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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the bombshell revelations, from russia's investigative committee who claim a hunter of binding link ukrainian company sponsored terror attacks in russia. a criminal probe against us, a nato officials have not been opened. that case has been launched as the russians . they do not officially call support an investigation into a long list of terrorist attacks carried, i'd by ukraine. since the arts rest of the conflict and other world news, berlin denies allegations are facilitating a genocide encounter by arming israel. it's what nicaragua is accusing germany, all of the international court of justice were the 2nd day of hearing test,
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the wherever you're catching the program from today across the world. welcome to the global use roundup. on our team. we begin with breaking news. the russian investigative committee has opened a criminal case against us on nato officials for allegedly sponsoring terrorism, both inside russia under broad 5, the hunter biden, linked ukrainian company for smell over the things. the revelations come just weeks after the crooked city hall atrocity in moscow, which killed a $145.00 people and will start moving unless it has been established that funds channel through commercial organizations, and particularly the oil and gas company police, my holdings operate and ukraine has been used english and kia is to get it out the terrace act in the russian federation and beyond, to eliminate pullman and political and public figures and inflict economic damage
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work in, in cooperation with all the intelligence services and financial intelligence, income and sources. and the movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in western countries. additionally, investigative and operational efforts be made to trace billings of direct perpetrators of terrorist access to foreign supervisors, organizers and supports us. russia's investigative committee is looking into millions of dollars worth of financial transactions from the west that may have gone to funding and financing terrorism. both in russia and beyond its borders and the committee is determined already that some of the money that has made it into the hands of terrorists has come from the company, but it has my holdings now. many people may find that name to be familiar because it's the same for as my holdings that hunter biden,
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son of joe biden did business through and ukraine for many years. and it's also a company that's been widely accused of being a vehicle for bite and family corruption, according to the former prosecutor general of ukraine, victor shoak. and he says that the binding family bribed ukrainian officials to the tune of $1000000000.00 to remove him from his post. after he launched a criminal pro against birds, my holdings for corruption. they were being bribed. remember the fact that job i use me cable, waive on data in dollars. so in the us, the money in exchange for my to christmas. so my firing, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes are as if an accurate, some like that from such a high ranking official, wasn't a suspicious enough back in 2015, joe biden publicly said that he had withheld a 1000000000 dollar loan guarantee to ukraine until officials there had removed choking from his post. and i'm telling you, we're not getting the $1000000.00. i said you're not getting a 1000000000,
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i'm gonna be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as i believe in 6 hours. and the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. i got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. so as the russian investigation continues to connect the dots to the united states, to ukraine in terms of who's really behind the financing of terrorism. and russia and beyond the whole picture, but in terms of who is behind the scene, specifically of the crocus city hall, terrorist attack is becoming more and more clear with just a point on the russian investigative committees case was initiated by the russian parliament, non members of that do not urged investigators to look into the north string that tuck and it's correlation to buy that in ministration officials, publicly speaking, they did not want the pipeline to move forward. other attacks. the do know once to investigate into the assassinations of journalist story,
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do gonna work for us funding lovelyn to tar ski. a numerous strikes on versus border city of belgrade ortiz from on cost rep. that's the recap of all that. well, the heinous terrorist attack on the crawl coast concert hall is still under investigation. washington and his fellow eyes are already running around crying move for other isis isis. but those who learned by experience to mistrust and this thing the west has to say, look around and see if possible. full flag operation executed by the ukraine's military intelligence agency called the why? because of their a long and bloody history of terror attacks on russia. that they resort, so in the absence of that will feel success. now let's examine this record. now in the final days of last year, the head of key is regime lighting is lensky issued an order to strike the russian city of bel drugs. getting $24.00 civilians including children,
