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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  April 8, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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in the latest development this monday as well. so as it has a saw some days of the senior field come on the ultimate as an inquiry waste. and the tax of devastated several towns on the lebanese side also. but with the footage from the seems always positive rubble, where residential buildings, one stood at least $340.00 people, have opposed to be being killed by the adf, inside lebanon since october, as well as phase it has been hasting back. it is well in response to the assault on gaza. well, i've been on this and the over the country this when phones buy is well since the gospel begun. the idea is carried as a series of unannounced attacks on syria killing a number of civilians, as well as a rainy and military advise of stations that the most recent is ready strike the storage and a rainy and close to that building and damascus leaving. so team people that all of my a danger and a list of all x college essays, hezbollah will react to any attacks on level. so i guess as always is that the story does not speak and, and on october 7th, that has the law has never been accepted. so they think any civilian or any flights
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or without it is part of against that is that it is we will be more escalation and more um and showing on that is there any settlements i sent you the i need to ship a bug case because this this has been the better to also has the last, the closest i mean is that maybe a sedation or shinning, also it civilian in cities and toms or, or so any of the fighters. so we would expect to see added on we have seen all the, everything that's based on semester and gusta on the word most c, p s time stuff this i get instead of this, once that, that has the green light people and people and the i'm by the side of syria, so 7 to 6 years ago. now,
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to the latest updates on the conflicts in ukraine where the russian defense ministry has confirmed its forces have repelled dozens of attacks over the past 24 hours. russian forces have advanced in the tone. yes, with public during the same period getting tactical advantage nivia and baffled city of all, assume all schools so known as stock moods, most closely as kids. the army has suffered around a $180.00 the doses as well as tons, adults, hillary and the cancer attack. i can't volunteer on the battlefield has been deployments of rushes. s t v scouts was us. he's a senior correspondent, lord gantski, as well as more from the wall 22nd in the ruins of most speed is sub i, but there is always an enemy drew watching. we are with scouts squad. regiments 10, a weight once entirely made up of mobilized troops. now the battle
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hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village, the name of which is become synonymous with slow stuff. we venture that so was the south of box. most of all guy here is watching the sky. so come because each ones which are bound here, but i wanted to show you the shape. what are the fits as baffled ground cars across the front clouds. we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex, potentially we may not overdone, it is fairly to columbus has behind me cuz the shape go which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers and taking it is now tough controlled by russian forces to shave is surrounded on noon sides by higher ground, it is there that the battle is waged. some of their presence is
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relative. 2 or 3 people per position, their just fodder left behind. you see a few of them. when they die, it means there is an assault under way, which means the rest have to defend which means entire fleet, so kindly called the drones, rising up the one foot targets on both sides. the road had moved on the sky over backwards, however, never stays empty foot long. they're all big and dead. leah, things about the effects of dreams and not just the physical cannot be overstated
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psychologically without a doubt. yes, tv drill. suicide. drones are the most terrifying weapons used in these conflicts large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands used every week this particular specimen pay luca is put together in the field, then it's p. o explosives to kilograms of explosives used to blue, but you play the unfortunate occasions to get the troops inside. this video is from a lead testing looks new, excuse to our masses, for nothing is without skill amongst thousands of drew and pilots, only thousands will become aces. 10 the weights is full and one of them
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i want to introduce you to my colleague and battle brother. this is master if my entire company has filled up a graveyard of ukrainians and master here has filled up another graveyard all by himself. somewhere near oval for another region, most of the again flying drones of the full months ago, he quickly excelled. mazda has more than 140 confirmed hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed or injured by one. russian drew an operator with nothing more than a remote control in his hands. the scenario spent almost at the task of mind at the beginning when the hip, the target was trembling but eventually became
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a piece of cake. when i'm given a task, i will complete it. i don't feel any pleasure. i'm just doing my duty by eliminating one target, i may have saved the lives of our soldiers and demoralize the enemy who might refuse to follow orders. so the small stuff is well protected. we were not allowed to film him as well. it wouldn't be any of the regiments positions last as base of operations is seek with and changes regularly. key is to valuable to race, especially now it's ukraine's forces. showing cracks. the scope of the situation has changed radically. they have an evidence shortage of manpower and artillery shells women at the email. they are dying in entire units and sending fresh ones in without any training. they don't know what to do. they keep making the same mistakes, which i can capitalize on. ukraine is in
