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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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this is the breaking news on all the international be russian investigate committee legs, ukrainian base for risk, not pulling things to tire attacks across the country. a criminal case has the nose and on the company's fine on the same and against the fish. what was that? the us, the, as nato countries fell into nice allegations that facilitating a genocide in gone is that by all means is well as look around was driven, supplied weapons and being used to kill civilians as on the 2nd day of hearing to the international congest. also this out we will find the gemini and policies of power and monopoly to the world affairs, the russian and tony's for women. this is haley multi pilot, a wells in defiance of west and had gemini as okay now for all of these,
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hosted in aging lawanda and president of polk odami plans with us top diplomatic failure to recognize the 1994 masika and the african country as a genocide, a bit to see the a very well welcome to you is 5 pm here in most go when you're watching all the international with the world news update, it's great to have you with us. i would begin with breaking news as the russian investigative committee has opened a criminal case against the us and nato officials, for sponsoring terrorism within and outside russia. now this comes down to an ongoing investigation into the crocus city, terrorist attack. it will start moving unless it has been established that funds channel through commercial organizations, particularly the oil and gas company brief. my holdings operate in and ukraine has
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been used english in 2 years to get out terrorist act in the russian federation and beyond. to eliminate pullman and political and politics biggers and inflict economic damage. working in cooperation with all the intelligence services and financial intelligence, income and sources, and the movement of funds for the mountain to several 1000000 us dollars being investigated. as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in the west and countries. additionally, investigative, an alteration of efforts being made to trace billings of data, perpetrators of terrorist access to foreign supervisors to organize the apartment spawn, such as we can get more details on this from our correspondence. donald, cool to now don't get to see, what else did the committee have to report, and how exactly is the original holdings connected here, as well as we just heard? russia's investigative committee is looking into millions of dollars worth of
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financial transactions that have come from the united states into trying to find some when they have a connection to the financing of terrorism that brought about that tragic crocus, city hall attack. and much of that money has been determined by the investigative committee that has, it's gone through a company called prisma holdings. now, personal holdings may sound like a familiar name to many people because it's the same company that hunter bite and son of joe biden, for many years have done business through and ukraine. and it's also a company that's been accused widely of being a vehicle of a bite and family corruption as well, according to the former prosecutor general of ukraine, victor shoak. and he says that the biden family had given ukrainian officials around $1000000000.00 worth in bribes. to remove him from his position after he launched a criminal probe, an anti corruption probe against the binding family there, and specifically breathing the holdings. they weren't being bribed. remember the fact that joe biden gave away $1000000000.00 in the us. the money in
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exchange for my smith, so my firing now, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes here. now, if that by itself didn't look suspicious enough, back in 2015 bite, and joe biden even brags actually publicly saying that he was withholding a 1000000000 dollar loan guarantee to ukraine, until the authorities had removed shocking from his position with cyclist. and i'm telling you we're not getting a $1000000000.00, so you're not getting a 1000000000. i'm going be leaving here. i think it was what 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving the 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired. you're not getting the money. us got fired and they put in place someone who was solid to so initially it was said that this terrorist attack was carried out just by isis k, but with the russian investigative committee continuing to connect the dots,
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making findings that point to more and more to western involvement and the financing of this terrible terrorist attack, it's gonna, it's looking like where the entire picture of what actually happened is really starting to look more clear. yeah. don't many things, but bring this up to speed on the salty correspondent don't. of course, i think you will during the day has been pushing back again say nicaragua and lucy slow just in the hate with the 2nd day of hearing. so the international court of justice. well that is what she was affiliate facilitating, the quick commission of genocide and gaza by supplying weapons to is well, i'll tell you the cost on of but it's more details. this is the day to of the trial . and on monday, the court had a chance to basically hear the case made by nicaragua that accuse germany essentially of what they call a facilitating genocide in the, in gaza. now, germany had, has had a chance to respond. basically they have subject to the review,
