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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the license as this done by the locals and the central washing reasonable and the crowd is the city center dissatisfied with the local government helps. and i suspect the president tends to poke because a 1000 people suffer from the floods is deadly consequent. nicaragua takes germany to close at the hague, accusing for they have encouraging a genocide in dogs. that by all means is ro the fed ex choose to the senior until it goes on to provide somebody tavian aids, including to add for ups on the one hand to furnish the weapons military equipment that are used to kill and then the 8, then the bbc transfer this indian volt tossing license will find that end to see
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a little moving tax legislation and control the c safe words coverage. also ahead i want to show you click shape one of the 3 of the thoughtful brows cards across the front lot. we put up going to still, but the roof was, is ex, potentially we made a lot of we're done and i'm on the lines of schools to us. we report from the front line near the don't. yes, we're public safety of on team of the wedge road operates, has exchanged precise strikes. that could be that not the a very welcome. this is all to international with the lights as well as news out. they just great to have the company was on the story more than 6000 people have been evacuated from an expanding flood zone in the central russian region of oregon
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. but people of gavin and the city says it's a voice. the dissatisfaction with the local governments and ask for the russian president, support, or say produce at malcolm at the child has moved from the c. when the main square here in the city or, or square, few 100 people have gathered to show their disrespect they, they believe the local government, local governor, and the mayor of the city. a trying to hide the situation from most coastal vehicle in for boarding, the cooling for justice. they say that they need more, they need more money. they need actually they just need some help because people, i'm an adult to people here a lot. and most of them are angry. they said they are exhausted because i'm in the main argument is that we need police to leave most of their houses and toilet destroyed. and they need new ones and they are not getting enough support to buy to rent, to i'm going to have new one when i just came here and they saw an auntie logo on
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the microphone they occupied me. they made me to listen to them. they were asking for me as a journalist to listen to them and to show to the world, to rush out what they need and what they want. they said that they support most school. they support russian president, but now they are in dire need of help. the you why the international court of justice has begun hearing nicaragua as low as soon as he gains during the day when all guar accuse is building a facilitating the quote commission of genocide and does it by supplying weapons to as well as well. pumping the country with whether the spelling also claims to be providing plenty of humanitarian aids to garza's. big rock well, has cooled back, a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best fit for the senior and children, women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be
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an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. and the other this has been revealed, the gemini, supplied 30 percent of as well as total military, impose in 2023 of a 10 fold increase compared to the previous year. germany has exposed a total of 3 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of volumes of the equipment to the id s over the past 2 decades. making get the 2nd largest military data to as well off to the us is who countries amount to 99 percent of is really military in ports, as well as denied with this military campaign in johnson breeches the genocide convention. nicaragua has all c, i, c, j to hands on provisional measures, including ordering germany to suspend military supplies to as well. but don't go, i'll say those weapons are being used to commit crimes against the people have gone
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minded staging to on the ritual navigation to prevent and decide what to assume. respect of international humanitarian law, the export of german weapons and committee to equipment to israel, likely to be used for committing these grey formulations of international law is continuing. germany must immediately make every effort to ensure the weapons already delivered to his rail or not used to commit genocide. earlier we spoke with joy milan got a political this to say, but that is not going to stop sending weapons to israel because the german government has lost control of his decision making a 7. this is folks all 5, they didn't send me this and i'm just making charlie and it's been canceled by the american heights. it's in germany. so didn't know the whole
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process of taking the indian to you. yes. well there is nothing here. so i, i know what the americans are in charge of decision making, independent of what did you say this whole close to the american for a long time, you and not the southern garza, whether ideas as less ruins and its weight tossed the pulling out of the city of con eunice, following months of siege locals and now returning to the areas as long as the house is reduced to rubble. shopping footage from the city shows that not a single residential building has be left untouched by the war medical facilities of also being ravaged. the also alarm house was old, being among them, some 400000 people lifting calling you this before october,
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the 7th. but now most of them have no hope to go back to the last. none of the, all the homes have been destroyed, the area has been leveled, and everything that was not attracted by the strikes has to be subjected to artillery, selling. this is extremely terrible. well, no problem with it, so, but we went to check our home, but we couldn't even find it. we expected to see our house, but unfortunately we came and didn't find anything at all. i discovered that my house basically no longer exists. there were no stairs for me to go up to the 3rd floor. so my brother climbed up some things and came back down and brought some somewhere close for my children. this comes of as well as defense ministers. safe has troops actually preparing for renew defensive? that will talk at the southern most city of russell when most of the display stalls in population. some 2000000 people have been sheltering. the i'm think i thought
