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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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such as the the headline stories this are nicko takes germany, took courts out. they hey, got choosing berlin of encouraging a genocide in dallas or by farming israel. it is indeed acetic excuse to the best fit for the senior children, women and men and goes on to provide too many tavian aids, including through ad drops on the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to equipment that are used to kill. and then the 8 then the bbc transfers its indian broadcasting license to a private entity. i made a legit tax violations on controversies of ritz coverage. the
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western media blast, the slovak president of lag calling him on an awful of discord in the news after peter pellegrini urges peace talks to in big spring cult splitting the across the world around the clock. this is our t international. let's get into our top story. this our, the un international court of justice has begun hearing a lawsuit brought by nick over argue against germany. berlin is accused of facilitating the quote commission of genocide and java by supplying weapons to israel. was pumping the country with arms. germany also claims to be providing plenty of. she monetary and a 2 gallons. managua has calls out a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the pests senior children, women,
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and men and goss on to provide for money. terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and many of them. and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. on the other hand, well, it has been reveal that germany supplied israel with 30 percent of its total. another tree in ports in 2023. that's it. 10 full of increase compared to the previous year . berlin has exported a total of 3 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons and other equipment to the ideas with the past 2 decades, making it the 2nd largest military donor to his real after the us. those 2 countries i'm on to 99 percent of is really military imports. while israel has denied that it's military campaign in gas have breaches the
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genocide convention. nicaragua has us the i c. j to implement provisional measures including ordering germany to suspend military supplies, to his real language said those weapons are being used to commit crimes against the people of cancer government is taking to i knew it, show my appreciation to prevention the side or to if you respect of international humanitarian law, the export of german weapons and committee to equipment to is fail, likely to be used for committing these grey formulations of international law is continuing. germany must immediately make every effort to ensure the weapons already delivered to israel or not used to commit genocide. well, we spoke with south africa and geopolitical, especially true milan and guy who we think berlin isn't going to stop sending weapons to israel because the german government has lost control of its decision making. a 7. this is folks on friday, they didn't send me this and i'm just making charlie pendant
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dental what to do by the americans heights new. it's in german. so didn't know the whole process of taking indeed one day of left. well there is nothing here. so i, i know what the americans are in charge, and so did she make, you know, the independent good. what did you say this whole close to the americans? long time, you know, i made looming tax issues on full lot over controversial stories. the bbc is restructuring its assets and india. the british corporation has transferred its
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indian broadcasting license to a private entity funded by former bbc employees, who have pledge to maintain strict standards. it's unprecedented for the bbc to grant their license to publish to another entity. we will not compromise our journalism and the bbc is solidly behind us. considering that the bbc didn't want to lose its presence in india or cut jobs and they didn't want to become financially and viable. this forced us to think out of the box based on the legal advice the bbc was receiving. everyone was veering towards this as the viable option for the bbc has applied to the indian government for around a quarter stake and the private limited company to shake off follow searches of the bbc office is related to local tax issues. digital news entities are allowed direct foreign investment of up to 26 percent. if government approved the value of the ownership struggle comes that made the bbc's
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a part of the waning popular etc, in the country on a number of controversy surrounding the broadcast or the news organization last year or the filament discrediting in the in 5 minutes during the ring remoting accusing him of having a direct rule in the 2002 sectarian riots is both supporters a ledge. now, new delhi, i choose the channel of pursuing and see the government agenda of having a quote. colonial meister must well indian arthur, i'm calling mister archie, a gar wall saves the bbc's, waning popular, etc. and the region stems from it's biased coverage. i need this thing as actually as what they do financial thought they did not pay taxes, which they were suppose to pay. so you know, that is obviously something know and they can be allowed to continue with. so this of you know, do are certification. you could say, or this formation of a new company is just a way for them to actually comply with been doing their conditions. this is sort of