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a difficult position. it is losing. so just foster that it can replace them. never mind trading them and, and train soldiers do not last long mazda and the others like him to not let them more. i guess, the archie from bach, more than the people's republic. let me find a company here and i see in to national coming your way, like some of the time the with the like step. so it doesn't notice that the wrong guy was talking to somebody in the the hello, i'm manila chan. you are tuned into modus operandi. every year, thousands of christians in africa are slaughtered numbers unknown to much of the
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west due to a lack of media coverage. today we'll look into where this onslaught is most prevalent and why it's happening, seemingly unnoticed by the collective west to, for port, to be concerned about human rights abuses. all right, let's get into the m o the . it may come as a shock to you to hear this, but christianity in all its various sets, catholicism baptist, orthodox, and so on. christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world that according to washington dc think tank the cato institute, citing the study conducted by opened doors usa, which estimates that over 350000000 questions around the world faced some level of
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what they called significant persecution. some resulting in death in the 10s of thousands. among those 2023 depths, a whole village of christians in the central nigerian state of plateau, who had their whole town raised by a ledge, muslim extremist for hundreds mass skirt on christmas eve churches for to the ground homes sacked children slaughtered in the arms of their mothers, and to this day, nobody has been brought to justice. the new g a maybe now is the most dangerous country for christian seemed to be nigeria, known as the giant of africa, is the constant biggest economy and largest democracy with a population projected to become the world's 3rd largest by 2050. it's also the world's largest mixed muslim christian nation. you know, judy, we have as
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a population, 20210000000 people. and i want to be precise, hold most to the 50 percent out of questions. and so please just pardon me, julia christians hiring the guest a vibrant nigeria could serve as a growth engine for the whole ton of field. one would be a source of instability and violence criteria has been in the news lately because of the recent elections. the country is that an inflection point. with over 60 percent of the population, living in poverty was security crises, including kidnapping and terrorism. have multiply the i'm here in nigeria, one of the places it's most difficult, most dangerous to be a follower of jesus. every year. thousands of people are killed for their faith.
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this is a camp of people who are remainders, people who been orphans, people who've lost their fathers, their husbands, house resolution, 82 can make a difference. the u. s. government needs to make nigeria a country, a particular concern. it has been in the past, it should be now. there are thousands of christians who are going to be killed this here. we need to make a stand. joining us to discuss this disturbing trend of violence against christians is jason jones. jason is the president of the vulnerable people project. he's a film producer, author and human rights worker. his new book, the great campaign against the great reset, drops april 16th. jason, thanks for making time to talk with us. so 1st of jason, on the matter of the, the christmas mass occurs in nigeria. a 195 questions were slaughtered in the plateau state in central nigeria on christmas eve of 2023. by what they allege our
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philosophy militants. ok, but the european parliament is attributing this to climate change and avoiding using terms like genocide that you know my insight to many feelings. why is the international community afraid to touch on the, the subject of religious persecution? yeah, well the international community is really good. it condemning genocides that happened to generation ago, but tragically, they're very consistent and falling down in the face of genocides today. obviously in nigeria there's been a complete abandonment of the christians and nigeria. we saw the same thing in iraq and syria, as the ancient christian communities, the syrians and the cow, the answer being wiped from the face of the earth by isis. whether you'd see, we're suffering ethnic cleansing and genocide in the hands of isis. we just saw the armenians completely completely cleanse from ard sack, and there was not
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a blip on the world. and there's other silence from the world community, nothing changes. so this is something that is consistent. and so at the bottom of people project actually found the disorganization over 20 years ago because it was obvious that nation states only use human rights violations and religious persecution to further the ends of those states. and there is never been an authentic commitment to advocating for vulnerable ethnic and religious communities as an ending themselves. and so that's something we seek to do with the vulnerable people project. and i have to say we consistently fail. we failed to wake the world up to what's happening in our exact year meeting christians. we failed. but for 12 years banging drums, trying to wake the world up to what was coming for the christians. and you'll see these in iraq and we failed there. and again in nigeria, tragically 9 out of 10 christians in the world this years were murdered,
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will be murdered and nigeria and it is very difficult to get the world to pay attention. and so across africa there is a rise in sectarian violence directed mostly at christians. if we stick with nigeria as an example, since 2009 according to the international society for civil liberties and rule of lawgroup, they estimate that some 40000 nigerians had been killed because of their face. these whole villages had been raised churches, schools burnt to the ground. if there is no media outcry, and seldom are the perpetrators ever brought to injustice why the media silence? yeah, again, this is a consistent pattern that we've seen right now. there are hundreds of thousands of people displaced in sedan by the war. they're nothing again with the ethnic cleansing and art sac, nothing. so what we're seeing in nigeria is it's just consistent and the mainstream
