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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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the the the, we will fight to germany and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs. the russian on sony. 4 minutes is haley multi pose the world in defiance of the west and had germany. it's like a lot for me posted in the aging for told 5 minutes of benjamin netanyahu to class . there was a date for the as wally invasion of the southern most scholars of the city of lava . for some 1400000 palestinians ourselves. right? as a disturbing images to school, the bodies found at the hospital, the high side. the ideas on the international court of justice is in session for a 2nd day and take a long walk here. it is to many of complicity in a genocide installs us. but all mean be, is really military. it is indeed
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a specific excuse to the best seeing in children, women and men and goes on to provide too many, tammy and aids, including 2 ad drops from the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8, then the hello and welcome is to pm who were in moscow. and this is on the international with the very latest. well, these are the dates quite happy with us. a top story this, our aging intends to maintain close ties with most of that's the message from the chinese presidents to his a russian town, to pa conveyed to the russian foreign minister, whose visits in china. earlier on tuesday of the talks in beijing, the food countries that the science on tackling the west and had germany as neo colonial practices in favor of partnership dialogue. as most people are,
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i think it's so that it gets processed the same. the issues that we work on and they cannot makes investments and other areas deal directly with the stablish in a multi polar world where there is no place for head gemini monopoly or neo colonial practices that are so intensively used now by the u. s. ends of the so called collective west super even moves benches. unilateral sanctions violated international legislation in order and go against the peaceful trend. believe the chinese side is firmly against this, as is russia. all countries must condemn such practices. and i'm sure that any attempts to go against the historical trend will fail. it is important to advocate a multi polar world. and transformation in the world is gaining momentum to the global south is growing stronger. we will fight had gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs, which are based on one thing that was clear through all their statements is that
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they see the russian chinese relationship as not just a bilingual relationship reach. it is, but also as a model for great power relationship uh for the present and for the future. i think one told phrase that is going to be a remembers from this oppressor. and that may and to do a political vocabulary is joint resistance to double containment. it's no secret that the united states sees both the war in ukraine and rising tensions around taiwan as part of 2 prong strategy, of essentially trying to slow down the resist, the development of both russia and china, and perhaps other independence centers of power. and it seems that vision and most go, i'm no longer a, has it turned about, you know, joining forces and resisting dot dot pressure from the united. james didn't
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discuss it. you know, many of the conflicts including the conflicts and ukraine has been a year since china itself released it's proposal for the settlement of the ukrainian, the conflict, the 12 point plans. now there's a lot of, uh, sort of um, diplomatic activity going on in europe. right. now, because as we deliver at the behest of the united states, is now trying to organize and major conference for ukraine for the ukrainian issue . and it's still unclear who is going to be invited. beijing is in insisting that most gore needs to be either a part of this conference, or rather it would be better to have um, you know, an independent and all encompassing a form that could look at all the proposals for the ukrainian coast like that have been proposed so far. i know some chinese media have suggested that started lab rob is a visit to china, may be a prelude to president clinton's 1st and foreign trip since his re election is
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worth noting that last year, chinese president, she didn't think, chose russia as his 1st destination after an election victory as well. what does this all say about the state of relations between the neighboring powers? well, both ministers, today's trust that leaders, diplomacy is the key factor driving the relationship forward. and i would also like to draw our attention, ah, the attention of our audience to these subtle changes in the way how china and russia are describing the relationship. but i think, you know, there is a lot of significance in those subtleties. for example, in 1992 when the after the soviet union collapse of the 2 countries renew dire relationship and they framed it as a constructive partnership. then a few years later, in 1996, it was upgraded to a strategic partnership. and nowadays both leaders and their officials referred to eat as o, encompassing uh,
