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tv   Documentary  RT  April 7, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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double down on coals for peace talks about school. i will do everything i can to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war unless whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want to a piece of color granny's vix to reestablish, is full control level key posts in the country by the routing coalition. a nation joins neighboring hungary, you know, positions or feeling the conflicts in ukraine, which fold as both countries as pelligrini propose to assume the presidency. his parliamentary deputies says that position is the voice of commonsense against nuclear escalation with russia. he spoke to all these folks on a boy co in her well to talk program where she can watch in full throughout the day, who are not t for now is a preview. the are very much like the way you frame these warning. one of your articles you wrote
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that it's wrong that to slavic nations are it's war that american arms companies are making money from it. to some extent it's apparent obstacle reality. i wonder how do you see this content proceed as an inexplicable or do you think quite the contrary, that it was to some extent predictable that it could have happened. i'm sure this is another conflict between the new crating nation and the russian nation. these, the conflict, especially between american and the russia and they're kind of rush i so it's, of course, the west against the russian federation. everybody's skin seems is because if you didn't, would be golfing between ukraine and russia. ukraine wouldn't be lost in a few weeks. we don't want this call police which can disclose to the ground floor, i think only to people without any common sense, then continue to escalate. these calls me that. that's why we are we designing
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our and the return and that you will be in boxes because we are and i in the return, no, because we are and i you will be here for peace. the ones who have good dialogue and good relations on the east, on the log on to solve on the west, all the, all the arts. so i don't think that our, our positions filed a gaze to nubian, you know, these are the words of the common sense. either you'll be in union and i'm going to read the hungry. for example, if you are very critical to the, was of nate or for example, useless any of us or in libya. this why we are ready for you to go and vc also because he's on the war and you try and induce expansion of naples the . i'll come you away. next is documentary time here and all the international and some more news. i'll be back with the rest of the the same in 30 minutes. so you then, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the team i said it was, i told you about the the, the what the media gets, what he does, that goes, what is the, my, you, what was the one you had of the sites to conflict at noon if we don't have the modem prints, did you set up a vehicle? is it glitched? i know the service, we have to show the resumes butting it, shifting some assignments as it gets as soon it's putting it just for the summer.
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but i'm going to do some other people. the time on the me there's only 2 in a row, the discomfort was seeing what am is going to do both or you can talk system the just the realtor sort of use those skills to describe does approximately comes by in the building for the corporate job growth financial uh cuz i'm to search, i service for the shop. the double cause over to just a month. so the vehicle comes to a lunch order. you and you're doing the part of the substitute and they purchase a deposit is just kinda nice. and so i assumed use the but of course, because they have some students go to both of the, the needs of the so for the video and sometimes these folks just have to
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just physically, yes, it was for me just that it was also going to your mind instead of 2 or 2 for all the says it has to say it, but it saw me all the and it's also so i know the token, i see that a with to start with you. i think it'll show. yeah. some of those that about the low comes through the see this, but also people say got a sense of but as a schema they let me know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break. you know, when you see, if it would show the boys and put it on the engine instead of this, you know, i'm sure units are full of little boys to the official shouldn't rolled up in the time. so when does it last? it was so little fish, just uh, so the thing is the boat. i know most of most of our doors,
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not showing us the dc well at the start there, cuz we don't really slow to do so most just don't want to send you a bundled with with you all today. and it said that the subsidy of up to them, but it's it, it's just the need and then all that access to the other, the other option at the front desk. yeah. but it will sync gains and you will just let me know. i need to know what is the most cool video when you think, you know, when you, when you see the list of them, i still don't know, but if you just look at the stuff that i'm going to speak are the choices for the video start nivia talk technical sounds good. well, but i do see more than 30 minutes. if i you remember to be yes. so. uh oh, my god, such a lot, no more but was doing you for the little girl with age and with any of these are
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the you by chance, by going to have all of that isn't all or dispute much to which was a near the was it in the i'm still still needed, especially for the 20 the based on this quarter some of the guys and develop some special. yeah. so the sofa uh almost done with the troll and do it on the 3 delta me. uh it's coming due to me. is there any excess uh part of them. the bills? the, the fox, the uh, the young lady that's okay. just from the close the door. yeah. point oh spectrum actually buying in the buy. so the, the, the, so i'll just do putting it in the,
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the ocean, that is the, so test, test it on my show, there was never, it going to look to see a little of look up. all of these last multiple signals completely coordinate with money. and cool to the single good for her. when she was the doors in the field on piece of or 2 of those when you're going to see if i was good. thank you. and the only is elizabeth will to pull chance available, cost the name of the same. what do you think is the bottom a couple that i will do to have them use this new idea of what is the point you'll go? yeah, you're always going to, you know, what the email you want me to call you or what was the last one that was really already up in the middle for you to read them is more than coming to william go. com. the middle one is lot of the later he is feeling in order was that old disorder, not to be there,
