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tv   News  RT  April 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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the, the is around braces, the conflicts with as long as he is not public bows, do a bench, the killing give its people buying the idea. you want to strike in serious. 5 the mocks, the years since they took the genocide this to move an 800000 people killed pro submit, it could have stopped the amounts look up. it refuses to take full responsibility. china warrants the u. s. the gains to i couldn't get software and teenage up for an increasing number of nations and leading to the same thing instead of washington, the hello and welcome. this is almost the international with the very latest we'll do is on the date is great to have you with us as always. now top story
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b is really defense minister says the country is ready to respond to any scenario that man followed with a wrong estimate, escalating tensions between the nations following an idea strike on the radian cold . see that in syria, killing 13 people including senior military stuff to ron, has about to take revenge. operation is conducted to the right time with precision and prudence, and with the necessary caution to maximize damage to the enemy would definitely lead to his regret and make it repugnant freights actions. this, of course, comes in the wake of monday, strike on the concert with the rainy and consulate in damascus in syria. and this is a very, very uh, momentous event, single country targeting a, another country in a 3rd country. it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one was if you like. so that's the 1st thing to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen. countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic parents. you have a 3rd country in
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a 2nd country you feel like, so that's a significant thing. the impact of display as well is, is interesting to a 7, a senior, a rainy and military officials were killed. and this, 2 of them were brigadier generals, that were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operation side of the islamic revolution. we guards core. so that's an, as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends. and the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said that a collaboration for one of the, those killed us at the, at this that there would be a response. and that would happen at when the time was. right. so this is feeding and fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now, even i atalla at least tell me the supreme leader, if you like in, in, around, has said that that would be swift and definite, a response to this. something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually america is wales vegas style or the member american phones and politically
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supports the way the stays to a huge extent. hundreds of billions of dollars have been f, the pumped into these very state. most of it in military aid, so without americans support, a lot of what is realtors in the region and is doing at the moment thing as would be impossible. the radiance of i should ask you americans to step aside and let us deal with the ladies in relation to this strike in a written message, the islamic republic of a ron warn the us leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap. stay away so you won't get hurt. in response, the us ask iran not to target american facilities. the americans have said that they expect a rainy response as have these ladies who have suggested that senior is very on american. the face of suggested that they're working together to try to get ahead of whatever this response may be. now that means a that b is really, i am,
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the american intelligence services are working seriously to find out what exactly the response would be interesting to you as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens as president flight. and, and benjamin netanyahu have a phone call this week. the key issue for discussion here has shifted from the, the, the solved and gaza, to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation. in the, in the wider mid least, we can actually have a listen to what had been mean yet. and you have said in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boyd, and i think it's quite telling us your name. sure. you on board and they've done it for years. iran has been action against us both directly. and while its process is asked for, israel is acting against the run and its process defensively and defensively. we will know how to defend ourselves, and it will act according to the simple principle of whoever hums us or plans to harm us. little hom, them. there is a sense of expectation, not just from the,
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at the global community that's watching this very nervous and with the countries in the region. so you may be a rack all of these countries watching with a bated breath. but because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder keg. and what's really fascinating is that in this instance, is both israel, who is now preoccupied to, to a huge extent with it's more as it calls it in gaza. it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against hezbollah. he's really military is no exceptionally l. if you hired, stretched to accommodate the pressures on as a grade or conflict with the rom could push as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well as the noise, it could be in possession of, of significant the destructive weapon we, let's say. and the world is watching at to see what happens next. because we'll be watching to the international community. we acted swiftly through the day as he is
