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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the big around, glad to exterminate the cold at the hague. accusing building of encouraging a genocide in dogwood by all means is round. it is indeed a headache excuse to the best genuine children the management goes on to provide so many tammy and aids, including to add for ups on the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to equipment that are used to kill. and then the, then the bbc tool, and so that's in the, in broad costs in life and to a private entity looming tax legislation of control this, these are the words, the coverage also ahead. i wanted to show you clear shape. what does the free a says baffled browse the car?
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across the front blogs we could have gone through the book, the risk rises expo. eventually we may not ever done a no man's land of school. we report from the front line, they the don't. yes, we have public city of the altima, quite growing operators, exchange precise trying state and locals in the central russian region of our and the crowd at the cities tend to dispatch as small as with the local governments held on to request president tooth and support the 1000 suffer from the floods. devastating the very welcome to you. this is all to international with the latest world news. i think it's great to have a company this out. on top story b u. n. international court of justice has begun hearing nicaragua as lawsuit against germany, but not quite accuses button of facilitating the quote commission of genocide and
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gaza by supplying weapons suit as well. and while pumping the country with weapons but, and also claims to be providing plenty of humanitarian aid to gaza is big. her uncle has cooled, that's a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the pass to senior and children women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. on the other hand, if they were bound, but germany supplied 30 percent of his wells, total and military, impose in 2023 as a 10 fold increase compared to the previous year, germany has exposed to the total of 3 and
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a half $1000000000.00 worth of alms and equipment to the ideas over the past 2 decades, making get the 2nd largest military donor to is well off to the us. the 2 countries amount to 99 percent to visit wally military in ports. as well as denied for this military campaign in guns of breaches. the genocide convention, nicaragua has all c, i c, j to hand down provisional measures, including ordering germany to suspend military supplies. to is ro without glasses. those weapons are being used to commit crimes against the people of casa government is taking to onto it, showing up legation to prevention. decide what to if you respect of international humanitarian law, the export of german weapons and committee to equipment to israel, likely to be used for committing these grey formulations of international law is continuing. germany must immediately make every effort to ensure the weapons
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already delivered to his rail or not used to commit genocide this across to stephens s 10 cool today. so all the totes see icon. so media collex has many things to do, and it goes on the program, assessable. i'd like to also see your assessment and solve the nicaraguan low stage games. gemini, thank you very much for inviting me on to the program. i'm wilson dementia. i think it might be helpful just have a quick look at the, the definition of genocide and the crime is that can be punished. i'm just convention the 3 main crimes of course are killing members of the group under attack causing serious totally a mental home to them or deliberately and clicking on the group conditions of life calculated to a close and a suffering under article 3 of the genocide convention defines the crimes that can be published on the convention as a 1st the term, the site itself, conspiracy to commit genocide, incitement to commit genocide, the attempt to commit genocide and
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a couple of interesting changes. and the last one is the crime that nicaragua is a choosing germany also have been guilty of of being complicit in the genocide that she's currently taking place by the is ready is. is there anything else or to use against the population garza? but i don't think it's worth bearing in mind that take a picture of the case doesn't alternately do wish to collins under the genocide convention. it also addresses the fundamental issue of israel's uh, illegal occupation of palestine and it makes specific reference. i understand that the, the case presented makes specific reference to the fact that it is rarely is also in series breach of the it's guilty of serious violations of the convention against a contract,
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which i would say it was rectified in 1973. so it's been an integral part of international law for over 50 years and it came into effect and 1976. now from, i think the, the, the, the in fact of the correct was case it may, it may well not a cheese. the kind of ruling that it wants. for example, when south africa bought, it's a case originally at the end of december of last year at the end of december last year, they off to the international court of justice to a room for a cease fire. in johnson, which the international court of justice didn't order israel, not to engage in any actions likely to cause genocide. and then subsequently i thought was running at the end of january. and then in march this year, they uh added center. um, uh, i said, the resolution, all right, ordering israel to action
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a way that would allow the entry into casa of sufficient to monetary and really to prove suffering of the policy. so that the, the, the case that nicaragua spring introduce june is up in pop switch direct complexity in the genocide israel to michigan governor, but also goes to the fundamental issue of israel, illegal occupation with cancer. your thoughts i just impose there? well, i think that even is vic rochel isn't successful in this case. what he is doing is, is highlighting is bringing attention to the situation of gemini is saying it also supplies humanitarian aid to gauze a. but how can not justify all the news? well, which is bullying those very same palestinians, but of course it doesn't tend and the, the, the, the nicaraguan lawyers arguing the case. i'm in the i c j and i've made that very clear. it's the clips that you very commendably, in my opinion, added to,