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how moss has ceased to function as the military organizations throughout the guys at noon is really trying to start going out of one unit, responded to prepare for their follow conditions in the rough area. mostly we saw examples of such missions as el cheapo hospitals. my portfolio. meanwhile unicef spokesperson james elder has visited an intensive k unit to the gauze and hospital where children are being treated. he says he's actively shocked by the situation. the of genesis fan covering the use of children what's happening to to see more twenties with us for us for myself. job is a charles or a story for children pastor and suited selma. and so i need a new story to manage most abroad a different chapter for these children and the n g o save the challenge,
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i'd say is that i have a 2 percent or 26000 children in the young k, but they have either been killed or injured, at least a 1000 times, survived terrible injuries that have led to the amputation of one or both legs. we heard from a palace on pediatrics assigned to member adults and found a who stays violence against violence. with this is a chance and see what happens at the, at houses to this these, to the hospitals, to their unit based. it is, do they have family members? you can imagine how they would react once the or that actually is with wow, it's army has done that slightly and why it is more and more, find it as in the future. secondary issues when not really sit and just watch and wait for, i'm about it strike ads to see more violence. these tend to
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be coming to do either this or do they act like they have seen the, the bbc is restructuring is assets and india. the media company has transferred as india and broad costing license to a private entity founded by former bbc employees. if pledge to maintain strict standards, it's unprecedented for the bbc to grant their license to publish to another entity . we will not compromise our journalism and the bbc is solidly behind us. considering that the bbc didn't want to lose its presence in india or cut jobs and they didn't want to become financially and viable. this forced us to think out of the box based on the legal advice the bbc was receiving. everyone was viewing towards this as the viable option of the bbc has applied to the indian governments
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for roughly close to say can this private limited company. it's jacob solo searches of the bbc office is related to the local tax legislature. digital names entities are allowed to read for an investment of up to 26 percent to government approval. ruth, the ownership struggle comes in as the bbc is waning popularity in the country and a number of consult with the surrounding abroad. costa, the news organization that is still busy for the seeing the indian prime minister last year. which statement as his role in the 2002 secretary and riots daily the next year is the full cost of pursuing an antique government agenda. and of having a quote colonial mine says all the on call him is to all, to a go, oh, so he's a baby so you can to of a seasoned waning popularity in the region. so information bias coverage. i need this because actually i did do financial card, they did not save taxes which they were suppose to pay. so you know, that was obviously something normal and to pick and be allowed to continue with. so
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this, you know, do our certification you could say, or this formation of a new company is just a way for them to actually comply with been doing the conditions. this is sort of like a really good thing. i would want saying that there's a change in their approach or this direct strategy which has been very uh, indoor phobic and can do for me. if you, if i have to godaddy or just to give you a basic idea of like, you don't need to see us has gone into these types of problems with several countries. severe title b, r y? no, i mean, you know, there are so many countries like me onboard with the have openly defied the government regulations and the laws. so it's not about propagating freedom of speech. i mean, you can mean that goes to your opinion, but negative opinions cannot be against the very people, you know, who you are broadcasting it to. so they better lies about indians doing medians. and that is not something they shouldn't be ok with,
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as indians ukrainian intelligent service is all connected to the terrorist supercar without the most co combs that hold a top last month, as well in finding of the russian investigative commission of the moments 11 people involved and in particularly serious crime have been identified in the case all of them have been charged and preventively detained. the investigation has already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrace corporations for the crime which might indicate the connection with the ukrainian special services of the carrying out the attack on most goes croakers. city hold a full suspected terrorists headed towards the ukrainian food, a detained in liberty on the region around 100 kilometers away from that destination. the russian president may to announce that that was an escape opening for pads on the crating and side bodies. speaking the word of russian when the
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change, the suspects late to confirm this was the case explaining and possible russian a good deal. what were your groups plans all of a terrorist attack? so key to move towards key. we want it to the, the territory of bush and we go into the car and hit the road. and while, so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border and cipher lo said that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine would help us cross it and get the kids. so sorry for lo, told us to drive towards the price of the boat, or we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board of this folder, just being published for the 1st time suspect since the coca city whole terrorist attack outside moscow had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator. now see the good to one camera, a confession, a motor lab as they spill out the details of that failed to get away plan,
