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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the, the told me shell revelations from russia's investigative committee who claim a hunter, bide, moving you premium company sponsored terror attacks in russia. a criminal probe against us and nato official told us has not been opened for the case has been launched as the russians. they do not fish nicole's for an investigation to a long list of terrorist attacks. the party died by you framed since the architect called darlene denied allegations of facilitating a genocide and gals that by arming is really accurate, is accusing germany all about the international court of justice. with the 2nd day of hearing says, laws lump sum, the
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fly from the russian capital that says are, it's a great to have your company for the new user and my names. we begin with breaking news. the us defense ministry has responded to an r t inquiry about washington funding terrorist tax on his luckily denied any responsibility. it comes as the russian investigative committee has opened a criminal case against the american non nature officials for allegedly sponsoring terrorism, both inside russia and abroad. via the hunter biden linked ukrainian company for seen the whole things know the revelations come just weeks after the focus city hall atrocity in moscow, which killed $145.00 people. it was done over the next day. it has been established that funds channel through commercial organization. and so if i can take a look at the tool and gas company, police, my holdings and operate and ukraine has been using this in 2 years to get it out. service clocks in the russian federation and the on to the eliminate,
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tillman and political installed excursion and legal economic damage. working incorporation with intelligence services and financial intelligence, income and sources called the movement of the laundry amount into several 1000000 us dollars a being investigated, as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, the conflicts and commercial organizations in western countries. additionally, investigative alteration or as the sort of lead me to trace ceilings of, she directed me to tell you to a service that was dropped important supervisors organizers. and then on, says rushes investigative committee is looking into millions of dollars worth of financial transactions from the west that may have gone to funding and financing terrorism, both in russia and beyond its borders. and the committee is determined already that some of the money that has made it into the hands of terrorists has come from the company for as my holdings. now, many people may find that name to be familiar because it's the same for as my holdings that hunter biden,
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son of joe biden did business through and ukraine for many years. and it's also a company that's been widely accused of being a vehicle for bite and family corruption, according to the former prosecutor general of ukraine, victor shoak. and he says that the binding family bribed ukrainian officials to the tune of $1000000000.00 to remove him from his post. after he launched a criminal pro against birds. my holdings for corruption, they were being bribed. remember the fact that joe biden gave a wave on data in dollars, so he, in the us, the money in exchange for mine, and so it goes, smith, so my firing, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes are as if an accurate sion like that from such a high ranking official wasn't a suspicious enough back in 2015, joe biden publicly said that he had withheld a 1000000000 dollar loan guarantee to ukraine, until officials there had removed choking from his post. i said, i'm telling you,
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we're not getting a $1000000000.00. i said you're not getting a 1000000000. i'm going to be leaving here. i think it was what 6 hours. i look as i'm leaving the 6 hours and the prosecutors not fired. you're not getting the money . us got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. so as the russian investigation continues to connect the dots to the united states, to ukraine, in terms of who's really behind the financing of terrorism in russia and beyond the whole picture. but in terms of who is behind the scene, specifically of the crocus city hall, terrorist attack is becoming more and more clear for the welcome into our studio. now i have political consultant, human rights commentator on orth her or know, do villa, you're most welcome. good to see you are no, no, there hasn't been a direct link made to the focus to the whole tara atrocity. but judging from the allegations that we're hearing, is it more likely than not that the oil and gas company,
