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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the idea of withdrawing most of his troops from casa, often months of invasion, would as well. so it's simply giving up for the soul on the southern. most of the city of ross russia slams the west between a blind item you trading and welding swipes on these. i don't see a nuclear power plant that left 3 people in just to minutes off the b i. e, a. inspection and emergency services advantage away thousands of locals from floods stricken areas in central and russia. we levels continue to rise to, to with downgrade the
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a very well welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world news on the date is great to have you company this our we stopped in southern gaza where the idea of left ruins today's way cost of pulling out to the city of con eunice, following months of siege. however, as well as defense, minnesota safe is troops actually preparing for renew defense. if that will target the southernmost city of rasa, i don't think i thought of mos has ceased to function as a military organization throughout in gaza. is really troops are going out of hong eunice to prepare for their follow up conditions in the rough area. we saw examples of such missions at el cheapo hospital. my portfolio, depending on the storage, how many different look does it into the groups i just saw. i think this is happening now because it has been, it's
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a plan to invade the whole because there seems to be some significant loss when it comes to that. and that area which prompted them. so we think of the things that don't add also to the deployed their forces from inside the city to the different about the area so that they can regroup restructure. and they might also be considered a ground attack on a ground invasion to add thousands of people who are coming back to the news area. eh, people are using unimportant shots, are using, is actually on our use it on. so out of who was involved so far, they're coming back to their home. they are searching to find whatever they can job to make sure that they can receive some of that, not most of them are planning to say some people are just starting the luggage. they have the mattresses, the blankets and everything. and even what that sound goes to come back to these ready, 5 minutes, the claims as follows. is there a step away from victory and does that off the hall for yes, full. but while the stated goals actually seemed far from reach,
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the palestinian 40 count is piling up at the end slaves infrastructure has been almost completely annihilated on these soft gets hey, let's take a closer look. 6 months ago the landscape, the ultimate lease changed naturally. today's gauze, as seen from space, is a different color and texture from the strip of october 7th, which is what happens when you were less sleep pounds. one of the most densely populated pieces of land and the 1st 3 months to learn over $45000.00 buttons with dropped. that's $505.00 a day 21 hour. the paint human cost has been no less devastating. over 523000 reported killed,
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including numerous $14000.00 children, countless mold, buried under the russell that now $1900000.00, displaced over $2000000.00 facing starvation. and no one's on the horizon, as we say is done, come from a prospect of further escalation. and guys, when no one is safe and there is no, was safe to go on. already fragile a declaration continues to be onto mind by bowman's insecurity and denial of foxes . rarely has there been such a global outreach of the soul of conflict with seemingly solely to done so ended, and instead so much impunity. healthcare has become a luxury instead of a basic human right. with stories of surgery is performed without on the septic and onto the light of mobile phones. the true hara of the a thoughts on medical center is really only became pass off to the idea of withdrew from me and claims. biggest hospital, numerous show groups have been diag just outside the emergency department. in the
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same area. many dead bodies were partially buried with their limbs feasible. the team reported the pungent smell of the composing bodies in gulf in the hospital compound. patients were held in the basement conditions during the siege. they injured severe like a food, water, healthcare hygiene and sanitation, and were forced to relocate between buildings. a gun point at least 20 patients have reports of the died due to the lack of access to care. unlimited movement authorized for health personnel. 6 months old, i'm with little to charlottesville pricing that she wanted. the political news says type something around b as rarely, prime minister as neck and tawny discontent. row has bind the day with tens of thousands of his radiance, demanding nothing else. his resignation and the long overdue hostage for they steal
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the while beyond the interests pulled his fury at the rising death toll. i'm assuming him to, to see which the idea of foxes, fueling demonstrations of the welto, the, even as world soon to sky lies acquiring an easy killing of sense and wealth. central kitchen, age walk, a seems to be in a world to shut move on. that's when even some loyal friends of design and some realize that perhaps the idea of the wasn't the most moral, allow me in the wild,
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off the room. the one does wonder why it took the depth of several weston is rather not a very but so takes $3000.00 palestinians. $95.00, john, less than a $196.00 on the age. walk us to reach that conclusion. and europe is also fresh to of suspending weapons supplies to as well, plus the approval rating of findings, no questions off the back king of what sample the 55 state of the us has some with even has their own policy now saying, well maybe we should it's hey austin, some questions? it is clear as well as amazing hots mines and the information what self people are tired of tennessee is talking points. we're trying to go so piece, we're trying to go for co existence, but we need to sort of say, but i'm also kind of tell you off the coming out on trying just trying to get answers to questions. and if you call them onto the question the allow you to do the propaganda bit often with legal pressure is mounting to the international court
