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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 7, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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labeled to occupy the territory of the philippine republic, but that bade 3, it started desperate, the rail of war. washington was forced, as in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the u . s. army suffered heavy losses. the americans took it out on the population, general jacob smith, in revenge for the gorilla attack on the garrison in the city of bile on d. g, a quarter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror, according to the most conservative estimates lead to the death of about 200000 philippine notes. the americans manage to suppress that guerrillas, only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was not able to stop the national liberation, struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal, the philippines was finally able to achieve independence. the
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. all right, hi everybody. let me just start off by saying, thank you. thank you very much to all of you for watching this show more and more of you have been watching the show recently. and i think it's because there's a global hunger for news that has been filtered by some government agency or, or some corporate shill. we're committed, the contacts were committed the truth telling. and in that vein, can you imagine the president's spokes person getting angry because somebody asked a question about mr. vitamins, memory. we got that also this. how about a previously respect, a new show putting away going an f b i agent, to do a story about how bad a syndrome had a syndrome? look, this sounds silly, but that's where we are. and that's what well, that's the reason i do what i do. i'm rick sanchez. this is
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a direct impact the the we have so much to talk about today. so let me tell you who i'm going to be talking to. we are joined by political commentator and color as default lines and radio sputnik tomorrow, thomas. thank you jamal for being with us here today. man, thank you for inviting me. i want to begin with this thing. i don't know if you saw those, but it's absolutely fascinating. it really bothered me what i saw it then i am. it's probably going to bother you to not so much because of what she said, but because of what she failed to say. and what it tells me is i watch this, or as i listen to this, is that this is a woman who is supposed to bring us news out of the white house, right? that's her job. but instead, she's more of a p r tool for the president and nothing more and nothing less. watch what happens
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as press secretary, corinne john pierre this week has a note down a literacy meltdown when asked what seems to me, and i think the most people to be a fair question when i told a number of people that i was talking to you today the it was interesting though, they all said, would you please just ask her? does the president have dementia and mark i can't even believe you're asking me this question. that is the credibly offensive question to ask that you know, i will ask, i wait. so let me no, no, no, no, no, you mark you, you, you too. you're taking it down to the rabbit holes. i'm not even going to truly, truly a really, it'll take take the permits of your question. i think it is incredibly insulting rabbit hole incredibly insulting tomorrow. wow. benson's, it just say no. i know. right. yeah. the yeah. you know,
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what's next break the story. i mean, look, maybe it seems a little bit of pressure because that is when the conversation, the links to the last several years. i mean the classic, the her, her report. they let him off because it looks like he wasn't cognitively there. this man called a news conference to tell people that his memory was fine and then confuse the president of mexico with the president of ancient right. in that very news published, it is a perfectly legitimate and fair question. i sometimes feel like i have all the maps . i mean, we all kind of do, i mean things should go to. the point i'm making is memories. a funny thing. he's almost 80 years old. just be honest about it. in his book, being the president of a hard job and to know the circumstances that 80 year old man needs to do it. i would imagine thinking harder he's gonna have to run for ability to post. i don't know had to by just going to do that, let's be honest. well, we have been proceeding as a man that does seem to have cognitive difficult. there's no question. yeah. and, and sort of my mother and,
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and so does anybody who gets into their late seventies and early eighties, i mean it's not like he's got a deficiency as a human being. he's got a deficiency because he's freaking, oh yes. i believe in a job that communication but what you should set that they look, the president is not a 40 year old man. right. from time to time. he has issues, but i think he does all things, considered a good job and he's got really good people around them to help him deal with stuff . yeah. you can even hit trunk and he's a better option been trumpet best. what you wanna put is that only 12 has its own cognitive issue, right? you heard him lately on the, i mean the stuff that he forgets, etc. so i guess what would the patients are old as hell in this country? i don't understand why, but they are. yeah. one more thing on this issue that bothers me. why? why have we gotten to a point in this country where the person who used to be called the press secretary is no longer really a press secretary press. secretary means that you have relationships with the price, right? she doesn't come from the process. she's never covered a story, she's not a journalist. i check today and looked at her background. she's been
