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tv   News  RT  April 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the headline stories this, our 3 people are injured during that time. gomez upload, rosie. i didn't get to our power plant by you premium drugs. just 20 minutes after i'm inspection by i a, a, a represents a that's also a game for them to come. we are marketing today, 6 months of more the shipments of the world. great. we are a step away from victory. v as really prime minister both so what he calls the great achievements of the operation and does a 6 months of devastating war on the enclave is marked by a desk sold up, reportedly exceeds 33000 people. the time on gary and prime minister welcomes and said,
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you president elect of slower fuck you. seeing a politician calling for peace and ukraine is a wind of industry the with the recap of the top stories from the 1st 7 days of april. i'm right up to the moment development sounds well. hello and welcome to the weekly here on arch there's been a ukrainian drone to talk on this up at rosie a nuclear power plant. 3 people have been injured um the sites infrastructure has been damaged, rushes off, awesome corporation who runs the plant, has called them the international community to condemn the assault. most of them categorically condemns the unprecedented attack on the facilities of the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure. and who's on the leadership of the international atomic energy agency, the director, general rafael grossi personally,
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as well as you governments to immediately respond to the direct threat to the safety of these a borrowers your nuclear power plant, and categorically condemn the attempt to escalate the situation around europe's largest nuclear power plant. this latest attack took place just before mid day web . i free ukrainian f. p. jones, otherwise known as kamikaze, drones, a reporter to obstruct those. i thought it was you and you'll be a pop blog, which again, is the largest in europe, one of the drones hit the port facilities so that then you play a pa plots and now the drone impacted me of a dining hall, which is again, used by hundreds, thousands of civil civilian employees of the nuclear power plant. 3 people, again will civilians, employees could be injured. and the law strewn heath the 6 reacts to build a v i a,
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a has been one. they've said so themselves of this strike. they've been informed that it has happened that they both have said this is consistent with their own observations is just 20 minutes. before this latest strike of the international atomic agency had a team on the ground conducting an inspection, the international atomic energy engines experts have been informed by his upper origin nuclear power plant that a drone designated on site today. such designation is consistent with i, a observations i or still refrain from actions that contradict the $588.00 principles and jeopardize nuclear safety director general russell grocery set. the goals of these reacts the buildings are very, very fixed. they can, they can withstand huge impacts as there is a risk the, the drone would have penetrated the nuclear, the building itself before if he's however,
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that it could destroy the body to little critical and for try infrastructure. subbing the reaction building and that is uh the water pumping mechanisms, the cooling systems. the powered systems which code. busy by the lead to a critical failure within the reactive building itself. the the ukrainian side had previously showed the reactive complex uh, the nuclear power plant repeatedly, repeatedly the multiple attacks this damage at the nuclear power plant. vital systems had been damaged before. nevertheless, the west has refrained from outright criticizing you paid for these tribes, but now we're all sas them is ringing. alarm bells saying that these cannot be allowed to continue. and that this must be condemnation, will be great in government pressure on that. you create the military to end this. well, indeed, on the point, russian foreign ministry spokesman maria is the heart of the house called in western leaders to finally admit that key and striking,
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gripped largest nuclear power plant could be half as traffic. hi, den mccomb shoals and other wildlife defenders realize that their wards, unbundle the street, may leave nothing of it. the international community must realize and respond to the act of a nuclear terrorism. but the key for shame, how many more time should the armed forces of ukraine shell does separate or she a nuclear power plant before the west, and it's not your monster as a landscape. stop repeat in this w as in the blood is show. well, some reaction to development independent ducts, journalist sonya, of london, and a. so he's the west, has to admit how crucial the nuclear pump safety is. and who's actually a talking it when you hit a nuclear facility or a nuclear power plant? well, that's so dangerous. i mean, this is the largest and you can nuclear power plant in your imagined this when something really goes wrong, that the whole you may be the rest of the world. well,
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we are in a lot of trouble, we can say, and i just looked up at the record. the news today at western news, for instance, the duct you determine use and well they made an item. ok, you know, a rush, i blame you. praying that day or hips by drills, blackouts, rushes name and if ease and they know maybe they, they know that ukraine is doing this. they will not as mrs. and it's, you know, it's, and this is not broke. again, this is no information was, this is a real thing. this can lead to a huge catastrophe. and this is what the roots, you know, at least europe should know that this is real. this is drones st. drones hips at this facility. so, i mean, how far will they go until uh you get this to fee will go? you know, this is the way they are reporting and this is the way of their media. but also i blame the cause of dishes because they have also have to take action on this and well, the i a, a all scores also shoot,
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go and condemn this. and i know they want to stay and youtube, but they have to admit, and they have to say, you know, this is done by ukraine and this has to stop and they have to attend to the world leaders that this is so dangerous for more of them you're creating a, talking to yourself. what owes you a power plant or website? because you've covered all the latest developments, can be fun. there are teeth, so the, well, it has been 6 months since the october 7 terrorist attack on these real. i'm subsequent more on gals up the focus of the idea of the assault right now is on this side of the strip. and although buildings in the city of con eunice have large sleeping left and ruined locals, are returning with the hope of finding their homes. it comes as many as really units have reportedly being pulled. arts of southern areas is that it doesn't seem to be closer to the story. they have been facing such facts to can sit back to window, hold on one that's on the,
