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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 9, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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seen to a temperate combination, send people heat being provided with warm but food with water and with the roof, where they had volunteers at the centre teachers and their pupils. they're here to help their fellow countrymen to come through the dilute negligence and that we are at temporary accommodation point number 15190. 1 people are currently accommodated here. 29 of them are children and let's go to them. but i just school number 11 here, hosts and accommodation center for people in need, and we help them in bringing water and food. we also support their morale because they really need it. are grandma's house was flooded along with the road to my mom's house. i wasn't too scared of the flood. i was more worried about my pets, a cat and a dog. they have been evacuated to most people here from the severely affected areas. their houses were the 1st to be flooded and they do not know what will happen now. they're angry, upset and exhausted, and they believe authorities have abandoned them. when the lot went off at 9
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o'clock, they were new buildings. it was just the assignment arriving with flashing lights and it was already twilight. that's the thing. no one said anything through a loud speaker. someone must be responsible for this on without the home. i have nothing left you a great key for the debate. we did not have any vacation warnings, none in a week. the recreation began only after the dam burst. that is when the league started were reported at the head of the city, said the day before she went and checked them, everything was fine, they're wonderful. and the next day morning started, there were no warnings, but that might not hold naturally would have done all of this in advance. our entire 1st floors flooded. we had just made some renovations. do all our furniture floated there? everything floated where were left without anything. power going to return to our house. now the people are happy to see the seat as deputy prosecutor when a she came in person to meet with the residents and also the questions. we see what his interest besetti we brought to professionals. we are here to help. we talk to
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people, we listen to them. they want to be heard. on the 2nd day when the dam burst, my chief initiated an investigation into what happened. we will find out and we will prosecute the guilty will lose crisis, gives us an understanding the most important thing government should can and should provide the people with is not is on food, no, to water, not close or bad. it is hope and believe that one day the sun will once again rise and they will come back to the homes. they will be heard and everything will be fine. one, the man which i fought to you from the city are forced to say with are t international up next on direct impact. rick sanchez impacts us treasury secretaries visit the china and much more straight away by the power buddy
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program. note we now post a show every day used to be weekly. now we're doing this daily and we hold no punches as i like to say. so look for a true um, number one. china tells us if it wants to talk free market talk, it needs to also walk the free market walk truth number 2. just how socialist is the us economy. 20 socialist. if you're wealthy profile number 3. i'm speaking of a socialist who set a fire, a bernie sanders office. i'm rich and just and this, this is direct impact. the so the us treasury secretary goes to china. and what does janet jaelyn do?
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she lectures the chinese government on how to properly run its own economy, hinting that they, they, the chinese don't seem to understand the proper principles of free trade or a free market based system. here's just part of yelman's lecture. we intend to underscore is indeed free shift in policy by china. during these talks building on feel free to hours i spent on this topic was advised premier last week. this is part of our efforts to advocate for american industries and prevents the significant economic disruptions. we've seen in the past advocate for american industries, they have to shift their policies, which is essentially suggesting when she says the china has to change its policy
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is that china is making too many products that americans want and off. and those products are, are better products and they're less expensive than what we make ourselves. busy imports from other western countries. now, if that sounds like the state telling businesses what they can or can't produce or should produce or how they should produce it. by golly, you're right. which is why the chinese premier li 10 fired back saying no. as he says, it's the wes but needs to change its policies and be more market driven. here's what he actually says. he goes on to say this says it is hoped that the united states will abide by the basic norms of market economy, including fair competition. an open cooperation refrain from turning economic and
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trade issues into political or security issues and viewing issue of production capacity objectively, and dialectic leap from a market market oriented and global perspective. so wait a good windows here, china telling the us it needs to be more pro market are we here in the u. s. supposed to be the beacon of free market thinking. are those folks in china just a bunch of commies after all, we hear that kind of talk 247 in the western media. we certainly here in congress and in the senate and from anybody running for president. here's republican tom gotten, for example, questioning this c o a tick tock. now this guy, he's got to be economy in his right. have you ever been a member of the chinese communist party? set it on the same point? no. have you ever been associated or affiliated with the chinese communist party?
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no, senator, again, not a single point. all right, that's a republican. here's a democrat who is a member of a china select committee. never knew there was a trying to select committee. he's the he is uh, the guy who runs a china select committee, which i guess is there to teach china how to be more like us. what a success look like. to be with you jack. the mission of this committee is to fault . we want to rise above day to day politics, the charts, long term sound strategy for competition with the chinese communist party. there it is, but chinese communist party chinese communist party here that all the time, strong words threatening, right. in other words, their communist. they're not, god fearing they're not market driven, they're not freedom loving like us. in fact, heaven forbid that we should fab or become anything like them. right?
