or political layer, but you know what, what is underneath them, as you have already alluded, uh, there is the memory of the 2nd world war. so my case self suffering greatly from fascism. i, you have your own paul acost at that time, your own very strong anti natural resistance movement. and i wonder how much is that a factor in it? not just a public pull with ex today, but in how ordinary people see and relate both to the current politics and to russian. the west. yes, we see in the west of that there is a wave of racist. there was
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a phobia v g. it's very similar to the thirty's and forty's in the european history and it was the time of fascism. amazing some. and that's why we are very focused with this trends. you kind of blamed the russian nation as it is before the seen the. this is something which is opposite what we faced. that's y v. a. remember a how it was in the 2nd of all the rolled and we even if you member of the boundary stuff from your brain about doing the in the east. in slovakia i've never killing the people there were the robert robert. uh the village is in slovakia. um probably uh everybody in the raleigh can remember a void in my sucker. and so $1.00 and $2.00 had received a bundle associate each celebrate the to in the ukraine. we kind of being silent. i can, can i actually ask you about that? because the west often accused us to rush off, exploiting the memory and the trauma of world war 2 for its own
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a. so retiring aims while at the same time being absolutely a believe is to be a fact. so with, i mean, you're saying that this will back and people remember the corners of the war. but for some reason the west doesn't remember. and it's very insensitive to say the least about the forming alliances with far right. the new, a fascist versus ukraine and elsewhere. how to explain it is an ignorance as a deluxe of historical map, memories, or perhaps a marriage of convenience or even a conscious ideological on lines. it's the book racing is a simple question. it's the people are far less not thinking in these burial. for example, in my country, in slovakia, when you say the face east, the establishment during the 2nd world war because we had to be so facing the corporation by germany. you'll hear people say that this is something gold. you won't be persecuted by the bodies of course, because you are supporting faces. by the way, you understanding boundaries that seem you probably or you are,
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but your endeavors here. they're both of these in ukraine. you're here all of the media and will deliver all this because you are the sad that you bright. and this is people crazy about. i can say you from history that the wouldn't be any member on each side was the best and you will be in countries in the 2nd of all the world . you can see that here in germany was nancy. germany. you thought you were specially, it's a tell you about joe and another and then was of them beautiful compared to being in a few days that had frauds, you know, a few weeks, 3 space and the to the weapons to nice to germany and so on. so you can continuing, but in this way and you see that the sacrifice override and the sacrifice overestimation of belongs nation human to ukraine. nation was so high, so high for me under spend millions of people and in the western countries it was like this. so that's why is
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a be from memory for 2nd world war because respect is and the slow us as a, as especially some nation. the really remember this. now, why don't we say fascism, you know, they said worst provoke. so a lot of emotional reaction, it has a lot of political connotations, but what's underneath it is actually, you know, a belief system that pre supposes that certain people are above other people. what's allowed to you is not allowed to me. you're allowed to suffer. and i'm allowed to teach you how to sort of know to be a bar berryanne. and this is not just a historical moment. i mean, it's not polish these days, but the west still, you know, cleans that right to be. um, you know, uh the shining beacon of a wisdom for other nations. what couldn't be done in practical terms with this kind of ideology because sure it's not always expressed. the expresses itself as fascism but it's still very much problem. don't the global stage on many of the wars we,
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you know, they won't have seen over the past couple of decades. ultimately, it could be, you know, brought down to that very principle. that's we as a nation, know what's best for you, and we are going to invade and kill the internet and use all other means to make sure that all well prevails over yours. well, there is a kind of superiority complex in the west and be so liberal or no new brutal idle g reflects this is a kind of tiny tardy and the, the g or both all utilities because it's a 1000 respect to the diversity of the oil. 2000 and the respect to other cultures doesn't respect other nations. the people who are all in the west to tell you, okay, you have for example, alter the scar to exempt. i'm also going to have the also check out. you have a bunch of coupled heavy spe, because you need to be a very, very human rights to the freedom, as to be honest, ended in the best you will need to have the same democrats, the s, v. and so,
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so it's a kind of a mental cooling the, all these things. and this is something to be need to refuse because we need to be need to respect all the concepts organizations into all i told say to the chinese that you want to have the almost like swell amenities because in brussels, to be one of those types of almost like so met or just this is kind of ridiculous and that's why i really believe and a freedom i really, really be lead in diversity ends or respect to the other nations. i don't need to be a fan of for us. i don't need to be a fan of china, our fennel 70, or i'd be either respect their culture. and this is something we to many people in the best stop to respect. and this is a very, a big sailor of the best of simply guys says ation. but i think the roots are for these. you don't in the history of the but now um, going back to slide lock in his current position. it's a land blocks country, boarded by poland to the north ukraine to the east, hungary, to the south end, austria to the west. they also have a cover, a check republic on the northwest,