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the rest of the whole things was involved in some way in financing, dr. time as well. this is something that the russian investigative committee is going to ask for the domain to be sure. but this is nothing you uh, actually have a book coming out tomorrow called flying entanglements, which covers the police ma biden's saga. and this goes back to 2014. we know that there were a bribe display that to close out some of the case files against then. exposure. that's key b as to your voicemail and the company became essentially a vehicle to loan to taxpayers money. uh, i would point also to the tapes released my um, on a palm beach and i said, my android, that a cash, your former you for an m p. i back in 2020 on this issue in which she perfectly establishes all the links uh with her about uh on to by doing the natural gas
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uh situation with olsteen. and uh, now we have an interview that came out recently from means of by us and one of my junk a uh, she interviewed that josh was not in hiding, fearing for his life. uh blink. all the time in january of 2022 inches. and basically told us that, that lets keep wishing you've got to resolve the cash situation, or else we will do it ourselves. so we have a lot of people that the washing investigative committee might want to hear about. whether it's on the gosh, whether it's alexander cooley, whether it's a davinsky, was now walking into jail and shave oil for like solutions keys to the extent they were to be brought to was go to a to account for what happened. but a lot of those people essentially know what happened and being either prevented from leaving shockey. and he's also,
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one of them was he was on the police ma corruption cases prior to 2014. and so shocking under that, gosh to do bins key. and alexander quoting would be the, for the witnesses that the russian investigative comments you would want to hear about. and i may had the congressional investigation on joel bite and burying on the beach, but the rain so it just, it just all not because the u. s. congress has explored the question of the galaxy of jo biden's links to ukraine on his solomon's involvement with at buttress my willie. these new allegations are know, will they kick start a new round of investigations in the u. s. will there be as powerful as that? unfortunately, i really doubt so because the body is behind will biden's re election. i would advise our listeners to listen to mike bands, his revelations as to the real nature of a 100 biden's bowl. as a board member of police mount is completely planned by the c, i a,
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the idea arresting. it was also police my as a children horse to take over the energy market in ukraine and evict rush off from providing ukraine and beyond you. up with us. i should get a so this is all connected hearing and to the extent some money going to the companies like why logic were loaded with those companies. or if for police my house. uh, and somebody used as a slush one full deal or is the fact this is bought for the for the c i as being present if you'll be fine for years now. the pentagon and responded to r t, a request on whether they are involved in the financing, indirect or otherwise, at all of terrorist acts because of their links to what we've just been speaking about. how accurate is the statement that the us does not sponsor terror on
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the world wakes ridiculous on his face. obviously we know that depending on jerry's out to 80 cup to is would be tell, are we as we quoted in the alcohol which we g kept in, ne celia bring them into the all kind of base trains name equipped them and then ship them out by after looking into ukraine, so on his face they off for booking, they always and we know they created a dice back in uh, $2320.00 uh, 200320052006. and can victorian can boot in iraq, following the legal, envision of the country. so this is completely ridiculous on his face. everybody knows that the us uses proxy groups and they've been doing so going back to i've done this to another point. if an international u. n. cord for instance, recognizes that you creating intelligence was involved in these
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terrorist attacks. how do you think the west is going to respond? especially in terms of support for ukraine when they would fight to fight tooth and nail to prosecute denied. and to the extent we were to try to get the security council to adopt the resolution to create the special 5 beautiful along side the lines of what we're seeing in lebanon. following the call, mom being of a former prime minister, i think i really, they would probably be some a veto being, you know, issued by that what i called to be 3. so this is something that's going to have to be handled a different way. by the way, you mentioned that just in passing at your book far in entitlements. it's very timely coming. i have to, i thought this right? so yes, sometimes it's all about seeing what is at the end of movies coming out tomorrow, and i invite everybody to purchase it's and get to understand how the more democracy which is that it got short term and the external management model
