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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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in the we will fight the gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs. the russian tony's form of this is haley multi polar wealth in defiance of the west and hit germany. such a non profit is hosted in facing the germany denies allegations that facilitates a genocide in dogs to by all means as well as in the 2nd day of hearings of the international pools of justice on a lower stage close by nicaragua. mister benjamin netanyahu to class. that is a dates for the is wally invasion of the southern most balls in the city of rafa. by some 1400000 palestinians of sheltering mass us disturbing images. so schools of
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bodies found at the hospital that was all to find, find the idea, the hello and welcome is 3 pm here in moscow. and this is on the international with the very latest the world news on the day. it is great to have you with us this. our top story paging intends to maintain close ties with mosca. that's the message from the chinese presidents to these russian towns. a pause conveyed to the russian foreign minister, whose visits in china early on tuesday, also talks in beijing. the 2 countries at best sites on toppling west of the gemini and neo colonial practices in favor of partnership dialogue, as multi polarity. some of the culprits at the same so the issues that we work on and they cannot makes investments and other areas deal directly with establishing
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a multi polar world where there is no place for head gemini monopoly or neo colonial practices that are so intensively used. now by the u. s. ends of the so called collective west soup removes benches. unilateral sanctions violated international legislation in order and go against the peaceful trend. the chinese side is firmly against this, as is russia, all countries must condemn such practices. and i'm sure that any attempts to go against the historical trend will fail. it is important to advocate a multi polar world. and transformation in the world is gaining momentum to the global south is growing stronger. we will fight had gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs, which one thing that was clear through all their statements is that they see the russian chinese relationship as not just a bilingual relationship, which it is, but also as a model for great power relationship for the present and for the future,
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i think one told phrase that is going to be a remembers from this oppressor. and that may add to your political vocabulary is joint resistance to double containment. it's no secret that the united states sees both the war in ukraine and rising tensions around taiwan as parts of 2 prong strategy of essentially trying to slow down the resist, the development of both russia and china, and perhaps other independence centers of power. and it seems that vision and most go, i'm no longer a, has it turned about, you know, joining forces and resisting dot dot pressure from the united states. the just didn't discuss it. you know, many of the conflicts including the conflicts and ukraine has been a year since china itself released it's proposal for the settlement of the
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ukrainian, the conflict of the 12 point plans. now there is a lot of, uh, sort of um, diplomatic activity going on in europe right now, because as we deliver at the behest of the united states, is now trying to organize and major conference for ukraine for the ukrainian issue . and it's still unclear who is going to be invited. beijing is in insisting that most gore needs to be either a part of this conference, or rather it would be better to have um, you know, an independent and all encompassing it for them that could look at all the proposals for the ukrainian coast like that have been proposed so far. i know some chinese media have suggested that started lab rob is a visit to china. may be a prelude to president clinton's 1st and foreign trip since his re election is worth noting that last year, chinese president, she didn't ping chose russia as his 1st destination after an election victory as well. what does this all say about the state of relations between the neighboring
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powers? well, both ministers, today's trust that leaders, diplomacy is the key factor driving the relationship forward. and i would also like to draw our attention the attention of our audience to these subtle changes in the way how china and russia are describing the relationship. but i think, you know, there is a lot of significance in those subtleties. for example, in 1992 when after the soviet union collapse, the 2 countries renew dire relationships and they framed it as a constructive partnership. then a few years later, in 1996, it was upgraded to a strategic partnership. and nowadays, both leaders and their officials referred to eat as o, encompassing a strategic partnership. and let's discuss this with on a tongue. and now i see a fellow at the tire institute thing, tongue founder and chairman of the china cities blue book consulting. many thanks
