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tv   News  RT  April 7, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the han box, weighing a $170.00 for these virtual do you have sensors? are we going to lift that? stay the case? well, braces for conflicts with the wrong as the, as nomic with public valves to avenge the killing of its people by the id asked you . and just like in syria, gaza is gripped by intense fights. i didn't get the warrant of its 7 months with no and didn't sites within these 33000 palestinians reported killed, including 13000 children and were behind the monks 15 years since that you'd see genocide that so more than 800000 people killed from submits it could have stopped the months ago, but refuses to take full responsibility. the
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a very well welcome to you. this is on the international with the late as world news updates. it's great to have the company on top story this. so the is writing defense ministers, like the country is ready to respond to any scenario that may on the phone with wrong submitted escalating tensions between the nations folder and get an idea strike on. the radian can see that in syria, killing 13 people, including senior military stuff to ron has vowed to take revenge. the operations conducted at the right time with precision and prudence, and with the necessary caution to maximize damage to the enemy would definitely lead to its regret and make it repugnant freights actions. this, of course, comes in the wake of one day strike on the country that the rainy and confident in damascus in syria. and this is a very, very, a momentous event. a single country targeting a, another country in a 3rd country. it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one was if you like. so that's the 1st thing
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to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen. countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic parity of a 3rd country in a 2nd country if you like. so that's a significant thing. the impact of dislike as well is, is interesting to a 7, a senior, a rainy and military officials were killed. in this, 2 of them were a brigadier general's. they were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operations i'm of the is allow me to revolutionary guards core . so that's an as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends and the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said that a come member ration for one of the, those killed that at the, at this at that there wouldn't be a response, and that would happen at when the time was right. so this is feeding and fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now even i a tell a, at least so many the supreme leader, if you like in, in ron has said that would be swift and deaf and it's
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a response to this. something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually asked america is wales vegas style. you remember america, phones and politically supports the way the stays to a huge extent. hundreds of billions of dollars up and half, that pumped into these very state. most of it in military aid, so without americans support a lot of what is well doesn't the region is doing at the moment thing as would be impossible. that the radius of actually asked the americans this step aside. and let us deal with the ladies in relation to dislike in a written message v as law mich republic of iran, one the us leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap, stay away so you won't get hurt. in response to the us, ask iran not to target american facilities that the americans have said that they expect and a rainy and response as have these ladies who have suggested in seniors where the american, the face of suggested that they're working together to try to get ahead of whatever
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this response may be. now, that means a that the is really the american intelligence services are working for. you just need to find out what exactly the response would be interesting to you, as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens as president biden. and benjamin netanyahu have a phone call this week. the key issue for discussion here has shifted from the the, the solved in gaza to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation in the, in the wider mid least, we can actually have a listen to what had been in yet. and yeah, i've said in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boy, and i think it's quite telling us an entry on board and they've done it for years and run has been action against us both directly. and while its process is that for israel is acting against the run and its process defensively and defensively, we will know how to defend ourselves. and it will act according to the simple
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principle of whoever homes us or plants to hom, us little hom, them there is a sense of expectation, not just from the, at the global community that's watching this very nervous and other countries in the region. so do you re view a rack all of these countries watching with a bated breath because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder keg. and what's really fascinating is that in this instance, is both israel, who is now preoccupied, if to a huge extent, with it's more as it calls it in gaza. it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against hezbollah. he's really military is no exceptionally l if you hired, stretched to accommodate the pressures on as a grade or conflict with the rom could push as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well as the noise, it could be in possession of, of significant the destructive weapon we,