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as being essentially the game in town, in ukraine, since 2014. okay. well thanks so much for and coming into this too and giving us your take on at these developments today. political consultants, human rights commentator and author, as we're hearing, are no, do believe like you well, the russian investigative committee's case was initiated by the russian parliament, members of the do not also urged investigators to look into the nord stream, a talk, and it's correlation to bite and administration officials publicly stating they did not want the pipeline to move forward. other attacks, the do not wants to investigate includes the assassinations of journalist ari. a do not. war correspondent lovelyn to starsky. on numerous strikes on, the russian said he thought abrupt ortiz remind cost rep has good weekend. while the heinous terrorist attack on the crow coast, concert hole is still under investigation. washington and its allies are already
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running around crying move for rather isis isis. but those who learn by experience to mistrust anything the west has to say, look around and see if possible for flag operation executed by the ukraine's military intelligence agency called the white because of their a long and bloody history of terror attacks on russia that they resort so in the absence of natural feel success. now let's examine this record. now in the final days of last year, the head of key is regime lighting is lensky issued an order to strike the russian seats of bel grades. kidding. 24 civilians, including children. pretty much like what just happened and built around is definitely a terrorist act which was under the cover of 2 rockets. they struck using a multiple launch rocket system. this kind of weapon hits indiscriminately and they used it to strike the city center where our people were walking around just ahead
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of new year's eve. it was a targeted attack on civilians. and of course it's a terrorist. you can call it anything else. and you brain on indiscriminately showing as they have been showing goodness for the last 9 years, actually almost 10 years in fact. but that are also targeted service tax orchestrated by divorce, strollman, and russian journalists back to the leaders of local governments have also be murdered. even the washington post has describe these atrocities as liquidations, why the menu of ukraine's con desta an operations have had clear military objectives and contributed to the country's defense, the car bomb being that killed. are you doing to, however, underscored ukraine's embrace of what officials i'm q u, for, for, to, as liquidations as a weapon of what for, over the past 20 months, the s b u and it's military counterpart did you are have carried out dozens of us
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as a nation against russian officials and occupied territory as a legend, ukrainian and collaborators military officers behind the front lines and prominent war, supporters deep inside russia, the gorly sabre done of doesn't even fly to deny it, or denounced. the fact that's his story here as our quote russians, anywhere. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. now let's stay with the head of the ukrainian military intelligence. what done of 5 things like a canary. when describing his clandestine operations against the only ordinary russians, but against the russian infrastructure as well, to shatter their illusions of safety, there are people who planned explosives there are drones. there are indeed people who are very easy to work with on that territory. people who understand that russia should be different, and we support such people, thirds for destruction,
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of anything russian seems to be the goal to id or for you, creating an intelligence at any given time. the famous try me a bridge built after the really the cation home the peninsula with a homeland has also been targeted several times for, but don f and the rest of the click and the key of regime, it's a legitimate story gets and it doesn't matter that millions of civilians have been using it every single year after all the breach as the logistics of 8 for supplying the enemy with the weapons to the cells in front is a legitimate goal of ukraine. from the point of view of international law laws and customs of warfare. meanwhile, russia's domestic republic is still shelled daily with various intensity by the crate and artillery views of civilian casualties. slow with horrifying regularity. cute in the key of your game continues to show its priest. your face by showing civilian infrastructure, i see are showing people as to the civilians,
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to strike on the marketplace. and the next is a heinous act of terrorism. they use indiscriminate weapons that have caused the losses of so many lives stored on rushes, special minutes reparation. the country's intelligent service, the f as the has prevented a more than 140 service attacks from ukraine. obviously considering the deaf soul, there were many others and actually led to the killing of civilians. the majority were organized by the moore, which former us intelligence officers as going is a washington's quote little baby. we calculated that girl was a smaller and more nimble organization where we could have more impact or was our little baby. we gave them all new equipment in training or officers were young guys, not sylvia era. caves you be generals. all the s b u was too big to reform russia.
