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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the, the we will fight the gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs, the russian and the chinese foreign ministers, hale and multi polar world in defiance of western had gemini, a circular province hosted in bay jane for top. prime minister benjamin netanyahu declares there is a date for the is really invasion of the southern most guys in the city of rasa. for some 1400000 palestinians are sheltering as disturbing images. so scores of bodies found at a hospital that was occupied by the idea and the international court of justice is set for a 2nd day of hearings as nicaragua accuses germany and simplicity in a genocide in gaza by arming the as rarely military. it is indeed
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a pathetic excuse to the best fit purpose geniune showed when women and men and goes on to provides for money. terry and h, including to add drops on the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment for the use to kill, and then the 8th them the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. russia and china have set their sights on tackling western head, gemini, and neo colonial practices in favor of partnership dialogue and multi polarity. that's according to the foreign ministers of the 2 allied nations after their talks in beijing, a prospect of the same. so the issues that we work on and they cannot makes investments and other areas deal directly with the stablish in a multi polar world where there is no place for head gemini monopoly or neo
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colonial practices that are so intensively used now by the u. s. for the ends of the so called collective west of super domingos benches, high unilateral sanctions violated international legislation in order and go against the peaceful trend. believe on the chinese side as firmly against this as, as russia. all countries must condemn such practices. and i'm sure that any attempts to go against the historical trend will fail. it is important to advocate a multi polar world and transformation in the world is gaining momentum change. the global south is growing stronger. we will fight had germany and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs, which are based on one thing that was clear through all their statements is that they see the russian chinese relationship as not just a bilingual relationship, which it is. but also as a model for great power relationship, uh for the present and for the future. i think one told phrase that is going to be
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a remembers from this presser, and that's made on to joe political vocabulary, is joint resistance to double containment. it's no secret that the united states sees both the war in ukraine and rising tensions around tie one as parts of 2 prong strategy of essentially trying to slow down the resist, the development of both russia and china, and perhaps other independence centers of power. and it seems that the vision and most go, i'm no longer has it turned about, you know, joining forces and resisting uh that, that pressure from the united states. the just didn't discuss it. and you know, many of the conflicts including the conflicts in your brain. it's been a year since china itself released it's proposal for the settlement of the ukrainian, the conflict uh the 12 point plan. now there is a lot of, uh, sort of,
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um, diplomatic activity going on in europe right now, because uh, switzerland, at the behest of the united states is now trying to organize a major conference for ukraine for the ukraine. an issue. and it's still unclear of who's going to be invited. beijing is insisting that most gore needs to be either a part of this conference, or rather, it would be better to have, you know, an independent and all encompassing in a forum that would look at all the proposals for the ukrainian pulse like that have been proposed so far, i know some chinese media have suggested that started lab rob is a visit to china, may be a prelude to president clinton's 1st and foreign trip since his re election is worth noting that last year, chinese president, she didn't ping chose russia as his 1st destination after an election victory as well. what does this all say about the state of relations between the neighboring
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powers? 12, both ministers, today's trust that leaders, diplomacy is the key factor driving the relationship forward. and i would also like to draw our attention the attention of our audience to these subtle changes in the way how china and russia are describing the relationship. but i think, you know, there is a lot of significance in those subtleties. for example, in 1992 when after the soviet union collapse, the 2 countries renew dire relationships and they framed it as a constructive partnership. then a few years later, in 1996, it was upgraded to a strategic partnership. and nowadays, both leaders and their officials refer to each as o, encompassing a strategic partnership. a little long running history of post cold war deception dates back to the 9 days when washington promised moscow not to interfere in the former soviet union. as according to newly declassified documents,
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which are to substitute taylor husband, looking into the promises made a promises kept unless you will need to. in which case while the problem is, is just a few was put together in a row. these documents largely transcript detail. the optimism with which a fledgling washington state sat down at the table with the west in the 1990s taught us and they took that goes whole to the kremlin with tool cut, reducing nuclear arms, boosting peacekeeping missions, sitting on councils together and welcoming russia into a new europe from the urals to the atlantic, co operation inclusion peace partnership. it was the dawn of a new age. i would like to state here very clearly that we need stability. we're not going to insufficient in processing turnover fast as well as the internal affairs of all the so remember states of a c i s, we would like to sublease most friendly relations with all the former soviet
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republics. we would like to build new relations in view of as well in europe, whether it will be fuel weapons, fuel soldiers in europe, way lost in future will be secured, generating nato in the west when they've gone hunting out empty promises in the ninety's high on the collapse of the soviet union on the prospect of getting cheap access to russia's vast natural wealth. they said all kinds of things to call many needs and most go for tied human ski feet. we agreed that there is no intention to spend the need of security is own further to be stored. so let's be very clear. nato expansion know into ferrets and the post soviet space. a few of soldiers in europe. okay, well let's see hungry, poland the check for public join nato. bell, gary, i wrote main yes about yes. to be in your list way and you have not fear started yet. join nato albania highway shimeltonet, gordon wolf, macedonia. join me toe,