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strategic partnership. when else have gone so where at least 10 people have been killed including 6 children. and just one of the latest on the strike from the southern city of con eunice. and in the north of the enclave, palestinian forensic and civil defense workers have on top of human remains on the grounds of i'll see for hospital a warning. the following images or disturbing or the 20 bodies were recovered from the side. some of them were apparently crushed by is ready vehicles, the gauze, and help them industries a see id as killed around 400 palestinians inside the hospital and its surrounding area. the world health organization described the medical facility is quote, an m p show with human graves off the is grady forces recently withdrew small inside as well, fresh protests, so being held with the locals. demolishing the resignation as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was being accused of failing to return old hostages from dasa. is lady said the voice taking
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a heavy toll on the next in my wildest imaginations, i didn't think the hostages will be held for 6 months. i thought it would all take one month, half a year is way too much released them now and make it quick. i mean, the 1st thing that needs to happen at any cost is the return of the hostages. the situation in which they sit in gaza and the government towards their return is intolerable and unacceptable. it goes against all human values and certainly against the values of judaism and asylum is. we cannot agree to that. and after their return, there is definitely time to look for a long term solution that will allow a peaceful existence in this country. we need the hostages to come home in order to heal. i say this is a relative of a hostage and as a mental health professional, we cannot hear from this trauma until it's all over as long as their hostages. and
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because of the trauma continues, the mind cannot digest it. it's an open when the discipline close for sure. and the reports by the is wally mental health association points to a 950 percent search in mental support request. since the will be gone, it will tell you about. the groups saves money as well as a suffering from acute distress. so i'm depressed that we have some sheree. daniel was the executive director of counseling and is wally and g o providing emotional 1st aid and psychological assistance. she's the relatives of hostages, especially troubled by a lack of information from the governments of the most acute emotions. we hear about the fee or value of the guilt good for staying alive, bills for not being able to help our loved ones as we would like to a state of the emotional lives show a good feeling overwhelmed and anger, hopelessness de sterren last because each morning we wake up by
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a terrible news. we have lack of information. people don't know if the, whether their loved ones are alive and what's the state. and then after that, we'd have to take care of the psycho social needs. and it's quite the, quite the challenge. but with the solar diversity, i'm with the support of everyone in these, well, i'm around the world. i think that's our broken hearts. we'll start to view and we'll have to do that together. of course, the 1st step will be bringing our hostages home where they belong. it's the 2nd day of herring's at the international court of justice. so for a long search full find nicaragua against gemini, berlin is accused of facilitating a close commission of genocide in dogs that by supplying weapons to is ro, nicaragua also says to him, in a has taken a hypocritical stones on the will. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best fit,
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senior and children women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the atm and to kill also for many to be an age . because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen on the other head, germany is supporting a genocide. that is the holding cell claim being made right now at the international court of justice by the central american country of nic rock. you are, how you may be wondering, well by supplying is well, with weapons use to a know i, late palestinians in gaza. germany cannot be aware that the munitions, the military equipment and the weapons that is applying is being used by israel in these attacks. it doesn't matter whether i need to least show is deliberate,
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straight from germany to any sway the tank. shelby in the hospital or university, or whether that tillery show goes to replenish israel stockpile for use at some later date. it doesn't matter whether the plains used in combat and could drop one ton buns of the population were made entirely in germany, which disparate parts and maintenance were supplied. the fact is that the issue is to supply simply placement for arguments is crucial to issue us. pursuit of the attacks, i'm guessing nicaragua says, as well as been committing serious branches of international law since october. it's an accusation, given berlin's history, an 8 to being the reason the geneva convention was created is likely to move, been staying. this is the bottom line of whatever the basis with definition industrial cool, right of self defense is invoked. it can never serve to justify violations. so don't go into the genocide convention or i didn't know i'm talking to
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a nation that you'd like to be a little surprising to the german that seems to have to be able to differentiate between self defense genocide for the more driven it cannot involve good israel is in some state of necessity or such a stance for his defense into a bible. despite of the size and population. this really is on the top 10 percent. with the most news, it's a really powerful countries in the world. in the twenty's to 2220 berlin supplied almost a quarter of it's almost, but, and this is where it gets really interesting by 2023. so this is just last year. it's on sales to as well. so an increase of 10 fold. the case following the correct you are raises questions or countries who profit from selling weapons that is low. and the tide is turning, canada, the netherlands, japan, spain, and belgium of all suspended the sale of weapons to, as well as even prussia,