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media fails to address human rights issues. i called the captive media and less in some way, benefits, powerful interest groups. and so that's one of the challenges that v p is trying to convince powerful interest groups that advocating for vulnerable at the urologist communities and their interest. when you look at the christians and nigeria, you have the largest of quote unquote democracy in africa. it will be the 3rd largest country in the world by 2050. it's evenly divided by christians and muslims, and it's also muslims, and animates and others that suffered the hands of these is almost extremist, not just christians. but you know that the future of nigeria is the future of africa. and anyone who wants a peaceful, prosperous africa, should be fighting for a peaceful, prosperous, prosperous nigeria. but tragically, the plight of the christians and nigeria gets lost in these very busy media side goals that seem to be driven by powerful interests. and that's not just the idea or
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the confidence of africa either. according to the cato institute in a, in a 2022 paper that was citing opened doors, usa, christianity is actually the world's most persecuted religion. despite media hype surrounding various other fates, they reported roughly 6000 christians were murdered that year, another 6000 were imprisoned, and then some 4000 more kidnapped. they say 5000 churches were destroyed. these are global numbers. what do you think is driving this rise in a tax on christians worldwide? well i, you know, i, is it arise and attacks and christians worldwide, or is this just the 2000 year history of the church? something that's unique about christianity is that the christian is compelled to stand with the outside or it is the christian is compelled to stand for justice. the christian religion says that really, if we have an other were called to love the other or to emulate ourselves in the
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service of those who are being scape goat at or suffering abuse. so wherever there are christians, whenever there is political and arrest wherever there is religious persecution, ethic persecution, a christian will be compelled to stand with them. and the great catholic, the french catholic anthropologist renee gerard said to stand with the scape goat is to become indistinguishable to the mob from escape. go to your standing way. so christians, or for 2000 years is separate persecution. so um, yeah, staggering the numbers are staggering. as we see sort of world order beginning to disintegrate, christians will be compelled to stand with those who are suffering and abused. and when you stand with those or suffering and abuse, you yourself will base abuse. so as you say, you know, these are new events or incidents that are new to the christian community. very good point. all right, coming up next will examine christianity in america over the controversy of
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abortion rights. weird as the law, contravene religion. we'll discuss it when we return with jason jones to type the em all will be right back the the, the welcome back to the m o m l a chance jason jones is back to continue the conversation. thanks for sticking with us, jason. so let me ask you which groups of questions do you think? are the most persecute as is it, is it the catholics? is it protestants? orthodox? who yeah. i think well the catholic church again is the largest church and the orthodox churches. because 1st, because they were churches in the islamic world,
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they weren't evangelize and they weren't spreading around the globe the way the western church was. and so the western sure specifically catholicism you will find catholic orders and catholic lay a past with like might were a catholic, a possible it wherever there's persecution a world. so i think you'll find the catholic church is is produced as the most monitors. probably not. you know, because we are the largest church and because with a church that is set the missionaries to the furthest reaches of the world, do you think of the great martyrs of the 20th century have st. maximillian, colby was a polish priest who had the largest newspaper in the world at the time of the german invasion opponent. it was an anti nazi newspaper. he died in a starvation bunker. you think of the great polish st to get the jersey puppy. ask you. a jesuit priest, who is the spiritual founder of a solid, already movement who is beat to death by the cage of being thrown into an icy river
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. so you know, the catholic church is the church that probably produces the most martyrs. and when you see martyrs can any and i jerry and other places most likely that they're going to be catholic to what about in the so called secular west. do you think the growth of ac is um and secularism is posing a threat to the actual freedom of worship and in the so called free societies and and we see perhaps worse discrimination in the future. i mean for example, we have recently seen that the f b i was investigating under cover mind you a catholic group in richmond, virginia. labeling them far right extreme this. yeah, it is to be expected. you know, i always as a catholic, i'm great. but when i hear these stories, because that means catholics are doing a job. so um, you know, it's not really that they're left to stephen so much is it their progressive? i say that with the west has become post liberal no longer believes in freedom of
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sprees, freedom of speech, or expression, or religion. it's really in the left, in the, in the west is driven by an obsessive desire for progress and progress at the expense of human dignity progress at the expense of the bone ruble. so for example, you have port cap of children in the congo digging for coal, both for lithium batteries. so this, this does drive for progress, it at the, at the cost of human dignity and is, is, will inevitably lead to christian persecution. because as a christian, i am compelled to stand with the leader. as a christian, i am compelled to stand with the catholic children, the christian children, the mazda and children, the adams children in the, in congo, who are working in the worst slave labor light conditions in, in and around a toxic waste, a toxic cobalt. um,
