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tv   Documentary  RT  April 9, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
words on the 2nd day when the dam burst, my chief, initiated an investigation into what happened. we will find out and we will prosecute the guilty will least crisis gives us an understanding that the most important thing government should can and should provide the people with is not is on food, no, to water, not close or bad. it is hope and believe that one day the sun will once again rise and they will come back to the homes. they will be hurled and everything will be fine. one, the man which i found to you from the city are forced to stay with us. right here on our to international i'll be back with much more news and just about 30 minutes by the the,
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the the news that as we will lose each kilogram and any sort of good. so but shift for you do have that experience 3 to us as well. the problem or the material costume for the detailed frontier files oscar of the more than usual starts nor at the end of this distress when she was leaving the sponge union for us to prep or consume. uh are
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you able to bring my item for transit? i'm still going to see where i'm from. cooper style, new investment should 3rd store control. there's a batch of all of us probably in the loop on here thing. you didn't do the the, the anything. yeah. beautiful. if you, if need be to give you the wrong functions leads you to solve all so you may see that the year 0 uh to be sure, it's not some good money or someone else could give me like a support e number. sure. but what they do, upgrades, of course, he didn't, you know, i did cheap, i'm was doing that and that's too much business, especially just cleaning up
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the more people i read him. what's the good thing so i'm sure i'm just going to ask you to do that. so the get, the pass code is always to even look what they're going to do is then you might, if you show even the front of each dispute, it's going to happen. so the signal just like a normal renewal and you know, when you're doing the, the okay. and so, you mean the park has already out as much as so i'm for the keys for you my see me just give us a stone the i would buy a new but aside in one second, you've got to be we've got an expression for by name and a deal of the gross, i mean what's at the show what you've done. progress mentioned to believe that's what the just give you the only you would think that by doing the work but you're
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spending that was a big deal. it's uh, but you mean you have to purchase flesh or could it be helpful but you're moving with and since you, it's not what i see you, which in the, your phone, me and your just give you the wrong that i'm sure. on the approval of the summer summer and it was a separate discussion and the quote was over. i wish i was on the senior. what was it funny? almost like a nice but then you think your grandma, you have gain a close as you are the most case of the orders components. i'm showing a functional company to share or transfer can without those kind of shows this of this. even though some competitive local probably in your black one are called to see if getting more than just a single give it a mutual serial number. there's an e o, but shooting that are going in pretty sufficient. good solution. right? but the possibility knows this is for plan deal loss of the drum color. it will, i think the subsequent good actually and a choice, the,
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the full yup. or google play store space to care. a comp program on sunday shows a special order for 3 more. she was watching the research company on the last what my vision was the store on the last couple ones. i'm used to sure the unless you think the why should we were up for a moment and just be sure to return the class. i bottom, you speed it up with what's up, what are the deal with the tool, but he's going to come if this $11.00 of them will change it to be the posts. once you get them on a fortune, lima water slips going useless at them. it's always thing to insure mostly if someone can just only, you know, put americans with a junior what the, what actually scale, which is quite, that's what i'm thinking of such as citizens choice. that's awesome. what was but he was like this one of the provisions of students that i have to see if it can you
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please the the choice process before you so much for like going countries to mostly keep going . as i mentioned earlier is i've just typical plan with finality express here submit item. so you may have not only can the cods as boomers to watch 3, the show play while as say on a goal is colleges and the best to ship is kind of because they drove to the front . i know the engineer from his designs, a small recognizance plan named sky, suggesting or should i show up pretty well? that's beside the question. i thought i will get seeking out of yes. so this might be the idea, and i, if you want to know boating, assembled the moment for himself. awesome. awesome. i'm going to shoot you a little bit of foot of the door and present when you you know, think about the words. let's see what was most now offer of this. somebody will take both given narratives mission so that you just must deal with the child. most
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of most of the human resource them are on the ceiling mission or somebody over. i knew it was your, most of your sure about that. this is when you say that's showing us almost page when you move on to the particular who need them to the most, to restore upon necessarily only thoughts you might have with the most young people chats that's for the rest of the rest of the door. even though move with interest, if she'll, if i'm still in the, of the, when you least the mutual lawyer confuse meaning, you know, where i'm with you. i listed in the 30th please senior with local, launching and on the football junior because you do solution jeremy. unfortunately is up only in the warehouse we have, you mentioned diligence, we always someone 1st when you pull one of these, put the old soft on them proposed will low we some of your prostate because on utilization and it'll for the lowest, someone to play the show really, 1st off the phone
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with you, the truth, let me i will say that the the is because she knows this and do the use deal with something you do wish you're dealing with someone with a smooth grab a new pool insurance. there's one of those crystals which only when you switch to of hold of the large she didn't open yet seem to have this, isn't it? it will contribute to no one year old on of course to, to entry point and also things person out the products the to have somebody to, to, to look up the order. mean what we show you,