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mounting in the us for the bite and administration to take a similar stops in light of the recent strike against aid workers. and the other worse and in humanitarian prices, we believe it's an justifiable to approve this weapons transfers low as the largest supplier for weapons. the israel in washington, dudley got some $4000000000.00 in middle tree 8 annually. it's hard to imagine it would change course. now, pressure is also the month thing in the u. k. not only of politicians getting in normal at so to all the legal eagles. 3 form a supreme court justices have joined holden. $600.00 law is legal. academics on retired senior judges. calling for those on sales to be voltage. the provision of military assistance and material to israel may run the u. k. complicit in genocide, as well as serious breaches of international humanitarian law. violin will defend
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itself on the same day on tuesday, but it's already issued a denial to full charges. germany reject the allegations made by nicaragua. today, germany does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law, either directly or indirectly with each day that pauses the death toll grows, nicaragua believes that berlin has blood on its hands a snake around the base line. so steven sethkin told us that the latest ice age a lawsuit also focuses on a case obstacle to pace in the middle east. the case does not terribly do waste the crimes under the genocide convention. it also addresses the fundamental issue or is rails or illegal occupation of palestine. and it makes specific reference. i understand that the,
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the case presented makes specific reference to the fact that the israeli is also in serious breach of the it's guilty of a serious violations of the convention against upon sites which uh, which is it was rectified in 1973. so it's been an integral pump to international law for over 50 years, and it came into effect in 1976. and this moved on to tool, which is riley, is engaged in genocide. and that the identified as being supported by many countries in dire in directly one of the main phones um, in the case uh, brought by um the correct way against germany is germany's um, the decision to talk to the aid that germany, along with various other countries reinstated that said, south african organizations are hold on as well to stop recruiting the country's nationals into the i. d. s. african activists. so the mounting,
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the rest of it is wally military officer who they've deemed responsible for the efforts for the present moment. do be aware that these are caught on there. um, you know, name is going on bunch. and these are comments in the different spots um, you know, qualified, you came with good price experience and varies and everything in terms of the debit card that you show is beautiful to you about 200 students. and he is supposed to be walking frontier in of disinformation. some of the interviews got a with 2 groups to test. and every time we've hid what the company, dated on to the southern between deadlock, just proved not as easy on the account. and the critics is, i'm wondering if that's easier to, to out in the equipment. you know,
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by addition of that, all these individual veterans, it must be typed, it must be stopped by the prosecutor, but also the organizations, the which is the center. and so those are going to service for the nation. us a bit, you engage, and just to contribute to that must be here on top of it say. so thoughtful kinds of being and legally referred to as far the id as through is wally and g. o. is under the precepts of civilian show of opportunities. last month, south africa's foreign minister strongly was the country citizens against the aging is wells war efforts. i've already issued a statement letting those who are south africa and who are fighting alongside or in the israeli defense force. we are ready when you come home. we go notice to the south african active is to say is what is apparently protecting the identities
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of foreign nationals whose being a legally recluse. it's to fight against the palestinians and it is the good one for us. even government is concerned about it. part of the problem is the thing is the value of it, you know, to cooperate in terms of disclosing or keeping hitting the people that i involve. 4 employees use me to try to just close. yeah. excellent employment, but we'd love for you to do good god for the for got to figure out if you do want to investigate this case because some of these people for kids and the post on the switch on media for me. those cases you have to present good news. sometimes under me throw the key out, you know, are you trying to change this to, you know, get the message to the government and interest protecting decisively and making you examples for that activity. um, to stop with the tenants of products that mr. h has have gathered full fresh