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to the status of your report. make absolutely clear and there's no done. that's a tool which is rarely is engaged in genocide and that the, the button, the site has been supported by many countries in direct and directly. one of the main phones um, in the case uh, brought by um the correct rankings. germany is jim and he is um, a decision to talk to uh the aid and supports to the united nations really from what agency to is the main humanitarian agency supporting the population of johnson, not germany along with various other countries, reinstate to dr. aid, but with severe restrictions making clear that they didn't want the un agency to be active in job, which is actually dishonest. but that's part of the case and that was really what do you by speaking to today? i really appreciate your time. steven sethkin coordinate to of to
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a t i consol pick media collective. thank you. you're very welcome. thank you. without the southern gauze of weather ideas has left ruins. it is way called the pulling out of the city of con eunice, following months of siege, locals and hours, hunting to the area to find that houses reduced to rubble, show king sausage from the city. so he said no, so single residential building has been left untouched. by the wall medical facilities have been ravaged, the owls alone, hospitable being among them, some 400000 people that didn't call units before october, the 7th, but now most of them have no homes to go back to. almost none of the, all the homes have been destroyed, the area has been leveled and everything that was not attracted by the strikes has been subjected to artillery, selling. this is extremely terrible. the support we went to check our home, but we couldn't even find it. we expected to see our house, but unfortunately we came and didn't find anything at all. i discovered that my
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house basically no longer exists. there were no stairs for me to go up to the 3rd floor. so my brother climbed up, got me some things and came back down and brought some somewhere close for my children's lives comes as well as defense minister said his troops actually preparing for a renew defensive that will target the southernmost city of rough. when most of the display scholars and populations of 2000000 people had been sheltering the i'm think i thought how moss has ceased to function as a military organizations throughout the guys that i knew is really true. i start going out of hon. you know, responded to prepare for their follow conditions in the rough area. mostly we saw examples of central missions at el cheapo hospital. my portal, you mean while you just have spoke to us and james elder has visited an intensive k units that have gone to the hospital where children are being treated. he says he's
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actually soaked by the situation that the general fan covers. hasn't even children what's happening to children staying in my twenties with us for years, for myself and all these. it's all our story for the past and we suited selma. and so i need a new story to manage most fraud, a different chapter for these children. and b, n g o, save the children and say that i have a 2 percent. 026000 children in the unsafe have either been killed or injured. at least the thousands have survived terrible injuries that have led to the invitation of one or both legs. we heard from a palestine pediatrics as long as you mount the docks, i'm in cell gee, who stays violence, only forgets finance with the surgeons and see what happens at the,
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at houses to there's these to the positive has to their universe. if there is to be a family member, you can imagine how they would react once they go, or that actually is a lot with wow, it's army has done that slightly and why it is more and more buying it as in the future, secondary issues, we're not really sick and just watch and wait for, i'm about it strike. i have to lose the more violence. the student that was brought up to become more violence to do either this or do they act like they have see the bbc is restructuring is assets and india. the media company has transferred. it's in the, in broad costing license to a private entity founded by form of bbc. and so we've just types to maintain strict
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standards. it's unprecedented for the bbc to grant their license to publish to another entity. we will not compromise our journalism in the bbc is solidly behind us, considering that the bbc didn't want to lose its presence in india or cut jobs. and they didn't want to become financially on viable. this forced us to think out of the box based on the legal advice the bbc was receiving. everyone was veering towards this as the viable option. as the bbc has applied to the indian government for a roughly closer station, this private limited company, jacob follow as follow searches of the bbc office is related to the local tax legislature. digital moves and these are allowed direct phone investments of up to 26 percent through government approval was the ownership struggle comes and that the bbc is waiting popularity in the country and the number of control overseas surrounding the broad costa. and he was organization that is found this quite a thing in the,
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in the india employment is the last year which demonize his loan. and the 2002 secretary and riots new delhi that accused the protons to assist you again on to governments agenda was having a close colonial mine says both the i'm calling this all the a goal was he's the babies they control the seasons waning popularity in the region, so for me is biased coverage. i need this thing as actually as what they do financial. so i mean, there's not, they've taxes which they were suppose to pay. so you know, that is obviously something know and to pick and be allowed to continue with. so this of you know, do our stiff occasion you could say, or this formation of a new company is just a way for them to actually comply with been doing big conditions. this is sort of like a really good thing. i would want saying that there's a change in their approach or this direct strategy which has been very in the full week. i can do the full. but if you, if i have to get 11, just to give you
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a basic idea of like you to maybe see us how it has gotten into the center from the several countries. severe title b r y, know me, you know, there are so many countries like me on my read. they have openly defied the government regulations and the laws, so it's not about properly freedom of speech. i mean, you can mean directly to your opinion, but negative opinions cannot be against the very people, you know who you are broadcasting it to. so they spend a life about indians doing news, and that is not something they shouldn't be ok with. as indians, more than 6000 people have been evacuated from an expanding flood zone in the central russian region of oregon bug. people have gone to the city says it's a voice that dissatisfaction with the local governments and thanks for the russian presidents help. i'll see you produce the gomez at which i have has multiple listing. when the main square here in the city, all 4 square feet, 100 people have gathered to show their disrespect they, they believe the local government, local governor,
