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tv   Documentary  RT  April 9, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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go to our website, r t. com for the very latest breaking news and updates of the book. a town in ivory coast is little known outside the region. but for rivalry, and the name conjures up memories of tragic events that plunge the ones prosperous country into 10 miles. the lunch is broken, lives the country, deep in crisis. the cause of it to friends. anyone with an interest in international affairs may associate walk a with the bombing of french power, explain. i've orient forcible planes flowed by the russian lesson royce. the
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emphasis is specifically on the woods bella, russian medicine, race. the, the african country has been my head and civil war. at that moment, it was a turning point. for sparks that triggered the tragedy. the the ivory coast was the jewel, the from says west african call. the nice, rich and abundant natural result is with coffee phenomena and pineapple plantations . cocoa was introduced from south america and going to be expelled exclusively to france
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the after gaining independence, the country was turned into a false freak showcase under it's a long time president. felix will say, believe me to also leads to countries on the political body. he's a former french minister who ruled for 33 years. the pro france president's death prevented the crisis in the country. the good news is, of course they look for jesus and north ends so that you select plus some the was seen within deploy enough to them, like these pushes did. did it, didn't you tell me this to me because i couldn't do it, i guess on independence. dependable enough. so it kinda seems if i didn't have cool cool what to do to get by the present. pretty simple. when you see
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this one is a comfortable this, she folded up for washington lady shifted up goods was done that she doesn't care, but that will do it the more appropriate to this. so it's going to police will assist you with the subordinate that the rates will go through. the shuttled most of the people will go see the moves at the board and then to pay for the full $1.00 item is that will work most of that. so let me just start over my phone if you'd like, what do i do with watching this? yeah, i. ready have not been not too much still going outside of the bed. there's independent living rooms that they've got on feet isn't enough to then they don't stand for the most as done there by the did you say so long such as this really?
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i was just in the mail from what you've got on this. it isn't, it is possible to get off to the 1st or last said to them, please, to sort of the, the device flipping any shift or they pretty much will connect you to the poorest that they'll go with that. the next step is to sit down for this w if they've been met. the time was the next struggling, moving forward, the world was changing as well. people that mindset that ideas, new political bodies would imagine the of the boy in his death from failed to find an adequate replacement for him. and in 2000 load on the back boat was elected president. the the look on the demo. got you, but don't feel free to participate in worship,
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but if you don't locate the person who you want to be, you know, the, the one that she lived abundance of, what does it does? it does equity. so that's the way people to work on some of the say a di didn't the for those, that just is i the good some of the other the both of us or do those ledgers share the world to do football. so that's what to do. i do have lots of people who put in the stuff coming up from the 4 digit from said they're going to use it this year, but they didn't, didn't approve it to me. so when it's the one of the buses, it didn't fitness it while you single
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movie say they said think that i'm ready to double up with you as soon as you receive the phone. i did this in the laptop to find the voltage in 2002, rebellion burrow count against the buckle escalating into the confrontation between the country. south and north. friends made little secrets of the fact that in one way or another, it supported both sides to keep the conflicts going. the government forces job was made even more challenging by the fact that the rebels had an elaborate network of supply debt. those in neighboring booking a faucet which was ruled by friends as loyal servant plays come for the opportunities, reached a turning point. as the government army began to repel the variables from the country. then french soldiers put boots on. i've already and soiled, in
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a traditional french style with no request from an adjustment government. the un resolution adopted after the fact the french army split the country into with the dividing line, running through blocking, which became the rebels logistical center. to visit us on the other line. last as of the 70000 was because of this you see the policy, the problem. lizzie, because the notes are from the from $133.00 the only to repeat ability. some warranties
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really be easy, but it shouldn't be too difficult shift if it municipal you know, if you can from side you need to discuss this with this. is this going to do with this topic or maybe uh we can take the the ladder, but do i do i take that? let me do these. you to do just have something in the middle of this step
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dump a lot. first i was, you know, simple enough, let me go now. what did that little pretty done last city a little bit on the mean. is it the, the sub system? i'm like what this letter that what do you want about an update? in case we're going to to good stuff sort of good for the but i was just telling everybody that i want to know. bustle, she lives up in a minute to let me know what bus good is that a little much? is this the more perfect? the
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logistics use of it to renew a bill from by that. yeah, this is the us to call somebody see the one that i bought, that was the street. i wondered whether you got the new suit. do you know, newport. that'd be the new boss. just the one you know, to see nobody, anybody in front of me the navy exhibit has to do with the power to the you know. busy do you have a way to lose up there if it's on of you could they didn't have it
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available. oh, not good. you really don't need that. i need it didn't lie to me. what again for shot scenario, but that'd be just a live post. i just got lucky waiting for me and just the sam luckett this ability, but certainly they tell you what is it the video but a male less finished with this you may some but of what what good, pretty good. be pretty good enough for those of luck. but it 50 the you are the so to show i'm lucky, the month the guy letting me, but i didn't visit it. you go good. there is something there is sort of this uh,
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the lucky, missing thing that started this a square phase. as i said, the sup with the can for i did, did i gave when you wish you have here today? is it such a look like you just pay it for free to, for a out of midland and lifted it? is it the young lady that will just tell me? no i, i've definitely got just younger fe advocate that'd be, that'd be yeah, that'd be under viviana doke somebody double copy of my ex this formula for us to put it as a way to the video the video physical and sec. what not to us. so but i thought i'd give you that said give me a call the person who fill out the unit, is this the please take
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a look at the breast capability. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the car. i'm actually, i have to and i'm here to played with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show it seriously. why watch something that's so different let's it opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the