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but it literally just happened in belgrade. is definitely a terrorist act which was under the cover of 2 rockets. they struck using a multiple launch rockets system, this kind of width and hits indiscriminately, and they used it to strike the city center where our people were walking around just ahead of new year's eve. it was a targeted attack on civilians. of course it's a terrorist act. you can call it anything else and you frame keeps on indiscriminately shelling belgian as they have been shifting the nets for the last 9 years, actually almost 10 years in fact. but that are also more targeted service fact orchestrated by the board. prominent russian journalist, active as the leaders of local governments have also be murdered. even the washington post has describe these atrocities as liquidations by the core, many of ukraine's con desta, an operations have had clear military objectives and contributed to the country's
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defense, the car bomb being that killed. or you're doing to, however, underscored ukraine's embrace of what officials and key for, for to, as liquidations as a weapon of what for, over the past 20 months, the s b u and its military counterpart did you are, have carried out dozens of us as nations against russian officials and occupied territory as a legend you create in collaborators military officers behind the front lines and prominent war supporters deep inside russia, the go early, stable done of doesn't even fly to, didn't know i or denounced the fact. that's his story here as our quote russians, anywhere. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. now let's stay with the head of the crating and military intelligence. we've done a 5 things like a canary. when describing his clandestine operations against the only ordinary russians, but against the russian infrastructure as well,
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to shatter their illusions of safety, there are people who plant explosives there are drones. there are indeed people who are very easy to work with on that territory. people who understand that russia should be different and we support such people, thirst for destruction, of anything russian seems to be the goal to id or for you creating an intelligence at any given time. the famous cry, me a bridge, built after the free vacation home the peninsula where they homelands as also being targeted several times for, but don f and the rest of the click and the key of regime, it's a legitimate story gets and it doesn't matter that millions of civilians have been using it every single year after all the breach as the logistics of 8 for supplying the enemy with the weapons to the cells in front is a legitimate goal of ukraine. from the point of view of international law laws and customs of warfare. meanwhile rushes the next group public is still shelled vaguely
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with various intensity by the ukrainian artillery news of civilian casualties slow with horrifying regularity. keith cute in the key of resume continues to show a pc or face by showing civilian infrastructure. they are showing people to civilians, to strike on the marketplace, and the next is a heinous act of terrorism. they use indiscriminate weapons that have caused the losses of so many lives stored on rushes, special minutes reparation. the country's intelligent service, the f, as the, has prevented a more than 140 service attacks from ukraine, obviously considering the death, so there were many others and actually led to the killing of civilians. the majority were organized by the hood, which former us intelligence officers, as going, is a washington's quote. little baby. we calculated that girl was
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a smaller and more nimble organization where we could have more impact, or was our little baby. we gave them all new equipment in training for officers for young guys, not sylvia era caves you be generals all that s. b u was too big to reform russia. so morgan's the many victims of the crocker safety, whole service attack. words of supports and guns of nation flow from all over the world, but none from ukraine, vermont costs or a marty? then ask for republican germany has been pushing back against the nickel rug you in law. so it launched in the hay during the 2nd day of hearings of the international court of justice. this tuesday, berlin is accused of facilitating the quote commission of genocide and gals, by supplying weapons to which you are teasing verses on us. can talk us through the details. this is the day to of the trial. and on monday the court had
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a chance to basically hear the case made by me, colorado that excuse germany, essentially of what they call it, facilitating genocide and in gaza. now jeremy had had a chance to respond basically they have said that the view laid out by nicaragua was very one sided. they said that they just store to the reality. they distorted how, what the actual things, uh, they said that this case was rushed and essentially they have openly said that it should be thrown out of the window. they also made a big case to show that they in facts have been supporting palestinians also very, very extensively. and they have been providing them with humanitarian aid to have a listen to the german government, cassidy assesses whether there is a clear risk that the particular item subject to licensing would be used in the commission of genocide. crimes against humanity or grave breaches of the geneva conventions of 1949. germany does remains the largest individual donor when it