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of justice. and that will you when report heard from me using the y genocide by analyzing the patterns of violence and israel's policies in its own slot on gaza. this report concludes that there are a reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating israel's commission of genocide is met. one of the key findings is it. israel's executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted jews in belo principles subverting their protective functions. in an attempt to legitimize genocide of violence against the palestinian people. and well as well categorically to noise these allocations labeling them a lot like will it kind of want to know i but it has failed to meet it, stay 2 goals 6 months ago. it's set out to roger tate for math and bring hostages home up to the horace of october 7th, 6 mountain sin and her mouth is still alive and kicking. some hostages have been returned home. yes,
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some others escape don't need to be shocked by that own fool. since they waved white flags. well, thousands move was unbelievably, still remain on accounted for. well, the idea of spokes person will not tell you is the prime minister, the cabinet, and the idea of have no idea were most of the hostages. both those were all are dead and those still live are being held. she will also not tell you that they have no way of ensuring the safety of the hostages, even when they do know where they're being held. the prime minister, a members of the work cabinet and members of the call listen, will look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves whether it was not your hand that spilled that blood. 12 foot strongest on me has failed to smoke counts a militant group on mostly with homemade rockets. it has failed to locate its own citizens in a strip of land that is just 25 miles long on 6 miles. why that is
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a pool to the size of london, and it has failed to answer how that is even possible. even if we're left, let's unplug the campaign. yet it seems 6 months on that may be the time has finally come when it will be forced to answer the question. what's the price needs to be paid before you can pull this victory? as well has also left a trailer destruction in neighboring $11.00 in the off the months of cross border strikes between the idea found hezbollah and the dates of development. this monday as well says it has a south and h, the scene, the field come on, the ultimate as one group. recent attacks have devastated several towns on the lebanese side of the border. so it's, it's from this thing shows piles of rubble where residential buildings, one stood at least 340 people have reportedly being told by the id as in 511 on since october has blessed days it has been hitting the back. it is well in response
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to the assault on garza lebanon isn't the only country that's being phones by is where else is the goal is that will be done. the idea has carried out a series of unannounced attacks on syria killing a number of civilians, as well as a new radian military advises the stations that the most recent is where they strike the storage and the radian conflict building in damascus, leaving 13 people dead. all of my attain to list my le colored a safe husband, a will react to any a talk so nothing on so i guess and as always, as they are starting to love the game ends on october 7th, that has the law has never been accepted. so they think any civilian or any fight to without it is called against the is that it is we was the more a sedation and more and shunning on the as the settlement. and certainly
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the the, the ship a bug case, because this, this has been, the kids also has lost the sponsors. so, i mean, is that maybe a solicitation or shinning also is civilian in cities and the times or so any of the fighters. so we would expect to see at us on we have seen all the, everything that's based on dimensions and desktop and the word most, c, p, s time stops this. i get a set of this once that, that has the right people and people, 11 and, and by the side of the studio. so 7 to 6 years ago. the walls, the atomic watched off the i a has condemned sundays from store icon. these are photos you a nuclear power plant. however, the agencies talk soon would have been making that you claim this to blame with the leaders of also failed to do the same. and the store and condemnation from the
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russian foreign ministry are biden micron, sholtes and other y loved defenders. aware that their subordinate some bunk of a may leave nothing standing. the world community is obliged to recognize and respond to this act of nuclear terrorism by the key regime. how many more times should the armed forces of your current fire? does that pro? is your nuclear power plant? so the west and the monsters the landscape send by it will stop repeating this deadly act of their bloody circus. this life is attack to place. just before midday web, i free ukrainian f. p. drones, otherwise known as kamikaze, drones. i'll report to, to obstruct those. i thought it was you and you'd be a pop blog, which again, is the largest in europe, one of the drones hit the port facilities so that the nuclear power plant. and now the drone impacted me of a dining hall, which is again, used by thousands of serviceability and employees of the nuclear power plant. 3
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people to be injured. and the last strewn heats, the 6 react to build a v i a, a has been one. they've said so themselves of this strikes. they've been informed that it has happened. they've also said this is consistent with their own observations. it's just 20 minutes before this latest strike, the international atomic agency had a team on the ground conducting an inspection. the international atomic energy engines experts have been informed by the upper ocean nuclear power plant that a drone designated on site today. such designation is consistent with i, a observations i or still refrain from actions that contradict the 5 by 8 principles and jeopardize nuclear safety director general russell groceries said the walls of these reactive buildings are very, very sick they can, they can withstand huge impacts is very little risk because of the drone would have
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penetrated the nuclear uh, the building itself. before i sees, however, that it couldn't destroy the bar to little critical and for try infrastructure. subbing the reaction building and that is uh, the water pumping mechanisms, the cooling systems, the power systems which code uh by the lead to uh, a critical family within the reaction building itself. the the ukrainian side had previously showed the reactor complex, the nuclear power plant repeatedly repeatedly the multiple attacks this damage at the nuclear power plant. vital systems had been damaged before. nevertheless, the west has refrained from outright criticizing you paid for these tribes. but now we're all side of them, is ringing, alarm bells, saying that these cannot be allowed to continue. and that this must be condemnation, will be great in government pressure on that. you created military to end this form
