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tv   Going Underground  RT  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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this the nick around do i takes germany to court up the hey, i choosing girl in knob encouraging janice, i didn't, does that bite farming israel? it is indeed pathetic excuse to the pests geniune showed when booming and commanding goss on to provide too many tabby and hate, including to add for ups on the one hand to furnish the weapons and committed temporary equipment to the used to kill. and then the force to raise where a process our, the bbc transfers its indian broadcasting license to a private entity that made a legit detox violations on controversial risk coverage. plus also i wanted
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to show you the shape. one of the fear says, baffled route car. across the front lot, we could have gone to so, but the risk rises ex potentially we may not have a ton. a no man's land of scorch. there we report from the front line. we're that then? yes, we're public city of par kimball, square you. it'd be operators, exchange precise products and a conflict increasingly dominated by controlling the tax. the so raleigh, our democratic republic, the 9 says from this press, seeking to fund projects in the western sahara, a territory the republic considers occupied by morocco. sorority diplomat tells r t that par, us as most of the faces by politics politically but it seems to be religious to my,
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the creation of the broadcasting for most go. this is our to international. let's delve into a full half hour of news and views starting on the u. n. international court of justice has begun and hearing loss cert brought by nick, a rug us against germany. berlin is accused of facilitating the quote, commission of genocide and gals that by supplying weapons to israel wealth pumping the country with arms. germany also claims to be providing plenty of humanitarian aid. to garrison's managua stays bouts, a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best seeing intuitive and women and men and goss on to provide so many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment that i used to kill and then the 8th and to kill also for many to be
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an age because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen or on the other head, germany is supporting a genocide. that is the old and shell claim being made right now at the international court of justice by the central american country of nicaragua. how you may be wondering, well by supplying is well, with weapons use to a know i late palestinians in gaza. goodman, you can not be aware that the munitions, the military equipment in the war weapons that is applying is being used by israel induce attacks. it doesn't matter whether i need to least show is deliberate, straight from germany to any sweetie tank. shelby in the hospital or university, or whether that or tillery show those to replenish israel stockpile for use at some later date. it doesn't matter whether the playing shifting come back and to drop
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one ton buttons on the population were made entirely in germany with just disparate parts maintenance were supplied. the fact is that the assurance of supplies and replacements for arguments is crucial to assure us pursuit of the attacks on gus nicaragua says, as well as being committing serious branches of international law since october. and we always see j is already ruled. those violations may amount to an active genocide. germany is fully aware of what's happening and therefore, also culpable. it's an accusation given berlin's history and 8 to being the reason the geneva convention was created is likely to move, been staying. this is the bottom line of what that basis with the technician, that's real cool, right? of self defense is involved. it can never serve to justify violation. so the ones that the genocide convention or i didn't know and so think the national good night every, a little surprising to the german it seems to have to be able to differentiate
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between self defense genocide for the more driven it can not involve this real is in some state of necessity, a place that systems for his defense into a bible. this is spite of the size and populations. this really is on the top 10 percent with the most minute. the really powerful countries in the world is put copy test fences more than 4 times larger than that of germany. it's even higher than that of the united states. because you was says, despite clear evidence of genocide against palestinians in gaza, germany continues to supply weapons, as is wells 2nd largest supply. it has a responsibility, morley, as well as legally to ensure that those items are not used in violation of international law. in the 10 years to 20 and 20 berlin supplied almost a quarter of its arms. but this is where it gets really interesting by 2023. so
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this is just last year. it's on sales to israel, so an increase of 10 fold. the case following the correct you are raises questions or countries who profit from selling weapons to as well. and the tide is turning kind of to the netherlands, japan, spain, and belgium has all suspended the sale of weapons to, as well as even prussia, mounting in the us for the bite and administration to take a similar stops in light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever worse and in humanitarian prices, we believe it's an justifiable to approve this weapons transfers, though as the largest supplier for weapons that is well in washington. don't really got some full $1000000000.00 in middle tree 8 annually. it's hard to imagine it would change course. now, pressure is also the month thing in the u. k. not only of politicians getting in on
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the at so to all the legal eagles, 3 form a supreme court justices of joins moving. $600.00 law is legal. academics, i'm retired senior judges calling for those on sales to be voltage. v provision as military assistance and material to israel may render the you take implicit in genocide as well as serious breaches of international humanitarian law. berlin will defend itself on the i c j on tuesday, but it's already issued a denial to who charges germany rejects the allegations made by nicaragua. today, germany does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law that directly not in directly on the country. germany is committed to be a pulled of international law and this is what we work for internationally. nicaragua was germany to help it's weapons. so urgently and to not wait for decision by the
