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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu declares there is a date for the is really invasion of the southern most guys in the city of rafa where some 1400000 palestinians are filtering that's as disturbing images. so scores of bodies found at a hospital that was occupied by the idea of the international court of justice is set for a 2nd day of hearings as nicaragua accuses germany and simplicity in a genocide and gaza. my army is fairly and military. it is indeed pathetic excuse to the pest to senior children and women and men and goss on to provide too many tabby and aids. including 2 ad drops from the one time to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and any of them had of
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elections and the u. k. the labor party reportedly pledges to investigate the 12 year old case of the alleged the murder of a canyon woman by british troops. here from the lawyer for the victims, family and of the russian and chinese foreign ministers. hail by lateral dialogue into opposition to western had germany. a certain line problem is hosted invading. unfortunately, the live in moscow. you're watching our t international. i'm rachel ruble with the top new stories from around the worlds we began in the gaza were at least 10 people have been killed, including 6 children. and just one of the latest idea of strikes on the southern city of con eunice. and in the north of the enclave, palestinian forensic and civil defense workers have uncovered its human remains. as
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on the grounds of l. c. for hospital, a warning the following images are disturbing. over 20 bodies were recovered from the side of some of them were apparently crushed by is rarely vehicles. regardless of the health ministry says the idea of killed around $400.00 palestinians inside the hospital and its surrounding area. the world health organization describes the medical facility as a quote, empty shell with human graves, after is really forces recently withdrew. meanwhile, inside israel, fresh pro to 7 howled with locals, demanding the resignation of the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is being accused of failing to return all hostages from gaza. it is really say the war is taking a heavy full on the nation. in my wildest imaginations, i didn't think the hostages will be held for 6 months. i thought it would all take one month, half a year is way too much released them now and make it quick,
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a manual. the 1st thing that needs to happen at any cost is the return of the hostages. the situation in which they sit in gaza and the government towards their return is intolerable and unacceptable. it goes against all human values and certainly against the values of judaism and zionism. we cannot agree to that. and after their return, there is definitely time to look for a long term solution that will allow a peaceful existence in this country because we need the hostages to come home in order to heal. i say this is a relative of a hostage. and as a mental health professional, we cannot hue from this trauma until it's all over. as long as their hostages involved with the trauma continues the mind to non digestive. it's an open wound to dissipate close. a new report by the is really mental health association points to a 950 percent search and mental support request. since the war began and october,
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the group says many people are suffering from acute distress and depression, human and labor rights lower than cov. alex's is realize were clearly not ready for how brutal the war would turn out to be. i don't think they weren't prepared for what has happened. i think that was the biggest thing they weren't prepared for was help really spinning. gosh, i think that just as in the world, israel's loss, so much stanley because of its genocide in god that i think is re lease or having trouble getting their heads around the room. tell you i think it is calling into question. is riley's identity about their country about themselves. this x is central prices and i and again, i think more caused by israel jackson spend about then by the actions on october 7th. essentially everything israel does in gaza, it seems to now hurt israel and they have
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failed miserably militarily, politically, diplomatically and i, i anticipate that they will continue to fail, but it is the 2nd day of hearings that the international court of justice over a lawsuit brought by nicaragua, against germany, berlin is accused of facilitating up for the commission of genocide in gaza by supplying weapons to israel. nicaragua has also accused germany of taking a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the past seeing in children and women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment that i use to kill and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an 8. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. on the other head,
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germany is supporting a genocide. that is the old and shell claim being made right now at the international court of justice by the central american country of nick rock. you are how you may be wondering, well by supplying is well, with weapons use to a know i like palestinians in gaza. goodman, you can not be aware that the munitions, the military equipment in the war weapons that is applying is being used by israel induce attacks. it doesn't matter whether i need to least show is deliberate, straight from germany to any sweetie tank. shelby in the hospital or university, or whether that artillery shell supposed to replenish israel stockpile for use at some later date. it doesn't matter whether the playing shoes didn't come back and could drop one ton buttons on the population were made entirely in germany, which disappeared parts maintenance were supplied. the fact is that the issue is
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the supplies and replacements for arguments is crucial to issue us pursuit of the attacks on gas, nicaragua says as well as being committing serious branches of international law since the co, but it's an accusation, different billions history and 8 to being the reason the geneva convention was created is likely to move been spring. this is the bottom line. and what are the basis with this initially, natural cool, right of self defense is involved. it can never serve to justify violations. so the ones that the genocide convention or i didn't know and so think the national good night every a little surprisingly german it seems to have to be able to differentiate between self defense genocide for the more driven it cannot involve that israel is in some state of necessity of assistance for his defense into a bible. despite of the size and population, this really is on the top 10 percent. with the most news, it's