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of us army reserve is called, then it saves the west in ignorance of the ukrainian strikes on the nuclear facility. could back fi on key of sponsors themselves as well. it's. it's a remarkable display of cowardice for dinner and score even more frighteningly, a complete delusion and incompetence on the part of these european leaders to not recognize that the destruction of the largest nuclear plant in their, in their content in europe would, would result in devastating catastrophic environmental effects, economic effects, social effects, it really would, it could be the trigger to domino the collapse of europe and it's government system . so it's a higher of us. exactly right. and she says it ever so eloquently. she always does that. this is the time that the european leaders must wake out out of this hip gnosis,
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that the united states as low them into in their ad or ration of this silly little committee and so lensky and recognize this isn't about the games anymore. this isn't about the military operation. this is about a turning to madness, where not the russians, but the ukrainian zelinski, nazis or whoever these maniacs are, are actively targeting a nuclear facility in active political suicide. to say no external actors should be to try to spoil is by los for relations with russia. as off the us treasury secretary john is yelling who's torn and the country threatens chinese companies with repercussions for working with most good. we continue to be concerned about the rules that any firms, including those in the p, r c. are playing and rushes military procurement. i stress big companies, including those in the p,
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r. c must not provide materials support for roaches more and that they will face significant consequences if they do. and i reinforce that, any banks that facilitate significant transactions the channel military or do use goods to rushes defense, industrial base expose themselves to the risk of us sanctions without notice relevant countries should not attack the normal relations between china and other countries or the legitimate rights and interests between china and other countries, companies, china will take measures to safeguard it's legitimate interest and rights. well, i think this whole episode is very a characteristic, all the communication and diplomatic style that the united states for some reason chooses to practice or visit to our chime. i came up to along the way to cole with a the chinese leaders. should you be the to invited?
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the american presence managed to secure a he needs it more than half the time his side and the 2 leaders agreed that madame jaelyn would travel to china to strengthen the dialogue. and for some reason, americans believed that telling other countries what to do and telling him in a very low, diplomatically rude manner, is going to strengthen these dialogue is not just, not them yelling. but for example, secretary of state anthony blinking, who behaves in pretty much the same manner, trying to, uh, get into some sort of bad communication with the chinese. um yeah. assuming we uh not being able to help himself to. um, you know, make some pull arriving statement that leaves the time his whole snow either way. no other reason, no space then um you know, to appear cold and uh, no develop tice anymore after the russian foreign minister started
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a lot. profit is also in aging for talks right now. what are the expectations for his visit? well, i think this visit provides a very interesting alternative diplomatic style to. so what we discussed earlier is it's the one practiced by american officials because so gayla growth has very frequent sky communications. and you know, meetings, matthews, chinese officials, russia and china are celebrating the 70 just i never surround or medic ties. and if you look at the trade speakers, they demonstrate that, you know, the relationship is indeed stronger than ever. the 2 countries are coordinating not only the bilateral relations, but also working together within the framework of a number of international organizations, including the brakes. and by the way, within the bricks framework, it's not just russian, china, but the number of countries are now developing. um, i know sort of just system just west of more international transactions. i think
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that goes back to the yellow comment about, you know, possible sanctions for bags that are supposedly facilitating any military training . but when it comes to the issue of your grade, i think it's important to stress that russia has enough capacity to uh, provide whatever it needs. uh, ford south on this has been the most of the physician from the very beginning. i'm the same by the way, for china on its own difficulties with the west ink timelines, both rush and china, ultimately note about ideology is there about making sure that you know that a storage is that governments working in the service of the people and that, that this work and this corporation leads to practical improvement in the living standards and logistical frameworks within both countries. but as discuss that, so with, i guess now nelson wong,
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vice chairman of the shanghai center over impact and international studies. and that's valid, di club ex, but many thanks for your time today. mr. wong. so the us is accusing china of helping russia in the ukraine conflict and distressing paging with sanctions was the only option to such attempts to dictate the rules, especially with the west itself. keeps feeling k as will machine as well. i think festival, the us and some of the west. and the problem is quite clear that the sanctions against russia have not been successful in stopping the conflict in ukraine quite to the culture a was what's going long in the battle feud. uh, we know quite clearly that who is on the winning side, but when it comes to the secretary gelatin is remarks a warning. china will not sending weapons to