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so more is the many victims of the crocker since the whole service of the words of supports. it comes from nation to flow from all over the world, but none from ukraine, vermont golf or a marty? then that's republic. me well the whitehorse has called the pro into the ukranian oil and gas company, but re smith's financing. all of the terrorist attacks which russia is alleging pure nonsense, a russian investigate set today to opening a pro, visit the financing of terrorism that so they say in both western countries, specifically including funds received by the business, by which which will come in so much that just as a political polio. what, how do you do that? i mean, it's nonsense. russia knows that it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we know it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we warmed russia of an
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impending terrorist attack in moscow. and all of the rest of this is noisy. okay, now the story we are across today, germany has been pushing back against the nicaraguan lawsuit, lodged in the hate during the 2nd day of hearings of the international court of justice. berlin is accused of facilitating the quote commission of genocide in dallas that by supplying weapons to his real, our tv course at dallas can talk us through the details. this is the day to of the trial. and on monday, the court had a chance to basically hear the case made by me, colorado that accuse germany essentially of what they call a facilitating genocide in the, in gaza. now germany had had a chance to respond to basically they have said that the view laid out by nicaragua was very one sided. they said that they just store to the reality. they distorted how, what the actual things, uh, they said that this case was rushed and essentially they have openly said that it
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should be thrown out of the window. they also made a big case to show that they in facts have been supporting palestinians also very, very extensively. and they have been providing them with humanitarian aid to have a listen to the german government, cassidy assesses whether there is a clear risk that the particular item subject to licensing would be used in the commission of genocide. crimes against humanity or grave breaches of the geneva conventions of 1949. germany does remains the largest individual donor when it comes to sending humanitarian aid to palestine. but this is something that the crowd was somewhat preventively addressed on monday when they were making that case . and when they were speaking to the press and basically explaining why they decided to uh, to bring germany to the court. despite to all efforts that germany does to provide humanitarian aid to palestine, it is indeed
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a pathetic excuse to the pests seeing in children and women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and many of them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen or on the other head. so now everything seems to be in the hands of the judges and the quotes. so we are expecting them to soon come forward with a ruling and with a decision. but mind even though it's you ends highest court and it is sometimes dumped as a well, that's the world court who it's rulings only advisory in nature, so they can call on one of the other sides to do something. old robins still doing something, for example, but that wouldn't hold any legal obligation on this. it would be advisory in nature
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. what's interesting about this case, ego is that we know that germany isn't the only country that owns as well with us as another key don't. and the number one, donor of weapons and facts too as well. so why isn't washington being taken to the haze? well, exactly, and again, this is a very good point which nicaragua also did address to basically they have hailed berlin for being parts of these, you know, traditional proceedings on the simply saying that the us, there's no point in bringing the united states or israel for that matter to the court because they would simply ignore anything that would, that might come out and anything that's the judge might say, have a list of people say, well, the, the principal provider is the united states. the 2nd providers told me why didn't you go to the united states, united states simply the fedex, it to jurisdiction of the court. so we can come with that. think i should. i also think with the experience we had with united states 4 years ago,
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even if we had jurisdiction, united states would not pay attention to the court. we feel that countryside, germany will respect the court. and we have hopes that with what the court decides is going to be accepted. we're responsive, the german is going to accept what the cord is going to say. so that's what that is our hope. and that is our main intent in this whole. now that's quite interesting now, isn't it because you'd expect the plaintiff and to the defend and to be a little bit heads with each other, at least in some way. here they are very civil about. it isn't the point that the peak rogatories making here. is it basically so all right, we have this international like judicial system. yeah. we have a system in place. so we, so we can sort things out. it was put there for a reason. so we can sort things out as civilized people using the, again, the, the system that is already that in place, and kudos to germany for actually showing up in the courts and making that case. i'm basically being very civil about what they did have to say about the us and
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israel is that, well, it's absolutely use it uses in the case of those countries that it's an absolute waste of time. i mean, they do have a points here because back in january, in a separate case, the very same court, the world court ordered the israel to take every possible measure to basically avoid genocidal acts in this, in the one operation in gaza. so what did this will do with just killed thousands of people, thousands and thousands of people since january, so in, in a myself, just in a few months. so they can just completely disregard it. and it really shows the disrespect to the international police. go and traditional system that is in place when we are joined live now in the program by senior only boy in the palestinian foreign ministry. omar i would doubtless, who is currently in the hey, you're most welcome sir. we appreciate your time today. do you expect a victory for nick around you out of the i. c. j to the people have the be the 1st