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easily hostilities for whatever reason spelled beyond the ukrainian horse theatre into europe. you may find yourself right in the midst of it. do you think you're a current neighbor membership and nature will protect here because i'm in the, you express a very, it was sympathetic a very, to hearing the very a ration l stands. but if worst comes to worst will in the secure um, you know, a good position for yourself. well, our national interest is to avoid the war of any kind. this is for sure. that's why we are saying that we need to stop the war on the train. didn't even need to have the dialogue with russia in the did go to relations with the russian federation. of course, we are the father of the european union and the nato. but we already agreed to go to the wars of nato, for example, into a slightly off or in libya. this why, but yeah, i agree to go and receive also because he's on the warning ukraine in these
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expansion of nato. this is for sure, because the seen us from russia was very clear. we don't want to head to you, brian, in the adults tend to and they don't want it to expand. and the full address i'll be coming to the borders of united states. it was due at the stage and don't realize we were coming to the board as the director. so this is for sure you are to that would be from the opinions in, for example and guardianship. i mean, because there is a very right to being the checking government denial, but still the brother with a slope, i can check the nations. i mean, the new people is still there. we have a very with go next ones to be the hungry. we are in many, many positions so, so you know, to austria, which is no truck coffee. so i don't think the exception of, on by the board in the rush. i mean it's, we don't the story. i think that is before i started by the doctor's life, turned about makes slovakia hungry. all 3. i've done no sleep any uh then uh well grace. uh so it'd be
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a lot of our the very peaceful agents in the us. and so i hope that the action is gonna be valuable off. okay, well, uh for the time being and mr. possibly have to take a very short break, but we will be back to the discussion in just a few moments. stay tuned. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back towards the parts best and new bush block, a left wing slovak politician and the page of speaker on the. so if i can parliament mr. blossom before the break,
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he said that somebody care as well as hungry as well as auster of peaceful nations . and i think that's true. but you're still part of a 2 large blocks that are quite a nickel to my country at this point of time. and this is a major security dilemma for russia at the moment because most of most certainly doesn't want to explore, expand this conflict to europe. but if you're a pin countries, keep you link prolonging funding and by supplying the weapons to your grant. and i know that's why market, for example, doesn't do that. but the, your, you know, the countries that are associated with doing that, france and germany, some others. and they're doing that's without any consequences to themselves, believing that they can defeat the russia from a safe distance without any harm to them. and any military commander will tell you that this assumption needs to be shot. are they in order to bring all the war dynamics and all the participants into they open? do you think leaders in your understand how dangerous is big game that they are
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choosing to play for now? and how do you feel about it that you may be in the thick of the, of all the kinetic fighting through no fault of your own. i throw no desire for your own as well. yes, you are true that the leader, i think the european union today are very many times and the sky and the ultimately tardies and should be refused. but also we can see the new wave off when you thinking the mall. of course, it's not in every country and they'll tell you in every government, but you will see the funded you from ukraine. i would say you'd like this in the european union. and for example, in germany, you have to box the a b which is already successful into both. so you have to box your room, you see select band and friends which is very successful or mr. ok, my showing on the left was waiting for it to go through this or be pretty all the stuff science is off of wisdom leaders and the elections in june in the european
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union on to the european parliament. and maybe the bodies or the politicians was very critical to these of the expansion of nato, to these war in ukraine. entities mean it's organizational view, the european policies. i think this, this box, these can be very successful and these can change the positions all for you will be leaders. and i hope that this will be the truth. now you mentioned some stuff and european public opinion, but there, there's also been a major shift in the ukranian strategy. ukraine is now openly and approving off, and sometimes they're resorting to terrorist tactics. and for now, these tactics are a, primarily at the russia and the russian citizens. but we know from history that, uh, fundamental is terrorist, almost always turn against about own pain masters. we know that happens with outside the americans. that happened to some extent with the chance in europe. do you think it's possible with the ukrainians? do you think they come at one point become a security threat?
