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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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called directory, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the i'm action or can see welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east. today the world quote is scheduled to begin a 2 day hearing goal by nicaragua, against germany, of its role in the gaza genocide. the central american nation, infamously, destabilized by us death squads, is accusing europe's most powerful economy of facilitating the commission of genocide by providing political, financial, and military support to his rail tomorrow. pentagon boss, lloyd austin, will it be able to congress, but more weapons of the millions of dollars would have been used against palestine? joining me now from telling me it is a long time called mister, these rarely newspaper r ets,
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an offer of the punishment of gaza. gideon levy. thank you so much, gideon for coming on the show. we do want you back in october, when uh when your new book is is out, but uh, over the past few days, media or in nato nations, continually, and progressively blaming nothing. yahoo as the problem, as regards the genocide of it's why do is write these as a society using that based on polls, not nothing. i know, you know, it's an apologist given that to be of but it, do you think they're wrong to a single and that's and yahoo out in this way as is coming out of the white house and the nature of media and from western european politicians or by main, the disputes in the last year or so is why fellow or less they so so we're left, this is above the, into the o because the remains of these are, these can believe that the blue only gets it gets out,
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gets it read the, the l then is very returning to that power dies, they'll be basically come through, it's in the supplements we be displays. and that bought the we come to the war and got the complex and, and i never believe this been proven by all means it's not the video. the video is the go. he's going to say horrible government. but the, the does not box bed is better. but it's not much better for sure. all the, the quote he shows up. 1 the patient is continuing this more. so what is the stage of israeli society because they seem contradictory, the most is really is don't believe an absolute victory is possible. they support the wiping out of from us. we had present much handler of chicago university on saturdays burglaries, quoting and poll 70 percent oppose. humanitarian aid to gaza and civil pena sleep.
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31 percent face food and security in israel. just give us a, give us an interpretation your interpretation of with the state of israeli society as this, as a whole world condemns it for genocide. nope. and it's, it's based on the service of october and really change things here in terms of the electric immunization before kind of send demands, which we're not interested made before. namely, they moves us feelings and sentiments which are justified after the sense of october of most of these ready to go to all of them turned in to a not only legal whole but really says or for revenge or punishing guys for body shop. one guy is that not only from us for doing
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anything but every single without any restraint, to punish from us, punish guys uh for the atrocities and the crimes of the sevens. no embassy. i mean, not only no embassy delagarza and the embassy is almost criminalized. it is right, you might go to jail and is right now, especially if you all know jewish. you pay any kind of embassy was the big thing. so if you'll say every single day they $12000.00 share in despite says it's almost a crime. it is right, so they is read really and i don't know if he's a change, but the point is incorrect and this changed on the 7th of october and from now on the political correct. this is. busy has anything to say to do after the
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7 so the so as an active political violence it was effective. i mean, they yeah, clearly the bravest join list are the ones that have been killed, arguably in gaza, so many from alger 0 so many from so many other outlets in britain, noble ukraine or tea is being banned. chinese tv, radiant tv. what's it like being a journalist like you are in the, is where i braved a you have to be, i can see on your x time line that kind of attacks for your columns in high, right? so 1st of all, i'm privileged to be a jewel. i'm privilege to ride to ha, ritz, which is still a well established day was paper. so i don't have any programs whatsoever. neither was the government. no, with the secret service in the army, they all worked on somebody questions. i mean, i'm really privilege. i know,
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i don't think it's but wanted by the way, but that, you know, i'm really having it for free the whole speech. the only inconvenience is the whole industry itself. the people either see this and to hear the remarks of the book, but i am so used to it. so really i cannot complain. it's something about me. says no god, no just simply was as the as the population. really, i mean, given 70 percent of both even humanitarian aid and put 14000 children to being killed and your continually talking about in using the phrase deposit. i haven't got no just to be with feel of safety on the country to solve for jean. i need it's a body guards and now it seems quite secure of us that your maybe maybe i'm wrong, but i see right. so doing this thing is now, or should have been through the social media and or the age of this there. okay,