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laid out by nicaragua, was very one sided. they said that they just store to the realities. they distorted how, what the actual things are. they said that this case was rushed and essentially they have pressed openly said that it should be thrown out of the window. they also made a big case to show that they in fact have been supporting palestinians also very, very extensively. and they have been providing them with humanitarian and to see how about the german government. cassidy assesses whether there is a clear risk that the particular item subject to licensing would be used in the commission of genocide. crimes against humanity or grave breaches of the geneva conventions. of 1949, germany says remains the largest individual donor when it comes to sending humanitarian aid to palestine. but this is something that the garage was somewhat preventively addressed on monday when they were making that case. and when they were speaking to the press and basically explaining why they decided to,
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to bring germany to the court. despite to all efforts that germany does to provide humanitarian aid to palestine, it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best of his team and children, women and men and goss on to provide for money. terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen on the other hand. so now everything seems to be in the hands of the judges and the quotes. so we are expecting them to pursue and come forward with a ruling and with a decision. but mind, even though it's you and the highest court and it is sometimes dumped as a well, that's the world court who it's rulings are only advisory in nature. so they can
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pull on one of the other sites to do something called rob a still doing something for example, but that wouldn't hold any legal obligation on this. i mean, it should be advisory in nature. what's interesting about this case, ego is that we know that germany isn't the only country that owns as well, with us as another key don't in the number one, donor of weapons in his thoughts too, as well. so why isn't washington being taken to the hague? well, exactly, and again, this is a very good point which nicaragua also did address to basically how they have hailed berlin for being parts of these, you know, traditional proceedings on the simply saying that the us, there's no point in bringing the united states. oh, israel for that matter to the court because they would simply ignore anything that would, that might come out and anything that's the judge might say, have a list of people say, well, a, the principal provider is the united states. the 2nd providers told me why didn't
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you go to united states, the united states simply the state accept the jurisdiction of the court. so we can come with that. think i should. i'd also like with the experience we had with united states 40 years ago, even if we had jurisdiction, united states would not pay attention to the court. we feel that countryside, germany will respect the court and we have hopes that with what the court decides is going to be accepted. we're responsive, the german is going to ship what the quote is going to say. so that's what that is our hope, and that is our main intent in this pull. now that's quite interesting. now, isn't it because you'd expect the plaintiff and to the defend and to be a little bit heads with each other at least in some way. here they are very civil about isn't the point that they are the peak rogatories making here. is it basically so all right, we have this international like the additional system. yeah. we have a system in place. so we so we can sort things out. it was put there for a reason,
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so we can sort things out as civilized people using the again, the, the system that is already that in place, and kudos to germany for actually showing up in the courts and making that case. i'm basically being very civil about what they did have to say about the us and israel is that, well, it's absolutely use it uses in the case of those countries that it's an absolute waste of time. i mean, they do have a point here because back in january, in a separate case, the very same for the world court ordered the israel to take every possible measure to basically avoid genocidal acts in this, in the one operation and gaza. so what did this will do with just killed thousands of people, thousands and thousands of people since january, so in, in a myself, just a few months. so they can just completely disregard it. and it really shows the disrespect to the international, political and traditional system that is in place. south african organizations that hold on as well to stop. we're close taking the countries nationals into the i d f
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. i've spoken to this so it's amazing. the rest of it is really military officer and they stayed responsible for the efforts the present moment to be aware that these are caught on their family. you know, name is going on a bunch. and these are coordinating the different spots um, you know, it does qualify that you pay with $55.00 experience and the fees and everything in terms of the debit card that you show is beautiful to you about to put his payments . and he is supposed to be from pain of this information. some of the interviews got a week to go to test and it time we've just hit what the company dated over to the southern between deadlock is not as easy in the account on the project. so i'm wondering if that's easier to out and