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of all i think that certainly correct. well and the case before b i c j is and you can talk to him case. that's why we believe that the judges for the court of justice will follow the president. so i'm going to follow that he can try and we believe that it's totally be there, especially if you're asking for countries to stop sending woodlands to us. right. especially that is that is using these, austin, i'm these weapons against it, but i see that people killing them. uncommon thing the, the, the, the worst crime, the crime, all crimes, the crime full. a suck 20. just like the president to that is what we believe that the justice wouldn't believe in the why we're coming to the ice, which is i see gave us the women of low on stuff can be implemented. so that can
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be a lot of the action of the to the will be at the court sort of both. and what do you think of the international support palestine has received on the legal from you have said that for care 1st raising the issue of genocide or genocide locks in gaza against israel, nicaragua, hospital, this latest case. do you think it will translate to it? and then to israel's invasion, and i think i think yes because uh we believe that the, the, the, the truck can bring fluids to this, to this case. we believe that the legal claim, it's right to that with all these kinds of sort of identity. and this kind of sort of the action for on, so i'm pretty go on from any kind of, well, i'm, when we, uh, what was that repeating today we are, we are more than 65 countries. also submitted the proceedings kind of to, i think the good one of the team as frame and as you get a few of them,
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did you get an increase in? i'll post a team that can be meeting the community for the business. is it going to collapse and to come on him, and that's what it looks as it is then to there's a few patients using that because we believe in that. so do you think this is a piece with that that we can use? and this can be like this actually to the, to the, because of the, of the 5th time. what is your reaction to germany's main defense or at least part of their defense saying that yes, we send masses of weapons to israel, but we also supply lots of too much, not humanitarian aid to gaza. and i think uh, sending the germination stop sending girlfriends because you cannot send a. so the thing is from one of the things that is because the cdns and the other.
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so we believe that germany, as they said to be a $10.00 to $24.00, to justice, the, the low on the, i'm not thinking for barely think that the no show that so that he should stop sending girlfriends to this one is going to send the equipment that was an on top of the assistance. so this was a by committing to this kind of crime will decide people for they would be conclusive directly. and because i haven't decided that gives the senior people, then the assistance will you be uh, was nobody left. germany is a big supplier weapons, but the number one supplier is the united states to israel. and washington does not essentially recognize the i c, j. most likely would not sit before the court if prompted. does that's are somewhat less than what is happening at the hague right now. and i think that's what was
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happening in the notes of the stock is another story states member as to the calls itself and all the steps, most of the pension on prevention and uh, the, the punishment on the site. so the course we go on all of the new uh, but in the winter my budget was on the new measures. i do believe the hosted struggle but this because this is a good finding. the measures by default i'm really the car ones. just shoot these on those. the only done many of the us or the company is so now by this, under actions against the disco please most to some of the systems to commit to the global genocide. yes, the united states as a loves accept digital section of the core biometric, something that i think of the like all the conventions onto the site. but we
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believe that the, the local courts, bins, or us can be people, but it was for, for the but as you know, people are for the victims for the most the family lives and goes up. and that's something that we are committed to was a legal system within the states to stop aging. i'm the assistant is the support when you say genocide, israel the us as well would very much dispute that they would say that's because we're fighting away. busy or we're hum us are intertwined with civilians. we take every care to try and not harm civilians, but it's going to happen in such a conflict when you hear the defense and all that does not ring any truth to you whatsoever. no dues, because nothing you can justify do the site. nothing can justify committing crimes
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against the people that they can justify. things the crime against humanity, all the cards. and by this time we, we believe that this is not the lord. i guess i must. it's the word i guess about a senior people as all this is the project for more than 76 use a portion of the senior people because literally zone is indeed has been going to say, well, the 1st of this i've spent about us, you know, people oh, good example of any of the senior people. this is the budget and we hear the facebook page. we hear this from being a few. we have the department to know the city options to them the to or possibly be transferred from by the star or b because for we have the option by smugglers. that's the to be settlements. so that as ladies of the people will never be said of and so anyone on the never leave that on dogs. so we believe that the status is.


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