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we renew our resolve. that america will never be a socialist country. the, there it is. never. that is president donald trump, during the state of the union speech delivering the cheap and easy live guaranteed to get a standing ovation. unfortunately, for people like him it's, it's too late to say for the loyalty in america. there's plenty of socialism and they get to revolve the benefits of it. but if you're just a working staff, a guy trying to feed your family, then you, my friend, you get capitalism and lots of it will take you through it by giving you some examples of what happens to that person in here of working dude or a working woman, and you can't pay your bills or pay a loan because you've got sac or had a bad month in america. the bank comes out to you and they can sometimes even take
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your house. and if you just for missing a couple of payments, for example, maybe a couple $1000.00 you're done. mean you're, you're in, you're in a bad way. you can end up on the street. but now, you know what happens with that same bank, but just put you on the street, fails in the united states. government steps in and says, don't worry, we got you covered after the 2008 meltdown. we're backs got greedy, fat, stupid, and screwed up the entire system. what happened? well, here's what happened. the us government took your money. if you're a taxpayer in united states, i took your money that you paid taxes and they gave it to them because they're too big and they're too important. not like you. you're not that big. you're not that import. pay are. now, wouldn't you call it corporate welfare? can you say that when the government gives corporations money to run their businesses? that is by definition, socialism with
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a capital s. perhaps that's what we're told that china does, right? but then what would we call this? us banks get $83000000000.00 a year and subsidies because they're too big to fail and to important that are backed by the federal government. that means no matter how bad they screw up, no matter what they know. we're going to take care of them. you say china, that's the way it's done. china wait. isn't that what we say they do? i'm confused. so, so just to be clear that the guys who run the bags, they get millions of dollars. the upper management even got a bonus pool of $34000000000.00 a year. you want to know how much a bank teller makes, on average in the united states. $15.00 an hour. you see,
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a bank teller. he gets the benefits of capitalism. that was talking about cars when the management of general motors was on the brink of letting their company go under the u. s. government step right up. so don't you worry, you know, don't worry, be happy. we make sure that, uh and they did, they made sure the general motors and its owners didn't suffer. they gave him $600000000.00 in bail out money, and then another $500000000.00 in tax breaks. oh and the see. oh, who was in charge? who kind of was, did a horrible job. i mean, she screwed up a company right. or where it got screwed up while she was in charge. she got a $22000000.00 severance package. here's $22000000000.00. thank you very much. gong . you're fired. my god. and what about g? i'm workers, you ask. oh, the workers that tried $14000.00 of them were laid off. like go. what was that? again mister president, we renew our resolve. that america will never be
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a socialist country. now let's talk about farm subsidies. you probably heard of those few companies in the world are blessed with more of the benefits of socialism. then the agricultural industries that are made up by companies like monsanto and so many others. and they never have to worry about beating the competition and making sure that people buy their products know it's guaranteed they're guaranteed to succeed. because the u. s . government takes care of that for the so i checked and here's what i found over the past 5 years. if you pay taxes in the united states of america, right. they take your money because if it was given according to the. busy the research, we could, they take money that you paid in taxes and they give it to giant agribusiness
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corporations as a subsidy to make sure that they can succeed. so how much do you, do you think you gave over the past 5 years? $478000000000.00 that you paid in taxes. because apparently they to these other business corporations. they 2 are too big to fail. makes you wonder, doesn't it? all that talk about socialism and communism. and how do we need to make sure we're never like them those chinese, by golly, me joining us now, sir. i've got the senior asia pacific relations policy expert at the institute of china, american studies with more than 2 decades of experience right here in washington dc . studying this type of thing, i don't know where to start, but you know,
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i keep to hear yelling yesterday or whatever the hell. she said these things that, oh china, you need to be more like us. you've got to change your ways. by golly, we could show you the promise land. we're the ones who know how to be free market pro market, etc. and you say what to miss yellow? mr. go is a good to be with you, right? first of all, what i would tell mrs. yelling is that go to china and you will see free market capitalism really taking shape in the country. and that is something which is which can be loaned from china as a country in terms of its market, does not big when us all protect incumbents. it has very low entry barriers and makes companies, makes funds compete ruthlessly where the chinese state does step in is provide infrastructure and in certain new industries as we see in solar electric. but it
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goes, it helps create markets at scale. but once it does help create that market at scale, it mix them fight like cats and dogs to compete survives and to prosper. and that's why we have chinese companies today and in other sectors. also prospering, not just at home, but internationally. that is what company do, what capitalism is about. it is really having low entry barriers and making the best succeed through a process of grinding competition. and you will see that happen in china. so what do you, what do you say to all these uh, us politicians. republicans are most noteworthy for doing this because i think they wanna somehow say that their competition, the democrats, or, or joe biden, for example, is really a chinese communist, or he's a king. the chinese communist we, we keep hearing about the way they're not the only ones we hear from democrats as well to be fair. but we keep hearing that word all those communist,
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those come me this, those coming. this is like the buzz word. what do you, what do you think, given what you just said to me when you hear that this was the i think is at this point of time this, they're trying to create a differentiation. you know, like the usual differentiation, the us government always creates the always, from the people of the country, but not for that regime of the country. the way of policy please of most times it's directed against the people of that country. and in this case, they wanted to be, they want to say we're not against the chinese people look real against the chinese communist sparky. and considering its communism is the, is a dirty board. that's why you have everything, even the house select committee is call it and all of the house select committee of china. it's on the chinese communist party and hoping to be in smell of them. what i will let them live that i've been at the end of the day,
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you can call them whatever you want to call them. but i think though, a lot of practices that i was learning from, from the, from what they are doing at this point of time. and in many ways, i mean china is 400 years back is or 7500 years back is what the united states was . i mean, immense capabilities, events, entrepreneurialism and immense competition. i mean, of course, that needs to be placed with a non regulated framework, otherwise you have things like the great depression, etc, etc. but that's what the chain, what the, what, what, what china is today. it is a competitive marketplace in which people strive to succeed. are the communist. i mean, the communist party claims to be communist. and then, you know, president, she's, she's goes on these big dialect eco lectures about what communism is. but to be frank, you know, when he talks about communism order was socialism with communist characteristics.
