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tv   Documentary  RT  April 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

6:30 pm
the 1500000 guys is our sheltering now. those displays earlier on to the bench on anything. yeah. who repeated again, no fours in the world will stop us. let's take a listen. we will complete elimination of home offices battalions, including and rough. uh no force in the world will stop us. there are many forces trying to do this, but it will not help because this side of the author of what it has done will not do this again, nor will it exist many global powers. with most of the options i have been learning is wrote against the pro ration and such a densely populated area. america, sad to know this is really based happening to rock fall without a solid plan of evacuation. but israel, by the way, never publicly present as an, as an yahoo already said the date is said without given more detailed. so we have to wait and see. now seems like a pivotal moment or, or reminder,
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if you're in the mood for a deeper dive into any of our stories this, our, our website is a solid jumping off point news views and plenty more. besides, can be signed at our team dot com to give it a look when you can, the, the, the going to us in the, you know, so that we will lose each kilogram and any sort of separate shift. so are you doing that expedient story to us as well?
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the problem or the material costumes for dominique deal? frontier files oscar or more issues that are smaller than that of might enough this distrust when she was doing this by junior 1st the prep or go to the printer. and then i'm going to go to see where i'm from. cooper style new industrial ship or store controllers. i bet you will up it's probably not i'm not we've been here. thank you pretty do the . 2
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the me a beautiful few beginning via tiffany beach and if you get the wrong function of leads, you to solve all seemingly, steve, you throw in the knee. yep. yep. uh, to be sure, it's not, i'm not doing money. and when i was given the export, even number, sure, but i paid you upgrade the gross of course he didn't. you know, i did cheap. i'm was, i'm doing that's good enough to most people, especially chest cleaning, coming up the more people are medium. what's the good thing? so i'm just going to ask you to do, let's do it. the pass code is always to even look for the quote to the is and you might, if you show even the positive q spanish key at
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the soonest signal, just like a normal renewal and you missed the when you turn down the okay. and so even the park has already out as much as so i'm for the keys for human rights to me. just going to give us a stone the i will buy new, but aside in one second you've got to be we've got an expression for bending and then the with the gross. i mean with that the. so if i'm progress, mention to player, that's what the just give you the more but you're spending met with a big deal. it's. uh, but i mean, you know, it's part of my sure could end up for, for trimming with and send you what is nice, but i see what you just told me and your just give you the one that i'm the, comes to the problem was, you know, that those numbers someone that was a separate distortion and the what is the most right for senior? what does it probably almost like a nice but then you think your grandma you have gained
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a close as you are the most case of the orders components. i'm showing a functional company story sheer for transfer can without those kind of shows this of this even unless i'm completely local but i within yeah, black one are close to the most evenings like one more than just a single given mutual serial number. but it isn't e o, but you know, there's any pretty sufficient consortia. that's probably a possibility. now let's see if i find a plan deal. let's uh, go before the law getting that, i'm carolina able, i think the subsequent good actually and a choice, the single, the full yup. or google play, store facebook. you want them that shows a special order for 3. what was the reason you don't have the last? what part is almost sort of the last couple of ones. i'm used to sure. the last look the why should we we breath authority is going to come over to this picture to
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the gloss. i bought a new speed it up with what it looks like and i would have a meeting with patrol, but he's supposed to get a problem come in for someone to present. you'll see the whole sandwich in it. to be honest, as opposed to once you get almost level where it says you request the force in yuma, water slips going here. slack at them. it's always thing going to low system printed only the presence with a general thing where she's going to squeeze. that's what i've got to do with such as the doesn't show any of them. but as of them, when you look at this little bit and some sort of thing that i have to see if i, can you please the rama. show us ring a process before you so much for like going countries to mostly keep going. as i mentioned earlier, is up just typical plan with finality express here submit item. so you may have, not only can the crowds us boomers to watch the rates, they show play wireless,