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which was meant to lead them to the craving in a capital side. full of told us to drive towards gail and when we get to the border, not far from the border to button in the car and call him, she would help us 5 full cents when you get to the board or call me. and i will tell you what to do next. or this house on this, on the other stories you can head to our website all t dogs. com will be keeping you fully updated on every angle the will to the latest updates on the conflicts in ukraine. now, where the russian defense industry has concerned exposes, have withheld with dozens of attacks over the past 24 hours. lots of the forces have advanced and the don't yet so a public during the same period getting tactical advantage, city and thoughts on the city of altima, also known as bach moves most go stays kids all may have stuff at around 818. it
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also says this one is hung since all hillary and the towns where a tab. okay. as long as it's on the bottle field, the theme deployments of rushes, s p z scouts throws. this is also senior correspondent why garcia, friends has moved from before tony city in the ruins of possible speed is so bible. there is always an enemy drew watching. we are with scouts squad. regiments 10, a weight once entirely made up of mobilized troops. now the battle hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village, the name of which become synonymous with slow. so we venture that towards the south of bucks. most of all die here is watching the sky. so kindly call these words which are bound here,
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but i wanted to show you the shape. what are the fits as baffled grounds? car d across the front bloods we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex potentially we may not overdone, it is fairly to columbus has behind me cuz the shape go which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers and taking it is now ha, controlled by russian forces p shape is surrounded or noun sides by higher ground. it is there that the battle is waged. some of their presence is relative. 2 or 3 people per position. they're just fodder left behind. you see a few of them. when they die, it means there is an assault under way, which means the rest have to defend, which means in time of sleep. so tommy called the dreams,
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rising up the one foot targets on both sides. the road had moved on the sky over backwards. however, never stays empty foot long, they're all big and dead via things about the effects of dreams and not just the physical cannot be overstated psychologically without a doubt. yes, pv drew suicide. drones are the most terrifying weapons used in these conflicts large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands used every week. this particular specimen, valium,
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is put together in the field, then it's p. o explosives to kilograms of explosives used to below. but you play the unfortunate occasions to get the troops inside. this video is from a lead testing. excuse this, our mazda is so nothing is without skills. among thousands of drew pilots to lead balances, it will become nice, is 10. that weight is one of them. correct? i want to introduce you to my colleague and battle brother. this is master if my entire company has filled up a graveyard of ukrainians and master here has filled up another graveyard all by himself, somewhere near oval for another region. most of the, again, flying drew a bag full months ago. he quickly,
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so the mazda has more than 140 confirm the hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed or injured by one. russian drew an operator with nothing more than a remote control in his hands. and so there is no trouble with the task of one at the beginning when i hit the target, i was trembling, but eventually it became a piece of cake. when i'm given a task, a will complete it. i don't feel any player i'm just doing my duty. by eliminating one target, i may have saved the lives of our soldiers and demoralize the enemy couple of them, michael refused to follow orders. mazda is well protected. we were not allowed to film him as well. it wouldn't be any of the regiments positions. mazda space of
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operations is see, and changes regularly keys to valuable to research. especially now that you can sources showing cracks. the yellow scope of the situation has changed radically. they haven't evidence, shortage of manpower, and artillery shows women at the email. they are dying in entire unions and sending fresh ones in without any training. they don't know what to do, but they keep making the same mistakes, which i can capitalize on. ukraine is in a difficult position. it is losing so just fast that it can replace them. never mind trading them and, and train soldiers do not last long. mazda and others like him. to not let them. the more i guess, the archie from bach most than the people's republic
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a russian, the scientist has refused to give electricity, south korean university off the organizes the mound and he can steal his russian citizenship or 2 on the gone off. it was invited to speak at south korea's $0.37 a national geological congress scheduled for august this year and a post a few percent. he recently received the lets us um, event organizes demanding. he change his affiliation like other participants with the russian citizenship. otherwise, he wouldn't be able to, they wouldn't be allowed to take part in the conference with a scientists reply. it was an unequivocal refusal. let's cross lives to the man himself. now, aren't you on a gone of the russian kindness physicist and material scientists. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very nice to see you. could you please all to um, take us through in your words, what exactly happens i was invited to do with the glitch for the international geological congress. it's