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ready. slike on monday, russia and china expressed concern over the escalating tensions in the region. most good conveying to the emergency un security council meeting over the issue. the wisdom powers use the session to try and shift some plane to iran on the us marine co intelligence offers a skilled, rich as safety is where the prime minister has clearly made a willful decision to escalate. the regional conflicts 1st well is real, but it has been striking targets in syria, but for some time now for the purpose of interdicting your ronnie and capabilities in syria. and so to have such a senior, a rainy and revolutionary guard commander in syria up together with, you know, a country of other persians in one place was, i think, just too tempting of a target for israel. and the fact that they chose to strike a building that is protected under diplomatic convention shows that is real. i no
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longer cares about the rule of law about international law. and this brings us to the deal. i think there ultimate motiv, benjamin danielle, who understands that he is only viable as a leader of israel, so long as he is in war. he's a wartime leader right now. the moment the current conflict stops, he loses his ability to stay in power. he will be removed from bower. we're looking at a situation where his role is under tremendous pressure to try and wrap up the, the, the, the conflict and gaza wit from us. and israel is looking to expand to lease benjamin netanyahu. his government is looking to expand his conflict and therefore his taking the extraordinarily bold and irresponsible actions in hopes that iran will try, you know, find its way to a terry out actions that could be your be get
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a larger conflict. so i think this is part and parcel. the broader is really strategy of expanding the scope and scale of the conflict in the region. what intense bottles taking place across garza with the conflicts now and its 7th month is well declared. who on how most of the october, 7th terrorist attack posted and officials say more than $33000.00 to thousands have since been killed. international groups, the crying smile over the humanitarian does all so as a half of the world health organization mission requests have been denied or delayed by as well. the age group has finally managed to gain access to the ruins of the plays largest hospital. the w. h, i release footage of what remains of l. c. for off the months of idea rates and phone bod means the images, so ravaged hospice awards with bodies strewn across the wreckage. following the visits, the members of the un mission with the to the facility as quote and m t show with
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grapes. so that's a nice images all, but i'll see put the scale of destruction into perspective world health organization, spokes person. margaret harris describes the hospital's law so someone raping the hot out of the regions health care system. access to live saving aide in garza is not confined to just 12, partially functioning hospital. like the majority of the nose. i'll ship a hospital once the largest, the most important referral hospital, and garza is now with them to show off to the late to see no patients remain at the facility. most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment is on usable or reduced to ashes. the who team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility completely non functional. so the reducing access to live saving health care and gaza. the international observers have hormones that around 70 percent of moving clauses population are close to experiencing catastrophic honda. the world food program saves $1.00 and
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$3.00 children us to the daily malnourished view. an organization has also reported that the number of people facing simon has doubled in the last 2 months. while the program is working to provide a possible a to thousands. it's stuff, say the own safety. is it? a law suit for um, has been able here to says 1000000 people every month with 2 because they completely depend on us that we have times is we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale out of verge, simon, so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees for us as do you, my parents, but also for the people recess in gaza. hey that it, i have 3 boys in one girl. they need food. where am i supposed to give them food
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from? i can't afford to buy food, everything is so expensive and i have no money. local kitchen is our safe place. we come here every day. consuming on the bus, yet we eat whatever we can find. we eat and we think gods. my biggest tree is that when someone leaves the house, they won't come back again. that's all i care about that they come back safely. in the meanwhile, in the west bank, 2 people have been wounded in a shooting attack on a busy highway between the power of palestinian towns, both victims and now being treated in hospital. one of them is a young female ivy, a soldier methics, a bullets we'll find at a bus. and to call on the road trips have been dispatched to the scene in pursuit of a suspect, who reportedly fled on foot. the highway has been closed off in both directions. will keep you updated on this developing story. of the weather sunday marks 30 years since the start of the tootsie genocide
