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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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on the bottom shell revelations, from russia's investigative committee who claim a hunter, replied linked ukrainian company sponsored terror attacks in russia and criminal probe against us and nato officials has not been opened. the case has been launched of the russian states do not officially calls for an investigation into a long list of terrorist attacks carried i'd probably ukraine was the outbreak of the company and for the in denies allegations are facilitating a genocide and does that by arming israel it's what nicaragua is accusing germany all about the international import of justice. for the 2nd day of your readings taskbar, the
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from must go to the world. this is our take, great to have your company this hour. my name's unit. we begin with breaking news. the us defense ministry has responded to an r t inquiry about washington in directly or otherwise, funding to our risk docs. the pentagon has slightly denied any responsibility now the background to that. it comes as the russian investigative committee has opened a criminal case against the american unnatural officials for allegedly sponsoring terrorism, both inside russia on the broad, via the hunter abiding links to creating and company buttress my holdings. the revelations come just weeks after the focused city. busy atrocity in moscow which killed a 145 people will start moving unless it has been established that funds channel through commercial organizations, like the color of the oil and gas company. reason the holdings operated in ukraine
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has been used english and 2 years to get it out. the terrorist act in the russian federation and beyond to eliminate pullman and political and public figures and inflict economic damage. working in cooperation with all the intelligence services and financial intelligence, incoming sources, and the movement of funds amounting to several 1000000 us dollars being investigated. as well as the involvement of specific individuals from government agencies, public and commercial organizations in western countries. additionally, investigative and operational efforts are being made to trace billings of direct perpetrators of terrorist access to foreign supp advisors. organizers and sponsors . rushes investigative committee is looking into millions of dollars worth of financial transactions from the west that may have gone to funding and financing terrorism. both in russia and beyond its borders and the committee is determined already that some of the money that has made it into the hands of terrorists has come from the company, bers, my holdings. now,
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many people may find that name to be familiar because it's the same for as my holdings that hunter biden, son of joe biden did business through and ukraine for many years. and it's also a company that's been widely accused of being a vehicle for bite and family corruption, according to the former prosecutor general of ukraine, victor shoak. and he says that the binding family bribed ukrainian officials to the tune of $1000000000.00 to remove him from his post. after he launched a criminal pro against birds, my holdings for corruption, they were being bribed. remember the fact that joe, by using them gave away $1000000000.00 in the us, the money in exchange for might or to christmas. so my firing, excuse me, let alone a case of corruption codes are as if an accurate, some like that from such a high ranking official, wasn't a suspicious enough back in 2015, joe biden publicly said that he had withheld a 1000000000 dollar loan guarantee to ukraine until officials there had removed
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choking from his post. i'm telling you, we're not getting the $1000000.00. i said you're not getting a 1000000000, i'm going be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as a leader and 6 hours. and the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money all got fired. and they put in place someone who was solid. so as the russian investigation continues to connect the dots to the united states, to ukraine, in terms of who's really behind the financing of terrorism and russia and beyond the whole picture. but in terms of who is behind the scene, specifically of the crocus city hall, terrorist attack is becoming more and more clear on the white house that's called the probe into creating an oil and gas company. but a risk financing terrorist attacks pure nonsense, a good investment investigating such a data, opening a visit, the financing of terrorism that so they say in both western countries, specifically including funds received by the risk by which to come in so
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much that just as a political i mean, it's nonsense. a russian knows that it was isis who committed the attack in moscow . we know it was isis who committed the attack in moscow. we warmed russia of an impending terrorist attack in moscow. and all of the rest of this is noise. let's get the thoughts all of us with us radio host on political commentator, steve dale, steve, good to see you. the various ma corporation, that's oil and gas company. it keeps coming back to it doesn't it? we know these allegations about whether or not that they were at funding, terrorist acts on the links to the biden's. what do you make if it was watson merging on this? and you know, the biden's aren't even very good at corruption other than making