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that's a great adverb for social media and somebody competing. let's them, what about the same thing? you know, nature, power is boring in the millions of dollars. a weapons are quite open about how it helps their own economies at home. as the money is recycled through the military, industrial complex as in western european and us nations often after the mass murder of civilians and babies in gaza. but then you get from the national insurance institute of israel, a sophistic like to anyone presented in food and security in israel. they're not making money a tool out of this a war on gaza. what are the is working class? is it face food insecurity? and israel thinking, are they even more belligerent in bell? it goes against the civilians of gaza, a portion of the yes, but in this whole there's no unfortunately there is almost a consensus at all any kind of in human and
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measures though. a gas. uh, but yes, the lower classes are traditionally boeing. they should at least begin is ryan and aging. much more the but as the ends, it's always like this where you are frustrated socially, when your oppressed socially. you express advocacy against those who uh the needs you and who else is, but these, there is a little bit better stands. and of course, in nature propaganda media, they talk about israel being the only democracy in the middle east. all over the world. these things they find it is the only demo, but seem to be nice. which is really quite ridiculous. i mean, when you have half of the population, which leads, i'm the, your authority. without any rides. when is read can be defined, the police, are they all good by then? so is nothing but the above,
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i'd say accord the said the democracy and the only the vote was in the news is quite through this, but maybe this home or we don't in the eyes of many people in the world. we realize that this was a nice yeah, but what does it mean to is riley's who say read the newspapers that have most americans and now against israel, that uh, that israel and israeli jews of incredibly isolated more isolated globally than they ever have been since the creation of the states is ready societies, maybe the society, whichever one read called the in the and we are surrounded those 70 so called fiction boards. one of them is they believe that the whole world hates is right. no matter what these, when does in the old world, these are the semi dig,
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no matter what is right the story. so this is quite an effective do, ma'am. protection. uh, it's either says painting juice on december. it's who would be fine, us or emerald. 95 has some find us the way they fight us, but we have to do the clean. we are so sure about our, just these about the thing that the idea of these really i'm suppose is up the most already. i mean, the words this conviction pedal describes that is, i mean, you are in the idea of course is it clear to you that the strike on it runs embassy in damascus? was an attempt to drawing the united states in, giving that israel con, be to off the resistance movements on towards you haven't towards the lebanon. and so, and no case where it is doing whatever i can without looking at the
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consequences. i mean, if you can assess united, somebody all can do some kind of say a james owns a formation which everyone praises. then we don't need help with these things about the consequences. and the consequences are username never or the day buy me some orders destinations. that is what i did in the past. that was almost always the replacement of more extreme equity based lee. this offices there is with everything for them. but then, you know, that's the way it is, which shows it's a very dangerous way. yeah. right now i think is what is really language fire? as we're saying here, bro, it's kind of explained in a moment. it can be extremely dangerous, not only pointers, but the entire reason maybe
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a little bit about what we are not playing snow around. so this is a very, very sensitive start. there was a time when only the whistle blower motor guy venue used to talk about nuclear weapons in uh and is really is under house arrest. i understand after is infamous honey drap, kidnapping in london. we use surprise that it, is there any cabinet minister could, was a serious read your body, talk about his rails nuclear weapons, and the use of them against the people of goza. are sure he was right, but i want to point out that why don't somebody click save mentions the other day that they cause the diesel guys are no more the do something like a searching from 3 erosion and that's the or know 000. but like a saki we are, we are good the to he or she must have vegas. so maybe it's right,
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it doesn't update for full against the guys. is there a does not need? i need you to weapons it. see that for destroying can on the ground. can you let me, i'll stop you, the more from the high read to call them this and all through the punishment of gods, or after this break, the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, felix, who say borne, you rule the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the government isn't enough. from
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that there's no simple new foster larry share. so that was done was who saw him a lot more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to bill on come back. the ball came to power. and i'm ready to double free nipple. yeah, to is the one who knows will signal from the input isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the bronze immediately dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. the walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of law from 130 to the other 2 voters of what this. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is black a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on odd. see the