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not just for russia, but for the european union to well terrorism. these are the colon and i me, and this is something you really to really stress the thermally, is that i don't most go we to started. well, i asked them to be of close that if using it and we need to each other of the come on, come on. yeah. and so the restaurants to be chinese to beat everybody in the world against they'll reason and when i see that. so sometimes you know when the ukrainians, for example, long, the 3 man, the bridge, it was a terrorist, as i handed a lino as it was like, oh i love the rest the week is what i well think like this is ok. if this is most ok, and i hope that us as it is with the male matthews mind spaces in the new drain of the army as if they seen mixed areas in being in candles. any men called up the
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walls. we need to be very basic on a very, pretty simple and sometimes i see a lot of people crossing the way as this. why my very pretty go to the bought the 2 days that it'd be nice to find stories. and in every corner of the world, and maybe when you got to think about this, um uh, that will start so all the thinking may need to speak about those. those are most across the of by use right now. and when we see that the, you'll be leaders are very, very hesitating to come down, but he's ro, assets, the massacre was even some of the people he knew about the nation. so according to this, so these must, it goes to jo side and the southern maybe see the, the european or american leaders like say, oh, it's a variety of these roads to, to the children i need to delta. and then they say, is motorized to overall shop to defend their interests. as regards the expansion of nato, your tribes, this is again, double stand on people could receive. and if you need to refuse it, you mentioned the terrorist attack on concert goers, goers outside moscow,
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which claimed, at this point of time, 144 lives with another 551 people injure them. so here in russia speculated them this attack was and not so much as ordinary people or social stability and the russian by the president put in for personal, useful base prior to that had secured another presidential term and who believes strongly a national security. this is one of the reasons here, authorize the military operation and your print, but clearly he like no other lathe or can guarantee security 100 percent. what do you think about and do you think they hate for us to put on a strong and have to justify in some enlightened circles, farming many innocent people to deliver a blow to him personally? well, we need to wait for the investigation. i don't want to make any statements which are not the, you know, so i'm not asking you about advice. there's concrete the time. but i'm asking
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whether do you think be paid for it for puts in would, may leave some people to, you know, approve of decisions they otherwise would know the approval of yes, there is a kind of fun updates on, on every side. and this is somebody the engine or is this why we we are calling for be so because every walton created these kinds of hates. we've been fund. i think this looks well down the limits, but still i am, uh, i want to stress the other problem because when we are talking about this dental reason mean most go outside the most golf. uh. you see the problem of, uh, i would say is lemme terrorism, which is very concrete also in your opinion. yeah. and uh, do you have the big problem with migration in slow, but the, i swelled the want to stop this mostly migration because it's very dangerous. if this i'm a fan, it takes from some worse than countries are coming to our, our countries and doing the best things. and that's why we are trying to say to you
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to be leaders. let's take more money and give it to the so of growth actually on the border of b to b before this, a migration but the giving the ukrainians, those, those of the sofa of money of yours, but not on the so professional board or not all these 5, again is basically a no me ration. this is a big news that excuse me, but i switch it out for you. you know, that's why i think that the beginning to concentrate on the issues of migration on the issues of rotation, of our people on the issues of social rights, of other people and the least on that. but we, i mean i, you will be leaders, i believe it's the, the, it came up. they want to only how do you claim and they want to only help the majority companies. and these meetings are a complex and this is a very, very, very, very big mistake. not now, mr. boss. or you just mentioned a couple of questions that i usually make on the so called pay picture artic agenda . you know, um, minding leaving standards, being preoccupied with domestic issues,
