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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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the wrong one, i'll just don't have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support we choose to look for common ground. the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to place a trust rather than to the area. i mean, with artificial intelligence, we'll summoning the theme and the
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robot must protect this phone. existence was on the exist as a result, it's can be started by line. please can be started by true. the importance of name of the code for stations that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding don't humans that exist state and making them available to the was probably the main water could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest was to so long realized pen smith and golf and, and honestly of late,
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continuously. i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely for to just turn to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the extensions. are we going to let that stay? the take of just look around this life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the hey everybody. welcome to douglas, the yellow hometown agency behind me this the government buildings. it's located in probably one of the most privileged parts of the city. the real estate price are huge. actually, if you look across the street, there just appear. that's where the 2 can. wellington was born. so it's a very privilege part of the world. grandiose architecture. think it was a british technical institute, so it's malware and c r t shock or chief in the arch language has his offices. i've been home and a little visit, just poking around, seeing a few of friends seeing the family. and it's been a real eye opener to see how the city and the country have been over the last couple years. i was going to something of
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a political crisis at the moment. so the politicians would tell us that it isn't the crisis for the ruling party. one of them seen a gale a sort of a center rice party, which is traditionally represented welts property, some always across here. the boys around these houses essentially imploding falling apart. i mean, this is this, the center of this is the, did the officers check the status of international protection the either take your breath away. absolutely. you americans and somebody is responsible for this. the people who come here, they are trying to make a better life. they've got the kids, they want to get out of wherever they are. we do this for, for generations. it's not about them. this is about our people, the people up the road for minutes walk around, marian square here and the most optimal impacts of the city. hope the road in the t
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shots office and literally you can ship this place with the stones. and the human misery here is absolutely remarkable. and it's their fault. i wonder what i get to talk to you to most go from here. see in the studio the hey buddy, welcome back to the most. come you me shape both of my old psychic augi or a producer who's going to be helping us out as well. the boys in kiev at their old tricks. again, it's not as if they haven't got enough money from the west already that they want
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a little bit more. i'll give you got a video of one of the little scam farms, right. let's check it out. please talk it over the line. or something. more comfortable. okay, so this is inside a huge so the operation which has been ruined from keith now long before the conflict began in ukraine, your claim was known as one of the most corrupt countries in europe, a transit place for people. so i think the, you know, child trafficking sex traffic, but here we see inside one of these a scam operations where the ukranian boys are liberating a bit more money for the cause for the cause of maybe a brand new real joyce check this. so 1st electric wells, voice in your guess you bought a ukrainian
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n p. boom coaching. but these dudes are really, really managing to mid to the stolen high level out of money. and it's not just that the ukranian nazis is in canada. you know, remember of lot of slab, hunker, it seems when you run out of ukrainian that sees the boys still want to dip your poke, it's a bit more, and they have stolen a whopping amount of money from canadian people. you how much are they taking some 500000000. that's $200000000.00. i've been stolen from pearl, vulnerable canadians. the old may believe more maple syrup on that maple god dentist. yep. do you close have stolen $200000000.00? not a where it is. if things weren't bad enough in poor old canada now the canadian cups are actually telling the good old canadian taxpayer. let's not make life difficult for the thieves. let's, let's make it a bit more cozy for them. when they break into your house, kick your door down and do a home invasion. don't you confront them at the door with a poker or a hammer?
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leave your keys on a little dish with a little cake and a little something to drink. remember, these robbers are people to run the video and there's also updated advice for all vehicle loaners. a message echoed by to run a police speaking out of the type of co safety meeting last month to prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home. leave your father that your front door cars are breaking into your home to steal your car there. they don't want anything else. so the advice is, uh, i mean south of the border of course in the states. what would meet you at the door and in a place like texas would probably be an a k 47. but open kinda, i know a thing or 2 about a thing or 2. i'm leaving my car keys out for the boys. i'm making it easy for them, margaret. no. what's also interesting about what's been happening in germany right now, is the incredibly interesting and super really intelligent. miss lena bear back and she is most upset. that's the fact that flat it'd be a poor 10. not present to it and i'll tell you one,
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the 2nd of the poor tim released as a homes on paul salma cove. oh god, this was a video that's pushing him out, vba mit still understand of and spirit and stuff. as glory says, all i've reached is to be how many i need to be to guns $105.00 and add on much. i'm one self. i'm getting it was when he raised his home for mine own legally. so add ons for when busy and i'll say i'll put mavita mit still on. simon should be a know if you of course this is complete both know this really ever. how did it you can see for yourself, how does have a look and see what actually happened when vladimir port in nor least the homes on all pools hallmarkco? lucas's release the hands. if it's at least it doesn't even look like the mirror, i think. yeah, she pushes the dog away. so this is typical, this is the western perception of a russian attack sends with dogs. so also why is that common? is complete. joe?
