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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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lost a full force here. we discussed some real in the breaking news this our russian investigators say they've obtained evidence that the quote please hold terrorists all linked to your crazy and intelligent nipple. rock why takes too many supports at the hey, accusing building of encouraging good genocide installs. that's by all means it's well, it is indeed pathetic excuse to the best to senior children, women and men, and gone to provide so many times in age, including to ad drops and the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the 8th them say thing, say no external access to the test as for its relations with most of all the us treasury secretary john has yet to sanction china. so elected the helping of russia
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and ukraine conflict. also this out. i wanted to show you shape one of the fits as back from the ground cars across to the front lot. we could have gone to still but the roof was, is ex, potentially we may not have with the the month plans of schools to us. we report from the front line if it don't, yes, with public city of also involved wedge where we don't parade because exchange precise price. they could do that last the a very well. welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest world news update is great to have your company. and we start this out with breaking news, ukrainian intelligence services, all connected to the terrorist who power is out the most go comes at home to talk last month. as according to russian and invest, it has into it,
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but can i say that the moments 11 people involved and in particular the serious crime had been identified in the case all of them have been charged and proved. 9 to be detained, the investigation has already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrace preparations for the crime which might indicate the connection with the ukrainian special services. as comes of the suspects responsible for killing 145 people in the march 22nd to terror attack hopkins, best under mrs. they was told to slice ukraine. what were your groups plans off of a terrorist attack? so to move towards key, we want it to meet the territory of bush and we goes into the car and hit the road . and so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border and cipher lo said that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine would help us cross it and get the kids so so,
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so sorry for lo. told us to drive towards the train at the boulder, we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board of this folder, just being published for the 1st time suspect sent across a city whole terrorist attack outside moscow who had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator. now see the good to one camera, a confession, emotive, bland as they spill out, the details of that failed get away plan, which was meant to lead them to the crate in a capital side full of told us to drive towards scale. and when we get to the board, not far from the board until the end of the car as whole here, she would help us. insightful said, when you get to the board or call me and i will tell you what to do next. investigators, i get to establish who this mysterious se floor is, and if he could be the ring leader and the most in mind of the terrorist alteration
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. one thing seems clear though russian authorities have one most string, in this case, connecting the attack to ukraine. the link, the u. s. has been trying to dismantle, since the very 1st hours in the off to most of the attack, there's no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, this just broke, we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour when he connected to you. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because ukraine was not involved in this. there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happens they're talking about ukrainian involvement. how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in, and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the
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government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. russia's being skeptical of these claims, exploring its own primary version, adding up to most cool suspicion. a search in terrorist attack warnings all across russia, which proved to be false, but looked like a coordinated scam on green campaign, playing very much and keeps favor. now tara has been one of ukraine's tactics of choice, as it's been trying to bring the fight to russia's home front. now this map shows every region where most co security services have been able to afford to tax by keeps pulling, as you can see from coming in grad to rushes far east. the number of uncovered plots seems to be only growing each year. in fact, the cranium, intelligence increased. its terry's depends last year, almost 5 full compared to 2022, then that's according to the official statistics. and that appeared to be no stops on this train. this year alone has already seen its fair share of attempts
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a terrorist attacks up to boston, and sabotage acts more than 500 people have been detained since 2022 over that ties to ukraine's intelligence. some of the attacks supported by russia security services in the past couple years is a hit on 1000000000 a medium. oh, good consistency. and well, let's see if he, an agent of key of intelligence is seen planting a bone under his car. a tease editor in chief was also a tug is over here, craig, getting the applause brushes. energy sector has been singled out to hear a man so recruited by t if is sneaking a boom into a gas hub and is taking them to custody. moments later, the russian security services i've had a crazy busy to he is catching people right handed into the homes and the streets. and the run not will agree to be taken in quietly. for