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a hacked all her life. yes. at a hack is the word that we use for people who work in marketing and public relations, and all they do is sell a product. right. she's there to sell the president. yeah. not to tell us. the truth was just lucky any different. completely. not everyone in as nbc, while she is pressed secretary, based on the new trends in america. and it's wrong. i mean you, this is not a corporation. this isn't the, the white house is my house. yeah. the, the government of united states should be the government of, of rick sanchez and tomorrow is where the citizens. but they don't treat us that way anymore. we're like, they're like at pensacola and they're trying to get us to try a new flavor. i mean, maybe this is, you know, my age joint for my point of view, i always consider these guys propagated for the president. basically, what does it personally wanting to believe that necessarily? what's true, right? what is meant? but it used to not be so bad. a break. it's gotten worse and far worse. all right, let's get to the next 1. 60 minutes. talk about propagandist. my god. 60 minutes used to be one of the most respected news programs on the planet. have you seen it
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lately? i mean in terms of who they hire and what they cover. i mean, let's just say the old gray horse she ate what she used to be. okay. here's a car. this is this. this one's amazing. we covered it this week. we wanted to bring it back to you and i want to get your reaction on this here they are recently doing a story on a topic that even the us government says is a dead story amana sitting drunk, which is supposed to be some kind of acoustic weapon that gives embassy workers or gave embassy workers, or essentially c, i a workers at the, the embassy there and have, and some kind of headaches. and of course, the russians are responsible for this cause they got this special reagan that shoots the walls or something, whatever the story was already put down, but now 60 minutes bring them back. and they bring it back by talking to some bulgarian journalist who has in direct ties to the c. i a. and then they get a woman who's an f. b, i agent to wear a blog wig and talk to make move up business things the minutes. they get
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a woman to put on a blond wig and talk about her horrible headaches. busy it is, one of them is kerry, we're disguising her and not using her last name because she's still an f b i agent working in counter intelligence. it was like a dentist drilling on steroids that feeling when the it gets too close to your eardrum. it's like that, you know, times 10 a. oh yeah. zillow, exactly. what's in your still a black but with a blog wake about how i approve this is sure what happened. nobody 60 matter. i'm looking at it like ok the way it doesn't i should have all the speed. i don't know exactly. that was a high speed limits. i mean, and they want us to take their reporting serious intelligence. community incentives, nothing. yeah, exactly. yeah. so, so they're in order to go against russia, which is what, you know, outputs like 60 minutes, do you, by the way,
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i have friends who are producers there. who do you think their sources are put in that? what do you think they get their news? i mean, if you're talking about a story from c, i a, i would imagine the same, do they get their stories from their sources or all work at the state department in the c i? so it's like it's, it's kind of, i think it's become lazy, repair. busy getting somebody calls them in the government and says, got this new story, it's really good. and by the way, it's about what your ron is doing. yeah. for it's about what ben as well as doing or it's about what russia is doing, or it's about what china is doing. it's never like, oh, a country that is our friend did something wrong. yeah. i mean, how obviously are it's, i mean, from a media perspective there instead of us, i think that's correct. yeah. either way, we look at it, right. i have a story that the, some of the links the book do you, in which case anonymous source instead of anywhere in the story. the central thing is, i'm sorry, like, this puts me in a mind of like regards and space. that is bringing something to somebody's head, it was happening all across the world apparently. and they, they, they, they, uh,
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apparently the state department went in cause they did to the they investigated. they set the tapes over to a group of scientists. and the scientist said, we know what that is, that's a specific bog that lives in cuba and in the rest of the caribbean, and then tropics for a certain time of the year. they make that specific noise. that is not an acoustic reagan. those are not microwave single cells or bugs and they said ok, end of store. yeah. and how did, why did these people have headaches to monroe? i'm probably not what it used to be either. i mean, hit a tribute, what it's coming from, how it's happening. it's not affecting the brain and it has to be the russians has the, the rest. it's a ray gun that the russians are using in various places in their, affecting. but again, i mean, thinks of the same standards they would use if the story was about somebody else they don't use when it comes to russia or china or this, or that. any time we've gotten to the point where it's almost like the investigator is pro bite and they'll give them