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of course, it looks like the old germans or the jerry's, as we call them, over the other side of the pond, are running out of ideas. the 4 boys in the boy in a room up and looked off. i hate you. i got a call that when the russians had listed them little discussion and they're blowing up the courage bridge, we must do it without being caught. hence what do you think we can travel in cause to portland? it turn it to a complete joke. it didn't happen, but what is going to happen and how they're actually going to drive device portion . army out of ukraine, crushed the russian economy and reduce rushes, global impact. you know how to going to do it. we will stop calling him president porton, we will now call him vladimir 14. i said, don't you see? don't you see it guys stop calling and present improvement? and he will stop being of course,
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overstate side. the frenzy about the russian election is in full flow. well, let's not forget how are all power hillary clinton viewed elections in the past back in 2006. she had some interesting comments to make about the policy selections . and remember, hillary is a woman who's not to really concerned about democracy when it comes to overturning entire countries destroying civilizations. like she did. and leave me a rough time when she said, yeah, we came, we saw and he died when you get the popcorn. oh, yeah, when a lovely lady, but she also was recorded on this one this audio and you can see and listen to what she said about how election should take place in places where there are brown people of a different religion. that's have a list of election to
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make sure something to these are the democratic values, right? this is how it works. the elections cool. if we know who's going to win, we know that the person that we're behind, it's kind of like my dad, you know, they never choose uh, the, the candidates, right, like all dickie newland said, never. it's nothing to do with us. we don't care who's who's in there, but we know something different, right? and of course, staying in the home of the land of the free and the home of the brave. you can really get a feeling for how the leads, respect the processes of law. check this, so hunter biden was asked to come to a congressional hearing and he looked a little bit on, well, he looked a bit pale. he looks like you've lost this glow to waste. so, you know, they get it, you know, a 100 decides not to turn up at all, but somebody that did turn up in the halls of power in the united states was r o paul, president, oh, sorry, not president vladimir putin check. i'm used to is checking up
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a whole so no worries run it there on the committee. maybe the grocery store like if anybody watching has any remote idea. what is going on here? let us know in the comments because we have no idea why this dude was walking around in the is the congress or the congress must congress and he's walking around dressing, approved mask, and he goes and so he takes off the mask. what of this is a, is this a crown show? oh yeah, i think it is and that's not where the rock stops, of course. but you guys knew that a recent congressional hearing in the states into the bite was grinding the sort of nexus of connections into the ukraine. your business community review that a guy called last, pardon us?
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who's a ukranian american businessman. i've been asked to raise money for a congress, michael, jeff sessions, and the money wasn't to have a picnic or, you know, a slab of you crazy day. you know, honoring a few old ss veterans now was a big more creepy than that. this money was raised actually will move a boss for august. and who is this investor to ukraine? money you'll run, and so the raising money to remove the american ambassador to your claim, not to see here as per usual stay in states. you might remember last week we had to look out the window of our bullying ad joyride yet, and we saw the bits falling off. but this week we can tell you something. i'll give you about some of the people that seem to be dipping in to the part of corporate dysfunction in the states. remember, we told you about this multi $1000000000.00 corporate sort of growing fist, where politicians are lobbied by mass of aeronautics company is in some of the
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times in some ways to reduce safety. this week i can tell you a certain american politician. his name is william kidding. good old william keating and other writers name last week. it was another irish lady who dipped at the old per box of pear trust safety. this week we can say that william keating receive as chunk of money as well by flogging his stocks and bowing choose before by complete go is absolutely nothing to do with the mass of scandal. that was about to rule the day before william decided i know, i think i'll get rid of the stocks before they asked for the market. now that's just not an isolated situation. good. all nancy pelosi, you know nancy, she was around with the terra doc. those were fly and the t rex was picking his tooth with a k. maddox and nancy also has cashed in and she recently made a gift is a quarter of a $1000000.00 by slugging off stocks. just before he throwed into the corner,
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she rolled into the corner. i asked her to do, it was not to get too excited with this. that's my job. you just get a sense that this whole show in the states, you know, the whole color the economy is, is there's a lot, there's the 40000000 people in the states living in poverty. ordinary americans are really struggling. and, you know, inflation is actually quite high on the right. you know, we got crime, we got homelessness, we got an awful lot of problems. but meanwhile, the clown, pierre, or paul, here, it looks like slide show, bob's nice, this freak show with the big head in the powder, is actually very intelligent. he's a very smart man. that's what people got. i saw him outside running a marathon. no, she didn't. but you know, these cloud shows are often punctuated by the word which really pisses me off on a lot of americans. do you guys are watching by nomics or i'll just run the video
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which displays to the world. what bug nomics is. here's this, here's the actual scientific formula for bind, nomics check it oh, good. check that out. i know some due to the features and of course, one of the most terrible indictments of jo biden's government on success of american was, is how the homeless on the addicts and some of the most unfortunate people in american society are living. and of course, these are all going to be portrayed as russian propagandists. oh, you run the video and it isn't the latest episode a night of the living dead or something is on the move. you know, this is an american city. these are american citizens who are being completely abandoned, to terrible drug addiction crime, absolute poverty, and this is going on in the middle of american streets, all the while,
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tens of billions of dollars of a card it up shipped out over to good old the . so meanwhile, as the festival woke, this continues, it's arrived at the white house long and good old come. our harris isn't too bothered about what has been when it comes to a transsexual performer. she's more interested in what can be it doesn't really matter that he has been 6 offender and has assaulted other people. it's all about the fact he's in address. check it out. this is a celebration of who we are eligible to our people and allies. everyone around the, the,