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state department c. i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the when the rebels announced an interest in negotiations, the official launched active hostilities and the library and air force began to bomb revel supply basis. on the morning of november, the 6th, 2004 to ivoly and air force su 25 claims, foamed french contingent positions in blocking the 1000000 french servicemen. and an american civilian specialist died in the right. despite issuances from the government and personally from president little incompatible
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about the tragic mistake and not being involved in the strike with the following days on, i've already and military aviation was completely destroyed on the ground and in the with human casualties. it's actually the process. so, but it takes a good a the most. okay, what else do this sooner advise me day? i'm ready. then one would have to end up doing that today. then the difference is the call for the quarter. but that started this, i guess you'd have to download the process that to me and this will quite get that poses, i pay i like to go see, i'm gonna get that. don't get that back to me today. right? yes. you know, so i'm,
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i'm leaving fair enough that the to me i looked it up. would you have to send them pretty? i love them up or menu it or something like that. the good, the load this on the well, i mean the, the city the through the steps that we need that we process that me but yes, let's just do what is simple because many a book test and on the other give me some of it. the monday, the widespread discontent resulted in empty french protests, during which, under the pretext of protecting civilians. french soldiers opened fire on a reportedly peaceful demonstration number. that's why they
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moved to system related to windows before you left it down and it said move in some of the said that i kind of came in. busy the place and it did it to 11 of the pretty good. good i'm ma'am i've lived on says when is that to buy some of the silver the silver? to that my do you what is that lou? this is no cut off. so i have to say about it as real quick before you go is the example for me in
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the prevailing situation that we can both government and the me and helps the rebels to step up their activities the the country remained divided. planets into a bloody conflict for several years. and what is a country plunged into conflict? most the wind divided into the economy is destroyed. businesses collapse along with a stablished supply and logistics change. installation reduces the populations, purchasing power and the shortages of goods and produce fronts hadn't just sent people apart to seem determined to bring them to the nice force to drag out a miserable existence just to survive the d a d. oh, that's
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a little most of the other thoughts for my team of people who would you fit to 30 monday, could talk to somebody in which and i did a pretty good. it's on the details form of the machine to the point being from a ship. just good best we could look tomorrow would be good luck with that. so the list of properties before because at the end of the vehicle so much i'll see the block, my somebody from the very 1st i later saw was the assistant manager. this will be due to the poorly to go on. the puppy. don't go to the units at the museum show much to do that, but yeah, be good by like what? wow, i'll shoot you
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a follow up with you know show in front of you please be so secure body. when that event, the most is the rose up, this is the condition of the bus. my luck with you for i have been if you saw before too long that the service that i saw that the loved to be kind of in the loop for such a show or if you saw because it shows well you must have this of my multiple phones up, my son, is it possible for the, for the 2? 162004. would it be
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the the account? 5 digit pin update for the leak? there is a bit of, uh, the faucet. maybe by that, the budget is your 2000 a used car lot particularly going to be look, see the shut off to the bottom left the system default on the 2nd of it to compile a little vision this up, back off, off. oh, let me show you the room frontage. if you had loss of just let you the by the front of you could you saw blah heading g g, g, sir? file it 5?
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050 i model need did this. that'd be the legally events in black. i didn't end until 2022. during the process of one allegedly bella rushing pilot and disappeared from the investigation. one of the defendants died and the 2 of the domain, we're given life sentences and i've sent you the. the investigation failed to answer the critical question to all the different barracks, to be bombed. no one needed to know the bible and set to restart their lives by returning to abandoned times and going back to work. but the mental looms needed to handle and still do, they must try to restore relations and learn to live in peace,
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to gain the mutual fund. them is only to do for fee to live in the one on the sequel to see that so that people give you the book is that the body of sued, you know, please it is useful to solve it. it's only sort of the interest certificate. i'll put a so let me look at, i think these ethics suits happy to look at the also enough notice on this,
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on the system. sorry, reset the know what to do to run them. the 0 sum was over by you. i leave you but i sense to do that. but it was, it was, it was a lot the sunday. do you want me to do? the middle of it was going to be honest, if it's so can you just on the
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hold on one last of the city when people saw it is you did, you can shoot us. i can do move to settlement to view the solar system guarantees you the example if she's in the form of the title of the sick amendment of the system on the boy p. i to do that for you. so they took them off on the last on that for the front bumper possibly could be shown on the 3. know these are the top of the semester,
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the minute the of the thing, but to me is that too many corporate actual audi got the plus off is the village of the sub for the alternate induced fossil i'd like to have these are the few guys solutions to move on to the muscle bodies, the permit sydney with frontier this record that he said that could you run off of simple yeah, let me tell you what in
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a box. so let me know if i do set you up with that issue. this are my go to accept that you're left for him to get on to the dentist to say that is not set up. so essentially it's pretty does that gives us it gives you the process of looking at this house at the face, the pool that present me. they said was that the sun cause it says service. yes, our body shop is at this time because i had a good video. some of them does it the set of good, the perfect st. louis stuff. that's it. yep. ha, ha
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ha . the russian states never as one of the most sense community best english. i'll send, send up the in the 6595 and speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for the question,
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did you say even closer to the question of the nuclear love? seeing what do you live most schools do. if you look on the initial do while i pull up significantly post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value, what do you do? origin. but y'all tested was done the supreme only belief systems to good you what i see these the buses. the little gear limitation says this done most of
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the, the flight to germany and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs the russian and the chinese for ministers, hale, a multi polar world in defiance of western head. gemini is 2nd law province hosted invading 4 talk. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu declares there is a date for the is really invasion of the southern most guys in the city of rasa for some 1400000 palestinians are sell training that says disturbing images. so scores of bodies found that a hospital that was occupied by the idea and the international court of justice is in session for a 2nd day as nicaragua uses germany of simplicity in


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