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tv   News  RT  April 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the the breaking news on are the 3 people are injured during an attack on the south photos in nuclear power plant by you, freely and drones. just 20 minutes after on inspection by a d, a representatives also ahead of you. so let me come up. we are marketing today, 6 months of war, the shipments of the world. great. we are a step away from victory b as really prime minister of both. so what he calls the great to achievement, solve the operation. and joseph, the 6 months of devastating war on the enclave is marked by a death told that reportedly exceeds 33000 people. the hung gary and prime minister welcomes the new president of slovakia, saying
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a politician calling for peace. the new crane is a win for the in which the what the recap of the top stories from the 1st 7 days of april and right up to the moment developments as well. hello, and welcome to the weekly here on our team. there is being a ukrainian drone attack on the south, but rose yet nuclear power plant. 3 people have been injured on the sites. infrastructure has been damaged, rushes, rough, awesome corporation who runs the plant, has called on the international community to condemn the assault. the most awesome categorically condemns the unprecedented attack on the facilities of the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure and cools on the leadership of the international atomic energy agency, the director, general rafael grossi personally, as well as the governments to immediately respond to the direct threat to the
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safety of these a borrowers, your nuclear power plant, and categorically condemn the attempt to escalate the situation around europe's largest nuclear power plant. this latest attack took place just before mid day where bought 3 ukrainian f. p. jones, otherwise known as kamikaze. drones are reported to obstruct those. i thought it was you and you'd be a pop blog, which again, is the largest in europe, one of the drones hit the port facilities sub and then you'd have power plants. and now the drone impacted me of a dining hall, which is again, used by hundreds, thousands of civic, stimulated employees of the nuclear power plant. 3 people, again, well civilians, employees could be injured, and the law strewn heats, the 6 reacts to build a v i a, a has been one they've said to themselves of this strike. they've been informed
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that it has happened that they both have said this is consistent with their own observations. it's just 20 minutes. before this latest strike of the international atomic agency had a team on the ground conducting an inspection international atomic energy engines. experts have been informed by his approach a nuclear power plant that a drone designated on site to date. such designation is consistent with i, a observations i or through frame from actions that contradict the 588 principles and jeopardize nuclear safety director general russell groceries set the rules of these reaction buildings are very a very sick they can, they can with stabs, huge impacts as there is a risk, the, the drug would have penetrated the nuclear, the building itself before he's however, that it could destroy the bar to little critical and for track infrastructure. subbing the reactive building and that is uh the water pumping mechanisms,
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the cooling systems, the powered systems which code uh by the lead to uh, a critical failure within the reaction building itself. the, the ukrainian side had previously showed the react, that complex the nuclear power plant repeatedly, repeatedly the multiple attacks this damage at the nuclear power plot. vital systems had been damaged before. nevertheless, the west has refrained from outright criticizing you paid for these tribes. but now we're also asked them is ringing alarm bells, saying that these cannot be allowed to continue. and that this must be condemnation . will be great in government pressure on that. you created military to end this. yeah, let's pick up and want to for up to lot. her points, the russian foreign ministry spoke someone marie is a heart of a has calls on western leaders to finally admit the key of striking europe's
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largest nuclear power plant is potentially catastrophic. biden mccomb, shoals and other wild live defenders realize that their words, unbundle the street, may leave nothing of it. the international community must realize and respond to the act of nuclear terrorism. but the key for shame, how many more times should the armed forces have ukraine show the separate ocean nuclear power plant before the west, and it's not your monster as a landscape. stop repeat in this w as in the blood is show. well, we got some reaction to developments from independent duster and this sonya, of funding and a who saves the west past to admit hype, crucial the nuclear plants, the safety is and who's actually attack when you hit a nuclear facility or a nuclear power plant. well, it's so dangerous, i mean, this is the largest and you can nuclear power plant. and you're imagine this when something really goes wrong, that the whole of you may be the rest of the world. well, we are in a lot of trouble. we can say,