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one of the most brazen floats involved in military grade, us made nerve agents another a shipment of explosives stashed in church icons. and it's not like all of caves. attempts have been futile. will correspondence let let the thought of ski was murdered in a bomb attack. as was daddy, a duke and a daughter of a russian philosopher, this isn't ukrainian politician india. cuba was gone down in broad daylight assassinations that ukrainian intelligence pretty much took responsibility for the website for foods and they've always loved you. it was a convicted 3 there in up, same to come through the trades. you crazy? sure. if i'm not mistaken. up to 14 years, some prism and learning from the 9.9 seems sort barreled weapon went off in the chest area. and i followed by a control so to the have in here mind forever near his place of residence in the most coastal birds and where you have what is all i will comment on is that we've
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been killing russians and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. but the terrorist attack on corpus city who has seen 145 innocent people killed, would be by saw, keeps bloodiest and divine list act. if this version is confirmed, of course, which russian authorities seem confident will happen you went into the national court of justice has begun hearing nicaragua as little soon as he gains gemini, managua accused his violin, of facilitating the quote commission of genocide in gauze that by supplying weapons to as well as well pumping. the country with the weapons building also claims to be providing plenty of humanitarian ace to johnson's nicaragua has cooled. that's a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the pests senior children, women, and men and goss on to provide for money, terry and $8.00,
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including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles a vill, central kitchen. on the other hand, this is the, revealed, the germany supplies the cheapest sense of, as well as total military impose in 2023 as a 10 fold increase compared to the previous year. germany has exposed at a total of 3 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of items on the equipment to the i. d. s over the past 2 decades making get the 2nd largest military donate to is well off to the us. the 2 countries amount to 99 percent of is wally military impulse, as well as the 9th of this military campaign in guns a breaches the genocide convention. rog law has all c i, c,
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j to hand down provisional measures, including all doing gemini, to suspend military supplies. to israel. nagas says those weapons have been used to commit crimes against the people of gaza. goodman is taking to undo it, showing up legation to prevention, decide what to issue, respect of international humanitarian law, the export of german weapons and committee to equipment to israel likely to be used for committing these grey formulations of international law is continuing. germany must immediately make every effort to ensure that weapons already delivered to israel or not used to commit genocide with both with uh, jolanda a j, a political analyst to say spell. and he's not going to stop sending weapons too as well, because the german government has lost control of his decision making. a 7. this is folks all the latest time leaves and a comes. it's entirely dependent dental. what to do by the americans
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heights. i'm an agent to be used as i knew it didn't german so did not speak for you all to give it indeed to you one day as well. there is nothing here. so i will say that the americans are in charge of the decision making, the independent good. what did you say this whole close to the americans a long time ago when now 27 gone to where the id says left. we're in today's wake off, the pulling out of the city of con eunice, following months to siege locals in alberts, hurting to the area to find that houses reduced to rubble show kings. so to each one of the city shows that not the single residential building has the left
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untouched by the volt medical facilities have also being ravaged the l. salaam hospital being among them. some 400000 people lived in kong units before october, the 7th, but now most of them have no homes to go back. a lot. none of the, no, all the homes have been destroyed. the area has been leveled and everything that was not attracted by the strikes has been subjected to artillery. selling. this is 63 really terrible. well, no problem. the support we went to check our home, but we couldn't even find it. we expected to see our house, but unfortunately we came and didn't find anything at all. i discovered that my house basically no longer exists. there were no stairs for me to go up to the 3rd floor. so my brother climbed up, got me some things and came back down and brought some somewhere close for my children. is kansas as well as defense? witnesses says these troops on 20, preparing for
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a renew defensive that will target the southern most the city of rasa. while most of the display stalls in population, some 2000000 people have been shells right. because of how moss has ceased to function as a military organization throughout and gaza is really troops are going out of hon. you news 5 to prepare for their follow up conditions in the rough area. so we saw examples of central missions at el cheapo hospital. my portfolio. meanwhile unicef spokesperson james elder has visited an intensive k unit as a galls in hospital where children are being treated. he says he's actually shocked by the situation that in general, fans has been using children and also what's happening to to see more twenties with us for years, for myself, all these jobs are a story for children and i read selma.