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court, which could take weeks if not months to be delivered. and with each day that passes the death toll grows in nicaragua believes that building has blood on its hands. charlotte davinsky taking us through that. we also spoke with saw that a freaking geopolitical, especially tomb along the interesting view that he thinks berlin isn't going to stop sending weapons to israel because the german government has lost control of its decision making. a 7. this is folks on friday, the burden suddenly leaves and really comes it's just not entirely independent dental. what to do by the americans, the highest i'm really trying to be is the news. the news in german, so not in charge
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of taking in dealing to you one day of left, but there is nothing here. so i, i know what the americans are in charge decision making. that multi t independent of what did you say this? hold the close to the americans long term, you know, mid looming tax issues on full law it over a controversial stories. the bbc is restructuring its assets in india, the british corporation has transferred its india and broadcasting license to a private entity funded by former bbc employees who have pledge to maintain strict standards. it's unprecedented for the bbc to grant their license to publish to another entity. we will not compromise our journalism and the bbc is solidly behind us. considering that the bbc didn't want to lose its presence in india or cut jobs
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and they didn't want to become financially and viable. this forced us to think out of the box based on the legal advice the bbc was receiving. everyone was veering towards this as the viable option. as the bbc has applied to the indian government for around a quarter, a stake in the private limited company. now the shake off follow searches of the bbc offices and then the related to local tax issues. digital use into these are a lot of direct foreign investment of up to 26 percent in the country. if government approves when the ownership struggle comes and made the bbc's waning popularity in the country, in fact, viewers are done 7 percent. you're in your shoes and also a number of controversy surrounding the broadcast or the news organization last year or a phone. this credit thing, indian prime minister, november moody, accusing him of having a direct role in the 2002 secretary and riots in the nation. new delhi, i choose the channel of pursuing and on the government agenda and having a, quote,
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colonial mindset. well indian or ser columnist, archie gar, wall sees the bbc is declining viewership in the region, stems from its bias coverage. i need this thing has actually asked me what they do . financial thought they did not fav taxes, which they were suppose to pay. so, you know, that was obviously something know and to pick and be allowed to continue with. so this, you know, do our certification you could say, or this formation of a new company is just a way for them to actually comply with been doing the conditions. this is sort of like a really good thing. i would want saying that there's a change in that approach or the static strategy, which has been many in norfolk public. i can do the full. but if you, if i have to go to like, just to give you a basic idea of like, you don't need to see us how it has gone into the center from the several countries
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. severe china o, b, r y. no, i mean, you know, there are so many countries like mountain language, they have openly defied the government regulations and the laws. so it's not about propagating freedom of speech. i mean, you can mean that goes to your opinion, but that going to be news cannot be against the very people you know who you are broadcasting it to. so they spend a life about indians doing news, and that is not something they shouldn't be ok with. as indians rushes ambassador to the united nations host chest, the is the west for barking, quote, ukrainian provocations that could lead to great new consequences as follow somebody's attack on the south rose yet nucular power plant, or even a possibility of nuclear. got this little if he's not the no go science or the we're almost one thing called the west and states feel that brooks is undertaking such dangerous publications that can have great consequence
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consequences for them for them as well as for the entire gains these but we're interesting to national community, to condemn these huge, responsible and gravely danger. those actions are the key if it gets worse and sponsors instead of covering up its crimes sense and supplying it with more weapons . and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian political. i mean, if it is a sort, it is a 10 for the paint it's, it's compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale of multiple ukrainian pronoun struck the is i thought it was you have found out the weekend that is the largest new care facility in europe, 3 civilian employees were injured just 20 minutes before the strike, the international atomic energy agency, how the team on the broad conducting um, inspection international atomic energy engines experts have been informed
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by his approach a nuclear power plant that a drone designated on site today such designation is consistent with i, a observations i or still refrain from actions that contradict the 588 principles and jeopardize nuclear safety director general russell gross. he said, well it's still a new development. the either ukraine has repeatedly long strikes on the nuclear power complex. the west in turn, has resisted, criticizing key of i tried for those attacks. the russian nuclear energy corporation rolls out to us condemned the transactions and call for an end to the assaults which threatened residents and the environment with potentially catastrophic consequences. to speak to international defense specialist, consultant, earl rozmini's sent are good to see you. so you crane once again shell the nuclear