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and the goal is on his end or bands to ship his camera cause he drove to the front . another engineer from his designs, a smaller recognizance plan named sky chest. should i show a pretty what that's concerning the question, thought able get seeking access. so, yes, so this might be the idea thing. and i, if you want to know boating, assembled the moment for himself. awesome. very well. some of the machine, you know, a little bit of foot in the door and present one if you don't care about the words . let's see what's the most now, all 4 of this somebody will take both given no solution so that you just must deal with the chest. well, most of most of the name please, or some of the ceiling. we saw somebody over. i knew it was your, most of your sure about that. this is when you click on show just almost page. when you move on the project, you following a thumb, you lost the store up on the only thoughts you might have with the most young people chats. that's for the rest of the cost of the boy, the normal interest. if so, if i'm in the of the, when you spend mutually,
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i get these mean, you know, where i'm with you if i listed in june 30th, please senior with local launching and on the football junior because you do solution to you. i mean, unfortunately, is openly in the warehouse we have, you mentioned diligence when we, somebody look before you put one of these, put the old soft on them pop up will movie somebody on both of these because on utilization, and it'll the lowest, someone, your political, the sunday shows really fast on the phone with you. the street. let me, i will say that the, the is but the missing those this into the you still with,
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from you this what you're doing for the little with someone with a small groups, a nipple insurance. there's one of those crystals which you only when you which you are cool enough. the large she didn't open yet seemed to have this, isn't it? it will control really turned on one year old one of course to, to and truthful and also things past month. only that's the to have somebody to do to look up the order. mean what we just are you cause i much of the receipts here that each, that each so of elizabeth here and increase. can you visual fight them on the only e and your near within the 2 players that wasn't sure what the bins in the kitchen was. do i have that alone? if the issue, if at the phone, the chief storm boost integrated is we have to pass off cohen moore's at the desk at that point of the little boy k. e said it's uh we can put your name in the
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family to proceed at that video. right. yeah, voice and see what i can do about that in the pony it just got upset. right. got you? what she did the but it depends on the way to the meanwhile in some petersburg, local enthusiasts have been a deadly little flower. the high drange of my phone, i will. yeah, i do most of my wife today, but i think i'm saying is i figured i was on session where it wasn't going to the bathroom such as always. thank you. that's what i ask. what kinds of smoke for incense got things yeah. what the flow can i see when i look that is correct. the partial. uh, what i see is the schedule that got them this morning. uh, we should say is the best way with the models or can i see with your 1st name as
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the final gear and it will still got things in when we just send these metal to you what i was doing. yeah. at the housing and actually put that at the school. no problem, this defense still will police losing my for the i'm using semester, come on the curriculum which is by the extended see the world scripts and shows the lesson plan was to have my own personal personal affairs and the assignment of for him assignment. those with the jumping. so now i'm sending workers for, for my, for what if somebody else about those going through. i shall it almost portfolio from our family for when they go from, from the gulf of cooper for the vice principal financial support lo existing. yep. so this could be a little difficult to, um, was my products, most of them are gonna come up with any problem with the new news, not spending with computers. oh, nice bought a fan for hundreds group square. you prove a super food bundle? i know what's the movie the 1st name,
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so funny. i have to go in and nothing was negative for my daughter storm, cuz for me nothing on preventive about the service being worse and it would be different. this thing? no problem. no, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th, and if i know for one of the would be to the section that's pretty much the most uh i just want to know what i've been doing from over both of those types of products. that are going to have to remove that a couple of the furniture store as of that, as on there for you and for, for sticking with the corner of my name is going lower. so figured out a way of for the shrimp. and so
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the other one was with the recording of someone for the money to pay them this for word. so between that but i thought of the one of over the last one is the only things a learning is below its own. yours edition, each one, the other. yes, when you're so bored, what do i get out of your system and your more trust allows phone line supporters is on the phone to postpone loans with information about the size of your so not to do more than one way or the other side of the record we ways the thing and i knew we what was explained in this one, but they're still working on that. spencer, what fits you best to me to on it. the minutes when the place where the, which in the nipple citizen and we were chest, that but those rights without the technical team, we put a plastic round that something like we propose to. but the more the amount that we're spending with on, you know, is that on the phone,
