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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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no beyond boss weighing a 175 used to go to a death sentence. are we going to let that stay at the clinic around you? i text germany to port out the hey, guy choosing berlin of encouraging a genocide in gaza. fight harley. is it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best fit for the senior. so women and men goes on to provide so many tabs in age, including to ad drops on the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to equipment that are used to kill and then the 8th them. also coming up this our, the bbc transfers. it's indian broadcasting license to a private entity and made a legit tax violations of controversies risk coverage. plus also i wanted
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to show you good shape. one of the 3 a says back from browse college across the front lot. we could have gone to the book. the risk of drugs is exponentially, we may not have a good, a no man's land of scorched earth. we report from the front lines near that done yet for public city of our 10 most square you a v operators exchange precise strikes in a conflict. increasing the culminated by drone attacks, the wherever your account team and use our from across the world. this our welcome to our most of the studios come to our team introduction. the un international court of justice has begun to hearing a lawsuit brought by nicko regular against germany. berlin is accused of facilitating the quote, commission of genocide and gals that by supplying weapons to israel wealth pumping the country with arms. germany also claims to be providing plenty of few,
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military and a to gas ins. managua stays. that's a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the pass to senior and children women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen on the other head, germany is supporting a genocide. that is the old and shell claim being made right now at the international court of justice by the central american country of nick rock. you are, how you may be wondering, well by supplying is well, with weapons use to a know i late palestinians in gaza. germany cannot be aware that the munitions,
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the military equipment in their weapons, city supplies, is being used by israel induce attacks. it doesn't matter whether i need to leave shelf is deliver straight from germany to any sweetie tank. shelby in a hospital or university, or whether that artillery shell supposed to replenish israel stockpile for use at some later date. it doesn't matter whether the playing shoes didn't come back and to drop one ton buttons on the population were made entirely in germany, which disparate parts maintenance were supplied. the fact is that the issue is to supply simply placement for arguments is crucial to issue us pursuit of the attacks on gas, nicaragua, where it says, as well as being committing serious branches of international law since october. and we always see j is already ruled. those violations may amount to an active genocide. germany is fully aware of what's happening and therefore, also culpable. it's an accusation given berlin's history and 8 to being. the reason
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the geneva convention was created is likely to move been sting. this is the bottom line. and what are the basis with the technician? that's real cool, right? of self defense isn't vote. it can never serve to justify violations. so the one for the genocide convention or i didn't know i'm talking to national good night, debbie. a little surprising to the german that seems to have to be able to differentiate between self defense genocide for the more driven it could not invoke that. israel is in some state of necessity, a place that distance for his defense into a bible. the, despite of the size and population, this ro is on the top 10 percent of the most news. it's a really powerful countries in the world is put, copy test prints is more than 4 times larger than that of germany. is eating higher than that of the united states because he was says despite clear evidence of genocide against palestinians in gaza,
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germany continues to supply weapons as israel's 2nd largest supply, it has a responsibility morally, as well as legally to ensure that those items are not used in violation of international law, in the 10 years to 2020 berlin supplied almost a quarter of it's almost. but this is where it gets really interesting by 2023. so this is just flaw do. it's on sales to as well. so an increase of 10 fold the case following the correct q a raises questions on countries who profit from selling weapons to is low. and the type is timing, canada, the netherlands, japan, spain and belgium of all suspended the sale of weapons to, as well as even prussia, mounting in the us for the bite and administration to take a similar stops in light of the recent strike against aid workers. and the other
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worse and in humanitarian prices, we believe it's an justifiable to approve this weapons transfers. so as the largest supplier for weapons, the israel in washington totally got some $4000000000.00 in military 8 annually. it's hard to imagine it would change course. now, pressure is also the month thing in the u. k. not only of politicians getting in on the at. so to all the legal eagles, 3 former supreme court justices of joined moving 600 law is legal academics on retired senior judges. calling for those on sales to be quoted. v provision of military assistance and material to israel may render the u. k complicit in genocide, as well as serious breaches of international humanitarian law. berlin will defend itself at b or c. j on tuesday, but it's already issued a denial to full charges. germany rejected the allegations made by nicaragua today,
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germany does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law or that directly nor in directly on the country. germany is committed to be a pulled of international law and this is what we work for internationally. nicaragua was germany to help it's weapons so urgently and to not wait for decision by the court which could take weeks if not months to be delivered. and with each day that passes the death toll grows, nicaragua believes that berlin has blood on its hands interested reactions of best by the way, from south african geopolitical specialist. jo malone gay, he sees berlin isn't going to stop sending weapons to israel because the german government has lost control of its decision making. a 7. this is folks on friday, they didn't send me this and i'm just making totally understand