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let's say. and the world is watching up to see what happens next. the course we'll be watching to the international community. we acted swiftly to the deadly as rarely strike on monday. rushman trying to express concern of the escalating tensions in the region while moscow contained to the emergency un security council meeting over the issue. but west empowers use the session to try and see if the blame to iran will for us marine co intelligence officers, school versus ac is rarely prime minister, has clearly made a willful decision to escalate the regional complex the 1st. well, israel has been striking targets in syria for some time now for the purpose of interdicting your ronnie and capabilities in syria. and so to have such a senior, a rainy and revolutionary guard commander in syria up together with, you know, a country of other persons in one place was i think just too tempting of
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a target for israel. and the fact that they chose to strike a building that is protected under diplomatic convention shows that is real. i'm no longer cares about the rule of law about international law. and this brings us to the deal. i think there ultimate motive, benjamin danielle, who understands that he is only viable as a leader of israel, so long as he is in war. he's a wartime leader right now. the moment the current conflict stops, he loses his ability to stay in power. he will be removed from bower. we're looking at a situation where israel is under tremendous pressure to try and wrap up the, the, the, the conflict and gaza with some us. and israel is looking to expand at least benjamin netanyahu is government is looking to expand this conflict and therefore is taking the extraordinarily bold and you're responsible actions in hopes that
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iran will let you know find its way to carry out actions that could be your be get a larger complex so i think this is part and parcel. the broader is really strategy of expanding the scope and scale of the conflict in the region to intense bottles, taking place across garza with the conflicts now. and so we can get 7 months as well declared war on him, us off the table 7th terrorist attack and published a need official say more than $33000.00 and substance been killed. international groups occurring filed with the humanitarian disaster of the hosp, the wells health organizations mission requests have been denied or delay its by is well. the age group has finally managed to gain access to the ruins of being placed largest hospital. the w. h. i released footage of what remains of i'll see for often months of id f raids on fund bergman's,
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the images so ravaged hospice awards with bodies strewn across the wreckage. following the visits, the members of the un mission with the to the facility is quote, an empty shell with graves or satellite images of our shaffer put the scale of the destruction into perspective, wealth help organizations, folks. person monkwood harris describes the hospital's law. so someone would think the hall town of the regions health care system, access to live saving 8 and garza is now from spine to just 12 partially functioning hospitals. like the majority of the north, i'll ship a hospital once the largest, the most important referral hospital in gaza is now with them to show off to the late to seek no patients remain at the facility. most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment is on usable or reduced to ashes. the who team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility, complete the non functional side, the reducing access to live saving, health care,
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and garza, some international observers of pulling that around. 70 percent of northern gauze as population are close to experiencing taxes to say come to the world food programs. phase one and 3 children also have bailey malnourished. the un organization is also reported to the number of people facing, simon has doubled in the last 2 months. while the program is working to provide a possible a to johnson, to stop the say that own safe diesel. so with, with will to program has been able here to serve 1000000 people every month with food because they completely depend on us. we have times is we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale out of verge, simon, so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security
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guarantees for us as do you mind, terence, but also for the people we service in gaza. hi. hello. hey david, i have 3 boys in one girl. they need food. where am i supposed to give them food from? i can't afford to buy food, everything is so expensive and i have no money. local kitchen, is there a safe place? we come here every day. close, typically on the bus. yeah. we eat whatever we can find. we eat and we think gods. my biggest fee is that when someone leaves the house, they won't come back again. that's all the cabbage that they come back safely. i mean one in the westbound 2 people have been wounded in a soothing attack on a busy highway between the power of palestinian towns. but as victims of now being treated in hospital, one of them is a young female idea of soldier medic said police were fine at the bus and the call on the road trips have been dispatched to the scene in the series of a suspect to reported the flag on foot highway has been closed off in both directions. we will, of course,