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a story about of about the trump and they'll do it. but the, if the investigators for a traveler, get mr. about bite mental, do it to the investigators getting a story about restaurant, they'll do it, but the standards have changed its sector loosening. thinking to tell us the memo, if you remember the listen, the whole basically what else is look for people. what a friends believe databases for people our enemies we use with human rights and those type things, not as a club to go after those people. but it's kind of the way it operates. i mean, look at the, the bombing of the building and become boy in israel recently. but speaking of that, and i was just about to say what you're talking about. his credibility, i'm not losing it. so yeah, speaking of credibility after a long and exhaustive study, the you and investigator task with doing what is determined to be whether or not israel is doing something and gaza that can be characterized as genocide. she completed her report, and here it is here as you and rapid tour, francesca, albany, se, let's, i find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that that threshold indicating
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the commission of the crime of genocide against palestinians as a grouping as being met. the general citing does as the most extreme stage of a long standing, subtler colonial process over each are of the night native palestinians. and his darkest hour, the international community can not continue to ignore that. it's israel's project to read, publish, sign of policy in seeing their fee. and so the international law and the world's feeler took all these role to account. so when she was the filing that report, which is a very comprehensive report and detailed exactly why it does fit the genocide model, the us state department came out with its own report. and they did not say we disagree with the report and here's why they did not say after reading this report, we're going to sit down with the nothing yahoo government and come up with some response to it. they didn't say any of those things. you know what they said they attacked her. she is an anti semite and not to be believed. yeah. matt miller came
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out and put a knife on her immediately after she wrote to the golden avenue of genocide and she goes into what you said. the luminous, vito explaining why she believes as a genocide. um, and you can disagree with it, and you can disagree with her, but you should make that disagree of it affecting her if, if somebody doesn't do it, it's just too handy is, i mean, i mean what i mean pretty soon. there's only going to be 2 types of people in the world, people who are or aren't anti semites, which means is riley's and everybody. yeah. right. right, right. what's going on with this app by somebody? it is super weird. i mean, the reality of it is they use it as somebody thing is a way of dodging actual credible plates against israel is what was the state? i'm sorry, it could be criticized like any other state like there really are anti semites in this world. and they're very odd and they really do hate june, but it's better for and it has nothing to do with somebody who disagrees with a foreign policy of any country, whether it's just really or anybody else, right? any foreign policy they could criticize, especially be killing less people right now. i mean 32000 people, even the, on the con, fully the just got hit and then the us position of it,
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john kirby goes up. well, an investigation is taking place. is that okay, well, what about the other 200? you measure your work? oh no, but i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm just, you're fine with you. in fact, you know what, let's come back from the break and talk about that. i've got that lined up for you when it goes, it's okay. no, you're right. it was, it was, it was the, it was the right place to go because and i think this is what you're intimating. it keeps happening. yes, it keeps happening. and every time it happens as a, oh yeah, no big deal. we got it. we made a mistake, but we're going to investigate. oh yeah, no big deal. we got it. we made a mistake. we're going to investigate. oh yeah, no big deal. busy we got it, we're going to investigate. there's never an investigation. there's never a conclusion in the us always says, okay, next speaking of next, when we come back, we're going to show you that video. was it a precision missile that was used to attack that particular van of the relief workers, your trying to feed hungry people that israel doesn't like? and that's maybe what it comes down to. we're gonna show it to you don't go with the
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water is a part of the allowed, the employee would post that isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without collision. let's go. take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the okay, i'm rick sanchez and we're back with my guest about thomas. and i want you to look at this video because this is important. go ahead, i put this, but this photo i see that right there. this is one of the world central kitchen bands from a well known chef all say on the ice. military experts have looked at this whole on the top of the say, look at this van. and they say about as a tell tale sign of a precision guided missile attack, of course, and that the new government weld for about the 40 of time. so i would say it was an accident, we won't do it again, will investigate. and anybody who said that was on pers purpose are criticized as us as just an anti semite because that seems to be the pattern, but this is troubling. i think to me, maybe because jose on dress is one of the most famous shifts in the world. he's got a huge audience. he's love, beloved, enlighten america. and in the united states,