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a color resolution in georgia. a color revolution and ukraine twice and attempt a color revolution and batteries. i'm cause it's dawn, not to mention the 78 and a straight foaming campaign of yugoslavia, which power and the according to the transcript, the us defense secretary said was never on the cards. it is only important that you did not get the impression that the united states has narrow national interest in boston. there are goals, there are 2 fold. the 1st is the prevention of facilities in bus now and more broadly, nonproliferation of those so. so it is beyond the borders of the former yugoslavia or even the bulkheads. the 2nd is a decrease in violence against civilians. we are committed to achieving peace agreement as soon as possible. we do not plan to use american or major armed forces to solve any military issues. and yet here we are $415000.00 bones
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and a self proclaimed independent cost of a later yet, unbelievably, despite these revelations now unlocked on the scale of the deception coming to night, they still tried to guess slight austin to thinking it's all in russia's head, let me say again. made old pauses, no threat to russia, and 6, no confrontation with russia. nathan, so defensive lines. we do not seek conflict with restaurants. members, joining nato is not a threat to any nation. it never has been made as purposes defend against aggression. so yes, with these decades of betrayal behind it, you might just might forgive, must go for having just a few trust issues in italy. 8 people have been injured in classes with police during an n. t. nato. march own
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the demonstration took place in naples near an opera house that was scheduled to host upon certain celebration of the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. protesters tried to breach a police report on promising authorities to respond that was force active as of 10 to the nato out of italy, while of choosing the block of simplicity in what they call a genocide in gaza. there was another rally and a different part of the italian city with people there are urging nato to cut ties with israel. the other guys were at least 10 people have been killed, including 6 children. and just one of the latest idea of strikes on the southern city of con, eunice, and in the north of the enclave, palestinian forensic and civil defense workers have uncovered human remains on the grounds of alice chief, a hospital. a warning the following images are disturbing. over 20 bodies were
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recovered from the side. some of them were apparently crushed by is rarely vehicles forgotten. and health ministry says the idea of killed around $400.00 palestinians inside the hospital ended surrounding area. the world health organization describes the medical facility as a quote empty shell with human graves, after is really forces recently withdrew. a law inside israel. fresh protests have been held with locals demanding the resignation of the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has been accused of failing to return all hostages from gaza. is all they say the war seeking a heavy pull on the nation? in my wildest imaginations, i didn't think the hostages will be held for 6 months. i thought it would all take one month, half a year is way too much released them now and make it quick. i mean, the 1st thing that needs to happen at any cost is the return of the hostages. the
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situation in which they sit in gaza and the government towards their return is intolerable and unacceptable. it goes against all human values and certainly against the values of judaism and asylum, isn't that we cannot agree to that? yes. and after their return, there's definitely time to look for a long term solution that will allow a peaceful existence in this country because we need the hostages to come home in order to heal. i see this is a relative of a hostage and as a mental health professional, we cannot hear from this trauma until it's all over. as long as their hostages and opposite the trauma continues. the mind cannot digest it. it's an open wound to dissipate close. a new report by these really mental health association points to a 950 percent search and mental support request since the war began. and october, the group says many people are suffering from acute distress and depression. human and labor rights layer dental, all like says is realize we're truly not ready for how brutal the war would turn
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out to be. i don't think they were prepared for what has happened. i think the biggest thing they were prepared for was help really spinning. gosh, i think that just as in the world, israel's loss. so much stanley because of its genocide in god that i think is re lease or having trouble getting their hands around the room. tell you, i think it is calling into question. is riley's identity about their country about themselves? this x is central price is like and again, i think more caused by israel's actions then about then by the actions on october 7th. essentially everything is real does and guys, it seems to now hurt israel and they have failed miserably militarily, politically,
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diplomatically and i, i anticipate that they will continue to fail, but it is the 2nd day of hearings at the international court of justice over a lawsuit brought by nicaragua, against germany, berlin is accused of facilitating a quote commission of genocide and does it by supplying weapons to israel. nicaragua has also accused germany of taking hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the pass to senior and children women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to recruitment the use to kill. and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an 8 because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen and the other head, germany is supporting a genocide. that is the old and shell claim being made right now at the
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international court of justice by the central american country of nic rock. you are, how you may be wondering, well by supplying is well, with weapons use to a know i, late palestinians in gaza. took many, could not be aware that the munitions, the military equipment and the war weapons that is applying is being used by his royal in these attacks. it doesn't matter whether i need to least show is deliberate, straight from germany, to on his way to tank shelby in a hospital or university or whether that are totally show those to replenish israel stockpile for use at some later date. it doesn't matter whether the playing shifting come back and can drop one ton funds or the population were made entirely in germany, which disparate parts maintenance were supplied. the fact is that the assurance of supplies and replacements, for arguments is crucial to issue us. pursuit of the attacks, i'm guessing nicaragua says, as well as being committing serious branches of international law since october.