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keep you fully updated on this developing source. with this sunday mox, 30 years since the start of the tootsie genocide. in rwanda, there's still more than 800000 people killed human rights watch say, as far as his support for the government of rwanda admit there, trustees in 1994 with quote tons of months to direct pauses, the patient and the war. the active basically posted that conclusion as it relates to our colleagues in an effort to raise global awareness and enduring lesson from the genocide as the international communities. failure to take heed of the clear signs that preparations for mass atrocities were underway, including warnings from human rights defenders who put their lives on the line to sound the alarm. despite the passage of time, victims deserve to see those responsible for genocide and other crimes arrested and prosecuted in fair incredible trials for yes, could assume. so this has been that to major international actors, policy makers in the u. s. and the u. n. o understood the gravity off the one to
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genocide within the 1st 24 hours. even if they could not have predicted the mass of told at the slow task would eventually take. but aside from that, there's also phones and the he didn't rolly played in the genocide oppress advisory by the human rights watch. arms project reiterates the january 1994 reports conclusions, including the francis support to the government of rwanda was tantamount to direct participation in the war and calls on french troops deployed to rolanda as part of an evacuation force to be replaced with neutral forces from other countries globally, historians have spent the last few years poring over government archives, diplomatic cables and military falls. the conclusion for arms was not directly complicit in the one does mass killings, but french authorities supported the violent den extreme as government. they will blind to its preparations for the mess. okay, and reacted to slowly to stop the genocide. some argue that this means paris
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therefore, is overwhelming responsibility for the tragedy. something is slats out of retreats through london. crisis ended in disaster for rwanda and, and to feed for france. but as france complicit in the genocide of the tutsis, if this means a willingness to be associated with the genocidal enterprise, nothing in the archives consulted proves that efforts to improve relations with the one that president to money on my crime, commission den investigation and opened the archives to the public. no smoking gun was found a proving defense of minutes, just direct involvement. the killers installed the swamps, the hills, the churches did not have the face of france. france was not to go to companies, but some of those to survive the horrors of the genocide unconvinced and were lift, disappointed by the french findings, even the very man who led to the rebellion. but in the small task as regularly accused fronds of complicity in the crimes 20 years later,
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the only thing you can say against the french in their eyes is they didn't do enough to save lives during the genocide. that's a fact, but it hides the main point, the direct role of belgium and france and the political preparation of the genocide and the participation of the letter. and it's very execution people still came from . so it's not only involved in the vin spin passivity but actually enabled genocide to read support for the who to receive before during and after the killings between $9.00 to 1990 and i to full it is to the one that was in the state of the economy, social and political turmoil, and that to the international community was reluctant to come to age. how is lost the complicity of ad this does not to the gates, the great responsibility of france was close popular, allowed it to profit from alms deals and strategic positioning. what happened into one that was more than a crime? it was an event that seemed to mandatory when are they? we spoke to a survivor of the to see genocide who told us the well the community has turned
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a blind eye to the french fact atrocities committed in providing the thought to non from kaiser blade is a cure. the focus, splitting the 10 sites in glenda, especially i'm hoping that to say by that sort of session sheets between the demo documents and run the update him on those with jim the corporation, vision, dental governments made each possible for the explanation of the for holding numbers. of the most, the way less prized on this gives the responsibility to what's up in the presence was seen under what's meant by somebody else. those, those who way to get to budget age, they have the same fresh troops on the gross and run the on some of the try to see because the troops with no to products, damage for at least save their lives. and even if people just took a boat, silverman resource, they don't for us seeing the city of the box. but if you're doing some insight
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mostly, but most of you uh, some of this month. so imagine fresh tools in supporting the gym. sorry, the intent for each claim did that ice over i loved ones. so in any way, here's fluids. each history will be learned. but france has, is the responsibility seems to be, seems to be that the home or waiting for the purchase of periods today to slovakia. now, way ukraine, skeptic, pizza, appellate greeny, has won the presidential race, basically pro west and no position time to days. the slovak president elect to double down on calls for peace talks about school. i will do everything i can to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war and let whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want it. let's get more details on