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side on sunday, but why does the international community fail to react to the attacks given just to disastrous? the results could be well, i think, i think we were seeing here is a, they've had attacks going on. we're up up in the anti here, the, i think the current new position is in desperation. i think the west as invest is in a desperate situation as well. and you're, you're as to why you're seeing more terrorist type activities that i think we've got a renewed effort on those up roads now knew that our power plan, i mean ben had some incidents before and they've been showing me the town where most of the workers lived but, but this is a new kind of initiative to the power plant. and it's a very bold cuz the, with the i a, a representatives that actually were just there and probably on still on site at the time. so it's, um you know,
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it's was very questionable. it's very dangerous. the, uh, the representative and the bins. yeah. it was absolutely correct. i mean, if a containment vessel was reached, if a reactor was damaged in europe is the one that will likely, depending on the weather patterns, likely europe will likely pay the price the most. so it's a very, very dangerous situation. and i think uh, i think it's a, it's a sign of desperation on the ukraine in the armed forces of ukraine and, and their government, they're to just strikeout at these deadly uh and, and just a surrender. so activities that could really have potential danger to, to not just the power plant in the region, but, but to europe, ukraine, in the world potentially, it's almost as if turnover didn't happen. then, you know,
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the here is of the of devastation of that rule as well. by virtue of its western bonkers know condemning ukraine, earl, for the attacks does not simply emboldened key of to, to keep doing it. you know, why not, we're not going to get blamed any way. yeah. they the well, i mean we, we see how the western backers are reacting to in gaza. so it's pretty similar there to, it seems like the international law just doesn't apply, depending who uh, who was violating it. um it, you know, and it, it, i just cannot because of the potential disaster here. it's very, it's really, you know, very questionable. did ukraine take their own initiative to do this? or is it approved by somebody, or was there some type of not or green light given to go ahead and switch. switch
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back to bombing a is up, rose now. you know it didn't. you know, i would hope not. i would hope, but it just coincidence. and ukrainian decisions are off on their own, but allowing this to happen not criticizing it really, really ties in the complicity of um, a little western backers and edits. it's sad because the, like i said earlier, they're the ones that are going to be their population, their people potentially could sacrifice the most in this situation. are good to see you. thank you so much for your tech on this. it's something we'll be watching very closely and a defense specialist on consultant, earl ross mason, thank us. russia is defense ministry essays. it has completely destroyed a warehouse and production facility for heavy payload drones in the city of south, but really ship this fund. it shows precision targeting what appears to be the
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total destruction of the ukrainian military side in question kia has been using you avi, is to strike a brushing infrastructure shuts oil gas and other energy facilities as we were just hearing there, including some of these attacks on this operator was you, nuclear power plant. so let's bring you some more updates on the conflict in new crane because the russian defense ministry has stated its forces have repelled dozens of frontline attacks over the past 24 hours or so. the m o d also say russian troops have advanced in the done yes. republic over the last day beginning a tactical advantage near the in buffalo city of our cham offs. busy so known as the fact that additionally, the ministry states that you printing another tree, suffer to run $900.00 fatalities as well as time can, are totally losses in the country attack. meanwhile, a key advantage on the buffalo field for russia has been the deployment of spied rhodes, which are the senior correspondent broadcast. you can tell us more about your show
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about how your stores in the ruins of maximum speed is a bible. there is always an enemy drew watching. we are with a scouts squad. regiments 10 awaits once, entirely made up of mobilized troops. now, the battle hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village, the name of which it's become synonymous with slow stuff. we venture that towards the south o box. most of all die here is watching the sky. it's a cut because each one of which about via but i wanted to show you the shape of one of the fits as baffled, growled cowardly. across the front bloods. we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex, potentially we may not overdone,
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it is barely 2 kilometers behind me cuz the shape go which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers. the bacon is now half controlled by russian forces. p shift is surrounded on noon sides by higher ground. it is there that the battle is waged. some of their presence is relative. 2 or 3 people per position, their just fodder left behind. you see a few of them. when they die, it means there isn't a sold under way, which means the rest have to defend, which means entire fleets kindly called the drones, rising up, the hon for targets on both sides. the
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road had moved on. the sky of a baffled, however, never stays empty foot long. they're all big and dead. leah, things about the effects of dreams and not just the physical cannot be overstated psychologically without a doubt. yes, tv drew suicide. jones, are the most terrifying weapons used in these conflicts large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands used every week this particular specimen payment is put together in the field and that's p o explosives, tequila, rapids of explosives used to below, but ukrainian fortifications to get the troops insides. this