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a lot of money for themselves. you would think that after all the attention drawn to reason, uh, they would at least use another company to, to follow their funds through it. they're going to be committing atrocious acts. it's one thing to commit corruption and bribery. it's another thing for joe biden to publicly and on video brag about it. so this is just bizarre, it's a pile on and i want to keep in mind for as low as paying 100 by millions of dollars with 0 oil and gas experience. but his dad was be his dad was in charge of the ukranian relationships. and now you've got the reason that you have circling back again in the news. now, i will say that the west is not really covered themselves in glory with their bad investigation of the north stream pipeline explosion. that's kind of been buried. and yet they're going to question russia's investigation into the source of funds and of the terror attack in progress. so, you know, they've got to play it fair. you go investigate the north stream fairly and
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legitimately. and if they want to put the united nations and some other fair minded folks to look at the documents, look at the international transactions of reason why has conducted and traced back to where it goes. i mean, the f, b i, c, i, western intelligence is tracing dollar after dollar be circulated around the world into the hands of a terrorist. they can find the answer pretty quickly. and yet what we saw from the us was immediately declaring the isis was responsible for the stair attack before the bodies were even cold. they were declaring who did it before anybody had even conducted any kind of investigations the same way that they did that with the, with example, after example, in the past? no, exactly, no, look at what the facts are, but declaring definitively what happened they did, it wasn't of all the when he died. the u. s. was immediately saying, put and murdered him until the ukranian intelligence said no, he died of natural cause the so the,
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the announcements by the us don't carry much water with track record after track record of their announcements. not bearing fruit, factually, when american citizens pay their taxes. steve, they will hope that it goes to, i suppose, noble causes, if it's going overseas, i'm sure that they'd rather be spent on domestic issues with a slew of had controversies right now. but when it does go overseas, i suppose they, they, they think they're, they're fighting box the, the tide against the russians, whatever it is. but when this investigation, what this is, a part of the finding is about money is some way of being followed into companies that then go on to directory finance, the killing of civilian and other countries. is this going to, is this going to make a difference in how they think about it, especially in that election year, what they're paying for as well. keep in mind that the tax day in the united states
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is april 15. so we're coming up all day when americans have to file their taxes, pay their taxes if they haven't already done it by just deadlines. i've always felt like if we move the election day to april 16th into the united states, we have much better tax policies and people got to go vote a after tax debt. but you're exactly right there. while these billions are flowing into ukraine. billions and bombs and missiles and, and weapons that are being used against innocent civilians and don bass and on asking the lots these are being funded by us taxpayers. and yet they're not talking everything about it in the halls of congress. 60 minutes just as we did a long story about a doctor that was was taking care of those in the i think was 1st on on the ukrainian side after the ukrainians fled. and that their minds left behind 60 minutes as never done a story, nor of any of the other major us alvin style stories on the atrocities committed
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against the people in, in eastern ukraine in lou hoskins on bass. and on this, over the last 10 years, they won't cover that side of the rate. so american taxpayers are less completely in the dark on where their money is going and why it just on the side. and we heard it there, and the quote nonsense response from jim sullivan, speaking about the accusations being put at to him. and should such a serious playing, particularly coming in the wake of moscow was deadly a shooting atrocity in many decades. should they not demand, at least the more dignified reply from us officials but sure. and again, some sympathy for the victims of that atrocious terror attacks. and yeah, the russians laying out some pretty good habits, they the ties both financially and otherwise to ukraine. the fact that ukraine has been conducting care operations, conducting assassinations in russia, which the us pretends does not occur. we have evidence that we're headed into the
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training and board of the perhaps the, a pathway was cleared for them to kind of get into your cries. there's plenty of evidence that shouldn't be followed up and not just simply declared with a, with a casual wave of the pan to be nonsense. it deserves a thorough investigation. and the fact that somebody has been expressions is not an investigating or demanding an investigation. tells me they already know the truth. they just don't want the rest of the world to know my reaction from radio host and political come and hit our steve deal. steve, thank you. as always. thank you, my friend. no, a former ukrainian parliamentarian has exposed the purpose behind what he can. busy is the largest bribe in europe. he said in an interview with an american journalist on x. let's take a look. so my group, my was the largest case bribe and you were in 2026 1000000 dollars transferred backs to close the bridge. my case, on april 21st 2022,