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a really powerful countries in the world. in the twenty's to 20 and 20 berlin supplied almost a quarter of its arms. but this is where it gets really interesting by 2023. so this is just floss do it's on sales to as well. so an increase of 10 fold. the case following the correct q a raises questions on countries who profit from selling weapons to as well. and the tide is turning, canada, the netherlands, japan, spain, and belgium of all suspended the sale of weapons to, as well as even prussia, mounting in the us for the bite and administration to take a similar stops in light of the recent strike against aid workers. and the ever worse and in humanitarian prices, we believe it's an justifiable to approve this weapons transfers, though, as the largest supplier for weapons. the israel in washington totally got some $4000000000.00 in middle tree 8 annually. it's hard to imagine it would change
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course. now, pressure is also the month thing in the u. k. not only of politicians getting in on the app. so to all the legal eagles, 3 former supreme court justices of joins moving. $600.00 law is legal. academics on retired senior judges calling for those on sales to be quoted. the provision of military assistance and material to israel may render the u. k complicit in genocide, as well as serious breaches of international humanitarian law. berlin will defend itself at b or c, j on tuesday, but it's already issued a denial to fuel charges germany reject the allegations made by nicaragua. today, germany does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law that directly no in directly with each day that pauses the death
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toll grows in nicaragua, believes that berlin has blood on its hands. the alliance between russia and a china is now stronger than ever and is not aimed at against anyone. that's according to the foreign minister survey line prov, who's in bay during for tax a space gets a shade. yes, that'd be an issue. the russian chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation have reached an unprecedented level without any exaggeration . our strategic partnership is based on the principles of a respectful, equal and trusting dialogue of mutual support on issues that affect to the fundamental interests of our countries. and as our leaders have stated, more than once, our cooperation surpasses the military, political alliances of the cold war era, and is not directed against any other country. but let's go live now to
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our, to these worlds apart. program hosts outside of blanco, who is also in badging of santa what else has been said during the russian for ministers visits so far. now i think one told phrase that is going to be a remembers from this presser, and that may and to do a political vocabulary, is joint resistance to double containment. it's no secret that the united states sees both the war in ukraine and rising tensions around taiwan. as parts of 2 prong strategy of essentially trying to slow down the resist, the development of both russia and china and perhaps other independence centers of power. and it seems that vision and most go, i'm no longer has it turned about, you know, joining forces and resisting dot dot pressure from the united states. now it could
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be done through as many various ways increasing trade in national currencies, creating alternative and transactional systems. like for example, something that could be used as an alternative to swift, also creating and developing other international frameworks like brakes station, high and different, high cooperation organizations. and many others and the ministers saw that they discussed all of jobs. and one thing that was clear through all their statements is that they see the russian chinese relationship as not just a bilingual relationship, which it is, but also as a model for great power relationship for the present and for the future. something that could demonstrate how countries can manage the affairs, can manage the differences, can manage that competition and joint development in that respectful and harmonious
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way. so it's so 6th, to some extent, it's enough for all, for reaching or teaching. by practicing there is the hope that the ministry is expressed that it's not the was done, at least the rest of the world, the so called global majority. it could be converted to include appreciate the way of conducting international affairs in that non weaponized way. way you keep the economy trade separate from your politics where you can discuss the most difficult security differences in, in a joint spirit. prioritizing, prioritizing is strategic stability, prioritizing joint efforts rather than one way. a predatory policies. uh ox on. some chinese media have suggested that circuit lab robins, a visit to china, may be
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a prelude to president clinton's 1st and foreign trip since his re election is worth noting that last year, chinese president, she didn't ping chose russia as his 1st destination after an election victory as well, what does this all say about the state of relations between the neighboring powers? this will both ministers to base trust that leaders, diplomacy is the key factor driving the relationship forward. and i think i will not reveal any big secrets by saying about blogging a portion of the russian president is expected in china next month to celebrate the 75th anniversary of by the triple tides. is also note for say that this visit by circular broth is the 1st official visit by the had a freshman for an affairs ministry since logging and put in renewed his presidential nandita earlier this month. and i would also like to draw our attention the attention of our audience to these subtle changes in the way how