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for joining the program, it's good to see it today. so such a lot problems visit has demonstrated reference on a united really in the fonts of games west into germany and beautiful flowers. so what do you think most going badging can really do to tackle the tool box of be perfect? well, daughter won't be economically successful. and at the end of the day, this is one of the main concerns that the washington has is that these 2 powers has been, especially since they have a massive land border could not be interfered with. right now u. s continues to have access to 10 minutes, a 5 island chain payments around china. and they are addict, i believe. but you know, what they can achieve together is to provide a model of economic development to the rest of the world. this is what people are interested in, not interested in conflicts. but this is really something very interesting because we see the, you know, it's a marked difference. jaelyn comes does not get
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a meeting, which isn't angie's as well. so fortunately, but she besides, she's going to lecture based on what they should be doing. and you know, obviously washington needs to make policies for patients. and as you go, that's very, very different from where i live often. sampling, if it's possible that there will be a medium between i visit i people to, to china. and this is also another stark contrast. and no one's talking about, i mean, what i can either say tonight, states or insurance. so we say, like i said, the usa is pushing back is so hard against this move into a new world order, a multi pilot. well, one of the main obstacles they can be tackled in the near future. well, i mean the, the issue of, for i see just lot of things. the dollar who are trying to me is already being stripped away. there are going, people are alternatives to until recently the central banks
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of the world, the major ones were at the lowest level in terms of the support of us treasury that would signal by $8.00. we thought the 3 fall, but this not to get into the world until they're a viable on alternatives that could support. i'd great, but you're starting to see that obviously russian china and lots of that in terms of the amount of trade that passed out there at their previous targets and young, very, very strong. and i expect that to continue. but as i said, the global south is interested in it has in, you know, these history phonics and all this ideology and are interested in results. so the better of that russia and find a new drug to help him there, people are more persuasive that's going to be to minute birthday was also on the agenda during psychological office. visits of aging is the ukraine crisis. and just
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how important is this issue full time here at the moment? obviously they would like to see peach. i think everyone what the issue right now is, as was repeated many times, you can, there's no peace process or less a rush i was involved and their concerns are addressed. this all came out web security concerns the west doing. it's free for them to the biggest soviet countries i'm headed into the train. this was intolerable at that many signals that direct messages a i think us acknowledge that if they went into paying that they would create a war and that's what happened. so it was like a so lead crane, right. and now the question is, how do you want to what china is clearly gonna support this idea that there has to be all people at the table. and that security concerns can not make nobody known and have the security one countries depending on the security of up or down the
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yellow and swaps up her visits to page angle side with the us. as to as soon as chinese companies and bonds with sanctions, if they somehow help russia in the ukraine conflicts. meanwhile, the west itself is freely sending heavy weapons. the key of what do you make of that stones? well, it's not always. yeah. but and also with gaza, the deepest, the level of progress a i d, u, what's gotten, notice, unbelievable. i, you don't even know where to start. and where is this real strategy? seems other to exactly what you're doing, whether it's buying for a bad game, which means, i mean, it's uh, economic organ uh, putting subsidies behind countries as to now. so you get in other uh, $6500000000.00 to time with these that's, i mean, conductor, they gave it a point 5 to entail. and now they're running around st. the china, shipping to assumption as well. the truth is $20000.00 subsidize. their market
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is moving competition and you've seen over a 150 country companies when he thinks me over is about effectively as 2030 and that's going to continue so, so you, you can make a big lie and you can keep repeating, then people will believe it at some point there is a see standing, some people say, hey, this is not, it's get delivered. fix people. like i said, my son speaking to us today is always great to hear from you why not try and get a senior fellow at the tire institute. think tank founder and chairman of china, cities, blue book console, say thank you. the which i'm an 8 has been pushing back a nicaraguan most of the hey, you can the 2nd day of hearings of international court of justice. but it is a case of facilitating guy quotes, permission of genocide and gaza by supplying weapons to as well as get more details on this. now i'm showing you the studio bio corresponds and he goes to announce the
