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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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right sometimes, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the room. so revelations, as the russian investigative committee has been very criminal case against us and nato officials, but also a terrorism inside of the house of the country with funds from ukrainian faithful was the hold colon denies allegations of facilitating a genocide in garza. by all means, as well as nicaragua, claims driven, supplied what things are being used to kill civilians. and the 2nd day of hearings of the international court of justice. also this out you will find the gemini and policies of power and monopolies in world affairs. the russian attorneys, foreign ministers, haley multi opponent welding the fines of western has gemini, so didn't allow me suppose to been doing on z. rolanda and president
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poor because all my sons us diplomats failure to recognize the 1994 masika kelly. i forget the country as a generous lot of the to the a very long welcome. see you at 6 pm here in most go and you're watching all the international with the world news updates great to happy with us. i would begin with breaking news as the russian investigative committee has opened a criminal case against the us on today. so officials with sponsoring terrorism inside and outside of russia via the original holdings apo raising a new cray as white. honda bind and used to be a board member, the revelation comes in with the ongoing investigation into the croakers city terrorist attack, or will start moving unless it has been established that funds channel through commercial organizations, particularly the oil and gas company, police,
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my holdings, operate and ukraine has been used in recent years to get out terrorist attacks in the russian federation and beyond to eliminate pullman and political and public figures and in sleep. economic damage working in cooperation with all the intelligence services and financial intelligence, income and sources, and the movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars a being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in western countries. additionally, investigative authoration of effort, so it'd be made to trace billings of direct opportunity to us of terrorist acts dropped to 4 in separate visors, organizers and sponsor as well as get a clearer picture of the story now uh, from our correspondence on hold quote. so don't, thanks for joining us. so what else did the committee have to report in and how exactly is the original holdings connected here? well, russia's investigative committee is looking into millions of dollars worth of financial
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transactions from the west that may have gone to funding. and financing terrorism, both in russia and beyond its borders. and the committee is determined already that some of the money that has made it into the hands of terrorists has come from the company. because my holdings now many people may find that name to be familiar because it's the same for as my holdings that hunter bite. and son of joe biden did business through and ukraine for many years. and it's also a company that's been widely accused of being a vehicle for bite and family corruption, according to the former prosecutor general of ukraine, victor shoak. and he says that the binding family bribed ukrainian officials to the tune of $1000000000.00 to remove him from his post after he launched a criminal pro against br. as my holdings for corruption that they weren't being bribed. remember the fact that job i use them gave away $1000000000.00 in the us,
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the money in exchange for my to christmas. so my firing, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes here, as if an accusation like that from such a high ranking official wasn't a suspicious enough back in 2015, joe biden publicly said that he had withheld a 1000000000 dollar a loan guarantee to ukraine until officials there had removed choking from his post . and i'm telling you, we're not getting your $1000000000.00. i said you're not getting the building. i'm going to be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving the 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired. you're not getting the money most got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. so as the russian investigation continues to connect the dots to the united states, to ukraine, in terms of who's really behind the financing of terrorism in russia and beyond the whole picture. but in terms of who is behind the scene,
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specifically of the crocus city hall, terrorist attack is becoming more and more clear. yeah, don't many thanks to bringing us up to speed on the details on associate correspondence. don't want full time. let's continue the conversation. that's so cost lot and i was a former cd, a security policy on it as my family is the mother of always a pleasure to see you. thanks for joining us today. first of all, i'd like to ask you a reaction to this latest revelation from the russian investigative committee. and it's not surprising, and it coincides with the other information that i have received from my own sources. but um, funding is coming from multi millionaires uh, from the west, principally and ukraine and, and the us and possibly britain. and that they will certainly work through other front companies in order to mask of where the funds are coming from. but they're clearly aimed at trying to undermine russia. that's very interesting.