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comes to sending humanitarian aid to palestine. but this is something that the crowd was somewhat preventively addressed on monday when they were making the case . and when they were speaking to the press and basically explaining why they decided to, to bring germany to the court. despite to all efforts that germany does to provide humanitarian aid to palestine, it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best seeing in children, women and men and goss on to provide for money. tabby and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the 8th them. and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen on the other head. so now everything seems to be in the
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hands of the judges and of the quotes. so we are expecting them to soon come forward with a ruling and with a decision. but mind, even though it's us highest court and it is sometimes dumped as a well, that's the world court who it's rulings are only advisory in nature, so they can pull on one of the other sites to do something, or rob a stop doing something. for example, but that wouldn't hold any legal obligation on this. it would be advisory in nature . what's interesting about this case, ego is that we know that germany isn't the only country that owns as well. to us as another key don't. and the number one, donor of weapons and thoughts too, as well. so why isn't washington being taken to the haze? well, exactly, and again, this is a very good point which nicaragua also did address to basically they have hailed berlin for being part of these, you know, traditional proceedings on the simply saying that the us, there's no point in bringing the united states. oh is dro,
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uh for that matter to the quote because they would simply ignore anything that would, that might come out and anything that the judge might say have a list of people say, well the, the principal provider is the united states. the 2nd provider is telling me the right thing to go to united states, the united states simply the statics at the jurisdiction of the court. so we can come with that think i should. i also think with the experience we had with united states 40 years ago, even if we had jurisdiction, united states would not pay attention to the court. we feel that countries like germany will respect the court and we have hopes that with what the court decides, it's going to be accepted. we're responsive, the german is going to accept what the cord is going to say. so that's what that is our hope. and that is our main intent in this whole. now that's quite interesting. now, isn't it because you'd expect the plaintiff and to the defend and to be a little bit heads with each other at least in some way. here they are very civil about isn't the point that they are the colorado is making here. is it basically so
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all right, we have this international like judicial system. yeah. we have a system in place. so we so we can sort things out. it was put there for a reason, so we can store things out as civilized people using the again, the, the system that is already that in place, and kudos to germany for actually showing up in the court and making that case. i'm basically being very civil about said what they did have to say about the us and israel is that, well, it's absolutely use uses in the case of those countries that it's an absolute waste of time. i mean, they do have a points here because back in january, in a separate case, the very same court, the world court ordered the israel to take every possible measure to basically avoid genocidal acts in this, in the wind operation and gaza. so what did this will do with just killed thousands of people, thousands and thousands of people since january, so in, in a mass over just
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a few months. so they can just completely disregard it. and it really shows the disrespect to the international political. i'm traditional system that is in place ego. she's down often nicky are in there. well let's welcome in some great test to discuss this more. we've got a former member of the humber parliament. martin told her international relations experts on arthur one deal i'm assuming and janice berg and ecuadorian journalist. i'm news desk editor for the cradle media outlet, esteban cover your gentleman, you're most welcome martin. can we start with the great juxtaposition? germany sends masses of weapons to israel, but defendants not by saying they also supply lots of humanitarian aid to does it not to me, it appears like a flimsy defense, but will the i c j thing. so oh, we don't know what the just that will things, but we can see that the gentleman government clearly tries to restrict be checked
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responsibility for sending so much weapons to use. right. you? it's small than 10 times more in 2000 to $23.00. that's been sold by 22 and always to also before it was too much because these right, you mean government soon small them cause you use for 2 years, no rejects to bring full up the results of the united nations to have a 2 state solution. and the conflict in between these items of his team and then the site itself, the government is protested against its long time by these trade in population. so the german government shall test stuff this exports or weapons long time ago and with the argumentation the arguments in front of the call, the gentleman government, somehow it shows me that it's not cable or more willing to scrutinize the so the printer to the end,
