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tv   Documentary  RT  April 8, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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so roughly 6000 people have been evacuated already. the problem is that the city of york is located right on the roll reba. so when the river has both the dam, most of the old, most of the old districts of the city were dilutes, flooded completely. the problem now is that the cd, it has problems with people without medicine and food, but most of the region will be provided with everything if needed. for example, just recently they've loved even a fortune. has declared state of americans a key in the original foreign book and send chief of russian emergency situation ministry here. the entire vacation is being conducted mostly by my russian emergency ministry, but to just buy them. i'm an actually all of the government bodies are here, for example, where you can see a military, you can see here, police even investigate us and we should not forget about volunteers. people come here to provide what they have food. what to madison boats. i mean, even the time, but the biggest problem here now is that the city has not yet gone through the peak
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of the flood offices from russian m. a form told me that everything will be sold in the next 2 or 3 days. and actually very rough, 2 or 3 days some news just in from moscow now where investigations say they have obtained quote, meaningful evidence of t as roll in the march 22nd terrorist attack on the cro. cuz comes that whole $140.00. 5 civilians were killed by full gunmen who sold into the crowd and instead of building a place before fleeing the sea, they were closed while trying to reach the crate in boulder. as harris says, confessed that the coordinator had instructed them to go to kia and pick up the pay less than officials say, a total of $11.00 suspects with interest to them. now, under investigation, he is, has denied any involvement will keep you fully updated and all the latest details on this story. thanks for joining us on the international that gets tech,
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our website all t dot com for all the latest updates and all the boxes about 30 minutes with we'll see you then the walk a town in ivory coast is a little known outside the region. but the rivalry and the name countries up memories of tragic events that plums the once a prosperous country into 10 miles, the launching, broken lives,
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the country deep in crisis. the cause of it was from anyone with an interest in international affairs may associate walk a with the bombing of french barracks by hype, orient, forcible plains, flooded by the russian messengers. the emphasis, specifically on the woods, bella, russian, and a medicine race. the, the african country has been my and civil war. at that moment, it was a turning point. for sparks that triggered the tragedy. the, [000:00:00;00] the
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ivory coast was the jewel, the from says west african call. the nice, rich and abundant natural result is with coffee. but eleanor and pineapple plantations was introduced from south america and going to be exported exclusively to france the after gaining independence, the country was turned into a fresh freak showcase under it's a long time president. felix will say, boy, need to also leads to countries on the political body. these are former french minister who ruled for 73 years. the pro france president's death provoked a deep crisis in the country. the good news is, of course they look for see says the retreat north end. so that you select for some the was seen within to, for enough to the electron pushing the did it,
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didn't you tell me this to me because i couldn't do it. i guess we need to find those dependable enough, so it kinda seems if i did enough cool. cool. was that low volume pretty just pretty simple. when you see this one to the bottom of this 2 phones, the part to watch, the lady shifted upwards was done so. so i'm looking at the more appropriate over today. so it's good. it's down to pretty far says some privileged. yeah. well, with the subordinate that the very 1st for real close read the shuttle, the will go see the moves at the board and then to pay for the full $1.00 item is the 1st 2 minutes to start
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watching the 2. and then after march, the bed is independent. the government isn't it enough that there's no standard for both as done there by the end of the se, so long such as this really i was just then moved from what you've got on this. it isn't, it is also to get off to the 1st i said to them please to sort of the process the device or the book. it asks you to know about the poorest physical without the study to mr. tell but he has to be that the time was the next struggling, moving forward. the world was changing as well. people that mindset that ideas new
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political bodies would imagine of the boy in his death front, failed to find an adequate replacement for him. and in 2000 load on the back boat was elected president. the the look on the demo. got a few bucks for the event that i did locate the bucket. who did you want me to be? you know, the people don't have the one they actually have to live on those of what does it say significantly. so that's why people people get someone say a d as in the flows. not just say that it very good. so then you go to the lady, but i put the other the book and i said, let me just share the double faithful book that you would divide in. how long