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and so i need a new story to manage most fraud a different chapter for these children and c, n g o. save the children, say that over 2 percent or $26000.00 chills within the enclave has been either killed or injured. at least a 1000 have survive terrible injuries that have led to the invitation of one on both legs. we have slept pet palestine pediatrics as long as you man, but dr. and belgy, who stays violence only to get silence. with these 2 changes and see what happens to be at houses this, these did the most of it as did their unit base. it is. do they have family members? you can imagine how they would react once they go. oh, that actually is a lot with wow, it's army has done that slightly and why it is more and more violent as in the
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future. future, secondary issues, we're not really sit and just watch and wait for, i'm about it strike ads who will see more violence? the student that was brought up to become more violent to do either this or do they act like they have c, as well as the minimal band class in london off to the id as killed. so a british aid workers do in the recent as to icon garza, u. k. foreign secretary, david timeline has urged as well to advise by the rules of pool. israel has the right to sell defends that we should support. of course, our back end is not on conditional. we expect such a proud and successful democracy to abide by international humanitarian law even when challenged in this way. well, just by the killing, the person is by the i, the loan that has not told to the cell of weapons to israel. how the city in
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partition on the list on why to apple battery. at one stage the u. k. was suppose to the tools to say, it's hypocritical, i'm shameful. the british citizen with told that by that is that you need aids on, on these uh, organization, or what kinda age the age where. cuz the, the, the, the model of the simple of this organization that sent them to, to, was, and the 3 cause which we had boned by days of 80. so what the british government did nothing you got to do. you did not actually even recall that 80 on both of those. they did about that. and they said that we are going actually to take those people who killed, i want to plead citizen to that quote in the circle or what, what kind of, i mean, idea of sort of, you know, responsibilities. i'm assault over to the gentleman for 6 months. the british government asked me all the support that i am,
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a genocide and gaza. now after the americans realize that it is very dangerous to american ends, runs them of the lease. so they said this war must stop. so now the no, so not the full run minister oh submit this government said that this was should stop, but i believe a bit is a pop not of this decides which is taking place and you guys are there. so the into the, this to stop the arms actually, of shipments today is that i really just pulled this will, i believe that it is now some sort of box the you sion inside the amended the british public opinion against the government. and it's actually a supple today, is that i any do side of the ethnic cleansing and doesn't say russia now, when will this? 6000 people have been evacuated from an expanding flood zone in the central western
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region of oregon bug. people have got that at the city center in order to ask, so the local governments help. we can cross it now to l. a. t for these uh, noncom, ed boucher for the latest dates as my command. thank you for joining us. you in the city of all wisc, which is be the hardest. hey it's could you give us a feel of a sense of what is happening now of the hi, nicky. yeah. will william this? it is main square and few 100 people have gathered here to show their disrespect their disrespect to local authorities. they want to show their disagreement over over the efforts local authorities, local authorities pay to pay to them directly asking for they are asking for more school. they're asking for what do you wanna put into to support them, they're asking for justice basically. they say they know they believe that they are not getting what they need. they say the money that they are being provided with is not enough. they're saying that they need pure water cuz there's problems with steel. what a here in the city or force,
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they're saying basically the local authorities are trying to hide. they are trying to do to distribution in. but the way then it is the, i mean you can see these people get a right behind my back. they are, they are chanting. shame, shame, shame. yeah. you can hear that. thank you. they know degree was with what the please go ahead. sorry, nick, you please continue. yeah, they're not agree with what they will. they get from the local government and they want to actually they will not be hurt. we talk to some of them just few hours ago in one of the temporary recommendation centers. and they are really not happy about what they get, the angry they upset, they are exhausted. they basically the main point. the main argument is that we
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have no place to leave now and we need support. we need help, please give it to us. ok. many things the full that updates us the most you produce . oh my goodness, ethics you have speaking to us from august, which is being heavily hey, it's by those that those floods that many things for that update. my god, thank you. well, to try to now, because trying to say no external access, it's like a sport. it's bilateral relations with russia, that's off the us treasury secretary john it's yellen who's touring the country. so weston's chinese companies with repercussions for working with mosca. the continue to be concerned about the rules that any firms, including those in the p, r c, are playing and rushes, military procurement. i stress the companies including those in the p,
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r. c must not provide material support for roaches more and that they will face significant consequences if they do. and i reinforce that, any banks that facilitate significant transactions, the channel military, or do use goods to russia's defense, industrial base, expose themselves to the risk of us sanctions. when relevant countries should not attack the normal relations between china and other countries. older, legitimate, twice an interest between china and other countries, companies in general, take measures to safeguard this. the ju them is interest and invites to, well, i think this whole episode is very, it characteristic, all the communication and diplomatic style that the united states for some reason chooses to practice or visit to our chime. i came off the way to cole with