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and i just looked up at the record. the news today at western use for is the duct you determine use and, well, they made an item. ok, you know, a russia explaining ukraine of the day or hips by drills, blackouts, rushes name and it's ease and they know, maybe they, they know that ukraine is doing this. they will not admitted. and it's, you know, it's, and this is not proof. again, this is no information was, this is a real thing. this can lead to the huge catastrophe. and this is what the roots, you know, at least europe should know that this is real. this is drones, is st drones hips this affility. so, i mean, how far will they go until uh you get this to fee will go, you know, this has been weighed and they are reporting and this is the way of their media. but also i blame the coefficients because they have also have to take action on this and well the i a, a all scores also shoot, go and condemn this. and i know they want to stay and youtube,
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but they have to admit that they have to say, you know, this is done by ukraine and this has to stop and they have to attend to the world leaders that this is so dangerous for more on the cleaning of the tech on the south, rosie a power plant or website has you covered all the latest developments can be funded . r t dot com the it has been the 6 months since the october 7th terrorist attack on israel and subsequent war on gal. so the focus of the idea start right now is on this side of the strip. um, although buildings in the city of con eunice, how large the being left in ruin locals are returning with the hope of finding their homes. it comes as really trips of reportedly being posed out of southern areas. it is that it doesn't seem to be close to declare the story. they have been facing such facts to come back to the window. and when that folder and the harm, what vehicle were almost on top of that,
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so it does look good. and so i'm going to say area. they seem to be now with them deploying restructuring, the doing things for the sake of just making sure they can when however, how much is finished not giving up its position or stance. they're asking for a phone withdrawal from the gaza strip there, austin, from, from the subject of the war they're asking for un, hender acts of humanitarian aid. and we've been thinking about this into the gods a slip. i did not want him to come from any of those conditions or that it's on my side has been saying that they would not stop the war. i'm just the free and all day i kept him in gaza. so there's still a very long way to go before i need a ceasefire friend. well, benjamin netanyahu has been highlighting the great achievements of these really defense forces, claiming they're just the step away from victory i as the game. so let me come. we are marketing today, 6 months of work on the shipments of the world. great. we eliminated 19 out of
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$24.00 from as battalions, including senior commanders. we are a step away from victory. i'm us to. well, israel, the 3rd war on come soft october 7th since then more than 33000 gallons, helping killed, according to local authorities. international groups are trying file over the humanitarian disaster, their over half of the world health organizations, mission request of a part of the being denied or delayed by israel. the u. n. agency has, however, finally managed to gain access to the ruins of the infants largest hospital. the w . h. o released funded shuffled remains of i'll she for in kansas city. after months of adf raids and bombardments, the images show ravaged hospital boards with bodies screw and across the wreckage. following their visit, the members of the un grouping, referred to the facility of an empty shell, with braves. will suffer light to images of our shape,
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but the scale of the destruction into perspective, world health, organization smokes person, margaret, hardest. the scribe. the hospitals law says someone quote ripping the heart out of the regents. health trust is the access to life. saving 8 and gals is not confined to just that doesn't partially functioning hospitals like the majority of the nose, i'll ship a hospital once the largest, the most important referral hospital and gaza is now and them to show off to the late to see no patients remain at the facility, most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment is on usable or reduced to ashes. the who team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility, complete the non functional side of reducing access to live saving, health care and gaza. of course, it's doctors and medic to see its most clearly at palestinian children's dr. amin psychology told us the gals in health care situation is in a dire state. and the idea of sampling of medical workers is unacceptable to since
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the war began in early october. the situation for his care, where costs add in gas and also the worst bank has to be the dia, the is care with costs or do we add the targets of the size of a mission, the, the physicians, nurses and all of our, his care where costs and, and be with them in a very sad is and i'm actually in my now i can add it. i got a degree of very sad events. and one of the ad bad and the doctor says she's in the f it online as she actually she was, she passed away. she was getting along with the air force just as
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a duty and is try it on their house. they live and not far from us. just awesome. it does is they offer them to do evacuated, at least they the area they decided that know they wanted to stay in their homes. and then this cry is psych x, where the head and 5, the 5 of them where k international observers have more. another run 70 percent of northern gals is populous, are on the verge of facing catastrophic hunger. the world food program saves $1.00 and $3.00 children are severely malnourished. i'm not the number of people facing funding has doubled in the past 2 months. while the to monetary and organization is working to provide all possible aid to gallons. it's stuff say their own safety is a great, a, a lawsuit has been able here to says 1000000 people every month