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wiley's in the tools and the capital. we simply see to protest in case the governments propose foreign agents bill. my small to is expected to take place later today upon me is to say, is the legislation is need is to present as foreign forces from wrestling and nicole case vehicle costs here in countries policies. he also salons, criticism of the bill that's being voiced in the west, as they proved to as the transparency something russian know past what is your pin last year they managed to mislead part of society. they turned values upside down, but i'm sure they will not be able to do this again. we believe that transparency and freedom of speech are defining values in a democracy. so let's protect both principles, both values as much as possible. the loan schedule didn't demonstrate this class with police when the 12th bill was
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initially puts out for discussion in parliament, they will, thirty's waited with falls off. the sun protest is starting to riots during most of cocktails and sewing government offices. they were introduction up into office spots for us criticism in the west, where the proposed bill was branded, they quoted russia know us despite the facts that to b, c and most go out know to allies as actually at all. it's over some key issues. gemini has threatens to shut down george's bid to join the you if the or is passed . the legislation was required georgian organizations receiving more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to work just as far an asian sol face penalties when a west of engineers have been operating inside georgia without restrictions for use . well, that's a cross that lies now to alexander abrupt dean of the school of government and international affairs that rushes mcgee murray university. many thanks for joining
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us on a program, stay is good to see a festival. why do you think the tools and government is pushing to get this for an agents? bill paused and what do you make of the timing as well? well, 1st of all, thank you for having me. um, i believe that the timing is perfect because this move was announced, right? i had the upcoming election seeing october these here. and what we see exactly is the type of work between the main political rivals, mainly, namely the georgia dream of the ruling party and the are a position, uh united nation oh movements. uh, and what they are trying to do is just to uh, get the uh, voters attention right to have these elections what it looks like on the street. so it's a visa right now is a repeat of what we saw last year when the bill was being discuss, boy, exactly awesome people that so vehemently against it and will sort of reaction. do
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you think we can expect to see not more protest, small tales? unfortunately, yes, i do expect that people will keep on descending to streets to express their doesn't chance. but with this decision, mainly because this is exactly a distinguishing feature off georgia in politics, it's always so emotional. so outwardly, i would say sometimes even aggressive and this is exactly how political parties are trying to use this energy in order to harden the support in their own fever. and it doesn't only it has to do with this particular decision. but with any decision that concerns both to georgia, russia or they are relations with the western general. well, some people might not realize that the, the us is what is the, is you also have similar, those that just called different things that one western nations. so it gains the
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start to legislation in georgia as well. there is, i see the agenda behind uh the words uh, that's were authorized by the main a western lead us. and in order to understand this logic, we have to wind back to 2022. when uh for the 1st time, uh, judging, fall and then was trying to increase to use the slow, which is, uh, i would say it copy an analogy of what we have in the us or europe and you and you . but at the same time, uh, western countries are dissatisfied with the approach that was taken by the incumbent, lead to south georgia towards russia. they expected that this country would express its opposition against our country to create the sol called 2nd front in the lights of the launch of the special military operation that's here. but this didn't happen . so, judging parliament was not even the parts of all these sanctions before introduced
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against russia. that's why we don't pursue this country as an unfriendly country. although our diplomatic relations are separate. which means that basically the judge and dream are trying to have a balance, conciliatory approach to what's moscow. and this is exactly what drives crazy brussels. and washington is same type of thing that western official seem most concerned about is they're saying this georgian police, the right thing, freedom of speech. but somehow they don't think that some of those do that same thing. i mean, what do you make of that stones, and do you think people who are listening to the warnings to think that the buying the buying it's, or i believe the only a minority of georgia is the really by these ideas. because what the west is so preoccupied with is exactly that, it will somehow hold to or the activities of the or european