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didn't belong to this. so more than 800000 people killed, human rights watch stays for also supports for the governments or for one to admit the atrocities. in 1994 was quote, tons a month to direct participation in the war. they activate square postage that conclusion, as it released all kinds in an effort to raise global awareness. as an enduring lesson from the genocide is the international community's failure to take heed of the clear signs that preparations for math atrocities were under way, including warnings from human rights defenders who put their lives on the line to sound the alarm. despite the passage of time, victims deserve to see those responsible for genocide and other crimes, arrested and prosecuted in fair and credible trials for years could assume. so this has been that to major international actors, policy makers in the u. s. and the u. n. o understood the gravity of the one to genocide within the 1st 24 hours, even if they could not have predicted the mass of told at the slow task would
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eventually take. but aside from that, there's also phones and the heat enrolled. we played in the gym as lot oppressed advisory by the human rights watch arms project reiterates the january 1994 reports . conclusions including the francis support to the government of rwanda was tantamount to direct participation in the war and calls on french troops deployed to rolanda, as part of an evacuation force to be replaced with neutral forces from other countries. globally, historians have spent the last few years poring over government archives to come out to cables and military falls. the conclusion, france was not directly complicit in the one does mass killings, but french authorities supported the violent and extreme as government. they were blind to its preparations for the mess. okay. and reacted to slowly to stop the genocide. some argue that this means paris, therefore, biz overwhelming responsibility for the tragedy. something is slats out of retreats
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through london. crisis ended in disaster for wanda and, and defeat for france. but as france complicit in the genocide of the tutsis, if this means a willingness to be associated with the genocidal enterprise, nothing in the archives consulted proves that efforts to improve relations with the one that president of money on my club commission den investigation and opened the archives to the public for me of smoking gun was found proving defense and religious direct involvement. the killers who stopped the swamps, the hills, the churches did not have the face of france. france was not going to companies, but some of those to survive the horrors of the genocide unconvinced and were lift, disappointed by the french findings, even the very man who led to the rebellion, but in the small attack as regularly accused fronds of complicity in the crimes 20 years later, the only thing you can say against the french in their eyes is they didn't do enough to save lives during the genocide. that's a fact,
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but it hides the main point, the direct role of belgium and france and the political preparation of the genocide and the participation of the letter. and it's very execution people still came from . so it's not only involved in the vin spinning passivity, but actually enabled genocide to read support for the who to receive before during and after the killings between 19901994. it is true that the one that was in the state of the economy, social and political turmoil, and that to the international community, was reluctant to come to age. how advice the complicity of this does not to the gate. the great responsibility of france was close populace of allowed it to profit from arms deals and strategic positioning. what happened into one that was more than a crime. it was an event that seemed to mandatory that's not cost to acknowledge that guy. so they're kind of human rights activist on the survivor of the tubes. the genocide may, thanks for joining us on the program. so really appreciate your time with all due
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respect to could you please share your personal memories of the events leading up to and during the master code, but to see people in 94? ah, yes, um my um. so the, there was background to the genocide jones. i didn't start just the day on april 7th. the genocide was it was started with a war that started in 1990. so my experience started actually before then when i was and i was seeing displaced rwanda's lean war uh by the rpm for committing major atrocities and massacres. and then on april 6th there was an assassination of 2 presidents. they were one done in the beginning and presidents who were shot in an airplane, and everybody on board died of that assassination started the genocide. my personal experience at that time 1st. the 1st thing i started hearing was shelling
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everywhere moms dropping, shootings everywhere, people screaming for help. we went into hiding and us there. when we the next day, we checked the end of the groups. large groups of both the militias were going out, killing people, living by a dead bodies on the streets. then we went back into hiding. eventually, neighbors took us from our home where we were hiding, and they hit us in in their homes. and then eventually we slay the city of to go eat while we were leaving the city of the galley. myself and my mother were made for order to big our own race, so that they would bury us as a, as a mic best the cute killing us. folks by local folks intervened and they came and depleted for us in that leading eventually allowed us to stay safe. we