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goal lovely to see you today. so what all the details laid out was by the nick rog, wouldn't persecution, and the german defense at the i c j. well, absolutely. well, 1st and foremost, this is the day to of this trial yesterday we had a chance to, hey, a new caroll go and make the case. now germany has had, has had a chance to respond. and basically they've called the case they, they've called the correct voice case as very one sided. and they basically, they plainly did. they did plainly say that the case should be thrown out of the window and that basically it should be disregarded. and just due to the lack of jurisdiction, they said that the case that the case so it was rushed and that it had, it was based on flimsy evidence. and basically they did everything in the power to deny the claim that they were somehow facilitating a quote unquote genocide in gaza and basically enabling israel to commit genocide because i've ruled before before the well, the events of october last year germany was the 2nd largest supply of weapons to
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and military aid in general to israel. they have made a case now that this is no longer true that they did cut well they, they drastically dramatically cut what they're sending to israel under. well, just have a blessed a of the german government, cassidy assesses whether there is a clear risk that the particular item subject to licensing would be used in the commission of genocide. crimes against humanity or grave breaches of the geneva conventions of 1949. so essentially they have said that the, basically, the crocker's case is at best inaccurate. this was their response. but nicaragua has been pushing very, very hard in nicaragua, they, while germany is a nation. and basically they are the most the biggest support to the biggest supporter of the palestinians when it comes to an independent actor. but nicaragua,
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actually quoted berlin out on this, essentially saying that they are hypocritical, invest on so basically sending weapons to israel and at the same time helping out the palestinians his the case that nicaragua made yesterday. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best fit for the senior and children, women and men and goss onto provides for money. terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen on the other hand. and so again, to the rat gemini, said that they remain the largest individual donor over human to terry and a to the palestinians. but now essentially everything is in the hands of the courts
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. the mind while it is, it is dealt as like the world's course at the as well. but whatever they say, whatever the ruling is, it is advisory in nature. so it's not the hague that may be many of us are used to hearing about. so they can't really force and the, basically the content and force a ruling on, on any of the sites. i find it interesting that nicaragua is taking germany to the i. c. j because germany is the only country that is, is where we know that the us is another key to know the number one don't know of weapons too as well. so why is that? and washington being taken full full. exactly. this is a very good point, but to make a rock or they did actually address this question on day one of the trial have a blessed a the people say, well hey, the principal provider is the united states. the 2nd providers tell me, why didn't you go to united states?
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united states simply does that accept the jurisdiction of the court. so we can come with that. think i should. i also think with the experience we had with the united states 40 years ago, even if we had jurisdiction through united states would not pay attention to the court. we feel that countryside germany will respect the court and we have hopes that with what the court decides is going to be accepted a waiver responsive to jerome. and he's going to accept what the court is going to say. so that's what that is our hope, and that is our main intent in this. so it's a very interesting development because normally you would expect the plaintiff and the defendant be kind of loggerheads with each other in a garage who is actually giving bell and prompts for showing up in the court and the following goal, the international procedures. and uh, you know, actually pay being respectful of this with the, of things that has been in place for decades now. and actually, you know, utilizing, using this uh, this international, you know,
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quotes in the traditional system that is in place. that while they have openly said that some countries like the united states, they just completely ignored that there any ruling united states would be good to just ignore, just to, to overlook. and in fact, to israel to because in a separate case when south africa was just showing essentially 2 things to the very same court now against israel and accused israel, of committing genocide. the quote itself is stopped short of a missing and basically calling the events of the very, very tragic events and gaza, a genocide. but it did pull on this road to be very careful and to basically be very restrained and the quotes quoted as rolling the strongest possible terms. what did, as we'll do now, months on we have thousands more that people, most of them civilians, many, many of them children. so you can see the absolute, this respect shown to these international institutions that i suppose. yeah.
