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tv   News  RT  April 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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61 box weighing a 175 used virtual. do you have sense of all we going to lift that stay the same the
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same. i said it was a little bit about the
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the the what the media gets, what he does that goes. what is the, my you, what was the one you that of the sites to conflict at noon if we don't have the modem prints, did you set up a yes. how does that glitched? i know the service, we have to show the resumes, but are you sure things things don't answer it as soon it's going to change the extent of what i'm going to do for some other people. the time the me, there's only 2 in a row with this i thought it was seen what am is manageable. you can talk system just
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a little before that or if you're supposed to be physically with does approximately from applying for the for the corporate job growth. financial uh doesn't the search i service or to show the customer. so the vehicle guide you through a lunch order, you and you're doing the put of the substitute a purchase or is it possible? just tell me so. so i send you the request because i have some students go to both of the, the current needs of literacy with others for, for us. sometimes it's like, i have to just go, yes it was for me, you know, standard was also with me mind instead of going to for all the says it has to say it, but it saw me for all the and so i'll say, so i know the token i see that
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a with all the to start with you. i think it'll ship. yeah. some of that about the comes through the see it doesn't but also people say to set up. but as a schema, they let me know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break, you know, when you see if it would show the boys and put it on the engine instead of just you know, i'm sure you missed a full little bush to do you need assistance? i don't want this shit rolled up in the time. so when does it go past that? it was so when a fish just the thing is to do it. i know the most part you to do it and that you all, and i so you, do you see the start to cuz if you don't in a split, it is to do some no shows, don't want to send you a bundled with them all
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today and it said that the subsidy of up to them, but it's a frontier. it's just the media and all that access and the other option at the front desk. yeah. but also in games and you would just let me know. i need to know what is the most cool video when you think, you know, when you tell me if you don't have a list of them, i still don't know. but if you just look at the stuff that i'm going to speak are the choices for the video start. nivia talk technical sounds good. well, but i do see more than 3 minutes for your number to be yes. so uh oh my gosh, much aloud. no more, but that has been in your book on google, woodridge, and then you use the new budget, of course, to have all of that. isn't all a dispute that's to which was a new and i'm assuming it was in the code of the video store. you did
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a study for the points to the based on this quarter. some of the guys in the role of some brussel. yeah. uh but then with them, what is your role in 2 of them? the 3 delta me is coming due to me is funny. so a part of them, the bills, the fox, the, the young lady with the greatest on the close the door. yeah. point oh spectrum actually buying and the buy. so the, what about the service to putting it in the, the ocean that is the so test test at the show that there was no, it didn't go click to see a little odd, look up the last
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multiple segments. completely to coordinate with money and who to do close motion with with her when she was supposed to the doors in the field on 3 sides or 2 of those. when you pull intrinsically put loan, just get what you normally is. elizabeth, sho, triple chance available costs the same. why do you think there's a lot of new couple that i will do to have them use this new idea, but i suppose you'll go. yeah, you're always going to know what the going to call. you are always thoughts on that really already up was a model for these. read them is for more than coming to william, go call. the middle one is low either. later. he is feeling well in order was that all this or not? but the engine doesn't give me that, but i also want to shift the fluid. oh, it might take more unusual. why not? the one of the show was the charlotte williams. why now?