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eventually escaped into the congo. however, i would like to add the report that we were talking about. um there is not just francis complex or the image on the side. the you with in the u. k. supported the r p f which was made by both of them a who is presented as the person who stopped the genocide. ok, that may be less targeted stuff. the genocide he started the genocide by ordering the shooting of the plan that started the whole event. the shooting of the plane is that you've been the started that actually started the genocide. and also there were many efforts, uh, 2 blocks, any kind of support in savings, civilian lives. there are documents in the you when, where and what wasn't shown with the human rights watch report is that in the month of april, the international community was discussing an intervention to save civilians. the rp of actually sent
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a communication in the mid communicate se you're stating that everybody that was to be killed had been killed. and everybody that was to, uh and so the international force will serve no purpose. and so in the end, many, many of our relatives ended up getting killed. uh, we lost, at one point, we counted how many people died in my family. there was more than 80 people who were killed during that genocide. so that's, that's a little bit of my in the background in survival. ready of the, the genocide, but also wanted to make sure that no perpetrator is left untouched. absolutely. i thank you so much for sharing that story. and i'm so sorry that you had to experience this and forgive me, but you must have been just a child at this time. could you explain the side effected you? and the told me that you and your family to this day. i um, for me, the 1st of all the site was being mc or all day. so when me started, i was in,
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so i was, i was so afraid. i remember that my, my stomach was bubbling. i was shaking, and at some point i became numb. and for many years i lived with the night mirrors of being killed. those nightmare still recur. um, the, the trauma does not get any easier. uh well, it gets easier with when, when we say opportunities to actually speak and share a story. now, what has happened in addition to the trauma, is that because i share my story and actually speak about not only what i experienced during the genocide, but the atrocities that were committed by the rp if which is empowered to date before doing enough to to genocide uh, there's been many attempts to silence me to tell me how to tell my story in the
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threats to my life because i refuse to the san surprise of my story so that that is part of the ongoing actually, um, uh, the uh the, the, the attempts to re traumatized the family itself. uh, i mean many, many we have many people in the family who uh, in, in some of the families there was like one person left and a some, in some cases they were children. uh, a was in, in, in some of them uh, those who lost their loved ones to the rpm because we, we lost people both to the extremely slow toes and to also the, the, if the receivables those old lost their, their, remember city of are not able to even speak about what happened to them. they live . yeah, they high, they have to write their story. and so that's part of the, on the, on my, for them. we really appreciate you sharing your truth with us dad. like to circle back around, just one more question to the culpability. i mean this with
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a lot of emphasis played on local media, who with includes, you know, who, who are phoenix accused of aging the killing because of on the playing what was happening at the time and to wells media really just not reporting on the extent of what was happening and what ways do you think the international community could have done that to, to prevent and stop the genocide? the 1st of all, i think the international community should have taken action in, in today to have actually the opportunity they should have taken an action when there was an invasion of a wonderful number from you. done that in 1992 stop. that war, that is the war that actually ended in the gym a site. and that's the same thing that is happening in the congo combo has been invaded in the international community is looking on in some cases, complacently supporting the invasion by everyone to and you've done that the, the, the, the 1st thing that the industrial community should have done was to to, to, to be, to go heart at uganda,
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ford setting that invasion with the one that it took for years of atrocities that live then to the genocide. now during the genocide, the international community should not have simply listened to the rp of saying, oh, everybody has been killed. and if you come, we will suit you. remember that there were places where there were hundreds, sometimes thousands of people hiding and international. uh, troops would come from uh, from their a variety of countries and they would rescue a citizen. so it was very clear, black and white. they would be hundreds, sometimes thousands of of black people with one white person, they would come, they will pick up the white person and they will take them away and everybody else will be left in that place. and so i do think that they had ways to actually take a stand and get and spend and, and, and actually disarm everybody. they, they should have waited embargo on, on uganda. and on the they were one of the government at the time during the
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genocide data event, they did eventually put in the bible and obviously the bible and then they should've also put it on. you've done this of the band stuff that fades the arm trades that exasperated all of the fighting. all of the killings and the loss of life to the tone of hundreds of thousands of people in which dozens of my relatives were killed. clothes, i really appreciate you sharing a story with us. thank you so much for your time. i told us a bit of a human rights activist and the survival of the tennessee genocide. thank you. us back to the china as well as the us that is ready to respond to any threats to its sovereignty in the, in the pacific region, that's all to be rival powers health, military talks in hawaii. meanwhile, us treasury secretary, john, it's yellow insights. china will say significant consequences if it's company's help russia and ukraine conflict. the american official is in paging while she's already met the countries premiere and vice minister yelman's tool comes amid