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dental what to do by the americans heights. it's in german. so i'm sort of taking in dean t. yes. well there is nothing here. so i will say that the americans are in charge of decision making. independence did. what did you say this whole close to the americans long time, you know, i made looming tax issues fall into over controversial stories. the bbc is restructuring its assets in india, the british corporation has transferred to india and broadcasting license to a private entity funded by former bbc employees. pledge to maintain the strict
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standards of the, the bbc has applied to the indian government for around a core for stake in the private limited company to shake off follow searches of the bbc offices related to local tax issues. about digital news entities are a lot of direct foreign investment about the 26 percent. if government of the ownership struggle comes and made the bbc's waning popular, etc, in the country, viewers are done 7 percent here on year. and also a number of controversies surrounding the broadcast or to the news organization last year, or a phone discrediting indian prime minister and the rent for monique, accusing him helping a direct role in the 2002 sectarian, ryans deli, accused, the general of pursuing and i'm the government agenda of helping for the quote
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colonial 97 for java to get you. hi. for indian arthur, i'm calling miss archie. a girl well sees the bbc's declining viewership in the region, stems from its bias coverage. i need this thing as actually as with this to financial card, they did not pay taxes, which they were suppose to pay. so you know, that was obviously something normal and to take and be allowed to continue with. so this of you know, do our certification you could say, or this formation of a new company is just a way for them to actually comply with been doing their conditions. this is sort of like a regrouping. i would want saying that there's a change in their approach or this direct strategy which has been very in the full week i can do for big um if you, if i have to deal with just to give you a basic idea and get you to maybe see us, how it has gotten into these types of problems with several countries. severe title
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b r y? no, i mean, you know, there are so many countries like me on my read. they have openly defied the government regulations and the laws. so it's not about properly freedom of speech. i mean, you can mean i go to your opinion, but negative opinions cannot be against the very people, you know who you are broadcasting it to. so they spend a life about indians doing news that is not something they shouldn't be ok with. as indians most go say is there is quote, significant evidence that the ukranian intelligent services are connected to the terrorist who tare the crooked city hall. i talked last month, a massacre which, so at least $145.00 people killed. that's one of the findings rushes investigative committee, partially on to be a look at the moments 11 people involved and in particularly serious crime have been identified. in the case, all of them have been charged and preventively detained. the investigation has
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already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrace preparations for the crime which might indicate the connection with the ukrainian special services. as well after carrying i see atrocity on concert goers out the arena, including children. the 4 suspected terrorist headed towards the ukrainian border. they were detained in the pretty young region around a 100 kilometers away from the frontier. the russian president, later. busy that instead of being discovered that some escape route was prepared for them on the print inside. early speaking a word of russian when detained. the suspects during questioning liter confirm thoughts was the case. a cookie. what were your groups plans off of a terrorist attack? so to move towards key, we want it to lead the territory of bush and we go from the car and hit the road. and while, so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border and cipher lo said
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that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine who would help us cross it and get the kids so so sorry for lo. told us to drive towards the train at the boulder, we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board of this folder, just being published for the 1st time suspect since the coca city whole terrorist attack outside moscow had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator now see the good tools, one camera, a confession, a motor lab as they spill out the details of that failed to get away plan which was meant to lead them to the crate in a capital psych full of told us to drive towards scale. and when we get to the board, not far from the board until the end of the car and call him and he will help us 5 full cents when you get to the board or call me. and i will tell you what to do next. just to know more on the latest investigation findings on the were
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shooting and most school in many decades can be following dr. r t. dr. rushes, defense ministry say it has completely destroyed a warehouse and production facility for heavy payload drones in the city of supper . rogia, this footage shows precision targeting and what appears to be the total destruction of the premium luxury site. the key of has been using use a visa strike it russian infrastructure, such as oral gas and other energy facilities, including some of these attack on the cell phone, rogia, nuclear power plant as well. some more updates on the conflict and ukraine. the russian defense ministry has stated its forces, have repels thousands of frontline attacks over the past 24 hours. the movie also saves russian troops, have advanced and they've done yet public. over the past day, beginning a tactical advantage near the bottom of the city of archibald school,
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some of them is not. additionally, the ministry states, the printing military, separated 1900 fatalities as well as tank and artillery losses in the country to read, while a key advantage on the bottle field has apparently been the deployment of russia's spike drove switch ortiz, senior correspondent, broadcast if can tell us more about the show about in the ruins of maximum speed is a bible. there is always an enemy drew watching. we are with scouts squad. regiments 10, a weight once entirely made up of mobilized troops. now the battle hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village, the name of which become synonymous with slow. so we venture that towards the