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but i also want to shift also my little fluid. i want to go unusual. why not? the one of the show was the charlotte movie. you go, why now? 31 shows he's still cool boy. oh, because the resilience, someone of course because the little little the or if you need to move quickly moved on. would you, if you'd give us about the event on support, which seeing your friends even in the power button. uh, but other than you still remotely see that it goes to the next step, then you know when you pull it up and it'll 2 sites. so by a few little bit showed you more than the image source on the right. just talking to me, you see the photos of your local office, what goes on your pool was pretty good. i mean,
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we're going to remove your so lloyd silver, 70 more years these people would choose your own on union, couldn't use was what did they couldn't use? was the new board with that? the boy just want you to take, but what you, what i knew i started going home will close the use of the news on the give it with anything you will talk to the board and the dealer. sorry. what was the problem to go just to and you know, both of them are showing. you have new phones to see because the mother will let them in the room. is the goals? give me the soon. let me go. let them have you put in the keys business junior, you fall middle of the problem with me, but do they just give me the book? can you please to leave a bold school at least with feel of some of you and so you don't have to be just
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a little bit just where so to look at all. so what i'm going to do that if i do this for you. so boy, the lives of the loop at a slow. so what does, what is in the default to flip this focus on, you know, the image or the little go to the restore, the services you need when you, but you will see the company was going to do the sheets. i knew those millions, you must, those with the process be to smooth the hospital and with those little that's what it is, what's the storage of it?
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they do the photos of insurance through the soonest. they'll bring in the, near, they've got somebody a month or the teachers to use the
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initial hosting. yes. the initiated the the the, the, the new speed of the building is kind of alerts to be the pretty good. how much would it be possible for them? i know,
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i think you like it almost sounds like you might want to get some nibbling closer than putting it on the 1941 with the nazis health probation, ultra nationalist, the was dashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during world
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war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us campbell who renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the what somebody did to give you a little bit more. so this mother is so great the for the appointment for you as a seamless civilian with a bullying, it was very low. we would have a little from windham, and then as little as i wasn't quite sure, which was initially and which was interesting, you know, through the little, the little squiggly store on school below who was wondering when was the person
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with them was for the other was good, beautiful. if you're going to see us go, what do you think you are? phones cannot it would clue. the lady would you feel it would be of the influence levels of what these can you realize could see me issues. there's the cooling. let's do it is only i do, but the teacher is there gonna show me what you mean? nice. i'm assuming i'm was looking at then you're going to look up the short of stillwell by some frame, which is what i need to know if maybe it's not easy to put you on hold. let me tell you a little before state that there was a one or more ownership on what's going on in the luxury
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or the other for use of the series for. busy say so you nice and also showing like she yeah. go ahead and almost capacitance. thank you must go school. he has multiple school list vehicle on the bus for him to ask my company them across from them with anyone that wants to share some additional. william show a chance. i didn't tell you enough. i'm going to taylor pregnancy loose loose cds. you little? yeah. it was really beautiful if you will, but it was really to a solution said that the well you near me you'll see ok. this thing here fall and spring hospice is a lot of which special on this and i see it. they should have many of the most they have those. okay. he's gluten, thomas? yeah, yeah. and those are the ladies. i knew i sent that to the public colt of any food at the yesterday or e cause they use the source. they used to just show up, but the other thing in my, in this, yeah,
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and that's what same thing as this problem. no warranty or anything them upgrade, can't get us those funds anymore. but just using that is there's not a huge issue, but he's in your mind, you know, who is the human space? i just think there's always for the 1st of all song and then mitchell state status on the side of the oh, i see them both see, well then you have a couple of them. is that also shifting this o. s 3 for them because they've got to do is to be in the email and then you enjoy it. should show which is about as long as the changes on west via too much that they should have with us to there's a nice yes, the customer itself should i can contrast. well. yeah,
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that's the show us ocean was but i'm frustrated because of all that as well. somebody for a toner which doesn't look actually, but just because of the shows and i left all the rest of the year just so we can still have somebody use this. i've decided to buy some, some show. i see this pretty much the fishing mindset for me is to the beat was these shows, well, let's see here. you know, this is so when the, the boost here in the, the one of the just for the immediate yeah. i knew it was because what has to be just the level of this is, can you my license but it will show it to you. does the guy who is on one of us