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3, what shows he's still cool boy. oh, because the resilience, the middle school because it little little the or do you need to move quickly? move on and wish you a few of us about the event article which didn't your friends even the font button. uh, but the in you still remotely see the go to the next step, then you don't have any will. it will say no, been able to start. so by a few little bit showed you more than the image source on the really what i just saw, that you see the photos of your locals as on your pool. but 3, i mean the, we're going to remove just on the chevy more years. these people will choose your own on you and you can use with what are they going to use as the new board? we get the boy just want you to take, but what you, what i mean,
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you started to go mobile devices, but it was on the give it with anything and we'll talk to the board and the side of the brother and go just to and you know, border, the soon you have new phones. you see the little flip i'm in the room. is the goals? give me the phone. let me go. let them have you put in the keys business junior, you fall middle of the boys, lee, but don't do. they just gave me the book, can you please the people both school, loosely feel comfortable and so you don't have to be just a little bit just where. so to let you know. so what i'm going to do that for you. if i do is for you. so boy, the lives of the move up at a slow. so what does, what is in the default? let's just focus on the, the mature, the little go to the restore of the story. so basically we do,
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but you will see that there's anything significant we was going to do the sheets. i knew mostly to most of the process due to some of the settlement, but those are the that's where the source of the storage of it. but they do photos of insurance through the showing us nobody in the near the got somebody hold on. one thought that you just use the
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least yes. the street in the the
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the, the the, the new speed. so uh, the billing is going to be the pretty good. how much would it be possible for them? i don't think you like it all myself, but you might see if you had some nibbling closer and then putting it on the
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of the every spring and summer. the melting optics move reveals a band of machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move, so take off my bill if that is a simple somebody from your doors at the post the beach and as an issue all entails from clean optic travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land. occupied a go. yeah, they asked me for i was my was are more you have to do should. so it means if you, when you feel when we see lots of money, we did not put some of the what the, someone stay on, the old stuff was so much you feel like you are a mess. almost a little more see me is membership when you to, i've got to read on serial. no boys the middle of please to join me instead of. the optic plan is main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lance they had no time to think about waste management now and,
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and i guess they could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so it's pretty at the question system of the multiple and you called at the dealership issue. the decades of the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the city got on feeding isn't it in a new house, including his foster? larry's chestnut goods was numbers who saw him and no more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to bill. i'll go back the ball came to power. and i'm ready to double
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seem to book the accuracy. why do you know if the signal from the sample there's infinity for tiffany to one is the one that buses into the bronze immediately dean . good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of law almost from 130 to the other 2 voters on board dish. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on. let's see. the what somebody did, they give it a little bit more. so if this matter is so great, the for the appointment for you which is seamless, lenient pulling,
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it was very low. we would have a little from windham, and as well as i wasn't quite sure. and which was also the initial english wasn't history and you know it's, it's a little a little squiggly. so old school for lew, hopefully within one was the person with them was for the other was good to go. what do you think you are phones? not a huge clue. the lady would you feel is that'd be of the implants level of support these. can you really quick see me? be sure there's the cooling. let's do it is only i do, but talk to cuz they're gonna show me what you mean. nice. i'm assuming i was looking at then you're going to look up the sort of store but some
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for what was what i need to know if maybe it's not easy to put you on hold. you want me to call you a little before spent. the bill is the one or more formulas ownership on what's going on in so much you're going to use the see ways for all of us say so you need and also shamrock she? yeah. i had it almost impossible. i think you must golf course content is multiple school list vehicle on the bus or to ask my family and across on them, depending on the once, which has some additional william show on the chance. i didn't tell you enough. i'm going to kayla folemi. you little yeah. was the you right over to you? beautiful if you will, but it was really to, is businesses of the you will get here. me is c. o i last thing here fall. every new mazda is a lot of which special on this i see it,
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they should have many of the most things. yeah. those. okay. he's gluten thomas? yeah, yeah. and those are the ladies. i knew i sent that to the public school to any food at the game yesterday or e, cause i usually supposed to use the show. but the other thing in my, in the see the same thing as a stolen, no warranty or anything. i'm not quite sure i'm getting a suspended engine welcome, but just using the easiest plan that we use in your mind, you know the expense. i just think there's always that there's thoughtful sonya that mitchell stays in the status on the side of the o. c. double c, well then you have a couple of others that also are shifting gears with 3 for them and they've got to do is to be in the email and then you enjoy it. and she sure will use that. but as
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one of the contain additional westcove, it'd be too much that they should have noticed that there's a nice yes, the customer, it's shaking contrast. well, yeah, that's the show us ocean was, but i'm frustrated because of all that as well. somebody for a thought which doesn't look actually, but just based on the shows and i left the rest of the year. so somebody came to the store holes of somebody's this i've decided to buy some some sho, sufficient might. so for me is to, i thought maybe it was just shows the way i was that accurate investigation unless i was given this to you, this is when the, the prospect and the piece to look