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welcome back to going under guidance, you'll hear with the red column this and all through the punishment of guys are getting. and let me give you we were talking about israeli nuclear weapons. and the fact that the, the equivalent in d, racing has been used on gaza. does that mean that uh, when they told me about nuclear weapons, it could be against other states, you know, why the conflict? we've seen britain in the united states as stripe. so on the yemen, showing solidarity would palestinians have given their arms and bog. oh, well shipping in ball, grove, israel a, do you think that's being talked about in the, is there any cabinet? i don't think so. i mean, it's more, most of the expression of these really points the shows are a, it's the best thing for the dig saying that their order, different bases, most of them are so much of serious. and this may be space for,
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for all in favor of them because they're so much of serious that they should be taken serious. even though when they, when they just read please you deal with brands and other things. those people are really playing games with the babies it all the next. it is the next primaries in the box the nothing more than this. well, the enable is a tool cut off, as well as you know, blinking and sullivan is still talking about a saudi israel. rep rational, do you think old re is re these care about making friends with saudi arabia, or is this really an american illusion that they want to progress right up till their elections in november? no, i don't think the day all day is ready. so ray okey buys now, it was a piece me so yeah, yes. so no, obviously any b street there will be wind comes here. especially if these are,
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it doesn't have to pay any price. like it was it the abram records, which is where i didn't pay anything for, for having can piece me is another single for error countries. and they insure right now is to conclude this war for bring big the hostages to get fixed and nobility. i must remind you that they are all 100 souls, these rays to replace from the places and they're still living, you know, tends always way the bank on saturday is what it is, obviously, or the domestic problems. i mean, you impose also showed it is right, these would rob the wipe a mouse and get the cat have captives back. and there's no sign of the captives daily being released, given that they will release the palestinian captives. and um, and all those people that of that do evacuated in case of visible firing. there's
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no sign of them going back either. i mean, as it being a complete failure in strategic terms, let alone the fact that it now israel will be, i suppose, punished in woods from my will. of course, as regards genocide is going to say it was because i don't see the word taking measures against is when it's reveal new words and is a new and really by now to me, results was those come from them. they shows you pay that, you know, then, so using a of the so many is that there was only told the vote is right and never took measures is ladies can care less about those combinations. but in any case, a, it is really about the traditional community. so besides vote they, there is a community once, are these spots of the word? well, they really want a war every 23 years, which and dangerous the security all over the world. will they really want because
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you know, so that part the invasion which will never be accepted by that but i sense of i others? well they really like to leave in this reality, which they only speak and said nothing. why? the wind rush. uh is the invading trend. yeah. within weeks we can with this sanctions i right serious sanctions so or this is about the additional community because people like me believes that they'll be home for rent and rent change must come from the show community. it's really not that far was it is right, no way lead to national communities, barely against the israel. it's just those western powers as part of the international community, the look the other way, but then how prepared is, is really civic society for a wider war. you know, some people call israel a j sil like isis or i so what they're do, they think that they're all,
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they're all willing to die if indeed the yeah. button iran liberties, resistance movement said enough is enough. we'll take is, are allowed for what it's done to the millions of people in gaza. christopher, i don't think this is going to happen. and most of these readings don't think that this is going to happen. because fortunately or unfortunately in advance of the we'll say the, the behold, there is a state of very, very strong, much stronger than all its neighbors and but as long as the weapons keep coming right from by us. but i see that the web presence keep them coming even though that's on the nation, including the by the ministration example, suppliers use one of these weapons. he never spoke for a moment, but then these rating uh civic society recognizes that it is totally reliant on the
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weapons coming from britain to europe in union and the united states to continue the war against his neighbors. don't the sorry, suspect is really right now. so brain was and so blind, i mean, it is like this for many years, but now he's in the mall. so most of these res believes been not the only we are the biggest big, they are all and we are the only be it's 0, then no other big things. but as i mean, those are the very roots of the way of the 7th of october. this is the only sacrifice in this war. there honorable exceptions, of course like yourself. uh, why would you brainwashed? i was brain last. i was there, go to the board to be for many years. i was brainwashed like anyone and they
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usually the list to be when i was a deal 20 or even 25. i never heard the word not. i never ask what are those who is it on the roads? it is way or do they belong to those ruins and where are those people who lives in those beautiful pages? so turning to royd, i knew nothing is the only when i started to cry in the late eighty's to try to go to buy territories brand new me. when i realize that i was thoughtful. so over the years. and when was the ability that you realize that you'd be lied to and presume we believe the people who is really being lied to from an early age right now. oh, these only process, there is no moments which i saw the light or the darkness. it was a ongoing process which will do something this very moment,