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whenever, whenever it is convenient, convenient to them. i mean, the united states and israel, they will point to these institutions. they will run to these institutions. they will take things with the, with the, with other nations in those quotes. but when the un, but when you, when stop court tells them some that they shouldn't be doing something they have, they have been doing for a long time. they can just completely disregard it. and it really shows the disrespect to the international, political and traditional system that is in place. if somebody's like nicaragua is trying a different tactic. instead of taking israel to the i, c j, it's taking jelly in a painting to germany's morales a. it'd be interesting to see what comes out of it. thank you. the base housing course. donal, thank you. well, south african organizations accordingly as well to still recruiting the countries nationals into the idea of african, the activists to the modeling. the rest of his wally military officer whom dave named was supposed to go for the athens the for the present moment to be aware that
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these are caught on there. um, you know, name is going on bunch. and these appointments in the low decide different spots um, you know, qualified with good price experience and varies. and everything's been in terms of the day. the part that you show is beautiful to you about 200 students and you're supposed to be multi from 10 of this information. some of the interviews got a, with 2 groups to test. and every time we've missed what the company, dated on to the southern between deadlock, just proved not as easy on the account on the printer. it says under the easy it to out in goodman. you know, by addition of that, all these individual letters, you must be typed, it must be stopped by the prosecutor, but also,
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and organizations which is the data center. and so that's been the subject for that issue of the a bit. you engage and just to contribute to that must be, had a com active it say south africa ends up being a legally workforce it by the idea of to is really and goes under the pretext of civilian job opportunities. last month, south africa's farm and a strongly was the country's citizens against aging, as well as more assets. i've already issued a statement, letting those who are south africa and who are fighting alongside though in the israeli defense force. we are ready when you come home. we go now let's do the south african activists. so you as well as apparently protecting the identities of foreign nationals as being a legally look forward to, to find a guides to us. it is the good one for us. even government is concerned about it.
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part of the problem is the, the strategy is not confident in terms of disclosing or keeping hitting the people that i involve 4 important things. military disclose is yeah, exciting timing. but luckily to give it god for the don't forget to figure out if you do to want to investigate this case because some of these people or kids and the post on the switch on the media for me is those cases you don't have to present good news sometimes under me throw the key out, you know, are you trying to choose to see the message, the government nichols, but victim decisively and making 2 examples for that activity. um, to stop with the tenants or products around the president of pulled a click on a safe, he's concerns it by a failure for us to characterize the mass that goes in 1994 as a genocide against the african countries,
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a tipsy minority rwanda. about 30 years since the times a day last sunday. when does the big deal going on? what issues can you be kind enough to come in with with us and the city a 100 and the 6 to 5 days. and then in a, a few versus us about today, and i'm going to do this and then you can have the risk 364 days, blaming us every day. sort of the thing you don't like about this that by class from the rwandan presidents came off to the us secretary of state made a social media posts about the grim anniversary and sleep blinking list of the sort sees what towns infiniti, 100 percent of the victims of the same line as the here to say with the ones doing most of the killing during the 1990 full genocide who 2 ethnic majority seems
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extremist. nicely competencies was talking speed and brutality. all the time the to see legs were one. these patriotic funds gains control of the country. hundreds of thousands of rwandans with dead on the 2000000 refugees of sledge were vonda, exacerbating. was it already become a full blown humanitarian crisis? which one it goes from rolanda now is political analysts out. but we're dodson. but why many? thanks for your time today. i really appreciate that. first of all, what you may to all favorite runs and prizes and statements regarding on to me blinking social media post. well, it's is, um, it's really not to speak out and the nfl to things like the way they are. and again, the thing is, is a physical memorization of, of something that has been accepted internationally by the whole international community. after 1994. it's a genocide slip kennings, it's a genocide and it's
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a so you your introducing us of the topic with a couple of numbers. so it's not, it's not even about the numbers the, the reality it is, it is because by the way, it's more than the median. and what more than the median for more than a 1000000 for the exact numbers that we have at the memorial we, there is a name. it's not numbers, it's people. so these are people that we remember. now, the crime is a crime of genocide. and you can not have a genocide if there is no targets. if the people who have been docketed, not the dimensions is not the german genocide. that's, that happened in, in, in 1945 was uh, 40 to 45. it was the holocaust. so the dog it was known, it's the run the germans in the side. it was another one done genocide. and it was