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like a regrouping i would want saying that there's a change in their approach or this direct strategy which has been many in the whole week. i can do the full. but if you, if i have to deal with them just to give you a basic idea of like, you don't need to see us has gone into the center from the several countries. severe china and be our one. uh, i mean, you know, there are so many countries like me on my way. they have openly defied the government regulations and the laws. so it's not about trocklin freedom of speech. i mean, you can mean that goes to your opinion, but negative opinions cannot be against the very people, you know who you are broadcasting it to. so they spend a life about indians doing news that is not something they shouldn't be ok with as indians. so the president elect of slovakia has faced the barrage of criticism in the west. the reason for seeing
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a diplomatic solution to the ukraine conflict will lead to pete's. we heard from locals in the slow by capital who fully support peter pellegrini on his sense a just as mister pelligrini said, we will definitely not send weapons to ukraine. i think that's a good thing. both sides must agree and peace talks. sending weapons will certainly not help fill. a greenish position is better because the party of the opposing candidate is in favor of sending weapons. but others? well, this decision should certainly bring more peace than we have seen so far from emily's considering my age, i'm quite satisfied. i have nothing against mr. cole chuck, but i really admire and respect me. step valley, greeny. he seems like a decent and normal person. well peter pelligrini defeated pro western candidates event court shock taking 53 percent of the vote. a former prime minister pellegrini is an ally of the country's current pm, robert fico, who came to power last october, promising to hold military supplies to key if, as
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a defender of peace talks, the new slovak president elect has doubled down on his position. as well as quote, i will do everything i can to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war unless whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want. but for further discussion of the big development in slow of politics, we can cross live now to young china grispy, former prime minister of the central european country. thank you so much for your time today, sir. you. oh, how significant is mister pellegrini to win on? perhaps what does it tell us apart what voters in slovakia want? the victory of mr. lee is that of the asa
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also, they voters that they don't support that politics of the government or risk the fits all even more even more than a done in bottom enter elections and to yeah, i would say, especially in to to questions. question number one, is you okay? press the number 2 is jen, this is so going agenda. agenda. a lot of gigs of gender ideology. okay. you and i've been felicia of unit been union and this semester to you and i've been commission in the, in the case of a few k, in the midst of fairly be even in the campaign that before elections. broadway east. uh, but uh,
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being being elected as to uh, as president of so back. yeah. to support that apologies of the government. a recent beach. all that didn't know one, so that soldier would be sent to you pain. and uh, yes, uh on the background of the pages of say, is a branch president my problem, but that to some sort of generous, ultra ne, go should be sent to you. again. it is not to just the empty promise and the that, that one that was supported by silver by he's my so let's see, deserves that very much bye. sorry. and the 2nd so lucky does not like it does not support this a gender ideology. our gender only gave so of, uh you have been union?
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yes. just something from the you in the united states. offer many, many a boss and uh uh, but yes, it sounds like it goes to a dealership. that is, uh, an all chico that the manage because it you just man and, and we mean women and it should not be charged each other should not be changed. understood. it's not the 1st time a politician in a western country who is a ukraine skeptic has been elected to a leadership role. are we beginning to see a trend develop in that way? e, as in a trend in which county only is a walk. yeah. oh, really more countries in other countries and we look at to, you know, hungry as well is, is a, is
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a staunch defender of peace and it's being criticized for doing the same. yes. yes . and good. even the say uh, a friendship relations between so back here and hungry had been stressed out by the elections of mr. buggy by the way, but the after after the elections there is so the associate, logical, and allies each have shown that the members of the get in my know it is of ok here in the age of majority. d at voted for his apology. so the, in the starting week with the se, a friendship or, or above, asian beginning so lucky a and hungry. but later maybe even as you were joined,
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even all the countries and next the at after elections, integrity property, it could be very, very well. yes. so what about j o c i o c, i sent new new to come to you by the us and then it may be grey, shaw, grace and sylvia with a respond indeed, as most of the guy did. but to these countries i have listed to are enough on how will this election when effect slovak relations with the e. u. how will this go done in brussels? yes. is that the election of the, the problem and we'll go next months or in june or may or june the does yet. and do we want to see how much this resolved, all residential elections will influence the elections?