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south of buck. most of all die here is watching the skies because because it was which about via but i wanted to show you the shape of the fits as baffled, growled cowardly. across the front clouds we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex, potentially we may not overdone these fairly to columbus is behind me cuz the shape go which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers and taking it is now ha, controlled by russian forces. p shift is surrounded or noun sides by higher ground. it is there that the battle is waged. some of their presence is relative. 2 or 3 people per position. they're just fodder left behind. you see a few of them. when they die, it means there isn't
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a salt under way, which means the rest have to defend, which means entire fleets kindly called the drones, rising up to a 100 foot targets on both sides. the road had moved on the sky over backwards, however, never stays empty foot long. there are big and deadlier things about the defects of dreams and not just the physical cannot be overstated psychologically without a doubt. yes, tv drew suicide. drones are the most terrifying weapons used
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in these conflicts large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands used every week. this particular specimen, payton, is put together in the field, then it's p. o explosives to kilograms of explosives used to blue, but you play the unfortunate occasions to get the troops inside. this video is from a lead testing looks excuse to our masses, for nothing is without skill amongst thousands of drew pilots to lead. thousands will become aces. 10, the weight is full and i'm one of them quite supervisor and i want to introduce you to my colleague hand battle brother. this is master. if my entire company has filled up a graveyard of craniums and master, here has filled up another graveyard all by himself. somewhere near overall,
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for another region, most of again flying to a bat full months ago. quickly. so a mazda has more than $140.00 confirmed hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed or injured by one, russian drew an operator with nothing more than a remote control in his hands. part of that scenario such all the past couple months at the beginning when i hit the target, i was trembling, but eventually it became it's, lisa came out enough. well that's when i'm given a task. i will complete it. i don't fail the only place i'm just doing my duty and also by eliminating one target, i may hit save the lives of our soldiers and view and demoralize the enemy to more
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than likely, if used to follow florida mazda as well protected. we were not allowed to film him as well as any of the regiments positions lost in space of operations. is pages regularly keys to valuable teresa, especially now that's ukraine's forces showing cracks. so yeah, let's go to, the situation has changed radically and they haven't evidence, shortage of manpower. and artillery show got the email. they are dying in entire unions and sending fresh ones even without a train. you know, if they don't know what to do, but you did keep them making the same mistakes, which i can capitalize on. ukraine is in a difficult position. it is losing so as far as that it can replace them. never mind trading them and, and train soldiers do not last long. mazda and others like
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him do not let them. the more, i guess, the archie from bach most than the people's republic. kiev will lose the war if the us congress does not approve more military aid soon. that's according to your premium presidents. let them hear zalinski recently making . that's another dire predictions i'll do. which congress should be told specifically if it does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. but if you crane lose is the was all the states will be attacked. and this is a fact. you will see in the coming weeks, russell will be more and more persistence and really involved and you could have consumed this not to it. so what's the landscape of warning? it's aimed at pushing the us congress to approve a new aid package that has language for months. and us senate passed the mama to 95000000000 foreign a bill with assistance for israel,
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a new crane in february. but the republican high speaker has so far, refused to hold the votes on the funding. he says there are many domestic issues including the border, migraine prices, which needs money to and should be the priority. instead of focusing on foreign wars walk, he avoids a new online investigation examines how is the last who was elected as a candidate for peace, financial approval, or a politician upon taking office after the start of that civil war and on the campaign trail, candidate zelinski made peace, his number one priority, the promised i will talk to president food and i will meet with the russians. we will in this war. and once he became president, he seems to have got a 180 degree change and has been the obedient servant of washington. and now most analysts are quietly a meeting that ukraine has no chance despite the massive numbers of weapons tanks, defense systems. oh, and don't forget, the $100000000000.00 poured in by the united states and western europe. russia has
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control over most of the done, both region and ukraine's and what type of counter offensive has been and other failure. this isn't a surprise. many analysts who didn't make it onto mainstream media outlets, predicted ukraine's loss. as soon as the complex started given the stalemate, you know territorial control now currently divided on lines that have been previously agreed to by russia and ukraine. the question remains, why is this war still going on? what we can across slide to bend this one himself, investigative journalist on funder of the independent new side fruits in media. been good to see your congratulations on the work. by the way, it's a 3rd piece. why did you decide to launch this proof of presidency? let's be 1st as well. thanks for having me on the so actually we have been working on this story now for over a year. and it really started because we were watching, you know, a year after this war had begun. it was very clear at that point there is no real path forward for ukraine. and what's more important than that,
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every report that there were negotiations that were happening, negotiations for peace between russia and ukraine, were being side tracked by europe, a by great britain, boris johnson, of the former prime minister. and also the united states and abiding administration . and so the question became why, why are we dragging out and protecting this board is that ukraine can't possibly win. and so we begin a year long investigation into what was happening in ukraine. and i got to tell you what we found was even shocking to me. as a journalist, as we began to kind of uncover until back the layers of this on, you know, you have left them or is lensky housing increasingly being putting pressure specifically on the us to give you crane more money keep sending it. why are we hearing his please so much not as well, because there's, there's less and less appetite, you know, in the us congress to do this. there is so much fear right now by the powers that continue to, to feed what's going on. and ukraine, that members of the, especially the house republicans, you mentioned in the lead up,