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has it been if it's not coming up from the? absolutely, i bought it from said or they're gonna use it this year, but they didn't, didn't approve it to me. so when it's the one that passes into the fitness of what do you think you they said think that i'm right. double up with you as soon as i did this on my left in the laptop because it was in 2002, rebellion broke out against the battle, escalating into the confrontation between the countries south and north. friends made little secrets of the fact that in one way or another, it supported both sides to keep the conflicts going. the government for his job was made even more challenging by the effect that the rebels had an elaborate network
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of supply depos in neighboring but king of prussia, which was ruled by frances royal 7th plays come for the opportunities to reach the turning point. as the government telling me began to repel the variables from the country. then french soldiers put boots on. i've already and soiled, in a traditional french style with no request from an adjustment government. the un resolution adopted after the fact differential armies split the country into with the dividing line, running through blocking, which became the rebels logistical center. to visit us on the other line. last as of the 70000 was because of this, you can see the product that
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is really kind of the list of from that from 130 to the other to review their results and what these really be about, but the soon it's easy, but it should get it back in july, but we typically shift minnesota, you know, from so i do need to discuss this with this. is this going to do with this topic or maybe uh we can take the,
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the green light video i selected that. let me do this. you to be just a minute. this is some laptop i wish you the what did that little pretty done last video. it's a little bit on the mean. is this the, the 6 of them? what this letter that was one of the big increase the world of good stuff, sort of good philip, but i was just sending. everybody says that i want to know 1st will she lives up in a minute to let me know what bus good night is that a little much?
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is this the more perfect the it is after you lose the use of it to renew it with your some of that. yeah. this is the us to call somebody see the one that i was wondering whether you got the new suit. do you know, newport, that'd be the new boss if you want to, you know, to 65, see nobody,
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anybody does. you need to fund meaning the exhibit is to do with the box to the next level. what is the leaves up there if it's on, i'll give you the of it. oh not good. you really don't need that. i need a lot of me. what again for shots and i have you better be hitler who post? i just got lucky or you for me and just a look at the system, but certainly they tell you what is it the video, but i don't
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a male less cleanest of busy letting me some but of of what it, what do it that was going to be pretty good enough for those of up with 50. do you live in this area? i saw just out of lucky. the mind don't allow me, but i didn't visit it. you go good. there is something that is sort of this uh, the lucky method. things such as this it is, there is a, is that it the bring the glass up with the can for i did say i gave when you're with younger today. is it such a look like he's in the, in the face of 40 out of midland and atlanta that lifted it? is it the young lady will just tell me? no i i've definitely got let me go just your favor to. that'd be. that'd be yeah, that'd be under vivian. doke. somebody that will come through with my ex this formula from the,
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from the video the video is that going 2nd not to us. so but after they do that i said give me the this, the, please take a look at the press. good. you did it. the water is part of the black, isn't it? but it would pose good isn't the deepest view of us in that in the word? or is it something deeper or complex might be present? let's stop without collisions. let's go products. or
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the when the rebels announced an interest in negotiations, the official launched active hostilities and the library and a half. let's begin to bomb rebels supply basis. on the morning of november, the 6th, 2004 to ivoly and air force su 25 planes, foamed french contingent positions in walking. the 1000000 french service men and an american civilian specialist. died in the right. despite the assurances from the government and personally from president, little incompatible about the tragic mistake and not being involved in the strike over the following days, old library and military aviation was completely destroyed on the ground and in the with human casualties. doug, see the move process so, but it takes a good no. so great would it do this sooner advise me to i'm ready. 11. what are 2 numbers don't the to the,
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to process the call for the quarter best of this? yes. you that the done go down that route for us. it doesn't quite get that poses a day later. don't see i'm so, but if they don't get out by somebody say yes, you know, so let me say that one of the to me i looked at the point that the some of them pretty. i love them up a minute or something like that. the good, the low this on the why i've been, i'm really serious with the steps ebony that way for us that me but yes, let's just do what is and will because the minute he was tested on the other give
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mr. evans, the monday, the 1st of the widespread discontent resulted in empty french protests during which, under the pretext of protecting civilians. french soldiers opened fire under reportedly peaceful demonstrations on number. that's why the lives on system related to windows before you lock it down. thing that said move in. some of the said that i haven't come in, let me bring it down. you said you guys definitely send it to one of the students in the front of uh,