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on the harm of vehicle. we're almost on top of that. so it does look good. and so i'm going to say area. they seem to be now deploying restructuring the doing things for the sake of just making sure they can when. however, i'm actually not giving up exposition or stance. they're asking for a phone withdrawal from because they're asking from for the summit of the war. they're asking for attendance, access of humanitarian aid, and we've been doing materials into the got the slip and they are not willing to compromise. any of those for the difference is that it's on my side has been saying that they would not stop the war. i'm just the free and all they kept him in gaza, so there's still a very long way to go. i said before i need a cease fire. meanwhile, benjamin netanyahu has been highlighting the great achievements of b is really defense forces, claiming they're just the step away from victory i as the game. so let me come. we are marketing today,
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6 months of work on the shipments of the world. great. we eliminated 19 out of $24.00 for mazda battalions, including senior commanders. we are a step away from victory from us, as well as the 3rd world. hum us after october 7th event since then more than 33000 gallons have been killed according to local authorities. international groups are crying file over the humanitarian disaster, their over half of the world health organizations, mission requests of a party being denied or delayed by israel, the u. n. agency house. however, finally mothers to gain access to the ruins of the enclaves largest hospital. the w h o released footage of what remains of al schafer in kansas city. after months of idea of rage and bombardments, the images show ravaged hospital boards with bodies strewn across the wreckage. following their visit, the members of the un grouping referred to the facility as an empty shell with
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great well satellite images of i'll she for really do pop the scale of the destruction into perspective, world health organization, spokes person, margaret, hardest, the scribe. the hospitals, loss of someone quoted ripping the hearts out of the regions health care system, access to live saving. aiden gas is not confined to just the doesn't partially functioning. hospitals like the majority of the knows our ship a hospital once the largest, the most important referral hospital in gaza is now with them to show off to the late to see no patients remain at the facility. most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment is on usable or reduced to ashes. the who team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility completely non functional. so the reducing access to live saving health care, and garza palestinian childrens, dr. amin feld. g told us the gals that health care system is in
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a dire state. i'm the idea of humbling of medical workers is on accept since the war began in early october. the situation for his care, where costs add in gas and also the worst bank has the dia is care where it costs or to get uh where the uh, the target. uh, the, as i mentioned, the around the, the physicians nurses and all of our, his care where it costs and uh, and be with them in a very sad is, and i'm actually have them in my now i can add it. i got a degree of very sad events, and one of the ad bad in the doctor says she's in the f it online as she actually she was she best. so
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a she was came along with the air force, the styles, jewelry, and is try it on their house. they live and not far from us, just awesome because they, they offer them to do evacuated. at least they the area they decided that know they wanted to stay in their homes. and there this cry is psych accidentally hit and 5 or 5 of them where kid but international observers have ruined that a run. 70 percent of northern gals, as population are on the verge of facing catastrophic hunger, the world food programs. phase one and 3 children are severely malnourished. and not the number of people facing funding has doubled in the past 2 months. while the to monetary an organization is working to provide all possible a to gallons,
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it's stuff say their own safety is at risk loss. who has been able here to says one mill, the n c for every month with food because they completely depend on us that we have times is we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale the verge, simon, so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees. so us as do you? my attendance, but also for the people recess in gaza. hi i hey, that is i have 3 boys in one girl. they need food. where am i supposed to give them food from? i can't afford to buy food, everything is so expensive and i have no money. local kitchen is our safe place. we come here every day because she's not on the bus yet. we eat whatever we can find, we eat and we think gods. my biggest tree is that when someone leaves the house,
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they won't come back again. that's all i care about. that they come back safely in the idea of killing of 3 u. k. 8 workers in a strike on monday look set to test the strength the british is really relations of london. say is israel must follow international law. israel has the right to sell defends that we should support of course, our back end is not on condition. no. we expect such a proud and successful democracy to abide by international humanitarian law, even when challenged in this way. have an open book that solves the 3 british aid volunteers in gaza, among others has prompted calls to prime minister wishes so not from politicians across the spectrum to cut off weapon supplies to his real especially not kinda dismissed with the moms i'd say is the process is under control, even before the gas and killings, the majority of britain said that the country should stop sending arms to israel. according to a you got pulled on 59 percent of respondents said that wester islam is violating
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human rights in gal so full 7 victims of the deadly is really a talk on monday represented the u. s. nonprofit organization, world central kitchen. the volunteers were polish research, irish and a strongly enough. no. the adf has promised the full investigation with these really pm saying this strike was unintentional. and unfortunately, in the last day, there was a tragic case of our forces, unintentionally hitting innocent people in the gaza strip. it happens in war, we are checking it to the end. we are in contact with the governments and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again. well, we can cross a lot. i've now to palestinian british, i'm a list writer of dell vari, antoine for his take. good to see you today, sir. the british foreign secretary has said that the support for israel is known