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china and russia are describing their relationship. but i think, you know, there is a lot of significance in those subtleties. for example, in 1992 when after the soviet union collapse, the 2 countries renew dire relationships and they framed it as a constructive partnerships. then a few years later, in 1996, it was upgraded to our strategic partnership. and nowadays both leaders and their officials refer to it as o, encompassing a strategic partnership. you your heard the phrase of being used by both of gala girlfriend. he's trying his counterpart, the one they um uh, what are you tried to or translate these owen encompassing into english one sending them is catholic. the original meaning of the word catholic is universal or gender role. and there is a huge difference in how a russian china, on one hand,
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on the west and the other hand, interpret that word. because uh for the west. universal means imposing its own world view, imposing its own way of being and imposing its own interest onto the rest of the world. whereas both russia and china seed as or the whole encompassing all the constituent parts of it. meaning that all nations stars from uh that own vantage point from that own interest and work their way up towards the coming of west compromises. and this is a totally different understanding of how international system functions of where history is having it's a far more democratic unfair framework and both ministers as well as their leaders believe that this is the way history is moving, that the, the united states and the west in general will not be able to keep that had gemini for much longer, something that they perceive as not only on sphere,
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but extremely predatory. and all these all efforts to launch wars or to store of conflicts in many various parts of the worlds as seen in both the most good being as a way of preserving that unfair advantage that there was managed to secure. and as i said, they have committed themselves to resisted not only for themselves, but also for the rest of the world because many other countries, including the united states on alice, for example, the goals one or 2 is funded in the interest. because old people's own nations around the world want to develop and they want to develop in, in a sustainable and a fair manner. annex on a, one of the key topics during the restroom for ministers visit to china. of course is ukraine conflict. what can you tell us about what, what they discussed with that as well. uh,
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they did discuss uh and you know, many of the conflicts including the conflict in ukraine and there's a lot of sort of back door diplomacy going on around it. it's been a year since china itself released it's proposal for the settlement of the ukrainian conflict. uh the 12 point plan to reach insisted on um, sydney, the respect for territorial integrity and taking into account the security interest of all sides. but also making sure that the pre existing causes for this conflict that is, uh nato's expansion towards russia's borders is taking into account and address. now there is a lot of, uh, sort of um, diplomatic activity going on in europe right now, because uh, switzerland, at the behest of the united states is now trying to organize a major conference for ukraine for the ukraine in issue. and it's still unclear of who is going to be invited, that there are some vicious plans to invite some,
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$8.00 to $200.00 countries. but china is being, uh, is actually in this whole process as a sort of interlocutor between russia to some extent the west and ukraine. chinese officials visited the ukraine recently. and as far as china is concerned, being is in insisting that most gore needs to be either a part of this conference, or rather it would be better to have, you know, an independent and all encompassing in a forum that would look at all the proposals for the ukrainian pulse like that have been proposed so far. i know the only the one proposed by china or let's say ukraine, but also by south africa. there was also some initiatives from brazil and the leak of their rabbits faith. so uh, being and says that uh, what needs to be done here is uh, essentially uh, practicing this theme principles that have been and try and in the un charter that
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is treating all states as silver and refraining, not only from curse of diplomacy, but also from the use of our economy and various international tab forms. so for the sake of one class, or for the sake of one geo political camp, right, are these worlds apart? program host x on a block of reporting for us from the gene oksana. thank you. for susan bassett, or to the u. n. has accused the west of backend ukraine's attacks on there was oper, rose a nuclear power plant, the largest in europe, even the possibility of nuclear got this little if he's not the no go science with us. we're almost one thing crowded west and states. few that brooks is undertaking such dangerous publications. the can have great consequence consequences for them to, for them as well as with the inside gains these but we're just international
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community to condemn these. he's responsible and gravely danger those actions with the key if it gets worse and supports us instead of covering up its crimes since and supplying it with more weapons. and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian political. i mean, if it is a sort, it is a 10 for the pain it's, it's compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale to serve while ukrainians round struck those upper rows of plant on sunday and during 3 civilian employees and damaging infrastructure. just 20 minutes before the attack, the international atomic energy agency carried out an inspection of besides the i a condemned to the strike, but declined to admit that he of is responsible. the west has also refused to blame its allies in ukraine. the us state department spokesperson double down on that position. during his latest media briefing,
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we continue to call and russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plant return full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities, and refrain from taking any actions that could result in a nuclear incident at the plant international defense specialist and consultants, earl rasmussen, says the western refusal to blame me and crane could backfire on kids own allies. i think the for any positions in desperation, i think the west as investment is in a desperate situation as well. and the representative and the bins. yeah, it was absolutely correct. i mean, if that containment vessel was reached, if a reactor was damaged, europe is the one that will likely depending on the weather patterns late, but europe will likely pay the price the most allowing this to happen. not criticizing it really, really ties in the complicity of a little western backers and it, it's, it's sad because of their population,