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as i mentioned receipts here through each that each side of this year and increased . can you this little fight them on the only e and your near good night to play is it wasn't sure what it means, you know, and also some question was, do i have that one? if the issue, if at the phone, the chief told them, please mr. gardeners at the bus stop going more at the desk at that point of the fact void village k e said it's a wishing bush name and the time was if i see what i mean. right. yeah. voice in the pony. got upset over that. right. got you what she did not know what you're meanwhile in some petersburg local ensues. yeah. so go, i guess a little slow on the hide range of my phone or phone. yeah, i don't know if my wife today,
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but i think i'm saying is i figured i went on for somewhere, but it wasn't the one about the extension. always thinking that's what i ask. what kinds of smoke for incense got things. yeah. but the slow guy see, when i looked at is the partial uh, what i see is the schedule that got them this morning. he shows his site is running on for swearing with some of the models or can i see with your 1st name of the final given it was chelsea got things. yeah. we need to send these metal to you what i was doing. yeah. at the housing unless they put that at the school, no problem, this defense still will police or there was a my for the new semester come on because i asked them which these products then would see the world scripts and shows the lesson plan was to have my own personal, personal affairs and the assignment of for him assignment for the shopping. so now i'm sending workers for, for my, for what if somebody else about those going through my shoulder almost portfolio
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from our fairly for when they go from, from the gulf of cooper for the vice principal to finish roles, formal existing. yep. so this could be a little difficult, was it? it's most of them are gonna come up with any problem with the new news now there's oh, nice bought a fan for hundreds group square. you prove your super food bundles, my numbers to move in for 1st name. so funny, i have to go in and nothing was negative for my daughter stone guys, for me, nothing are preventive about the service in worse and it would be different the same way. no problem, no, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th, and if i know for one of the b to the section, that's pretty much the most uh i just want to know where it prints from over both of those types of products.
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that you are going to have to remove that a couple of the furniture, photos of that as a matter of payoff. so please take a look at the corner from me. michel learn so figured out a way of for to try it. so the other one was with the recording of someone for the manual for them this for were so between that but i thought of the wrong of the last one is the only got the things the learners below the one you are the best to meet you on the other, yes. and you're still at work till i get home and save your system and your more just allows phone line as part of the phone to postpone the additional bundled in
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this package here. so those services are more sense along with the other side of the record we. we use the thing, and i mean, we've always been in there so that they're still working on that spencer. what's mitsubishi mutual? and it was done in my minutes when to produce quarter the which in, if i looked on the citizen and we were just good for those rights for the technical team. we plastic, but i let something always be positive, but the more the funds in let them know is that on the phone i'm talking to the specific junior for the experience that are things are going to flow and you know, so i think we look at them and they also know is discharging length of a sample size, but that is one of those items. why didn't some of the extensions plan fail museum? i thought it was closed,
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the else can you go to the footboard and the the pool 2 minutes in the future, but that is not yet, but yeah, yeah, i thought i the fact the yeah, that's it. the name of the court,
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the which has some will show up with the soft impression. if i said i wouldn't, i just didn't otherwise reduce the loop as to the fullest by the new most. but it was not anything that i'm not sure that on any since the a fairly with that and part of the the, the
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sort here there's 2 more years plus it's kind of because it goes ends in the last to those the other. what is just been to the voice me a little a customer not for this is just are still going missing so much and we'll get a was just the program was wondering if at the low is just for the dismissal. great. of course. and this group is really con districts, do me a little, it's a model for linking lots of folks. so all of the good, good items that are always on i did an answer. so it is used of the
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brother on the understand the 4th floor there was that other phone number where they found it. so it's got open. that's what's your uh video says blow switch them out. i do for the new exposure. so if they don't like, i'm very, if it's in a separate, you know, the positively a lot, that's the nature of the cascade. troops are ready to collaborate with the high drains. you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and driving the lab. wastage of a full amount. i thought it was mobile with the from scrub if uh i'm up. i have my final ticket. i'm working on this machine to you in a 2nd. if i is, i'm just and just bear with me for the end of this, just wanna talk with them which company plus the score below, but the escrow the competitors
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so no, no no no no problem, but it was a pleasure for us. that'd be awesome. the people below, but the problem is, is the public wafaa 1st of the mothers birthday just you know, some without the lose a lot usually at the local office. but in the simple i'll send you through it to none. and that's for the one of those levels are pretty what size, voice you return your voice to silly,
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lovely speed. it sounds like those record manipulate, you know, so i'll just familiar, familiarity with that with us. and that basically the insights and little, all of the symbols that i'm really interested in mystic of, with always the most of the class giving me a list of what the company's let us know during the middle of the, by just the ways. but the most the do, a total of modeling for can put it in as a new body, strong compulsion to the new move with them know, believe us could you to consider them on the lowest and they say there's going to so to get their bill is due on the sea chest. uh, you know, these are still watching it, you know, go from ice cream and you stood about the 3 and the premium was get them going as over the stuff to you by st. quite a t. e cut off from say,
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and i'm from the city and i'm with it used to be much cheaper simply if you use. thank you very. i mean you name is be afraid to ever but that she has the one. what's the derivative of june? you press the button, i'm the finish. i shop cheaper. yeah. suppliers, music doesn't when, when you've gotten them girls, i'm a product. so we're gonna look at the cost proposal to the what 3 either on the store see what i see. the building the shower that gives you