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the grinning court transferred 6000000 in cash in agreement with bruce more representatives to the military unit of the main entail. just as if you crane. here's the part number for the sport. this is a secret ruling. no one has seen it yet for a period of time, north trim exploded. this explanations of duty not pull up and to darcy occurred to the has a frequent in special services, did not hide that they are carrying out political assassination service backs for of budget cash. and now the russian investigative committees case was initiated by the russian parliament, members of the do not also urged investigators to look into the north stream attack this correlation to by the administration, officials, public, be steaming, you'll recall about they did not want the pipeline to move forward, other attacks, the doing the wants to investigate includes the associations of during this story, a do gonna work corresponding loveland sitarski, a numerous strikes on the russian city of belgrade ortiz vermont cost red house the weekend as well. the heinous terrorist attack on the crawl coasts. concert hole is
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still under investigation. washington and his fellow eyes are already running around crying move for rather isis isis. but those who learned by experience to mistrust and this thing the west has to say, look around and see if possible, full flag operation executed by the ukraine's military intelligence agency called the goal. why? because of their a long and bloody history of terror attacks on russia, they resort in the absence of natural feel success. now let's examine this record. now in the. a days of last year, they had of kias regime lighting is lensky issued an order to strike the russian city of bel drugs, getting $24.00 civilians including children. but eventually we'll get to you what just happened in belgrade. is definitely a terrorist act which was under the cover of 2 rockets. they struck using a multiple launch rockets system. this kind of weapon hits indiscriminately. and
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they used to strike the city center where our people were walking around just ahead of new year's eve. it was a targeted attack on civilians. of course, it's a terrorist act. you can call it anything else. and your brain keeps on indiscriminately shilling belgrade as they have been shifting the nets for the last 9 years, actually almost 10 years in fact. but still, there are also more targeted service act, orchestrated by the gore. prominent russian journalist, active as the leaders of local governments have also be murdered. even the washington post has describe these atrocities as liquidations by the court. many of you, koreans, con desta, an operations have had clear military objectives and contributed to the country's defense, the car bomb being killed. there you do get a however, underscored ukraine's embrace of what officials and key are for, for to as liquidations as a weapon of what for. over the past 20 months,
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the s b u and its military counterpart did you are, have carried out dozens of us as nations against russian officials and occupied territories. a legend ukrainian collaborators military officers behind the front lines and prominent war supporters deep inside russia. the gorly stable, done of doesn't even fly to deny it, or denounced the fact that's his story. here's our quote. russians, anywhere. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. now let's say you were the head of the crating and military intelligence were done of 5 things like a canary. when describing his clandestine operations against not only ordinary russians, but against the russian infrastructure as well, to shatter their illusions of safety, there are people who plant explosives there are drones. there are indeed people who are very easy to work with on that territory. people who understand that russia
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should be different and we support such people, thirst for destruction, of anything russian seems to be the goal to id or for you, creating an intelligence at any given time. the fame is cry me a bridge, built after the really the cation of the peninsula with a homeland, as also being targeted several times for, but don f and the rest of the clinic and the key of regime, it's a legitimate story gets and it doesn't matter that millions of civilians have been using it every single year after all the breach as a logistics audit, 8 for supplying the enemy with weapons to the cells in front is a legitimate goal of ukraine. from the point of view of international law laws and customs of warfare. meanwhile, russia's domestic republic is still shelled vaguely with various intensity by that you've created artillery. news of civilian casualties slow with horrifying regularity. keeps cute and the key of regime continues to show its priest. you'll
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face by showing civilian infrastructure, sir, showing people civilians of the strike on the marketplace. and the next is a heinous act of terrorism. they use indiscriminate weapons that have caused the losses of so many lives in the start of russia, special ministry, reparation, the countries intelligence service, the f as the, has prevented the more than $140.00 terrorist attacks from ukraine, obviously considering the death. so there were many others and actually led to the killing of civilians. the majority were organized by the moore, which former us intelligence officers as cleans is a washington's close little baby. we calculated that girl was a smaller and more nimble organization where we could have more impact or was our little baby. we gave them all new equipment and training for officers for young