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their people potentially could sacrifice the most and the situation in italy, 8 people have reported la been injured in classes with police during an antique nato march the the demonstration took place in naples near an opera house that was scheduled to host a concert and celebration of the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. protesters tried to breach a police court on prompting authorities to respond with force active as chanted nato out of italy, while i choosing the blocks of complicity in what they call a genocide in gaza. there was another rally and a different part of the italian city with people there are urging nato to cut ties with israel and mexico. protestors from a rural teachers college have burned the state government buildings and said
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thousands of cars a blaze. they're demanding justice for the disappearance of a $43.00 students. a decade ago. of footage, it shows firefighters extinguishing cars at the scene. the demands from the protesters come after a student from that college was killed in a confrontation with police. in march, the master's appearance remains what of mexico's most infamous human rights cases. an official investigation has implicated police officers and they have duction, but no convictions have been. it carried out. the vs defends ministry says it has destroyed a warehouse and production facility for heavy payload drones. and the city of is oper, rosa, and this what it shows precision targeting and what appears to be the total destruction of the ukraine in the military side. jeff has been using u a b is to strike at russian infrastructure, such as oil, gas, and other energy facilities, including sunday's attack on this upper rosa nuclear power plant. and,
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and more updates on the conflict. a new crane, the russian defense ministry, as stated as forces have propelled dozens of frontline attacks over the past of 24 hours of the m o. d also says russian troops have advanced in the don't ask or a public over the last day, gaining a tactical advantage near the in battle the city of our to mosque, also known as spotwood. additionally, the ministry states, the painting and military separate around $900.00 faith holidays as well as tank and artillery losses in the counter attack. the well, a key advantage on the battlefield for russia has been the deployment of f t. v. or 1st person view drones which are to use and senior correspondent, rob dodge. d of can tell us more about in the ruins of maximum speed. is a bible. there is always an enemy drew watching. we all we scouts the squad. regiments 10 awaits once. entirely made up of mobilized troops.
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now, the battle hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village, the name of which become synonymous with suicide. we venture that towards the south of buck, most of all, di, here, is watching the sky. it's the cut because each one of which about it, but i wanted to show you the shape of one of the fits as baffled, growled cowardly, across the front bloods. we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex potentially we may not overdone, it is barely to columbus is behind me cuz the shape go which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers and taking it is now tough controlled by russian forces.
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p shift is surrounded on sides by higher ground, the these that, that the battle is waged. some of their presence is relative, 2 or 3 people per position. they're just fodder left behind. when they die and it means there's an assault under way, which means the rest have to defend which means entire of sleep time because the dreams rising up to one foot target on both sides. the room had moved on the sky over backwards. however, never stays empty. foot long, they're all big, and the thing is the past, the,
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the 6 dreams and not just the physical, cannot be overstated psychologically without a doubt. yes, tv drew suicide. drones are the most terrifying weapons used in these conflicts large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands used every week this particular specimen, payment is put together in the field, then it's p. o explosives to kilograms of explosives used to below, but you paid in full just occasions to get the troops inside. these video is from a lead testing the excuse to our masses. so nothing is without skills amongst thousands of drew pilots
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through the doesn't it will become nice is 10, the weight is to buy me one of them quite supervisor. and i want to introduce you to my colleague and battle brother. this is master. if my entire company has filled up a graveyard of craniums and master, here has filled up another graveyard all by himself. somewhere in your oval for another region. most of again flying, drew a bag full months ago. he quickly. so the mazda has more than $140.00 confirmed hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed the injured by one. russian drew an operator with nothing more than
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a remote control in his hands. the scenario spent all the task of mine at the beginning when i hit the target, i was trembling, but eventually became a piece of cake and over. that's when i'm given a task, a will complete it. i don't feel any player. i'm just doing my duty by eliminating one target, i may have saved the lives of our soldiers and demoralized the enemy. couple of them, mike refused to follow orders. mazda is well protected. we were not allowed to film him as well. it wouldn't be, any of the regiments, physicians lost in space of operations is see and changes regularly. the keys to valuable to reese, especially now that you can sources showing cracks. so let's go to the situation has changed radically. they haven't evidence, shortage of manpower and artillery shows the new equipment at the new me.


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