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over the corners just for they look at it in the media i knew it was kind of what has to be just the level that it is. it's been years my license for the show it to you. does it? yeah. was on the steps of interest. we ship my way. sense of them. i mean it's a solution that way, especially with the know with i just yeah, mostly neil which is pretty. we should at least them, but just to read it to somebody else and you can assess the 1st 11 here, suggest virtually i blushing it. so it's almost ago friend find out they ended up on the issue not going to the industrial me and was wanting me to come from minneapolis to somebody might because i
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was. ready most of them, i personally these to me, me for i would be doing p as in nancy, associated his phone with that cousin that i've noticed that his favorites you use it to me that the british luck of the news. yeah, i think my post of the land that lives on the fortunately these keep pretty she used to for the on the 14th and like be somebody gets comes late on pick up the bell. my 1st name's actually look at office issue is on the so i assume you have the is that i just thought it was just sort of go out of the table and you have quite a few months gus, for renewal in, in, on your study. but i will be showing you think of nearest on that and all the major task we've, i think some of the yes key. sure it's a bullet. he thought it states that there's the city, many big houses and the near posters of those kinds of void and you've got to say
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just to kind of think anybody, my gosh, just to kind of shows that more of a central touch that he has a share and that's with you and he's so if these patients before the fees on it, the other thing is that then the bottom one that you put to are these diesel by it there. let me share my thoughts on was lovely just and with us of the one that i'm really pushing is also used to people who used to be the most of the ones with working just on the software. so as long as somebody sent out quite a few days ago, you know, because of it off of the, the bodies of a because i think you apply to you to those 3 by watch the other then why would you be publicized? because it also can you see what you're saying? pretty much mostly. sure. so the 0, close the loop on is a bunch of moments you possibly could have definitely shut little, but i thought, oh it's a by we transportation for the mantle office in
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the very beginning. of the rules, but then it will cost the money. you know, when you look at those supports almost be a sample size is always see what was even a go by caesar. it was initial plan, most of the any of those nc lotion kind of so the some somebody that i'll say football, somebody the sort of a hold on. and so i just want you to know if you want to, if i said you have a disease, what's the contrast corners of the sales and support in his folder name? yeah, it won't be a we moved to washington. what are you in for c? c i was, i was, uh, i wish i was able to, i didn't have much of those are providing to the window open now and like i saw solution. it's a little small city and the roof has been here as a uh, sunk of its kind of thing. okay. is darcia love a story on 2nd. we'll take the guess in the pricing seems to me so as you can start doing this, i think that it comes through to the mobile hosted photos,
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the site up to the little. so for my share quotes that i want a 3 to please give me the most current. this will blow up. i've used the most of the social and it is awesome. i want you to the problem, whatever it will go to the new publish. it was, this is the publishers, so can you go simple, doable for them on. so good. auto restore the mobile phone number is 2 of those people who want to keep bothering you just because the stand, what sort of take off with michelle completely. some of the
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other thing is there's no but i was able to show you to go super close and who is he's with on to the card you suppose you but what is the voltage here? 3, of course, and the other thing, you know, like i said, of what the customer wants to money, trust me, you're still originally for the funding. so now the functional very near the point is that even if we were serious to come over here, one of them, what do you say? most people don't know what she need to square some more sole says the, but i knew very difficult, but i have to be able to do an upgrade your social 0 to the problems want to see must even use a sheets of because he's stuck with me and i'm just, i'm, i'm so that's why we use or what, for example, i don't know what the meaning of the size. i mean, you definitely side, otherwise i'm with the new or so as little. so we, you true and you called the, we suppose continue. it was a bit of advice,
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so some of the keywords until somebody was settled for any of that was one reason because there was issues with the issues that jason, let's go to school with us little so he's not being a less than a semester though. he thought it was the she was people who wish as soon as she comes over to the the other side of school with her use of those to
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do things with a lot of these codes 1st. mm pool. tony. yeah. on the okay. she wants to know, do simple, so i wanted offices that i have a little more. so could it be something that was the restroom, you know, like a muscle and assault retailers and whatnot. we're some of them stable as even a little faster than that. essentially, it's even possible that it doesn't want to come out in the garage of business services. the screen of them boss can do. i just need to get them with key at the washington state. the bruce is to begin the computer system on assume that you have to
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keep the list of all but huge, but they use the the russian states never as tight as one of the most sense community. best of all sense and up in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv
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services. what question did you say a request which is the 1898 of the united states when the war again, spain and gain control of the philippines. the people of the philippines held that the americans would help over throw spanish rule and the grand independence through the country. but the united states was by no means willing to give freedom to the philippines and saw as just another colony. 1999. the filipinos began armed resistance to the new occupier of american troops were barely able to occupy
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the territory of the philippine republic. but that bay 3, it started a desperate rail of war. washington was forced to sit in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the us army suffered heavy losses. the americans took it out down the population. general jacob smith, in revenge for the gorilla attack on the garrison in the city of fall on ega porter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror, according to the most conservative estimates lead to the death of about 200000 philippine notes, the americans managed to suppress the gorilla as only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was not able to stop the national liberation struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal, the philippines was finally able to achieve the independence.


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