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guys, not sylvia era caves you be generals or that s b. u was too big to reform russia. so morgan's the many victims of the crocker safety, whole service attack. words of supports and condemnation to flow from all over the world, but none from ukraine, vermont costs or, and margie. then ask for a public ok to more world news. germany has been pushing back against in nicaragua and lost it launched in the hague during a 2nd day of hearings at the international court of justice. berlin is accused of facilitating the quote commission of genocide in gal so by supplying weapons to his real r t. z course at donna for nicky are in talk through the details earlier and this is the day 2 of the trial. and on monday, the court had a chance to basically hear the case made by me caroll go there to choose germany, essentially of what they call it, facilitating genocide and in gaza. now, jeremy had had a chance to respond. basically,
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they have said that the view laid out by nicaragua was very one sided. they said that they just store to the reality. they distorted how, what the actual things, uh, they said that this case was rushed. and essentially they have openly said that it should be thrown out of the window. they also made a big case to show that they in facts have been supporting palestinians also very, very extensively. and they have been providing them with humanitarian aid to have a listen to the german government, cassidy assesses whether there is a clear risk that the particular item subject to licensing would be used in the commission of genocide. crimes against humanity or brave breaches of the geneva conventions of 1949 germany does remains the largest individual donor when it comes to sending humanitarian aid to palestine. but this is something that the crowd was somewhat preventively addressed on monday when they were making that case. and when
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they were speaking to the press and basically explaining why they decided to, to bring germany to the court. despite all efforts that germany does to provide humanitarian aid to palestine, it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best seeing in children, women and men and goss on to provide so many tabby and 8, including to ad drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles of road central kitchen on the other hand. so now everything seems to be in the hands of the judges and of the quotes. so we are expecting them to pursue and come forward with a ruling and with a decision. but mind even though it's you ends highest court and it is sometimes dumped as a well,
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that's the world court who it's rulings are only advisory in nature so they can pull on one of the other sites to do something. old robins still doing something, for example, but that wouldn't hold any legal obligation on this. it would be advisory in nature . what's interesting about this case, ego is that we know that germany isn't the only country that owns as well. to us as another key don't. and the number one don't have weapons and thoughts too, as well. so why isn't washington being taken to the haze? well, exactly, and again, this is a very good point which nicaragua also did address to basically they have hailed berlin for being parts of these, you know, traditional proceedings on the simply saying that the us, there's no point in bringing the united states. oh is dro, uh for that matter, to the quote because they would simply ignore anything that would, that might come out and anything that the judge might say have a list of people say, well, the,
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the principal provider is the united states. the 2nd providers told me, why didn't you go to united states, united states simply the fedex, that the jury 6, you know, the court. so we can come with that. think i should. i also think with the experience we had with united states 4 years ago, even if we had jurisdiction, united states would not pay attention to the court. we feel that countryside, germany will respect the court. and we have hopes that with what the court decides is going to be accepted. we're responsive, the german is going to ship what the quote is going to say. so that's what that is our hope, and that is our main intent in this whole. now that's quite interesting now, isn't it because you'd expect the plaintiff and to the defend and to be a little bit heads with each other, at least in some way. here they are very civil about isn't the point that they are the peak rogatories making here. is it basically so all right, we have this international but the additional system. yeah, we have a system in place. so we so we can sort things out. it was put there for a reason,
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so we can sort things out as civilized people using the again, the, the system that is already that in place, and kudos to germany for actually showing up in the court and making that case. i'm basically being very civil about said what they did have to say about the us and israel is that, well, it's absolutely use it uses in the case of those countries that it's an absolute waste of time. i mean, they do have a points here because back in january, in a separate case, the very same quote, the world court ordered the israel to take every possible measure to basically avoid genocidal acts in this, in the wind operation and gaza. so what did this will do with just killed thousands of people, thousands and thousands of people since january, so in, in a myself, just a few months. so they can just completely disregard it. and it really shows the disrespect to the international police. go under additional system that is in place. warranty also spoke to senior on void with the police to be in foreign ministry or i would