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you know, for me i, i find that to be a very big let me, i'm going to come on the left, the dog. ok of a clintonian phrase. you know, bill clinton was all good things happen because of me all the bad things. someone else did i, i was no and nobody, nor also socialism. good chinese characteristics. all that is good about china and works in china is because of the party and because of socialism, all the things which might be not working as well on the human rights front. but that's really not part of what we, what we want. that's not what we did. and so for me, i see communism, we, it's practiced in china to a great deal. also, at least from a narrative standpoint, from this dialectical standpoint, is just a lot of shoes and frankly, so you can call it what you want. it's just a word, for example, as i just showed in my script, we say we're all free market. the leaders of the world,
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the beacon of light in the world when it comes to a free market democracy. and yet, when i really got in there and broke it down, we're not that much of a free market democracy. in fact, we have the government, essentially giving an upper hand to its crony is friends in separate industries. and we may be doing that, as you say, more than china does. yeah, we're a capitalist and they're communist. maybe we should just get away from the labels all the gunner. i think you should get to some of the levels. and i think the best example of what you said is, what was also the topic of discussion yelman's secretary ellen's trip, which was on the electric vehicles. the, as i said, the, the, the chinese side, once crew makes investments to create markets at scale. it provides initial industrial subsidies, it's fairly easy going on the subsidies type of the early stages. it has many
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players in the marketplace. it makes them compete seriously. it does not pick when also protecting commons. and from this process of through the process of market discipline, we really have real, real, real contestants. and what the chinese government then does is gradually shut off the subsidy. tough to go because they are, the legal guys will get no money and the weaker guys are just left out. need to makes it the marketplace. you know, even this, it's funny, is that about the, these it in, and i had them up by, pardon me for interrupting, but i remember a time when we 1st started relations with china and nixon made the trip and everything. and suddenly we realized, oh my god, we can get all these cool things made there, and their workers, we don't have to pay them all that much. and it will all just be quick and easy. quick, cheap products and we'll flood walmarts with them. now they have become so much more sophisticated and they want to make electric cars. and suddenly, dealing with china or having chinese products doesn't seem like a such
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a good idea. all of a sudden mel i, i, there's almost some justice in that and that's kind of what i want to talk about when we come back. all right, so we're talking to professor, good. it's so it's such a pleasure to be able to get a different perspective on something like this. we're going to stay on this topic and be right back to discuss that the market, the chinese say, hey, we can make a cars cheaper. the what says, oh no, no, we don't want them. why not? if it's good for american consumers, we'll be right back. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the water is part of the, the, is it the poly would posted? isn't the deepest view of us in that, in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases. let's go out of the as the bed were joined by
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professor. sure. a good time, rick sanchez central being with us. um, he is a senior asian pacific relations policy, export at the institute for china, american studies, and we thank him for joining us and sharing his wisdom with us. tell me if it sounds as curious to you as it does to me, it seems like everything was hunky, don't. busy worry when china was making tons of products and providing them for the american consumer. so we could have some pretty cheap goods that we would otherwise have to pay a lot of money for. it's like having mexican workers in the united states doing work cheaply. but eventually that goes the other way. and what happens now is when they were making toys in clothing, it was fine. but now all of a sudden they're making phones, computer chips, and now they think they can make the cars, electric cars as good or better. and perhaps even less expensive than the ones that are made here in the united states and may by test lie, etc, etc. so now all of a sudden,
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i'm saying there's this resistance is pushed back. how dare you make those products? those are reserved for us. come countries like cars, um, something seems a skew in that argument. am i reading it wrong, to your framing into exactly the way the americans are and the american politicians, particularly in the best way of framing the argument that these are sectors which are very, you should not be entering. you stick to do the things which you used to do and make our lives more efficient. but when we come to a higher value added products, i stay out of it. it's a, let's, let's, let's not where you belong. but i mean, that's not an argument that you can make to anybody. they allude, anybody and everybody, whether it's a honda or a chinese or a brazilian has the right to produce an electric take lives that produce the most efficient electric vehicle in the world. and that's what they've gone to, and this has come out of shelves of familiar realism. i mean,