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it's an accusation, given berlin's history and 8 to being the reason the geneva convention was created is likely to move been sting. this is the bottom line and what are the basis with this initially? industrial cool, right of self defense is invoked. it can never serve to justify violations. so the rules of the genocide convention or i didn't know i'm talking to national good night debbie, a little surprising to the german that seems to have to be able to differentiate between self defense genocide for the more driven it could not involve that israel is in some state of necessity or place that distance for his defense into a bible. this is titled the size and populations. this really is on the top 10 percent with the most news, it's a really powerful countries in the world. in the twenty's to 20 to 20000000000 supplied almost a quarter of it's on. but this is where it gets really interesting by 2023. so
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this is just last did. it's on sales to as well. so an increase of 10 fold. the case buying the correct q a raises questions. so 2 countries who profit from selling weapons that is well and the type is timing, canada, the netherlands, japan, spain and belgium has all suspended the sale of weapons to, as well as even prussia, mounting in the us for the bite and administration to take a similar stops in light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever worse and in humanitarian prices. we believe it's an justifiable to approve this weapons transfers, though, as the largest supplier for weapons to israel and washington totally got some $4000000000.00 in military 8 annually. it's hard to imagine it would change course . now, pressure is also the month thing in the u. k. not only of politicians getting in on
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the at. so to all the legal eagles, 3 former supreme court justices of joined more than $600.00 law is legal academics . i'm retired senior judges calling for those on sales to be quoted. the provision of military assistance and material to israel may render the u. k. complicit in genocide, as well as serious breaches of international humanitarian law. berlin will defend itself at b or c, j on tuesday, but it's already issued a denial to fuel charges germany reject the allegations made by nicaragua today. germany does not and never did violate the genocide convention, nor international humanitarian law that directly or indirectly with each day. that pos is the death toll grows in nicaragua believes that berlin has blood on its hands. nigrama based writers,
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steve and stuff then told us the latest icy j lawsuit also focuses on a key obstacle to piece in the middle east. increased as an alternative to waste the collins under the genocide convention. it also addresses the fundamental issue of israel's or illegal occupation of palestine and it makes specific reference. i understand that the, the case presented makes specific reference to the fact that the israeli is also in serious breach of the it's guilty of a serious violations of the conduction against a bomb sites which uh, which it was rectified in 1973. so it's been an integral pump to international law for over 50 years, and it came into effect in 1976. and this moved on to tool, which is riley, is engaged in genocide under the genocide has been supported by many countries
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in dire and directly one of the main phones in the case of brought by um the correct rankings german ears, germany's decision to talk so age now germany, along with various other countries, reinstate it as a labor party has promised to open a proven to the alleged murder of a canyon woman by british soldiers. if it manages twin upcoming elections in the u . k. and that is, according to the victims. nice. it's been 12 years since agnes 10 was found dead in kenya, and her family is still waiting for justice. when we learned you were missing, we started looking for you everywhere. your baby daughter was only 5 months old and could hardly sleep or stop crying without her mother. it was not until june, 5th, 2012 that we discovered that your body was found in the hotel septic tank. things have never been the same since. 12 years later, we're still looking for answers about your murder. like this 10 was last spotted
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with british soldiers near their training base and kenya in 2012. her body was discovered in the septic tank of a hotel 2 months after she disappeared in 2019 can. and authorities concluded that u. k. troops were responsible, but none of the suspects had been brought to account of us. despite the british media widely covering some shocking league messages that showed how the soldiers mocked the canyon woman's killing. k labor party is helping 2 hours to the ruling tories and an election that is due to take place by the end of january. labor has accused the conservatives of failing to investigate the murder of agnes. 10. we heard from kenyan high court advocates. member you come. oh, who represents the 10 family? it says the case has apparently been exploited for medical purposes. and the problem is that okay for me then
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finally, oh um is it just something has to be done then? so so i, the a house that was about it should be furnished and the man whose cause you didn't want to make better about them as always is because the best buy is that the, you know, so many of those as induce my, the be the used at the end. busy of the say that i know he's got magazine by the government or is that how big the is the man they seem to be lost. yeah. whenever possible, when they come to the top as long as you to be in the body
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and know that they do in danger of these people to be pro site the. busy comments the, my house. wow, those people use a for the item. is that the basic brundage this along the shows and basset, or to the un, is accused the west of back a new cranes attacks on those upper rows of nuclear power. plant, the largest in europe, or even a possibility of nuclear. got this little if he's not the no go science with, we're almost one thing called the west and states few the, the brooks is undertaking such dangerous but of occasions that can have great cause consequences for them, for them as well as for the and so it gains these buckets of we're interesting to