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dial a shared his take on why he believes nick argue as accusations against berlin are legitimate. a germany song, stop something girlfriends because you kind of sent a to the scene is from one on, on sending weapons to that is it is because the see me on the other. so we meeting the jeremy as they said they went to court to justice. the low on the, i'm not thinking clearly think that there was a no show that so they should stop sending the funds to the ones that are in on any type of data assistance design by committing this kind of crime will do us a good that for us to young people for daily be complicit directly and because i don't do this, i think the senior people then that the assistance will be uh, was nobody left. i see just because the old no. and that can be
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implemented, so that can be the direction of the to the we the at the court to involved 20. we believe that the truck can bring fluids to this. so this case we believe that you can interact with all these kinds of sort of identity, this kind of sort of the action from south africa, i'm from any kind of, well, i'm going, we have a buzz that will be in. we have, we have more than $55.00 countries, also submitted the proceedings, a kind of devising the design of the team as funded, you get the coupons and there's even a few pieces of the team. we believe the whole community board is going to collapse the government and, and that's the length of it is then to there's a few patients using very good. so, i mean, even that we think this is
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a piece for that we can use and this can be this actually to the no, i'm to the, because of, of the, of the sense i of the international atomic energy agency has condemn the recent ukrainian grown at tech on this operator was you and you clear a power plant, but stop short of naming those responsible. today's reported incident, although outside the site perimeter is an ominous development as it indicates. and apparently i didn't is to continue these attacks just by the grave dangers, they post a nickel or safety and security. and i'll repeat it calls for military restraint. whoever is behind them, they are playing with fire. a 2nd, the nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous. i need my stops. well is oper, rosie a plant. the largest nuclear facility in europe has been taking hits for several days, not the latest drone attack stroke. it's feeding central which host
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a full scale replica of the reactor. when the holding cell is, this is daniel, we are near the building of the training center and the roof of which was hit by a drone. today, the attack by the armed forces of ukraine occurred 10 minutes after the i a staff passed by the training center, as they were returning from a scheduled events to examine the external radiation monitoring laboratory. the uniqueness of this training center is that it houses real equipment including the reactor hall. the only thing that is not here is nuclear fuel cell promotion nuclear power plant employees are trained here practicing technological operations, including in the reactor hall as a result of the attack. either employees, nor equipment of this unique center were damaged about rushes in boston or to the united nations. at this, the say about ukraine's bonkers. i'm their failure to condemn the attacks on the new car side. even a possibility of nuclear. it cuts us through. if he's not the know, go science with, we're almost one thing called the west and states feel that brooks is
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undertaking such dangerous publications that can have great consequence consequences for them to, for them as well as for the entire gains these buckets of which the international community to condemn these huge, responsible and gravely danger those actions of the key. if it isn't, it's west and sponsors instead of covering up its crime since and supplying it with more weapons. and ammunition should bear responsibility for their reckless actions by ukrainian political and mean, if it is a sort, it is a n for the pain, it's at compromising nuclear safety and security of the global scale. several ukrainian drones strip this awful rogia plant on sunday, enjoying 3 civilian employee. he's an damaging infrastructure just 20 minutes before they attacked the international atomic energy agency. carried on inspection
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of beside both the i a, a western officials have condemned the strike, but decline to say that deep cleaning and forces were responsible. the us state department spokes person actually double done on the position during his latest media. we continue to con russia to withdraw its military and civilian personnel from the plant return full control, the plan to the competent ukraine authorities and refrain from taking any actions that could result in nuclear incident at the plant or global defense specialist, early rozmini's. and so he's the west refuse of the call. i to train. could bach fire on kids own allies? i think the ukrainian positions in desperation, i think the west isn't, does is then a desperate situation as well. and the representative in the bins. yeah. it was absolutely correct. i mean, if the containment vessel was reached, if a reactor was damaged, europe is the one that will likely, depending on whether patterns late europe will likely pay the price the most
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allowing this to happen. not criticizing. it really, really ties in the complicity of, of the western backers and, and it's sad because that their population, their people potentially could sacrifice the most in the situation. okay. heading to one on file for kids. most beautiful country side, but one with an ugly colonial history. we recall a particularly dark chapter of frances imperial adventures in the ivory coast next on one which tells river bridge today our show documented to walk a picture of the, [000:00:00;00] the


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