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with food because they completely depend on us. we have times is we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale out the verge, simon, so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees to us as do you mind, terence, but also for the people we says in gaza. hey that it, i have 3 boys in one girl. they need food. where am i supposed to give them food from? i can't afford to buy food. everything is so expensive and i have no money. local kitchen is our safe place. we come here every day for the shipping on the bus. here we eat whatever we can find. we eat and we think gods. my biggest tree is that when someone leaves the house, they won't come back again. that's all i care about,
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that they come back safely. let's speak now to political lists, a mix of, of gals, a chevy, up to what i can live from. miss dunn both today. good to see you. come, i perhaps ask 1st on this sunday, the 6 month anniversary of the attack on israel, on subsequent invasion of gaza. how do you assess the adf operation in the, in the half year that passed a thank you for having me. as you guys doing my assessment, i think it is obvious and clear to everyone to anyone who has a little military background. that's all the goals which was put in the beginning of the military operation by either the government or the army chief. it is not being achieved as they are. they were telling their main goal was to
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uh, reduce the hostages, which was only done on the one condition which was only with the storks, with hamas. and the other, uh, is this, this groups. and they couldn't it be giving me any time off, completely and destroyed all. i'm asked because what the, i don't like the understand it or not, but how much is an idea? it is ideal. it is not uh how much is not like a group of militants and the ones the job in it is finished. it is there. it is a party. they have the supporters even if they kill some of them that i deal with is remainder and continuous and growing. there was only the achievements of genocide killing go in us and people look at how many women, how many children were killed. nothing was spent. if you look the journalist, i have a a drawer because the international uh i in jewels. uh,
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anyone was trying to help garza eh, what did god this, what does his nationality? everyone was started. so in my opinion, it is a total failure of all that is there any minute there appears to be more of a specific targeting by the idea, if not in southern guns after all, but one is really ami brigade withdrew from there. what can we surmise by the troops departure? is it strategic for further attacks going forward or, or are they actually fearful of losing more soldiers as they did during the week? uh, no, i believe it says a deputy killed with bolts. i don't believe that they are going to stay now or what they believe is that they already, uh no, the geography of the area. and they can answer whenever be once again. uh, they know that this thing called small then and making you
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a text. that's why they are with going to the outside of gaza and they're still putting the strong hand on a cutting got a slip between the law under the cell to keep it as a play card in the next negotiations. it has a price. if you want me to let the displace people to the telling back to the law, but i believe that it is only a tech to kill me because not eh, and something which is going to stay forever. i believe that the deck again and the game as seemed like what they did in uh, shit like getting the latest attack on 2 falls. so and on con eunice, often they would throw the object again. this is my only ok. international mediators are reportedly expected to risen ceasefire talks in cairo. do you chevy hold any more hope for, for these efforts compared to previous attempts. and uh,
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it says a lot about media just, it is about the supporters officially as well as the hippocratic wisdom boards. the stop supporting that is a digital site, then i believe that there will be a kind of a success in any restrictions if you look at the adults and the americans are just bluffing the i'm just long as they're saying that we are in the defending the right, uh we have support these items that is going to defend itself. and in the same time they are asking for an immediate supply. so you are supporting them, giving them, uh, the width, which is the green light for that decks. and in the same time, your scrolling for your blocking any uh, distribution in the us. it's called so far as these 5 and you only accept it to a false one. distribution often moved around approximately 6 months and by the end
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of the snow, because the, which is like i, i don't want to say any bad ones. i've always like this is just simply people cuz the same goes for you case and was for germany. i believe that once these paws believe that they should stop. so one thing is right in the general side, at that point is a, we go into an negotiation and we'll strike a deal. and with the, i'm us on with the other senior. this is, well, just on a related theme, the us recently refrain from vetoing a un security council ceasefire resolution at you have seniors, really officials counseling plum, us trips. where do we stand in the state of relations between the long time i lies right? not to i believe that the relations between is right and united states is not going to be affected much by that is just kind of changing the roles. i believe