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your source is a saying, the same thing is what reaction the thing we can expect from the us, the nato countries, this any reaction. so no reaction at all in total denial. if they're forced to give a reaction, they'll that and you, you can expect this. so i think, i think it will be who russian authorities, the investigative committee at this point to reveal all data out. we want to say, we want to say the, the money trail and you got it and they, if they can expose the money, the money trail, i'd say that that will and make it and bring it to the you want. just bring it out . the be very forthcoming about it, but uh its i, i personally do not know who they all are, but i'm told, at least a 10 millionaires are involved and that's what i'm
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concerned about. and i don't, but i don't know their identity. and the, i mean, this is especially poignant because it comes to is weeks since the crow cuz uh, city whole massacre which in which a $145.00 people including children were killed. now there's a no direct link to that latest terabytes has. but what all the transistors, speculation at this point that such a tragic event could also be funded through business for well, it, you can never rule anything out. and given this a category that, that the button family has been been going through and, and biden's focus on ukraine since before. 2014, along with victoria newland. uh, you cannot rule anything out in terms of aligning the, the, the financial flows and, and the whole idea of using ukraine to the 1st place was to, was aimed at russia was aimed at brit destabilizing that government. and,
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and, and bringing in someone that is more amenable to the west and we seek and we also see this with how, how the u. k. and the, and the us especially are using ukraine for this purpose as a proxy and, and, and if they can undermine russia, that is their goal. but given this a very tragic incident that occurred, it has actually solidified russian people behind the government. and so i think that that's a loss for them, but it, but it's, but i think it's that it's all the more imperative for the investigative committee to really get, get into what, who, it is, what it and who's, who's been involved and expose it. i'm just wondering if, you know,
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even though the russian investigate the committee is saying this, your so, so the saying the same. so even if we have concrete evidence, how likely is it that such high profile figures would be prosecuted virtually? no, this is that i can say that will be regarded as heroes because they'll, they'll be, they'll be saying that their aim is to try to protect ukraine and, and go after russia. so, and, you know, they, there's that old saying all's fair and level more. and more, he's definitely are in a more so uh, i can in my, in, in ukraine, ukrainian officials clearly are desperate clients. again, they are, they are reaching out to whomever they can get and they're doing pinpoint strikes. and they're using cut outs. they're using terrace groups um, principally and very poor people from, from the, from central asia, the people who really like where, wherever i $5000.00, it means
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a lot to them and particularly, and something like this, of the coming on the cheap in that regard. but these, these individuals are, are definitely determined to punish you, will russia, and that's what i am us. that's what i'm gathering from my own sources at this point. my life always the pleasure to hear from you. thank you so much for your time. a former cv a security policy on a small company. these thank you as well to germany. yes. now, which has been pushing back a gauge, they nicaragua know 6 floats in the hay. you get a 2nd day of hearings at the, in the central court of justice, not berlin is accused of facilitating the quote commission of genocide in gaza by supplying weapons to israel. all teasing costano springs, mold the task force. this is the day 2 of the trial and on monday the court had
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a chance to basically hear the case made by new cromwell that accuse germany essentially of what they call it, facilitating genocide and in gaza. now jim and he had had a chance to respond basically they have subject these, you laid out by nicaragua was very one sided. they said that they just do it to the realities, they distorted. how would this actual things are? they said that this case was rushed and essentially they have pressed openly said that it should be thrown out of the window. they also made a big case to show that they in facts have been supporting palestinians also very, very extensively. and they have been providing them with humanitarian agents who have listened to the german government. cassidy assesses whether there is a clear risk that the particular item subject to licensing would be used in the commission of genocide. crimes against humanity or grave breaches of the geneva conventions. of 1949 germany does remains the largest individual don't know when it
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comes to sending human to terry in a to palestine. but this is something that the garage was somewhat preventively addressed on monday when they were making that case. and when they were speaking to the press and basically explaining why they decided to uh, to bring germany to the court. despite all efforts that germany does to provide humanitarian aid to palestine, it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the pests senior children, women, and men and goss on to provide for money. terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand us and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen or on the other head. so now everything seems to be in the