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not to unconditional after british citizens were killed. but it begs the question, does that, why are we only hearing those sentiments? no, not when posting women and children were dying and continued to die. and i'm just surprised to hear that for 6 months, the british government actually support that. i am a genocide and gaza. now after the american realize that it is very dangerous to american and some of them of the lease. so they said this war must stop. so now the, oh, so not the full run minister of the government said that this was should stop, but i believe a victim is a part of this decides which is taking place in guys out there. so it's up to you this to stop the arms actually, and shipments today is that i really does a pull. this will, it is shame on the so not just so you're all the time that is i have that i to of,
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uh, uh, says defense. what kinds of cells that those, that talking about? and also you mentioned that you and just the new wrong news coverage. is that the, the i was saying that it is um, intentional, the best of those certain uh, aid work as and unintentional to kill 33000 students was i'm intentional also i the business leave cleared up at lies by that is that i the prime minister i believe you know about today, 600 lawyers from an employer. judges attempt that makes sense. i left off to the british prime minister saying that the britain is breaching the end, the motion of the human rights by actually sending with those to is that i and the slip as should be suspended immediately. i believe that it is now some sort of off the ocean inside the amended at the british public opinion against the government. and it's actually
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a support today is that i really do side and they have the closing and gather that . what chance is there are the distance then we'll have a significant impact and israel's relations with it's outlined to be honest. now it does have to be a lie. would it means you are a lie with that, with that just then kill up and it could be a lie of actually explanation of human rights and muscle cutting people, especially children. and does you know personally, i am probably garza my time in the living the and then in about a sons. i lost mother on 35. been but as of my family my it isn't bad enough. so now the data sets out in chrome funding. imagine that, you know, there is no way to and for, but children die because of starvation. this is, this is the prince of visiting who are supposed to get enough support to do this. and they are actually a box to the bottom to most of these decides taking place in gaza and the top of
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those. so i live are there is a government. i'm that big discrepancy in some problems in some pick it up. so i think and, but it's in now that we're losing losing most of it's interns and friends in the middle east simply by that. and because of this, i thought the is that i at the most today, 2nd countries on the me there is now is but it them, and it's the government because out of siding with that criminal. i'm with them, you know mass manda and becomes submitted by that is that am diverse there is realize also admitted fault for the depth of the world. central kitchen at volunteers, those volunteers coming from across the world. but his face a little to no consequence apart from condemnation. what a dell could be the tipping point for israel to actually bear responsibility for
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its action. i believe that i should be, you know, come to a should be ashley at a bottom of this uh best um, at least you know that i really, i think that they can those people above and then some of this is a clear cut lives by the prime minister, but it's in the 3, but it is citizen with killed that by, by that is that you need aids on, on these uh, organization or what kind of 88 where, cuz i'm the that the to the multiple of the simple of this organization. but some of them kitchen was and the 3 cars which were on by days that 80 so what the british government did nothing you got to be did not actually even recall that 80 on both of those they did not. that actually said that we are going actually to take those people who killed, i want to please citizen to quote, international court or what, what comes out on the audience. so do you know,
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responsibilities and assault over to that gentleman? you know, so, but is there any people here and bit them really appealed to us because the citizen with kill and the government did nothing actually today is that i the whole care of them. and the uh, the same thing is happening. they did nothing to the palestinian school. um must have got by there is that a they did not actually send or false. actually there is a need to accept more human as to the front of cnn and god. but it is government now is on the, on the i love the criticism by its people and the people who do ministry every stuff that they on the streets of london asks 3 and leave a few years so that the government does nothing. i'm think you guys are either side and defending the criminals who are killing innocent people and got them all this time in british list. i'm writer of dell barrio atwell and live on the program. thank you. a protest calling indeed for the resignation of
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu. how increased in recent weeks domestically but what his departure actually changed the course of israel's occupation in gals a and a toilet board member of the is really how it reads daily. gideon levy those into that it's on the latest episode of going underground. here's a small peak over the past few days. media are in nato nations, continually, and progressively blaming. that's in yahoo as the problem. as regards the genocide it's why do is write these as a society using that based on polls, not nothing. i know, you know, it's an apologist given that to be of but it, do you think they're wrong to a single netanyahu out in this way? as is coming out of the white house and in nature, media and from western european politicians by maine, the disputes in the last year or so with my fellow lives they
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so so we're left, this is above the, into the o because the remains of these are these can believe that the real only gets as it gets out, gets it read the video, then is very returning to the power dies, the basically the companies and the supplements we be displays and bought that when it comes to the warning jobs that would come. ready and i never believed this been proven by all means it's not the video. the video has to go is government does it or the government, but they identity is not much they did better, but it's not much better for sure. all the the call issues of, of. 1 the patient continuing before the, the is really defense minister has said the country is ready to respond to any