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pretty good. good. i'm ma'am. i've lived on says this. i've got to buy some of the show for the monday, so sounds it will be the soon as you. but is that lou? this is the red butterflies breakfast because the big jump off. i'm in the, the prevailing situation that we can both government and the me and helps the rebels to step up their activities. the country remain divided, glanced into a bloody conflict for several more years. and what is a country plunged into conflict most so when divided into the economy is destroyed, businesses collapse along with a stablished supply and logistics changed. installation reduces the population of
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purchasing power and the shortages of goods and produce france hadn't just said people upon, it seemed determined to bring them to the nice force to drag out a miserable existence just to survive the d and d a. d. oh, that's a little most of the other thoughts for my team of people who would you fit to 30 monday, could talk to somebody in which and i did a re look at these details form of the machine. the point being for the ship is good, but i saw basically couple of tomorrow would be good luck with the law. so the list of properties before because of the for the vehicle so much i'll see the floor
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master allow me for the very 1st i la solace. the assistant manager. this will be due to come uh, fully to go to the property. they don't go to the units at the museum. sure. much to do that, but yeah, a joke. and we'll see something like what, wow, i'll shoot you a follow up with you know, show but of up to please the secure body. when that event, the most is the rose up is to the condition of the best buy luck with the vi. and if you saw before, the too long that the service that i saw
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that productivity loved to be kind of in the loopholes such a show of a saw because the shows was you must have this off by multiple phones of my son. is it possible for the, for the $215.00 or would it be the the account follow the does have been updated for the week. busy is we pick up the, the faucet lady by the talk on both ways, y'all to discuss it. let me take
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a look. see the issue of up to the bottom left to suspend default on default without a 2nd. but to compile a resolution this of uh for us to move issues around frontier defeat of loss as to city by macha for us up. or you could, you saw block in heading g, g, just the file. it po, phelps. the i model need, did this, the be the legally events in black. i didn't. and until 2022, during the process of one allegedly bella rushing pilot and disappeared from the investigation. one of the defendants died. and the to the domain, we're given life sentences and i've sent you the, the investigation failed to answer the critical question to all the different barracks,
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to be bumped. no one needed to know the bible and set to restart their lives by returning to abandoned times. and going back to work but the mental looms needed to heal and still do. they must try to restore relations and to learn to live in peace, to gain the mutual fund. them is only to do for fee so that's why we go to see the sequel to see that. so
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that people give you the book is that the body of the sued, you know, these are the seats all to do so, and it's only sort of the interest certificate. i'll put a so let me look at it. so we can look at the also enough notice on this on the set, those are the reset. the know what to do to remember the 0 sum. busy is over by you, i leave you but i sense to do that with me just because it was
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a lot the sunday. do you want me to do the music while i'm going to meet you and see if it's so can you just on on that on the last of the city a couple of people did you did you need to shoot us? i can do move to settlement to be the solar system if you have to be such a good example is in the form of the
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title of the sick i'm letting name of the system on the the, the to do that so that you have a level by the last on that for the fence possibly could be shown on the 3 of these are the top pills the the met the, the one thing that to me um is it made me corporate. i saw i already got the plus off as well. he should be
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a sub for the 2 new sub for full credit. i'd like to have these on our june the 5th, if he gets additions to move on to the 360 see possible body, the permit sidney with frontier this record that he said, luckily you run off. triple w looks like the but the, the, the 5, the shipment, the shipments are local to accept the your left for him to get on to the dentist to say that it says cynthia is preexisting. is that gets, is it gives you the process of looking at this house at the pool that presently this at the back of the sun,
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cause it says service has the shop is at this time because the editor godaddy video, the son of them, does it the set of good influences said list. uh huh . the
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the, the breaking news this our russian investigations say they've obtained the evidence that the croakers hold terrorist links to ukrainian intelligence. nicaragua takes too many took hold of the hey, accusing. so they have in powered single genocide in gaza upon all means israel. it is indeed a decided excuse to the senior children booming and planning and goss on to provide too many tabby and aids, including to add for ups on the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the then paging site is no external access


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