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national community, to condemn these huge, responsible and gravely thing to those actions of the key if it gets worse and sponsors instead of covering up its crime since and supplying it with more weapons . and ammunition should bear responsibility for the reckless actions by ukrainian political. i mean, if it is a sort, it is a 10 for the pain. it's at compromising new clear safety and security of the global scale. several ukrainian drones struck this that promotional planned on sunday. and during 3 civilian employees and the damaging infrastructure just 20 minutes before the attack, the international atomic energy agency carried out an inspection of the side by a condemned to the strike, but declined to admit that cube is responsible. the west is also refused to blame its allies. a new crane us state department spokesperson double down on that position. during his latest media briefing, we continue to con russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the
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plant return full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities, and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incident at the plant international defend specialist and consultants, earl rasmussen, says the western refusal to buy new crime could backfire on kids own allies. i think the ukranian position is in desperation. i think the west as investment is in a desperate situation as well. and the representative in the bins. yeah, it was absolutely correct. i mean, if the containment vessel was reached, if a reactor was damaged, europe is the one that will for likely, depending on weather patterns late, but europe will likely pay the price the most allowing this to happen. not criticizing it really, really ties in the complicity of, of the western backers and edits. it's sad because of their population, their people potentially could sacrifice the most in the situation. the. ringback
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scientist has refused to give a lecture at a south tree and university after the organizers demanded he conceal his citizenship. our town organ off was invited to speak at the 37th, the international geological congress scheduled for august this year in the south korean city of boost on he recently received a letter from the staff who told him to change his national affiliation. and if he wants to be given the floor there, and the rest of the scientists refused to agree to such terms, are tom open off himself explained his position to my colleague nikki aaron when she spoke with him on monday. you replace a mirror in the end of the month so that the folks that i'm up should be acceptable and disappointed by what they do and why is that they withdrawals the g months and allowing me to be with much russian installation or i don't
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do. and so the more i will do my best me to make the situation public. so that's the culprits of the situation to see which they just are of the organizers of the conference. all i also at the uh, i travel the to asia and i was used to asians, hospitality and so, oh goodness, well, could expect the same and south korea, but actually it was real loose. so equipment. so we'll probably. ready little bit. ready painful organize this of the conference and they said please don't be. ready upset because uh we're forced to do this streaming to, to the action. we have different opinions but we know through the silk, eliza said they were false false by whom for. busy the international union of which illogical sciences of the president of which is
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a breach of scientist. excellent for a member refreshing the casual sciences. who wrote the letter to the union of back in 2022 sayings, at least for a few cream of the support of those russian scientists who left russia in protest. how do you think that politicize ation of science can possibly be stopped? i don't know because politicians, other ones who distribute money, they distribute money to do is just the funding agencies ultimately decides. this is a very powerful way to exert pressure. they can make 2 months and. ready scientists, the very little freedom to eject and also my house this pertaining to the situation affected. you personally,
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has it affected your confidence in attending future conferences or even like telling people that your russian uh no, not at all except for the last. ready is the more i encountered discrimination so more proud i am to be a rush. i always said to you for somebody to build the concentration come is a great this or used to be can site rather than more than 6000 people have been evacuated from an expanding natural disaster zone. and the central russian region of owenberg water levels are still rising and officials say the funding is expected to be at its worst of this coming wednesday. temporary shelters have been opened across the hardest at city of oregon to accommodate evacuated. are these magazines, the child reports from one such a shelter? we are in the school number 11 of the city of oscar was republished into
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a temperate recommendation center. people here being provided with room, but with food, with water and with roof wood. they had volunteers at the center teachers and their pupils. they're here to help their fellow countrymen to come through the dilute when the who didn't send up. we are a temporary accommodation point. number 15190. 1 people are currently accommodated here, 29 of them are children, and let's go to them, but i just school number 11 here, hosts and accommodation center for people in need. and we help them in bringing water and food. we also support their morale because they really need it. are grandma's house was flooded along with the road to my mom's house. i wasn't too scared of the flood. i was more worried about my pets, a cat and a dog. they have been evacuated to. most people here from the severely affected areas, their houses were the 1st to be flooded and they do not know what will happen now. they're angry, upset and exhausted, and they believe authorities have events.


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