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scenario that may on fold with around. that's those tensions rise between the 2 nations following an idea of strict on the really in consulate in syria in early march, which kills 13 people, including senior military stuff around parliamentary speaker has promised that israel will face harsh retribution. it is almost all a honda suddenly had give such tags, bodies really show that they have since death and destruction after the till the 7 population following describe the uranium nation were plenty of design is to see the punishment will be exemplary and harsh and it will expedited to mice with design extreme. this, of course comes in the wake of monday, strike on the can see that the rainy and consummate in damascus and syria. and this is a very, very uh, momentous event, single country targeting a, another country in a 3rd country. it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one was if you like. so that's the 1st thing
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to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen. countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic parity of a 3rd country in a 2nd country if you like. so that's a significant thing. the impact of the strike as well is, is interesting to 7, a senior, a rainy and military officials were killed in this, 2 of them were a brigadier general's. they were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operations i'm of these law making revolutionary guards corps . so that's an as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends and the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said that a come member ration for one of the, those killed us at the, at this, at that there would be a response, and that would happen at when the time was right. so this is feeding and fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now even i a tell a, at least so many the supreme leader, if you like in, in ron has said that would be swift and definite
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a response to this. something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually america is wales vegas style. you remember america, phones, and politically supports the way the stays to a huge extent, hundreds of billions of dollars up and have that pumped into these very state, most of it in military aid. so without the american support, a lot of what is well doesn't the region is doing at the moment the guys would be impossible that the radius of i should ask the americans to step aside. and let us deal with the ladies in relation to this strike. in a written message, v as law mac republic over ron won the us leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap, stay away so you won't get hurt. in response to the us ask iran not to target american facilities that the americans have said that they expect and a rainy response as have these ladies who have suggested in senior is very on american. the face has suggested that they're working together to try to get ahead
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of whatever this response may be. now, that means is that the is really um, the american intelligence services are working for. you just need to find out what exactly the response would be interesting to you, as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens as president biden. and benjamin netanyahu have a phone call this week. the key issue for discussion here has shifted from the the, the solved and gaza, to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation in the, in the wide or middle east. and we'd like to have a listen to watch a been mean yet. and yeah, i've said in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boy, and i think it's quite telling us an entry on board and they've been for years in run has been action against us both directly. and while its process is that for israel is acting against the wrong and its process defensively and defensively, we will know how to defend ourselves. and it will act according to the simple
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principle of whoever homes us or plants to hom, us little hom, them there is a sense of expectation, not just from the, at the global community that's watching this very nervous and other countries in the region. so do you re be a rack all of these countries watching with a bated breath because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder keg? and what really fascinating is that in this instance, is both israel, who is now preoccupied to a huge extent, with it's more as it calls it in gaza. it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against hezbollah. he's really military is no exceptionally l a. u hard stretched to accommodate the pressures on as a grade or conflict with the rom could push as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well as the noise, it could be in possession of of significance. the destructive weapon we, let's say, and the world is watching up to see what happens next. of course we'll be watching
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to okay, big news from slovakia, where ukraine skeptic peter pellegrini has won the presidential election beating a pro western opposition candidates. the slovak president elect has doubled down on calls for peace talks to happen in the you printing and conflict of the schools below. i will do everything i can to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war and let whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want. so of course peter pelligrini has won the reasons for viking presidential elections against a pro western opposition. it's worth noting that the president in slovakia does not really have a lot of executive power, but he can veto laws and challenge them in the constitutional court. but in his program, pelligrini chooses to put an internal affairs on the front so he chooses to focus
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on what still vacuums are dealing with in the country. oh, it's interesting. he is one of the very few e leaders that is studying for piece talk when it comes to the situation in ukraine . he says that he's not fond of the idea of sending more weapons to ukraine, but we could say that him went in is essentially show in the side that some of our kids are taking when it comes to the cleaning and conflict. okay, so we have uh, president the legs in favor of peace. what was the international reaction being to this development? so course in the west, if your views don't really align with what they see is morally right, then you are this pro russian entity that he's against piece for them being against, equals being against a ukraine. when so for them it's either ukraine wins or nothing at all. and what's their media was quite quick to highlight to this specific view in different articles. but the prime minister of slovakia also shares


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