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the story now. some of corresponding to each. c thanks for coming in a month. so what kids holler is about the slovak president selections, um why they want the support of this lubbock nation. so of course peter pelligrini has won the reason slovakian presidential elections against a pro western opposition. it's worth noting that the president in slovakia does not really have a lot of executive power, but he can veto laws and challenge them in the constitutional court. cutting his program, pelligrini chooses to put an internal affairs on the front. so we choose to focus on what still vacuums are dealing with in the country. oh, it's interesting he, he is one of the very few you leaders that is sending for piece of when it comes to the situation and ukraine. he says that he is not fond of the idea of sending more weapons to ukraine, but we could say that him when it is essentially showing the size that slovakia is our take and when it comes to the equating of conflict. okay, so we have a president, the legs in favor of peace was the international reaction being to this development
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. so course in the west, if your views don't really align with what they see is morally right, then you are this pro russian entity that is against peace for them being against these equals being against a ukraine. when so for them it's either your plan wins or nothing at all and what's their media was quite quick to highlight to this specific view in different articles. but the prime minister of the voc, you also shares a similar view to the one of the president. now in slovakia, unlike the president, the prime minister which leads the government, holds the most executive power. so the prime minister here, roberts 5th so says that he promised to and military a to queen and that he stands for peace talks list. like listen, a good i and i it looks like it has other and bigger problems in your brain. we don't agree with. i mean you train it sma forms of coalition. we would do everything also as a part of the you support everything for peace and ukraine. and efforts to stop
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peace negotiations on you. crazy. yeah. be central. now the prime minister of slovakia has previously mentioned that these you, sanctions against multiple are essentially pointless. he also says that if the ukraine to the joins nato then that it pulls a 3rd world war. but so we do have boulder reactions to this presidential election . and one of them is the hon. gary and prime minister, who essentially congratulated slovakia on the recent elections looks like listen my heartfelt congratulations to people agreeing on his overwhelming victory at the slow but presidential elections. a big win for the people of slovakia and the big win for the advocates of peace. all around europe. it's now at the end of the day it was the country's choice to make so which this would mean that people in slovakia are essentially tired of seeing their money being spent in a war that they don't want to be part of me. i've been reading up on pelligrini and
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one comment that he made the price of the vote. he said how the e u and a so a divided now with countries who are in favor of continuing the world of costs and those who demand this does have peace negotiations that we know that had a great news in the 1st ukraine and skeptic politicians, the springs of power in the west ways that they what extent is this becoming a trend so and how does this bode for kids? so of course another you member that is also sharing the same sentiments of sole vodka is hungry and the backlash against slovakia is annually elected president is also something we saw, i guess be whom gary, a prime minister victor or but old because. a these country also stands for peace talks, rather than sending more and more weapons to ukraine. of course, now the west seems to be in fear that some sort of slovak in and home, gary and coalition might happen, which could threaten the rest of the you. now, by threatened in here, i mean that's more and more you citizens might just start electing candidates that
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are more pro peace talks and negotiations. and, you know, with an economic crisis in the u on top of that internal and domestic issues on the rise. it's very probable that sooner or later that you will have to make the choice . and that choice is either uh, settled and negotiating table with moscow and talk about the conflict or tape on spending more and more money on your brain and spending more money on your claim that is only fueling or that ukraine is now losing. and also award that could potentially escalate into something even worse. exactly. if you're wanting more suffering for the people as well as a no brainer really, isn't that a my thanks for coming in with us. this house appreciate it. as well as we're doing now live by dr. steven guy, it's with day institute of european studies invalid. great may, thanks for coming on the search things lovely to see. so the election of a politician in the western country, he was the ukraine skeptic. if it is not new,
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what's the likelihood that we're seeing a trend here? the i think the trend is quite possible, but i think that this uh, as a, as an example. we'll upstairs uh, the importance for broader countries and for the upcoming election. but so what is more important here is that now we see a clear division within the so called the center of the for these are the for is the coalition of central european countries hungry slovakia truck, republican phones where we see that the check republic and fall under completely on the natal boards of you know, something, weapons, charles and everything. uh for those proxy war and ukraine. whereas uh, now 100 used to be alone has slovakia which has a president but on but its feet. so the ends now a prime minister, who are a guest against the, the war efforts, let's call it like that. so these are the uh,