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n g o's that are funded by brussels and washington. whereas coming georgia and they are actually sometimes not that pro western in the way how they think they are either pro georgia or even pro russia. and the not so many russian and jewels are operating in this particular country. and that's why i believe that this is an artificial scandal that was made by the opposition because unites of national movement is the pro european up position to the georgia dream exactly. to somehow increase their own popularity, but i don't believe the georgians will actually bite. yeah, it's a, it's a bizarre and yet of the surprising thing that, you know, most i receive is to be mentioned and they know they see the west and mainstream media or is labeling this phone agents that are rushed to know the what exactly does most of really have to do with any of it a while, i believe that this is, the russia has nothing to do with this low and the search and way russia has become
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a certain booty man, uh for the west for georgia and politics as well. and sometimes when you just don't know who to blame, well, you can actually blame russia. i believe that in order to understand what is going on, we have to really focus on the internal developments in this country and take into consideration the fact that this low, what's actually concrete use by another political party. people spot work that split from georgia dream in 2022. and what they're trying to do is to get as high as possible as the moment they are a number 3 political part in this country. but they are trying to portray themselves as certain solver and as those who uphold national interest of this country and may be, they will. uh, yeah, they are share of votes and become a political party number 2, or maybe we can do selections. but i can safely assure you that russia has nothing to do with this particular de barbara,
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being of the school of government and international affairs, it rushes mcgee 1000000 invest in may. thanks for your time. really great speaking to you today. thank you. thank you. we praise presidents has made a wild claim that russia will attack other countries unless washington costs up more money for key of slaving war efforts. i'll do hills which cons i should be told specifically if it does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. ukraine loses the war, all the states will be attacked, and this is a fact you will see in the coming weeks, raso will be more and more assistance and will involve nuclear weapons in this matter. so a celebrity wants us congress to approve a new military pottage that is being stuck on capital hills, the month house republicans are refusing to green light the terms of the $100000000000.00 for an a deal. but the ukrainian leda wasn't always so hungry for the funds when he became president in 29 team. zalinski times he wanted to bring
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peace to don't boss which had been shows by ts troops for his american journalist and the truth in media side found the benz wall and has been looking into that story and a new investigation. here's a preview for you. after the start of that civil war and on the campaign trail, candidate zelinski made peace is number one priority. the promise to i will talk to president food and i will meet with the russians. we will in this war. and once he became president, he seems to have got a 180 degree change and has been the obedient servant of washington. and now most analysts are quietly a meeting that ukraine has no chance. despite the mass of numbers of weapons tanks, defense systems on, don't forget the $100000000000.00 poured in by the united states and western europe . russia has control over most of the done, both region and ukraine's and what type of counter offensive has been and other failure. this isn't
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a surprise. many analysts who didn't make it onto mainstream media outlets, predicted ukraine's loss. as soon as the complex started given the stalemate, you know territorial control now currently divided on lines that have been previously agreed to by russia and ukraine. the question remains, why is this war still going on? we heard from that this one himself who explains the us frustration of how the ukraine conflict is being going and i'll billions of american tongues has dollars have seemingly banished that there is so much fear right now by the powers that continuing to feed what's going on in ukraine, that members of the, especially the house republicans, are no longer willing to do this. you have to remember that in the united states we have such a massive border crisis right now. my grand crisis, we have children in certain states like new york, who are being kept home from school so that migrants can be housed inside their public schools. it's an absolute, unmitigated disaster, and yet hundreds of billions of dollars keep flowing out the door to ukraine for
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a war. the americans don't understand. we're being given a laughably simple narrative here. right? the ukraine is a bastion of democracy and the rush of this big bad enemy is trying to destroy it and re establish the soviet union. and the problem is, as time goes on, fewer and fewer people, i think, believe that story now they don't know what the true story is because no one will tell them that that's what we're attempting to do. but they would, they do a realize is that there's something wrong with this narrative. and how can it be that we're being told that we're going to fund ukraine until the bitter end. but no one will tell us what the bitter end actually is. new to these policies and all of washington's business sense, the latest message to the us from the indian foreign minister in diplomacy that isn't meant to get some people have minus nation should also have minus sometimes people's binders. i'm not good enough. i'm afraid. occasionally that is a case of nation still.


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