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hands of the judges and the quotes. so we are expecting them to pursue and come forward with a ruling and with a decision. but mind even though it's you ends highest court and it is sometimes dumped as a world as the world court, or it's rulings are only advisory in nature, so they can pull on one of the other sides to do something. old robins still doing something, for example, but that wouldn't hold any legal obligation on this. it would be advisory in nature . what's interesting about this case, ego is that we know that germany isn't the only country that owns as well with us as another key don't. and the number one, donor of weapons and facts too as well. so why isn't washington being taken to the a? well, exactly, and again, this is a very good point which nicaragua also did address to basically they have hailed berlin for being parts of these, you know, traditional proceedings on the simply saying that the us,
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there's no point in bringing the united states or israel for that matter to the court because they would simply ignore anything that would, that might come out and anything that the judge might say have a list of people say, well, a, the principal provider is the united states. the 2nd providers generally. why didn't you go to united states, the united states simply the statics at the jurisdiction of the court. so we can come with that. think i should. i also think with the experience we had with united states 4 years ago, even if we had jurisdiction, united states would not pay attention to the court. we feel that countryside, germany will respect the court. and we have hopes that with what the court decides is going to be accepted. we're responsive, the german is going to ship what the quote is going to say. so that's what that is our hope, and that is our main intent in this whole. now that's quite interesting now, isn't it because you'd expect the plaintiff and to the defend and to be a little bit heads with each other,
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at least in some way. here they are very civil about. it isn't the point that the peak rogatories making here. is it basically so all right, we have this international, but the additional system yeah, we have a system in place. so we, so we can sort things out. it was put there for a reason. so we can sort things out as civilized people using the, again, the, the system that is already that in place, and kudos to germany for actually showing up in the courts and making that case. i'm basically being very civil about what they did have to say about the us and israel is that, well, it's absolutely use it uses in the case of those countries that it's an absolute waste of time. i mean, they do have a points here because back in january, in a separate case, the very same court, the world court ordered the israel to take every possible measure to basically avoid genocidal acts in this, in the one operation in gaza. so what did this will do with just killed thousands of people, thousands and thousands of people since january, so in, in a myself,
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just in a few months. so they can just completely disregard it. and it really shows the disrespect to the international, political and traditional system that is in place south african organizations of colon as well to start recruiting the countries nationals into the idea of african activists that demanding the rest of these really military officer whom they seemed responsible for the efforts a for the present moment and you'd be aware that these are caught on the plan, you know, name is going on. bunch and equipment in the drive different spots. um, you know, you just qualify that you came with good price experience and the fees and everything in terms of the debit card. that if the show is beautiful to you about 200 students and you're supposed to be working from pain of this information. some of the
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interviews got a with 2 groups to test, and every time we've missed what the company, dated on to the southern between deadlock, just proved not as easy on the account on the printer. it says i'm wondering if that's easier to out. goodman, you know, by addition of that, all these individual veterans, it must be typed, it must be stopped by the prosecutor, but also the organizations which is the data center. so there's been some use for the nation us a bit. you envision, just to contribute to that must be here. i thought i to this say so if i was looking for being illegally recursive by the idea of through is wally and g o is under the pretext of civilian job opportunities. last long, south africa as foreign minister strongly was the country citizens against the aging is wells war effort. i believe the issue,
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the statement letting those who are south africa and who are fighting along side or in the israeli defense force. we are ready when you come home, we go, now let's do the sofa. we cannot do this. so you as well as apparently protecting the identities of foreign nationals as being a legally recruited to fight against the palestinians. and it is the good one for us, even government is concerned about it. part of the problem is that the thing is the gene is not appropriate in terms of disclosing or keeping hitting the people that i involve pointing towards humans, military destroys. so yeah, it's working fine, but it's not for you to do good god for the good to figure out if you do want to investigate this case because some of these people for kids and the post on the switch on the media for me is those cases you have to present good news sometimes