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the chinese leaders. should you be the to invited? the american presence managed to secure a he needs it more than half the chinese side. and the 2 leaders agreed that madame jaelyn would travel to china to strengthen a dialogue. and for some reason, americans believe that telling other countries what to do and telling you being in a very room diplomatically manner is going to strengthen these dialogue is not just, not them yelling. but for example, secretary of state anthony blinking, who behaves is pretty much the same man trying to, uh get into some sort of bad communication with the chinese. um yeah, i realize that assuming we uh not being able to help himself to uh, you know, make some uh, pull arriving statements. i believe the time is whole snow either way and no other reason, no space then um you know,
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to appear cold and no develop ties anymore. and the russian foreign minister started on prop is also in aging for talks right now. what are the expectations for his visit? well, i think this visit provides a very interesting else, and it says the attic style to what we discussed earlier is, is the one practiced by american officials. because so game of growth has very frequent sky communications. and, you know, meetings with these chinese officials, russia and china are celebrating the 70 steps. i never ties. and if you look at the trace speakers, they demonstrate that, you know, the relationship is indeed stronger than ever. the 2 countries are coordinating not only the bilateral relations, but also working together within the framework of number one, special organizations, including the brakes. and by the way, within the bricks framework, it's not just rushing china, but the number of products countries are now developing. um,
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i know the sort of system does west of more international transactions. i think that goes back to that y'all. i'm a comment about, you know, possible sanctions for bangs that are supposedly facilitating any military training . but when it comes to the issue of your grade, i think it's important to stress that russia has enough capacity to uh, provide whatever it needs uh for itself. i'm. this has been the most of the position from the very beginning. i'm the same by the way, both china on its own difficulties with the west ink timelines, both rush and china, ultimately note about ideology is there about making sure that you know that a storage is that governments working in the service of the people and that, that this work and this corporation leads to practical improvement in the living standards i'm logistical frameworks within both countries. literally,
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we spoke with nelson wong from nissan guys, sense of full of impact on valentine club. and he says that china has become used to us and sincere into those countries assess. and now it knows that where i think shawna has both the governments and the people do have a strong feeling that the us, they, the, the big does have a, you know, the us does have a habit of interfering into other countries, internal affairs. and also the habit of telling people lecturing people about how to do things like trade relations between russia and try the has reached, is full time high. and so, i mean, for the us, the, i think what secretary unit and has a said all the remarks accusing china about supporting russia, accusing china's the over production capacity and everything. i think she,
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she basically was talking to the people backing her own country. i think china is not a child, it's something that we kind of quite used to that uh, you know what the us does, but it doesn't mean that china is getting to listen to whatever the us is going to say. now we're now to the latest updates on the conflicts in ukraine where the russian defense of industry has concerned its forces have repelled thousands of of times over the past 24 hours, especially for specific bonds to the don't. yes, we're public. during the same period. jennings has taken advantage nivia donald city of auto mall, also known as fox news. most goes those kids ami has stuff at around 818 of those things as well as tank. some thoughts hillary and the counselors have a key advantage on the battlefield as being deployments of rushes. s t v counselors, all see cd corresponded in wide gas. the springs as low from the bowl tones. this
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is in the ruins of most speed is a bible. there is the waves and the need through watching we are we scouts flood regiments 10 awaits once, entirely made up of mobilized troops. now how the battle hardened veterans, scott and confident saved being assigned to retake a village, the name of which become synonymous with slow. so we venture that towards the south of bucks. most of all die here is watching the skies because because each ones which are bound here, but i wanted to show you the shape. what are the fits as baffled ground cars across the front bloods. we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex,
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potentially we may not overdone these badly to kilometers behind me. shave go, which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers and taking it is now ha, controlled by russian forces. please shift is surrounded on those sides by higher ground. it is there that the battle is waged. some of their presence is relative. 2 or 3 people per position. they're just fodder left behind. when they die, it means there's an assault under way, which means the rest have to defend which means entire fleets, tommy called the drones rising up, the one foot targets on both sides. the
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drone had moved on. the sky of a box moved, however, never stays empty foot long. they're all big and dead via things about the effects of dreams and not just the physical cannot be overstated psychologically without a doubt. yes, pv drew suicides of the most terrifying weapon used in these conflicts. large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands use every week. this particular specimen valence here, he's put together in the field, then it's p o explosives, tequila, rabbits of explosives used to below, but you paid in full to vacations to get the troops inside. this
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video is from a lead testing looks excuse to our masses, so nothing is without skills amongst thousands of drew pilots to lead balances. these will become aces 10, that weight is full and one of them i want to introduce you to my colleague and battle brother. this is master if my entire company has filled up a graveyard of ukrainians and master here has filled up another graveyard all by himself, somewhere near oval for another region. mazda began flying drones, a bag full months ago. he quickly excelled.


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