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a short message and i think you got it that you got this once. okay, well i'm pretty sure you know, i was very upset. does that number once you've, you have 0 formulas, fremont, but it also becomes a little bit of some of the additional value, my number one, god, all the, the, the new she'll bring into the if that is. but that is very useful when you ask them that as well. yes. so based on the rules are different than the results to you, at least not a mind. they're going to hear something i don't want to, you know, worry snow so brilliant. well yeah, but i'm set off. okay, good. or back to normal, meaningful sound like one way of doing it, but then you're fine. i just keep getting your sign in the goodness and it looks like you've been doing this on your frontier before the photos i needed to have a you know, for the move issue there and you, most of the size of it is that you might think you're still,
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can you spell that somebody's got fussing with somebody? oh, it is a computer for an infringement, but will do it. is that what they do? you know, just do you have the phone on with them but almost somebody that can even okay, let me have come with this or here. so most of you those keys, nobody faxes you. what was more of a stupid grange? the boat says there are what that for just for what kind of that will be joke or i'm, can we my, your oh unless you to triple comes by that. and it comes with a subordinate full time position outside going with somebody at the local, federal, typical machine that you quoted me to coordinate
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a wifi or whatever you want to go to the main name. but all those much to him, i really don't have the controls. 3 for the boys can afford to. boy villamore ask me out of the of i should do a little for sure. what the startling to display that to spoil. i'm going to investors pittsville ford serious shift. so that is all those numbers for us to use. which of them are, there's a problem to post the excuse of the, the santa goals manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one, the blue i should like to build here because then it will probably know probably initial level of so pretty regionally cut off, is that what you're doing? some of those solutions stuff, mostly enough one to but it's almost a, it's
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a little bit more of a minus of some good little issues and you know, the word in the face and your point installed die up. it will still what? no, nobody will smile. but i got off the moisture which was at those, i mean yeah. doing so good. right. if someone didn't come on though for the civic center. yes. the child you have the phone both on board. yeah. it was the most part numbers. yeah. so i've got, i have a feeling at all, but the rest of my grades got when you are pretty young. same i was i watched the video and this was this last night. so the locals that are from us where,
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you know, i didn't clear up what we think i can use for fuzzy. yeah, it didn't show i there was a 0. i the one i didn't trust amendments to lower the baker's smile. come back. drum is a book that's difficult to hit most mission anywhere or so there's more to go to the i really am not sure that that will occur one or more where it was time. 3 of you did. one of my shifts, which wasn't which of any shooting that i'm or which of the bonus and his taking the nation through that there and we're not which out some of them didn't you much improvisors think mutual for years doing well, i'm going to the, to just suddenly know we're moving to accept the free menu, but it goes up on the, on the storage and kilogram. then especially with the other agent on the blue ridge receiving the last year. when you're older than you on this,
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do i spell it? make sure i'm the traffic. if there was one of those shows that i'm wondering what it was, the key, the annual noisiest not the. the one bedroom is this company of 2. sure. it was the 1st one. uh, come with the other is what levels are coming out there between 2 to 3 minutes? do i have to shop for the from the fish or pretending to put them in the to get interesting, but i thought that's what i've got. what shows little movies compress? you compare to go to the musician she was after. we other one was let you in, you can i ask you to and if your book i'm going up and you don't understand, we have them continuously to most published and preferred to said we just have 3 instances to finish of the, for instance, where such as from such as number of who should i should one year really? which door age here of sure which invalid was not going to so will be due to construction work. but i must discuss the what do you want to formally what fits
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your option or shoot me and what online function the mushroom of the bathroom. i think that's a bureau which does voice the voice is no problem. well, the verbal for the bull is just what we're going to do is when you're joyce, new books, assuming harris and your thoughts please showing you when you come in, you'll just go through some of the deal with them from somebody off the story on both ends and then usually 16 looks like choose, i'm gonna do you ill finish, good them and use the tools and you have and one of them is just the, one of the users you can use for william in those to cope with. yeah, we'll also send you both go see one another thing. if someone doesn't get the
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folders continue, rituals of contort movements, then your mostly splitting the why not? i've seen the what i'll talk with you only can use some of the grades. anybody gifts for remove silver speaking 1st properly. there's just a couple syria to store. your streaming is new and most of your them on the when you molly, come on. the desk was deal with one of the key from william. can you guys and you, me a little, send me some wireless views from the mission for school clean it does it have the new and it goes to a split and you have for what the things you just know a pro which, which is what the the
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lowest points of view as to the rest of the vehicle. so the motions to a letter for the money is in douglas, the dispute in which it seems to stay on the th,
3:00 am
we will fight the gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs. the russian and the chinese foreign ministers, hale and multi polar world in defiance of western had germany as target law province hosted in bay jane for top prime minister benjamin netanyahu declares there is a date for the is really invasion of the southern most guys in the city of rasa for some 1400000 palestinians are sheltering from that. so it's disturbing images. so scores of bodies found at a hospital that was occupied by the idea and the international court of justice is set for a 2nd day of hearings as nicaragua accuses germany and simplicity in a genocide in gaza by arming the as rarely military it is indeed.


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