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that everything is being done in coordination between days, ladies and americans. the americans was in a bad position specially off the that, that it is all of us with all the videos from different media hops. that is why you're committing war crimes. and there's a lot of pressure on the american investigation, suspicion the by the most of them, uh and uh, on the support of the so, you know, both those in united states, which they care more about having more votes for the democratic party in the next elections and with the drum coming back again in, in the picture. so it is just a game it down playing games. but if you can actually also have the author, because the lucian was issue. they said that there is an ocean is locked in the system. it can be formed by as a result, it is useless. it was of menus. well, thank you for coming the program and sharing your view with us today. chevy. i feel like non political on the list. i'm native of galvan. thank you.
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these really defense minister has said the country is ready to respond to any scenario without me on fold with a rum. that's those tensions rise between the 2 nations following an idea of striking the really and called slit in syria in early march, which kills 13 people including senior military stuff around parliamentary speaker has promised israel will face harsh retribution. the next, almost all the honda suddenly had kept such as bodies really show that they have since death and destruction after the till the 7th opperation fully described the uranium nation were punish design is through the punishment will be exemplary and harsh and it will expedited to mice with design extreme. this, of course comes in the wake of monday, strike on the constitute the rainy and consummate in damascus and syria. and this is a very, very, a momentous event, a single country targeting a,
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another country in a 3rd country. it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one was if you like. so that's the 1st thing to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen. countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic charity of a 3rd country in a 2nd country if you like. so that's a significant thing. the impact of the strike as well is, is interesting to a 7, a senior, a rainy and military officials were killed in this, 2 of them were a brigadier general's. they were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operations. i'm of these law making revolutionary guards core . so that's an as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends and the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said that a come member ration for one of the, those killed that at the, at this at that there wouldn't be a response, and that would happen at when the time was right. so this is feeding and fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now even a tell a,
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the how many the supreme leader feel like in, in ron has said that would be swift and definite a response to this. something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually america is wales biggest out loud and remember american phones and politically supports the way the stays to a huge extent. hundreds of billions of dollars. i've been f, the pumped into these very state, most of it in military aid. so without the american support, a lot of what is well doesn't the region is doing at the moment thing as would be impossible. that the radius of i should ask you americans to step aside and let both deal with the ladies in relation to dislike in a written message, the as law, mac republic of iran warn the us leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap, stay away so you won't get hurt in response to the us, ask iran not to target american facilities that the americans have said that they expect. and a rainy in response as have these ladies who have suggested in seniors where the on
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american face has suggested that they're working together to try to get ahead of whatever this response may be. now that means is that the is really um, the american intelligence services are working, save you some defined to what exactly the response would be interesting to you, as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens as president biden. and benjamin netanyahu have a phone call this week. the key issue for discussion here has shifted from the via solved and gaza, to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation in the, in the wide or middle east. and we can actually have a listen to watch a been mean yet. and you have said in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boy, and i think it's quite tele, closer names are you on board and they've been for years in run has been action against us both directly. and while it's process is that for israel is acting against the run and it's process defensively and defensively,