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and the mayor of the city. a trying to hide the situation from moscow. so they a cooling for boarding, they are going for justice, they say that they need more, they need more money, they need actually, they just need some help because people, i'm an adult to people here a lot and most of them are angry. this said they are exhausted because i'm in the main argument is that we need the police to leave most of their houses and toilet destroyed. and they need new ones and they are not getting enough support to buy to rent, to. i'm going to have new one. is this the 1st towards why is this happening? hope? how, what should we do? what, as in the administration asked people to up to them themselves. people save themselves sick, the mountain votes. what is going on? nobody cares about us. that would not suggest we should be doing trouble right now . who but the president can help us today because death or it is not acting,
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nobody is helping us. that's why we have decided to organize this gathering of seated residents. and we appealed to you personally helping police pay attention to the see to or so i, but i do you do in your mind, you're lucky if you knew that all we have no road factors have been destroyed to be the bridges aren't collapsing, you know, one is fixing that is getting more when it just came here and they saw an o t logo on the microphone they occupied me. they made me to listen to them. they were asking for me as a journalist to listen to them and to show to the world, to rush or what they need and what they want. they said that they support most school. they support for russian president, but now they are in dire need of help inquiry. i need intelligent services all connected to the terrorist through power without the most school concert, the whole, the time last month, as well as the funding of the washing investigative committee, the moments 11 people involved in a particularly serious crime had been identified in the case all of them have been
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charged and preventively detained. the investigation has already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrace preparations for the crime which might indicate the connection with the ukrainian special services of the carrying out the attack on most goes crocuses. a hold of full suspected terrorists headed towards the ukrainian folder that would change and it pretty on sc region, around 100 kilometers away from that destination. the russian president laid to announce that there was an escape opening for pads on the ukrainian side. barely speaking of what a russian, when detains the suspects late that concerns me as well as the case explaining in possible boston what were your groups plans off of a terrorist attack? so to move towards kia, we want it to meet the territory of bush and we go from the car and hit the road. and so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border and cipher low said that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine who would
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help us cross it and get the kids so so, so sorry for low told us to drive towards the price of the boat, or we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board of this folder, just being published for the 1st time. suspect since the coca city whole terrorist attack outside moscow who had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator. now see the good to one camera, a confession, a motive blind as they spill out, the details of that failed to get away plan, which was meant to lead them to the ukraine in a capital side. full of told us to drive towards gail. and when we get to the border, not far from the border to the end of the car and call him, she would help us 5 full cents when you get to the board or call me. and i will tell you what to do next. time to see more details on this story and everything
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else to get you can head to our website o t, don't com. we'll keep you fully updated as always now's the latest updates on the conflicts in ukraine where the russian defense ministry has confirmed its forces. have repelled thousands of attacks of the falls. 24 hours. russian forces had advanced and the don't. yes. republicans hearing the same period stating tactical advantage nivia and baffled city of all to mom school, so known as bach moved most of the safety of the army, his stuff at around $880.00 doses, as well as tying sins on hillary and the counselor a test. okay, advantage on the battlefield has been deployments of russia is s t v scouts was also you seen a correspondence more advanced the f one is as move from the volt homes, especially in the ruins of speed is so bible. there is always an enemy drew watching. we uh, we have
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a scouts squad regiment 10 a weight once entirely made up of mobilized troops. now the battle hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village, the name of which become synonymous with suicide. we venture that towards the south of buck, most of all, di, here is watching the skies for cut because each one of which about here, but i wanted to show you the shape. what are the fits as baffled grounds, cowardly? across the front bloods. we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex, potentially we may not overdone, it is barely 2 kilometers behind me cuz the shape go which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers and taking it is now ha,
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controlled by russian forces. p shift is surrounded on noon sides by higher ground, the these that, that the battle is waged so long for their presence is relative. 2 or 3 people per position. they're just fodder left behind. when they die, it means there's an assault under way, which means the rest have to defend which means in tie of sleep, so kindly called the drones, rising up to a 100 foot targets on both sides. the road had moved on the sky over backwards. however, never stays empty foot long,