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so were compelled to stand with them as you get in the way of this relentless drive for progress. one can expect the persecution to expand on religious attacks in the us for us as we saw, you know, ro, overturn by scotto is many on the, the religious side. we're celebrating this on, on the grounds of their religious values. i mean, primarily christians. shortly thereafter, we saw some churches torched, a lot of intolerant language towards entire communities of faith. where do we draw the line here in the us between religious expression and the letter of the law to? well, there was a recent book that came out called legacy of life honoring the 50 heroes most responsible for the or overturning of roe vs wade. and i was honored in that book as one of the 50 people most responsible for the opportunity to pursue with united states. and i was grateful for that. honor. i don't know if i earned it,
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but you know, the overturning of rovers has wage was essential for the salvation of this republic . because like slavery and segregation before it, abortion denied the only principle of unity that the united states has. so we're not united by necessity, we're not united by history. we're not united by religion. we're united around this declaration principle, this belief that is really fundamentally christian vision of the human person. we're united by this belief that every human being is endowed by god with inalienable rights in viable dignity. everyone understands that the biological beginning of the universe of the human person is virtualization. and that abortion destroys the human person. and so what ro versus weight really did is it undermines this republic and so the overturning of roe vs wade really. although in the short run, it created some division a lot less division than i expected. it really turned out to be kind of and nothing burger despite the democrat party's obsession with the issue of abortion,
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and they're just driving away. younger voters and minority voters with that. and i hope they continue doing that. but really, the overturning of rovers has weighed, was essential for the salvation of a republic. in the same way, there's a civil rights act was in the same way that the trash you, the civil war ending slavery in the long run was necessary for, for this republic. for the health of our republic to and while we're on the subject of, of the u. s. and society's view on religion. can we, for a moment just examine this new, paradoxical shift here. because for the last 2 generations, it seemed americans were abandoning religion altogether. but some recent new pollings seems to indicate the youngest of gen z, and the new gen alpha are taking a noticeable swing in the other direction, showing that face is actually on the rise among the youngest of the americans. how
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do we square that? yeah, it's really interesting. so jen z engine now far the most conservative is the most conservative generation in america sense the 20s, which i think is something that's quite interesting and you see this, this long for religion. so in the, in the united states we see this, we see this nihilistic oppose liberal left. and on the right we see sort of this car i called the cargo called the gnostic cargo cult, which you see in eastern europe, in russia, with guys like an at dell at times like alexander duke. and who try to cobble together like the remnants of what was left of russian culture in the wake of, you know, a 770 years of to tell terry is i'm that sort of the estimated civil society there's, you're seeing that now and the west where they sort of try to cobble together and build together some sort of traditions, this a thing for tradition. and so i think the real challenge for the church in the west is to not allow young people to be seduced by ideologies or enthusiasms
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gnosticism or this great awakening. that you see on the right, but rather to attract them to trinitarian, traditional orthodox christianity. and i think what we're seeing with jersey and jen alpha is they're looking to at all they're looking to at all as they look at degrade reset as they look at global is, is they look at how pornography and ab dating is obliterated there. build you experience arrows and the awakening of romantic love and a natural human way. they know they've been robbed, they're going to be a very angry generation. and so they're looking for answers. and they know that neal liberalism are post, you know, the post liberal nihilistic left has nothing to offer them but lies. and so they're looking everywhere willy nilly. um, so i think it's the responsibility of the church to really clearly present orthodox christianity, epistatic historic christianity. the christianity that,
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that i believe as a christian of course is not only true, but knit together everything. true, beautiful and good in the civilization that we have. and um, so yeah, i think it's just an app edible that we're going to see. a swing to the right. we don't want it to be a liberal nihilistic right. we want it to be a wholesome christian, humane conservatism. all right, i got to leave it right there. jason jones, president of the vulnerable people project, author of the new book, the great campaign against the great reset. thank you so much for your time. thank you for sharing your time for this important topics. all right, that's going to do it for this episode of modus operandi, to show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila . chad. thank you so much for tuning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o. the,
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hello and welcome to the cost of full horses. here we discuss the wheel in the breaking news. this, our russian investigators say they've obtained evidence that the quote, this whole terrorist all linked to your playing in intelligence. nicaragua takes too many supports at the hey, accusing building of encouraging a genocide installs that spot. all name is, well, it is indeed sad excuse to the best senior children, women and men and goss on to provide so many times in age, including to ad drops and the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the aids them say things say no external access to the testers for let's relations with most of all the us treasury


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