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not to who does and plus that way that way the talk is of the genocide. so now what is also important that people need to remember is that denial of genocide, which is exactly what secretary blinking did, denial of genocide is another crime. and one thing just as to ended is that you can never, never prevail, a genocide, not tiny degeneracy. this is a comp name, it's going to recognize it. we've noticed that they were ones in public housing, equally equally outraged by blinking, sweet houser people in your country. received the us position, regard to the genocide it's outrages it's outrages you know, and, and especially when, when someone has to be the lead of, of, of, of a sudden civilization. you know, it is it for rhonda is already already the night before because i wasn't ready that it took months for for, for, for, for the us to accept what it was you know,
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but said he has later a whole generation later. so the people survived. um, now adults and they've seen, but secretary clinton and united states did. and that was, remember that to, like martin luther king said, we remember the silence of those who said they were friends the and the, in the hindsight there's been a lot of play and placed on the media the on the report. st goal, just completely ignoring what happened in 1994 and that 4 people were unaware. and so it was 2 days. do you think the us and other western countries could have prevented the tragedy? if so, why did it by as well because you know what? one of the members of the security council had had the interest because for us has been arming dizziness who this doing for years. they've been training. there's
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a mistake that they've been draining diminish. i mean, by french army. you know, they're being provided a weapons and ammunition. so all of that has been an, an, even at the end when, when actually president does a prison come a bill? who was this, the, the command of, of, of the, of the, our b, of the army that was fighting against this generous. it is a to stop, to stop the legitimacy this an adult of the feats for us intervene and the, the, the flag and the, the, the name of, of the, the united nations. we've been the so called the humanitarian operation called to request to give a weight outs for dizziness, the death to go to fleet into it was a that became gulf. and today the f. d a are, are still there. and still the people from the security council applying for that, or they prefer to keep a blind eye for it. so even today we do,
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we are still living in the ask them at the end, the caustic lenses of what happened in $94.00 and the 30 is latex. so eastern congo has been actually a victim of that. but then again, when it comes to the international pressing, international media, i know that's well, there is a deficit obviously, you know, and, and, and, and, and this, this crime of, of, of denials is not, it's not just a monopoly for, for the, the, the us stick a day or a, it's a good, they're blinking. many people also in the media and especially in the, i would say in the angular form, media keep doing these things. you know, it's like, yeah, i would then from my african perspectives, colleagues to races a thank you so much for speaking to us today. i really appreciate hearing from you, but let's go out the list to albert would that symbol? thank you. these apples here, nuclear power plants, the largest in europe,
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is we to tax by ukraine. once again, the latest ones, like hipaa training center of the plants that has a full scale replica, old fair. we accept earlier russians and bosses it to the un accuse the west, the backend k as with p to the tax on the font. even a possibility of nuclear cuts us through. if he's not the know, go science or the, we're almost one thing called the risk and states feel that brooks is undertaking such dangerous publications that can have great consequence consequences for them to, for them as well as for the entire gains these. but we're interesting to national community to condemn these huge, responsible and gravely danger those actions of the key. if it easy, it's west and sponsors instead of covering up its crime since and supplying it with more weapons. and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions
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by ukrainian political. i mean, if it is a sort, it is a n for the pain, it's at compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale. several ukrainian runs 12th, is that for those who have phones on sunday and during 3 civilian employees and damaging infrastructure, says 20 minutes before the attack, the international atomic energy agency current balance and expects and emphasize the i a condenser strikes, but declines to admit they can't is responsible, the west is also refused to blame its not lies in ukraine. the us state department spoke suppose and double down on that position during his latest media bracy. as we continue to call and russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plant return full control of the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incidents at the plant . international defense specialist on the consultants was listen,
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saves the west and refusal to play ukraine could back fire and key.


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