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are no longer willing to do this. you have to remember that in the united states, we have such a massive border crisis right now, migrant crisis. we have children in certain states like new york, who are being kept home from school so that migrants can be housed inside their public schools. it's an absolute, unmitigated disaster, and yet hundreds of billions of dollars keep floating out the door to you credit and for a war the americans don't understand. we're being given a laughably simple narrative here, right? that ukraine is a fashion of democracy and that rush of the big bad enemy is trying to destroy it and re establish the soviet union. and the problem is, as time goes on, your, if you were people, i think believe that story. now they don't know what the true story is, because no one will tell them that that's what we're attempting to do. but they would, they do a realize is that there's something wrong with this narrative. and how can it be that we're being told that we're going to fund ukraine until the bitter end, but no one will tell us what the bitter end actually is. what do you expect to happen if us funding dries off on it's
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a to key of actually stops as well. i expect, within a matter of months, the war will be over. it will be over very, very quickly. what we have right now in this country is, you know, a presidential election going on. donald trump is running on the republican side and will be the republican nominee has said that he will have this war over, within a matter of days after taking office because he will require some kind of peace agreement, which he says he knows what russia will go along with it, he believes you probably will go along with it because there won't be any more money coming to you, frank. but the truth is the one thing we found throughout this 12 part dr. series, and it's going to be 12 parts long. what we find is that this really is that about a war, this isn't about ukraine's, you know, preserving its own independence. this is a drug can take money laundering and there is an incredible amount of money being harvested here. and then the entities, the, the us corporate, a global entities that will then carve up ukraine at the end. and now we'll take over the country. if this may sound controversial to say,
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but ukraine has been conquered, but they haven't been conquered by russia. at this point, ukraine has been conquered by corporations in the united states. corporations like black rock had actually come across the country. they will own ukraine for possibly forever, but certainly for decades and decades into the future because of the debt that ukraine now owes those corporations that claims they were helping them, but are actually making gigantic loans to me. you mentioned the presidential election fast approaching just over a half a year away. lots of issues that play the hit. the you mentioned that the, the possible return of donald trump. but even the election cycle, the domestic issues that are going to be debated for the next 6 months or so. how does the old box affect the adoption of a proposed new funding package for kids to? well, i think it makes it very, very difficult. and part of the reason for that is also what's happening in israel . so there's a lot of criticism right now of the u. s. continuing to fund israel and in it's more in gaza and the backdrop of that. if you,
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if you're not going to fund the israel, you're not going to also continue to fund ukraine, right? you have to start to cut off this funding again in enormous and you hit it on the head. enormous domestic issues that are at play right now. and as we watch that kind of play out over the next few months, in this election cycle, again, you have tens of millions of americans who say, i don't understand this war, i don't know what it's about, and i don't understand why we are giving up incredible amounts of us treasure, when so many people in this country are struggling financially. why are we giving away this money to a country that we don't understand and we don't understand what, what they're actually fighting for at this point. i would lastly say this. i believe that the more americans knew, and this is one of the reasons we put out this dr. series is more americans knew what ukraine is actually like the, the, the suppression of religion in that country. the suppression of journalism in that country, this oppression a political figures. they wouldn't support this war because they would see that the very thing we're being told that zalinski represents is the very thing that we're
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being told we're trying to stop. and that's actually what he's about, he is creating the tyrannical regime for what we think. tell me about what we're trying to inform, the american mind on people can dive into your investigation on the truth in media side. is that right? that's correct. truth in media dot com and also on x a truth, underscore in media. all right, fence, well an investigative journalist i'm truth and media fund are many thanks. thank you. and now the ruling party in the nation of georgia is preparing to re introduce a so called for an agent law. much to the consternation of western partners, the prime minister was insist that the legislation is necessary. unable to prevent outside forces from interfering in the countries policy, they prove to as the transparency something russian know past, what is your pin? last year they managed to mislead part of society. they turned values upside down,
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but i'm sure they will not be able to do this again. we believe that transparency and freedom of speech are defining values in a democracy. so let's protect both principles, both values as much as possible. so this proposed legislation is aimed at making george and society just more transparent because for years uh, thousands of western funded n g o's had been working hard in the country to manipulate public opinion against russia and china. and this law actually isn't even attacking them. it would just require organizations in the country to get over 20 percent of their income from foreign sources to register in a government database. nonetheless, these western funded and backed organizations in the country are already on the attack against this proposed legislation. criticizing it for being a so called russian style law and parliament is set to discuss it later this evening. and what is the western reaction being to george's discussions about the lo.


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