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indo europe in the bottom of it. i mean, which, which candidates will will be elected in dollars over by in the bottom. i mean from so back. yeah. if a, if a say deputies with zamora that brought along the science or more of the 4 piece and pollution, do you expect pressure to be puts on slovakia because of mr. pellegrini is when on what he stands for. busy me, you know mr. he will have to as a guest of his elector promises very soon after entering his office because scenario and so sometime in the mid to june, the jetta and a few days, even a few days after the little as the president of so lucky,
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a 5 digit bag on the 9th to meeting or either way, dean k 8 in nebraska beside the boys, boys see a dollar j u game and then we will see what, how strong will be mr. product, really, even in the process. okay. western media, as you know, we're quick to slam peter pelligrini as a pro russian populace because of his calls essentially for peace. is that really where we are now, sir? that's some someone seeking a diplomatic solution to a conflict is essentially labeled a trace or a piece is bod. ward is good. uh no, not completely. as you have said, mr. becky: and yes uh, regarding from this uh the, the problem of this policy and political uh,
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style positions from the view. yes. uh, behind it is the burglary is a no. yeah, i would say even a little bit more bro. us then, bro, russian and batch. but uh, go uh, show large a complete the company, the follower of the united states policy in europe. i'd be especially in a new gain of coffee and also offer the native policy. and i need to position and the union and position start to tower dreshaun and power the dollar the lower on the venue. i'm just interested in your view. perhaps the difference right now in europe between the politicians, between a lights on their citizens,
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their interests and their sentiments. because there are a lot of european politicians who of course, support t as. but there appears to be increasingly a disconnect with what their citizens think. do you see that? sure, sure. and even so, right, if it does those who support even even more broad based bodies, g of so back yeah. then then a present, the government again, data to do to do back to the i see is as important, then that is now after a presidential elections, all 3 highest positions is a according to solving prosecution. that means the president, the speaker of the problem and, and the prime minister of slovakia that belongs to the. busy same is
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that they can, they can be searched through the same position. one of them is to say more about the job or the pro fees policy over $1.00 of those. i think it would be less. but all, all 3 belong to the same. totally different can lead this, this a says the political, the so like what do you think the vision was even even dollars down west of the new in the night. all, maybe us is stronger then it'd be 4 or the president of the elections when it was an absolute pleasure having you on the program and hearing your views on all that a lot of food for thoughts from the former prime minister of the vodka young trying
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to reduce the mr. trying to use the thank you so much. thank you very much. know the so rory are of the democratic republic has firmly didn't know its defrances intention to finance projects in the 3rd phase of western. so har up saying the plan is a provocative step. the republic considers the region occupied by morocco. the governmental, this robert republic strongly denounced as this move, which constitutes explicit support for the legal moral icon, occupation of certain parts of the sort, all the national territory. and the flag runs, violation of international law phone systems, and also a big day since as a permanent member of the security council. and the ideals on which the french republic was founded as well. the french development agency has a nice plums the following projects in the disputed safari regions, morocco considers the western sahara a part of its territory,
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but an independence movement supported by algeria insists the land is a sovereign state, a grill of work with the sorority peoples at paula, sorry of front started when morocco took over most of western sahara in 1975 from colonial spain, the front plains, the desert territory, and the north west of africa as until the united nations broke at a cease fire in 1991 and attempted to help organize a referendum on the territory future, but besides humping deadlock since july did the same, we can walk them onto the program. has excellent c mohammed bessie had on bus it or of this a rory republic in sight to africa and the suit to thank you so much for your time today. mr. and foster. why does the silver r a government firmly oppose the funding from front? there's still the like to thank you very much for giving me the separate entity. we
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strongly come down to the financial move to a lie says with the american expansion is the vision is on our country. this is not a simple investment that these needed in any country. this is a politically motivated, colonial motivated policy of a franchise to have morocco to give more of a hand, to legitimize model of the patient of outland. and it's very strange because braz doesn't glen. this is be in south of the as in my name, but you know, russel in gen ins and they go everywhere in the world. but still for us as much as change as much as it gets the same. it's sticking
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to the no good on you and the code on the policy, i don't think funds is able to change. it is, was funded unless created since many subsidies on the idea of put any of these and know what any of these in slavery this respects of. and i'm a certainly going to do this, but this respect of all the people, the silver lights. can you perhaps give us a sense of what projects are being talked about here and why they think it would benefit the republic if at all they, i'm speaking about some infrastructure that the model is planning to be doing out. i'll go by to the 3, they mention it one that they do a thing, but using base 3 of the funds investment and i'm pretty good. it was more blunder over the resources then a genuine, a investment, because the investment should be doubled in 10 years. we have done