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you know, i understand that all these individual douglas mostly charged. it must be like the prosecutor, but also the organizations which is the center. um, so that we can sort of just for the nation, us a bit, you engage and just to contribute to that must be here. i come to this face alabassic into being and legally recruited by the i d, f through is really and g o is under the pretext of civilian job opportunities last month. cell phones, because for a minute to splunk level into the country, citizens against a thing is wells will, assets i believe, the issue, the statement i letting those who are south africa and who are fighting alongside or in the israeli defense force. we are ready when you come home. we go notice to
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south africa, not to this to say, as well as apparently protecting the identities of foreign nationals. we've seen a legally recruited to find the games, the palestinians. it is the good one for us. even government is concerned about the heart of the problem is the value of it, you know, to cooperate in terms of disclosing or keeping hitting the people that i involve 4 employees, it's military disclose, and yet it's working fine, but it's not for you to do good god for the good to go out any due to want to investigate this case because some of these people will choose another post on the switch on the media. for me, those cases you don't have to present good use. sometimes under me throw the key out. you know, are you trying to change this to you to get the message, the government's interest protecting decisively and making 2 examples for that activity. um to stop with the tenants of products
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by changing tends to maintain close ties with most good. that's the message from the chinese presidents to his less than counterparts. convey to the russians foreign minister, who is the visiting china early on tuesday, all the talks in beijing, the 2 countries that those thoughts on tackling wisdom had gemini and neo colonial practices. and phase a partnership dialogue as multiple r, i see that she was mostly supposed to go to the shame. so the issues that we work on and they cannot makes investments and other areas deal directly with the stablish in a multi polar world prayer where there is no place for head gemini, or monopoly, or neo colonial practices that are so intensively used now by the u. s for the ends of the so called collective west of soup removes benches. high unilateral sanctions violated international legislation in order and go against the peaceful trend. believe on the chinese side as firmly against this as, as russia. all countries must condemn such practices,
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and i'm sure that any attempt is to go against the historical trend will fail. it is important to advocate a multi color world. and transformation in the world is gaining momentum cases. the global south is growing stronger. we will fight a gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs, which are very solid to one thing that was clear through all their statements is that they see the russian chinese relationship does not just write down i by electro relationship reach it is, but also as a model for great power relationships, uh for the present, and for the future. i think one type of phrase that is going to be a remembers from this presser, and that's made to do a political vocabulary, is present joint resistance to double containment. it's no secret that the united states sees both the war in ukraine and rising tensions around taiwan as parts of 2 prong strategy of essentially trying to slow down the resist,
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the development of both russia and china, and perhaps other independence centers of power. and it seems that the vision and most go, i'm no longer has it turned about, you know, joining forces and resisting that doesn't refresh out from the united states. they didn't discuss it. and you know, many of the conflicts including the construction ukraine has been a year since china itself released it's proposal for the settlement of the ukrainian, the conflict. uh, the 12 point plans. now, there is a lot of, uh, sort of um, diplomatic activity going on in europe right now, because uh, suite, the length of the behalf of the united states is now trying to organize a major conference for ukraine for the ukraine, an issue. and it's still unclear of who is going to be invited. beijing is in insisting that most gore needs to be either a part of this conference,
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or rather it would be better to have um, you know, an independent and all encompass seemed a forum that would look at all the proposals for the ukrainian pulsing, that have been proposed so far know some chinese media have suggested that started elaborate as a visit to china may be a prelude to president clinton's 1st of foreign trip. since his re election is worth noting that last year, chinese president, she didn't ping chose russia as his 1st destination. after an election victory as well. what is this all say about the state of relations between the neighboring powers to both ministers. today's trust that leaders, diplomacy is the key factor driving the relationship forward. and i would also like to draw our attention uh, the attention of our audience to these subtle changes in the way how china and russia are describing their relationship. but i think, you know, there is a lot of significance in those subtleties. for example,