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he's kind of an insider and it looks like b as i mean, is well, has some of the most sophisticated webinar week and some of the best technology and some of the smartest people who run these things in the entire world. yeah, they're really good at this stuff. they can't be making this many mistakes until we come to the conclusion. they're actually doing it on purpose. i don't think this looks like at all. i think they knew exactly what they were doing. and, you know, when you get done yahoo with this kind of smirk as he's like, oh, our bad with his work on his face knowing full, would it be basically the what you're saying go. they're killing aid workers simply because they want to feed the ripple. they hey, i believe strongly that in i think the evidence pans out is rule, has gone with a systemic campaign of cutting and reducing the amount of food that the palestinians have at the disposal. i mean, the calculation figured out how many calories does any particular file send you needed any particular time. yeah, i think they use a citation of a weapon and it's like the fact that they killed all of these 8 workers. or for that matter, journalist who are photographing them, feeling these aid workers. yeah. is evidence of such they for one that i want all
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those not believe that the band was more but it's to, it's monstrous it. they've killed 333-4000 people. they accepted, but what they call them animals know, but that maybe we could also compare that to address that and we compared to some of the stuff we did in iraq and we have cooper. there's something different about throwing a bomb somewhere that kills innocent people. and actually targeting an innocent person when they don't consider them innocent, you're feeding the people who they're trying to get rid of. these are people from australia and the united states and italy who are there to try and do a nice thing with supporting their enemy. they're doing nice things for people who they considered to be enemies of the state. their job is the eliminate that or whatever at least move those people up at or yeah, they yeah. so what to do is i'll take you, what's your problem just inconsistent with it, but if that's just, that's true what you're saying. then i'm going to make you joe biden for a minute. i know you're going to have a memory lapse, but work through it. uh what, what, what do you, you get on the phone?
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you call mr. nothing. yeah. who pragmatist or nothing? yeah. what do you say july does an election, police, and job i miss trying to talk on both sides of his mouth. and once it's, i'm going to rumble because my base dislikes it. by the same token, i'm to go to all the weapons and everything else you've realized after that, the place is still given with its meaning it was still sitting. what don't you think the world's yeah, exactly to and that was basically, and he did it outside of congress. yes. yeah, that was the other. this is not something that even that he just said like he is in a box. he feels like and once it's my party hates this, my party is it gets me on this issue. so i need to rumble and complain and everything else. so here, let me give you another example, just speaking of killings that israel is denying, but it seems pretty obvious. it did. it is rarely muscle struck on the radi in the console of building in damascus, syria, killing 70 ronnie and officials, including 2 high ranking generals, that of course, because it was done with us made and furnished weapons. there's talk a boar once again between the united states and iraq. so here's a report,
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by the way, the iran is pledging revenge tonight, accusing israel of attacking its embassy complex in syria, and reportedly killing at least 7 iranian military officials. that includes the top general. they are straight comes as is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu faces growing pressure. just step down. i don't know if you've had an ever you caught something there, but i'm going to teach you a little something about journalism because i've been doing this my whole life. and i'm a real journalist. so she starts the story with iran is claiming, right. not israel has struck and killed it's the rogers claiming, by the way, there's a difference between say, and claim in journalistic standards. claim means you doubt that the person right truthful and what they're saying. like if i say, jamal our claims that he's wearing a good looking house. i'm saying i don't think it's a good look at it. yeah. but, but you hear that the media all the time. it's funny if it's somebody like it's,
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they said it'd be somebody you don't like it. they claim. yeah. and by the way, why are you even presenting the story as an a, ronnie and claim when we know there are 7 d b? yes, it actually happened. we didn't just dyer vanish at the center, right? yeah, sorry, i didn't mean to not be the host and the question around the question, even go on this is reckless. to put it mildly and be very clear. israel is trying to drag us into a war. i mean, it's almost as if i do something unit for both you and the moment that you respond to it. now i have reason justification order of smart for them, creating this kind of a escal atory spiral. they know that the us will get involved on the side of israel, if any of the actor, whether it was has belong for that matter or i got involved. so listen to what you're saying. you're saying israel may be trying to get the united states and a war with the wrong that may once and then. yeah. who if you, how does that help? and they want the us on their side going against what they consider to be their major political intimate. and they can't be to by themselves. i don't. so they're gonna start world war 3. that's what you're saying. yes. if i read it wrong,
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n u. s means a ron. 1 england and all of our allies with, uh, you know, iraq, pardon me. yeah. uh, the us britain and all of our allies with iran is allies, which is most of the middle east and possibly even china, russia, india. and so it is a or lost or something, and yet this is, this is not pretty, but this is what they want. and if you remember danielle who came to congress then yahoo says he had a m a foot board bomb. and he says around is going to get the bomb and you moment now, and we need to get involved meeting. see one, a hawkish perspective, it position of the united states to get far more involved in regards to middle east and politics against the rock. this is a way of making this on the very response. let me take a look and use like appointment is basically put out a warning that a ride is going to respond within 48 hours to this with a mr. franklin. they don't imagine what the us does. you know, there's one other question i want to ask you was tussling with this yesterday with one of my guests. and it's this question because we, we all tend to think that maybe foreign policy wise things will be better,