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i'm talking to the pacific union for to this thing is that open a window and you know, and you know, so i think we look at them and answer no is discharging in my book for sample size, but that a one of those items, why didn't some of the extensions flash sale? let me, i thought it was closed the video. can you go to the footboard and the the pool 2 minutes in to look forward to future other
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thought. yeah. but yeah, yeah. the in the it's at the name of the court, the video outside which has some would show, but then i looked at your thoughts and push, replace that one that just put another way through to the, for the loop as to the, from us by the new most, but it was not anything additional that on this is the seller. when we did and part
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of the the the, what is part of the is it that the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without pages. let's go out of this to my ears classes because it goes ends in the last to the otherwise it's just been to the little boys. me a little a customer and what is this just principal going missing so much them longer. they've always just the program was wondering if at the low is just for the deepest
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book, right, the voice and the scope of the current districts do with the answer model for linking lots of folks who all of the good, good looms that are always on i did an answer. so it's, this is the, the, the, to the 4th floor. there are the only way where they were, they found it. so it's got open. that's what they're in your core. and video says blow function that i do for the new exposure. so if they don't like thing, but if it's in a separate be now, you know, the a lot that's the nature of the cascade. troops are ready to collaborate with the hydro, and you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and try and lab wastage of
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a full amount. i thought it was a little blown with the scrub. if uh, it depends on the muffler on those questions here. your 2nd, it's always, i've just had a couple of them for sale somewhere for them. which company plus the school way below. but the problem is i see anybody was sold on uh no, no, no no, no problem, but it was a pleasure for me. i should be on the
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table below. but the problem is, is the public wafaa 1st of the mothers birthday, just you know, somebody, i thought i was a polite unit, the window to put it in the store and send it to a store. none of the levels are pretty well sized voice news too. and you have to send a lovely screen as far as that goes, i can bring you up nice. you know, so you're familiar, familiar with us so that basically the inside and little for the purpose of symbols that i'm really interested in speaking of was almost rather slow. but when i pulled up in the class, giving me a list of what the company is, let us know kind of in the middle of the but just come out of the ways. but the most thoughts do the modeling pick and put it in as a new personal consult. we'll just throw that on a new move with them. know,
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believe us guide you to consider them one of the lowest. and they say there's going to support that. the bill is due on the citrus, you know, these are still organizational goods must be even used to the belt, the can put in the pretty much get the admin is over stuffed you by st. quantity e cut off from saying i'm from the city and i'm going to use different shipper silver if use. thank you very. i mean you name is be for denver, but that is the one that was a good idea of june. you press the button, i'm the registration of chief of yeah, suppliers missed isn't when, when you thought of them goes on a product. so we're going to look at the customer is looking at the what's the either on the store
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most of the building, the surface that gives me short messages. i think you got the hipaa. do you got the what the kind of would would want to ensure, you know, i was very upset. does that number one? see if you have 0 from a little tree bump, a dump it off to bump a little bit of some of the additional number on the my number. so we've got all the, the for. so bringing the fat is with it is very design. when you ask them that it is with somebody as soon as possible. so cut to something that yes,
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i was resolved to see at least not a mind there. goodness. and i don't want to do the work so, so brilliant, william. but i was cut off. okay. good or bad learning. so some of the things i just keep getting your assignment because that's what it looks like. you've been doing this on the printer before the photos. i need to do everything for you know, for the movies and then you, most of the pictures that you're running here. so can you spell the 1st thing in the room is a computer for you for you. my bedroom. is that what the into the ceiling adjustment? you know, either way the
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phone on with your number where someone thinking for even even getting in the way as or is or most of you those keys are, but if i told you what was more of us to be as grange, get boats us and they're all with opportunities for what kind of that will be joe cocker. i'm, can we my, your oh, unless you to triple thumbs by that. and you come or somebody leslie coverage except for disappointment, for the position of psycho i'm somebody teddy ocho federal typical issue that you quoted. i mean, you quoted a wifi. oh, you're good to me, but all those much them i believe that only have the ability to control straightforwardly. boys can afford important deal on the last committee out of the of i should do a little for sure what the startling to display the display rule. i'm going to good enough for serious, tough shape. so that is all those numbers for us to use which of them are there's a problem for us to reduce because of the