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we will know how to defend ourselves. and it will act according to the simple principle of whoever homes us or plants to hom, us little hom, them there is a sense of expectation, not just from the, at the global community that's watching this very nervous and other countries in the region. so do you re be a rack all of these countries watching with a bated breath because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder keg? and what really fascinating is that in this instance, is both israel, who is now preoccupied to a huge extent, with it's more as it calls it in gaza. it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against has blah, he's really military is no exceptionally l. u hard stretched to accommodate the pressures on as a grade or conflict with the rom could push it as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well as the noise, it could be in possession of,
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of significantly destructive weapons. we, let's say. and the world is watching up to see what happens next. the course we'll be watching to the right. just finally, let's turn attention to slovakia where ukraine skeptic peter pelligrini, has won the presidential election breeding approved western opposition candidates. the slovak president elect has doubled down now and calls for peace talks and the ukrainian conflict. as well as both blue. i will do everything i can to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war and let whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want. so of course peter pellegrini has won the reasons for biking presidential elections against a pro western opposition. it's worth noting that the president in slovakia does not really have a lot of executive power,
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but he can veto laws and challenge them in the constitutional court. but in his program, pelligrini chooses to put the internal affairs on the front, so we choose to focus on what still vacuums are dealing with in the country. but what's interesting to him, he is one of the very few e leaders that is sending for piece thoughts when it comes to the situation in ukraine. he says that he's not fond of the idea of sending more weapons to ukraine, but we could say that him went in is essentially show in the side that slovak kids are taking when it comes to the cleaning and conflict. okay, so we have a president, the legs in favor of peace. what was the international reaction being to this development? so of course, in the west, if your views don't really align with what they see is morally right, then you are this pro russian entity that is against piece for them being against piece equals being against a ukraine. when so for them it's either your plan wins or nothing at all and what's their media was quite quick to highlight to this specific view in different
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articles. but the prime minister of the voc, you also shares a similar view to the one of the president. now in slovakia, unlike the president, the prime minister which leads the government, holds the most executive power. so the prime minister here, roberts 5th so says that he promised to and military a to queen and that he stands for peace talks list like listen, what could i and i, it looks like it has other bigger problems in your brain. we don't re, was army degree. if smith forms a coalition, we would do everything also is a part of the you support everything for piecing, you cream and efforts to stop peace negotiations on ukraine. now the prime minister of slovakia has previously mentioned that these new sanctions against moscow are essentially pointless. he also says that if the ukraine to the joins nato then that equals the 3rd world war. but so we do have older reactions to this presidential election and one of them is they, hon. gary and prime minister,
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who essentially congratulated slovakia on the recent elections looks like listen, my heartfelt congratulations to people agreeing on his overwhelming victory at the slow but presidential elections. a big win for the people of slovakia and the big wind for the advocates of peace. all around europe. now at the end of the day it was the country's choice to make so which this would mean that people in slovakia are essentially tired of seeing their money being spent in a war that they don't want to be part of. so of course, another you member that is also sharing the same sentiments as silva is hungry and the backlash against slovak is annually elect to president is also something we saw . i guess the home, very, a prime minister victim oregon. all because these country also stands for peace talks, rather than sending more and more weapons to ukraine. of course, now the west seems to be in fear that some sort of slovak in and home,
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gary and coalition might happen, which could threaten the rest of the, you know, by threatened in here. i mean, that's more and more you citizens might just start electing candidates that are more pro peace talks and negotiations. and, you know, with an economic crisis in the u on top of that internal and domestic issues on the rise, it's very probable that sooner or later that you will have to make a choice. and that choice is either as settled and negotiating table with most call and talk about the conflict, or keep on spending more and more money on your brain and spending more money on your claim that is only fueling or that ukraine is now losing. and also award that could potentially escalate into something even worse. my colleagues in that email is sure, nick, year and earlier will not as a recap of this sunday. i'm the weeks big stories. i'll be back off the top with more than use affecting your world today. life.


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