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in 1992 was after the soviet union collapse of the 2 countries renew dire relationships and they framed it as a constructive partnership. then a few years later, in 1996, it was upgraded to a strategic partnership. and nowadays, both leaders and their officials uh, refer to it as o, encompassing a strategic partnership, political commentator on a tongue and says, the west is wherever you of the booming partnership between russia and china. a b, i can honestly successful at the end of the day. this is one of the main concerns that the washington has. is that these 2 powers, especially since they have a massive land border, could not be interfered with. right now the u. s. continues to the top of that fits containment of 5 highland chain, these payments around china, and they're adding to this song delete. but you know, once they get into 2 together is to provide
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a model of the economic development to the rest of the world business. why people are interested in not interested in conflicts, but this is really something a very interesting because we see the, you know, it's a mark difference. jaelyn toms, does not get a meeting with jesus ange, it's as well. so fortunately for cheapest, i've just been a lecture agent and what they should be doing. and obviously washington needs to make policies for patient and this girl that's been very, very different from our level off himself. and yet that's probably good. that there will be a meeting between a visit i did with the to the child. i don't understand. so another start, contrast, know what i was talking about as we might i add either a tonight states or enjoy their use on modest a little running history as post cold war deception dates back to the ninety's when washington promised most good not to interfere with the former soviet union, as, according to new, it'd be close to find documents which all tease it sounds good. taylor has been
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looking into the promises made a promises kept unless you'll need to, in which case, while the problem is, is just a few was put together in a row. these documents largely transcript detail. the optimism with which a fledgling russian state sat found at the table with the west in the 1990s taught us i'm. they took that goes whole to the kremlin with tool cut, reducing nuclear arms, boosting peacekeeping missions, sitting on councils together and welcoming russia into a new europe from the urals to the atlantic, co operation inclusion peace partnership. it was the dawn of a new age. i would like to state here very clearly that we need stability. we're not going to interfere in process and tone of a fast, as well as the internal affairs of all the silver and member states of the c i. s. we would like to stablish most friendly relations with all the former soviet
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republics. we would like to build new relations in here as well, in europe, whether it will be fuel weapons, fuel soldiers in europe, way lost in future will be secured, generating nato in the west when they've gone hunting out empty promises in the ninety's high on the collapse of the soviet union on the prospect of getting cheap access to russia's vast natural wealth. they said all kinds of things to call many on ease in moscow for tried you on a few feet. we agreed that there is no intention. d, spend the need, a security is on the to the board. so let's be very clear. no nato expansion, no interference, and the post soviet space. a few up. so just in europe. okay, well let's see hungry, poland, the chat for public join nato. well gary of romania, so about us would be in your list way. no, i'm not. fear started yet. join nato,
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albania, croatia, montenegrin north macedonia. join me a toe, a color resolution in georgia, a color revolution and ukraine twice, and attempt out of color revolution and better as i'm cause. it's dawn, not to mention the 78 and a straight foaming campaign of yugoslavia, which power and may according to the transcript, the us defense secretary said was never on the cards. it is also important that you do not get the impression that the united states has narrow national interest in boston. there are goals, there are 2 fold. the 1st is the prevention of facilities in bus now and more broadly, nonproliferation of those so. so it is beyond the borders of the former yugoslavia or even the balkans. the 2nd is a decrease in violence against civilians. we are committed to achieving peace agreement as soon as possible. we do not plan to use american or major armed forces to solve any military issues. and yet here we are full $115000.00 bones
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and a self proclaimed independent cost of a later yet, unbelievably, despite these revelations now unlocked on the scale of the deception coming to night. they still tried to gas light austin, to thinking it's all in russia's head. let me say again. later, all pauses. no, for us to rush and 6, no confrontation with russia. nathan use a defensive lines. we do not seek conflict with restaurants. remember, joining nato is not a threat to any nation. it never has been made as purposes defend against aggression. so yes, with these decades of the trial behind it, you might just might, forgive, must go for having just a few trust issues, a process. so the noise by pro western forces are gaining momentum and the tools and capital tbilisi against the winds reduction of