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santa goals manufacturers. first 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one. the bluish has to be able to extend, it will probably know probably in your so, bubble of so we're just gonna cut off, is that what you're doing? some of those cells are still some of the form to loads almost at the moment when the system will go ahead and will dishes in the morning. yep. bye. yes. and your point has to die up. it will store what? no no, no small amount. but i got off the moisture, which was at those of me. yeah. doing so did i i'm would you prefer
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english or the civic center? yes. the child you have the from both from boy, the girl was raised the most bar number 01 was much in feeding at all, but the 1st month it's got one year property of the same i was why why the pores appraisals resistant to deal with the crime clip this last night, somebody me on the road or another couple of them with the local for, for last week you know, i didn't have permission to clear up what we think i can use the fuzzy. yeah, it didn't show i, there was a 0 at the one that didn't show me how much the lower the bank is. my combat drum is it, but that's difficult to hit just mention that anywhere. well, it's if there's one case to the, a very young, i'm not sure but the way it was came 3 of you, the one of my shifts, which wasn't, which of me sitting there,
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i'm or which of the bonus. and this taking the nation through that there and we're not which out some of them didn't you much improvisors think mutual for if i'm doing wrong already to the, to just tell me no were am already up to free manual but it was up on the, on mr already enjoy the the especially when the other agent on the move interested in the little cheer when you're on is up on the on this, do i spell image for the truck at the rest of the shows? and i'm wondering what heard it was a game that perhaps you knew unless you use the not the of the one bedroom is this company of to should was i didn't know source to come with the other is required to send somebody out there between 2 to 3 minutes, do i have to show the fish or salt? pretend that i put them in the to get interesting, but i thought of that's one of them's what shows
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a couple of movies compress. you compare to go to the musician she was after. we are, the one was lecturing you can answer to an example coming up and you know, one of those things, we have them continuously from what's called listing we're preferred to save. list of things to do is to finish up the, for instance, research as perform such as number of who should i should or one year where it is from the door. it's fear of showing symbol a pretty up us thing. it was not going to so will be due to construction work, but i'm a so scared of the what do you want to formally? what fits your me an option or shoot me? what online function the mushroom of the bathroom. i think that's a bureau says voice the voice is your problem. well the verbal football is do what we're going to do. i don't know if there's any. joyce, new boots have sooner. harris and your thoughts please showing you when you come in . you'll just so this to me uh,
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this deal with them for me. uh somebody off the story or both is usually 6 even a little for children. and when do you ill finish? good news though with junior and the other one is just the one that just means that you can use a premium in the scope with yeah, we'll also send you those. go see what we can. obviously if someone doesn't get the folders continue, then you'll mostly split the lineup that's available and i'll talk with you only can use for some of the guys anybody. gifts for remove sales picnic loosed up properly. there's just a couple see area will switch to store string is due on the most of your them on the when you molly, come on the left was the ower one. okay. and you from when can you guys and you
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mute. i'm going to send you some wireless views from the mission for support. completely. does it have the new and it goes to a split and you have to for what the things you just know a pro which, which is what the a sometimes words do matter. nato secretary general stilton burke says the crane may have to compromise with russia. would that compromise might be, is left on answer. nonetheless, it is an acknowledgment nato's proxy war on russia is ending in failure. the
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involve michelle revelations, from russia's investigative cub mitsy to claim a hunter of bygone linked ukrainian company sponsored terror attacks in russia and abroad comes as a criminal probe against us, a nato officials in relation to the possible fumbling of phones to extreme this thing. firms being ukraine is launched by russia's faith doing that. the investigation will apparently focus on the long list of terrorist attacks parade. i see that since the sprint of the company, berlin denies allegations all facilitating a genocide in gaza by farming israel bits of water. nicaragua is accusing germany of the international court of justice.


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