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certainly different under a different administration. and right now we're stuck between these 2 guys of trump and up and, and president, a former president, trump and present president that but yeah, and i don't know if on this particular issue president trump will be any better than by. he's not. yeah. if i mean that will anybody? well that's the right part. okay. well that's the case. a super problem is real. he is insane. on a real issue. yeah. it's weird. in the old days, you'll get a ronald reagan to be like, put this up. you're gonna, as our cut this out. yeah, he will get you in the lead is that we're far more willing to, you know, this is unacceptable. that is up the window. is it because of, is it a character issue where we don't have the kind of man or women in the white house today that we may have had in the past who had the intestinal fort to, to say, cut this out, or is it because they're much more owned today than they were in the past. quoting eisenhower by a terry industrial complex and i think also what to do. yeah, i think so. i think it once it's you have if you, if you think about it from job,
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i just want to be job i just running in the race job. i believe's the big one. it's been a $100000000.00 a pack in those lobbies in order to put in candidates that going to be pro israel and in their best interest job. i know that when he's going to be using gets him and his particular political party, if it takes attack against israel, maybe up and down the ballot. so he is why didn't get a situation where, ok, this is when he going to be used against me, but his name took him a party hate to be on this issue. what do i do? i'm in a box. that's the way he perceives it. now a certain level of integrity would say, they're just killing 34000 human beings, half of what your children think of job. you know what i mean? like, yeah, well i'm, we could say the same thing down to a minute, but we, you know, of the, the, the, the need to try and make china the boogie back. so that need to try and make the situation in ukraine, world war 10 or whatever, you know, the need to consistently go after ron and venezuela in certain states like that. our leaders do that based on needs that don't come internally from them. it seems
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like it's coming from somewhere else and they do it repeatedly. yeah, it seems to get worse. so it's not just the case with as much as not such as people by, you know, is role anything else? what does that they are countries. so we could say, it's almost as if we subvert our internal domestic politics for the larger thing, because the larger thing is what they can focus on as opposed to getting things done in real time. so that you don't see this thing going away any time soon. the situation between israel guys uh, the whole show and i don't think then. yeah. who wants biting an office? well, nothing. yeah. who needs this to continue to stay in office? the polls done in his own country to show 50 percent of the people there's a yeah. when we walk you only while this is going on, then we want you. we saw the protest it read it to condense it recently and yeah, and then yahoo is a nice closing deal. so waiting for the moment he gets out of the only way he, those out of trouble is to stay in power. and the only way to stay in power is to keep this word correct. kind of like what george bush was told to do by car rove during the war in our directly. yeah. the word iraq. yeah. same exact thing we'll
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get seems to be pushing or trying to push out. but i have this belief when cancels here that the by the ministry, it was work against to try to get into the office dancing, eligible to elections, final work because that was it a lot of work. right? as usual, it's really been a pleasure to have this conversation with you really, really good stuff tomorrow. by the way, before we go, i just want to remind you of our mission here. simple, really? the silo, thanks. the side of the world. stop living a little boxes where you think that's your truth and you only agree with people who agree with you just don't live in boxes. truth is everywhere. i'm rick sanchez. it's what we try to do right here with the director of the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show your dentist and we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have so many payments. the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the hello and welcome to cross the full or this year. we discuss the wheless. the is early days line is can be started by line. pace can be started by turn.
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the importance of we can never be of a station. flat transparent is an extraordinary drawn mistake at trees. then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, water could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest wants to so long realize tends to me and golf and, and honestly, to relate to seriously, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through. since it's all we going to let that stay
12:00 am
the same go to the was the newton for the dates with uh, it looks like she was reduced with of the fitness of a to, to let some of these come on the same day. so because of the not that i'm not doing that much, i'm very many piano is gonna come on the .


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