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a store and agents bills has failed to pass last year. the prime minister has taken a much criticism from the west and say, the legislation is needed to prevent outside forces from meddling and nicole costs in countries policy. they prove to as the transparency something russian know possibly is your pin. last year they managed to mislead part of society. they turned values upside down, but i'm sure they will not be able to do this again. we believe that transparency and freedom of speech are defining values in a democracy. so let's protect both principles, both values as much as possible. the dual didn't demonstrate this class with police when the last bill was initially put up for discussion impala and we will forward these weight in with force off the some protest is starting to riot, slowing mother to
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a hotel. i'm assuming government offices reintroduction of the draw office font 1st criticism in the west where the propose bill was branded a quote rushed to know about the spot, the fox, that's a b, c and most go unload allies on the i 20 it's own service. some key issues, germany has threat to those to shut down to just bid to join the u. s. has always passed. the legislation would require georgia and organizations receiving more than 20 percent of the funding from across to register as far as aging. so face penalties, many weston and g o is they've been operating inside georgia without restrictions for yes. i think so on the ball brought the not the school of government and international affairs that rushes, mcgee know, university stays, the west is afraid that the new law will hinder the work of a sudden g o's. in georgia. i believe the only a minority of georgia the really by these ideas because what the west is so
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preoccupied with is exactly that difficult. some how uh, filter on the activities of the are you to feed into yours that are funded by process in washington where i was coming georgians. the are actually sometimes not that pro western in the way how they think they are either pro georgia or even pro russia. there is a hidden agenda behind the words that's were authorized by the main, a west and lead us. and in order to understand this logic, we have to wine back to 2022, when uh for the 1st time, the judge and fall and then was trying to insure and use the slow, which is uh, i would say, a copy and the analogy of what we have in the us or the new and yet, but at the same time, uh, western countries are dissatisfied with the approach that was taken by the incumbent, lead to south georgia towards russia. they expected that this country would express
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its opposition against our country to create the sol called 2nd fraud. ah, the light's on the launch of the special military operation that's here. but this didn't happen to judge in parliament was not even the parts of all the sanctions before introduced against russia. that's why we don't pursue this country as an unfriendly country. although our diplomatic relations are separate. which means that basically the judge and dream are trying to have a balanced, conciliatory approach to what's moscow. and this is exactly what drives crazy brussels on washington. the move on to the president and a poll kick on a safe. he's concerned by a failure of the west to characterize the massacres in 1994 as a genocide because the african countries tootsie minority. around the last 50 years since the tragedy last sunday. when this is dale accommodation,
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can you be kind enough to come in with, with us and the city a 100 and the $6.00 to $5.00 days in, in, in a, a few versus us about today. i'm going to do this and then you can have the risk 364 days. blaming us every day. for the scene, you don't like about us. well, that backlash from the rwandan president came off to the us. secretary of state made a social media post about the clear amount of the story as me blinking, listed the tootsie, say, what count infinity 100 percent of the victims in the same line is the who to say with the ones doing most of the kid a who to ask, speak, majority extremis, gnostic of the tooth stays with shocking speed on birth policy, but a time be it. so seeing that run these patriotic friends gained control of the
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country, hundreds of thousands of rwandans were dead, and $2000000.00 refugees of sledge were wrong. the exacerbating what had already become a full blown instrument. it's harry and crisis. political analysts out, but we're not. symbol was saves the genocide cannot be punished or condemned if it isn't even recognized. the people need to remember is that denial of genocide, which is exactly what secretary lincoln did. denial of, genocide is another crime. you can never never prevail. genocide not punished dizziness. you this, if you've got name it's if you're going to recognize it, actually the definition of, of genocide is well defined and that different stages and the last stage, actually the of the genocide is genocide denial. so by doing this, like putting everybody in the same thing like that where there were different victims. nope, that is part of the denial. so. so in reality,
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the genocide target the tootsie people die because what they wear. so do united states here really at this time is the last country in the world. it has the nights . sure. monday or the residence for africans. and excited to find out more about one of the stories. don't forget to check our website all the dot com all the back of the top of the hour with more of the latest hope to see you. then the end of the.


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