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a lot of this is they needed to play catch up. so they had really delegated for 2 and entrepreneurs who said we need to catch up. let's try to do it a little differently. government was 8 of the process initially. i know we have, i mean, it's an antique of also about this. you know, they've been invited to test leslie at that point this time in the late late 20 times because they really wanted to benchmark their rice and competitors with the, the best competitor in the market. and they said, now go compete with the tesla and try to do the best. and this is exactly the reason the ease the market will feel in the us. because the us is keeping out the best. and the most efficient competitor, us will have its own market and it will have the gm's will have the great market share at home. but some of the allied friends like you, and i'm not inside product central, but you will never break into the international marketplace. what the, what these, what the inflation reduction ex
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e d tax credits will do is not create manufacturing competitiveness. it will create manufacturing employment up to a point from the short and medium, but not create competitiveness, which is the basis of long term and employment. so. so in this, in the chinese of very good this uh, television sets, uh, the telephones. uh, obviously cell phones, computer chips, my gosh, we thought we own that industry and nobody could touch us. and now it appears part of the reason we hate china or are supposed to hate china is because they've gotten really good at some of that stuff, especially the chips they have to have. and you know, there is a place in, in, in, in domestic and international policy making for industrial policy. it does sound very socialist. it's hendricks, there is a space for industrial policy. but industrial policy does not mean just seamlessly
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throwing money and throwing subsidies and hoping great things will happen there after you have to be intelligent about the process, somebody's before site them of the process. and the whole purpose of the industrial obviously is to then facilitate market competition. and that's why i keep repeating not to pick winners or the incumbents into that. before we go, we're down to like a minute and a half. and i have 2 more questions and a story left for you, but 1st of all, give me a yes or no. they only succeed and a really good at that stuff is because they cheat and steal our ideas. true or false is not complete. false. the use uh, i mean they, they, they have so many new innovations and they usually just need to be in washington. i mean, completely false and it's not about stealing. finally, one final note, i thought it would be fitting to mention the storage there before we close sen. bernie sanders, a man who knows a thing or 2 about socialism, had somebody attack is office by setting it on fire. police say
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a person named shep. show the ammonium got into sanders building and went up to the 3rd floor where he is seen spring, some kind of liquid on the door and then setting it on fire. the man is under arrest, it's not known why he did it, but we do know that just last week, senator sanders publicly called out as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu urging him to stop killing innocence. he also suggested that the us should give his real not a penny more. nope, still we don't know what caused any comment. what do you, what do you think of that? i know you're not are bernie sanders expert. but isn't that weird? i mean, c o 2 is like things are spinning out beyond normal politics. i mean, politics. wireless is becoming part of the language of politics and that's becoming very dangerous. and i think much worse things can happen. you know, in a fairly traumatic way. i mean, the candidates being assassinated on this sort of things, you just don't want to go there. and these things need to be nipped in the bud. i think there's no, no, no tolerance for this sort of nonsense. so i've got to,
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it's always a pleasure having you on thank you for joining me, my friend. before we go, i want to remind you of our mission. simple. really what we do here is we de, silo the world, or at least try to, you know, we've got to stop living in these little boxes where we only believe what we believe and what our friends believe. troops don't live in boxes, a nation, neither should we. we don't, i'm rick sanchez will be looking for you again. right here i'm director of the watching is why is why in this country, what if i give borrowed money at the store in this they should have been a short order, but i'm not going to say lots of green scale when i am what i could catch at your desktop session i am no. let's just sean your. just
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a bunch of mine is when you sit on the set up on me and the the we will fight had gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs. the russian and the chinese foreign ministers, hell, and multi polar world in defiance of western had gemini, a circuit lab. rob is hosted in by james for top. 5 minister benjamin netanyahu declares there is a date for the is really invasion of the southern most guys in the city of rossa. for some 1400000 palestinians are self direct, such as disturbing images show scores of bodies found at a hospital that is occupied by the idea. and the international court of justice is set for a 2nd day of hearing says nicaragua accuses germany of complicity in


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