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certainly 5 years. so dr. main thing, the crime, some documentation week of the week must have an effect for me and they didn't have an effects to be in this. they have been given like the week of the week and they asked them they just explain why a one state solution is the only solution to the palestinian question. i don't believe that is where it is reading or any kind of sort of one state to state nothing. i believe that this of those, that solution is a very just sort of the only problem is that this is a trying to lift their station. i will go as the end is not being put in, but i what i saying is that those technical issues that i don't say necessarily the but in any case we is 7 and that sells a set list in the west bank. it is jose. andrew said that there's no room for it
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either, but it's this thing there isn't room for them to stop. but there's no this, the jew supremacy is there inside we is always there. and the believe that said jewels. is there any other people, as long as this continues, there is no for we is equal in just a state and state and therefore when the 2 state solution is there and i don't see the otherwise what sleggs we are leaving in the. 1 state for over 50 years. so the only problem is that this, both of them of us and this struggle should be over. they were shame of this state . this thing is that people named got assigned people in janine are living on the, these really lots of variety g, but down there is really more. and the only thing that should be changed is the
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machine. it's the wrong way to go, but at least never fish. we have in the rich. we have some seem to go for why are in the jew stage signature or what can you look for, just driven in the west bank and see all the sentiments took over every piece of land. nothing list, or if i do understand, say a can you see how your invocation of the wood apartheid for israel means that the historical power, those can be drawn with the political violence of the i, n c. and nelson mandela. so was october the 7th, really that's surprising, given that to any apologized state should expect act like october, the 7th. no, it wasn't a surprise. it was surprise in terms of the capability of the from us. it was a surprise of the day in both hands of these ready me there was no,
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he's ready. i'll be on the 7th. net was in his own. they know most resources we trust spending down e. finally there was go on, be around. they did this on believe of a barrier under the ground vision guys, and these are the show that this guarantees ever seen. and finally, a couple of 100 so understands that ride the bicycle multisite goes across the fence as he doesn't exist. so this was really unbelievable. and in this way was a surprise, but nobody should be surprised that they get big enough gas that will never be profit and never surrender. what do you expect a 5 year old survivor was that is a family wiped out in gauze. uh uh, what advice would you give them and what do you expect they will do to israel in
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the thousands, in the coming years? it's very hard to say, i mean, i don't see any hope for them. and i was recommending to look for shed or anywhere the words notes that i don't do shades the symbol there. they say where you staying on your on your end of the struggle. but the chances of very tor is raised by 530 strong be it's they will be that is one of the of my tied regime is said to be and see of course the nice thing. yeah. but you must remember one difference in so sounds great. guy was 80 percent or 9 percent. the games, 91 percent. you were dealing with speech. they fixed a 7500000. but as they had $7500000.00 eh,
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is range. we are dealing with both the country which is supported by the west, which is the darling of the west, which are $2.00, which is where the equipment is. i mean, no country the word gets the same. so only like is say for sure, most of the united states and what i say so on includes ever seen and you know, all of those last the curation, so find the nation's don't change the basics you, jason english is i use them down in the west south africa was never been dialing of the waste. right? so, so it was a while was for a long yes, but not in the same quote. the same skate comparing. and there was a very interesting and then there was a game. so septic in extras installs. but i found it's very
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effective watch. nobody dares even to mention the sanction, so it goes to the resort getting that'd be thank you. thank you. finding me that's over the show. i'll continue condolences to the survivors of u. s. u k. you nation, i'm kidding. in palestine, syria, him and living in iraq and iran will be back with a brand new episode on south day until then. keep in touch with our la social media . if it's not sense in your country and it to that channel going underground tv on normal, don't come to a funeral that presents. i'm going on the ground to soften the the
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to explain it straight to us. the problem of the choice, was there any process before the so there's 2 more good, as i mentioned earlier are is i've just deep requirements, not express here. submit item. so image of not only can the cards now problem, you know, open up in the front and then put it down. first thing if i know 4 will be street. the mention is pretty much full time to go buy from. i didn't know where it brings 2 of them over both of those types of products that are coming out the learners of figured out what you're for to try and sell the
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