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40 divided by i think the victor hold on on dissipated that in the past. that is why he started reaching out to possibly new members of this coalition. that is how he established a very good context with i would say the serves not the only serve. yeah. but also we can sounds good, which is, which is the certainly i have to be all the for boston. yeah. it's here for going on. so in a sense, the disability for shifted towards the self. although i must say that service is the weakest garment in the government has been in this chain because unfortunately serving the president is uh, if uh we listen to what uh, investigative journalist from a creek and simulate position say, he's basically under the black mail. busy fronts because the french police has sent to the serbian police on a, the sky application thoughts. so the transcripts that they, they, uh, got ahold of
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a which are connecting uh, parts of the government basically uh, people surrounding kitchen. possibly him personally with organized crime, which is why now for us is trying to work to do, let's say, uh, well, uh, again, distribution of the fort from the south a basically from these exceedingly frustrated because the russia has destroyed it's in the neo colonial empire that it had enough we got so we trying to compensate now by entering central europe by entering ukraine, possibly because they, i mean they were already something so many caesars and other weapons. and by above my instincts, uh, southern focuses. so yeah, you'll see the see here in a paradoxical situation where frost is bolding gives serve you in the security council and serbia is making lucrative businesses with that. so before the changes,
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slovakia will certainly in once uh let's say a chain of other events because made the will now try to do it. you compensate the last, they have a they have software knowledge will talk you will. absolutely. i mean, um, like renay speaking ahead of the valley, he was talking about how the b u is split between those countries. we just want to continue refilling this war between especially when you trade in those. the one piece that he said does not have been a in your countries, but within nato as well. i mean, we dismiss in may. so what might this mean for the future? it would seem in the last couple of years that you is nothing more but a political wing of nature. and uh now even what uh, back in 2003, donald rumsfeld, additional registration in general was calling new york. they were basically praising eastern european countries, former members of the warsaw pact, a new members of nato, as somebody who is always behind the united states. now,
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it seems that there are some serious cracks in the so called new york, meaning eastern europe, europe because hungry and most definitely still loc. yeah. are off the board. they just don't want to get involved in the war because what is more, the more spreads. they don't want the, their countries to suffer in a few, they possible european war. so this is why i think nato is panicking now because of such examples. if they start to spread around europe, may cause i want the amount of homework, cronies say that the brain that so natal, i think that's a, that's an natal is now going to suffer serious prices. and if you have this process, whatever happens at the end of the war, i think nato will most certainly result because we also have american elections, adult trump, who was local against the nato in the past. so i think that although maybe somebody
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can face the lock is a small country. that what, why is this so important? i think this when is a very significant event and it might so let's say a video beginning of a of a more wider process when it's the back. yeah. does go with what he wants to do and then puts the funding to ukraine. how big of an impact will this have on kids? it's will have been so lucky. a has sense over the last 2 years. a lot of uh, self propelled howitzers. uh, these are not a dsl assigned one. as 300 solve yet. and by aircraft cyst. busy of airplanes, week 29. most most of these this equip as was producing the soviet union. uh so uh, but it also has a, uh, uh, live, uh, military industrial complex. so if it doesn't want to join this,
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i think that nathan will try to accomplish this. this is why i'm really afraid about these conversations. that background has with survey and presidents about the connecting these do a military industrial complex is maybe they will try to uh, they will certainly try and they certainly some across try. going to try to compensate to somehow find more shelves, more hallway, more equipment so that they can continue this already last calls because i think that natal uh has already lost and its a proxy oregon structure. uh, but uh, i think that if it continues this uh this, the fees will be only more accumulating for needs. do you think we might have some reaction from zalinski or some other outspoken members of the as well? absolutely. i mean, they will probably try to of say, you know, the usual rhetoric about the analysis lock here being a profit overall shot together we, we'd, hungry in other countries, but we've created this so many times. even national interest just came out with
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that. a very interesting articles and they're mocking basically this whole rhetoric of a good against evil of democracies against despotism and all this nonsense that we've been hearing from natal, from the landscape, from many western politicians. uh and uh, this uh, rhetoric is not really effective anymore. so yes, they will continue with the with, with, with it, but i think this won't change anything. anything specific as a test today, really appreciate your time dr. steven guy, its institutions, your pain studies are set to in belgrade. thank you. and a rapidly escalating rift, mexico as announced that severing ties with an acquittal that's off the police storms, the mexican embassy and key. so and the rest of the full, the ecuadorian vice president who had taken refuge that.


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