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they're all big and deadlier things about the effects of dreams and not just the physical. cannot be overstated psychologically without a doubt. yes, tv drill. suicide drones are the most terrifying weapons used in these conflicts. large because of how wide spread the thousands and thousands use. every week. this particular specimen valence here he's put together in the field, then it's pure explosives, tequila, rabbits of explosives used to belong to but you play the unfortunate occasions to get the troops inside these video is from a lead testing looks excuse to our masses, so nothing is without skills,
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amongst thousands of drew pilots to lead, thousands will become aces. 10, the weight is full and one of them i want to introduce you to my colleague and battle brother. this is master. if my entire company has filled up a graveyard of ukrainians and master here has filled up another graveyard all by himself, somewhere near oval for another region. mazda began flying, drew a bag full months ago. he quickly excelled. the mazda has more than 140 confirmed hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed the injured by one. russian
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drew an operator with nothing more than a remote control in his hands. the scenario spent all the task of mine at the beginning when i hit the target, i was trembling, but eventually it became a piece of cake and over that's when i'm given a task, a will complete it. i don't feel any player i'm just doing my duty and also by eliminating one target, i may have saved the lives of our soldiers. if you can demo, realize the enemy, couple of them, mike refused to follow orders. mazda is well protected. we were not allowed to film him as well. it wouldn't be any of the regiments, physicians lost in space of operations, ease pages regularly keys to valuable teresa, especially now that you can sources showing cracks, follow the yellow scope of the situation has changed radically. and they haven't evidence, shortage of manpower and artillery show the name. they are dying in entire
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unions and sending fresh ones even without any training. they don't know what to do, but you did keep them making the same mistakes, which i can capitalize on. ukraine is in a difficult position. it is losing so just foster that it can replace them. never mind, train them, and, and train soldiers do not last long. mazda and others like him. to not let them more, i guess the archie from bach, more than the people's republic. no one escapes the novelization in ukraine. pass the message coming from the come on to of ukrainian ground forces or the more you drains find the code is to join today. some of the armed forces, the few chances to rush you will have to implement. it's both thursday plans and assume that ukrainian cities will attend to normal safe life. therefore, i always ukrainians to leave their emotions behind,
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not to succumb to publications. we have to realize that no one will be able to sit down. after all the fate of the country, the fate of our nation is at stake. russia will not leave any one alone. now, those to head, not those who betrayed grade. reports on social media claim, the new recruits include the mind with down syndrome and he's one of a number of people with disabilities. subbing within keeps true philosophy without consent. video footage has also revealed how the crating and military is dealing with soldiers in the main thing. it was supposed to be dragged onto the buses and the allegedly beaten for attempting to escape the country. well, joining me now to discuss this further is a whole bunch of folks and the most sca bureau chief advice on the radio saw so many things to do. anything is on the program, a festival that what do you make of the crating and come on to statements, the quotes, no one will be able to sit down as well. it is pretty clear about the ukraine, the on the government, the people in keys,
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they are in very desperate position. they need to, you said she would stuff is it to she would say they, they needs people. they don't have any more people. they are fighting people in the streets. they are trying to recruit people which don't want to fight in this more or they are taking sick people, which is just awkward to see, you know, and the substance is the best price you got. i think yes, the collapse is eventually approaching and the, it's just the shows that they, they have not enough enough hardware and the it so it's also about the war and you don't have to deal with it. just need talk motor seat on the board at them. so why do you need the people and nobody wants to. 52 people are operating the country and buses. and this mobilization is just like a 3 months. the 4th sputum in germany, in berlin, and all the faces of germany in the spring and 1945 when they were recruiting the pension us and voice down to 1015 front of us. you know, as we remember this,
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the picture. so the last last 6 years, so he said when he was reading some, the fox sport, a 1000000, the g, you know, you said young boy, we have this service for touch this been so it could, i think of a person with down syndrome serving in the ukraine, you know, man, apparently in the video of being monks and mistreated uh, what does this say about kids mobilization, what it says, so everything about the moran level is the multiple mobilization about the service state. so for human, the choosing, this is so called the republic off will for you print it say, so what are your most about the hypocrisy of the european union? no feelings of sucks sucks on the water off for this the interesting us human right boards or kind of such organizations. and that it's just too disgusting to see such a thing sent and to just pay people, you know, and i think that eventually more than more, you pronounce it through. they've already, you know, brave enough for 2 years ago. they just are well begging and praying for the
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student and for the sake of strengths, redeem to leave. and of course the popularity of the people in key for, for poor is it s t and t is the people is going down and down. and then this is really sick, you know, just to see this and the, i, you could cry when you see this, the boy you being mocked. you know, i'm just sick person who the chair to be in the hospital and in the most favorable going conditions from a normal state. but the poor boy, you know, i just hope is alive. yeah. i mean, it'd be the best is it portrays itself as a defender of democracy and human rights. so why is it seemingly turning a blind eye to these videos that we're seeing right now? it is, it is because of course they, they see it the people in but aside, you know, so on the shelf ms. ellen, this george button and those people that they know this, what's happening off costs, the intelligence, the secret services,


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