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under me throw the key out. you know, are you going to choose this to, you know, good, administer the government's interest, protecting decisively and making your examples for that activity. um, to stop with the tenants of products badging and times to maintain close ties with most good. that's the message from the chinese presidents to these russian towns. it's hard to convey to the russian foreign minister who's visiting china early on tuesday of the talks in beijing. the 2 countries that the size on taxi wisdom had germany engineer colonial process is in favor of partnership dialogue. and most people are saying that this was initially prosecuted with a shame. so the issues that we work on in the can nomics investments and other areas deal directly with the stablish in a multi polar world where there is no place for head gemini monopoly or neo colonial practices that are so intensively used now by the u. s. for the ends of
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the so called collective west of super domingos benches, high unilateral sanctions violated international legislation in order and go against the peaceful trend. believe on the chinese side as firmly against this as, as russia. all countries must condemn such practices. and i'm sure that any attempts to go against the historical trend will fail. it is important to advocate a multi polar world of and transformation in the world is gaining momentum cases. the global south is growing strongest. we will fight a gemini and policies of power and monopoly in world affairs, which i'm very solid to. one thing that was clear through all their statements is that they see the russian chinese relationship as not just a bilingual relationship, which it is, but also as a model for great power relationship for the present. and for the future. i think one top phrase that is going to be a remembers from this presser and i've made on to joe political vocabulary,
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is joint resistance to double containment. it's no secret that the united states sees both the war in ukraine and rising tensions around tie one as part of 2 prong strategy of essentially trying to slow down the resist, the development of both russia and china, and perhaps other independence centers of power. and it seems that vision and most go, i'm no longer has it turned about, you know, joining forces and resisting dot dot pressure from the united states. they didn't discuss it. you know, many of the conflicts including the conflicts and ukraine. it's been a year since china itself released it's proposal for the settlement of the ukrainian conflict. uh, the 12 point plan. now there is a lot of, uh, sort of, um, diplomatic activity going on in europe right now, because uh, switzerland,
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at the behest of the united states is now trying to organize and major conference for ukraine for the ukraine, an issue. and it's still unclear of who's going to be invited beaching is in insisting that most gore needs to be either a part of this conference, or rather it would be better to have um, you know, an independent and all encompassing. it's a forum that would look at all the proposals for the premium pulse like that have been proposed so far. i know some chinese media have suggested that started lab rob is a visit to china. may be a prelude to president clinton's 1st for an trip. since his re election is worth noting that last year, chinese president, she didn't pick and chose russia as his 1st destination after an election victory as well. what is this all say about the state of relations between the neighboring powers? well, both ministers, today's trust that leaders, diplomacy is the key factor driving the relationship forward. and i would also like
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to draw our attention the attention of our audience to these subtle changes in the way how china and russia are describing the relationship. but i think, you know, there is a lot of significance in those subtleties. for example, in 1992, when after the soviet union collapse, the 2 countries renew dire relationship and they framed it as a constructive partnership. then a few years later, in 1996, it was upgraded to a strategic partnership. and nowadays both leaders and their officials refer to it as o, encompassing a strategic partnership. political conversation i know tendencies. the west is wary of the booming partnership between russia in china, a, b. i cannot as a successful and at the end of the day, this is one of the main concerns that the washington has. is that these 2 powers has been, especially since they have a massive gland border could not be interfered with. right now the u. s. continues
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to the tab that fits containment of 5 highland chain. these payments around china and they're adding turbine. yeah, this sounds the leads that direction, but you know, what, taking the 2 together is to provide a model of the economic development to the rest of the world business. why people are interested in not interested in complex. but this is really something a very interesting because we see very well, you know, it's a marked difference. jaelyn toms does not appear to be able to change his agents as well. so unfortunately for cheapest, i've just been a lecture agent and what they should be doing. obviously, washington needs to make policies for patients. and that's good. that's a very, very different from our lab office. now, you know, that's probably good. that there will be a medium between and visit i did with the to the child. and this is also another star contrast of you know, what it's talking about as me, why do i add either the tonight states or,