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all across the country. so many think these that's why i'm dressed as a live of course, it doesn't in there. this, the mind is completely a being hammered and nail down the throats of the people all around the world in the states. a supreme court justice, this is a very, very senior legal person, responsible for defining issues, critical to yours and my, and the future of our kids. they can't even seem to define what a woman is. i'm back in orland. uh, recently the government decided that they wanted to change the definition of a woman. they wanted to remove her from the constitution and put in, you know, as something like an important person. they want to also change the definition of what a marriage is and put in the people who love each other and a very carrying towards each other. and of course it was smashed by the arch people by 78 percent. check this video. all you run it, can you provide
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a definition for the word woman? can i provide a definition though? yeah. i can't. you can't and not your case contact code. i'm not in biology. you have the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you can't give me a definition. come on any 16 year old. you point them out of put a picture of a day, could check and you'll show you what the definition of woman is by showing you what the definition of a mind is, is quite simple. biology one. 0 one. gimme a break. hey. so we're going to head back towards europe. we're going to go to the i least say by the us and meet lucas, meaning macro. the little warm longer, the man who's going to save europe from that terrible are related to any of your dog torrell manual who's threatening to send a vast army of 2000 demand from the same french we, you need to, which was a very successful. remember, back in 8012,
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when the french decided to take a day trip to moscow, 600000 frenchman, got a one way ticket and they're currently fertilizing the roses up the road here. so money, well it has a little bit of a napoleon complex and, but napoleon actually won a few bottles, parole, a manual hes getting a bit of the heat over some photographs. that of a merge of the media and the podium where he's got these a, you know, fox and gloves, armies swimming in there. and he's getting stuck into a, uh, probably we, we don't know. maybe it's uh, one of the generals from that and they share one of these countries that just to a man. but in reality, micron probably be sto, designs in a very different way pulling his weiss wheelchair up the steps of the lease a palace. my call met his wife when he was 15 years old. not in the park walking his poor dad he met or because his her daughter was in his class these days. i
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would appreciate my call who got to know a manual pretty well when he was 15. she was 40 years of age. these days she'd go to that plays all know over in africa where emmanuel has presided over the absolute collapse of francis post colonial insults. remember, france was an immensely influential and powerful colonial master and african, responsible for an awful lot of brutality. chilion taft. hey, what's a bit of that? i'm, i'm friends, that he has presided over the call lapse of that interests, and he's exceptionally unpopular. now some people say that the russians have stepped into issues to offer security and advice and maybe a bit of cash. you know, the chinese are building roads and bridges over there. we're check out these for getting kids. they've been incredibly resorts for in representing a parole, a manual as, as the vampire deville use. the secret object about this is incredible.
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where did i get this from? how do i use a box box think well, oh good. busy this is just beautiful cities on like just do it for some reason for some reason. no reason. so it brings us to the end of another wish to stop tour looking into the pond or the some of the stories the main stream media would prefer. we didn't, i'll be here next time. my so i take all the, i'm going to help guide you to the truth. so you, so the anyway and i don't want to, i don't want to choose, my worries are just thinking uh the
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the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles . all sense set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split from
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r t sports net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services, what question did you say it would twist, which is the, with the end of world war one. the movement for indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression cause active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi,
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a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and for bade the indians to gather more than 4 people on the day of the sea bass. at t festivals, a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start in northern india seeing base as to outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people. the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced to the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him
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a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre went down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the oh, what else? seemed rom. just don't you have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground, the
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hello and welcome to cross the full force here. we discussed the wheel and the hi. i'm rick sanchez, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something then so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change. dwayne say the magenta itself to gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of his foam and metropolitan pro french
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president. felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest the from the city government isn't in the new house, including his foster. larry share goods was done. those who saw him and the more appropriate after the death to move a one year, a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power. reset. and i'm ready to double, for example, actually was why do you know for fiedler problem? because it isn't good enough for us to to me to one is for the one, the bronze demetrius, the dean. good luck, boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. walk a, the country 2nd largest as he turned into a theatre of law from 130 to the other 2 voters of warranties. how did the dramatic events unfold?
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and how is black a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on. see the still simply video. so somebody got the new from move for most of the you have to use simple associated us. that's a key. the silver can you do so if it's not the picture as a book to man from the press please. yes, it is. digital does it, i know sometimes these before with a future circumstance component of supervisors the.


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