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a big event. was lots of scientists from all over the world. so gathered in the it's a big goal or to keep such a lecture. it was to take place in the end of august. i was happy to go. but then the last week i received the letter saying that either i schedule full mentions that it's working russian live in russia from the program of the conference for my presentation, whatever. or i can go and. busy i replied, a mirror in search amongst the lips of the folks is that i'm up to the polls. i'm disappointed by what they do and by the they withdrawal of the 2 months and allowing me to be with much russian installation or i don't go. and furthermore, i will do my best to make this usually pop so that the culprits of the
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situation to which they deserve of the organizers of the conference. all i also at that uh, i travel due to asia and i was used to asians, hospitality. so oh goodness, welcome, expected the same in south korea, but actually this role of lisa copeland. so there's probably. ready little bits of painful organizers of the conference and they said, please don't be so upset because we're forced to do this committed to the action. we have different opinions, but for some reason, unless it will sometimes say that you live in the priest, the sites. oh, how can you be forced to unwilling to discriminate us? i'm assuming they don't accept the issue that it was formulation i just gave you let's uh, in an actual usage. so is this the 1st time you've faced the 2 requests in your
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scientific career? it's the 1st time, but i 1st moved from all the colleagues of the you can conduct the situation systematically. and they didn't go to such congress's, but they didn't go quiet. i encounter this issue for the 1st time and they slowed this time to make the situation, public conflict. and what do you think this happened with the conference in south korea? they, they organized and said they were full support by who of course. busy the intellectual union though, for geological sciences, the president of which he is a rich scientist, extra that for a member refreshing the costume of sciences. who wrote a letter to the union of back in 2022 sayings, at least for a few crane of the support of those russian scientists who left trust in protest. i hope they also support american sciences when you leave america each time american
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boots of these companies come, but something tells me what they don't see. take such ex. um. yeah, that's it. they say the 1st very good point. um, it's been more than 2 years since the ukranian conflict started. and yet we still see this outrageous discrimination against russian people and russia in general, continue in, in many countries across the world. when will this stall? well, i could look predict future, i can predict to new materials so they can predict crystal structures, lots of other things, but they have no capability to predict future. my intuition tells me, is that this will stop when russia will isaac completed. we will completely lose your trash completely lose us. we will be slaves and we will be taken care of by oh, away from us those. uh, because uh,
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mazda or take care of the properties and discrimination was, well, just dislikes. well, when we, when. ready ready we a certain of the possible scenario. ready more likely forwarded to me. now people have to somehow negotiate who's russia and sticks a russian people as people it's, it's a sad state of affairs when we say politics creeping into masses of life, whether it be sports and now science. how do you think that politicize ation of science can possibly be stopped? oh, i don't know. because politicians, other ones will distribute money and they distribute the money to do new is just a funding agencies ultimately decides. this is a very powerful way to exert pressure. they can make the months and the scientists,
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the very little treat them to detect and i'll talk about how this particular um, situation affected you personally. has it affected your confidence in attending future conferences or even like telling people that your russian uh notes uh no the tool except for the last. ready is the more i encounter discrimination so more proud i am to be a rush. so i always said that you for somebody to build the concentration kemp is the greatest or used to be can cite rather than else. and uh, no rush and people are keeping this exchange and the owner both being subject to discrimination. i think we should take these fuller. i sixty's as the greatest one that i have my about so much. thank you so much for speaking to us today. all to on
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a gone of russian time is physicist on material sciences. thank you so much for your time and for speaking to us. thank you and thank you for joining us head on all t international. as always, you can find all the latest news updates on documentary use on discuss that on our website or com. we would have close to back to the top of the hours. we'll see you then the companies that we can express thanks for percent from the merchant. if i read all the site and you guys pre ebony overnight success story is 20 years in the making. as i already said, right in india marriage is not if it's a win question, i think this is the 1st time in our history that we have clarity and vision in terms of what he wants to achieve. the
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hello and welcome on with them to the evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus now more than ever is on india. i guess when i did an indian business executive, an angel investor is a shop on shop tanks, india and the founder of in the oldest online match making survey shoddy dot com that is going on with them at the thank you. so no problem can i find a dog, say my name, and route to be sharing my name to do. so am i or decided about to keep your name? i know from my mother and non you decide to okay, and you know, it was still in a mutual name. when i was born, you know, it means unique not competitive, but not comfortable. that's a better definition and comfortable. so there are 2 people sitting at a knology boundary. come come anywhere. the only difference is one person has
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