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i criticized best as the german peace movement as well be on the sides of the. and you can argue government which very respectfully bring forward claims so that these x pulse can be stopped. we will see you have other jobs. this will do that for most long time. this problem was a mechanism to somehow bring full left for the free trial of, of no more and more countries of the so called global cells trading from office. and i hope to talk with not reject. so the claim to bring fall looks a good source fiction, in that case, one deal during the hearings of the hague, the german side claim that before sending weapons, burling quoted, carefully assesses whether the arms and equipment face supply could be used to commit more crimes. now do you think is real, can really guarantee something like that? i know and just know that i think this is
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a clear light. go ahead one day. oh sorry. yeah. just that's to one day old martin . right. so certainly not. once you, you for has shown to the world, it's committing x of genocide. so that to go was able to present that case beautifully and the i c j. so if, if you get a present of supply arms to a state like a israel that's committing as of genocide, certainly those who claim to be in a state of war, certainly those items that you are supplying will definitely be used in committing those acts of genocide so this is suddenly germany out to germany all to know that out to be aware of that. so this is obvious, these, these weapons won't be use of boy anything else,
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but to engage in these acts off apparently these x on of genocide against the british thing. you people, i don't believe that the german government, like a wisdom governments that are supposed to use well, i'll police pretty aware of this as the bottom on the evidence stuff in nicaragua inside has presented up the hearings in your view. is there solid growing behind their accusations? or is it perhaps more about bringing the issue front on center? i'm in fact just talking about it is going to be a women itself. of the no, i think as far as evidence eh, they did the juvenile defense. so they said that they had an approved any new rep on shipment. their new arms deals with these are our scenes since october 2073. but the reality is, you know, the financial science last november, and i discovered that a 185 out of 1218 licenses provided and 23 through okay, after october 7th. so, you know, there's
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a piece of evidence right better. but i do think this case as the case we a was with the south africa. this is about bringing base with front of the center. this is about saying that the world really rallying behind a cause that he's the opposition to genocide, the opposition of the mass murder to connect the punishment entire population by notifying the state. so you know, it's a but think i said what they say, and they may, they may not appear to what the, what the, i sent you a rules. but the 1st time you cut our country that has already taken that us was so the i c j and then day you as a decided simply to not the next step, the white put, these are these guys in the eighty's to come back. you know, i've gone through that the sanction or country that easy and i'll describe as part of the choice up there. i mean, a few years ago and nothing america to spend on the side of your mind. maybe i think it has a lot of uh, you know, there's a lot of weight. joseph that goes up last week i brought in january. okay. at martin back to you, i suppose the elephant in the room we just started with our correspondent,
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they're talking is the fact that israel's biggest arm supplier the united states, essentially doesn't recognize the i c j on. so wouldn't sit before the case at a court if prompted the stop there for less than what's happening at the hague right now. you know, i think is a, if you see boss me, correct, was doing very respectfully bringing over that claim and bringing forward as well. the old that the general government very react on that. that shows that there is a wu uh, in the new garage boom. government and other governments all day and as well as those african, while the governments in south america all free talk they bring for will be to have more dialogue and pass the less of uses of international law through the legislation, which is respected by many countries. and so that means of course,
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it won't be good if all countries in the world except the ice g up, but then the ice g has to be as well. somehow that's, as you mentioned itself as a, it's called which is not one side it's boxes, which is uh, somehow independent as far as the call can be independent. until now. yeah, i said to you all through a spring of judgments which were in favor of the rest of the day to all the us and as i lice. so the i suggest improve itself as an instrument of international law and through bad for example. no, the ice g will bring for like germany has to stop and the width and exports is right here and then it's, it's not really applies. it's just an advice. it's months to be brought forward somehow with color that would be accepted. that would be
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a good time for the routes, doesn't matter because then later other countries except as old, as i understood at one deal, the us pentagon chief said there's no evidence of israel committing genocide and cancer compared for instance, to what happened in the one that you know, the 30 it on a birth street is being marked this week. the numbers killed are vastly different, but counting washington catholic or at the state, the genocide is not happening. no one could convince me personally that the united states of america always depends of gone, is not aware that'd be as well as committing acts of genocide. but historically, the us has prior ties of political expediency over human rights. so you're, that is why it is, is that it's, it's impossible or rather difficult to think about a united states that open b would condemn. and israel that they take is a strategic a lot. so, oh, they see what's going on and everybody can see what's going on,