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video is from a lead testing rule exclusive power matches for nothing without skill. amongst thousands of drew and pilots to lead, dozens will become aces. the 10 awaits is full and one of them i want to introduce you to my colleague and battle brother. this is master is my entire company has filled up a graveyard of ukrainians and master here has filled up another graveyard all by himself. somewhere near oval for another region, most of began flying tunes. the full months ago, he quickly excelled the
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mazda has more than 140 confirm the hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed or injured by one, russian drew an operator with nothing more than a remote control in his hands. the scenario had trouble with the task of mine at the beginning when i hit the target, i was trembling, but eventually became a piece of cake. when i'm given a task, i will complete it. i don't feel any pleasure. i'm just doing my duty by eliminating one target, i may have saved the lives of our soldiers and demoralize the enemy. mike refused to follow orders. mazda is well protected. we will not allow to film him as well. it wouldn't be any of the regiments positions last as base of operations is seek with and changes regularly keys to valuable to race. especially now if it's ukraine's forces showing cracks,
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the scope of the situation has changed radically. they have an evidence shortage of manpower and artillery shells. women at the do they mean they are dying in entire units and sending fresh ones in without any training? they don't know what to do. they keep making the same mistakes, which i can capitalize on. ukraine is in a difficult position. it is losing so as far as that it can replace them. never mind, train them, and, and train soldiers do not last long. mazda and others like him. do not let them. the more i guess, the archie from bach most than the people's republic fasting inside to us. and that's another story to bring you by the way. the so raleigh are a democratic republic. cussed firmly to nonce frances intention to finance projects
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in the territories of western sahara saying the plan is a provocative step. the republic considers the region illegally occupied by morocco . the government will disarm robbie republic strongly denounced as this move, which constitutes explicit support for the legal, moral, cannot occupation of certain parts of the sort, all of a national territory and a flag run violation of international law phone systems and also a big day since, as a permanent member of the security council and the ideals on which the french republic was founded. while morocco considers western sahara as part of its tara tree on independence and has been supported by algeria. and since the land is a sophomore in state, the summer already peoples paula story in front engaged in a guerrilla war with morocco when we're about to go over most of western so hard. in 1975 from colonial spain. the front stresses the desert territory in north west africa belongs to them. the united nations broke at
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a 6 far in 1991 attempted to help organize a referendum on the regions future. but the sites, how being deadlocked since we discussed from says involvement in western sahara and elsewhere on the continent to with mohammed bessie out and buster of the salary republic to south africa list which you this is not a simple investment that these are needed in any country, this is a politically motivated, colonial, motivated policy over for as to how does morocco do get more of what happened to legitimize model globalization of outland. they are speaking about some infrastructure that the model is blending to be doing all combined to the they mention it one that a to
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a thing. but even base 3. 0 the finance investment and i'm pretty good. it was more blunder over the resources then a june at a investment because the investment shouldn't be deb the zillow for us. this was the rolling of the justice score of the highest uh, type going in in the beginning in which how many times that is in the business. and what's the most uh, without the approval to the site always for us is a very dogmatic, deeply in the, in the culture. these county was behind the was, it was in the computer and was the genocide in, in, in, in, in, in your wanda was, was designed behind the genocide and of jenny because what happens is the part of
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june decides it was designed to genocide that's happened in mother, i guess kind of meaning meaning of the african countries, france is the, was colonial power that do you mind if the have ever gone for us is now once again that i mean to had a model the only good on the, on that as well as that is over by another company, i am to add him to the investment. this is the 2nd wave of the can imagine what happened in the sixty's was merely opponent to collaboration. so here's your money. and the strands nomination still continues the now through the fall through the military bases. but it just didn't need to be reminded. we say what i said outside as the last
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comment issue about snow all the finish, the majority of the page, but it was going to go on as a student need to be to put a nice send it on the do we do for the nice monies in the way of people are nice, they should be judged either way over the problem is, is, god will be some of you name in the 1st column is the need. they just add to the 2nd step. the 2nd, the age of the lies ation of africa. but then this is because of fun, it finds no good on, you know, what on the, on the policy you can get into that one is that the policies and to the military bases and the modeling, you know, if they can, they're part of the condition. if the politics of each of them is finishing, and i've seen it since the mice and love is where we leap and use our for now. just a reminder, all of the days. big developments can be found over an ortiz x or twitter page. do give us a following thanks for watching this is.


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