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a zillow with the g. was that us uh, is described by the very security council that funds is member of the 3 in the way to be to utilize it from the operational my roku after this punishment, throw it for us this respect. the resolution is that a vote do vote every year, both in the security council and the general assembly. from this respect, the ruling of the justice got a view of the highest uh, type going on in, in the you need, which have a good many times that is in the business. and what's the most uh, without the approval of the site. always fuzzies, disrespecting its own constitution, its own mos, its own values that they are claiming over the face of others. and do you find a way for morocco and friends to be prevented from carrying on these plans? what, what could a, what steps? good, take the way we, we buy it with
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a very mean to dispose of 1st of odd. well, i'm going to start going is going on. says the 20 we declared of the western side of is a was on and we came, i latitude and in front of me everyone should not be misled with model was the most uh, is account 3 that these varies a lot. this model can evasion, and this model violation of the united nations possibilities via this is one second . legal means we would take files to the quotes over france and the opinion and why not. the zip codes would not allow these plans that these have in daylight to happen on our watching eyes. can i get your thoughts please on a related topic? the french parliament pays the way last month for condemnation of the 1961 master
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about your readings in partis. why did it take the french government over 60 years to begin really recognizing those atrocities against african people in general? they want to call it lives in mind that the city, these wall that kill a lot of them to medium people. and this describe it by one of the was, was going on. yeah. and why that ever happened in the didn't mean to finish my thought is doesn't just the events of jews that recently for us is a very dogmatic, deep bleed it. oh, the in the culture, these county was behind the was that was in the country and it was bad the genocide in, in, in, in, in, in the one to what was, is that behind the genocide and of jedi but what happens is because of genocide, it was designed to genocide that's happened in my that guess go meaning meaning of
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the african countries. france is the, was put on the power that humanity have ever gone. the photos i've seen, you know, you guys of all those we have seen by the islamic state of the lead people on chopping them. i've gotten that today. you know, just in fresh the museum is. this comes on duty at least as those lights did. now, brands keep the bodies of the phones of the hedge. it is that it is due to the phone on the last, i guess it allows you to do that for us is now once again that i mean to have that model the only colonial as that as well as that is over by another company that i used to have been through the investment, but price people haven't been admitted. somebody against us. body shop was now
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bummed by the our, our, our soldiers. they have support the model of where the security goes. and that's a part of the model. either you'll be in union process was appealing the court of justice of europe in so many times as opposed to model good stuff and perhaps the wrong they have that they yeah, the background, you know, they would say they've got the background to that is that we've seen from stuff for a number of diplomatic feats on the african continent, in a way is supporting morocco. that plan is a way of par as trying to enhance its reputation among the peoples of africa. it's a totally what a city that situation france through blindly alienating a line. it says with the american illegal of the blow doesn't mean that the person was on the side it is may get it sco case was in the function. and so how, if i were to give the member of the union,
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is that what can i by the dumpsters of the continent without a very active member of the union? what would we have been taken from us and they would have been union. but as was joining their opinion, the ups, i guess that they would have been caught though just as of that be losing the less the world on the ground now, most of the lives of buffaloes in the homes and they would news these new exist size of the new but on the investments that, that i used to boys went out over by the i'm just interested to hear your thoughts as well on the general winds of change as you are. as you're hearing, you're talking to decision makers across the continent on beyond. combining so called neo colonial is in that standing momentum in africa. but where do you, where do you see about leading, cut off for it to be reconsider is relations with the west once and for all, this is not in motion. this is the 2nd wave of african
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liberation. what happened in the sixty's was merely a bullet to contribute ation. so here's your money. and the strands domination still continues the now through that i stuff up for the military bases of what it just didn't need to be the lines that we say it was little side as the last comment issue about snow, all the finish, the most only do of the page, but we're going to go on is out of speed, need to be to go to nice send. it doesn't need to be the but the nice my, these are the way of doing the nice we should need as you the way over to put a nice guy will be something up. you name it all the finish, put on these the need, the just i'm to the 2nd step. the 2nd, the age of the different authorization of africa. but then this is because of fun, fast. no good on you. takes no, no good on anybody's a link. good to the one that the policies and to the military bases and.


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