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and trying to use their use of protest so organized by pro western forces that gaining the men some of the george and capital it's a police a. okay, so we introduction of a for an agent spill the felt pause. last year. the prime minister has taken a court. the system from the west and say is the legislation is needed to prevent outside forces from metal letting in the coal cause the in countries policies they prove to as the transparency something russian know possibly is your pin. last year they managed to mislead part of society. they turned values upside down, but i'm sure they will not be able to do this again. we believe that transparency and freedom of speech are defining values in a democracy. so let's protect both principles, both values as much as possible. i the
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didn't demonstrate this class with police when the draft bill was initially put out for discussion in parliament. still far as he's waited with post office on protest is starting to riot swelling models of 12000 swimming government offices. the reintroduction of the draft has locked 1st criticism in the west where the proposed bill was blowing today. quote, russian knew, well that's the spot, the fax that to police the in most go on, not allies on the i 20 at odds over some t issues. gemini has the lessons to shut down george's bed to join the here with the little is passed. the legislation would require a joint in organizations receiving more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register for an agents all face penalties when the west of and jay o's have been operating inside georgia without restrictions for years. all my georgia in parliament 9 by 2 more may of so does a believes the blue is very timely, considering a lot of foreign funds are distributed to and she owes which may use the money for
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anti government assets. if it was the civil and miss. since february, serious fonts began to flow into the names of public organizations, these are fairly well founded, suspicion that, and you might on these being prepared since billy c. and there's a massive bribery of voters in georgia. the huge flow of these fonts raises very great suspicion. i think the government has no choice but to pass the law because transparency is transparency. every organization is required by law and to disclose its finances. i think this applies to everyone know much. so what countries the fonts come from, the fact is that transparency is the biggest problem because these organizations use money the way they want and for lack of transparency, they can tell you about this money and phones against the current political authorities. some of those who oppose the law of people who have a direct interest in these phones because they have been receiving wages from
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baseballs for a long time for many years. then they're all the parts of the calculation, the onto the influence of misinformation that has been kennedy dollars for 30 years . and you know, by the latest statement from western countries that they say the same thing. they resistance and seeing this regards because of public organization. so accountable, only to them, that is, it turns out the judge and government does not and cannot know anything. and valid response was foreign countries know very clearly and he's detailed where the fonts us fence towards and for whose interest it can be considered a $0.22. we kind of come on nice ation. that is under the slogans of democracy. freedom of speech and civil and the real colonization of countries becomes this economy population. and most importantly, because these governments, i think that countries that alfredo of speech democracy should not oppose the transparency of certain public organizations. whatever that may be. because
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transparency is tons of power and city of the ones and prizes in the pull, a click on a so he's, he's concerned about a failure of the us to characterize the mouth because it 1994 is a genocide. it is the african countries took the minority bewanda most versa, years since the time to the last sunday. when did a good deal going on? what issues can you be kind enough to come in with with us and the city a 100 and the 6 to 5 days in the the verse of this that today. and i'm going to do this, and then you can have that risk 364 days. but a mean guys, every day. for the same, you don't like about us without backlash
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a from that they were binding. presidents pay most of us secretary of state made a social media post about the great amount of those 3, honestly blink. and this is a touch the easy what times isn't any 100 percent of the victims. and the same long as i hate to say what the ones doing most of the killer, who's who, ethnic my, my majority extreme is masika, but to seize with shocking speed and birth policy. or the time to touch the legs were run, these patriotic friends gained control of the country. hundreds of thousands of london's with dead and 2000000 refugees of flag for wanda, exacerbating what had already become a full blown humanitarian crisis. political list out. but with that symbol, i say said dentist, that that genocide kind of be punished will condemn if it isn't recognized. people need to remember is that denial of genocide, which is exactly what secretary blinking did. denial of genocide is another crime. you can never, never prevail, genocide, not punished.


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