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washington's concerns about china's manufacturing guy. the capacity of cheap expos that america sees is unfair. competition, which ways to re secretary has also said aging and washington are trying to find common ground. choose some top tools and other worrying trends for the us is china is rising popularity in southeast asia, which washington considers its own state of influence. in a notable shifting sentiments, china has experienced a surgeon popularity among respondents from south east asia climbing from 38.9 percent last year to 50.5 percent this year. edging ahead to become the preferred alignment choice in the region. it's frustrating when you put in the book, but don't get the results. so shed a tear for washington. wish to spend the last 12 months building up the china book . human need find beijing's own scary and off to send its neighbors running because its neighbors are real. a smoke volume 2 logs, like those who spoke the corridors of the capital. so they see the us ramping up on
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supplies to tie one bases, delegation off to the delegation, flying in, and they had president bite and promising the tune of american peace. so unlike ukraine to be clear, sir, us forces us men and women would defend taiwan in the event of a chinese invasion. yes, they know the. 5 part that would inevitably follow. they also know that china is sions largest trading partner, the beijing's investments in the region a growing year on. yes. but every single one of them is a beneficiary of the vote and vote initiative. so china's economic health is that economic health, the us targeting this lifeline by slapping on the terrorists, restricting access to might put ships and judging allies the site onto the china take down. no, quite the winning strategy. and it's really not reassuring when the ideologues to
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show what length they'll go to, to kill off the competition. this is one of the interesting ideas, isn't flawed, put it out there for deterrence is just being very clear to the chinese that if you invade taiwan, we're going to blow up to yes m c, i just throw that out. not because that's necessarily the best strategy for the exam and then, and then of course the highest, the tie want to use really don't like this idea, right? how they're blowing up and see if you do that, you have a to trillion dollar economic impact on the global economy within the 1st year, and you'd put manufacturing around the world at a standstill. i mean, it, this would be, this is a terrible idea. i'm not promoting the idea. i'm not promoting the idea, michelle saying make it a bit to what i'm saying is these are some of the things that are actually actively being debated amongst us. yeah. might see us policy makers, american foreign policy is also failing to went out in a region with a large muslim population, which is horrified by washington's by king of israel to the last palestinian costs
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is 0. solve mentality one that's on roster rule china sales to hit the mark among nations who are traditionally neutral have ties, including military ones that extend way back decades on still believe and diplomacy the, the, the nation member states including the see thing and fall, want to maintain good relations with both the us and aging. the one make us choose . we will refuse pictures. i don't work for beijing, i don't work for washington, dc. i work for the philippines. so i'm on the side of the philippines and the 310 states into a very simple statement of foreign policy, which is,
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and i promote the national interest, but peace is not a classic investment for the u. s. military base. so yes, well, in fact, while china has built bridges and railways, washington spent 2023 splashing the cache on yet more basis throughout the se, on region. it's funny, isn't it? how rocking off in a neighborhood, far, far away freshening to stop bulls to blow up the global economy and why daniel? things are 10. i have one to 4 to 9, eventually lose as you some good. well, the wasn't now to slovakia, way ukraine stepped take a piece of pellegrini has won the presidential election, facing a pro western the opposition candidates. i think really is a full in our prime minister who's been holding the state of parliamentary speaker . he also needs the social democratic policy, which stands against escalating the ukraine conflict. the slovak president elect has doubled down on close for peace towards the school. i will do everything i can
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to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war unless whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want to a piece of the great news victory establishes full control level t posts in the country by the ruling coalition. a nation joins neighboring hungry in opposition to feeling the conflicts in ukraine, which fold as both countries. as pellegrini propose to assume the presidency, his parliamentary deputies, that position is the voice of commonsense, the gates nuclear escalation with russia. he spoke to all these folks on a boy co in her well to talk program where she can watch in full throughout the day who are not t for now is a preview. the .


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