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does off campus we ship by way, sense of them. i mean it's a solution, especially with the notes i just yeah. mostly neil which is pretty nice then at least somebody just to read it to us for this and you can assess the 1st 11 years to just show it blushing it. so it almost again frank find out and they ended up on the issue, not going to the industrial me and was wanting me to come from minneapolis to somebody who might because i get the most of my personality to me so nice. but i would be to t as in nancy,
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associated your phone with the cousin. let us know if that is free for you sheila, you'll see that that's the british luck of the news. yeah, i think my post the best plans and those unfortunately these keep but each unit separate in the, for the of the might be something that's covered. the compound with last names actually look at what is the shape which on the so i see you have the, is that i just talked to also sort of kind of the, you know, quite a few months gus, for the beginning. well, you need on your study, but i will be showing you photos nearest called as, as all the music i squeezed, i found the s t shirt, the blue that he thought it states because there's the city, many big houses in the near post. those of those states of void and you've got to say just to kind of bring anybody, my gosh, just to kind of shows to let more of a central touch that he has a share. and that's with you. and he's going so if these pages before, but it seems like the other guy has hit the button that you put to i used to buy it there. oh, let me show what does it was? i was lovely just and with us i'm the one that i'm really appreciating is, is to,
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to, to who to, to the us because there's nothing once before i can just download the software. so this was on a submitted sent out quite a few days ago. it was cut off of a piece of a produce with i think you apply to you to those 3 very much the other one which is the some of the science who's cuz it also can you see what you're saying? pretty much mostly. sure. so the 0 close the loop on is i'm not sure why she possibly could have definitely shovel, but i thought, oh it's i wish transportation for the mantle the and the, the rules the way him remember neither one. yeah. well, that also puts almost piecing it, but as i was always see, what was even a go by the 5th, it was initial plan was a village, any of those nc. and what was the notion kind of so the was on the assignment input, know, say football, somebody the sort of
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a hold on and cause when she knows what's the price of the disease, what's the contrast corners of the sales on a separate and just the name yeah, it will be a we look the last name. what are you saying? what it was i was and i wish i was able to really done much of the financial the both of them and to like i saw solution. it's a little small sitting in the bedroom has been here as a uh, sunk, it was kind of thing. okay. is darnesha. uh what's going on. i know it takes to get to the pricing says to me, so it's been such a site as opposed to think that it comes through to the level of support as the site up for the little. so for my share cool modification, the place, the reason was clear this little party is most of the social and it is awesome. i want you to the problem, whatever it will go into the new but wish it was a simple choice. so you prepare, simple,
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doable for them on. so i go through the mobile phone 1st . let me place you on a vehicle for me and wanted to keep bothering you just looking to cover this and what sort of take off with michelle companies, similar to the other thing. it says there's no but i was able to show them. so we need to go through those in a piece. we don't to them or do you suppose you but what is the ocean? so she had 3 of course, and if i was in, you know, like i said,
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i'm with the medicine festival. showing me your story. which we are a little behind you. so now the session with the near the point is that even there who is going to come over here, one of the one you've said, most people don't know what she need just with some more solo, says the, but i knew very difficult, but i have to be able to do an upgrade or so to do or to the problems want to see must even use a sheets or because he's stuck with me and i'm just, i'm, i'm so that's why we usually watch like being able to, to mean some of the sites i mean, you definitely side other fight them with the whole thing or so as little. so we need to on what the we suppose continue. it was a bit of what was right. so sometimes it's like you a little somebody because those are, you know, that was maybe you because there was issues of the social situation. there was a school that she wants, so he's not being
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a semester. so he thought it was the she was the promotion as soon as she comes over to the the other side of school with her use of those to do things with a one of his cards. there's a little girl. yeah. on the she was, you know, do simple, so i wanted off of this. is there any further on? so could it be kind of, it was the less than, you know, like a muscle to install retails and whatnot. where someone's in cbo was even a little faster than that. essentially, it's
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a book also for the clothing and what's the is it's, it's can be started by lines. these can be scattered by true importance of we can never be of a station. flat transparent is an extraordinary drawn mistake at trees. then just succeeded in finding the documents that existed in making them available to the was public. i mean, water could be more folding baths, publishing information, and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech . he did so in the public interest. pardon watched us so long. the allies tends to me. uh and, and honestly, the biggest of late, continuously. i know,
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i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought adjustments for him to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through. do you have sent its all we going to let that stay the is around braces the conflicts with as long as he is not public vows to eventually killing of its people. by the idea of doing a swan can serious garza is gripped by intense fighting against the war rides, with its 7 months with no end in sight of at least 33000 palestinians reported killed, including 13000 shows, right random ox, busy years since we see genocide, this to more than 800000 people killed, fall and submit. it could have stopped the mazda who refuses to take full


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