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but they do prototypes, political expediency, south africa's case when they brought the case study at this here in the i, c, j. i have personally not heard any sound arguments to come to this. the evidence that was presented by advocates, great solely on behalf of of south africa to lay a case that indeed is always committing acts of genocide. ok, esteban just to pick off on a point that martin made. germany is not alone. we. we mentioned the us but also you've got the you pay supplying some arms lesser but some arms to israel. how likely do you think that the other arm suppliers to a drill will now be, be actually taken to the hague and have to hear a case there? so i think there's very likely, you know, when they got how i initially presented these guys in february, they named a, they named germany, they named kind of under the name the netherlands. so obviously they want to
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validate against germany because they are the 2nd ours is on supplier to the regional. but i think right now, anybody who saw the weapons to redraw, including, you know, a close allies, a like turkey who's part of this nomic world, a glass top. very har spans the world present then yahoo, yes, continues to export. best deal has a meant a that they need to be concerned concerned about these don't to not get on the because this is a again, this is you know, the be something at the beginning was portrayed as barbara rhys and vs typically section and well it turns out to be the big case on the, you know, the roles were reversed. martin, just another point and related to this issue, if i can, germany is depleting its own military stockpiles by sending arms to israel on ukraine. why would berlin essentially sacrifice its own defensive capabilities? the few other wars and other countries as the moment re, uh confronted the speaker, the drum,
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and especially the peaceful bundle of those so long to bring the human musing forwards in this country with a government which is somehow contradicting the interest of the majority of the people in germany, in many cases, for the sanctions against russia, which mainly germany, which just was very, very dependent on the cross imports and on impulse and other traits. combinations with russia, with the sending reference to ukraine. do you spell that lising euro straight and find out some new star, and so bringing no ons, and so, just to make vanya and to you, to use radio on the other countries, are they are region the government region. it's country we can, it's economy and weekends. it's defined as possibilities so. busy and the, this cost is to make a germany increase to take me,
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which means of telling me as to be able to lead to all of this is not the opinion of the majority of people in general. and the majority of people still wants peace . so the government should make a 180 degrees turn around, did you try and change and stop this politics of war and stuff to be able to make peace and die? what advice one deal or can i just put it to you that the, what the south africa did by bringing the case against israel a no, i wouldn't. nicaragua is doing with germany. is it going to make much of a difference on the grind to the gals and people themselves? nobody will hope, certainly hope that it does what we are now seeing is what we saw for south africa during when saw that it goes fighting against a positive diesel,
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the consolidation of the global cells and how these efforts that makes the small seem give big to we get all the in the greater scheme of things actually to contribute. it's a changing into changing the lives of the people on the ground. it happened in south africa and i hope and certain that it will suddenly happen for the, for the city. and even though it does not seem as if all these efforts from south africa need, the rug well and in other countries as well, it might not seem as if it's, it's impactful and it's effective. but in the long run and in the greater scheme of things wouldn't put together. it does, it broke, it does. and it will have an expect to what extent we ups as it would be home uh for, for. and then in divided between these rather and by this time, but in terms of it impacting and expecting the, the, the, the, the palestinians on the ground and the nation. i certainly believe it will. i mean,
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we're almost out of time just the last 20 seconds to final thoughts from esteban. well, you know, just to follow up on, on what would be all said, i think this is going on to this is not a, it actually is not going to change anything for the policy in the us, but it sets up preston and person history. you know, for the perfume of history going down a, the road that we will know what happens in gaza. what happened in garza is a dentist for my member of german. they use the left party. martin tools are a political commentator on arthur, one deal miss. so me and ecuadorian during this, esteban cover you, we thank you very much for your time to all right, a reminder, if you're in the mood for a deeper dive into doubt or indeed any of our stories, this, our website is a solid jumping off point news news and plenty more. besides going to be funded r t dot com to give it
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