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wanting to preserve some semblance of social stability and dressing, migration, conscientiously and consciously. you know, siding is a fax on the, you know, indigenous societies and making sure that you actually care about social harmony that you do it in a smart and, and diligence way. um, um you know, leaders who pursue these kind of politics are very easily handled by the way also care about national security that these kind of leaders are very easily labeled as a ideal logs, as demagogues as tyler, terry. and i'm putting is one example, but obviously it's a prime minister of your own country, a role birth fee. so the also gets a fair share of those accusations just as he has the gary and con counterpart to victor, oregon. and i wonder, what are you seeing benefits from propagating this association between authentic
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patriotism and patriotism that doesn't want to take other countries resources but just wants to define its own interest. who gets benefit from, you know, presenting it in such a non, just uh, you know, darn but uh, ultimately very harmful and very dangerous way. well, i would say that these are very funny. these things show which is very popular in the west. the do today as you are saying on the one side, the way it is. now you brought the advisors who will be leaving the west and have your morning and on the other side and everybody else. if you have 5 by 2, i think um for his i'm signed to mind. see if you have a last cleaning or i'm p. now the products, uh ceilings and the ideas you are the strictest. you are to tell you tell you it is a said you are even visual where they are using the stone in slovakia and you are meant you're going to manage. you don't have any right. so you, you, you don't have your tools, you just need to follow these mailing people who are doable as i do about i think the agenda, pieces of a venture of this that's the target is of course,
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different book on the tardy and no narrative as it was before, but we are using the don't liberal faces because of course he believes in my face is i'm done before i go with this, but today the day. so nowadays we're all or no even off our plane like collect specialist. they don't respect other than the other obedience they will to persecute or criminalize people for that will be the ups. these will something is for the cavity usually out 3 years ago on the these 3 years, wherever you had the rights being melanie. but all document, even me as a person, as a body shop, was persecute even by the body. so therefore these, because i respect the single awful red army, it's a red star, be siegel and the hammer. and i will spare secuity by dix trendiest. i will see them. but is that you do as extremities because i rolled up the book. they both take about up or i have to go over all the so i think the book about bill any of them. and they said, oh, this is extra. and if you just need to have it,
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you're going to have just doing it. you just need to pay the rest of everybody because baseball, you want to remember the period of time in history when there was only 12 l, it was facing iraq. when i know he said that this is only one truth and i think that, you know, you're, which is based on diversity, the freedom of speech and beauty for renaissance and beautiful enlightenment 30th southerly. we are in such a devastating barry of the dock times you in that time. maybe i just brought everything the other opinions. this is something to be every sleep for us on need to be very, very disappointed with mr boss or we have to live in there. but thank you very much for joining us today that go to match. so let's leave the base. thanks and thank
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you for watching both the syria again on the wall as a part of the the the, the the media does a yeah. and wish on one of us because of the, of the associate vehicle catch to go into it. you and you're doing the properties is the best. let's just put on the since i see the, this was because i have some students go to the, to the, the media to decide that that goes what it is. uh my your it was the one year that
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it was already sites. so you can take that experience. did you set up a vehicle? is that gonna stay? no, got all the the is well braces the conflict with the wrong if he is not public files, do eventually killing gigs. people find the idea of your strike in serious. 5 the mocks, the years since they took the genocide, there's still more than 800000 people killed. false admits it could have stopped the mounts, look up, it refuses to take full responsibility. china wants the us, the gangs to i couldn't get software and teenage up for an increasing number of nations,
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the leading to the same thing instead of washington. the


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