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a russia to facilitate military support for russia. i don't believe she has any, a background or any, any, any ground to support her argumentative because china has made its position quite clear when it comes to the conflict and ukraine and it's relations. it's business and trade relief with russia has been quite low and has been a boss to quite aggressively over the last couple of years. and as the previous commentator has pointed out, that the trade relations between russia and china has reached its all time high. and so, i mean for the u. s. a. i think what secretary genet and has a said recently, 1st of all, i have to admit that this visit of secretary yet and to the china is quite important because this is already the 2nd a in within the metro alpha. uh,
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6 months of visit. but i think was all the remarks accusing china about supporting russia, accusing china's over production capacity and everything. i think she, she basically was talking to the people backing her own country because let's face it when she goes back, she needs to, to face the whole piece of people. uh, those whole piece politicians. so people have different positions and the phones actually. so, but i believe the trip of secretary get them to try and at this time has been quite successful in general. uh, as you've already said, this is the yellow in the 2nd trip to beijing in a matter of months. so the us is making is to feelings very clear. is there anything paging can do to push back such pressure from the us as
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well? it's, it's not about pushing back. in my opinion, i think that china is a country that needs to low cost to its own interest and what's, what's going long around the well, the ways, the global deal, political restructuring, and the re shaping. we are absolutely entering into a new face of world development and trying to is not in the fall to a seeking for conflicts everywhere. and the us still being, you know, the most powerful country in the world and it's market is also quite important to china. so the us has already admitted that the, the coupling which china is not the option for the us. it does, nobody good actually. so the china, just the spring functions and it's all way
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a and maybe this is quite different from some of the western countries at china does take, you know, reserve unconstrained as a kind of virtual. but i think the rest of the world has seat and over the past couple of years that china is becoming more firm in defending its own interest and expressing its own position when it comes to how to protect its own interest. so yes, relations ways the us has being the quite difficult over the past few years, but they're all signs that it is all the way for perhaps a good improvement to some extent when you're in china is at the cooks of why the west has been so instead of unsuccessful in isolating rush you, i mean we've seen how the us and is allies have been trying to isolate brush over
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the past 2 years. but then most goes, trade is still booming. with badging a new delay to name a few is ton of the big reason behind that as well. china is certainly one of the reasons what is it cannot be the main reason because russia, as far as i don't understand russia, but basically does not want to rely on anybody at russia. it does not want the country to develop to become dependent on any other country, which is quite smoked actually. and yes, russia has its friends and the china being one of them because we are a good neighbors. actually. we have such a long, bold line, borderline and of course russia has what the chinese i'm trying to can sell what to, to russia, what russia needs as well. so of course, china is an important trading pop net to russia. uh,
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but you cannot say that the rushes resist originally was against lake, but west of the sanctions is only because of china's support that is unfair. now it's a long, many thanks to speaking to today is great to see you as always by 7. i'll be signed by sense of, of impact on international studies and a balance item of experts. now some long. thank you. thank you. well, the 6000 people have been evacuated from an expanding flood zone in the central russian region of owen bug was the levels of still rising. bear off the partial collapse of us still down on friday, forcing locals to flee the homes. temporary shelters of being opened across the hall, just hit the city of austin to accommodate device. and we've, we've been hearing from some of them as well as volunteers of the grandma's house was flooded along with the road to my mom's house. i wasn't scared of the flood. i was more worried about my pets,
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my captain doke. they have been evacuated to you correctly for the please. do you watch the no ever creation warnings a week ago. the recreation begin only after the dumb had already bust. if, when you and advised that the dumb was breaking, we would have left earlier. and now the 1st floor follow home is completely unable to, i will believe. so. who can we trust? and that's going on. but i, you know, we are students from, or square school number 11. there is a shelter 4 people we need and we're helping bringing them water food and providing moral support because they need it. and we're just not quite as soon as we have been here for 4 days already. why are you helping? because it is very important for the people who need help to pull the station, at least in the city or force close to be called critical. for example, local governor, just recently it so told us that the, that everything goes in the worst case scenario, more than 10000 presidential buildings were flooded, were affected by, by the dilute,
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at least to some degree. roughly 6000 people have been evacuated already. the problem is that the city of york is located right on the roll reba. so when the river has both the dam, most of the old, most of the old districts of the city were diluted, flooded completely. the problem now is that the cd, it has problems with people with the medicine and food, but most of the region will be provided with everything if needed. for example, just recently they've loved even a fortune. has declared state of emergency here in the original foreign book and send chief of russian emergency situation ministry here. the entire vacation is being conducted mostly by my russian emergency ministry, but they'll just buy them. i'm an actually all of the government bodies are here, for example, where you can see a military, you can see here, police even investigate us and we should not forget about volunteers. people come


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